Neo League 626 - #640: Vanessa vs Ingrid

Description: Vanessa and Ingrid meet up in the park for a good old fashioned two-way beat down. (Winner: Ingrid)

Vanessa has had a very bad week. Battered and broken, physically and mentally abused...

...well, that's why it took her a week to get back in the ring, apparently. The Boxing Queen shows up about ten minutes past the agreed-upon time, looking better-kempt than some expected. The paparazzi are being kept away by heavy-set guards with great big muscles and great big sunglasses and great big fists, so Vanessa is able to focus on what's important, namely, the punching of small children.

She straightens her red tie, muttering, "Could use a good punch-up. All this moping doesn't suit me," as she steps toward where the Neo League has marked off a fighting area, right in the middle of the park.

Ingrid is early as usual, chatting up the cameramen and the other League officials. It's not that she's trying to buddy up to them- she just really enjoys talking with people, be they big powerful fighters, the people that support them, or simply men and women on the street who don't know the first thing about the professional sport. She's a people person.

It's also known only to a few that she's a powerful empath, not only sensing the emotions of those around her but feeling them as well. It's not something she lets slip lightly, but is something she makes use of in every aspect of her life. Now happens to be a good time and place for it. It occurs to her that Vanessa needs a good old fashioned cheering up, though perhaps not in the 'don't worry it'll get better soon' type, or even the 'sorry for your loss' type. No, she simply needs a pick me up and a bit of fun. That's something Ingrid plans to deliver.

"Good afternoon," She states in a pleasant voice. A moment later she adds, "I like your tie; elegant yet playful." A good compliment never hurt anything, especially when the one paid is true, such as this case. "Ready to have a bit of fun?"

Vanessa would probably be perfectly happy to clobber someone for another invasion of her privacy right now, but she could certainly use a good ol' pick-me-up! A nice round of old-fashioned hitting people with her fists sounds about right!

Vanessa offers a slightly hollow grin down at Ingrid. "Afternoon, sport. Thanks!" She finishes straightening up her tie, and then steps away a bit, closer to a proper fighting stance. "I'm always ready for some fun. You set? I think the production team is getting antsy."

Ingrid nods her head, "Oh yes, I'm certainly ready. Now lets see..." She looks over to the League officials and gives them a little nod and a thumbs up. Red lights start to flick on on the cameras and Ingrid walks over to the makeshift ring and hops over the divider ropes. Supposedly they're to contain the fight... but it's unlikely they'll contain more than the fighters, and not even that depending on how hard Vanessa smacks Ingrid over the course of the fight.

The young woman gives a nice stretch and then smiles, hands dropping to her sides in a very open stance. She gives a slight nod, "I'm ready to begin whenever you are." And don't think the fact that she's just standing there means she isn't doing anything!

COMBATSYS: Ingrid has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Ingrid           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Ingrid focuses on her next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Ingrid           0/-------/-------|

Vanessa's eyes flick over, as the lights start to flick on. She slips between the ropes, beginning to hop up and down, ready to start the fight on the right foot, in this case meaning the right /fist/. She tests herself, tossing a few punches, bouncing around in a weaving pattern. This is the first day she's had a clean bill of health in a while, so she wants to make sure everything moves the way it's supposed to.

It all does. Nothing fails to work, everything moves without whining or squeeking or sending her toppling over, so Vanessa, satisfied, grins at Ingrid, and says, "Ready, eh? Alright, then--"

She shoves off the ground, gliding toward Ingrid with fist pulled back, aiming to clobber the smaller girl with a right hook to the jaw as the battle begins in earnest!

COMBATSYS: Vanessa has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Vanessa          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Ingrid

COMBATSYS: Ingrid dodges Vanessa's Dash Puncher.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Vanessa          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Ingrid

Ingrid is to respond to the dashing punch. The hook aims for her jaw so she bobs downward, Vanessa's hand brushing through the tip of her hair as if follows after her head. She pops back up almost immediately after and smiles, "Close- perhaps a little too close." One more of those and she might not be able to get away.

Normally she reserves throwing balls of energy for long ranged combat, but this time she opts for a different tactic. Namely, while Vanessa is right up in her face her arm swings in an underhand motion and a shining ball of gold energy flares up from her hand, a trail of pretty sparkles trailing the limb. It raises up and forward- And, well, that's all the farther it's going, unless Vanessa gets out of the way.

