Description: A great martial arts movie should include a scene at the ocean. And it happens in real life! Behold as Hurricane Hime obtains REAL ultimate wisdom from Dr Tran at the ocean; and takes another step toward becoming a REAL hero? Sources Say: Sno cones!
The SOUND BEACH! Or: The Hurri-Beach!
This beach isn't just a sandy and watery area for summertime shennanigans, no, this particular area is also good for deep thoughts and ponderings for wayward heroines. Hurricane Hime, the pink-clad, energetic, saiky-style defender of knowledge has claimed this area in the name of the Saikyo Soldiers.
At this windy, somewhat chilly and mostly abandoned locale, the young girl ponders and plans for her future. She had a feeling that it was time for her to take things up to the next level, a level where she just wasn't entirely sure that even the great Dan Hibiki could take her. She.. She needed help. She needed a hand from someone with experience with drama and mother earth. But there was one problem.
She never did figure out how exactly to keep in contact with Dr Tran. So she did the only thing she could think of. Arrive at the beach. And come up with a plan. Unfortunatly the tossing waves were not providing a lot of inspiration on the matter, making things rather frustrating in the long run!
Dr. Tran is, and has always been, a man of mystery. Who is he? Where did he come from? What drives a man like him? Where is he going with that sno cone? Nobody may ever know.
Wait, wait. Sno cone? Why would anyone ever mention something as mundane (although delicious) as a sno cone in a series of deep, unknowable questions like that? As it turns out, it's mostly because Dr. Tran is enjoying a weekend on the beach, and he's happily munching on his frozen delight as he walks along the beach, humming a heroic little theme song that he's been considering.
As it turns out, his path takes him right behind Hime. It must be a really good sno cone, because he doesn't even say hi or even seem to notice her. Or maybe that's just the super dark sunglasses he's wearing.
Sno.. Cone? Ah yes, it's truely a miracle what one can do simply with just ice and flavory syrup. It's a shining example of something so simply becoming completely and utterly amazing! In a way, a sno cone is a lot like the saikyo ryuu style; that sno cone is inspiring! At least that would be that case if Hurricane Hime had been paying close attention to such a treat. Instead her eyes focus quite predictably on the Man of Action once he walks past her, making her blink a few times in suprise. "... Hmn interesting. I so desperatly wish to see him that I am already halucinating," she says with a grin.
"Well of course I won't allow myself to fall into a mental state such as that, my path here is clear!!" Hime shuffles her feet lightly onto the sand, and then takes off with a running start, leaps into the air and then twirls, and blasts forward shoulder first toward Tran's back, "Take THIS, figment of my imagination!! REALITY (BODY) CHECK!!"
Tran pauses for a moment, raising his head to the sky. "Huh. Did I hear something?" After brief consideration, he decides that the sno cone is more important to him than pretty much anything else ever, and so continues his walk. And yet it still tugs at this brain. "Seemed kind of familia-"
WHAM. Hime crashes full-bore into his backside, sending him tumbling to the ground. Yet, all is not dark in Tran land. Despite his little spill, despite a facefull of sand, Dr. Tran saves his Electric Blue Raspberry sno cone from a terrible, terrible fate.
At least now he gets to feel the familiar sensation o a mystery solved, realization having dawned exceptionally quickly. "Hmmph, Heemph." Translation: Hello, Hime.
An alarmingly calm reaction to an overly violent greeting! Apparently Hime was expecting Tran to vanish in a puff of logic, but he remains. Not only does he remain, however, his greeting is easily translated by the heroine as well. The little Hurricane manages to pale, taking a slight step back in shock as she gasps, "Wh- What? Th- That wasn't my imagination at all.. I.. A-- Aaaah!!! What have I done???"
Cue the thunderclap as a reeling Hurricane clasps her head, trapped in a world of shock and horror!! But she snaps out of it, she making quick motions to grasp Tran's free arm, pull him up to sitting position, and whips off her black scarf to clean off his face and shoulders. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, Tran I am so -SO- sorry, I thought I was hallucinating, and so I attacked you carelessly without even thinking about it, I'm so so so sorry, I've been really quick to hit things lately!"
Hime drops then to a deep bow by the doctor's side. "I am so so so so sorry please forgive me!"
Just be glad Tran saved his sno cone, Hime. Otherwise the mood here wouldn't be less 'bemused' and more 'MURDER KILL MAIM'. As it stands, Tran lets Hime help him recover, accepting the scarf-brushing stoically, spitting out some sand, and generally being a trooper about the whole thing.
"No harm, no foul." Tran even manages a smile, which quickly broadens after he's bitten off another chunk of delicious icy flavor to clear away some more of the grit in his mouth.
"Anyway, nothing wrong with hitting things. Heck, I hit things all the time." It's a matter of public record at this point. But then Tran pauses, wondering just what Himeko's been doing with herself. "Wait, hallucinations? What?"
Hurricane Hime pushes herself up from her bowing position, her eyes sparkling in response to being forgiven so quickly. Tran is truly a blessed man indeed, it's so great that she'd gotten a chance to meet him! "Thank you!" she cries, giving another quick bow, and then shifts position to sit-crosslegged in the sandy.. Sand.
