Neo League 626 - #627: Birdie vs Roberto

Description: Roberto versus Birdie in a Neo League fight at the Shrine in a forest! It's rather brutal what goes on, as soccer player takes on dapper thug! Spills! Chills! Thrills! Turkeys and ham sandwiches! ( Winner: Birdie )

Normally the shrine would be completely deserted. What makes today completely different is the fact that there's a crowd, and there's cameras being set up near the steps and on the hills outside of it. The uneven terrain makes for an odd evironment for a fighter who is used to the flat ground of soccer fields.

Speaking of which, Roberto comes from the direction of Taiyo High carrying a mesh bag filled with soccer balls before he sets them on the ground. As he waits for his Neo League opponent to be ready he takes deep breaths. He wasn't informed about who he'd be fighting and will have to adapt on the fly without any preparation whatsoever.

The shrine is a place where Birdie barely ever appears. It's not that he isn't religious, which isn't the case anyways because he isn't releigions, but that's besides the point. The point is morein that fact that today, this shrine is going to be used for something different. It'll be used as a battle field of men instead of a battlefield and soother of the mind.

Birdie comes, and he comes high and mighty. Large and in charge. His figure redicuously large due to his gargantuan stature. He's doesn't now who he's fighting, but usally he doesn't even damn care. So when he begins to make his way and sees a soccer player, he snorts. Who's this guy? Birdie never heard of him. Then again, Birdie hasn't heard of a lot of people.

"Yo! Bloke! You here for the fight?!" Birdie bellows to the other man. Er. Boy. Teen? "Yeah! If you are you bloody well be prepared!" You tell him Birdie!

By now, Roberto is used to this or would be if the sentiment was expressed in anything other than the snort. People usually see the soccer balls and assume that he's weak. He doesn't really mind since people who underestimate him usually get an unpleasant surprise.

Considering that he never did hear the snort though, he remains blissfully unaware of Birdie's lack of opinion on him. The bellowing? That's what gets the soccer star's attention. Roberto slowly turns towards the source of the sound to see one of Hotaru's other victims. It's almost as if NL wants to get back at him for running his mouth that night. "Well... I'm here for the fight. As for prepared? Only way to determine that is at the end."

Roberto doesn't say anything else but he lifts a foot to rest it on one of his numerous soccer balls a red goalie glove clad hand extended out to beckon the brawler in.

COMBATSYS: Roberto has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Roberto          0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Birdie has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Roberto          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Birdie

As Birdie is beckoned, BIRDIE WILL GO. The massive thug hunches over as he begins to hunker towards Roberto like a battle ship, one leg after the other as he moves across the wood and up the shrine towards the soccer player. He's got a real big grin as he goes, smiling all the way up. You can tell he's gonna enjoy this. There's no way he'll not.

"Yeah! I'm ready bloke! And I'm damn happy you're ready too!" Birdie states as he lumbers towards the man. And while he does, he looks over towards the ground besides him, a bench besides him. "Hehehehe." Birdie states with a smile, actually prying the bench off the ground, ripping it up as he weilds it against the soccer player.

"So you like sports, huh? Well lets play bloke!" And so, Birdie actually brings it down, the massive figure coming down with an even more massive bench. Who said religion wasn't fun?!

COMBATSYS: Roberto dodges Birdie's Random Weapon.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Roberto          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Birdie

As a giant Birdie descends from the air Taiyo's Soccer Phenom waits for it with poise and just as it starts to look like he's about to get hit with the bench, Roberto cuts to the side with the soccer ball and then follows it with a spin move which then puts him right behind the thug.

With his pearly whites shining(not nearly as bright as Kim's smile), he swings his foot, past the soccer ball he was still dribbling, into Birdie's ribs powering in the foot as much as he can.

COMBATSYS: Birdie interrupts Heavy Kick from Roberto with Murderer Chain.
- Power hit! -

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Roberto          0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0           Birdie

Birdie's one of those brawlers that you sometimes gotta gauge what they're gonna do before hands. Likewise, Birdie is one of those. Sometimes he just tries to set up everything quickly so that no one can change it. This is one of those times, as Roberto gets out of the way of the bench. If he looked close, the bench was attached to the chain. Birdie's chain was unready unraveled.

