Iincyo - Tresspassers TRESSPASSING

Description: SORRY ABOUT NOT POSTING THIS SOONER agh I forgot to post it soorrryyyyy ;.; I think it's where Iincyo fights an intruder! Oh no!

If there's one thing that Cherise Bouchard has learned since her impromptu and somewhat forced move to living in Southtown in Japan, it's this:

Schools are huge.

She makes this observation while standing on the concrete wall surrounding the boundaries of the school in the half-chill of transitioning seasons, wearing the mid-thigh length wool coat longer than her skirt. With a softpadded guitar case slung across her back and her choppy bangs moving in and out of her vision, the self-proclaimed guitarist and one of Saturday Night Fight's more notorious-for-ruthlessness fighters has come to the campus and halls of Taiyo High...

For no real reason.

Stepping down off the wall, bypassing the gate entirely in the afternoon session, she looks around with all the curiosity of a small child, gawking straight up to the tall roof of the main building, looking off to the sports arena. Glossed lips purse to let a smooth whistle out. This school, she figures, must be loaded.

Her heel reels back a bit and her foot turns out, kicking the grass a bit as if she were kicking a soccer ball or something. While she wanders the campus, the first thing that comes to the nineteen-year old's mind is...

Is there anyone as fun as her 'friend' at Pacific here?

There's probably much more 'fun' friends at Taiyo than anywhere else. But if you go out of your way to find them or not is up to you! .. And depending on Cherise's version of fun, there might be all kinds placed here and there.. and one variety happens to take offense when those who don't belong step onto school property..

After the last thief, Chairperson wasn't going to let anyone off the hook at this point. And if that involves taking shifts as a sort of 'guard' during some of the off hours, then that's just what she'll have to do.

As Cherise steps off the wall, looking about, whistling and just trespassing, aiming to not attract too much attention.. it happens that she does, whether she wanted to or not. A girl, dressed like she was going to gym, strolls towards her. arms crossed, it's clear, probably, to Cherise.. that she wants something.

"I've never seen you before..." She begins, mouth a serious line, hair blowing lightly in the wind, jacket just hanging onto her, even if it's not actually on her.

"Are you visiting? Because then you'll have to schedule it before hand.. or sign in." She's serious about this. Even going so far as to produce a clipboard.

'I've never seen you before...'

Not quite the greeting that she was looking for, but then again, the silver-haired French girl rarely gets a warm, welcome reception. It takes her a few moments to acknowledge Iincyo, or even look at her-- and then finally, those large disturbingly sharp blue eyes turn towards the girl. The corners of Cherise's mouth bow up in a grin, her expression so suddenly shifting to a polite beam.

"That is okay," she says, her voice thick with her accent and her still-rusty Japanese. "I do not need to sign in! I am ... just passing through, and then to the other side of the campus."

There's a brief pause, and then she sweeps her hand out wide to the side. It's an attempt to recreate the sweeping "no" hand gesture used by a lot of the kids around here, but the full range of motion is a little too exaggerated and practiced albeit smoothly executed. "Just kidding!"

And then she walks closer, the grin on her face widening a bit, getting a little too far into the catergory of a leer rather than a smile. And with the buffer zone of the clipboard being the only thing that keeps this odd French girl from plowing the Taiyo High Chairperson over, her eyes lull down to it, then the pen. "But I don't feel like signing in. I will only be a short time. I do not plan on doing anything. Now run along, shoo!!" She even follows the statement with a dismissive wave of her hand.

Iincyo gets no respect, nyuck nyuck nyuck, no respect!

Iincyo would apologize if she had gotten a response beyond the one that she gets. But, generally.. that doesn't happen. She's nearly remembered the Student body, is informed of the students coming and going, and keeps the multitude of clubs all together, helping organize this and that.. and even learning of a few other students from other schools.

So when she saw Cherise..

The silver haired French girl turns to her.. in time.. it's far from immediate, but she's patient. And the accent and rusty Japanese voice isn't what she pays attention to.. it's the words. Blinking, blank at her response, Iincyo stares.. She .. doesn't NEED to? ... She's about to call this into question when ..

What's she doing now? Oh.. Just .. kidding. "I'm sorry .. but that's still something you'd need to for..." Oh, she's doing it! The grin and all as she gets closer, the pen held nearby...

