Neo League 626 - #641: Kyo vs Raizo

Description: Wherein a perpetual highschool student and a bear have a knock-down brawl on a rickety wooden dock in Southtown River. (Winner: Raizo)

One of the scattered docks on the Southtown River is playing host tonight to a most unusual performance!

On the one hand, we have Raizo, the gazillion-megaton Principal of Justice High, master of all he surveys and overall really freakin' big dude. He has shown an unexpected ability to tear down even some of the strongest fighters in the world - he has defeated Rugal, defeated Billy, fought Krauser to a standstill. Today, the world shall find out if Raizo can keep the pace up, as the mighty Princibear is pitted against the biggest jerk on the entire planet who is not overtly evil, Kyo Kusanagi!

For bonus points, one is incredibly heavy, one fights with fire, and they're both fighting on a rickety wooden dock over a sea of poison. LET'S SEE HOW THEY FARE.

COMBATSYS: Raizo has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Raizo            0/-------/-------|

Of course, in the Neo League a certain Kyo Kusanagi has proven himself to be rather dangerous: Defeating Ken Masters in the man's own creation, the only fighter to manage such a feat; managing draws from Krauser and the legendary Ryu; and generally proving to be something of a dominating force. And now, he's about to fight... A bear.

And indeed, on a rickety wooden dock. Is this even safe?

Sighing a bit as he stands on the dock opposite Raizo, Kyo looks down at their support - such as it is - with a dubious look. Of course, he turns a very similar look on Raizo himself. "Hah," he laughs, finally. "I can't decide which one looks more fragile." This is obviously smack talk, as Raizo is some kind of huge, but that's a Kusanagi for you. "You sure you wanna go through with this? I mean you gotta have grandkids back at the zoo who'd miss you." Ha ha ha, Kyo you jerk.

COMBATSYS: Kyo has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Kyo              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Raizo

Raizo merely stands there. He's dressed down, somewhat - which means he's not wearing his good tan suit, but rather a much cheaper one which he has made en masse just for situations where he is likely to get his outfit set on fire, or poisoned, or poisoned and /then/ set on fire. Or...

Either way, mighty Princibear stands tall and proud, opposite Kyo, hands behind his back. He grins, a little, at Kyo's guff, taking a few steps forward. "Oh, I /wish/ I had grandchildren," he laments. "That useless son of mine! Your entire generation is doing it, why can't he?"

Is he seriously calling 17-year-old Batsu to have kids on national television? Well, he's always been a bit batty.

"Alas, young Kusanagi, I will have to take my frustration at my predicament out on your worthless hide!"

And then he's moving - simply crossing the distance in two huge bounds, one fist pulled back and driving full-speed toward Kyo's face, claws bared!

COMBATSYS: Kyo blocks Raizo's Claw Stab.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Kyo              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Raizo

Okay, well that's a nasty damn thing to hear from anybody. Kyo's expression looks decidedly 'ew' at Raizo's declaration that his son should go and have kids, but he has precious little opportunity to play it up more, because he's got a wild Raizo attempting to stab him in the head with claws. That, of course, will just not do.

The clawed fist headed for his face meets instead with Kyo's own hand, the younger fighter managing to keep those claws from his face, the rest of the impact dispersing along his arm, sending a numbing impact up that limb. "See, you've got it all wrong. You'll /try/ to take your frustration out on me." That said, Kyo's next move is to lunge in at Raizo, swinging his free fist in a punch at the old man's head, Kusanagi flames wreathing the striking fist and trailing in the arc of motion. If he lands that first hit, then he steps in a second time, aiming to drive his other fist into Raizo's jaw in a second fiery strike, finishing his short combination off by trying to smash the Princibear into that poor, defenseless dock.

COMBATSYS: Kyo successfully hits Raizo with Aragami.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Kyo              0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0            Raizo

Raizo's hand is repulsed. He tries to meet Kyo's retaliation in kind, bringing his free forearm up to block the incoming fist. It's too slow - the first fist hits Raizo hard in the face, scorching him with Kusanagi flame. Then the other rises up and smashes his jaw, and then he's booted into the dock!?

It does not shatter, by some miracle of science or perhaps ninja fiendery. Instead, Raizo lands, and then quickly rises right back to his feet, pushing himself upright. He smirks at Kyo, rubbing his lip with one free hand, checking for fire and/or blood, of which there is neither. "Fast," he murmurs. "But you'll find that ego bruised before this fight is over, young man."

