Description: The Prince of War comes to Southtown's favorite Ansatsuken prodigy with unsettling information... and a surprising proposition. (Winner: The Proletariat)
Sakura really hates dressing up in formal clothes -- but it's a prerequisite for her to observe class at Seijyun High. A necessary evil.
Usually she only has to put up with the painful shoes for a short jaunt between the university and high school campuses. And, usually, she walks or jogs to the Chinatown district, as she does anywhere else in the city of Southtown. ... She hadn't had the experience of walking to Chinatown in these shoes though, so it's probably not unexpected that she would have slipped out of her shoes upon getting a table at this little outdoor Chinese bistro.
She's still wearing the pinstriped blazer, maroon blouse, and black mid-length skirt she'd worn to class. There's no headband. Her hair's been brushed -- daresay even =styled=. She's wearing makeup. How could anyone even =recognize= Sakura Kasugano, if she weren't in the exact spot she said she'd be in the phone conversation she'd conducted earlier?
Chinese food. It's an interesting choice - and a vaguely nostalgic one. Chinatown was where he first encountered the Ansatsuken disciple; at least on any sort of social level. Sakura was known to 'R', daresay even infamous by this point, but there's only so much one can gather from even the finest field reports and files. It's certain that Kasugano has been little -but- surprises in the time he's known her, and whether Sakura is aware of it or not, there are few on the 'outside' that the prodigal Bernstein would trust more. If any. While his hidden twin provides some measure of confidant and comrade, the general tone of Adelheid is one of a loner. Stubborn, enigmatic, more than a little bit intense. There's not too much to take for granted about him, in the minds of most who are aware of the young fighter's existence.
One of those more predictable things is the love of the motorcycle, however. It may be a different actual bike, but the styling remains much the same as ever: black and chrome, BMW, slickly kept and looking almost new. If not actually new. The engine is easily the most audible thing on the quiet street where the bistro sits, particularly the way Adelheid rides. Tires squeal briefly as the motorcycle glides abruptly up along the sidewalk, kickstand coming down to prop it up in the same fluid motion that the Prince of War dismounts. Heavy, thrice-banded and strapped boots fall to the pavement. Contrary to the impressively overdressed Kasugano, Adel's attire is simple, stylish, functional. He forgoes his tendency towards basic black today, however... for almost-black. A dark, nearly midnight hue of green, his slacks are formal but tailored loose, allowing him plenty of freedom of movement despite the carefully pressed look. He wears a simple, skintight shirt of matching cloth, the garment laying his (even further) thickening arms bare to the forearms, which are adorned in dark bracers, the leather ornamented by an understated by ornate etching of silver, that and the metallic-hued band about his waist the only accents visible today. One hand rises to run through his thoroughly wind-tousled mane, brushing it back over his head. Somehow, miraculously, the blonde mop falls more or less into place, the windblown look something of his trademark to begin with. Eyes of rich crimson pan over the bistro, and despite her rather unusually polished appearance... he notes Sakura quickly, and without even double taking.
One platinum brow does arch slightly, however, before the other youthful prodigy makes his way over towards Kasugano, inclining his head slowly, respectfully as he approaches, and gesturing to the other seat at the table inquiringly. It's only polite, after all, and formal attire dictates certain modes of behaviour and courtesy, "Well, good day, Sakura...." Adel greets, his calmly baritone voice resonant despite the subdued, smooth tones, "It's been too long. May I?"
Kasugano can pick out the sound of a BMW motorcycle engine now, that much is sure. She looks over at Adelheid as he parks, painted lips curling slightly into a smile. She keeps an eagle eye on him as he makes his way over. Sub-consciously she smoothes her skirt across her lap -- hate, hate, hate formality...
When he arrives, she inclines her head, gesturing to the empty seat with an open hand. "Why, of course, my dear Adelheid," she starts with an overly formal tone that matches her attire...
Just before coughing into a balled fist. When she speaks again, it's just like she were back in t-shirt and cargo shorts. "'scuse me. Tough habit to break sometimes!" Cradling her chin in her palm, she offers a sly grin. "What's up, Adel? You got another, uh, refugee to hand over to me or somethin'?"
Despite his own familiarity with the 'upper echelons' of society - schooling that came mostly from really, really creepy dinners on the Black Noah at a table that's way too long for Rugal and his family, Adel is certainly not disappointed in the least when Sakura coughs and dismisses appearances, for frankness. His love of the 'finer things' has never really been centered on facades, particularly not when it involves the eccentric tomboy he remembers. The Prince of War drops gracefully into the seat, drawing it forward and resting one arm on the table, "You look... well." It's a compliment born of just a -tad- of uncertainty of which word to use. 'Lovely' is tricky, with the peaks and valleys of their friendship/association/enmity/rivalry/whatever!