It's like she's playing with her here. Because it goes from 'No~, to okay to NOPE get lost kid in all of a minute. Doesn't ... need to .. sign in!? ... And then, of all things.. Iincyo is given a .. wave of her .. hand.

The Chairperson's patience finally snaps. "No." It's a resounding, simple, but solid, no. "No. You are not getting in without signing in. You are not going to be able to go on campus without my presence nearby you at this moment... and I'm going to get Hayato if you don't sign in... I'm not, however, going to leave you alone. This is important, because this is school policy! And as Chairperson of the class, I'm going to make sure you respect it too!" And then she points the clipboard towards Cherise, harder, more forceful this time.

"Sign in!"

She's going to go get who? WHo left this short little girl in charge, then? Why is she so hell-bent on getting a signature on a piece of paper? Conversely, one could ask why Cherise was so hell-bent on -not- giving it. Carefully reviewing the situation in her mind and with the clipboard now thrust angrily at her stomach, the gray-haired young woman tilts her head back a bit, lifting her chin. "Let me think about this..." she says, dragging and drawling her words into a--


Her arms extend out to either side. "Besides, I am already on the campus. What is it you are going to do to stop me if I don't leave? If you want to get your friend you are going to have to leave me. Because I do not intend on leaving with you."

Her right hand lowers, a gold bracelet revealed around her wrist as gravity takes it's course and drops it down. There's also subtle shifts in her posture, her legs spreading just slightly and her body tensing. All of it leads up to her hand reaching up to swat the clipboard up into the air with the intent to knock it out of Iincyo's hands...

And then she steps back, leg flicking up in a blur with the intentions of jabbing the toe of her laced-up boots into the Taiyo Chairperson's temple.

"If you are so concerned, make me leave!!"

COMBATSYS: Cherise has started a fight here on the right meter side.

                                  >  //////////////////////////////]
                                 |-------\-------\0          Cherise
1 health gauges: Cherise (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Cherise0

COMBATSYS: Iincyo has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Iincyo           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Cherise
2 health gauges: Iincyo (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16. Cherise (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Iincyo0Cherise0

COMBATSYS: Iincyo blocks Cherise's Light Kick.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Iincyo           0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0          Cherise
2 health gauges: Iincyo (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 28 of 30. Super: 1 of 16. Cherise (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Iincyo0Cherise0

It may seem rather simple, but Iiincyo is certainly not going to let Cherise just walk all over her! Of course not! Especially not on school rules, either. Chairperson looks at Cherise, holding out the clipboard, waiting for her to just write her name on it. And the response, finally given, a dragging, slow, nagging response....

Is the one she just WON'T accept. And yet, Cherise refuses to accept it either. Especially as she proclaims she's on the campus, and makes a very, very good point. She doesn't intend on leaving! .. So things MUST be done!

Unfortunately, Cherise does it first, and the clipboard is sent spiralling from her grasp. Gasping a bit, Iincyo looks over to watch it be swatted away, taking a step back.. and that's what saves her when the leg flicks up, intent on jabbing Chairperson in the face with the heavy looking boot.

Arms raise up in defense to protect her from the foot, wincing, as she barely fends off her force. "I'd .. be more than happy to!" Chairperson responds. "Bother some other place.. but leave.. the schools ALONE! I'm in charge of the class.. so for the class.. I'll take care of you." Finally pushing the leg away, Iincyo points. "People like you, bothering these students.. hah! Lightning stance, thunderbolt!" She cries, lashing out rather quickly, a palm strike before she leaps into the air, twisting about to send a quick strike to her middle!

COMBATSYS: Cherise parries Iincyo's Lightning Stance!

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Iincyo           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Cherise
2 health gauges: Iincyo (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 27 of 30. Super: 0 of 16. Cherise (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Iincyo0Cherise0

Some people would squint when their surprise attack is blocked. Some people owuld make a big deal out of it, or some people would let out some sort of snappy retort. No, not Cherise Bouchard. her eyes -widen-. They widen, the corners of her mouth pulling back further into a bright and horribly amused smile. Holding her leg against the Chairperson's defense for a few moments, she shifts her standing leg a bit underneath her-- a twist of her heel, light movements at the balls of her feet. Designed to help her get ready for a defense, it isn't until Iincyo shoves her leg away that she speaks: "But I did not intend on bothering people until you talked to me!"

