Neo League 626 - #635: Naerose vs Chaelim

Description: Filled with friendliness, unintentional fan-service, and a battle of near epic proportions between Naerose and Chae Lim! Which of the two women will reach the finish line to win a nice mug of hot chocolate? The answer is: It's not the one that was goofy enough to wear a bikini to the frozen lands of Russia. (Draw Match)

Russia is cold. Very cold. So why did Naerose bring her swimsuit? It was an exotic trip to Russia, of course , wait, no she was thinking of someplace else. Don't ask her wear, only as she stands there, shivering in her swimsuit and witches hat and shades, one can only wonder. How did no one tell her where she was going? Sure she got weird looks on the plane ride over but.. Who talks to a witch in the first place. So here she is, in Russia, already booked her flight off Russia to Florida, but in the meantime, she has to keep warm, and what better way then a fight? The witch is hankering. So so hankering. She's also shivering and chattering, so much that it might be hard to hit her? At least that's what she reasons, of course no one can read her mind to tell her that such reasoning is completely idiotic.

Being as how her most recent Neo League match was almost six months ago, Chae Lim has decided to toss her hat into the ring once more. The trip to Russia was entirely uneventful. Nice quiet flight, good movie en route. Though she's left to wonder who in their right mind would choose such a cold locale when many places have just wound down from Spring Break and things would be cheaper.

But here she is, driven out to the fight location in a black vehicle. The Korean girl could almost believe this was some weird KGB vehicle if it weren't for the extremely odd smile that seems to be continually plastered to the driver's face. When they pull up to the area, the first thing she sees are the cameras.

The second thing she sees is a shivering, chattering woman in a swimsuit.

"This is the location for the Neo League, is it not? I mean, this isn't a photoshoot for some magazine, right?"

"Gggg.ggg...ggggg b..bbghn..bggg..g" replies the witch and notices something, something big, important, this Korean girl. is.. dressed. for cold.
"COAT!" cries the witch and totally lunges at Chae Lim. It's not that she's a thief or anything, she's just cold you have to be nice to someone who is cold don't you? Well her needs were greater than the Koreans.

Meanwhile the cameras WERE expecting a fight, but this was gearing up to be way better than anyone hoped. Usually two professionals come together for something better than just a total random cat fight, but the witch was cold and totally not going to bother with professionalism, if she ever did.

COMBATSYS: Naerose has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Naerose          0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: ChaeLim has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
ChaeLim          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Naerose

"Coat?" Coat is really not the answer Chae Lim was looking for at all. Her head cocks to the side, her lips forming a slight frown. Really, if this is a photoshoot, they should have provided the woman with some sort of covering. The ground is still littered with snow! If it is not a photoshoot, the Neo League people should really consider informing people where they are going so that they can dress appropriately.

Before she is able to remove her gi top and offer it to the popsicle person, she goes stumbling back a few feet under the weight she wasn't expecting to launch at her. "Uhh... hello there. I can offer you my top if you'd like it, though really... you may wish to stop sending me backward, or we'll wind up in the snow and it will be no good in keeping you wa--" Her foot slips upon an icy patch and down she crashes to a snow bank in front of one of the cameras. "Ooof."

This is the best day of the these camera men's lives. One of the women is offering the other her top and then got tackled and then somehow they both ended up in a snowbank. This sort of fan service didn't happen when it was written on purpose. The witch is totally covered in snow and shivering and not quite getting off Chim Lea because she is far to busy shivering with teeth a chattering.

"H..Hhhh h h h h hu does anyone live in this country!?" She exclaims, having only visited Russia once and not having stayed there very long. Though the last person she visited also dressed pretty scantly.

Chae Lim is truly not worried if the cameras are getting a good show or not. Her concern seems to be for the freezing woman entirely. Frowning, she nudges the woman off of her and attempts to salvage her gi top. It's wet, but at least it should be warmer than nothing. After untying the cloth belt, she shrugs out of the top and offers it over to the woman. This leaves her in a blue and white sportsbra, and none too warm, but at least she still has on more clothing than a swimsuit -- she'll live.

"Here you go. Warm up a little. Do some jumping jacks or run around in a circle until your blood starts circulating through your body." She continues to dangle out the gi, even as she pushes up to her feet.

Naerose totally takes the Gi top and then has it on in no time flat, but the real problem here is that getting warm which is followed up by whining which is then followed by a point and shivering and followed by,
"But.. I can't possibly.." She considers jumping jacks and running around and then just shakes her head hopelessly

"I'm still cold." She whines a little more and pulls her hat down over her ears.

