Daigo - A Warning

Description: After Taiyo's attack, Roberto decides to warn those who were the next target: Gedo High School

It's the end of the day at Gedo High School, and the students that bothered to show up to their last classes of the day are now leaving. The Boss of the school, however, is lagging behind as he always does. Be it just to check what needs to be done, or simply ouyt of a sense of duty that he should be the last to leave, Daigo waits.

Admittedly, given the nature of Gedo students, he probably won't be waiting long.

Roberto normally wouldn't have missed soccer practice but things are grave enough that he can hardly blamed for it. Roberto is a man on a mission and after his loss at the hands of Aprile, he knows that time is of the essence.

His movements are hurried as he runs through the Gedo campus with soccer ball in hand. Looking for the boss in particular. Not having success right away, Roberto asks the other students who are obviously rushing to head out. Maybe they can help him. It's uncertain how helpful they'd be after all Roberto is an outsider to the school.

It's not so much that Roberto is an outsider, that he is part of the Taiyo Sports Clubs, and there had been a long and bitter rivalry between the two schools. So, helpfulness is not high on their agenda. About this time, however, Daigo makes himself obvious, moving towards the gates of the school. In this case, the wall of a man should be easyh to spot, as he surveys the school yard.

After not receiving much in the way of help he attempts to seek out a teacher but before he moves to one, Daigo makes himself known. After all who hasn't heard the description of the Boss of Gedo.

With this in mind Roberto runs to Daigo at a frantic pace before sliding to halt right in front of him. Roberto is slightly out of breath but that was because he had been running at full tilt since he left Taiyo.

"Daigo, I was hoping to catch you before you left for the day. There's an important message I needed to relay." After getting that out. The next few moments are spent catching his breath.

As the soccer star rushes into the school, Daigo raises an eyebrow. This is unusual. "A message?" The boss gives Roberto time to catch his breath, curious, indeed, as to what Roberto would want to impart. It's rare enough that someone from Taiyo would come into Gedo's ground, so this is likely something of some import.

Roberto takes one last deep breath before he begins. "Well it starts from a few days ago. A nurse came by to pull me from my soccer practice." There's a slight glance around before his eyes reconnect with Daigo's before he continues. "She then proceeded to attack me. I didn't know what she wanted at first, but as the fight went on, she kept talking and revealed that she was part of Shadaloo. She wanted to send a message by beating me down to the ground thinking that it would intimidate me."

He shakes his head as he looks downwards, "And while I wasn't able to beat her, she wasn't able to beat her without cost, but it does bring me to why I'm here." He leaves a short pause before he continues, "She mentioned that her next target was Gedo."

Daigo listens carefully. This is a matter of some importance. And when he mentions her next target, he nods. "Did she mention why she was doing this?" He asks. It would probably be too much to hope, but every bit of information helps. He'll have to be on his guard. And have the other Gedo Students be the same. "Or if she was planning to attack any of the other schools?"

"I can only assume that she would be headed here for the same reasons she targetted me in particular. She wanted revenge on all of those who had taken part in the war in Thailand. To make sure those who hurt 'him' are hurt in return. The 'him' I assume is Vega."

The soccer star shrugs and continues, "If there were Gedo students also involved the war, she might go after them too. If she has any motivations beyond that, I don't know"

Daigo nods, slowly. "I see. I will have to investigate. But this is something we should warn as many people as we can about. There is always the chance that she might attack people uninvolved to get at those who were." Daigo rubs his chin thoughtfully. "Do you know of anyone else who might need to know urgently? This is not something to be taken lightly by any means." He already knows he'll have to find out if anyone has been attacked. And there will be someone else to talk with, too.

The soccer star watches as the larger man nods and responds. The fact that it will be looked into is something that is reassuring. "I'm pretty sure all of the schools had someone involved in the war though I'm not exactly sure who else. I'm fairly certain your sister Akira was involved as well though you'd probably would have to ask her how she was involved in it. I didn't get much info in the way of her participation."

Roberto pauses before he adds as an afterthought, "I also planned to speak with Rose of the YFCC. She was part of the reason I got involved in the war. She'd probably want to know if someone was attacking people in the name of Shadaloo."

The gang boss takes a long pause before speaking again. "Very well. You should continue talking with who you can. You know more of the situation than I do. I will talk with Akira and the students here about their involvement. I'll do what I can to look into it, but what you suggest does sound right for a motive." Of course, it's going to be no doubt who's safety is going to be Daigo's priority in all of this. On the other hand, this probably won't be an investigation that will end up with him being kidnapped again. "But steps will be taken to do what we can."

"Thank you." Roberto is indeed greatly appreciative of the fact that more than one person would be on the case. Having someone watch his back is always something he's liked having and he's always operated at his best when working in a team.

That of course isn't to say that he has told Daigo everything. He also knows of one more potential target on Shadaloo's list but that situation would probably need to be handled more delicately.

"If there's anything else I can help with concerning this situation..." A pause. Realization sets in that it would probably help if he told Daigo what the attacker looked like. "She looked caucasian... Probably European and she had red hair." He then holds up his hand to about her height. "About this tall and she was carrying a med kit around. She'd probably be posing as a nurse."

Then Roberto finally gets ready to leave. For real this time. "Let me know if there's anything I can help with concerning this situation."

"I will let you know." Daigo says, with a nod. This is something that will, indeed, ultimately require more information. But he wants to find out what more he can on his own before talking with Roberto again. "Thank you for informing me." So much for this being a simple night.

Log created on 21:20:58 03/26/2008 by Daigo, and last modified on 01:59:20 03/29/2008.