It's a half-truth; Cherise is insane, but she's also fickle and easily bored-- only if something is interesting will she spend more than a few minutes on it-- and by rights, it's entirely possible she could've walked the entirety of the school without incident.

Or she could get into a fight ten feet beyond the gate-- er... hey, wait.

When the Taiyo student begins her assault, Cherise is ready. Bringing her leg back and folded high in a manner that almost mirrors her partner, Shihong, the wire-slinging assassin catches the initial palm-strike against the sole of her expensive boots, hooking the strike low with the toe of her boot. Her leg lowers, shifting herself around to step in close and turn away from the attack-- flank off to Iincyo's right, and immediately flick her arm upward. Cherise's fingers fan out as thin lines of silver form into blades from her fingertips, forming a spread pattern of four projectiles. They scream away from her hand and through the air, all four looking to rip and tear into Iincyo without mercy-- with a strange energy, and also on a more physical level:

If they hit, these blades will cut through skin and draw blood, without hesitation.

COMBATSYS: Cherise successfully hits Iincyo with Argent Claw EX.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Iincyo           0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0          Cherise
2 health gauges: Iincyo (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 22 of 30. Super: 2 of 16. Cherise (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 2 of 16.Iincyo0Cherise0

Cherise brings the leg back, and the assassin catches the palm strike, hooking it low over the toe of her boot, and then Iincyo watches as the woman shifts around to step in close.. and she's flanked away. And then her arm flicks upwards and .. well there's alot that she could go on.

Instead, what happens basically is that blades are lunging towards Iincyo. No matter what it is?

It's going to hurt Iincyo. THAT'S A FACT. It wouldn't matter if this is bolonga energy! It .. all hurts her the same.

And the blood, and cutting through skin, is drawn. Backing up, Iincyo winces, staggering a bit. She can't get forwards. She's bleeding, and it looks like pretty badly. The girl just takes a few steps backwards, seemingly done with the talking part with Cherise for now.. there's nothing she wants to say to her. She was in a really bad position, and everything going on certainly doesn't help her.. but there is one thing she has...

She can hang back and breathe deep. That works far better than most things, half the time. Shaking herself off, taking a deep breathe and falling back into a stance, she focuses on getting back some energy she lost.. she'll need it it seems. Maybe it won't be pushed away next time?

COMBATSYS: Iincyo gains composure.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Iincyo           0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0          Cherise
2 health gauges: Iincyo (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 25 of 30. Super: 1 of 16. Cherise (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 2 of 16.Iincyo0Cherise0

She bleeds, and she bleeds a lot. While Cherise isn't the sadist of the two-woman team of Asura, there's still something to be said for the sight of someone breaking out into that glorious crimson red and the song-like gasps of pain. The same thing goes for the release of her powers, the sense of excitement and the rush it gives when those projections of silver fly on off at their chosen foe.

So when Iincyo opts to stay back and lick her wounds, Cherise is on the move. She's moving-- running at the Chairperson and suddenly springing into the air. Her right arm whips upward in a swift motion, and a whistling noise sounds just beyond the student's ear. As for Cherise, it seems like she's grabbing the thin air itself-- a hard-to-see thin length of wire, in actuality-- and then she yanks hard, pulling herself down to earth. Her hips roll and her right leg raises high, coming down with the intent to spike the jacket-wearing student over the head with a rather brutal axe kick.

"Ha ha ha ha ha~!"

COMBATSYS: Cherise successfully hits Iincyo with Stiletto Axe.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Iincyo           0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0          Cherise
2 health gauges: Iincyo (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 19 of 30. Super: 4 of 16. Cherise (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 29 of 30. Super: 3 of 16.Iincyo0Cherise0

More blood. That's what Cherise'll get alright, as the whistling noise, and the length of wire, get Iincyo's attention more than the right leg coming down, to spike Iincyo over the head with the axe kick. She tries to take it, but it's too much, and Iinncyo goes down hard, crashing into the ground. Bleeding rather badly.

% She even knew what was going to happen, as well.. she knew it was going to hurt her, and there is something else she knew.. It was a pretty heavy attack.. but it leaves Cherise open.

There's a gamble Iincyo has to go for as well, even if it's not really a good chance.. perhaps it'll work like she planned.. she just wished to get in as well. "Hyah!" She cries a moment later... even if her outfit is getting stained now.