He then moves to demonstrate this VERY PRINCIPLE, by simples expedient of running in very fast and kicking Kyo in the gut with a standing straight kick that really should not be possible for someone Raizo's size.

COMBATSYS: Kyo blocks Raizo's Light Kick.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Kyo              0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0            Raizo

Perhaps the lack of crippling damage to the dock is a simple matter of dramatic necessity; the dock knows the score, it knows necessary timing and tropes. It's an old entertainment industry professional.

Kyo, of course, looks eminently pleased with himself as his assault strikes home on the Justice High principal, meeting the larger man's smirk with one of his own. "Wow, I've never heard /that/ one before," he taunts, in reply to the remarks about his ego getting bruised. Besides, even if it does get bruised, it just grows back stronger and larger than before as a self-defense mechanism. He's a Kusanagi, his ego is invulnerable, like adamantium or nerf.

The sudden, fast kick from Raizo meets with Kyo's crossed forearms instead of his gut, the force almost doubling him over the big man's foot even as it drives him back, but it's simply... "Not enough!" Kyo chides, simply lunging forward and swinging his right arm forward in a haymaker punch, aimed right for Raizo's Big Damn Face.

COMBATSYS: Raizo dodges Kyo's Strong Punch.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Kyo              0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0            Raizo

Raizo's kick is deflected, and then Kyo retorts with an unexpectedly plain little punch. And Raizo knows what to do with punches. Namely, the mighty Princibear shoves off the rickety ol' dock, sidestepping right around Kyo's punch, which whips through empty air and strikes nothing but innocent oxygen molecules!

"You're right," Raizo grins. "You probably have heard that before. And you never do learn, do you? No matter what happens at the end of the fight, you're always as smug as you started!"

He clenches his fist, and then sets his feet. "It's a wonder your father doesn't take a stick to your head!"

And then Imawano lunges forward, driving his fist full-throttle through the space currently occupied by Kyo. The force of the attack is great enough that the air itself parts, creating visible claw marks in the air that might just end up also being on Kyo's lungs, if he's not careful.

COMBATSYS: Kyo fails to counter Roppu Zuki from Raizo with Nue Tsumi.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Kyo              0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0            Raizo

Those oxygen molecules were totally asking for it, though. Kyo saw they way they were looking at him, all challenging and stuff. His punch striking nothing, the Kusanagi heir lets out a faint grunt that could as easily be amusement as irritation - or, indeed, it could be a little of both - as he pulls back to recover quickly from the strike, trying to get his guard back into alignment before Raizo can try to capitalise on it.

"I like to think of myself as consistent," Kyo says dryly, and if Raizo only knew what it was like growing up with Saishu Kusanagi as a parent. Well, when the crazy old coot bothered to be around the house. The sudden lunge from Raizo is surprising - the big man's speed always is - but Kyo thinks he's got it licked. Standing his ground, he actually takes a step in, reaching with one hand to try and catch Raizo by the wrist... But the power behind the Imawano ninja's strike is simply too great, leaving Kyo to get slashed with those claws! His poor shirt gets torn up, and blood is drawn as he staggers back, trying to regain his balance, teetering a bit at the edge of the dock.

Raizo's MIGHTY FIST tears through Kyo, sending the boy staggering away from Raizo, while the Principal just sits there, grinning. He does not have a sterling knowledge of how Kyo operates, but with Raizo, the strategy never changes a lot. He balls one fist, watching Kyo's movements.

"You certainly are consistent, I cannot deny you that," Raizo laughs. "I wonder if you know just what you'll be getting into, with an attitude like that? You will not get away with drifting, forever, young man."

True only insofar as someone will eventually try to eat Kyo's soul and use it to power an engine of planetary domination, which little does Raizo know has already happened like eight times.

Raizo suddenly moves, then, crossing the short distance between him and Kyo and slugging a punch right for the young man's gut that will, if it connects, probably send him hurtling off the dock and into the POISON SLUSH below!