"Do you have any hot chocolate?" Naerose asks with a biiiig smile because who doesn't like hot chocolate? The Cameras meanwhile are like, WOW! Sportsbra and swimsuit? COOOL. But then they're like, wait, no more cat fight? On of them has an idea though and totally shouts,


Still cold? There is very little else that Chae Lim can do in order to ensure her opponent is warm and not a human icicle before the fight starts. Her brow quirks upward when she's asked for hot chocolate.

"I do not have anywhere that I could keep a thermos. Surely the cameramen have--"

Fight. Things are about to begin. The Korean girl inhales a deep breath, allowing the air to punch out of her lungs quickly. Her shoulders roll back a few times in order to limber up her body, then she's on the move. Feet glide across the snowy surface carrying her toward the frozen woman. "I do apologize for this, but things are about to begin." Her hand slams out quickly toward the woman's chest in a quick, bursting palm heel strike.

COMBATSYS: ChaeLim successfully hits Naerose with Jab Punch.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
ChaeLim          0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0          Naerose

Woah, this totally is a cat fight and the cameras couldn't be any happier. They take all sorts of pictures to see one woman hit the other woman in the chest with a bursting palm heel strike and while causing her to fall back into the snow drift where she shivers some more. This was so not what she was after.

"Hey, help me out here!" exclaims the witch.

She totally reaches up and tries to grab Chim Lae's hand and tugs in an attempt to switch places with her.

COMBATSYS: Naerose successfully hits ChaeLim with Quick Throw.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
ChaeLim          0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0          Naerose

"I did help you ou--"

Chae Lim twists to the side, but her avoidance technique fails her. Hand grabbed, her foot slips on a patch of ice, and she goes sprawling face first into the cold Russian snow. Sputtering, she sets her hands into the snow bank, but instead of utilizing them to push her up and out of it, she leans into it a little more.

Her body is given a sharp twist, and her feet rocket out toward the frozen-witch hoping to catch her by surprise.

COMBATSYS: Naerose blocks ChaeLim's Medium Kick.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
ChaeLim          0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0          Naerose

Wow, the witch is totally getting much warmer as the time goes on, she's like. Wow this is great, from shivering cold to .. shivering slightly less cold. All she has to do is make off with her opponents shoes. The witch brings up her broom, getting ready to beat the tar out of the woman, this was an unusal feet as she uses her broom to try and defend the attack as best she can.

The wtich decides to try for another go, she swings her broom around and tries to knock the Korean right across the front.

COMBATSYS: ChaeLim dodges Naerose's Medium Strike.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
ChaeLim          0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0          Naerose

One does tend to get warm when one fights. Which is why Chae Lim normally prefers to fight in her kick-boxing pants. The material is lighter than the traditional TKD pants, and keeps her a lot cooler. Her feet crash into the handle of the broom, but that doesn't seem to stop the Korean girl at all. When the broom lashes out at her torso, she's already rolling through the snow and out of the way of the attack.

Springing up to her feet, she steps to the side to remove herself from the snowy patch. A defensive stance is taken momentarily, then her right leg chambers up. A quick roundhouse kick is directed at the witch's shin. "Yah!" Another snappy roundhouse rocketed off immediately afterward toward her shin. "Yah!" Finally a third is shot out toward the torso area. "YAH!"

"Warming up yet?"

COMBATSYS: Naerose blocks ChaeLim's Ryuusei Raku.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
ChaeLim          0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0          Naerose

The witch is totally like, no way and brings her broom up again to hold it with both hands in hopes well, of deflecting the attack from nailing her head on. But hey, it works, she's almost surprised and the Red (bikini'd) witch stumbles back and then shivers. Despite her desire not to stand still and get cold she decides then to back up, adjust her shades and consider Chae Lim. She watches her movements, knowing that the only way to get out of this with hot chocolate, probably to end the fight!

COMBATSYS: Naerose focuses on her next action.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
ChaeLim          0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0          Naerose

The Korean is definitely warming up. A good workout always leaves her blood pumping and body warm. The chill wind makes her wish she hadn't been so nice as to offer away her gi top, but she'll warm up as things progress. She'll be fine, even if the cameramen don't bother offering mugs of hot chocolate after this fight.

Despite the fact that the witch has backed off, Chae Lim is not exactly ready to call it quits. Two quick steps carry her forward, and she reaches out to grab hold of the edges of the gi top that the witch wears, draw her in and flip her over in a quick hip toss.