"... and uncomfortable." He amends with an easier chuckle, clearly not meaning any insult, "And no, nothing like that.... I'm sorry for dropping that in your lap, but I didn't know who else could do it. Not without being noticed." The implications of the result of discovery are left for Sakura's imagination - she met the girl, and she knows Rugal. Adel doesn't expect his motives and concerns to be difficult for her to track, not in this case, "But I doubt your schoolmates over there at fancy academy would look too kindly on your associating with me, prisoners of war or not." A wry sort of half-grin punctuates that, a frankly devilish little glimmer in his eyes.
"I left the latest group of 'refugees' with their rightful friends, anyway. I wouldn't want to try to argue with Gedo kids." Well, unless he was picking a fight in the parking lot. .... but that's another story. It doesn't -directly- answer her question, but he's been thinking about what she said. About taking action. .... more than thinking, if that trouble he's smirking about is anything like it sounds like.
Kasugano chuckles a bit as Adel notes her discomfort. "Yeah, I'd, uh." She twirls her finger with a grin. "Seijyun has us observing classes two days out of the week, so they can get off with not actually teaching us. I'm off the hook till later tonight, just didn't feel like changin'. Heck, wish I =did=, these shoes are killin' me..."
She doesn't seem to be too upset about the explanation, shrugging her shoulders non-committally. "I'm just bustin' on ya, don't sweat it!"
As for the talk about refugees though... Kasugano narrows her eyes. It seems accusatory at first... until she admits what she's actually thinking, in a hushed tone.
"What in the world are you talking about now?"
Adelheid takes a moment out to order food and drink - keeping Sakura in suspense. But it's not really a topic to be spoken about around waiters, and he -is- rather hungry. If he's sweating the past, he doesn't show it now. The explanation is sincere, and the circumstances such that he certainly wouldn't do it differently even if Sakura had been offended by the passing of the proverbial buck. He's come to discover, or at least decide, that some things just aren't a choice. A half-gloved hand reaches for the bowl of noodles left on the table as the server departs, job done for the moment, and crunches them thoroughly, his reddish eyes studying Sakura thoughtfully, now.
"Don't know if you'd heard about it or not. Someone was kidnapping kids, ones with that strange power. The energy that's not like ours, not like what I sense everywhere else, you know?" He doesn't know the proper term for it, but he seems sure Kasugano will have a good idea what he's talking about, "See that SNF fight they arranged on the pirate ship? One of them was a friend of that Tenma fellow, Stasya Voronkova. Turned out Ayame was working with the one who was capturing them.... who in turn was employed by one of my father's, ah, business associates." Adelheid shakes his head, expression darkening just a bit as he recalls what came next, even if he is starting with the very, very short version of the story.
"You hear about what happened at the Capital Seven? That huge casino just outside Metro."
Kasugano is never one to pass up food, so when Adel orders, she does as well! Her expression softening, she picks away at the fried noodles for herself while listening to Adelheid speak. This talk about refugees and Gedo High is surprising news to her!
"Psycho Power," she states, just to give a name to that ability that Adelheid mentions. "That's what a lot of people call it, anyway."
She listens further, shaking her head whenever asked if she knows of a given event: none of them seem to ring a bell. "I haven't had time to keep up with all the SNF matches lately. Or that... Casino Seven place. Never even heard of it, is it new?" It sure wasn't one of the places Sakura was aware of in the last major battles there...
"Okay... so hold on. This... Stasya... was captured by... Ayame? That's the crazy girl with all the little devices and stuff who /isn't/ named Riko, right?"
Psycho Power. Adelheid mouths the words, committing it to memory. It seems a little bit overdramatized, to him, but then there's certainly /something/ to it. Something dangerous, and interesting. An assessment that's only been confirmed and reinforced by what he found in the casino, "Somewhat new." He answers, nodding confirmation, "I'm sure you remember Blackjack. The group of fighters trying to gather intel and screw whoever they had to to come out on top, onboard the Suiryuu?" It seems likely that Kasugano is aware of, or informed about /that/ little betrayal, at the least. It was hard to miss, at least from where Adel was on the boat. .... which granted, was the makeshift brig shortly after that, "And that's right - she was working for them. The creature called Marise, in particular." It's notable the distaste with which the Prince of War speaks the name. ... and that he doesn't even seem to consider her human. It's not the supernatural intimidation factor it would be with many, he just doesn't find her worthy of such respect. It would be like calling Rugal a man.