COMBATSYS: Raizo successfully hits Kyo with Quick Punch.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Kyo              1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0            Raizo

Now, Kyo didn't get to be the reigning World Warrior champion just with his dashing good looks, you know; he's got something to back up all that boundless self-confidence. Okay, overconfidence. Okay, out and out arrogance. But he's not /all/ talk. Though today, it seems, Raizo might just have the Kusanagi heir's number. "Seems to me I can get away with whatever I can get away with," Kyo says, showing a keen grasp of recursive logic. Unfortunately, at the moment he doesn't have a keen grasp of avoiding getting helluva punched by Raizo.

The fist gets between Kyo's arms as he tries to get his guard up again, and he doubles over the massive bearly fist, but before he can actually fall into the river and PROBABLY DIE, because who knows what's in there? Toxic things, like Jiro Kasagi's dignity. Anyway, before that can happen, Kyo decides to use the man-mountain's attempt to slug him into the water to his advantage.

Rather than simply riding the force off of Raizo's fist and tumbling to certain doom, Kyo actually grabs on, using the Justice principal's hand and forearm as a point of leverage to hurl himself up and over. In an attempt, of course, to land right behind Raizo.

Well, really, on Raizo's back.

So he can kick /him/ into the river.

COMBATSYS: Raizo fails to interrupt Heavy Kick from Kyo with Yasha Guruma.
- Power fail! -

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Kyo              1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0            Raizo

Raizo is a terrifying enemy, for this very reason. He's everywhere, and so often seems to almost by /magic/, be able to tear enemies apart, tearing down their defenses and defeating even the mightiest foes. And yes, Kyo is truly a remarkable progidy. He has not won the acclaim he has through coincidence, to be sure.

And there is an advantage Kyo has in this, as well:

Raizo is freaking huge, and Kyo is...not. Kyo is quick and agile, and Raizo is merely fast. Thus, Kyo grips his fist, spins up into the air...and Raizo laughs. "Not /that/ easy, boy!" he cackles, and then THROWS himself upward, at Kyo, baring his massive claws as he moves to tear Kyo apart physically for his presumption!!

Kyo instead plants his foot in Raizo's face, shattering the incoming wrath of Princibear and sending the mountain of a man hurtling downward, growling in pain and ABOUT TO DIE OF HORRIBLE POISONING.

Isn't it that easy, though? Kyo would probably argue otherwise, for the sake of pure bluster, but he's a bit busy focusing on what he's doing to offer much in the way of insouciant remarks. He's a bit alarmed to be kicking off of the larger man's face instead of his back like intended, but the end result is functionally the same... Right? Raizo impacts with the drink (though drinking that water would probably be inadviseable) and Kyo flips through the air before landing on the dock in a controlled tumble over rickety old wood, ending up in a low crouch while the Princibear seems to have... Disappeared.

"Man... I hope that didn't kill him or anything," Kyo says, even sounding mildly distraught. See? Even arrogant young fighting prodigies aren't without heart, concern for their fellow competitors and a sense of true sportsmanship. Straightening up, Kyo begins focusing his power, eyes alert for any sign of Raizo breaking the water, as a flame dances in Kyo's upraised right palm. "...Otherwise he was even more pathetic than I thought," the Kusanagi heir finishes his earlier thought, handily ruining any goodwill he might have garnered.

COMBATSYS: Kyo gathers his will.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Kyo              1/--=====/=======|=======\-------\0            Raizo

The water goes SPLOOSH!

Raizo dies immediately. Or at least, he probably /should/, in water like that. It certainly doesn't look safe for anything living to be in it for long. But Raizo, massive mountain of indestructible power that he is...stays in it.

Indeed, he doesn't rise at all for several moments, before he slowly emerges from the muck, smirking and staring up at Kyo.

The boy's probably using the opportunity to gather his will for the dreaded Kusanagi family specialty. Well...

...Raizo has a few thoughts about that. Namely, he calmly, patiently wades through the mud, toward the pier. He doesn't attack - doesn't have anything to really attack /with/.

Instead, he watches...and waits.

COMBATSYS: Raizo focuses on his next action.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Kyo              1/--=====/=======|=======\-------\0            Raizo

Finally snuffing out those flames, Kyo straightens up, watching Raizo continue to make his way out of the muck. Something, maybe a sense of sportsmanship, or professional pride... Or maybe just the feeling that the deadly Princibear has more up his sleeve than is immediately apparent, keeps him from just immediately attacking Raizo with a possibly overwhelming blast of those Kusanagi flames. "C'mon, hurry it up, will ya? I'm worried you might die of old age before you get outta that muck." It's like watching a dinosaur trudge through La Brea tar pits. Will he be able to escape the mud and so forth before it sucks him under to his ultimate doom?!

