Neo League 601 - #622: Krauser vs Raizo

Description: In an epic battle of moustache vs. manbear, not even the surroundings are the winner. (Draw Match)

Justice High School. Home of...JUSTICE!!

So what more appropriate place to host the Neo League matchup between two titans of the fighting world!? None!

Raizo Imawano, principal of this fine establishment and overall huge man with giant fists, appears all of about five seconds after the camera crews are set up, striding out of the central building followed immediately by a veritable horde of students, most of whom will no doubt scatter like crows once the landscape starts breaking. He is dressed as ever, in his tan suit with the purple rim around the collar.

The main courtyard will be the arena, or at least it's where the fight will start - a broad, open-air yard quite fit for the two combatants to struggle in. No doubt they will eventually start throwing each other through walls, however.

It was nice to get out of the castle, every now and again. Though he would never enjoy fighting more than in Strolheim Castle's exhibition yard, it was a pleasant change to venture out and see where other people called home. This time, the invitation of the Neo League called Wolfgang Krauser from his home and dangerously close to his half-brother's. Thanks to the airport, he was running a bit late; it wasn't until just as the construction of the stage was complete that a black Town Car pulled up beside Justice High. The driver scurries out from his seat after the car stops, circling the car to the back door. After the door swings open, the massive moustached German steps out and straightens up. No armor, for a change. It's hard to get that armor through security.

Massive arms reach over his head, stretching out with one of those full-body arches that only comes from spending all day in a plane, then in a car, both horribly undersized for a man of his height. "Geh. So nice to be out of the car." The driver shuts the door, then retreats to his seat again while Krauser steps towards the fighting area, clad in just his normal purple full-length fighting trunks, boots, and the long red cape. He stops just short, then looks over towards Raizo. "Raizo Imawano. It is an honor to finally face you. I have been hoping to meet you in battle for some time now."

The great animalesque principal of Justice High stands there - his appearance and manner contrasting just as sharply as ever. He looks only barely more human than the jungleman called Blanka, and yet here he is - standing straight except for a spine bent sharply by age, hands at his sides, with a roughly professional look to his stance except perhaps for a glimmer of eagerness for the coming competition.

He nods at Krauser, offering a smile. "Wolfgang Krauser. The honor is mine; your reputation precedes you. I've been looking forward to this quite a bit."

Signs start to emerge from the crowding students, cheering on either of the combatants. Raizo is the favored, but perhaps that's inevitable, given where they are. Raizo spots such a sign over Krauser's shoulder, and chuckles. "As have the students, I think. I don't think we'll disappoint them, hm?"

COMBATSYS: Krauser has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Krauser          0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Raizo has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Krauser          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Raizo

While Krauser may not have his spine arched by age, the German certainly looks to be fairly well along with regards to his age. The thick, bushy moustache and that generally fatherish aura of the Strolheim Lord tend to give his age away fairly easily. The smile is returned with a brief nod, and his attention is drawn to the signs when Raizo looks. Wolfgang looks over his own shoulder, then chuckles softly to himself after seeing the sign. "I would not think so, Raizo, no. The children, they appear to be very much enthused for the fight to come." As the students cheer, the speakers start spitting out static as an announcement of the pending start. With one more nod given to Raizo, Krauser turns and starts towards his own side of the ring.

Meanwhile, the announcer is all set with whipping the crowd into a frenzy. "Ladies and gentlemen, students of Justice High! We've brought a magnificent fight to you today! Starting to my left, from Strolheim, Germany... Wolfgang Krauser! And to my right, your very own Principal of Justice High... Raizo Imawano! Both appear to to prepared, so let's not waste any more time! Gentlemen... FIGHT!"

Through the course of the introduction, Krauser is settled off into his own corner, going through his warmup stretches. He pauses only to raise a hand, acknowledging the announcement of his name. The announcement to fight is made, though, and Krauser is off like a bullet. Charging straight at the Manbearprincipal himself, he gets good momentum, waiting to strike until he's just a few feet away. He crouches briefly before pushing off his back leg, leaping into the air and bringing his front leg forward, knee bent in an attempt to slam that bent knee right into the middle of Raizo's face.


