Neo League 701 - #703: Hurricane Hime vs Domino

Description: Domino fights Hurricane Hime... again. This time, however, Domino has a fair amount of disdain for his opponent, and Hurricane Hime has been training quite a bit. Domino under-estimates his foe pretty badly with disastrous results. (Winner: Hime)

The Masters Arena!!!

Some might ask, could there possibly be a better place to have a league fight? Well.. .. Probably, yes. For this particular match-up, things are set up a little differently. The theme seems to be a boarding park of some sort, a huge white floor, and there are half-pipes, ramps, and sand pits all over the place as well as some stacked, wooden crates. An unsual object for some freestyle skating but what the heck, right? The Masters Camera crew is all set up and ready to start things whenever the fight starts...

Hurricane Hime. The saikyo, pink and black clad fighter who's been getting into all sorts of hijinx is about to go up against someone she hasn't seen in a really long time! She can be spotted bursting into the scene on a pink-colored BMX, her oversized scarf flapping wildly behind her as she pedals and pedals until she hits a ramp and grabs some serious air, "mmmmMMMMORTAAAAALS!!" she cries, kicking off the bike in mid air that rather violently SLAMS into one of the camera members, knocking him out cold!

With a twist in the air and landing in a heroic crouch, the green eyed girl flashes a winning grin to the crowd here to see the match; getting a pretty respectable applause and a round of camera flashes! "Hurricane Hime.. IS HERE!!"

".... medic."

And Domino has just been fighting as much as he can get in every week to improve himself and prove he, yes, still exists. It's had its ups and downs so far, but mostly ups. And now? He's fighting Hurricane Hime. He's done so a few times, but after each one, she tends to disappear. So this? It's amusing, yet lackluster for the young model at the same time.

His entrance is, however, not going to lack for it. Domino descends from the ceiling area where he's been hiding for a while, plummeting in a series of flips until he lands in a neat crouch near the short girl. He waits long enough for his robe to settle around him before shooting up to his feet and turning a quick spin, removing the garment in a single motion and casting it off to the side, revealing his chosen fighting outfit - kickboxy pants!

Following his entrance, he turns to peer at his opponent, giving her an odd, humorless look. "'Lo," he greets blandly. "Let's get this done."

COMBATSYS: Drake has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Drake            0/-------/-------|

The more things change the more things stay the same is how the old saying goes, doesn't it? Hime has been having a tough time keeping up on Drake's activity, but she's more than certain that he's improved since the last time they've fought. Which means this will be a good way to make sure she's strong enough to take care of.. A certain couple of problems in her life.

Not that it shows on her features, Hime looks to be of all grins as one might expect for the moment, "''lo'? Cheese and crackers, Domino, you're standing face to face with one of the greatest fighters in Neoleague history whom you haven't seen in months! No 'you've gotten taller'??" she's still the same height. "No 'I can sense you've gotten obscenely powerful'??" She's still a brown belt in her martial art. "No 'You're over nine-thousand!!'? I'm so gonna beat you up for that!"

And so the match pretty much starts right then and there, the tiny fighter sprinting at Drake, springs off one of the crates and then twists into the air to deliver her trademark opening flying back kick.. The, "Immortal KICK!! Hey nice shorts!"

COMBATSYS: Himeko has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Himeko           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Drake

COMBATSYS: Drake dodges Himeko's Light Kick.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Himeko           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Drake

Her jokes this time get a tired roll of his amethyst eyes. "Man. Hime...," trails Domino, sounding exasporated.

Her dash and subsequent kick sees the wrestler tilting aside, letting it whizz right past him harmlessly. The moment she lands, his arms attempt to lash around her to suddenly yank her back against him in a tight, wrenching bearhug from behind. His arms pump furiously around her, attempting to crush the air completely from her smaller frame.

"Been talking to a friend of yours. Girl named Alexis?," Domino adds amidst his attack.

COMBATSYS: Himeko just-defends Drake's Blackout!