COMBATSYS: Naerose fails to interrupt Quick Throw from ChaeLim with Spellbinder EX.
- Power fail! -

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
ChaeLim          0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0          Naerose

The witch tries to make a flash of light and cause a distraction against the incomming attack, but instead gets tossed by the gi. She's all like what? and ends up back in the snowbank. This is totally not fair.

"Ah! It's cold down here, couldn't you do somehting nicer to me?" The witch asks, totally looking like this is the most unfair match she'd ever been in!

"Oouch." She's murmuring while rolling around on the ground and actually looks briefly in pain, but the cameras, they're totally getting their best shots for a while, two hot women, scantly dressed in a winter wonderland. Models had to be paid a fortune to do shots like this!

No doubt, if any still-captures are used, Chae Lim could get a designing deal out of it! She did sew her own gi. This is not something that everyone will know just by looking at it though, so that little daydream of the moment is pushed aside as she sets her doe brown eyes to her opponent.

"I am being nice to you, but if you are so worried about being cold..."

Maybe it is time she did something that would be completely unsuspected of her. The Korean girl smiles sweetly and then reaches down toward the snow bank. Her hands scoop up a bit of the softening snow there, quickly forming it into a ball.

"If you are that cold though, you should get up out of the snow."

The snowball is then tossed toward the witch's torso.

COMBATSYS: Naerose dodges ChaeLim's Thrown Object.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
ChaeLim          0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0          Naerose

The witch totally decides to roll out of the way, after a momenet of considering other ways of dealing with it, but could she do she something mean like fling chi against a girl who isn't doing anything wrong? It's a snowbal, that's just cute, she .. She has to end this fight to get warm. So the witch flings into action. She stands up, raises a hand and tosses a flurry of ice darts at Chae Lim.

"Sorry about this, Sagitta Minor!"

COMBATSYS: Naerose successfully hits ChaeLim with Sagitta Minor.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
ChaeLim          0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0          Naerose


Too late does the Korean realize that she's about to be turned into a human pin-cushion of ice. Each dart pierces at her, sending a frozen jolt against her body and not only causing her to shiver, but piercing against her skin in some places. She does attempt to get her hands to her face to keep the darts from impaling an eyeball or two, but this is about all the defensive maneuvering she is able to do before the majority of the ice pelts against her body.


Chae Lim does suppose she deserved that for the little snowball, but she wasn't expecting anything like that. In retaliation, she slams her foot down, hoping to catch the bikini-clad witch on the toes. A small explosion of raw, wind-like chi occurs as the foot crashes downward, and following this is a very large shockwave of energy that emanates in an outward direction.

COMBATSYS: Naerose dodges ChaeLim's Haki Kyaku.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
ChaeLim          0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0          Naerose

The witch totally spins away from that one, because lets face it, looked painful. Maybe she should of thought of that before getting the heck out of the way of that nasty shockwave and the foot and ..

"Hey, how is that supposed to make me warm?!" Cries Naerose and decides she needs to be careful, this girl looks FAST. So the witch narrows her eyes a little and adjusts her shades to look very carefully at her opponent again.

COMBATSYS: Naerose focuses on her next action.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
ChaeLim          0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0          Naerose

"It's gotten you moving. Are you not warming up from that?" Pity that the new energy attack she has been working on failed her on its first run, but that just means she needs to train it further. Chae Lim frowns at the miss, but only for a second. The witch is actually providing her with a great opportunity, and for that she should be thankful.

Tilting her head, she watches her opponent in return. She doesn't spend a vast amount of time doing this. It is more that she is checking to ensure that the snow isn't packed and icy while she shifts her weight. Hunkering low, she draws her left fist tightly to her side. Her right hand shoots forward with a great deal of force, which should, if it connects, send the witch backward.

COMBATSYS: Naerose blocks ChaeLim's Fierce Punch.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
ChaeLim          0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0          Naerose

As Chae draws back, Naerose does too and brings her broom up, the impact something of a crack that indicates while blocking it still manages to come real hard and pushes her back. An interesting note, despite wearing a swim suit and now a gi, Naerose is also still wearing her usual boots, which really help dig into the ground and not get her feet cold. That concludes this episode of, the more you know.

Back to the fight, Naerose is totally going to hit her opponent in an attempt to more quickly cross the finish line to hot chocolate. She therefore winds up and makes a clean sweeping attack with her broom and aims at the woman's head.

COMBATSYS: Naerose successfully hits ChaeLim with Clean Sweep.
- Power hit! -

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
ChaeLim          1/------=/=======|==-----\-------\0          Naerose

~ * BONK * ~

You know those cartoons? Where someone gets bapped with something upon the head, and gets the instant goose egg with little birdies flying around it chirping? Well, were this a cartoon that would be what Chae Lim looks like at the moment. The sweeping attack to her skull sends her down onto the snowy surface on her rear end. A dazed expression becomes prevalent in her doe brown eyes. Hands set to either side of her head to stop the ringing that she can hear in her ears.