COMBATSYS: Krauser successfully hits Raizo with Knee Smasher.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Krauser          0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0            Raizo

Raizo nods, waving a perfunctory farewell to Krauser - the two are, after all, about to beat each other bloody. And while the titanic German moves to his corner, Raizo steps over toward his own, rolling his shoulders and taking the announcement period to loosen up his joints, looking up to appeal for the students' cheers only briefly when his name is called.

Then the call to fight comes, and in that instant, Raizo rounds, turning on his heels to charge at Krauser. But Krauser seizes the initiative, sweeping into the air and driving his knee into Raizo's face. - brushing past Raizo's arms, rising up too slow to do anything about the assault. The Principal of Justice staggers back for not even a fraction of a second, not even looking all that dazed by the force of the blow, which would surely cripple lesser men. He leaps right back into the fighting, arms reaching for purchase on Krauser's shoulders. If he gets it, he twists his full upper body sidewise, to hurl Krauser to the ground with almost as much force as he left it - while at the same time kicking out with one leg, sweeping Krauser off his feet, if the German giant has had time to put them down.

COMBATSYS: Krauser blocks Raizo's Trip Slam.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Krauser          0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0            Raizo

The massive German would admit, he didn't expect Raizo to move nearly as fast as he does in reaction to the initial blow. Just as soon as Krauser's knee starts to drop down, the Justice Principal is already leaping forward. He just barely manages to get his foot down onto the ground as two meaty hands take hold of his shoulders. "--gh!" As his body is forced to twist, he rolls right along with it, hitting the ground hard enough to cause a slight aftershock. As his body rolls, though, Wolfgang rolls into the impact, only taking it across the shoulder and squirming himself free of Raizo's massive hands in the process. He uses that rolling to get a few feet away before hopping right back up to his feet.

"Hah.. Much faster than you look, sir. I am impressed already." Arms go wide, sweeping into a brief little bow before he steps forward once again. Stepping cautiously this time, he closes range before testing Raizo's defenses with a quick flurry of strikes; a pair of straight punches first, left then right, aimed for the chest, followed up by a wide elbow-strike coming from the left, and the combo closes as his right hand drops down, then rises up sharply with an uppercut aimed to catch the Manbear right underneath the chin.

COMBATSYS: Raizo parries Krauser's Medium Punch!

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Krauser          0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0            Raizo

The very first mistake most people make, in fighting Raizo Imawano, is expecting him to be about as agile as the block of granite he has oft been compared to.

Krauser has proven his wisdom by beginning to realize just how big a mistake this is...but, perhaps, doesn't have his eyes open all the way just yet. The Principal nods, grinning, as Krauser offers his praise. "Oh, yes," he declares. And then Krauser is there, right in front of him - and Raizo shifts around every blow, sidestepping one, hopping back from another, skipping away from every blow with perfect, analytical precision. "Quite fast!" Then the uppercut comes...and Raizo's hands rise, the razor-edged nails on the end of every finger catching the light dangerously as he gently ushers the uppercutting fist aside with his left arm...while his right rises up, claws bared, and SMASHES downward, the full weight of Raizo's considerable mass coming down in that single blow aimed to slash across Krauser's front, tearing his flesh as it passes. "Quite fast indeed...!" And as that first arm passes, Raizo brings his other up for an equally savage slash, and again, and again, and again, until Krauser manages to recover. "KYOUJYUU REPPA!"

COMBATSYS: Krauser Toughs Out Raizo's Kyoujyuu Reppa EX!!