Then, millions of years in the future, scientists excavate the fossilised bones of Principalus Ursus Terriblus, trying to figure out just what role it occupied in the evolutionary path of mankind.

Kyo, meanwhile, keeps right on waiting for Raizo to make a move. Looking for just the right opening. But will the wily older man present one?!

COMBATSYS: Kyo focuses on his next action.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Kyo              1/--=====/=======|=======\-------\0            Raizo

Raizo chuckles, continuing to stride through the muck. Boy's smarter than Raizo had expected. The old man had expected an arrogant, full-throttle counterattack, something he was eminently prepared to, if not deal with, at least...respond to. This...this waiting, that would be killer. But Raizo is nothing if not ready and willing to deal out pain!

Thus it is that Raizo finally gets right up under Kyo, and then SURGES forward, leaping up and through the docks, sending wood splinters flying everywhere! "Then...let us continue!!"

The princibear barks a half-crazed laugh, and then descends with both feet held out, aiming to boot Kyo right in the face as Raizo comes down, full force, on his skull!

COMBATSYS: Kyo blocks Raizo's Heavy Kick.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Kyo              1/-======/=======|=======\-------\0            Raizo

The waiting... Waiting for the right opening, waiting for the moment to strike, is pretty intense. But Kyo is up to the task, it seems, waiting for Raizo to make the first move. The big man's sudden rush is at least somewhat anticipated, though the Kusanagi heir can't be entirely sure just where he's going to strike from or at; someone as experienced as Raizo surely knows how to conceal his intent. When Raizo goes /underneath/, though, then Kyo knows something is awry.

He's already moving back by the time the Justice High principal erupts through the rotten old wood of the dock, throwing up both hands to actually /catch/ Raizo by his feet, the impact running up his arms, which is a lot better than running through his head.

"Getting pretty slow, ain'tcha old timer?" Kyo wonders, pushing Raizo off and skirting back himself, his right hand raising and setting alight with orange-crimson Kusanagi flames, which rage brilliantly as he catches himself in his backwards movement... And then slides forward, swinging his right hand up across his body. "Let's hope you've got enough gas left in the tank to handle this!" Kyo shouts, sweeping his hand back and setting the flames loose, a huge blast of Kusanagi fire tearing through the air towards Raizo, hell-bent on wiping the Princibear right off the face of the planet. "Eat THIS!!"

COMBATSYS: Raizo Toughs Out Kyo's Orochinagi'!

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Kyo              0/-------/-----==|=======\===----\1            Raizo

Kyo catches Raizo's feet, but the old man doesn't seem that concerned about it. He can tell what's coming - feel the energy of Kyo's power snapping at the air. He somersaults and lands on his feet as Kyo pushes him away, dropping into a guarding position. "Handle it...heh heh," Raizo laughs. " still underestimate me."

And Kyo's body is immersed in flame, flame that streaks along the air, crossing the distance with all the burning power of a thousand suns.

And Raizo laughs, even as the flames come. "Do you really think a bonfire like THAT will stop ME!?" Raizo cackles, and then he CHARGES RIGHT INTO IT, hands covering his face as the only sign that he acknowledges at all how terrifying the attack should be. He wades through the flame as a lesser man would stride through a clear field - merely charging across the distance, the fire burning, but not nearly burning him as much as Kyo would help.

Raizo barrels out of the flame, but his legs continue pumping, his hands falling down into broad, bared positions, a wicked grin on his ursine features. "That's all!? A little spark like that?" The old man cackles, and raises one arm as he gets in melee range of Kyo. "Let me SHOW you what FORCE IS, little man!" he laughs, and then the hand FALLS, and then the other - again and again and again, too fast to defend, crashing downward with impossible force to shatter Kyo's guard and his body in equal portion.