What happens? She bursts forwards, a heavy, slow kick of her own. "Get.... OUT!"

COMBATSYS: Cherise interrupts Heavy Kick from Iincyo with Argent Striker.
- Power hit! -

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Iincyo           0/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0          Cherise
2 health gauges: Iincyo (Left Meter) -- Status: red, 15 of 30. Super: 7 of 16. Cherise (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 25 of 30. Super: 2 of 16.Iincyo0Cherise0

The kick landed better than she could have anticipated, leaving the poor Taiyo student on the ground while she recovers from the kick-- forced to land somewhat on one leg, knee buckling while she gets her balance back. Leaning back a bit, she starts pulling back her leg to recover to both feet, but Iincyo is already on the offensive-- lunging at her with that heavy, sturdy kick, Cherise's laughter ceases when the kick plants into her chest-- and she runs -through- it.

Pressing against the kick and simply powering -beyond- it, mustering up a head of steam from nowhere, her left wrist flicks in the air next to Iincyo. The hiss of air is given form as a thin length of her silvery wire floats in a circle swirling around the student's wrist. Cherise herself continues forward a short distance, pulling the weapon taut to sieze the Taiyo girl's wrist.

And then pulling. -Hard-.

Getting Iincyo's arm up to a horizontal level and dragging the girl a little closer, Cherise springs forward at a good clip, passing her left arm up to push the outstretched arm out of the way... and then punching at the ribs. Her knuckles will make brief contact-- just enough to release a spherical burst of silver energy from her knuckles, designed to jolt the senses and cause a whole lot of pain.

Flicking her wrist, the wire slackens away from the Taiyo student, reeling back toward the bracelet worn around her left wrist, as well-- a matching set of jewelry with a matching set of pain hidden away for the student.

"Your moves are so boring and textbook. Seriously!! You should learn better moves."

As Cherise gets her arm up to a horizontal level, dragging her closer, IIncyo fights back.. but it's not enough. Her attempt failed, and what's worse? She couldn't see the next assault.. the knuckles slam into her, a spherical burst of silver energy.. and she collapses forwards, the wire slacking, and IIncyo just collapsing forwards. She doesn't see the jewelry, and hasn't made the connection.

To her, it's just gold.

A bleeding puddle on the ground for a bit, Iincyo finds it hard to take Roberto's words for face value when this attempt at getting up over and over again has merely lead her to lie bleeding in various puddles in various places.. but she gets up, coughing up some more of the red stuff. The pain is unimaginable.. so what does she do? She leans back, her hair and her jacket blowing, red droplets on her hair dripping downwards. "Hah... I ... I work with what I know..." She argues, glaring a bit towards Cherise...

She hasn't even managed to land a single assault on her yet.... But she'll just have to keep going.

Iincyo and then she rushes towards Cherise, intending to slam both palms towards the girl, aiming for her chest with two heavy blows, slamming both towards .. the solar plexus!?

COMBATSYS: Cherise blocks Iincyo's Wind Stance.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Iincyo           0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0          Cherise
2 health gauges: Iincyo (Left Meter) -- Status: red, 13 of 30. Super: 0 of 16. Cherise (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 24 of 30. Super: 4 of 16.Iincyo0Cherise0


Unfortunately for Iincyo, Cherise is made of tougher stuff than that. Her hands present themselves, palms turned outward to catch the blows and cushion the impact from doing all too much damage. Her fingers tighten, slide, try to hold the girl's hands in place while she grins and leans in a little closer. Then she sings, "And I guess your best isn't go~o~o~o~od enough~."

Rather than push Iincyo back, she uses all the strength she can muster to pull the girl -closer-, making a slight hop into the air with the attempt to wrap her legs around the Taiyo student's waist and break out into a series of repeated blows-- punches, kicks, and elbow strikes to the sides of the head, looking for just even the -slightest- way to break the Chairperson's resolve and drop her to the ground.