"There's an... underground complex, under the casino. A pit fighting arena, and something... much, much worse. Somewhere where there's been so much wrong, and so many like her, or maybe just too much of her.... that you can feel it, in the air. She was keeping Stasya, and others, down there. Doing these... horrible experiments. The state of these girls, Sakura..."
Adelheid swallows, hard, jaw clenching, unclenching, clenching again, "I've rarely seen anything even approaching it, even when father tried to desensitize or incorporate me into his more violent urges." he shakes his head, dismissing the image in favor of the present considerations, "Anyway. We got them out. Me, her friends - the ones they call the Guardian Kings. Ayame pointed the way, under pressure, then helped lead us to Marise once we were in. Sometimes being Rugal's son actually opens some doors, it's not like the three of -them- could have just stormed the place." At least, not without someone pointing them at just the right place, from inside.
"I found out about Blackjack after the fact, yeah... didn't know they were actually -organized- at the time." Crunching away at noodles, she continues to listen, nodding slowly. There's really no need for her to belabor Naerose's betrayal, there.
But... there's that name again. "... Marise? She's the one who..." Kasugano pauses for a moment, then frowns quite visibly, fingers curling in irritation at the mere thought of this person -- one she hasn't even =met= yet. "Yeah, I got scores to settle with her, I'll just leave it at that."
"So she's part of Blackjack, too, huh..." she murmurs, glancing aside for a moment. The good thing about eating at an outdoor bistro =before= lunchtime is that so few people are around. The bad thing is... they could be watched. But that's why Sakura glances around every so often, hoping that she can catch the glint of light reflected off a camera lens, if anyone -were- watching. She sees folks do that in movies, so it's got to be true.
Turning back to Adelheid, she pales. "Ugh. Yeah, I totally sympathize with 'em there..." she mumbles, recalling her experiences with Shadaloo. "So... man. What'd Marise say? Were you able to break them free?"
Watched indeed. Adelheid's operating on an undeniably limited time scale, but so far Rugal's not really figured out the nature of his little sub-operation. After all, 'R' is a profitable venture. A huge venture. One that runs pretty damn well despite the subtle interference being run from within, now. But such out and out defiance is a new thing, and it's bound to catch up with him - perhaps faster from meetings like this, but he can always play Sakura off as an unwitting informant. Rugal likes that. Kasugano's reaction to Marise is notable, and Adelheid nods his agreement, "Ridiculous and inhuman." He agrees, "And yes, fairly high up from what I can gather. Though... high up in much less, these days." There's a vaguely satisfied, sardonic smirk at that, somewhat predatory in nature, "Well, not much past the point where I demanded to oversee the end phases of the experiment and insisted I be let down despite her objections." The smirk widens, "Showed up like it was part of an official 'R' operation. She wasn't happy, but threatening a raid in the middle of her preparations gets results." Yep. Walk in in a tux, throw your weight around, doors open.
"Past that, well... that's when Tenma, Kenji, and Hakuya got the signal to storm the place. Blew a hole in the wall, blasted their way downstairs. Ayame carried the second beacon right to Marise. I.... was kind of tied up. Seems they hired a hell of a lot of guards, for a 'casino'." Adel doesn't really seem surprised by this, but he is still a bit agitated, despite his satisfaction in the operation. A bracered hand flexes, arm tensing as he looks off to the side, still keeping his voice low, "By the time I polished off that small army, and caught back up with the others, they had taken Marise out. Dead, or at least it seemed she was dead."
He pauses, raising his eyes back to Sakura, lips pursing pensively, "Ryouhara seems to think that just blasting the hell out of her and leaving her broken won't be enough to keep her that way, however. I'm inclined to trust his judgement. Apparently she is a shinobi of some power and prestige."
Sufficiently caught up to the point where she can follow the conversation without backtracking, Kasugano nods intently, smiling when Adelheid relates exactly -how- he walked through their front door. Assuredly, Sakura -shouldn't- be repeating to anyone else what she hears here -- it could even threaten Adelheid's life. But, at any rate, it's very valuable information that she's receiving here -- even if there's little for her to do now.
"... Huh. Yeah, if Seishirou doesn't know what to do with her, then it's anyone's guess. Just watching her fight Hotaru in that one Neo League fight, I got the idea she could be a lot stronger than any of us, but she's... held back, somehow."
