Adelheid - Gedo Retrospectives

Description: Adelheid sneaks into Gedo High in the wee hours of the morning to check on the status of the Guardian Kings and their friends, and runs into Shurui, one of the students who was freed from the Devil of Koga.

The first time Adelheid had sighted Shurui, she was probably cradled in Hakuya's arms, her body dirty with blood, rust, and who knows what else. Silent. Barely aware of the world or even sure if the fact that she was free was, in reality, just a dream. The quaking anger at finding out that, despite how long it felt and how hard she tried to keep some semblance of sanity, her stay at the casino's lower depths only could have been, at most, a little less than half a month. A few more questions were all she could manage before she was out like a light, exhaustion taking over her consciousness and temporarily blotting out all relevance the world may have had.

All this, and Shurui was one of the lucky ones, the few who either escaped or were rescued. Everyone else that were used for Marise's experiments were dead or too far gone to be saved.

Now, that body, skinny from around a week of malnutruition and blood loss, has regained the smooth, lean muscle of a female fighter. What looked like a twelve year old child now looks like someone possibly old enough to attend Gedo High. In fact, if it weren't for that distinct grey hair, Shurui would have easily been mistaken for just another Gedo student. Dressed in a pair of grey slacks and a shirt t-shirt, Shurui quietly moves her body in a mediative form, hands and feet moving smoothly from move to move.

The building is quiet, but safe; a teacher walks through to practice their morning workout in another part of the gym, his footsteps echoing across the pavement. The cool morning air streams through the windows, smelling of topsoil and wet concrete from the spring showers last night.

Sure, there's a thousand miles of difference between Gedo High and the bowels of the corrupted Casino outside of Metro City. A span akin to an intercontinental flight between patrolling the streets, attending classes, practicing martial arts with one's free-minded peers.... and being subjected to experiments and cruelties that should in all fairness never be mentioned again, yet will always seem to dominate the horizon if one looks back for any length of time. But safe? One of the truths gleaned from cruelties witnessed and experienced by the son of Rugal Bernstein is a dissolution of that innocent sense of security, the idea that it can't happen /here/. It is an illusion that so many in the world cling to as if it were their lifeline. That tragedy is distant, removed. Somewhere else. Yet the wind blows, and empires fall. The tides turn, and civilizations fall. The moon waxes, and both tyrant and seer are stolen from the world in the blink of an eye, a moment of violence. Such exercises of power, of will, of greed, of simple decay or balance.... are nothing if not chaotic. Ever-changing.
Peace in their homes is something that Adelheid could easily envy them. Peace in their schools, these odd children of Southtown, training so hard under the shadow of something they barely understand, a peace built on blood, not wisdom. A freedom bought by control. The illusion of choice. Choice is such a two-edged sword, and once one sees it.... there is seldom any choice at all. The path chosen may be one of circumstance, it may be one of consequence, perhaps it is one of personal truth - but with the loss of innocence, one can no longer claim it. No longer choose ignorance, and wherever they step... there must be purpose. Such is the epiphany that brought Adelheid so unflinchingly to the aid of Tenma and his unconventional crew, that inspired a strike against a foe rightly beyond them. Allied with those no one would knowingly cross.... if they still had the choice. Yet the battle was fought, the consequences born, and the path unchanged. Where then, is the freedom? The peace? The tranquility that comes from doing what is 'right'?
... only within. The last inch that forever remains untouchable, and unstoppable. The choice to do it all again would lead to the same choices all over again, and it is a thought that brings Adelheid Bernstein yet another smile through the pain he still feels, and the anger that he holds for those who would act as Marise, as his father. Ironically, his appearance belies the 'security' of Gedo's campus, for surely if ever there was a threat, the son of the 'R' tyrant could be it. He arrives early, he asks few questions, and he slips into the building and down the hall towards one of the girls so recently freed. His purpose is anything but nefarious, however, and the black-clad blonde pauses in the doorway to the dojo, politely refusing to interrupt the katas Shurui performs as he leans one lithe shoulder against the doorway, folding his arms over his chest and drawing the long, untied midnight coat he wears about himself just a little more. He makes no efforts to hide himself, or remain silent - his purpose here is, however, observation. Understanding. A consideration of what has transpired.
There is as much truth in the initial recovery, the return of grace and direction to spirit, as in any words that may be exchanged subsequently.

It's safety, in comparison to nothing at all. Marise or Igniz could ambush Shurui right now and probably get away with it; it's that thought that's driven Shurui to practice incessantly, all while avoiding any real reason to walk outside the Gedo gates. For now, anyway. She'll have to make another grocery store run soon, or else convince K' to, even if the idea of what he'd bring, if he agrees to her request, makes Shurui's stomach curl up at the vast possibilities. ... And this is a girl not above dumpster diving when times are bad.

She's gotten a lot of nice items that way. It's rather amazing, the things people will throw away without a second thought, even when they're of immense value to someone else. Designer clothing that is ripped in one spot. A cabinet that no longer matches the new wallpaper. TVs that are only 'old' in the sense that they aren't the slim, sleek ones out on the market.

About three years ago, Shurui was also thrown away, despite what Igniz said. She was thrown into an alleyway and, from there, was her own person, until Marise saw the value in the gifts she acquired in her lifetime. Now, like a child seeing someone else holding the very toy they threw away a few days ago, NESTS is interested. They want her back. And, if K' is correct, they won't take no for an answer.

... That's the way Shurui sees it, anyhow. When a snake is killed, another, possibly more vexing snake will take its place. All Shurui can do is not make the sacrifice the Guardian Kings and Adelheid made for her. She can't be put into that position ever again.

The figure dressed in black makes the unshielded vision of Shurui's third eye to focus on it, despite his decision to simply observe instead of interrupt. For a second, something guarded and suspucious clouds her face, but, slowly, a ray of recongition filters through. That energy signature.... she knows it, just barely. The person she only had a short while to meet. Circumstances made that aura memorable, much like those of the Guardian Kings; after all, they saved her when she gave up all hope. However, staring at the blurry figure, her mind tries to search for a name. Did she ever ask him? No, she didn't. She was too bent on knowing her captor's name and the time and place.

".... I know you." That's all she can say, at first. ".... You.... helped the Guardian Kings save me, right?"