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Himeko           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Drake

Whoops! Once Hime lands from her whiffed kick, she shuffles lightly on her feet and drops back into a more ansatsuken-style stance, bobbing energetically. She's not sure why he's gotten exasperated already, but woah.. She'd completely forgotten that Alexis had been training with Drake.. At least that was the case in the past. She seems to settle down then, and when Drake gets behind her, he doesn't grab the girl, but rather a pillar of papers shoot from out of her holster; making him hold that in the confusion instead. They quickly crumple, of course, but..

The heroine is now facing Drake with a more serious, if not slightly hurt, expression. "... H- How's she doing?" she asks, as she reaches for his arm, twisting suddenly to slam him to the floor with a pretty textbook single-arm seoi nage.

COMBATSYS: Himeko successfully hits Drake with Quick Throw.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Himeko           0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0            Drake

Grabbed by surprise and slammed down, Domino hits the ground with a solid thud. A look of annoyance crosses his face, and he twists over to whirl back up to his feet again immediately. "She's doing just fine. Creeped out by you, though."

And with that, Domino's hand shoots out to make a grab for her throat. If caught, he lifts her off her feet and overturns her, aiming to slam her down solidly against the floor herself. "-I'm- wondering why you've not bothered talking to me. Or I -was-, anyway."

COMBATSYS: Drake successfully hits Himeko with Medium Throw.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Himeko           0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0            Drake

Hurricane Hime seems a bit suprised by the answer, and.. Well really, what can she do besides give a confused smile in return? Fighting like this is most definatly not in her element of expertise! No, it definatly won't do any good to get depressed about it now, so after Drake hits the floor, she slaps herself to snap out of it! UNfortunatly this doesn't give her time to escape her opponents grab and then hits the floor quite hard with an OOF! But she rolls into a ball and is back on her feet with visors in hand! They're yellow, something a construction worker might wear.

And she sets them on, forcing a grin, "According to 'Rika, you've been keeping busy. Besides, you're a -boy-. A boy can't understand about girl troubles! Ha ha!! .. Heh.." Her eyes squint, seeming to be using her glasses to focus on Domino!

COMBATSYS: Himeko focuses on her next action.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Himeko           0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0            Drake

"Not -your- kind of girl troubles," Domino says dryly. "But whatever. You could've been decent and told me about it." Whatever it is Alexis told him, it seems to've annoyed him to some degree. He's not being terribly forthcoming right now - but it -is- keeping him from going into his dark side. He's talking, after all!

And with her squinting, Domino just decides to take the offensive again. This time, he attempts to weave in and grab her by the left wrist to wrench it out to the side in a standing wristlock.

COMBATSYS: Drake successfully hits Himeko with Fast Throw.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Himeko           0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0            Drake

"... HEY! What's that supposed to mean!!" Hime suddenly blurts back. Sure, she's a little unusual but that was pretty mean in her opinion! ".. And besides, you're her teacher, you'd just take her side anyway." The girl slumps her shoulders a bit. "It's a total waste of time talking to any of her friends and it's depressing."

Granted, she's not the greatest when it comes to socializing, she's really only good at acting silly. These kinds of situations are where books aren't took helpful for her. Well, in her moment of emo, Drake actually gets a chance to grip her wrist and wrench it, causing her to cringe, "OW!!"

Luckily her opposite arm is free, Hime quickly reaches into her holster and withdraws three slips of paper surrounded in energy. There's a lighter glow surrounding her form as well as she throws them behind her, and the bursts forward knee first to try and belt Drake in the gut! If she can, the three sheets end up darting forward to slam their energy into his shoulders on top of it, "It sucks! So just don't even try to scold me! You don't care!"

COMBATSYS: Himeko successfully hits Drake with Art Attack.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Himeko           0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0            Drake

Whump, and then? Energy sheets strike into him, knocking him off his feet and off her arm. He hits the ground squarely, but hops right back to his feet with a growl. "You've gotten better.. And shut your mouth. I -wanted- to be your friend and help you out, too. Guess I wasn't your type, huh?"

An irritated snerk touches to Domino's features before he dashes in towards the girl again. His hands pull back, gathering energy. When the distance is closed, Domino's hands rocket out towards her midsection in a double palmheel strike, hands igniting in a bright eruption of white concussive energy.