"YeOW! Gosh, I'm not a rat you know! You don't have to whack me around with a broom!" The Korean girl grabs for the broom handle, fingers attempting to make purchase so that she can ram it back toward the witch with a quick, poppy movement. It's about all she can do when those birds are flapping about, telling her 'nyah nyah, you're gonna looooose'.

COMBATSYS: ChaeLim successfully hits Naerose with Jab Punch.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
ChaeLim          1/-----==/=======|===----\-------\0          Naerose

Truthfully Naerose didn't care about who won or lost, she needed to make a good enough show so that they would totally think, yeah she fought hard, we have good footage, we can post this on youtube, because if she didn't, her reputtion for being a slacker would make the director totally go 'Yeap, Naerose being Naerose, someone release some hounds to make this more action packed.' At least, that is what they might do if her opponent was someone nice, like her current one was, else they'd just let Naerose get the tar beat out of her while she whined. This had happened before.

The witch gets struck, but honestly hardly tried to get out of the way anyway. She goes 'Ow' and follows with a
"That totally hurt," then she aims a tow at Chae Lim's shin.

COMBATSYS: Naerose successfully hits ChaeLim with Light Kick.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
ChaeLim          1/---====/=======|====---\-------\0          Naerose

Chambering her leg upward in order to avoid the kick altogether, the Korean girl is surprised with the toe crashes against the sweet spot. Teeth grit together a little, and she nods to the witch. "You're doing very well for yourself." This just makes her wish she didn't judge her opponent solely on the goofy, whiney appearance.

"Very well, then." Chae Lim judges the snowy ground beneath them, backing up a few steps. She then makes a long, jumping kick toward her opponents chest.

COMBATSYS: ChaeLim successfully hits Naerose with Ho'ou Kyaku.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
ChaeLim          0/-------/-------|=======\==-----\1          Naerose

As her jumping kick connects, Chae Lim twirls to the side so that she can make a somewhat graceful landing upon the snow. She doesn't let up, however. A series of quick, snappy roundhouse kicks are shot out to the witch's shins. Twisting again, she sends a hooked kick for the woman's back. Her foot touches down on the snow once more, the other coming up for a quick thrust-kick before she finishes off with an overhead axe kick.

"But I would like to think I'm doing well for myself as well..."

The witch is totally taken by that, from kick to kick to kick, she's beaten up and down almost like a total rag doll. It's crrraaazy. . I mean a series of quick round house kicks?! you gotta be kidding. . Those arn't supposed to be fast, but slow and painful, granted, this one , no these ones were painful, but they weren't slow. It was a serious beating.


"Forget it, I'm still c. cold'" The witch shivers and gasps, panting with all sorts of tiredness, but she's not giving up, perhaps she should, instead she jumps on her broom and shoots off at Chae Lim.

COMBATSYS: Naerose can no longer fight.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
ChaeLim          0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Naerose successfully hits ChaeLim with Aquila Charge EX.

[                         \\\\\  <
ChaeLim          0/-------/=======|

As the witch passes Chae Lim, yeah, she doesn't bowl her over, she bowls past, sticks out a hand, drags the woman across the snowy ground then pulls up on her broom, shooting into the air and then dropping her a good fifteen meters up.. Then .. .the witch remembers being roundhoused again and again aand again and passes out herself, plummeting soon after her.

Some asked, without her top, what did Naerose grab of Chae Lim ? That would be her arm, for all you gutter puppies.

Chae Lim really wishes the witch would have collapsed. Because plummeting that distance, with nothing by icy snow beneath her, not exactly what the Korean girl would call fun. Her body misses the banks of snow entirely, crashing to the hard ground below.

~ * THUD * ~

While she's not knocked cold out, her body suffers shock from the jarring landing. All the air from her lungs is expelled and it leaves her stunned and unmoving, one arm up above her head, the other just cradling her skull to keep it from cracking open when she landed.

The cameras pan in on the downed women, obviously marking this fight as a DKO. And while they begin to pack things in, the Korean girl just continues to lay there, waiting for some sort of medic to make sure she's not in need of a prolonged hospital stay for internal injuries.

COMBATSYS: ChaeLim takes no action.

COMBATSYS: ChaeLim can no longer fight.

Log created on 20:41:02 03/28/2008 by ChaeLim, and last modified on 01:21:45 03/29/2008.