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Krauser          1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0            Raizo

While Krauser's hands are moving fast, he can't help but be surprised as Raizo just... almost seems to flow in between and around punches, far faster than a giant old man should be moving. His hands pass through only air, and the response comes back with equal amounts of speed. Giant clawed hands come towards him, and without time to get his hands into his way, the German giant opts to simply rush forward and meet it halfway. The first razored hand comes across, and Krauser braces himself, and the claws rake bloody lines across his chest. Slash after slass draws bloody diagonal tic-tac-toe patterns all over his chest, but when it's said and done, Krauser is still standing straight in front of Raizo, grin wide across his face. "Quite fast, indeed!"

With the scant inches of space between the two monoliths of manliness, there's not much room for Krauser to get any momentum behind any sort of a strike with hands or feet. Instead, he does the next best thing that comes to mind; he draws his head back, then rocks forward again as quickly as he can, aiming to smash the middle of his forehead square into Principal Imawano's face.

COMBATSYS: Raizo blocks Krauser's Fierce Punch.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Krauser          1/-----==/=======|=======\=------\1            Raizo

Against some opponents, Raizo might step back - take a moment to observe, monitor their actions, get a feel for just where and how to hit them to best tear their guard open and then tear the rest of them open to match.

But this is no such battle. This will be a fight that ends only when one of them is unconscious.

His lips spread, revealing nicely white teeth that would be handsome on a man who didn't look like he would seriously consider using them to tear his enemies' throats.

"And you still stand after something like that...I'm impressed!" Krauser moves to counter - a hard headbutt that, if it were to hit cleanly, would probably stagger even Raizo. But Raizo denies the blow, arms shooting up and catching the impact hard on his forearms; he grins. That will bruise, yes, but it also means he's not staggering backward counting stars. His hands disengage once the collision is done, and then the old bear man surges forward with incredible speed for such a blocky frame - hands reaching up to clasp Krauser's /face/. "Then, sir, let's see how you handle THIS!"

Should he gain purchase, he exerts a monumental strength: he PULLS downward, yanking the Lord of Strolheim right off his feet, and dragging the German giant bodily along the ground some distance while Raizo runs toward one end of the arena. Once he has the momentum, he swings his arm up and around, spinning Krauser like a baseball about to be pitched--

--and then he does just that, HURLING Krauser right at the wall of one of the nearby buildings.

The students have already made a clear path for this, because they know to get the hell out of the way when the Principal starts grabbing people by the head.

COMBATSYS: Krauser fails to counter Ningen Taihou from Raizo with Unlimited Desire.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Krauser          0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0            Raizo

It was true that this fight was gunning headlong into at least one of the participants ending up unconcious, but Krauser hadn't quite taken into consideration that said unconciousness would come at the hands of being hurled like a sandbag through a brick wall. Thinking nothing of the possibility of being thrown, as Raizo starts surging forward, so too does the purple-haired German. When the Principal reaches up, one of those large Strolheim fists aims to crush its knuckles across Raizo's ribcage.. but those two hands grasp onto his face and quell any further uprising for the moment. If one could see his face, the look there would likely be hilarious for just about anyone that /wasn't/ Krauser himself, but around and around he goes, only to be sent flying like the aforementioned sandbag into, and right through, the wall in question. Bricks shatter with the impact, and a large cloud of dust rises from the site as Krauser... just lays there. Not unconcious by any means, but a blow like that is more than enough to knock the wind out of even the strongest German.

Mein gott, that hurt.

"Ah," Raizo says, one hand held over his eyes to shield them from the sun, squinting downrange to watch what Krauser's up to. The words come with an academically detatched tone quite thoroughly subverted by the big ol' grin on his face. "That's certainly one way to deal with it, yes. Popular choice, actually."

He chuckles to himself, taking an instant to roll his neck. He has a few seconds - Krauser won't get up for a little bit. He takes a deep breath, in and out, not so much to relax and recover as simply to regain his center.