COMBATSYS: Ingrid successfully hits Vanessa with Sun Shot.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Vanessa          0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0           Ingrid

Alas, the blast goes no further - catching Vanessa in the belly, it hits her hard, sending her staggering backward, grunting in pain. Her eyes widen, she huffs in pain...but the damage isn't so bad. It /hurts/, certainly, but not as much as some of the fights she's been through recently. It's nice, she muses briefly, to be fighting someone that can't break her in half with a half-hearted jab.

But then she gets right back to the weighty task of doing that very thing to Ingrid, running forward and rearing back to toss another, not quite as speedy punch at the little girl, sniffing sharply just before impact, a boxing technique to add force to the blow.

COMBATSYS: Ingrid counters Medium Punch from Vanessa with Sun Upper.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Vanessa          0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0           Ingrid

Ingrid does well for herself, smacking that energy into Vanessa and causing her to stagger back. She takes a short step back only to find Vanessa charging in towards her. The blow is moderately quick and powerful, but unfortunately for her the little bit backwards she was forced to move, along with Ingrid's own, is enough to completely turn the tables.

The young woman leans forward at the hips and taps at the air with her left hand, a disk of energy forming in the air directly in front of her just as the punch comes in, catching it perfectly. That hand sweeps into the air in a grand gesture, and Vanessa is launched skyward. Shot upward by a massive redirection of force, she's thrown into the air and then let drop back down. The blonde Norwegian takes a step and a half back, dropping her right into optimum range for her combat style.

Vanessa's attempted clobbering of Ingrid is cut short when she is clobbered instead, the force of the blow enough to send the Boxing Queen HURTLING SKYWARD. A normal person would of course take this opportunity to land on Ingrid's head like a real-life Mario stomping a slightly more metaphorical Goomba. Sadly, Vanessa's feet do not do that 'kicking' thing, because kicking is for losers. Instead, she shifts herself around, bringing her fist down so that as she lands, Ingrid will be in for a world of hurt as her skull is knocked straight down to the floor by Vanessa's magnificent fists.

COMBATSYS: Ingrid dodges Vanessa's Hook Punch.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Vanessa          0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0           Ingrid

It looks like Vanessa is going to try and land on Ingrid's head with her fist extended. That... would be unpleasant! Sticking to the all-or-nothing gameplan she seems to have adopted, the young woman tucks into a ball and rolls backwards, spinning several times before popping back up to her feet, Vanessa landing a ways in front of her. Now she's left at a quandary.

She's started to tire herself out with the large use of energy, but if she wishes she can continue to do so. She could also try to catch the woman off guard with a powerful blast of energy... or she could run in and try to punch, kick, or grapple her. Those final options... Well, most fighters are able to do very well with them, but not this young woman. Most of the time she attempts it a vicious uppercut is there waiting for her chin.

Time to play copycat, or at least in a very minor way. She dashes forward and then leaps into the air, jumping high rather than long so that she's coming nearly directly down on top of Vanessa. Except rather than dropping a fist or heel on her she swings her arm in a wide swath, golden energy releasing ahead of front of her. But there's something different about this energy- it's not quite as sparkly, and a little more...chaotic in nature than is normal for Ingrid. Looks like she's testing out a new toy, more than anything.

COMBATSYS: Vanessa blocks Ingrid's Sunburn.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Vanessa          1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0           Ingrid

Vanessa grins, just a little. This is actually kind of annoying, this...getting beaten senseless business. But, she bears in mind the simple fact that she is not being crushed by totally insurmountable foes - Ingrid is having to work to keep Vanessa's fists out of her face, which is a welcome thing.

The Boxing Queen watches as Ingrid dodges upward, leaping high and then bringing her own attack down on Vanessa's head...

The Boxer grins, and then she moves - she raises her arms up, the energy impacting her forearms and searing slightly, the familiar sensation of burning energy giving Vanessa reason to smirk just a little more. But then she seizes the chance - while Ingrid is still falling, still descending past her hands, Vanessa moves, streaking out with a single punch...