She could only nod slightly in agreement with his comment about clobbering things, and then when he asks about the halucinations, the dusky-skined girl sighs, tilting her head a bit, "Mmnn... It's hard to say, really. I've been pretty angry lately, and sometimes I get so mad I see stuff I shouldn't and break it." The girl twists her lips a bit. "Though, this case was kind of different, I had been looking for you, so when I saw you instead of the people I was mad at I thought I was making progress. But.. Anyway, I'm really glad you're here I wanted to ask you something!"
Anger hallucinations?! Now, Dr. Tran is what one might call an 'expert' on anger, if only by virtue of how he's pretty much always angry, all the time. But even he's never been so angry he's started seeing things that aren't even there. That's a little worrisome, frankly. "Hmmm."
In fact, it's so worrisome that Tran needs another bite of his sno cone to properly process it. With a big gulp, Tran presses on. "Hm. What do you mean, you see stuff you shouldn't? elephants, or something?" Then he waves his free hand dismissively. "Nevermind, dumb question. What di you want to ask?"
Hurricane Hime stares at Tran blankly for a moment and her jaw falls a little slack. Pink elephants? Her own brows furrow a bit as she shakes her head quickly, "I said mad, not drunk! It's nothing really complicated, but the books I've read aren't really helping me out this time. Well like for instance.. I was training the other day on the sandbag, and then the sandbag looked like the person I really hated.." Hime snaps her fist forward. "So I struck, and.. Had to buy a new sandbag. I'm pretty sure I'm not clinically insane though.. But I guess that'd be more up for you to decide.." Hime's smile becomes more sheepish, really hoping she's wrong there. But then she grins more broadly.
"Oh! Well, I have hit a stump in my training; remember how I said I wanted to borrow something from you? Well.. I wanted it to be a suprise, but I'm in a real rut." Hime's hand tighten into fists again, settling them on her knees. She seems hesistant still to ask but, eventually she blurts it out, "When I fought you in your super mode, it was really inspiring! I wanted to try and take my attacks to another level as well, and.. I uh.. I kind of wanted to learn your biggest projectile!"
Brow furrowed, Tran listens to Hime's explanation. And then he visibly relaxes, relieved. "Oh, you just hate someone's guts. That's alright, then." There's no reason to be worried at all. Heck, Tran hates at least two people so much that he wishes he could just hate them to death!
Standing up, Dr. Tran points a finger at Hime and starts, "Tell you what." Then he takes a big bite of the last of his snowcone, barely pausing to chew it before swallowing. "What I'm goi-ah ah ah brainfreeze ah, ok, What I'm going to do here, is I'm going to give you a shot at it, on one condition, got it?" Tran looks Hime square in the eye, and states, dead serious, "If you master it, you have to use it to kick the goddamn shit out of whoever the hell it is." He straightens, and grins. "Deal?"
The little Hurricane awaits her diagnosis with a bit of concern at first. And literally falls over from the result. Geez, she had expected something a little more positive, but.. Well when she thinks about it it does make sense; why even Dan has someone he greatly dislikes. That certainly must be part of the path to greatness in the long run- She'll remember that for later. "Yosh!" she pipes when she sits up, fist pumped in the air.
She then settles once more taking in the last of the Doctor's words carefully. There's no doubt in her mind that he's going to bring upon her very important and quite possibly delicious wisdom! A sympathetic crings follows the brain freeze, then a serious expression of her own again. ... .. And then quite embarrassed as her eyes go wide and her face becomes scarlet. Woah. Just WOAH!! What language! And yet, it makes his point only that much more powerful that she has little choice but to respect it! Hime springs up to one knee and punches into the sand, knelt like a warrior before her king. "Y- Yes!! Yes, I absolutly understand!" she cries. And then the fist sweeps upward into a mighty thumbs up, a big grin on her features, "It's a deal!!"
Ah, Hime. If only more fighting teenage girls were like you (complete fangirls of Dr. Tran), maybe he wouldn't hate 99 percent of them with a burning passion. Maybe.
Putting a hand on Hime's shoulder, Tran motions with the other for her to get up. "Well, this seems like as good a time as any, and you can't have been too busy. Let me see here, where to start." Tran begins to pace, looking up into the air, trying to think of how to put this. Then he stops, and stomps one foot into the ground. "Alright! Let me ask you something, Hime. What's better than a simple projectile?"
Busy? Most certainly. -Too- busy? Tran once more hits it right on the nail to the mind of the little Hurricane! She's fights back a delighted squeak when her shoulder is touched and then gets up as directed.
She could only just watch with excitement as the Man of Action thinks about how to start things correctly; after all even Hime knows she's not asking of a small favor. It's really exciting! "Ah! I know!" she pipes, pauses, and then rubs her chin. ".. Ah.. Well, ok maybe I don't know. Hmmn. Better than a simple projectile.. Ah."
Her eyes close, her arms cross and her head tilts from side to side, seriously pondering out the answer. And then she ahs! "One hundred simple projectiles!"