Sometimes safety does indeed come from readyness to fight, from safeguards and surrounding oneself with allies. In that area, Gedo is definitely ahead of the pack. While on the fringes of society, the bonds between the less fortunate youth of Southtown are undeniable. They are as battle-ready as many groups many times their own age, and in Adelheid's estimation, the most ready in Southtown, within their own generation, save perhaps the mysterious and powerful warriors lurking within the lofty ideals of Justice High. Raising the promising to be the leaders of tomorrow, and taking back the streets lost to the desperate and the violent are both aims that the Prince of War can respect. Yet none of these talented, in his book sheltered youths really have a picture of what they're walking into, as far as he's concerned. Then again, a developing picture and high ideals are supposed to be part of growing up, aren't they? Ah well, it's just further evidence that some things are so out of synch in the world, their inevitable equal and opposite reaction is just as skewed, if in very different ways.
Of course, the energy within the young Bernstein is -very- notable. He's doing nothing to even try to hide it, just now, and the level of connection with the ebb and flow around him is impressive by any standard - much less one of a boy who could have enrolled be classes here, and still a ways from graduating. A conduit of natural forces, catalyzed and focused in a deceptively delicate, but thickly muscled frame. It's enough to give any cobra pause, or at least... it will be. To Adelheid's reckoning, there will always be snakes. More evil, greedy people in the world with more power than they truly understand, or know what to do with. That part of the assessment is hard to argue. Where he differs? Well, he's no longer content to wait for them to hiss, or strike. Too much fear, too much reactionism, too much waiting. If the good, innocent people of the world are to be afraid... why should those who eschew their humanity entirely not feel dread at what may happen next?
... toppled by a sixteen year old, and a group of rowdy Gedo vigilantes in a light assault vehicle. It's too classic, and only the beginning. The lithe Bernstein inclines his head towards Shurui slowly, "You were a bit out of it, then." the prodigal Bernstein's calmly melodic baritone notes, his voice even, ever so slightly restrained, but relaxed nonetheless.
"You're looking better. Some would be slower getting back on their feet, much less reclaiming their strength." It's a compliment, such as it is. We already established that the crimson-eyed youth's view of the world may be a little bit askew, "Adel." He offers, leaving off the third syllable but keeping the carefully accented Germanic pronunciation intact, "And you're Shurui. I haven't had a chance to touch base with any of you since..." though he did meet Tenma in a rather painful battle not too long ago, bruises still evident were he not clad neck to toe in concealing black, a skintight shirt and loose pants matching the duster and combat boots perfectly, if rather simply, "What of the other girl, you are both alright I hope? Have there been any... further problems?" Actions such as theirs draw attention. While to his knowledge he has been the focus of such thus far.... his network is, at best, in its infancy. Best to ask.

The young man with the powerful energy. That voice. Yes, she remembers him despite her dulled third sight. Now, her mental state more or less back to the way it was, she's able to realize the depth to that well of chi compressed into Adelheid's body. Young, but honed; he not only has power but the experience and knowledge to use it. Many here at Gedo and, perhaps in the other schools, tend to lean to one side versus another: lots of power and no real understanding of what to do with it, or, say, the opposite.

Where does that leave her? .... Her body feels at ease during a match or spar like a fish in water- both have bodies that have been fine-tuned by the elements to fit into their environment. And yet, depending on NESTS's involvement with her, she could be more akin to a specialized crop than a wild fish.

"Yeah." Shurui *was* out of it. "I still remember you, though." It may have not been so easy, if she had to go by sight alone. She's not even sure if she registered the young man as being blonde; she was too tired to even think about focusing on her surroundings beyond simply whose body signatures were around her.

5t The compliment is taken with a look of slight surprise, with the short girl pausing to run a hand through her hair. ".... I have to. I can't be in that position a second time." To her? It was all as neccessary as her routinely cleaning and rebandaging her wounds, so they'd heal correctly. "I can't count on things coming together like that, and somebody else..." She catches herself. "Somebody else may come for me." May, instead of 'already has'.

Despite Adelheid coming in to save her and Stasya, Shurui is not so quick to let the young man know anything about NESTS. That power and the possible tales it weaves leads the clone to believe that, perhaps, Adelheid is someone important. Someone with ties and obligations that could make the already unsteady waters of her current problem even worse, for all that he seems to be well-meaning.

So, when he asks? "Nothing for me," comes Shurui's answer. ... While being a liar isn't one of Shurui's best talents, it's You can't trust just anybody, even if they are, in reality, the sort to mean well. "Stasya seems to be doing well, last I talked to her. It'd be a good idea to check for yourself, though. I haven't gone out of my way to check recently." There were more pressing issues, and the idea of being with someone whom she could trust and has trusted so readily may tempt Shurui into telling *her* about NESTS.

This is a problem best solved with allies already involved, with the tendency of NESTS to seemingly suck everybody in like an enourmous whirlpool.

It is a philosophy that sets Adelheid apart from his father, from many who have come into such strength. He does not relish power for power's sake, nor dream of the selfish things it might one day afford him. To grasp such forces unknowingly, to rise without wisdom above what one understands, well. One might call it an intuitive sense or evolutionary instinct, while he's never been told the truth of Rugal's brush with the Orochi seal, he can see the dangers of such attitudes all too clearly. It is the calculating mind of a warrior born and forged that analyzes the situation, the words, the odd signature of the psion before him, as far removed from the thought processes of most his age as he is from the wrathful, chaotic fire that dominates the passions of his dangerous father. Someone important? That would likely depend largely on who one asks. The Prince of War himself would say that he is simply someone who sees what must be done, and has the will to /do it/. A young man climbing the same peak many before him have ascended, for his own unique purposes.
The currents of chi may not be as mentally attuned as the boiling psycho power that blossoms in some, but Adel is learning that the whispers carried on those subtle breezes, muttered by the cool, subdued tempest that rushes behind his ears can be telling indeed. It is that undeniable murmur that something is not right, here. It brings a frown momentarily to the platinum blonde prodigy's austere features, smooth skin furrowing as he studies Shurui just that much more intently. It is not dissatisfaction, nor irritation, as one might expect from his lineage... rather, it is that hard to ignore itch in the back of his mind.
"I cannot blame you. But strength does not come from fear." It is the one thing he is -certain- he not only senses, but sees in a passing moment on the psion's face, "You must not fight out of dread, or apprehension, but use your power to overcome and refuse to be ruled by it, every time. We all feel fear - Marise captured you because of her own, because her existence and dangers to it are the only things that mattered." It's a conclusion that he's come to, at least, "She feared what you, and those like you, could do. Emotion and corrupted purpose fueled that path, dictated her actions, and ensured her downfall." It is, perhaps, an unusual perspective on the ancient shinobi's actions, but the insights of Ryouhara and Adelheid's own reflection on events lend themselves to such.
"If all your strength is spent avoiding that which you most dread, you will be left helpless when it at last confronts you. At least, I have found that the world likes to twist in such ways. Many would be broken by what you endured, which I can only begin to guess about. But I know that much. Do not let it cloud your days to come - it was not precaution or anticipation that allowed you to survive. It was not Tenma, or Hakuya, or Kenji, nor myself. We only saved your life." A distinction that seems heavy, to the calmly spoken blonde. His unusual crimson gaze remains level on Shurui, thoughtful now.

