Description: Himeko decides today's a good day to sip a nice cool glass of Emo Juice. But not if Blanka has anything to say about it! One of the most unusual friendships bears fruit here and may result in the start of a lawl new, lawl different, Hurricane Hime!? Source say: The fruit tastes like watermelon. :9
The Hibiki Dojo!! Where it all began..
% The beginning of the beginning. The 'Press Start!' screen. Perhaps all of its regular occupants have very fond memories of the place; good for strengthening fists, strengthening plans, strengthening friendships, or even strenghtening the ceiling tiles, so they don't leak.
For Hurricane Hime; lately, it's been a place of solitude and quiet, keeping a feeling that she can't normally get by hanging around in the library. For the past couple of days she's been really mopey; but she seems to be more or less in good order! She currently lay on the floor, holding a book in the air and of course clad in her hot pink uniform and black scarf. The book is titled 'How to be a Superhero'. She's read it at least 45 times already! But it seems this 46th time isn't cutting it; as finally she just lets her hands fall to her sides and sighs, staring up at the ceiling as she mumbles under her breath. "... Dummy." Maybe she should go back to training.
"No mope! Get up!" Heavy footsteps announce the entrance of a new challengeer, Blanka's strong form shillouted in the entry-way. However long he'd been there, he had seen the mumbled exhalation, and the slight sigh that Hurricane Hime had allowed to escape. The gentle green giant is in no mood to brook that, though - and rapidly bounds over, attempting to sweep the girl up over his arm. He looks more at ease than the last time he'd seen her - that last meeting with the rather.. er, 'exciteable' Alexis.
Without any chance for complaint or denial, Blanka chucks Himeko over his shoulder and leaps out the door. Catching the frame in his free hand, he flips them both up and over onto the roof, then sets the girl back down on the roof's edge, with her lower legs dangling off. He sits the same, swinging giant green feet back and forth - then passes over what he'd kept up here, his 'secret stash', as it were. Melons. Hers is already cut, a nice tasty watermelon. His own, well - let's just say he's semi-messy eater. Two or three chews later, he looks over and gives her a toothy grin. "Why so down? Nice day, sun out - melons in large amounts!"
Himeko manages to leap off of the floor despite her not being on her feet and yelps in suprise when she hears Blanka's voice! No one.. Was supposed to have heard that; and how did she not hear Blanka?? "WAUGH!!"
In her moment of confusion; it's very simple for Blanka to sweep her up, "W- Wait! I didn't do it! I didn't do iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-" The protecting coming to an end once the duo are up onto the roof of the dojo, which is actually not an area that she's really hung out on before. Once sat down, the looser strands of her hair more frazzled than ususal, she stares out at the city quietly for a moment, in awe of the amazing view. The melon slice noticed, she takes one, legs crossed and takes a nice big bite as she ponders Blanka's question. It's kind of difficult in a way; as she really isn't entirely sure he'd understand. But it'd be an insult to their friendship not to spill the beans, right? ".. Um. I don't think Alexis likes me anymore.." she says with a wince.
"She and I got into a really big fight.. I apologized really hard and I meant it but she won't listen. I didn't think our friendship was that fragile, you know?"
It's a strange fact - Blankas can be very silent when bounding! Who knew!! He is also a master of finding awesome rooftop views, having spent much a time in an effort to recapture some of the beauty he'd seen from high treetops and the like. The urban jungle is different, but very nice all the same. So he's here, listening - and payying as close attention as he can. And she's right - he doesn't really get it.
"Always friends forever, though. Why not friends now?!" Blanka's been really lucky with his friends - he's never lost one, or done anything to come close to it. Hotaru was the closest example, but in the end, eveything worked out, or so he believes. He rubs at the back of his head and frowns. Then shakes his head, chucking the rind at a garbage can below. "If she no like Himeko or Blanka, she no worth time." Hmph. Feel free to defend it, but Jungle Blanka has made his opinion known. He looks curious though, and can't help but ask. ".. Why so important to be friend with someone who not like you?"
Himeko actually gives a weak laugh to Blanka. She doesn't blame him for his opinion of course; Alexis didn't make a good first impression with the man pretty much like she didn't make a good first impression with Iincyo... ..
Himeko's brows furrow. Much like she didn't make a good first impression with Vince. And yet later on those two got along just fine afterward. Why were these circumstances so different? ".. I guess because I'm not as smart as people thinkI am.." she starts.
"Outside of the dojo, I um.. Don't have many friends, so when she let me be her friend I ended up letting her get really close to my heart. And that's why it hurts so much; I never would have thought a boy would be able to take her away from me.. Though that was really foolish of me to think.." Hime takes another bite of the melon, a bit of a frustrated growl coming with the bite. ".. If it weren't for him, we'd still be friends. But when I try to hurt him, she gets hurt, and now I'm in this mess."
"Himeko really smart. Smarter than Blanka." Both of these statements, to Blanka, are quite true. After all, he knows he's not the smartest melon in the patch, but he does pride himself on being a good judge of character. He reaches out and pokes the girl when she disclaims her own intellegence, nudging her side with a giant green finger.
