Description: When the Spider pulls a bank heist, innocent bystanders Tyler and Choi do... absolutely nothing! Note: Does not actually involve tugboats
It's late night in Southtown, and some underworld activity is going on under the authorities' very noses.
A black van is parked outside the First National Bank, where a number of large, uncut diamonds are being held. The driver watches the bank from across the street, smoking a cigarette. Inside the bank, the Spider and his team head for the vault, carrying backpacks full of safe cracking equipment. They've already deactivated the security system, and left the front doors unlocked while they work.
Dun dun dun! It's Tyler Matthews! Wait.. TJ's no hero by any means. Definately doesn't look the part. This young man just seems like the average high school student, well, for the most part. He's certainly no slacker considering the young man's size and muscular build. Though still lean and mean, the youth has what some would consider a "perfect" physique for athletic activities.
Just so happens that at this late hour, he's walking right toward the First National Bank, carrying a grocery bag in his arms. The handsome youth notices the van infront of the bank right away as he heads in that direction. Curious he is, as usual, tilting his head slightly to the side as he peers around, wondering what's going on.
Choi was a man of the night. Well, sometimes. Most of the time, when he was only a man of the night when girls were ladies of the night. Sadly, his lady of the night decided that she had to get her hair done. Poor Choi. Too short for being rugged handsome, too tall for being a sex dwarf. Life was unfair for the Korean.
Choi was walking the empty street, shuddering in the cold. It was a bit chilly, not unusual considering the location, but still unpleasant. He didn't except to be left in the cold this night, and didn't prepare layers. Layers only slowed things down. He coughs, looking around. Where the hell was he. The only noticeable thing was a man in the car. A Cigarette. Hm. Choi did have a craving. And he did have his own smokes. And then, a highschooler was walking the night. Stupid teenagers. He probably had a hooker waiting for him.
As he whipped out a cigarette, he patted around for a lighter. Panties. No. Gloves. No. Con- well, of course. But still no lighter. Not even any matches. how embarrassing. Since he knew that athletes NEVER smoke, he found that the nice man in the car was a great target. Working his way to the van window, he stands on his tippy toes, and knocks on the door. With a broad grin and mostly hidden wink, he warmly asks the man from edge of the window "Hey there, buddy boy. Do you got a light?" The midget motions to his smoke, being unburned.
The man in the van eyes Choi, and after a few moments of staring at him, extends him a lit lighter. Choi may notice that there's a submachine gun and a walkie-talkie in the seat beside him.
Tyler doesn't really give much thought about the strange black van sitting infront of the Bank, of all places. But he doesn't finally notice the midget walking up next to it. He smirks and chuckles a bit, then boldly he calls out to them,"Hey Shorty, ain't you supposed to be in bed?"
Oh, he's always asking for it -- the young man bravely, or foolishly mocks the midget standing beside the van. "Oh, my mistake. Your height threw me off, you looked like a little kid." Those darn american's, are all they all born cocky & arrogant or just stupid? Who knows, but this one certainly doesn't seem to know when to keep his mouth shut.
Choi grin doesn't break when he eyes the submachine gun. Being an ex(?)-con, he had a pretty good idea what was going on. And being a self-serving bastard, he decides NOT to piss off the man, NOT call the cops, and hopefully WON'T end up being a witness. As he gives the man a friendly nod, he lights up his cig, he tosses the lighter back to the acomplish. Yeah, Choi was going to take care of this nice and easy, he thinks to himself as he pops the cancer stick in his mouth..
However, his smoking in interupted by the stupid American. Biting on the tobbaco, the Korean rips it from his mouth, and glares at the boy. "Hey. HEY. You want trouble... Hamburger?" The midget slurs, spitting the brown stuff out of his mouth. Ignoring the impending doom, he hurls the burning cigarette at the American, and starts rummaging for something under his top.