The psycho power that boils in Shurui's being is a carefully tailored one; while it was useless in terms of the instant power that NESTS originally wanted when they set to create a true 'psycho soldier', it shined in that it was flexible. Shurui needed to see; and that's where it went, similiar to how someone who cannot hear or see often has their other senses amplified.

Everything is put to good use. Shurui is in control of her powers, and they grow with her, instead of something that's quite the opposite. She's never had to experience the pain that K' and similiar experiments have had in coming to terms with their own powers; whatever augmentation that was done on her was in petri dishes instead of the surgery table or tubes. Aside from her eyes. But the surgeries done to correct her sight unfortunately failed, the resulting memories only serving to stunt the girl's mental development until her mind was wiped mercifully clean.

In three years, the girl has gotten this far. That counts for something, even if it isn't obvious to anyone obliviously walking by. "..." The words Adelheid says are clearly taken in for the distinction they meant. ".... You should tell that to Stasya, should you meet her again," comes Shurui's quiet words. "Her stay was shorter, but Marise was tougher on her. She couldn't even talk- Marise stabbed her tongue. She probably has a few things to say to you, too."

Adelheid is right, in some respects. So right that she wonders if he actually knows her situation and is vaguely stretching a helping hand amid casual conversation. Those dark eyes seem to stare at him, their gaze slightly off as if focusing on something beyond. ..... Well, it's not like curl of energy flowing against his body will tell her; things like masked meanings aren't that easy to tell. Not unless his body posture betrays a certain nervousness, of which she's not readily seeing.

"I tried escaping," Shurui quietly admits, finally. "Many times. Even though I had less of a chance of escaping as someone who could see. I didn't have anyone that was close enough to notice I was gone, so I figured I had to take things into my own hands." She walks over to lean against a wall a casual distance from the Prince of War. "I was afraid of dying. I wanted to live."

"I saw people there that were alive in body only," Shurui continues, very quietly. "And, with the mind gone, the body just followed. They just slowly died, until I saw nothing." There's a slight hiccup in her words at the end; though not from any sort of emotional distress. No, it's more what's in those words that threw her off. ".... Okay, I hate beating around the bush, so. I see body energy," she says, somewhat gruffly. "Keep it to yourself, okay? It gets pretty obvious, but I don't want another Marise trying to pick my eyes out."

There is little subtlety or unspoken meaning in Adelheid's words, just now. While double-talk and hidden meanings may be one of his favorite pasttimes when speaking to someone like, say, his father.... the sincere iteration of the powerful youth utilizes little of such deceptions. There are many reasons to hide himself, to hide his intent, to hide his feelings - to make things seem different, or at least obfuscated. Many in his life that he cannot trust, and so very few that he does, truly, even a little bit. But the point here is important enough, at least to him, that all pretense and politesse are simply dispensed with for blunt, frank warning. In a sense, Adelheid does know quite a lot about her situation - nothing about Igniz, next to nothing about NESTS, but terror and external control... attempts to break the body and the will... these things the Prince of War knows all too intimately.
Some say that proximity to the abyss, too long spent in darkness, leads one to evil, madness, and loss of self. The other school of thought, the one he intends to apply, is that it prepares one to slay demons. There is no hunter's lineage in his blood, no ancient and mystic purpose - if anything, his is a cursed line, risked by his father's reckless search for power beyond power. Destiny is just a fancy word for the choices one has already made, and the journey that leads them to understand why, or the preconceptions that justify them, "I do not mean to be harsh." He clarifies, and it is mostly in the softening that the previous passion in his tone is evident. There was little crescendo, little extroverted fervor in his spoken caveat - but it is evident in its absence, and in the minor settling of his own inner power. He notes the distant direction of Shurui's gaze, and her eventual explanation does make it clearer. Despite the level of control, the natural affinity with his own power, it is hard to miss for any attuned to energy - and for one so naturally reliant on it to maintain her senses, well. Watching Adelheid is one step shy of watching Kain. One very, very small step.... albeit a pace of an entirely different tune, when one compares a raging wildfire to the eye of a hurricane.
"I warn you because I know how easy it can become to lose oneself in the process of trying to protect oneself, and to no longer even see what it was that was so important to protect about life, anymore." It's a pit he's been down, one he barely turned away from. It took another to help him see it, and returning the favor is the least he can do, now, "It is a dangerous world - we cannot always triumph. But we can choose how we live, and how we fight, and even how we die, if it comes to that. No matter how hard anyone tries to take that away from us, they cannot unless we give in. If you can see energy, then you know the echoes it creates. For good, for ill, the way some rip through life with little concern for -what- their impact may be.... on both sides of the law, and what some call good and evil." It's not a black and white distinction for the Prince of War, and for good reason. He has seen both hero and villain fall short, and aims that are so cut and dry and... heartless... do little to rouse his support.
"You know the emptyness that comes from its void, and the power of the spirit. You know that life is not the only thing at risk, nor its loss the real cost of losing that battle." She can see it, it's more than a slow learned lesson of nature and intuition, more than a sense of fire and folly, flood or terrible famine, "You and Stasya did escape, and you survived - I hope in more than flesh. Nothing robs the power of those who would do similar cruel and selfish acts than to use it to become stronger, greater.... to strip them of their ability to control through fear. Do not fight because of what they might do - fight because of what you can do, and how it resonates through everything. It will make you immune, and unpredictable." Hiding here, training as hard as she possibly can for all the wrong reasons

... no, he may not know the details, but he knows it will never stop those like Marise, much less Igniz.