And then he takes off like a shot, sprinting downrange at Krauser, barging into the classroom (normally home at this time to Nakamura-san's third period Japanese Classics, taking place today in the library because being on the ground floor while Wolfgang Krauser and Raizo Imawano duke it out is the opposite of wise). "It's understandable that you want to lie down for a bit after something like that!" Raizo calls, barreling forward. He takes only one step into the classroom before he shoves off the ground, somersaulting in midair and bringing both of his great big bear feet (in their nice Size Big shoes) down toward Krauser, a descending kick potentially more like having a meteor fall on him than a foot. "But I'm sure you can handle a bit more, eh!?"

COMBATSYS: Krauser interrupts Heavy Kick from Raizo with Medium Kick.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Krauser          0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0            Raizo

It was nice, just getting a moment to lay there and recover. Certainly not the hardest he's ever been hit, he still wouldn't deny that it hurt like hell. So it's there that he lays for a moment, head rolling back to get a nice, deep breath... until he hears the tromping of Raizo coming right for him. He lifts his head up just in time to see the foot lifting, preparing to come down and say hello by way of severe impact; this would not be good. "Of course, Raizo!" He still sounds jovial enough, for a man that just got hurled through a wall.

Both of the German's hands shove right through the rubble, getting a good grip before he suddenly rises right off the ground, lifting into a sudden sharp handstand. The timing of the impact is perfect enough for dramatic effect; Krauser throws his body into an abrupt spin while on his hands, bringing one foot around to slam the side of his boot right up along Raizo's head. Right as that impact is made, the meteoric foot of the Principal comes right back down at the same time, slamming into the Strolheim Lord's chest with enough impact to drop him right back down into the pile of rubble once again.


Raizo's eyes cross - that HURT, and not even Raizo can take a blow like that to the skull without a few seconds' disorientation.

He falls flat on his back, which is where he spends most of the seconds in question.

"Ah, yes," Raizo muses. "Forgot about that one."

The behemoth of a man heaves himself forward, rolling to his feet and beginning to dust himself off from the last exchange. He turns his eyes downward, monocle glinting in the flourescent lights. He doesn't press the attack again, this time - giving the Lord of Strolheim not so much a chance to recover as a chance to get into a position where Raizo can actually hit him from. There are only so many ways the Princibear can deal with a man on the ground, and most of them involve pretty much what he just did.

So instead, he watches, one ridged eyebrow rising expectantly, while he watches Krauser's every muscle and every breath, compiling his knowledge and observations rapidly into a short-term but hopefully quite effective plan for putting holes in the even larger German. He doesn't insult the German with demeaning banter. Krauser will get up - that much is a given.

COMBATSYS: Raizo focuses on his next action.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Krauser          0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0            Raizo

COMBATSYS: Krauser has saved the state of this fight.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Krauser          0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0            Raizo

Just a short moment after Raizo is clambering back up to his feet, Krauser has started to regain his footing, as well. It's a bit of a slow, lumbering climb as he gets back up to his feet, and rubble scatters and falls from his upper body in the process. "Quite a blow to the noggin, Raizo." A low rumble echoes in the German's throat as he rolls his shoulders, just before settling back into a comfortable stance.

And so... a standoff begins. Giant man across from giant man, arched eyebrow across from arched eyebrow. Krauser's legs tense slightly, crouching down into a ready position.. but from there, he doesn't move. Fingers curl into fists, knuckles cracking, one thick purple eyebrow lifting into an arch similar to that of the Principal's.

Somewhere, that one whistling duel theme plays that they love to use in cowboy movies.

COMBATSYS: Krauser focuses on his next action.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Krauser          0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0            Raizo

"Yes," the old bear rumbles, grinning broadly. "Quite a blow indeed. And yours, too."

He was hoping for an attack - something he could sweep in and conquer. No such luck. Now they're both standing, watching...waiting for the other.

That grin gets even bigger, and the old man shifts his stance again, moving into a position to push off the ground hard - he charges in, claws bared, surely about to launch into something truly horrific. He has an idea of the openings, now...