COMBATSYS: Vanessa successfully hits Ingrid with Crazy Puncher EX.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Vanessa          0/-------/-------|=======\=------\1           Ingrid

That punch strikes home - scoring a hit on Ingrid's chest. And then come more: Vanessa suddenly BLURS, her fists moving too fast to even see, as she launches literally /dozens/ of attacks at Ingrid, battering her guard to smithereens, punches and punches coming in a seemingly neverending stream.

It's a good solid thirty seconds before the incredibly rapid barrage stops, Vanessa skips back, and begins shaking out her hands, whining "Ow ow ow DAMN that hurts!"

Attempting to zip away as she's done before, Ingrid gets caught up in the incredible punching frenzy What had taken her all this time to do to Vanessa is suddenly done to her in a single disastrous volley of punches. They're ridiculously fast, smashing into her in such a blur that Ingrid can't even keep track of them all.

Rather than being hit by a few devastating punches, she's hit by many, many smaller ones, batting her back slowly so that when the barrage is finally over she simply collapses to the ground in a heap. What was she thinking about getting destroyed in a few hits? Looks like the tables are turned.

The blonde picks herself back up to her feet very slowly and then brushes herself off. "My, that certainly was... dangerous." Considering her options carefully, Ingrid decides to play the keep away game. She backs off quickly away from Vanessa, and a flare of energy surrounds her. Her hands lift up to her chin and a dull, small ball of energy forms. This she blows towards the woman, and it floats slowly and innocuously towards her.

COMBATSYS: Ingrid successfully hits Vanessa with Sun Burst.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Vanessa          0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0           Ingrid

Vanessa's still shaking her hands out. It's a familiar gesture, and feels a little good - reviewing an old habit! It's a nice reprieve from some of the shocking horrors she's experienced in the past few -- "Oh /son/ of a--!"

Vanessa is caught square in the chest by the Sun Burst, which proceeds to kick her ass eight ways from Sunday, and send her tumbling backwards a fair ways.

She doesn't get back up right away, instead preferring to just lie there and mutter for a few moments.

"That...hurt a lot," she mutters, slowly standing.

COMBATSYS: Vanessa gains composure.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Vanessa          0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0           Ingrid

Alright, perhaps now it's time to resort to simpler methods. Ingrid /could/ keep this up... but it's not a terribly good thing to have to do so. Still, she very much does not want to end up with the uppercut to the chin syndrome she was thinking of earlier, so she'll just go in for a fast jab. She does so by simply leaning forward once Vanessa picks herself up, and running at her impressive full speed, shooting towards her and trying to send a quick smack to the gut and run past. It's not one of Jiro's clotheslines, but it'll have to do.

"Oh yes, I imagine it does... but likely not as much as that combination you it me with. That was simply dreadful."

COMBATSYS: Vanessa counters Quick Punch from Ingrid with Puncher Vision.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Vanessa          0/-------/--=====|=======\=------\1           Ingrid

Vanessa finally shoves herself to her feet, and resumes that dancing boxing stance, hopping back and forth between her feet, left right left right WHOA -- the boxer finally notices that Ingrid has capitalized upon the wait, leaning in and sprinting at full throttle, aiming to get in a single, quick jab! Vanessa uses tricks like that - she can imagine all too easily how the blow will connect.

Which is why it never does. The Boxing Queen suddenly moves; her body literally blurs, moving too fast to see as she streaks out and forward, covering the distance between herself and Ingrid in a tenth the time it would take Ingrid to do the same, and then there she is - too close to strike, right up in Ingrid's guard, and already swinging her fist in a savage straight punch strong enough to send Ingrid soaring clear to the far end of the ring!

Wowza! That certainly wasn't what Ingrid wanted to happen there. The woman shoots towards Ingrid and decks her, the blonde immediately twisting backwards, her feet torn off the ground as she's suddenly parallel with the sky and the ground, falling down and forward and hitting flat on her back. Blood trickles slowly from her knows where the fist pounded into her, and her head shakes from side to side.

Very slowly she picks herself back up, and then lets out a little laugh. "Now I know why I was refraining from trying that earlier. Nicely done." It's time for her to play it safe though, and use one of her simplest and thus most effective attacks. She simply steps towards Vanessa, lifts both her hands into the air, and then sweeps them down and forward, threatening to engulf the woman with a torrent of psycho power.