COMBATSYS: Raizo successfully hits Kyo with Imawano Kyoujyuu Reppa.
- Power hit! -

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Kyo              1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0            Raizo

Okay, that's really not... How Kyo saw things going in his head. But he's never been one to let a setback or two stop him. No sir. As Raizo goes right /through/ the Orochinagi and keeps right on trucking like it was almost nothing, the Kusanagi heir is forced to think fast. There's only a very small window in which he can do much at all about whatever Raizo's going to do next, and Kyo has to choose. So, he chooses to stand his ground and get his arms up in the way of Raizo's attack.

Kyo chooses... Poorly.

Instead, he gets battered by Raizo's hands, those arms powering right through Kyo's guard again, leaving him wide open for the rest of the assault. It's painful, it's powerful, and it puts Kyo in what is certainly a bad way, finally getting knocked into the dock, which groans dangerously underneath him.

No time to laze around on the ground, though.

Rolling back, Kyo tries to get his feet back under him long enough to do /something/. Just what, though, he isn't entirely sure. So rather than try to attack Raizo again, the World Warrior champion weighs his options, trying to figure out what to do next... And hopefully get the chance to catch his breath.

COMBATSYS: Kyo gains composure.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Kyo              0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0            Raizo

Raizo won't let him have that break. Kyo is on the ropes, and if there is one thing in the entire world that Raizo is very very good at, it is hitting people until they fall down. Kyo has felt the power of the Principal of Justice High...but he's not fallen yet.

Raizo intends to correct that with all possible speed.

The mighty bear-man wades back, just a few feet, to see Kyo's next action. When he's satisfied that Kyo isn't going to take the initiative, Raizo takes it for him - he tromps forward, one hand bared, and says, "You can think when you're /unconscious/, boy!" before slashing, hard, across Kyo's front, trying to tear his body wide open with one, final slash.

COMBATSYS: Kyo just-defends Raizo's Claw Stab!

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Kyo              0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0            Raizo

It sure looks bad for Kyo, right about now. He's on those proverbial ropes, looking rather the worse for wear after his close encounter with Princibear, and here comes Raizo with a viciously fast, and surely extremely painful attack that will no doubt ruin Kyo's day entirely. If, of course, it were to hit cleanly.

But there's an important rule: Don't count Kyo Kusanagi out before he's completely finished. Just ask Ken Masters.

The clawed hand comes down in that brutal slash, but as it comes down, Kyo's hand comes /up/, turning what would surely be the strike to put the Kusanagi heir out of the battle into an unexpected high five, as palm slaps against gloved palm, loud enough to echo over the water. Truly, a heartfelt moment for the cameras, as two fighters indulge in camaraderie even in the midst of a pitched battle.

"There you go, gramps, a little pity five," Kyo says, with the smuggest grin you ever did see plastered on his face. And /then/ he thrusts his other hand out, trying to catch Raizo just long enough to engulf him in an explosion of Kusanagi flames. "BURN!!"

Oh no, betrayal five!

COMBATSYS: Raizo blocks Kyo's Koto Moon Positive.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Kyo              1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0            Raizo

Raizo...stares. "Wh--" the old bastard croaks, because that makes no sense whatsoever. First of all, even stopping his massive hands should be very hard! Secondly, Kyo then attempts to grab his chest and set him on fire!?

Raizo won't be having any of THAT: He brings his arm up and blocks Kyo's incoming attack, the fire dancing along his suit's sleeve but not along his mighty beard.

He also retaliates quickly - it's a short, quick blow, a snap punch aimed at Kyo's face, meant to knock the boy's smirk right off. The tables have turned. Raizo's not sure if he can win, now - not with Kyo looking so much better than he did seconds ago.

But he's going to keep on fighting until one of them can't move. That's always been his way.

COMBATSYS: Kyo counters Quick Punch from Raizo with Nue Tsumi.
- Power hit! -

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Kyo              1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\1            Raizo

Of course it was hard! Otherwise Kyo wouldn't have been invigorated by his own awesome. It's an obvious formula, you see.

The deflection of his fiery blast leaves Kyo a little bit frustrated, but again... In a very real way, the difficulty is its own reward. If it was just a cakewalk, an easy match where he bulldozed his opponents through the insurmountable gap in skill that he generally claims exists between himself and pretty much anyone, then the Kusanagi heir would doubtlessly be bored to tears. He's been in that situation before, and as lazy as he is? He'd still rather fight someone tough.

Raizo's... Pretty tough.