She crunches on some more noodles... but by this time, waitstaff is bringing out the meals. With a smile, Kasugano unfolds a napkin into her lap, snaps her chopsticks apart, and digs into her General Tzo's.
Once the coast is clear, she nods slowly, "I'm not totally clear on the plan, like what was up with the 'beacons' you mentioned, but it sounds like it was a successful operation. What's next?"
Adelheid smiles, and nods with an offered thanks to the waiter who brings out the food, polite in this instance despite the serious preoccupations of his thoughts. It's probably Sakura's prim-and-proper exterior rubbing off, is all. The spicy mongolian pork is dug into, mixed up with an ample amount of rice, and several hearty bites chewed down before he returns to the conversation with any lingering focus, "Oh, Ryouhara had some ideas." Adelheid corrects, albeit somewhat obtusely, "... they just didn't involve things one normally considers when trying to... keep an enemy down." No, he's not a murderer. The concept is still even a bit hard for him to grasp, evidently. But he's not going to shed any tears if Marise were to get such a final consequence. Indeed, he might be tempted to do it himself regardless.... after what he saw down there.
"If and when she pops back up, well. Maybe then it'll need a more, ah, intricate solution. I don't care how much power she has - if I can't match it, someone else can. Or two someones." It's a simple enough equation, despite the complexity and danger of the overall situation, "The beacons... transmitters. No one knew the inside of the building well enough to pinpoint the captives, so it had to be done on the fly. Trigger one, the first homing signal executes the attack. Trigger two, the second homing signal points not at the insertion point, but at the target." Simple. Efficient. Point the way, blast in, blast out. It's fairly obviously an Adelheid plan, despite Tenma's proud ranting since.
Why explain all this to Sakura? Well, part of him likely feels like he owes her that much, like explaining it is a form of recompense for the Suiryuu. Even if 'R' didn't win, in some cases it's the thought that counts even in the negative sense. While Adel's sins could be far greater, given his upbringing and role, there are still things that have to change, "Anyway, yes... we got them out, they're back with their friends, hopefully they will... fully recover." He doesn't just mean strength, and it's clear from the mild wince. No, he wasn't happy at all with that awakening. But it makes him all the more certain of his course.
"Next has already come - Metro is under siege, and Mad Gear may not be the world's biggest threat, but to the powerless there... it must be terror, even if it isn't Vega." Or his father. Adel's brow creases, the Prince of War looking very intent for a moment, "It's like I told Ryouhara. Everyone has been afraid of these tyrants, reactionary for too long. -They- should be afraid of -us-. The position I'm in... I can even make them pay the starting costs." Which is delicious irony, by the Prince of War's reckoning.
"It's time to put the fear in those who prey on it. Those who -rely- on it."
"Mmm, okay..." Makes plenty of sense, certaily. Kasugano certainly wouldn't have thought of the idea, but that's mostly because she doesn't have access to the same kinds of technology that Adelheid does. Sakura watches Adelheid's expressions as he speaks -- with how subtle he can be at times, it's necessary to integrate his body language with his words to get a full picture of exactly what he's saying -- such as with that wincing of his.
"... yeah. I... keep hearing about Metro City. Jiro wants me to come help out." It's not often that Sakura adopts a pleading expression, but here it is just the same: "I kind of want to... but there's a lot of other stuff I need to attend to here. Hotaru's... not well, I need to help her as best I can. School's picking up, I'll be held back if I miss much more... and someone's going around attacking folks who were involved in the war in Thailand." She frowns, stirring up her chicken and rice in anticipation. "I... I can't just leave here. Not now, there's too much going on." She takes a bite of her food, looking up to Adelheid. "Is there something else I can do to help?"
Technology is a wonderful thing. 'R' has gadgets and weapons galore, which means they won't miss a few here, and a few more there. Of course, there's not many ways to hide the results of a German LAV blasting into a casino, but there are still a million and one possibilities when it comes to spinning it. .... and likely taking his lumps for it. But Rugal has been preoccupied with both recovery and new goals. Brewing conflict and being effectively crippled for several months can distract even the most maniacal of men. That, and it's not like Adelheid and Rugal have ever had a 'daily hugs and updates' sort of relationship.