"Ding ding ding! We have a winner!" Tran waits a beat. "Kind of."
He waves his hands placatingly. "Hang on, hang on, I know, not what you wanted to hear. But the truth is, even though that's the right answer, that's not the only one, you get it?" He frowns, stroking at his chin thoughtfully. "Y'see, that's the problem with your simple, everyday, run of the mill fireball. It's simple, it lacks refinement, focus." Tran holds up a fist, and shakes it around. "So even though that works fine if you're trying to brute force it, what happens if someone else throws one just as good? That's when you need an edge on them."
Tran grins, and chops his fist. "Get it?" Maybe he's a little more pleased with that little pun than he should be.
"YAHOOO---- Huh??" Talk about a celebration cut short. First Hime's hands are thrown into the air, but then fall slackly at her sides; again staring at Tran with an expression of completely disbelief. However he wisely cuts her off before she can object.
She takes another moment to think then, and let his works sink in. "Mmnnn.. Lacks refinement? Focus?" she even mimics the fist shake, and just doesn't seem to be getting it at first. Her brows furrow deeper. "If someone else throws it just as good..? Oh.. OOOH!!"
Hime suddenly claps her hands, hopping from foot to foot, "I think I understand! So what I need is something impossibly -better- beforehand!" ... ".. Ah.. Hmmn no, I'm not sure I understand.. It sounds complex." She confesses, rubbing the back of her head.
"Look, here, let me show you what I mean real quick." Opening one hand, Dr. Tran lets a little puff of steam come out. It rises up, small and adorable, and then he uses the power of his mind to crush it into a little white ball. "This is your average fireball, right? Right." With a finger on his other hand, Tran traces a small arc in front of the ball, and a thin little blade of chi forms in its wake. "This is what I'm talking about." Then the adorable little chi blade flies forward and chops the adorable little chi ball in adorable little halves.
"It's basically like that, except bigger. That's the first thing you need to do - you should be able to handle it no sweat, I'm not even worried about that." Tran scratches his head. "I've seen what you can do with paper, after all. Just make a wide blade, and send it flying. ...the rest of it, now, that's a bit harder..."
Hurricane Hime stands up a little straighter, lips pursed in an 'o' as she watches the demonstration closely, of course! Her eyes practically burn into the little ball of energy, "Mmmn..." And then the blade that chops it in half, "..Ooooh!!"
She claps her hands togeather and nods her head, "I see, I see! That's incredible, and it's very simple!" she exclaims, obviously pleased that the answer wasn't 'complex'. She's not very good at complex just yet. Her hands ball into fists again, and is that.. A flame in her eyes? It very well could be, "I see! I definatly understand, but to think there's more is perplexing; once I've sliced them in half, all I have to do is kick them, right?" Hime thrusts her palm forward as if having chopped through something and then twists to the side thrusting her foot out into a high kick!
"Ah, ah, this is where the part you mentioned comes in - you've got quantity, now it's time for quality!" Tran's brows furrow again, and he looks down to the side. "Wait, reverse that. Look, the point is! There's no time for a kick, they're all the way over there. So the answer? Simple." Wiggling his finger back and forth, sending a tiny little storm of chi blades flying into nothing. "Fill the gap the first one makes with more! And more, and more, and more, until you can't even see them anymore! That's how!"
Himeko's foot lowers, "Eh?" That's right, the part she mentioned wasn't mentioned yet, was it? She scritches her reddening cheek, and nods, "Oh right, right.. Hmmn.." The flub-ups make her smile of course; but the quickly shifts to a more serious look as she takes in the example.
Again, very simple! Very simple and yet.. Very cool! "W- WooooOaaaH!!!" she cries again, her face lighting up, "That's incredible!! You really do.. You really do just kick the crap out of them, that's amazing!"
Clearly the heroine approves! "I definatly get it now, Tran! I'm really fired up, I should start my training right now!"
With a solemn nod of approval, Dr. Tran cooly turns his back to the little superheroine. "I'm glad you understand. Once you have the concept down, it's just a matter of execution - and I can't imagine you won't work hard at it."
Tran takes a step away, then stops, considering. "Huh. That was a little easier than I expected it to be. Is my technique just...? Whatever." He shakes his head, then starts walking off toward the sno cone shack. But not without one last shout-out to Himeko. "My work here is done. Seeya around, Hime. And don't forget our deal!"
"eeeeEEEE!! So COOL!!" Hime cries, with a great leap upward. Exciteable, isn't she? Seeming completely unaware of even a half-a-second of simplicity concern, all that's zooming in the young heroines head right now is improvement, focus, and the next level! Ahhh, it's so tempting to have a moment to share a sno cone with Tran but no, her sacrifice begins here! It's back to the Hibiki dojo for Hime. And she starts off in the other direction, stopping to wave both her hands back to the good doctor, "Thank yooou, and yes -sir-!" she cries, "When I master the technique, I will beat the CRAP you of you with it!!" <3 <3 <3
And with that she blasts off toward the boardwalk, kicking up a cloud of sand dust behind her.
Log created on 18:59:31 04/19/2008 by Himeko, and last modified on 18:16:58 04/21/2008.