The longer Shurui stays in Adelheid's presence, the more settled she becomes, assured by the deep timber of his voice and the quiet lack of ill-will. She doesn't trust him enough to let him on her problems, of course; that would require more solid proof than what her senses tell her at first glance. What does she trust him with? Well, her attention. Her listening. That may be all that he may need for this visit, especially when his words are considered. .... Perhaps that's what was missing when she encountered Igniz. He coaxed her with calm and soothing words, but his words were two-dimensional. If she searched for further meaning or definite proof, all she found were more of the same. He promised her everything, but never mentioned the price.

The three year old in Shurui is satisfied by empty promises, especially when they offer her things that she could never attain by hard work or accomplishment. Family, safety. To love and be loved. These are things usually found through experience and patience, two things a three year old knows nothing of. But that's just one part of her; a part that Igniz knows to pinpoint.

Adelheid promises nothing but advice. And for that? Shurui can part with her attention, especially when advice is hard to find and even harder to directly ask for. "... Didn't take it as harsh. You'd have to be a lot meaner if you wanted me to be angry." There's a slight, wry smile; Shurui leans against the wall, eyes closed.

Shurui had been caught up in the possibility of danger and the idea of being in that small prison cell like a rabid dog left to die, that she had forgot that she was beginning to give up the things she enjoyed in life. Mundane things like the freedom to walk to a grocery store at ten at night, when the few things one could fear were the very things she was most able to deal with. Muggers, drunkards, people hoping to prey on her... they all were weak enough to be convinced to leave. If they weren't, she had the freedom to run, to escape to a safe place and laugh. The freedom to have a normal life, something many born or reborn through the same methods as her never had a chance to have. ... And here she was, throwing it away. It's good to be cautious, yes, but if Igniz could come at any time for her, why punish herself for that audicity?

But in order to retain that right, she'll have to fight for it.

".... This may seem like a strange question, but... could I have a spar with you?" Shurui's head turns slowly to gaze at Ade;heid, her inner eye studying him, taking note of all the possible differences they may have in ability. Experience. Power. Strength. Speed. It could be all of them and more. "... I know there's going to be a difference in ability and experience. But it's better to lose to you and gain from it, than to lose to someone I can't afford losing to."

Adelheid has spent his entire life around men who live by taking, who seek to augment their own power and position with anything they can grasp, regardless of who is hurt, regardless of the nature of the lies told to themsleves, and whoever else. Not only is it destructive, it's self-destructive, and just generally bad business - not to mention, as far as the lithe blonde is concerned, just plain lazy. Sure, the girl is still holding something back, but she's paying attention, and it seems to be sinking in. The Prince of War is the last person who's going to begrudge someone else their secrets, at least in most cases. Everyone hides something, and there are a million reasons good and bad for why.
The unusual young warrior chuckles in response to Shurui's assertion that he'll have to be meaner, which is apparently the course she wishes to pursue, judging from the eventual request! Still, it is indeed directly in-line with the logic and philosophy he offers, and he's going to be the last person to argue the final bit of reasoning. The young Bernstein considers only a moment before nodding assent, accompanying the gesture with a quiet, affirmative sort of grunt, "Doesn't matter how good you get, there's always someone better. And if you don't take the time to learn from them, and anyone else who has insight regardless of their power.... well. You'll never even get close. A good workout can only teach someone so much about fighting."
Adel may not be at 100% after recent, more trying battles, but if Shurui brutalizes him terribly, well... he's not only misjudged the girl, and her style, but her strength and intent as well. Which would make it a lesson for him. There is no further hesitation as he shrugs off the long, black coat he wears, dropping it against the wall. The sleeveless shirt leaves rather impressive arms bare, and the only thing missing from his typical simple and efficient sparring garb is a pair of gloves, or more recently - bracers. The leather ones he uses for his motorcycle are in the coat pocket, but he doesn't move to retrieve them, just now. Adaptability is, as established, the name of the game. He paces out closer to the center of the dojo, and nods towards Shurui once more, "Whenever you're ready."

COMBATSYS: Adelheid has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Adelheid         0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Adelheid takes no action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Adelheid         0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Shurui has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Adelheid         0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Shurui

Thankfully, Shurui isn't asking for Adelheid's ability to meaner; there's so many specific, but hard-hitting ways a person can crush a spirit like Shurui's, and all of them are something so much more complex than words or fists. One has to crush her like someone crushes a three year old, by breaking hearts and ruining a person's ability to trust and feel free from harm. She's also rehoned her abilities recently- if she doesn't try them against a nuetral or allied party, she won't attain the understanding that fighting against a proper opponent will have. Best to try them in a spar against someone like Adelheid, before even someone like K', for various reasons.

.... K''s a little overprotective, but, when you rarely allow yourself to make an acquaintance of anyone, that's pretty understandable. "... Let's do this, then." Pushing herself off the wall, she follows after Adelheid's decloaked form, then, when he stops, walking a ways off before turning back to face him, her eyes focused on that swirling form of energy.

Her arms stretch and raise in front of her in an ancient stance, her face serious. "..." Time to test and experiment at his ability before she fully jumps in, like, for instance, just how fast is he? In a speed that defies the slow, methodical San Sik form she was doing earlier, Shurui closes that space she created only a few seconds before, her hand slipping out like a knife, aimed at Adelheid's torso. Fast, but low impact. "...hf!" The exclamation as she goes in for the impact comes out below her breath through pursed lips.