His big hands rise up, reaching for Krauser's neck and side. He needs to find purchase there, to perform the next part of his technique.

That is to say, to throw Krauser to the ground, where Raizo can hop over and straddle the Lord of Strolheim and claw savagely at his chest until it's a bloody, bloody mess, rolling away only in time to prevent Krauser from punting him through the roof!

COMBATSYS: Raizo successfully hits Krauser with Sekisaiga.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Krauser          1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0            Raizo

While Krauser was busy drawing his own ideas up in his head, the standoff came to an end, and Raizo was the first person to move. Legs tensed once again, and hands came up to shove against the ones reaching for him, but the grip of the Principal was strong enough to push its way right past. Hands ended up grabbing hold, and it wasn't long before he was ass over teakettle on the ground. Claws raked over and over again, tearing up the Strolheim Lord's chest and drawing bloody lines all over the place, leaving him a fair mess by the time it's all done.

When Raizo would leap away, Krauser rolled into an opposite direction, leaving little trickles of blood behind him as he rolls once, twice, then hops right back up to his feet. It's there that he hunches over, letting blood trickle down over his arms and stomach while a surprisingly pleased smile pulls at the German's lips. Fingers flex briefly, and while he heaves a deep breath, both hands splay their fingers out as a small, lava'ish-colored sphere starts to take form in his palms. The one in his left hand grows faster than the first, roughly the size of a basketball, and it's from that position that Krauser's left arm whips across, surprisingly fast considering his current state, flinging the fiery orb in an sidearmed toss right at Raizo's face.

"DOUBLE!" Right after, the right hand comes across, flinging the second lower, aimed for the Manbear's chest.


COMBATSYS: Krauser successfully hits Raizo with Double Blitz Ball.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Krauser          1/-----==/=======|=======\==-----\1            Raizo

Raizo leaps back, readying himself for whatever comes next...

...Of course. He should've seen that coming, probably. The old bear grits his teeth, because this is going to hurt /lots/. He BOUNDS aside, throwing the full force of his weight behind the singular goal of getting the Hell out of the way, but it doesn't work - one ball of energy to the face, another to the gut, and Raizo is flying, soaring back and through the wall behind him, which all but shatters around him, dropping him into Justice's main hallway. He comes down hard on his back.

"Ow," Raizo mutters, lying there for a few seconds. But he doesn't stay down; he puts his hands down, pushing off the ground and rising slowly to his feet, despite a scorched suit and burn marks on his face. "So that's the famed Double Blitz Ball?" Raizo grins. "Not bad. I see why you like it." He clenches his fists, striding across the short distance toward Krauser...

And then /grins/, baring his claws once more. "I've got a few favorites, myself."

And then he's MOVING, crossing the distance to Krauser in a second - and his hands are falling again, like earlier except moreso. Nails crashing downward with intent to rip and tear, the force of the blow great that the air itself tears as his hands pass, leaving visible claw marks in the very air for several moments after their passing.

COMBATSYS: Krauser endures Raizo's Imawano Kyoujyuu Reppa.

[                         \\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Krauser          1/--=====/=======|==-----\-------\0            Raizo

"The Blitz was a favored technique of my father; the previous Lord of Strolheim. I have improved what he has innovated." Rather than gloat over his success, Krauser is taking a moment to collect himself, checking over for any lingering injuries or something that might require stitches once this is all said and done. He's lacerated fairly badly, but nothing that a few rolls of bandages and a lager won't fix.

But then Raizo decides to improve on what he's already done.

The giant Principal has very nearly blinked across the distance, and before Wolfgang is able to throw up a proper defense, claws are moving. With no other options left to him, he simply digs his feet in, heels bracing against the ground as claw tears through flesh, drawing new clawmarks where none were and widening the already existing lacerations. But all the while, hopefully unknown to Raizo Imawano, the Earl of Strolheim is plotting his response. Long dragmarks mark up the floor as the double-handed razor-nail assault drives Krauser further and further back, but when the last claw falls, the bleeding German is still standing. And both of his hands pulse with angry, angry blue energy, twin auras of blue surrounding hands that're quickly brought to bear. "Then allow me to present my favorite technique, Raizo!"