The speedy punch sent towards Kyo's face, though, is simply not speedy enough; Raizo's mighty wrist is snagged by the younger fighter, who steps in and twists, throwing his other fist up in a thunderous uppercut at the underside of the Justice High principal's jaw, complete with another eruption of those Kusanagi flames he tosses about with dismissive ease. "Too slow!"

Pretty tough...and pretty tired. He's exhausted, but he won't just give up, oh no.

The punch is slow, and this time he feels the sting of Kyo's powerful counterattack. The uppercut nails him square in the jaw, and then his beard is set on fire. Raizo growls in surprise and pain, and then staggers backward, huffing and puffing, trying to get his head back in the game.

He doesn't resume the attack - he instead focuses his eyes on Kyo, clenching his fists and watching the Kusanagi boy move. Just one opening. Find it. It's /there/ - it has to be!

COMBATSYS: Raizo focuses on his next action.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Kyo              1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\1            Raizo

As Raizo staggers backwards, Kyo settles back into his Kusanagi-ryuu stance, his fists held up loosely, close to his body. The older fighter is clearly looking for an opening, making it decidedly not in Kyo's best interests to present any... So what's a fighter to do? He could try to distract Raizo, to hammer the larger man while he searches for his chance at victory... Or he could settle in, keep his eyes on the bearlike man.

It's at least half-mindgame now, as the momentum of the fight has shifted so, that Kyo watches Raizo watching him, the two fighters once again settled into a deceptive calm. The whole thing could end in an instant now... The only question is, which one of them is going to land the decisive blow?

COMBATSYS: Kyo focuses on his next action.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Kyo              1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\1            Raizo

The still descends. Any second now, one or the other of these two men is going to surge forward, and search for glory in the other's corpse. The only question is which will make their move - and which will succeed.

Raizo takes a long, deep breath. "I had underestimated you, boy," he rumbles, his breath ragged. "You have some mettle underneath all the bluster. Good. I'd been...concerned."

He clenches his fists tight. "Then...let's see if we can't bring this to a close, shall we?"

And, heedless of the danger, Raizo finds it - that microsecond-wide hole in Kyo's guard. He leaps upon it - surging across the distance at a speed positively mind-boggling for a man of his size, planting one foot, and then there comes the clawed fist again, streaking across the distance at an impossible speed - a clawed straight punch, strong enough that if it HITS, not even Kyo's prodigious tenacity will save him, and it's fast enough that even Kyo may have difficulty escaping...!

COMBATSYS: Kyo fails to interrupt Roppu Zuki from Raizo with 182 Shiki.

[                         \\\\\  <
Raizo            0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Kyo can no longer fight.

[                         \\\\\  <
Raizo            0/-------/---====|

"Hmph," Kyo mutters, a bit disdainfully. "That's my line." Bringing things to a close, or is he accusing Raizo of bluster? Well, it might even be both. But the sudden speed that the big man exhibits once again is no surprise to the Kusanagi heir; the question, once again, is what to do about it. Chi flares around Kyo's feet, rushing in a circle around him and building rotational energy as Raizo closes... Just what's all that energy building for?

Well, the rotational energy suddenly turns into /linear/ energy, accelerating Kyo at the oncoming Raizo with a rushing strike of his own. Kyo's fist is launched forward ahead of him, flames raging, and there is a sudden impact between the two fighters that at first seems indistinct, a thunderous clash of fists and energy....!

But in the end, it becomes clear that only Raizo's attack has hit home, Kyo's fist barely missing the Justice High principal, close enough to feel the heat of the Kusanagi flames. But it's the clawed strike that landed, finally pushing Kyo past his ability to take further punishment. "Tch," the younger man mutters faintly.

Then, y'know, he /collapses/. Ow.

Raizo waits to drop his stance until Kyo falls. The massive principal of Justice High merely stands there, half-hunched, breathing hard. He hasn't put this much effort into a fight against so young an individual in years.

Still, the power of the Kusanagi Scion is something Raizo is more than familiar with...and he grins broadly at the fallen boy. "Not bad, Kusanagi," Raizo chuckles. "Not bad at all."

He turns, and begins limping back over toward the medical staff, allowing the trained professionals to come help Kyo.

COMBATSYS: Raizo has ended the fight here.

Log created on 21:48:21 04/09/2008 by Kyo, and last modified on 17:43:22 04/10/2008.