COMBATSYS: Adelheid blocks Shurui's Quick Punch.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Adelheid         0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Shurui

Alas, taking candy from babies and kicking over sandcastles isn't really Adelheid's forte. It's hard enough for the young warrior to act his -own- age, pushed all of his relatively brief years to be more than 'just' a boy. Hey, there's even been a several-month stint as acting commander of 'R'... a black market overlord before he even turns seventeen. Cute. Possibly luckily, the lithe Bernstein is unaware of Shurui's ties to K', or as he is more commonly known, 'That BASTARD!'. There is little, if anything, involved in this spar beyond assessing and helping the recovering girl find her strength, for him. In a life of high risk bouts and feints where tipping his hand could mean his own death, it's a rather welcome change indeed.
The Prince of War holds his ground, booted feet shifting ever so slightly wider as his hands drop ready, but relaxed towards his sides. He flexes his fingertips once, draws a deep breath, and Shurui is on the move. He has only moments to consider her stance, but he certainly takes them, and his own motion is decisive as the last span is closed between them, the jabbing chop seeming to slip inside his guard. ... a trap?
Abdominals clench, and Adel weaves backwards, a subtle motion that leaves fingertips grazing resilient muscle, rather than penetrating into that painful stab. He comes down out of the sudden, half-stride of a backstep alarmingly close, doing what he can to preserve proximity while nullifying most of the force behind the strike. His feet find purchase once more, and the moment his footing is anchored he launches right back in at Shurui. His left forearm leads, snapping up and around in a horizontal strike level with her forehead, seeking to catch her before she can adjust to his own fluid reversal. The strike would quickly be followed up by a snapping rotation bringing his other side around in-line with the possibly reeling Shurui, a blurring jab following from his right fist, launched from the elbow, straight for her jaw.
He doesn't immediately comment, preferring to answer the challenge only in movement - and consideration. A mix of instinct and honed awareness.

COMBATSYS: Shurui blocks Adelheid's Medium Punch.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Adelheid         0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0           Shurui

Shurui has her moments of bad judgement, but prefering to generally not let her 'friendship', for lack of a better word she can't find that would explain the weird sort of love/hate relationship that seems to be developing between them, be known by anyone aside from casual observers. The kids at the YFCC probably know that Shurui is 'that girl who sometimes hangs around K-niichan', but they usually don't care either way. That, or they're easily bribed with cookies to not say anything. As it stands, K''s just as prone to trouble as she is, and probably has his own unique set of enemies aside from the ones they both have in common. Adelheid could easily be one of those enemies; K' is hardly someone who anyone can call 'good' at first glance, from Shurui's view. He isn't evil, either. He simply is, like a wolf who makes off with one of your flock of sheep. He survives.

The ebb and flow of energy throughout the entirety of Adelheid's arms and chest prove enough warning as Shurui's hand brushes up against the muscles of Adelheid's abdomen. When he attacks with his left forearm, Shurui attempts to manuver her upper torso back, but fails to avoid the main brunt of that blow. What she does manage, however, it to make it hit a less destablizing area, most of it caught against her cheek and then, after that, her nose. Blood eases from her nose, and her cheek goes red from impact but she's not too dizzy to avoid the second part of the prince's combo, which blurs ever so slightly past her jaw.

Falling back from that warm-up of an exchange, Shurui rubs her bloody nose with her forearm, eyes focused on Adelheid for his next attack. Nothing broken, of course, but it is rather embarrassing to be getting a bloody nose so quickly. Better take the time to make her next attacks count; she'll be getting a lot worse things than a bloody nose before the day is through.

COMBATSYS: Shurui focuses on her next action.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Adelheid         0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0           Shurui

Sure, perhaps the wolf can do no evil. A wolf is a wolf, it lives the life it lives, and survives how it must. With human beings, the equation becomes considerably more convoluted. Instinct is polluted by society and habit, and natural order or survival are too often just words to justify the decisions one has made. There are a million and one possible ways to excuse both the understandable and the unforgiveable. But Adelheid doesn't really /know/ K', it's true. He only knows he wants to fight the white-haired fighter. ... that, and the whole 'bastard' thing. Shurui moves quickly to adapt to the strikes levelled at her, and Adelheid's fist quickly snaps back as his opponent recovers her bearings, and takes up her new position.
It's clear that while the impact hurt, Shurui is preparing, and not hesitating. What her plan may be is up in the air, but the Bernstein heir takes the opportunity to spring the trap, pursuing her quickly. A step, then two, and he twists around to launch a heavy boot high, dropping it down in a potent, overhead axe aligned with the Gedo student's collarbone, a smooth strike meant to steal her footing rather forcefully, or at least reveal her intent, and with it more of her style. Both would be an added bonus, but one can't get too greedy, now.
Each motion Adelheid makes is augmented by the fervent charge and control over his inner chi, swift accelerations, graceful twists, the sheer offensive momentum generated so quickly - a storm blowing in before one knows it, and adapting to what it meets just as quickly. For now it is restrained, steady - but still notably dangerous.

COMBATSYS: Adelheid successfully hits Shurui with Medium Kick.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Adelheid         0/-------/------=|=======\-------\0           Shurui

Adelheid is correct in assessing Shurui's failure to attack immediately as preperation. In fact, unlike many her age, especially the sort that come from Gedo, the short girl seems more used to feeling out her opponents than immediately jumping in. She has her moments of idiotic decisions like anyone who lacks the proper amount of experience, of course, but starting off on a bad foot in a rainy alleyway did teach her the value of running away. Or weighing your options down to their basic components. What do you lose by running? What do you gain by winning? A spar has none of these; she can win or lose depending on where the dice falls or how hard her opponent hits her. In the end, she'll be sore either way, and she's not seeking out to impress Adelheid. She wants to learn from him, to study how he moves and reacts to her. To see how his energy flows and how he controls it, even if she is not of the ability to do so for her own powers, as adaptable as they may be.

Her inexperience does show through, but in a sort of odd amalgam that betrays none of that youthful hope and sunny spirit that many at her age and level show. "... Gkh....!" Shurui falls back from the axe kick, pain stealing any calm that was held in that serious ebony brown gaze moments earlier. Yet, she recovers quickly, the pain choked back. She learns with each punch.

Time to test something much more potentially hard-hitting, now that she's managed to get some sort of lock onto Adelheid's bodily signature. If Adelheid had any inner sense to Shurui's own powers, they are made obvious now, Shurui's body twisting back and arms flung open wide to shot a barrage of psi projectiles, vaguely aimed towards the Prince of War as she retreats backwards. What they lack in aim they make for in number, glowing grey like ghostly coals shot knocked forcefully from the fireplace.

