Description: IT SEEMS LIKE KATANA IS NOT RUNNING FOR METRO ALONE. What new developments have occurred!? What ... MORE TROUBLING alliances have been formed... what will Metro be like in the future!? WHEN WILL THE DAMN SHIPMENT OF POCKY ARRIVE?

The slums have become far more dangerous than they have in the past. Unlike before, where Mad Gear was barely able to patrol the slums themselves without one of the many Metro City heroes getting in his grill.. this time, the slums are rather filled up.

There's so much movement about the slums that it's actually considered troublesome now. Vehicles, members of the Mad Gear Gang, and with many of the over crowded and hungry and homeless about.. some of them are being inducted into the Mad Gear Gang.

Well. Where IS Mayor Mike Haggar, now? He's not able to get them all.. but those that aren't with them aren't hurt.

This is the slums. MAD GEAR IS NOT EVIL OR CRUEL.. just loud, violent and obnoxious. Also large in number.

It's just that those who are poor and join get paid. And well, money talks. Especially when it's being stolen from the more rich folk of Metro City. What is better!? Katana himself is easy to find in the slums, his 'base' of operations the truck that is seen throughout Metro City.. and currently, a few tables and scrap metal that is here and there make it up. The scrap? For working on the truck, and a blockade. The tables?

Katana is enjoying himself some RAMEN right infront of the truck.

"Such ramen is delicious ... WITH VICTORY."

Not that he has won yet.

And an old shadow has decided to grace this place; A man who has become an afterthought of potential crisis, a 'could of' but 'didn't'. This has enraged the once proud herald of the Hellraisers; although the mystery of them might become unraveled; he had prepared, but never once made a move. That is going to be rectified. Presently, however, he blends in perfectly; a street rat in average clothing, who speaks that he is a potential Mad Gear recruit. An utter lie, but Katana hardly has the most genius outer guard. Wearing a hooded jumper, features somewhat enshrouded with hands deftly in pockets, his approach is towards the table proper. "Oye... Katana..." is mulled, as he draws near. His hood is pulled back, but the smirking face wouldn't be recognized. "Looks like you've caused quite a racket in this town... Thought I'd come congratulate you." The amassed people are given a lazy glance, not appearing to concern this anonymous person. "I won't bother with semantics. ...I'm Crash." Fingers wiggle in the air, crackle of energy billowing across them. But nothing outright aggressive is done...

They would have actually handed him a dollar. Just for thinking of it. See. That's how Mad Gear works. They don't get involved to 'change' Metro. They get involved to get something from it. And why shouldn't they? Metro City is not a bad place by any means.

But then, Mad Gear is just something that always threatens it. Never truly defeated! ... If only because Katana seems to survive any attempt to jail him, or get rid of him. He's a lucky one that thar Katana.

But he could not expect a hoodie jumper clad man closing in, approaching the table.

The mask is having noodles siphoned through it. Don't mind that though. "Mpppph?" Katana asks, looking up with his mouth full of food. SWALLOW. "Of course.. MAD GEAR ... has finally made it's move!" After so long! "Congratulate me? You need not ... but go ahead then! The Shogun will listen.. He will.. h-....WHAT!?"

Katana nearly knocks the table over and chokes on noodles. "Crash.. you were the one.. the leader of that group.. the Hellraisers." Katana knows his stuff. And the energy is .. not frightening as it is a promise of SOMETHING.

"You are revered in the Shogun's eyes... enough to CHALLENGE his domination.. a welcome to you as well." Katana isn't that thick headed.

Credit given, credit due.

He's just an idiot.

"I made a tactical mistake." Crash comments, casually; as if his sudden loss really doesn't matter all that much. "Still working on fixing it. Hah; That was our little thing, wasn't it? I had endless troops, dependent on Burn. You had stable troops, if inferior. And look which won out..." He shakes his head, letting out a mildly annoyed sigh. "I'm not here to fight you. What'd be the point? I'd vaporize you, and that wouldn't bring my gang back. Hrrm. I guess I could make a bid to run Mad Gear..." Long seconds follow this, scratching at his chin with genuine thought. "But nah. You built it up. You gave it strength. It's yours." He grins, disturbingly charming and predatory. "My gang's tiny now... but I still got a few heavy hitting fighters. You want Metro City's resources. I want Metro City. I thought I'd see... if you wanted to share." His arms splay. "Doesn't matter to me. I'm down, and not out. Up to you!"

It's true. There must have been something. SOMETHING. But Katana would have never understood, noticed. He also probably wouldn't notice a mistake at all while he blindly ran towards the front lines BUT that is Katana.

"Mad Gear fights as long as it is able.. it never gives up.. and it is only dependant on natural might!..." But he does not exclaim how they were BEATEN HORRIBLY. Okay so he does. "But the strength your soldiers grew so quickly!" He could only take like, 2 himself!

And then Crash mentions 'he'd vaporize him'. CAN HE REALLY ARGUE? No.

"Yes. You could. Even if I fought to the en-" Bid for Mad Gear? Katana is.. SILENT AS WELL. 'Oh god don't nuke me oh god don't nuke me'. And then he passes.

And then Crash makes a ... certain mention of something. "I have a few men as well.. but they are far weaker than yours.. and you want Metro City?.. Hmm.. To share this city." Katana takes a long, silent pause. To fight with a group, even that small? HE'S NOT THAT STUPID.

"Metro City has been in Hagger's arms long enough... and now, the cowards even betrays his citizens... not even coming to fight me and my men!" KAtana stands, hands breaking the table. He's strong if nothing. "METRO CITY SHALL BE OURS, THEN! NO ONE SHALL STOP US IN THIS! Your deal.... I shall honor it... for a Samurai knows MUCH of honor! AND I, KATANA, FROM JAPAN, AM A SAMURAI."

Simply. "Deal." His arms are raised, blades and all... but that was from his proclamation. The 'deal' is him just looking over.

"This is my city. I was born and raised here. It might of took me longer, but I've got just as much a bid for the city as you. If not more." And the acceptance... not too surprising. "I've still got two. Surge is clinging to life, somehow. Didn't see that coming. Goliath croaked two months ago. But Cyanide's up and kicking. Us three can put the pressure on anyone who might come. We'll take care of the big fish. You take care of the small fries. Everyone wins." Crash remains disturbingly calm, but that predatory smile? Didn't fade a nuance. "I'll send Cyanide to keep you company. She'll be the contact. I probably have ten, fifteen street men, but they'll be nothing in two weeks." He snaps his fingers, surge of chi boiling around his hand. "Catch ya later." With that, Crash turns to leave. What's going on in his devious mind?! ONLY TIME... WILL TELL.

He had no idea of this Crash. He had known of him before as a member who wouldn't make it. But hardly the case now, is it? With him aiming for a bid as well, and two higher ups.. Katana wouldn't be able to do much to those members alone. Even with Birdie!


And yet, those three would prevent any of the big names from crushing all over him and his men. This is clearly better than he had hoped for. "Then she can come.. I will await her.. but I will keep my actions on, as well! I SHALL SEE YOU AGAIN... do not die yet.. METRO CITY SHALL BE OURS IN TWO WEEKS. I .. AM SURE!" The Shogun booms, as Crash turns to leave.

And then Katana gets out another table, and eats more ramen.

VICTORY RAMEN. With the remains of the Hellraisers.. Katana would even be immune to HAGGAR.


Log created on 19:33:12 03/29/2008 by Katana, and last modified on 20:48:49 03/29/2008.