COMBATSYS: Himeko blocks Drake's Whiteout.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Himeko           0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0            Drake

"Hey, don't tell me to shut you -you- shut up!!!" Hime yells back, getting overly defensive quite quickly! Which made her a little nervous; why was she getting so mad at Drake? It seems he really did want to help, at least in his own way. But she can't help it, thinking about Alexis is making her waaaay to emotional. Her eyes tear up behind her goggles and she shakes her head, managing somehow to get her textbook out in time; she thrusts it outward so that the palm slams into it instead; not even givnig from the impact! The burst of energy, though, forces her to scoot back a little.

She does manage to squeeze in a, "Thanks!" and then she's mad again! "Whatever! You said yourself you don't even understand me! Yeah, I get it, I'm a weirdo! I'm -sorry- that I can't be a pretty little princess," Hime performs a couple of backflips, "Who wants date all sorts of boys!!" and then she rockets forward, curling up into a spinning cannonball of terror(??) at Drake, "And is NORMAL!!"

COMBATSYS: Drake fails to counter Strong Punch from Himeko with Solar Eclipse.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Himeko           0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1            Drake

Domino is completely off his game tonight, and her ranting is demanding a counter. "Or -any- boys. That's it, isn't it?"

And because of this delay, he reacts a hair too late, getting slammed in the chest by a bundle of Hime. He lands on the ground, SLAMs it with a fist in frustration, and kicks back up to his feet. "Yanno, I had my suspicions at first, but when Alexis told me, it all made sense. But Hime, you could've -said- something! I still could've helped you. But now..."

If Himeko were in a better mood, she'd certainly be taking the moment to do a little teasing! So perhaps it's probably a good thing that he's dealing with her in her current state.. Maybe? Hime is completely unaware that the young adult was up to anything so she just lands in a crouch, just using her bitterness and frustration to fuel her attacks.

But that's thrown off-guard to Drake's next comment, ".. Huh?" Her cheeks flare up in embarassment, "W- What? I.. I.. You.. Suspcious about -what-, you think I'm the bad guy!!" The young womans head lowers, bangs falling over her eyes and then she just bursts forward, her voice quivering, "No.. It's not going to go like this.. It isn't.. going to go like this.. Dominooooo..." a sudden burst of speed and then Hime springs into the air, twisting at the hip in a full 360 to try and kick the model across the cheek with an arial reverse roundhouse kick! "Fine! I'll do it the hard way, I'll kick you until you're on my side again! Ha ha ha!! I'm HURRICANE HIME!"

COMBATSYS: Himeko successfully hits Drake with Light Kick.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Himeko           0/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1            Drake

Domino narrows his eyes on her, and.. her aerial kick connects. Apparently an angry Hurricane Hime is a force to be reckoned with. This time it takes the model a few moments longer to pull himself up to his feet, growling under his breath.

"You.. God, I was wrong about you. You're an -idiot-. No hero at all. Just.. some clown."

His hand lifts to touch his face.

"But you've gotten a lot better. I've been under-estimating you for this fight."

And Domino springs at Hime, attempting to grab the girl and hoist her clean off her feet. If captured, he overturns the girl girl to smash her back across his shoulders, one hand yanking down on her leg, the other on her chin in a torture rack submission hold.

COMBATSYS: Himeko interrupts Strong Throw from Drake with Schoolhouse Rock!.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Himeko           0/-------/----===|=======\=======\1            Drake

And with that kick landing it's mark (at least she didn't target the front of his face, she knows that's important!), she's back on her feet and just.. Really forcing the laughter from her gut. Really, she just can't believe it. Every step she takes she's messing things up, and she hasn't the slightest clue how to take care of it. The only hope she believes she has is that she's the hero, and because of that things will go her way in the end. Unfortunatly Drake thinks otherwise.

When she's called an idiot and a clown, she just stands there. It's a dead silence from the heroine for a moment, and then suddenly her scarf SHOOTS upward, an intense gust of wind whipping about her body that causes dust to kick up around her feet. ".............." Drake certainly gets his hold, the small thing is hoisted up and hits his shoulder with a painful sounding crack. Her eyes widen from the pain but one thing is clear. Make-Believe is not going to cut it. She wants to HURT him. On the second tug, the heroine just loses it.