COMBATSYS: Adelheid dodges Shurui's Riot Act.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Adelheid         0/-------/------=|=======\-------\0           Shurui

The policy of weighing one's actions, and the intentions of their opponent mid-bout is certainly a strength that the Prince of War would endorse. In this case, he both practices and witnesses it in action, though the youthful veteran remains just one step ahead of the game when it comes to anticipation and improvisation. The kick falls true, and there's a vague disappointment that it did - not in reluctance to fight, but in the fact that it slips past Shurui's guard, and sets things in a new direction. She certainly had something up her sleeve, but despite appearances, and recent troubles, the Gedo girl can certainly hold her own in a fight. He knows that much from just how she moves, from the grace and power in the earlier kata, and her attempts to answer him now.
Any disappointment in not seeing a new style in action dissipates when the psi wells within Shurui. Adelheid may have little knowledge of the manipulation of such forces, but due to both battlefield experience and investigation into Marise's interests, he is not only attuned to the use of that impressive power... but has even been given a name with which to refer to it. A card that many would abuse, and one that serves to bolster the prodigal Bernstein's already impressive fighting acumen. The burst of searing embers is a trick that rings differently from many the platinum blonde is familiar with, however. The technique draws his crimson eyes to the launched, deceptive bursts of psycho power, and he tracks them momentarily as best he can. There's no time to run numbers in his head, but the spread is dealt with by instinct and that sixth sense one develops by fighting many diverse battles - often against formidable adversaries beyond oneself. He sprints forward, tucks, and leaps, throwing himself headlong between two of the bursts as they rush past him. It's a near-miss, one nearly taking him in the back, another felt surging past his cheek, before he clears the scattershot, landing in a singular forward roll.
Shurui retreats, and perhaps unnervingly, Adel follows pace for pace. He tumbles into a crouch, and snaps his eyes back up to the Gedo student, a wry, vaguely wolfish grin passing over his features, and glimmering with icy fire in his dark eyes, "Not bad." he affirms, rather enjoying the lighthearted exercise, even as he presses Shurui with that same diligent, unrelenting efficiency. He's up in a flash, a flexing of legs sending him nearly gliding forward, covering the span she retreats in another bounding lunge. The motion leads fluidly into another, one hand snapping forward to seek a grip on her clothing, about neck-level, while his opposite boot suddenly sweeps inward, seeking simple purchase behind one ankle.... a sudden application of powerful leverage would be all it would then take to jerk Shurui forward towards him... and abruptly shove her backwards, right over that tripping leg, should his grip be found.

COMBATSYS: Shurui fails to counter Quick Throw from Adelheid with Plum Blossom Shower.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Adelheid         0/-------/-----==|=======\=------\1           Shurui

Legally, Shurui and Adelheid may be the same age, but in truth, it's amazing she's been standing up for this long, when the full context of Shurui's situation, as well as Adelheid's, is known. To anyone casually looking in, all they would see is one fighter quickly overwhelming the defenses of the shorter, less experienced one. If they saw exactly as Shurui saw? Something much more colorful and vibrant, grey psi against something distinctive and swirling. Controlled, confident. He could be seen as 'holding back', but his 'holding back' is nothing to dismiss. Shurui has never met Rugal (hopefully, she never will), but if she did and was able to recongize that Adelheid was his son, she would be utterly shocked at the difference in attitude and mindset father and son would have. Adelheid is treating her fairly, as far as she knows, not an insect that needed to be squished before moving on. The pain'll be the same, but she doesn't feel like he's looking down at her.

Adelheid may notice that the short girl has some sort of training along the way; there's no way that delibrate countermove could have been formed from experience alone. A part of the practicing form she was practicing earlier is seen in the way she turns into his body, attempting to avoid that snap of a hand, attempting to trip him before he trips her with the way her knee goes, attempting to meet up with the side of his own. Adelheid's quick moves quickly overwhelm that tactic, however, shooting past her attempts to redirect his arms by pushing his arms aside.

And so, she finds herself tumbling backwards over that tripping leg, falling back with a pained grunt against the tatami matting. ".... Don't compliment... me yet." Forcing a breath through her still bleeding nose, nostrils flared, the girl is all arms and legs, scrambling to get up but too pained and dizzy to immediately attack. She stays back as best she can, gathering her thoughts before the next strike comes down. ".... Save it for when we're done."

Holding back too much would just defeat the purpose of the exercise! To stretch one's horizons, and pour everything they've got into trying to apply their skills to someone difficult to counteract, much less keep pace with. It's an experience Adel still has now and again - all too often at the behest of a rather insane patriarch. Yes, the parallels between son and father are there... but for every trait of Rugal's that carries into his son, the Prince of War reverses two others, a skewed and dangerous mirror image with goals and thoughts far removed from the Bernstein line's norm. Of course, these distortions leave the younger Bernstein a rather /different/ sort of danger, to a very different sort of person. Shurui's talents might interest Rugal - surely, Marise's experiments would have. One of the reasons it had to be stopped, but hardly the most pressing, in Adel's book.
The platinum blonde exercises the efficient shove and flows smoothly back into a ready posture, not pushing the offensive as Shurui tumbles backwards. Some fights, some foes... there would be no moment to recover her bearings, but in general this particular thief has some measure of honour, and a sense of sport. Certainly, Shurui has done nothing to earn ire, and there is none in the way he fights. His passion is subdued, his fervor for battle boiling within him, but with an almost placid overtone, the borders of a maelstrom that is both disciplined and directed.... yet still takes no small pleasure in exercising his talent. Particularly in situations such as these, where there is nothing on the line save bettering oneself.
"Habit." The Germanic youth explains succinctly, stepping back once and shifting his weight to his rear heel, his eyes holding level on Shurui, calculating the point of her focus, as well as the inevitable shifts in body language that are to come, "If I do not miss my guess, you're not done yet. I'm curious what else you can do." He admits, unthreatened but respectful. A differential in strength is a poor measurement of either potential or worth - to delude himself into thinking otherwise would indeed make him more akin to his kin.