"Hard to make friends. Blanka's friends always been true to Blanka - but not always same for Himeko? Maybe not try to be mean to other guy, and she be friends with both you and him?" He scratches at his chin, then just gives Himeko a doofy grin, and a shrug of his shoulders. "Blanka not sure - not have many friends ignoring. Hard to ignore Blanka."
Himeko leans slightly to the side when she's poked, as if Blanka had the strength of a million suns! She uprights quickly enough, and gives a brighter smile to her green friend as she nods her head, "Hmn, I'd say that's about a good summary.. But the problem is I really hate him."
Hime takes another bite of the melon, seeming a bit thoughtful. "He's a jerk, and I don't know what she sees in him. But.. Well, the important thing is just moping isn't going to help.. I really do need to do something." The heroine tosses the rind away as well, the light *clunk* of nothing but metal proving her three point shot! "I'm definatly tired of feeling hurt, that much is for sure. Hey, how've you been, I noticed you've been getting better matches in Saturday Night Fight, Blanket-san."
Blanka haw haw! She is humoring the Blanka, and making him feel super-strong! He is okay with that, and tucks his knees against his chest, peeking out over the roof again as he listens. "What he do that so bad as to hate? Hate is very strong word, Himeko." Blanka nods sagely as he says this, wisdom of the ages being passed on to the younger girl. At least, in his opinion. "Is better to not mope. Things will work out - after all, Hurricane Himeko never stay down for.. long!" With that, he holds up a hand for a fistbump!
Given or received, he grins as she brings up Saturday Night Fight. He slaps his free hand against the roof excitedly, nodding his head. "Blanka almost top in League for little while too - and fighting many people in SNF. Lots of fun playtimes with them all. Glad to show them what Blanka capable of." Toothy grin offered once more, he adds, secretively. "Blanka also learning how to move fast like 'otaroo. She learning to be strong like Blanka. Have you met her?"
Hmmn. That is a good point, hate -is- a strong word but at the same time she just feels in her gut that there's no mistaking it. ".. He turned her against me." Hime replies, simply, and rests her hands behind her so she can lean back a bit. But she smiles even brighter then. Sure she and Blanka don't go to the mall togeather or anything like that; but he really does seem to understand her in his own way. So when his fist pumps up, so does her own. "Yosh! Hurricane Hime will make things right!"
She looks suprised after that; she didn't realize that Blanka had been climbing in the league! And then.. Fighting training? Again suprised, as she had always thought he had been a master of jungle-fu, ".. Do you really need to be any faster, Blanket-san? You seem really fast to me, plus you have super electric attacks! You can just wait for them to get close and BAM!" the girl shakes her fist out in front of her, "Bz-z-z-zz-t. I still want to do that.. Mmnn, Hotaru... Futaba? She used to be on Team Awesome with me. But I didn't get to know her much I was kinda .. Not Hurricane Hime at the time." Hime finishes with a sheepish blush.
Bwah-hah! Blanka is /quite/ good at surprising people with giant electricity, isn't he. He nods agreeably, and then guffaws, leaning back and looking up at the sky. "Blanka always find it funny when people try to grab and beat on Blanka. Very good at 'bad touch!'" He says that in the manner of one of those infomercials about good touch, bad touch, that it's certain he picked it up from the TV - that is, after all, how he usually gets his information. "Fot Arooma Towazu in League earlier this week. Showed him how strong I was - he ... little bit stronger, though." Blanka doesn't sound troubled by the loss at all - it probably comes from his opinion that fighting is 'playtime'. It makes it so much easier to blow off losses, when they don't /mean/ anything to him, for the most part.
"Hotaroo is very good person. You could be her friend and she would not be bad to you." He says this with utmost certainty - at least at first. He rubs at the back of his neck before he adds things that trouble him. "She taking things very serious. Wants to be strong, not seeing that she already strong. Now where Blanka know another girl like that.. wants to be something, not sure they are it, even though Blanka see they are..." He 'hmnnns' audibly, gold eyes looking everywhere but Himeko.
Himeko laughs, as well, cut short at the mention of Alma. It'd been a long time since she had heard from him, good to know he was still active in the league! "I remember, he's definatly got an odd style.. But it's really effective; I've only seen him fight, never really did myself. I should change that when I get a chance.."
With that, Hime hops to her feet, stretches out her arms and gives a light yawn. "Mmmmn, ok! I think I've been slacking enough, I'd better get back to my training; the next few days is going to be a real battle!" she turns to Blanka, giving him a deep bow. "Thanks a lot for talking with me, hopefully we'll be paired up in a fight soon and.. Uh.. I wanted to ask about something else but I forgot. So anyay, I'll see you later?"
"Ok.. Train hard, Himeko. Will expect good things when see you fight next. Blanka cheer extra loud for you." He will, too - possibly to the point of distraction. He's okay with that, and he's pretty sure she will be to.
When she says she's ready to go, Blanka gets to his feet and flips up and over the ledge, to land down on the ground below. Looking up at Himeko he nods, and then gives her a thumbs-up. "See aroo real soon! Watch first step though!"
Log created on 22:35:44 03/24/2008 by Himeko, and last modified on 17:12:35 04/05/2008.