"I AM NOT AN IDIOT!!!" The explosion of windy chi becomes more violent, her free hand taking a massive handful of horrendously bright white chi and SHOVES it into his back, breaking free from the hold and landing on her feet, book in hand. The pages open, and then burst after burst of brightly lit papers spew from the thing, about twenty five sheets of energy-laced paper assault the model from behind, "GET UP!! I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU!"

And Domino cries in pain when the chi strikes him, losing his grip on the girl and getting blasted a good ways away from her from the subsequent sheets. When he hits the ground, he looks... really bad off. Really bad.

But Domino stands back up, just as she demands, eyes narrowed. "You've.. gotten lucky this time. Real lucky. But I can see you've been trainin' a lot. Any idiot can see that. But it doesn't make you a hero! Heros are -good- people!"

And he tries to rush her, hands lashing out firmly to attempt grabbing her by the shoulders, using the last ounces of his strength to try one more thing.

COMBATSYS: Drake can no longer fight.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Himeko           0/-------/----===|

COMBATSYS: Himeko dodges Drake's Total Eclipse.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Himeko           0/-------/----===|

Hurricane Hime, on the other hand, is just looking angry. Angry, confused, and just plain violent. Most certainly not becoming of a heroine, but at this point she just doesn't care. Even the compliment about her improvement doesn't seem to phase her anymore, the furious whisp of wind that tosses her scarf wildly seems to stay... Until he talks to her about being a hero.

She'd.. Forgotten about that. Of course, the Shooting Stars, it was all about doing good, wasn't it? And that's when the heroine starts to become overridden with guilt, even as he comes to advance toward her- In a complete and utter panic she can only have until the very last moment to drop to the floor, curl into a ball and roll past Drake to evade his grasp, and her fist raises ready to counter attack, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"...... NNggh.." Her hand lowers, both arms falling to her side and she drops into a squat, covering her head. "... I'm sorry.. I.. I.. I'm so sorry.." she groans. "Domino don't hate me, please don't hate me, I'm really really sorry.. I'm not a bad person.. I'm really not, I just want things to be the way they were and I don't know how!"

COMBATSYS: Himeko takes no action.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Himeko           0/-------/----===|

COMBATSYS: Himeko has ended the fight here.

Domino misses his grasp of her, and he tumbles to his knees. Unable to continue fighting, he just shakes his head and pivots to look back at her. "Stop it. You did good, quit apologizing. And I don't -hate- you. I'm not -happy- with the brush-offs I've been getting from you, but whatever. You've obviously been training your tail off... and it's worked for you this time. Next time, though, I won't under-estimate you."

Domino then pauses, and he frowns at her. "You claim you're not a bad person, but you're talking to a guy you've constantly brushed off? I met you before you even -started- fighting, and I wanted to help you out'n be your friend. I got a bunch'a nothing, and wound up hearing about you hanging around Arika and hitting on 'Lexi. It's not cool to brush off someone just because he's a guy. So what way -were- things before with us, Hime?"

Well the fans, and probably even the camera crew aren't very used to a fight like this, it's becoming clear it's getting a bit more personal now so the winner of the match is very quickly declared and the camera feeds are cut off after the compliment Domino gives. The fans seem to be giving more of a polite cheer than an uproarous one, many sticking around because they are NOSEY.

But Hime, the little pink-clad saikyo fighter doesn't really seem to care. Crowds don't bother her anymore and in her own weird little way she's growing less afraid of a lot of things. Er, some more than others. She stays crouched and staring at the floor while she quickly shakes her head, ".. I don't understand.. Everyone has something they're scared of, don't they? Whether it's emotional like commitment or physical like spiders. I've been -trying-. I'm not good at it.. All I do is make them mad, the only difference between now and fifth grade is that I don't get pushed into mud puddles after I'm smiled at."

Hime just sort of makes grumbling noise after that, it's practically inaudible until she speaks up again, completely ignoring the comments about Arika and Alexis. ".. I don't know. You make me nervous. You seemed fine with that before."

Log created on 01:09:48 06/09/2008 by Drake, and last modified on 15:14:55 06/09/2008.