COMBATSYS: Cherise successfully hits Iincyo with Strong Punch.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Iincyo           0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0          Cherise
2 health gauges: Iincyo (Left Meter) -- Status: red, 8 of 30. Super: 3 of 16. Cherise (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 24 of 30. Super: 5 of 16.Iincyo0Cherise0

It's true. While Iincyo is made of .. paper. Paper mache even! And so when the girl sing songs about her best not being good enough, well, Iincyo does the only thing she can do. MOVE INTO CHERISE'S STRIKE. Well, she doesn't aim to, but as she goes to pull out of the way, what happens is she trips, and is pulled closer, legs wrapped around the girls waist, before multiple blows slam into her.

Back to the ground, Iincyo goes, to add to her garden of blood. Perhaps she'll be able to grow blood lilies, or perhaps, blood trees! Or maybe some kind of blood soup. Iincyo is just generous like that with blood!

But she gets up. Again. And forces herself to a stand, breathing raggedly. "I... don't .. care.... if my best isn't good enough .. FOR YOU..... I'll .. still keep getting .. back up..."

And NOW she falls back, hair blowing, jacket moving in some kind of wind... "Hah... You think... I'll just .. let you .. no matter what...."

COMBATSYS: Iincyo gathers her will.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Iincyo           0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0          Cherise
2 health gauges: Iincyo (Left Meter) -- Status: red, 10 of 30. Super: 7 of 16. Cherise (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 24 of 30. Super: 5 of 16.Iincyo0Cherise0

She'll just keep getting up? What does that mean? If you go down, you're supposed to stay down. Otherwise you're just stubborn, or something. Or... or... well.

You're supposed to go down!! The bold declarations are met with a long stare, the rain of blows and Iincyo's subsequent fall landing Cherise straddling atop the Taiyo student for the moment. "And every time that you stand up, I will knock you back down." She leans forward a little, too, narrowing her eyes. "That would not be so bad, yes?"

Springing up to her feet, her boots clomp softly while she takes her time to get recentered-- and then study the elusive Taiyo student much more closely. She's looking for her strengths, her weaknesses, gasps in the defense... any and alll breaches available in the girl's defenses.

"Well," CHerise says, expectantly. "Get on with it!!"

COMBATSYS: Cherise focuses on her next action.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Iincyo           0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0          Cherise
2 health gauges: Iincyo (Left Meter) -- Status: red, 10 of 30. Super: 7 of 16. Cherise (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 24 of 30. Super: 5 of 16.Iincyo0Cherise0

Oh. Far from it. Iincyo doesn't ever plan on STAYING down. That would just be rude. And at this point, there's little she can keep doing except.. pushing herself. That's about it. Cherise straddles atop over her for a moment, making it obvious before she springs up. Chairperson pushes herself up slowly, very slowly, and staggers a bit. "Hah.. Get.. get on... on with it?" Iincyo says, almost grinning this time. "Alright..." She calls, to her, taking a few steps forwards. "You came here and wanted to do something bad, and you found me, and now you're probably enjoying this!" Iincyo makes it a point to note, stepping forwards, staggering, but not falling in her movements, even if she almost is.

"Buuut.. it's .. not going to be so easy." She adds in, smiling. "Because... I hate you.. and I hate what everyone keeps doing to the schools.. and I'll just have to ... " And then her movement speed picks up far, far faster, bringing a fist back and shooting forwards, rushing straight towards Cherise.


It's a solid punch. Nothing special.

Just moving way faster than punches have any right to.

COMBATSYS: Iincyo successfully hits Cherise with Strong Punch.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Iincyo           0/-------/------=|=======\-------\1          Cherise
2 health gauges: Iincyo (Left Meter) -- Status: red, 12 of 30. Super: 1 of 16. Cherise (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 20 of 30. Super: 8 of 16.Iincyo0Cherise1

On occasion, there's someone that says something that confounds Cherise Bouchard so much that it forces her to stop and stare, to drop her guard and just ... -stare-. She's enjoying this? She's doing something to the schools? Things aren't going to be so easy? What is she talking about?

Oh wait, a fi--

The punch is faster than she had anticipated, her hands lifting as if to mount a defense-- but the strike shoots right by and slams right into her jaw, sending the French girl staggering. Catching herself, the wire-slinger deals with the blood at her split lip by way of a smooth lick, the corners of her mouth quirking up higher.

"I like you!" she exclaims. "You're funny."

"But do not assume that you know me or you know my intentions. But since you provoked me-!!" And with that, her right arm reels backward, a whiplash of clearly-visible silver light leading away from her wrist in a smooth curving arc. Her hand whips forward, pointing hard with her index finger at the Taiyo High Chairperson, the wire shooting in a straight line toward Iincyo-- and much like a cinema-inspired whip, the wire tries to wrap around her throat.