So When Roberto came in with teeth a gleeming, Birdie just had to. The kick strikes Birdie's chest, so hard and so fast there's a rather loud impact. But that's because Birdie thrust it out, his hands already grabbing a hold of Roberto's leg as it rests on the thugs chest.

With the heavy links around it, Birdie just grins. "Hehehehe. Care for a lift? It's FREE!" Birdie cries as he pulls up on the chain, sending Roberto and his leg spiralling into the air, and at the highest part, he pulls down on it, sending the man careening towards the ground as the heavy links release. "Haha. It's already starting good!" The thug bellows.

The soccer star just never saw that coming. When his leg is grabbed a sudden realization of the danger he's in is written on his face. It's at that moment of realization that he's sent into the air waiting for the moment that he's sent back down to the ground. Indeed, he's sent to the ground again leaving a crater in the ground.

Slowly, the soccer star rises to his feet trying to recover from the pain that Birdie just put him through. After the impact he's already learned two things about Birdie. He's dangerously cunning and his attacks hurt alot. Now it's Roberto's turn to make his own impression in the form of a glowing foot as he kicks up high into the air. After that, his foot returns to the ground but he turns his back to the brawler.

COMBATSYS: Birdie endures Roberto's Thrust Kick.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Roberto          0/-------/-======|=======\=------\1           Birdie

Oof. That's the first thing that comes to Birdie's mind as he throws himself into the kick Roberto throws. Somehow he manages to miss the chi that came with it, but he's not going to keep on that fact. All he knows is the boys trying to get back some of the ground he lost, and he did a fine job on that.

As Birdie is struck flat out, the man's chest impacting with Robeto's kick. It strikes across the mans fight, sending him doubling back with a snort. "Hah. Neat." Birdie snorts, "But good enough? I dunno." The thug tries to take control.

Birdie hurls himself straight after, the piece of hair being thrust forwards with the larger man behind it, aiming to pierce the boys chest and take him into something like the shrine itself or a tree. Birdie's not picky.

COMBATSYS: Roberto fails to interrupt Bull Horn Final from Birdie with Bicycle Kick.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Roberto          1/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1           Birdie

There was a method to Roberto's madness. In his previous attack he had turned his back to Birdie for a reason however, Birdie's timing just seems to be on and his own not so much. As a result so he finds his back getting speared in the by his mohawk and he's charged face first into a tree.

He by all rights should've been hurt more by that attack but he took the time to prepare himself before the impact with the tree. That isn't to say it didn't hurt because oh god it hurt sooooooo much.

Birdie just seems to be murdalizing the kid. Well, if there's one thing you just have to do. It's stay the heck away from Birdie and his big meaty arms. If you're away from them you should be pretty well off. Still, even as Roberto's madness method seems to be working a little, Birdie's still going after him, even after pinning him to the tree.

"Y'know. Most people just try to get out of the way bloke. Took some pair to stand there and try to stop me!" Birdie states as he reaches out for the man, his large hands groping for Roberto's form as he backs off. "Here, lemme give you something for a prize."

Don't take the prize! It's deadly! And probably Birdie attempting to do the unthinkable. Well, okay. He's just trying to grab a hold of Roberto, and give him a rather powerfull toss forward and across the shrine grounds. "Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!"

COMBATSYS: Birdie successfully hits Roberto with Strong Throw.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Roberto          1/---====/=======|=======\===----\1           Birdie

Roberto was beaten too senseless to peel himself off the tree before Birdie grabs him and flings the soccer player across the grounds like a cheap rag doll.

Roberto's body arcs high into the air until he crashes head first into a Neo League camera.

Roberto slowly gets back to his feet wobbling as he makes his way back into the fighting area. He may lose, he may make a come back, but he has no plans of ending this fight without making a significant impact on the bigger fighter.

So the soccer player runs to his soccer ball and then kicks it at the chain wielder. The strange thing about the soccer ball is that it's covered in chi flames as it makes its way to the brawler in an attempt to catch him in a massive explosion of chi, courtesy of his Blazing Strikers attack.