"I ran into Jiro, yes." Adelheid smirks without the undertone of disturbed and gratified, simple bemusement showing on his face. He chuckles, stifled only by the chewing of more of his food, the juice he ordered lifted to wash it down, "That kid," Jiro is older than Adel, "Is going to get himself killed one of these days. He's got to be an idiot savant or something to keep firing off half-cocked and somehow make it through the other side better off. He attacked me because I was dressed in black." Adelheid explains, and it doesn't sound like he's even half-kidding, "I guess I looked like an evil ninja, or something." He shakes his head, "Barring a lot of unforseen talent in Mad Gear's ranks, just the -two- of us can probably contain that situation - if I can get Kasagi to focus and have some direction in his punching of faces.." Mighty big 'if', but Adel doesn't seem too worried about accomplishing it, at least for the short term.
"I didn't know about the assaults in Southtown, but yea... it's hard to say any particular instance is worse than another. Reacting based on line of sight is the trend I want to get out of, so we have to keep looking around, hmm?" At least, that's the track of the logic train Adel is riding, "You're... adapting to this proper, mature world so well, I'm almost loathe to ask..." yes, he's teasing her, just a little. This will always be more important than Seijyun, at least to the Prince of War, "But more ears to the ground, more perspectives is /key/ to that. My foundation isn't set yet, and I'm obviously vulnerable for now, until the window closes and the plans are fully in motion... but I'm going to need a squad, people I can trust. People who can give as good as they get. You're at the top of that list. You want to help... keep in touch, keep it in mind. Be ready to fight." Something he's sure she can do.
Kasugano's expression remains apologetic right up until Jiro is mentioned -- at which point she doubles over in laughter. "He totally will, too! The stuff he's gotten away with, I'm surprised he's still alive to talk about it!" Laughing, she adds with raised chopsticks, "But... at least he has experience kicking fools out of Metro City, y'know? If you can give him direction, he's a good kid. Without it, y'know, he'll bash /anyone's/ face in."
Kasugano's a bit more confused once the assaults in Southtown are mentioned -- but only for a moment. "Yeah, I'm asking everyone who knows something."
Of course, once she's teased, she responds with a sardonic smirk. "Pff, spit it out already!"
"Oh... yeah, totally! You can count on me, Adel. I'll be keeping my ears open here, there's a =lot= going on... I'm sure I'll hear =something=." She smiles warmly in return.
There's only so long she'll go without the General though. *munch*
"He's a strong fighter." Adelheid agrees, mildly begrudgingly. There was a time he could beat Kasagi down and barely break a sweat. But the years have brought Jiro power as surely as they've honed Adel's, "Between the two of us we should be able to keep on top of things, and from what I understand there are other fighters who are finally taking notice." It's a situation Adelheid puts some measure of priority on, but just stepping up the force with which the roving thugs are met with is a big step towards cleaning Metro back up. At least, as clean as the city ever really is. It's a mark towards the Art of Fighting approach of busting into random buildings and establishments looking for the thugs, if ever there was one.
The Prince of War smiles warmly at Sakura's response, which is more positive than he'd even hoped for, "Good. I was hoping I could count on you. I have a feeling you'll like where this is headed. I can't say too much now... but people like you and I, we have to do something. We know what's out there, we've been confronted by it, had to overcome it.... it takes away some of the choices others can get away with, at least.... that's what I've decided." Taking a stand is somewhat new for the pragmatic, calculating youth, but what has he been preparing for if not the right time? If not the moment when he no longer -has- the choice, and sees a clear path of action?
The prodigal Bernstein extends his hand, palm up, offering it to Sakura in accord, "We have to stand together. Show them how this is going to work, from here on out." Show them all. There's anger there, still. A spark of danger, a spark of discontent. It's the focus that makes it more frightening perhaps, and simultaneous far more useful.
Sakura's done the Metro City beatdown before. It was fun... but she's moved past it now. As terrifying as the Mad Gear situation may be, it's far =less= brutal than what Rolento had had in mind -- or so reads her estimation of it. And with no figure like Rolento in the seat of power... "Yeah, those jerks? I'm pretty sure you've got it in the bag."
Sparing a moment to nibble on her food, she nods in agreement: "I've always felt that, y'know, it was our =duty= to stand up for what we believe in. Everyone should be able to live the life they want to live, and anyone who gets in the way of that should get a grade-A schooling!" Adelheid should be able to appreciate her standpoint on this... considering that was the principle that led her to defend the Suiryuu so vehemently.
Kasugano places her hand atop Adel's, flashing that same optimistic smile she's best known for. "=We= are the future, no one else can just push us around!"
Log created on 11:00:06 04/07/2008 by Adelheid, and last modified on 23:18:51 04/13/2008.