COMBATSYS: Vanessa dodges Ingrid's Sunbeam.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Vanessa          0/-------/--=====|=======\=------\1           Ingrid

An effective attack indeed! Vanessa grins a little to herself as she successfully sends Ingrid careening away, settling into a more traditional advance as the psychic wunderkind rises back up. "Thanks," Vanessa replies, chuckling...and then Ingrid picks her arms up, and Vanessa thinks fast - she shoves off, skimming away from the attack enough that the streak of sun-like energy swings by, harmlessly, hitting only empty air.

Alas, however, that is the only harmless moment in the current exchange, as Vanessa immediately glides right back in, her hands held back. She swings one arm down, and the other up - one to catch Ingrid on the crown of her skull, the other to catch her on the chin, and both fists trailing streamers of golden energy which glide forward a short ways before dissipating!

COMBATSYS: Ingrid counters Forbidden Eagle from Vanessa with Sun Delta.

[                            \\  < >  //////////                    ]
Vanessa          1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0           Ingrid

Ingrid's reliable attack is evaded! Well, it's not an unknown thing, nor a surprising one. Sometimes that's simply what happens when you try to go for something 'safe'. Just like that little jab she tried to flick into Vanessa a few moments ago. But now she has bigger problems to worry about than a single missed opportunity.

Because incoming is massive trouble, in the form of a powerful double punch intending to drive her downward before smashing her up into the air. The young woman isn't going to have any of it, though. The arm swings down... and a bright flash of energy surrounds Ingrid as she draws deep into her reserves of power once more. In that moment she bends forward and points, a giant disk of energy as big as she is appearing where Vanessa is standing and never giving her the chance to connect. She's frozen there and dragged up high into the air before being dropped, Ingrid giving her a teasing salute before lifting her arms up and then holding them out towards the now falling boxer, a huge symbol of gold burning into the air around the red haired woman to sear her one more time before she hits the grass.

Vanessa's crushing signature technique - the deadly attack that has felled more people than Ingrid has summers to her name!

Hot diggity damn does it fail. Her first blow doesn't even get time to fall, nevermind the second; she cries out in pain and shock as the disk of light illuminates her brain with teeny tiny psycho fists, and then cries out some more as she's dragged higher, and then does a little screaming because she is SET ON SORCERY.

Then she gets dropped like a great big stone, left to lie there and groan, useless. That hurt a lot - /a lot/. But she doesn't just fall; she shoves her elbow under her. She's had more than enough of people making short work of her! And she's got enough left to give Ingrid one last farewell present, as Vanessa holds her fist out, causing golden energy to snap around her hand before spiraling and drawing air in around it, spinning and snapping and swirling. Vanessa takes short, quick breaths, and then she just lets it go - /bowling/ the hurricane right toward Ingrid, clods of dirt and grass caught up as the whirlwind spins toward its destination - Ingrid's body!

COMBATSYS: Vanessa can no longer fight.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
Ingrid           0/-------/----===|

COMBATSYS: Ingrid dodges Vanessa's Gaia Gear.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
Ingrid           0/-------/----===|

The reversal is effective, turning Vanessa's attack around on her and no doubt causing a darn lot of pain in the process. The young woman watches her elder, though, sensing that there is in fact some fighting spirit left within her. She's not just going to keel over and call it quits- Heck, almost no one does that these days.

But she's expecting some kind of crazy in her face fist of pain technique to come her way. So imagine her surprise when instead of that a ball of chi is flung her way along the ground, tearing up everything that dares to get in its path. Her reaction is exactly what you might expect: She runs like hell.

She doesn't jump, she doesn't roll, she doesn't flip through the air. She simply turns sideways to the blast of energy and runs. And somehow even that is a close call, the energy licking at her heels as it continues past her to stop... well, that's not her problem, is it? An audible sigh of relief comes from her. "Too close." Not that she has anything against being defeated- that would have -hurt-.

COMBATSYS: Ingrid has ended the fight here.

Log created on 21:48:10 04/06/2008 by Ingrid, and last modified on 04:03:18 04/10/2008.