Shadaloo's base is in a state of at least some disrepar. What with the disturbance created in the power vacuum of Vega's abesence, the dissappearrance of two of his trusted lieutenants, and the sneaky scavenging of Elle's merry band of people, it's rather amazing that the place still functions at all. Elfa was drawn back here, due to something she does not recognize - what's left of her personality has been burned away in a wash of other people's stolen energy, leaving only the construct that she started as in existence - her sole duty simply to be a conduit for Vega's power, until such time as the process to bring his psyche back was completed.
However, at this moment she's stuck and alone, injured and laid out on one of the laboratory benches. She stares up at the screen that monitors her readouts, uncertain if the diagnostics mean that Vega's plan will fail or succeed, whether his return - the thing that her psyche screams for - will ever occur or not. <<I cannot do this alone..>>, she thinks to herself, and then she flails about, looking for the comm switches, the ones that Vega used to draw his agents in to him. It would be easier to do from the Throne Chamber, but at this point, she is unsure if she can move enough to do it.
What an interesting state of affairs indeed. Shadaloo was considered a loss for many, but some did remain. Gunther had mostly stayed for one reason through this whole time and that reason is his research. He had too much time invested in some of the creations that are around the lab in the form of various robotic limbs and half built machines. Despite his research team taking a big hit the young scientist still remains.
It might also be for the better in this case. This backup plan that Vega had made in case of his body being destroyed was one of many secrets Gunther was not made aware of up until recently. With the return of Elfa the scientist has taken many a day researching and checking his notes. This sort of process is something of meticulous planning and cannot be performed without error.
He enters the labratory with a smile on his face though it seems to be worn in an attempt to reassure Elfa that everything is all right despite him knowning this process doesn't have the greatest chance of working. "I believe it is finally time." he tells her as he moves over to the monitors to check them. "Do you believe yourself to be ready?"
At the sound of the voice, Elfa's head turns. Bright white eyes look over at the scientist, her voice a quiet, dull affirmative as she accepts what is to come. ".. Father needs us. I am .. ready." After all, Father's needs were so much more important than her own - food or drink or health be damnned, Father's will be done. The Doll struggles up to her elbows, to watch the researcher puttering around. She clears her throat, then just speaks once more.
"Father trusted you with his secrets, through me - you have the ability to complete what Senoh wrought. When this is over, Father will not forget... this much I know." Afterwards, she lays back out - strength mostly gone, vitals hanging dangerously low.
Gunther does not turn around as the girl speaks, his mind still running over the notes he researched over and over. This is something he can only do once so he has to keep room for error to a minimum. "I have all I needed, yes." the German says as he rubs at his chin in thought. She is doing a bit worse off than he expected, but it is just something he will have to deal with. He is low on time as it is.
The repeating of the word father does seem to make him grow tense at times. Does Elfa really consider Vega to truely be her father? A true parent would never ask something like this of their child. A sacrafice to preserve his existence. Yet, the Dolls never were Gunther's project and he would never really want them to be. "Lay perfectly still. We shall begin now."
Father, god - creator, destroyer. Vega is all of these things to Elfa - or at least, to the personae that was programmed into her at her creation. In the end, she would lay down anything to become the culmination of what Vega intended, even flawed as she is. Hands go stock still at Gunther's command, and then she lies back out upon the laboratory table. "Of course."
Eyes close, the last bits of what /was/ Elfa Byakova being left behind as the pure power of Vega's might swells within her. She's had it inside her for so long that it's amazing it hasn't destroyed her yet. However, such is Senoh's work, the project born from the Zero Doll's failure, that the new body is still able to contain it.
The German utters a small prayer under his breath as he reaches for the control panel and his fingers linger on a switch before flipping it. A rather loud hum fills the labratory as the bench Elfa rests on begins to vibrate and electricity sparks around an apparatus that hangs above her. The swelling energy is meant to be a dampener for when Vega's own power overtakes the girl fully and he is reborn. If not kept in check such a large surge of energy could possibly take out what is left of the base to begin with.
Gunther pulls the googles that rest on his forehead over his eyes as he glances over his shoulder one last time and he gives a solemn nod towards the rather lifeless looking doll in farewell as his hand reaches up to throw another switch to increase the power output of the apparatus in an attempt to finally draw out the sleeping beast that exists in Elfa to be reborn so he may retake his throne.