The van driver lifts his wakie talkie as the two start yelling at each other, murmuring into his walkie talkie. Meanwhile, inside the bank, the Spider and his crew are drilling the vault door with some sophisticated vault-cracking equipment.
The decently sized, german american youth stops in his tracks as the cigarrette is flicked at him by the short korean. Tyler quickly brushes his shirt off of any reminents of the cherry that may have caught on the material. His cocky grin quickly fades from his face as he narrows his eyes on the tiny man. "Look here shrimp. It's your problem if you're envious of this sexy beast.. " Tyler gestures his hands, waving them down along his body as he intentionally displays his body as he talks about himself. "Now, we were cool til you flicked that damned cigarrette at me. IF ya wanna throw down right here and right now, we can do that, I'd be delighted to kick your umpah-umpah butt right here in the middle of the street."
Choi WAS jealous of the sexy beast. And that is what made it hurt so much more. However, the oompah loompah joke was missed by the Korean, and instead, he ignores it. From under his shirt, he whips out his gloves. With each finger ending in sharp claws, it is clear that Freddy Kuegar has come to play. "Hey, I don't give a damn about your polka music! If you want to rumble, boy, then hell, your ass is mine!"
Adjusting his gloves, he hunches over, and spreads his arms above the air in a monkey stance. Rolling his fingers, he makes a very visual attempt to entice the student to come make the first move. It seems that the whole bank robbery thing has left his mind. Well, it doesn't matter as long as the van isn't struck, right?
The Spider and his crew emerge from the bank, seeing the fight. They're all carrying guns, and one of them has a black sack full of diamonds. The van's engine surges to life and it wheels around, to pick up the robbery crew.
Tyler's lips spread into a wide grin again as he watches the old korean whip out a pair of kitty-cat claws. "Polka music? Whatever. I'm always ready to... " As the van starts up, Tyler's attention is drawn away from the midget with claws toward it,"I see how it is, you gonna have your circus buddies gang up on me? I guess I'll just work my way from the shortest clown to the fattest.. " He laughs mockingly. That is, until the men with the guns come out of the bank and the van pulls forward. "Uh.. well, that's just not very fair."
Tyler hangs his head, sighing -- how does he always seem to end up in these situations? That's what he's trying to figure out right about now. This whole time, they were robbing the bank and he thought nothing of it until now.
Choi looked over at the bank robbers, and chuckled. And then stopped. Waaait. This kid knew his face. And if he thought that the Korean was with them, then... then he would be a witness, and claim Choi was at the scene! Panty thefts were nothing compared to bank thefts. "Whoa, uh, hey buddy boy, I'm not with those guys, I mean, uh, well, I'm not." Choi broke from his stance, and eyed the getaway vehicle. He had no intent with getting involved, but if this kid would squeal on him for being a bystander, well, he might HAVE to get involved. Nothing personal, criminals, but Choi doesn't want to do jail time. He is CURRENCY in prison. CURRENCY.
The van screechs to a halt alongside the crew, and the side door slides open. They climb in quickly, the Spider getting in last. "Get us the hell out of here, Klaus!" the Spider shouts to the driver.
"You're not with them?" Tyler tilts his head to the side slightly, watching as the group climbs into the van. He shrugs his shoulders,"Lucky for you, grandpa, I don't want to be here when the police arrive. So I won't be able to lay the smackdown on ya tonight, but rest assured, if we meet again, I'll gladly give you a beating plus interest then." Tyler then turns and races off in another direction -- away from the bank, away from trouble.
Choi, being far from the Good axis as you could imagine, has a Neutral moment. Since Tyler WASN'T going to rat him out, which was fine by him. The midget tips his hat in salute, and breaks for a run. If the police did come, he could claim he wasn't there. Choi realized that growing a mustache would be very important in the near-future.
The van roars off into the night, as police sirens echo in the distance.
Log created on 17:00:23 04/28/2008 by Choi, and last modified on 12:12:11 04/29/2008.