Both hands are suddenly upthrust, arms slamming forward and propelling a fireball that suddenly coalesces, tall as Krauser himself and roaring off across the short distance with all due intent to put Raizo through at least one more wall.

COMBATSYS: Raizo Toughs Out Krauser's Kaiser Wave'!!

[                         \\\\\  < >  ////                          ]
Krauser          0/-------/-------|=======\-------\1            Raizo

"Your favorite, eh!?" Raizo laughs. He jumps back somewhat as his own attack ends. He sees that energy, and he knows what it means. What sort of fighter at this level doesn't?

His face turns more serious. Krauser is giving this everything. Well, then...

Raizo's grin turns animalistic, that almost entirely mad grin that puts the fear of God and Bear into anyone who witnesses it once. "That sounds like a /challenge/ to me!"

And then he pushes his feet off the ground, and runs - no, not runs, /sprints/ - into the very face of Hell, running headlong into the Kaiser Wave like a complete madman! He lowers one shoulder, charging in...

...and wading through it - pushing, struggling to fight through the insane force of Krauser's incredible energies, but nonetheless, piercing, slowly pushing through the inferno.

His eyes are locked on Krauser's, grinning like the Devil himself. He howls a warcry as he shoves through the last of the Kaiser Wave, and without even breaking his step, he crosses what distance remains between himself and Krauser. "Not bad, Wolfgang! Now -- TAKE A LOOK AT MINE!"

He pushes off the ground, and compresses his body up into a ball, wreathed with burning purple chi energy, his claws whirling around like buzzsaws as he comes down on Krauser like a high-speed chi-powered meteor.

Made of KNIVES.


COMBATSYS: Raizo successfully hits Krauser with Yasha Guruma.

[                                < >  ///                           ]
Krauser          0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0            Raizo

There was no way in Hell that Krauser would have seen that coming. Raizo just charged straight through it... Wolfgang was going to have to reevaluate his use of the Kaiser Wave in past weeks, because.. well, he'd have to think about it later, because this was going to hurt. A /lot/. There's no option of defense, no bracing himself; there was just getting the ever-living hell slashed out of him. Rolling, circling claws slice him up in short order, ripping flesh up and sending even more blood through the air.. the rather severe blood loss was starting to get to the German, at this point, and he would feel the wooziness starting to reach his brain. There was one last chance he might have to bring the other big man down, but ... hey, there's two of them.

Through a sheer miracle, Krauser doesn't quite manage to fall over as Yasha Guruma completes its circuit... though he does stagger backwards, stumbling for a moment before he steps forward again.. then again, almost losing his balance, with that stumbling momentum providing all the energy he could muster in one last attempt to slam his knuckles into Raizo's face before he just falls, face-first, to the ground.

COMBATSYS: Krauser can no longer fight.

[                           \\\  <
Raizo            0/-------/----===|

COMBATSYS: Raizo fails to interrupt Jab Punch from Krauser with Quick Punch.
- Power fail! -

COMBATSYS: Raizo can no longer fight.

Raizo's feet touch down, the Principal of Justice staggering a little from exerting himself so much when so close to exhaustion. He stands there, grinning at Krauser, waiting to see if the German falls down...

..and no. No, he doesn't. He could dodge, probably - actually, if he had the mind to he thinks he could probably sweep right in and do even more harm.

But no. He rises to the challenge, this time - seeing that fist come in, he drives his own upward, toward Krauser's own jaw.

But too slow, too slow - Krauser's fist hits hard, smashes Raizo in the jaw, and sends the bear-man sprawling backward, out cold at the last.

Log created on 18:44:51 03/15/2008 by Krauser, and last modified on 20:32:27 03/17/2008.