COMBATSYS: Roberto successfully hits Birdie with Blazing Strikers.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Roberto          0/-------/------=|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2           Birdie

Birdie finds something out today. Enduing a soccer ball is not the thing to do. It isn't it isn't it isn't. So when Birdie actually throws himself towards the soccer ball that Roberto kicks, it just continues on into him. And when his chest meets the ball, he's shattered, throwing him backwards a great distance and causing him to fall across the ground.

The chi explosion rips into him. Wow that hurt! Ew. That really sucks. But Birdie's still standing afterwards, or at least, getting back up to stand again. Ow. The big thug just breathes heavily. "Damn you got a leg." Birdie states, snorting. He stays down for a second, just looking the boy over. He's going to try and finish this.

Maybe... brutally?

COMBATSYS: Birdie focuses on his next action.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Roberto          0/-------/------=|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2           Birdie

When the chi-explosion subsides the soccer star desperately gasps for air only offering a short nod in response to Birdie's comment about his leg. Between the use of his Blazing Strikers attack and the incredible beat down he received at the hands of the thug it's no wonder. Needless to say, after feeling the impact of all the things Birdie has brought to bear, Roberto's not in too much of a hurry to get in close range with the brawler.

Instead the soccer runs up to another one of his soccer balls and kicks it up into the air and then performs a Bicycle Kick, the attack that he didn't quite successfully utilize on Birdie. He does a back flip kick, driving his foot into the soccer ball powering the ball right at the other fighter. It doesn't have the kick of his previous attack, but it isn't aided by chi either.

COMBATSYS: Birdie interrupts Large Thrown Object from Roberto with Bull Spike.

[                                < >  /////////////                 ]
Roberto          0/-------/--=====|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2           Birdie

All Birdie knows that whatever is coming is coming. And boy is something coming.

Wait. Is that what he thinks it is? Oh yeah, that's another soccer ball. Hell no, he's not going to do that. It's not happening like that.

So as soon as the ball comes, Birdie springs into action. It slams into his head, his hair, being sliced open by Birdie's large hairpiece. He cut right through it before exploding through, right towards Roberto. He's not going to stop at all. He's just going to throw himself into it, send himsel right at Roberto. So right as he plows through the soccer ball, he's already at Roberto.

And he rhino's him right in the stomach for his trouble. The same hair piece that cut the ball in half as it slams onto Birdie's head where it left a mark goes right into Roberto's chest. Then it lift him up, and with Birdie's help, tosses him right over and behind him. "Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Birdie calls as he tosses the man.

Roberto goes high, high up into the air. The crowd lets out a collective 'Ooh.' As the soccer goalie goes rediculously high up into the air. Roberto's body probably got a good two or three stories worth of hang time.

Thing about it is that what comes up, must come down and oh boy, Roberto's body is coming back down right on Birdie's head. Unfortunately Roberto has no control of his body due to unconsciousness but that doesn't make him any less dangerous.

Wherever Roberto's body lands, it begins to heal itself for some odd unexplainable reason though the healing process began too late for him to continue the fight with it.

Somewhere in the crowd there a guy in a high pitched voice screaming, "You got knocked the *bleep* out!" Gotta love the seven second delay.

COMBATSYS: Roberto can no longer fight.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  <
Birdie           2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|

COMBATSYS: Birdie interrupts Strong Throw from Roberto with The Birdie MAX.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  <
Birdie           0/-------/-======|

You know how lives gives you lemons? Birdie squeezes the hell out of the lemons. Even when Roberto comes down on top of Birdie after being flung into the air, he looks up. Oh, yeah. So he's still falling upon him? Well, guess what Roberto. It's a good thing you're not concious any more, because Birdie catches you... with his face! And his horn. It's sort of disturbing.

But right after ramming a tree, Birdie start punching the body of the boy over and over and over again. Once twice thrice. It's pretty barbaric as punches rain down upon the soccer player until finally, Birdie halts, turning away to start leaving.

He grins a shit eating grin as he does. He beat up a soccer player today, yep, and it hurt a bit, but damn did it feel good.

It felt very good. "Cheap cheap!" Birdie responds as he leaves. And he does. Oh does he. He's got places to be, people to steal from. "Seeya later kid! Hahaha!"

COMBATSYS: Birdie has ended the fight here.

Log created on 18:17:20 03/18/2008 by Birdie, and last modified on 00:28:41 03/19/2008.