What remains of the doll is quickly overpowered by the sudden final influx of Vega's stored energy and psyche. Held as it was, it was more than Vega had expected to have to store in his new body, and the transfer is not /quite/ perfect. There's .. well, not an explosion, per se - but a bright white light that flashes from the transfer apparatus, the excess bleeding off into the environment in waves of white that becomes dark purple, the true aura of Vega's power. It engulfs the Doll on the table...
And Elfa screams. What happens next is painful, though blisfully quick. Bones reshape under the force of Vega's mind, the imprint of who he was, and who he wished to become. Muscles twist, snap and reset, joints unhinge and reseat themselves as Elfa's body is changed. As the light finally fades, there is silence, save for the slight buzz of breaking machinery. On the table, slowly starting to move - a man.
Perhaps not exactly the same, his eyes keeping their white glaze, the chin less defined, but the resemblence is eerie. His voice is raspy, harsh from the exertion and struggle of his new body's change - but growing stronger quickly. "Not Senoh... Gunther. You've done... " He doubles up, a cough as he grips the supports of the table for strength. "... Done well. How long has it been?"
Even with the goggles on Gunther has to force his gaze away from the table from the bright flash. The scream echos through his mind alot longer than it actual happens. It will be something he will not forget. It is something that will just remind him how damned he truely is when all is said and done. Another sin committed in his life and one that certainly won't be his last.
"Senoh.....well you will find out soon enough." the German says in a rather quiet tone as he flicks the switches back off and presses another to summon forth two people to assist Vega in getting up as well as bringing him clothes. "Many months have passed, Lord Vega. Shadaloo is not what it was." He attempts not to give too much information at once given he does not know how much stress was put on Vega in both mind and body after the switch. "There will be much work to do once you recover fully."
For what it's worth, Gunther's mind might find some ease to know that Elfa wasn't born, simply created. Or else, he may hate himself all the more. Who knows? Vega doesn't care - in his life, he is the important thing - not Elfa. Whatever she was. As he strips off the Doll outfit, he smirks - examining his new form with a sense of curiosity. "Hnn. Shadaloo was always the tool, Gunther. My will is what drove it, and what will drive it again. We shall see to that." Stronger and stronger every moment.
As he dresses, he moves to step away from the table, to instead start to look over the figures and such. As strong as he was before? Not likely. He can tell already that he's weaker, wounded by the months of .. well, dead-ness. It is just time, though - he'll gather his strength, and crush the enemies of Shadaloo under his heel. "... Time to recuperate, yes - but this time, things will be different. I acted too overtly, last time - that was my downfall. This time - this time, I have far better plans."
The two cronies are quick to leave once their job is done. It still seems that despite his state of being weaker than normal they are not going chance angering Vega fresh from his long dirt nap. Gunther reaches to push the goggles back up onto his forehead and he takes off the rubber gloves being worn. "Some of the Dolls are still here ready to serve you, but a good amount of our forces have either been killed or walked away once news of your death had come around. Even some of your most trusted men have left."
He then motions to the various automatons that are half finished as well as a few weapons that are partially pieced together on the benches. "I have been left to my own devices unsure of what was to happen." The door to the labratory then opens to allow Vega to leave if he so pleases as Gunther folds his hands behind his back. "I will offer any assistance that I can while we rebuild. It may be time to search for reliable replacements for those that have departed."
"Then we should be moving towards taking new recruits. I have much to research." Plans, plots - to learn the lay of the land and to test his skills again - all these challenges, all coming up so quickly upon him. The sickly smile on Vega's face hints that the challenges will be met with strength, speed and deciseive action.
"I must rest for now - but I assure you, you will be remembered after I have taken stock of what is to be and what will be, Gunther." With that, Vega turns on his heel, and heads towards the Throne Chamber. There, well ... he'll sit and study what has occured. Learning about the world, what has passed, and what is yet to come - such is the challenge he's set before himself.
Many rough times are ahead, Gunther can already see that. Rebuilding an empire like the one Vega controlled will not be easy. Forces must be gathered, bases must be rebuilt and most of all a reputation being established all over again. The scientist gives a low bow as he follows Vega out of the lab while giving a solemn nod once again. "Much to be done in such little time. We will begin at once."
But where to start? He is certain Vega is more than prepared to start out on his conquest quickly. That evil mind may have been sealed away in Elfa for many months, but Gunther knows that the gears in that twisted mind of Vega were grinding away the entire time. If anything this will be an interesting time for Shadaloo as he prepares to see how things shall unfold.
Log created on 16:34:40 03/21/2008 by Elfa, and last modified on 18:25:38 03/21/2008.