COMBATSYS: Adelheid takes no action.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Adelheid         0/-------/-----==|=======\=------\1           Shurui

When sort of danger Adelheid might be, or might become in the future, is beyond Shurui's ability to guess. It is often the ones that seem to feel and see themselves entirely good or entirely bad, so much that it leaks into the very part that she senses, that Shurui finds to be the scariest to deal with at first glance. There are cases that fall inbetween, yes, but they were cases where the fear was earned through their actions or, in cases like Alma, their simple charm and ease. .... Well, you don't have to be evil or a crusader to scare Shurui. Sometimes it's just the percieved threat that they'll take you in and hug you to pieces that does the trick, akin to a five year old's fear of Santa Clauses, people dressed as Mickey Mouse, and old aunties. While Alma is not bearded (though he could be seen as jolly, perhaps), does not dress up as an anthromorphic walking cartoon character, or is old (though he could be mistaken as effeminette), Shurui's fear is just as comical.

That's what happens when you're from NESTS. Sanity and common sense is best measured in 'at least they seem to function socially, more or less' to 'they try to kill people for looking at them wrong'.

When Adelheid's energy signature seems to satisfy the girl's cautious stance, Shurui takes the time to properly sate the itching of her bloody nose against the sleeve of her shirt, not seeming to care about the red bloom of a stain it leaves behind. Or, well, the fact that Adelheid is in plain sight and watching her. .... Then again, there are signs that this particular t-shirt was assigned for such workouts, not to look nice. And well, it itches! And it's not like she's picking it!

Then, her reply. "... Not really, no," Shurui truthfully answers to Adelheid's estimate of her state. "I'll only stop when you say you want to, or when my body needs to." She's not sure if she'd get another chance like this again, with either Adelheid or someone else. "And alright," she finally continues, seeming to feel a little more refreshed.

Refreshed, and, well, about as fast as she was when she started. From calm enough to wipe her nose in an awkward, almost childish fashion to something more serious and acute, she's darting towards the Prince of War, fist shooting out in an attempt to hit against the center of Adelheid's chest. If it connects, a small explosion of psychic power erupts from the point of impact and through Adelheid's core, erupting through the back like a ghostly lance. The charge is then disconnected instantly when Shurui throws a second punch, ending the feed of energy.

COMBATSYS: Adelheid blocks Shurui's Subtle Knife.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Adelheid         0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0           Shurui

Black and white are frightening colors, the platinum blonde would agree. He hasn't seen a lot of good come out of 'good' or 'evil', which in turn inspires one to walk the path of 'reasonable'. He doesn't do what he does because he's special, or different, or better. He -can-, and he's aware of what goes on if he -doesn't-. Santa was never a part of the Bernstein household - Mickey Mouse only a fleeting memory. The only real family he has left is his twin sister, and Rugal - father doesn't really keep an extended circle of aunts and uncles. He and Igniz might get along pretty well, in fact. Assuming they didn't each just try to leech power out of the other's nostrils.
The platinum blonde's only answer to Shurui's admission is a simple nod, falling silent once more, as requested. She doesn't need to be coaxed with running commentary, or pushed higher with taunts. If he cares about the unseemly wiping away of blood, well, it doesn't show in so much as a quirk of his blonde brows, his attention is focused, unwavering. This is, after all, a fight... blood is part of the game, and when one is trained by Rugal, concerns over dignity and appearance are quickly replaced by trying to keep one's eyes open, and staying conscious. Wiping away blood is an /important/ skill, from this angle.
Respectful or no, he's not going to make it easy for her. The charge comes, crimson eyes narrow as the Gedo girl's psi energy flares, brilliant within her even if it has not yet poured forth. The storm within the Prince of War shifts, centers in response, the silvery-blue coalescence filling his limbs, rushing through every fiber of muscle as he twists, and drives his arm forward against the thrusting fist. It smacks audibly into flexed musculature, and the burning burst of psycho power never -really- gets off the ground. It's a defense born of curiousity, but no particular masochism... his guard resonates with chi, and control is flexed over his own energy and form, the searing blast bursting more out to the sides than through, as Adelheid shoves off the strike, a stinging reminder burning within his forearm. There is undeniable potential in the technique... and the flash of pain is quite real.
Clear of the finishing strike, should it come, Adel wastes no time rushing back at Shurui, this time. He touches down out of the deflecting sidestep, and launches back in. A defining technique of his own, recently adapted and refined to serve many more purposes than it had previously, is led into by a swift chop, swiping for the side of his opponent's head, aligned to deliver a jarring blow courtesy of his flexed hand. The follow-up would come as a potent right cross, before Adelheid aims to backflip high into the air, nearly grazing the dojo ceiling and leaving a tumult of silver-grey windshear in his wake, propelled by the forceful rise of one kicking boot, a lance of ragged, surging energy that threatens to finish the three-for in explosive fashion.

COMBATSYS: Adelheid successfully hits Shurui with Grosse Stob.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Adelheid         0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1           Shurui

Dignity can come later, when you can fight back with ease. All she could ask for from Adelheid is to be hard on her, and he obliged. Momentairely, the energy pulsing through her opponent's frame distracts the girl as if she was looking through a natural kaleidoscope, silver blue shifting and following the threads of his veins and muscles. Thankfully, it's not enough to drive her from her original focus, even if Adelheid proves to be the quicker of the two.

"...... Is this how you built a resistance to it?" she says quietly in observation as her fist is buried against his, before it's shoved aside. ".... I wonder if it could work both ways." She can see the point where her psi and his chi collide, the resistance of his energy against the invasion. But, with its trajectory changed, the potential force is exhausted there instead of in a more vital place; many of Shurui's direct attacks seem attracted to her opponent's baseline, the center.

She's learning, even as he wins. And, well, it's because he wins that she leaves from him. As she nears her body's point of exhaustion, the only thing that makes her curse this ability is the fact that she can't spar with him longer. Still, she doesn't curse him when he comes back at her with at least an equal amount of power, though too fast for her even to properly react. "Gkh!" The brutual onslaught ends with the clone's body skidding over the mat, rolling over from the momentum.

"...." Labored panting is heard as she gets up, the girl obviously preparing for a final attack. Not out of spite, of course; she truly wants to give Adelheid the ability to see what she's made out of. ".... Okay." With that answer, she clears her mind, closing her eyes and, well. Darting in.

Her eyes are still closed, but Adelheid would clearly see it's no petty trick. Shurui is attempting to focus solely on Adelheid's energy with her inner sight alone. While the colors of its visual component don't show, she can still sense the neccessities, the things she needs to know to hone in on her opponent. A fist comes it, aimed directly and clearly for Adelheid's chest; if it hits, another will follow to replace it, then the first, until a cycle of blows against Adelheid's breastbone, delivered at an intense speed.