"I'll end it!!"

COMBATSYS: Iincyo fails to interrupt Argent Sniper from Cherise with Lecture Attack.

                                  >  ///////////////////           ]
                                 |-------\-------\0          Cherise
1 health gauges: Cherise (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 19 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Cherise0

COMBATSYS: Iincyo can no longer fight.

                                  >  ///////////////////           ]
                                 |-------\-------\0          Cherise
1 health gauges: Cherise (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 19 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Cherise0

Once the wire touches Iincyo's throat, it only takes a deft gesture from the hands of Cherise to send a rippling motion down the line, to lock it around the girl's throat uncomfortably tight. Pulling -hard-, the line goes taut and drags the Taiyo student a few steps closer while she brings her wire-holding hand away, standing in profile to Iincyo and with the wire crossing over her chest. The silver-haired girl reaches up with her left hand and then "plucks" the wire much like a guitar string, a finger hooking around it and snapping the line over and over and over.

A burst of silver energy crackles at rocket speed down the length of the line, sending blast after blast after blast into the student's throat, though the distinctly strange, cold energy sizzles from top to bottom, like a spike to the brain and the sensation of her feet falling asleep.

Cherise finally takes a knee, pinning the wire under her leg and cutting down on the slack her opponent has to even stand-- and likely dragging the student to her knees. With one last distinctly hard pull, a final burst rockets up the length of the wire, jolting the student one last time and shaking her loose of the strangling wires in the process.

Her arm arcs back, her wrist snapping. The silvery lengths become hard to trace again-- as it reels back in toward her braclet, the golden weight on the end letting out a slight 'ting!' against the rest of the unassuming metal.

Cherise's arms wrap lightly around herself, almost as if she were giving herself a hug in the absense of someone to cling to, head tilting back so she's staring down her nose at Iincyo.

"I'm so bored."

Iincyo can't see a way out of it. It's kind of unfortunate.. but as Cherise does whips her hands forwards, a wire shooting forwards wraps around her throat. Iincyo puts everything she has into it, aiming to duck under the assault. It's not good enough. It pulls hard, dragging her closer as she collapses over, unable to breathe. She grasps it.. she tries.. but it's to no avail. And then the energy crackles, blast into the throat, cold, and in the end.. eventually she's just dragged to the ground, the pull causing her to be pulled forwards, being almost launched forwards.

If you think she has anything to say while being strangled, you're wrong.

She couldn't even breathe, and what's worse, she can't think. She was cut off from air for a while, and when she goes down, it's for real, blood continuing to pool about. Will she even survive? Iincyo isn't like some of the hardier fighters.. and that really stung. With all the feelings, who knows when she'll get up again.

But she's lying, bleeding, and breathing shallowly..

If she makes it out of this, she's not going to be good for a while at least. Cherise would only get to hear a bit of whimpering before she was strangled.

She might still hear it, if she's still conscious. She might see it-- the toe of those two hundred dollar polished black boots and the rubber soles, following the long way all the way up to the girl in the black coat with the cased guitar across her back. The afternoon sun presses against the left side of her back, leaving just enough light to illuminate her disturbingly bright blue eyes, the smile actually -leaving- her face.

"Are you still alive?"

She asks that question with a squint, more curious and paranoid than anything. Did she kill someone...?


And then she looks up at the horrified girl walking out of the main building of Taiyo High after club activities, a tall girl with a strong presence and short brown hair. She stares at Cherise, and Cherise stares right back. Cherise's hands come up to about chest level, both index fingers pointing down at the Chairperson with wide eyes like she were caught in headlights.

"She started it."

And with that, the wire-slinger runs to the exterior wall and takes a hard step up the surface, springing into the air and twisting at the hips. Sliding over the wall with her backside, Cherise lands back on the sidewalk on her feet, looking left and right. Nobody looking at her suspiciously? No one?

Hands in her pockets, the silver-haired girl walks off toward the nearest chain coffee shop-slash-eatery, the fact she may've caused someone extreme personal harm not once crossing her mind.

Log created on 21:17:10 03/13/2008 by Iincyo, and last modified on 19:17:12 04/16/2008.