Her eyes are still closed, but Adelheid would clearly see it's no petty trick. Shurui is attempting to focus solely on Adelheid's energy with her inner sight alone. While the colors of its visual component don't show, she can still sense the neccessities, the things she needs to know to hone in on her opponent. It's the same move as before, with the same tactics, but Shurui clearly is able to operate in spite of, or, perhaps, because of her unorthodox method of focusing on the Prince of War despite her body's exhaustion.

COMBATSYS: Shurui can no longer fight.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Adelheid         0/-------/--=====|

COMBATSYS: Adelheid reflects Subtle Knife from Shurui with Dark Barrier.
- Power hit! -

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Adelheid         0/-------/=======|

Battle may often be graceful, artistically impressive, visceral on levels beyond brutality or violence normally attains... but dignity and appearances are not the majority of the battle! Unless, of course, one were to ask, say, Balrog. It takes different strokes to move the world. The deflection is indeed a swirling surge of oppositional power, and Shurui's 'eyes' and conclusions serve her well, "Familiarity is a first step..." Adelheid confirms, once he lands a span across the dojo from Shurui. She took that one hard - a little harder than he had intended, but. As established, a spar is still a fight, and for one who aspires to more than street fighting and media showcases, this sort of spar is vital, "I know less about the power you wield... but it seems like mostly the source is different, the nature. But energy is in everything, in each of us. Wielding it... controlling it... that is the evolution of the trick." Catalyzing so much of it into oneself that the martial arts one new before seem a pale memory, "There was a time it would catch me off guard, moreso than now...." the psions can still /hurt/, that's for sure, but he's developed a few tricks of his own.
The centered opposition of his chi, the swift footwork and accelerated motion that fuels so much of his art... and then there's one of the treasured family legacies, the pinnacle of control and deflection within the arts passed on to him from Rugal. Shurui charges, this is impressive - Adelheid clenches his jaw, and resets his stance, preparing himself for the last-ditch assault. He does want to see it, and while the technique is recognized immediately, it is not dismissed, but rather studied once more. Her fist flies in, and that charge of potent psi fires to the fore.... but this time, it is not muscle she slams into. In the last moments of the Gedo girl's charge, Adel turns to face her sidelong, bracing one shoulder as if to meet the assault once more, but his opposing hand extends, fingers splay, and in an instant, there is a coruscating barrier between himself and his opponent. The circular shield of charged energy is not unlike slamming one's fist full on into an immobile wall, when so charged with power.... the crackling, silver-and-black barrier ripples, a shockwave rumbling outwards, the force of the strike reverberating through its windy mass... and then the chi implodes back inwards, power recentering and holding, and all the psi that was released by that strike is suddenly repelled. Some of it is lost, some of it tears into the Dark Barrier itself... the rest shoots /right back/ up Shurui's arm, as the barrier dissipates explosively, showering the area before Adelheid in a maelstrom of dark shrapnel, a final shove of his hand the only announcement to the impressive shift.
"But there is more to it than familiarity. There is initiative... there is control. Arts such as yours are not based around brute force, and it is possible to turn any amount of power to a different course, a new purpose. .... if not always easy."

While Shurui's sight is hidden behind closed eyelids, her inner sight registers that reflecting vertical pool of energy on a visceral level in the dark cloud of her mind. She grits her teeth, preparing for the inevitable blow that results. Again, not with any sort of bitterness; Adelheid did exactly as she wanted; she'll learn from the pain as well. .... he probably had to do the same, which the experience that shows in the way he handles his body. The psycho energy shoots up like burning poison along Shurui's arm, forcing it to curl like a claw as she's shoved on her back against the tatami mat.

It's time for the spar to end, it seems. Shurui has a long ways to go, but she's got some ideas of a possible path or two.

Turning on her side and lying there, Adelheid's words barely register in Shurui's mind at first. However, as soon as she realizes the blonde man is speaking, her eyes open, devoting the majority of her returning wits towards paying attention to very words. There's a pause before she finally speaks back. ".... I didn't know it was... any different from anybody else's power until I..." She sits up, forcing the world to become upright with her. Where did that thought go? Oh, yeah. "... well, until I met someone else. Just assumed... it was chi, like everybody else's. All that I know is... it comes from the mind, instead of nature, or however chi comes around."

"..... It isn't easy," Shurui admits. ".... I don't know I even managed.... much less everybody else." Mouth opening in a sigh, Shurui softly adds, "Thanks. You didn't go easy on me when you had every reason to; I appreciate that. Maybe we could spar again? When I get a little stronger."

The polarized shield that is the Dark Barrier serves its purpose well... perhaps too well. A lot of power went into Shurui's strike, and a lot blasts right back into her, despite the rather notable harshness of the bout to this point. It would be rude to hold too much back, even if he's not the world's greatest mentor... by a long shot. The energy subsides, and Adelheid's own wanes as he releases the fighting edge, his intensity calming back towards something approaching relaxed, "There are lots of forms of power, all touched by the person wielding them, regardless of the source.... I can't pretend to understand all the meaning that may be in that, but.... I am a warrior, not a scientist." Of course, there's a touch of scholarly philosopher in the platinum blonde, anyway. He gives Shurui a few moments to recover some of her senses... he may not have been doing everything he could to put her down, but there was indeed no force withheld from the strikes that weer offered. There is no shame in a moment to catch one's breath.
He approaches Shurui then, and offers a hand up. It's only fair, though it's entirely possible she's not going to -want- to get up, just yet. Still, it's the thought that counts, right? "New and unpredictable things are almost never easy." Adel observes quietly, a bit of introspection to his own thoughts, "We adapt, we grow, we move on to the next difficult thing. Seems to be the way the world works, a lot of the time. You fought well, your techniques will serve you, I believe. We can try again down the road, sure." He's not sure how much he can really /teach/ someone, with all he's still learning himself, but there seems more harm in not trying, than just giving it a whirl. It's rare for him to turn down a fight, anyway.
"You and your friends have a lot of good ideas, if I can help, I will."

Log created on 23:31:45 04/20/2008 by Adelheid, and last modified on 18:54:51 04/27/2008.