Neo League 601 - #612: Iincyo vs Roberto

Description: Someone in the NL offices has strange sense of humor putting two Taiyo students in Gedo High to duke it out. While Roberto starts the fight out of sorts, he finds that through encouraging Iincyo to continue, he is reminded of what's really important. (Winner: Roberto)

Out of all places, today, Neo League has decided to place the two Taiyo fighters within ..

The Gedo High Dojo. Why the Neo League staff had decided this was either funny, or perhaps just to get them out of their element, it will be unknown. Either way.. the cameras are rolling, in the second floor, pointing down on the tatami matted ground. It's something alright.. and the cameras are ready.. but what of the fighters!?

Iincyo, of Taiyo High, walks forwards into the center.. clad in her skimpy clothing and heavily jacketed self, her hair and headband as normal, standing on the far end, and stretching. "Hah.. another fight.. at least it was nearby." She states.. she didn't know who she's fighting, either.. but she's been having some luck with it all!

Ready, the girl looks around. "I wonder if it will be a Gedo student.."

And then Roberto Miura comes along carrying a mesh bag with three soccer balls. And while normally Roberto would come into his Neo League fights knowing who his opponent is, NL league staff refused to disclose. Roberto for his part said at least it wasn't Taiyo's Dome Arena... That was before he found it would take place at Gedo Dojo.

Upon seeing Iincyo he raises an eyebrow of all the people he expected to have to fight, Iincyo was not on that list. That won't stop him from being polite though it's tinged by a bit of sadness mostly shown by how it touches his voice. "Chairperson, it is an unexpected honor."

The loss at the hands of Hotaru had a strong effect on him because of the emotional reasons though he still has a job to do and not only contractual but personal obligations to do the best he can during this fight. As for his conduct in the Hotaru fight, he'd rather bring that topic up in private.

And as Roberto enters, Iincyo looks on. "Oh.. ah.. Hello Roberto.." Chairperson hadn't expected to fight someone such as him. Especially not now in such a thing.. a bit of sadness? It's not like Roberto to be that way. Iincyo notices it clearly. Hmm... "I'm hoping to see if my training has paid off.. especially against you Roberto.. I wasn't sure it was going to be so soon, however." She exclaims, smiling.

And as Robreto seems distracted, Iincyo tries to cheer up Roberto.. or at least get him back onto the fight. "I've been practicing.. quite hard. I'm hoping you could show me how I stand now.. where you were there at .. the incident.. I'd like to see where I am." He'd know which one... the Schools.

Falling back into a stance, she raises her arms, looking towards the soccer gear clad High Schooler. ".. But enjoy this. Just because I'm the Chairperson doesn't mean it should be a labor.. I'm just another warrior when it comes to this!"

COMBATSYS: Iincyo has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Iincyo           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Roberto has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Roberto          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Iincyo

Roberto nods as he drops the mesh bag down to the ground and extracts the trio of soccer balls from his bag before rising back to his feet. "I suppose I can help as a measuring bar."

He takes a deep breath and tries to force a smile. It's the least he can do as Iincyo is trying to cheer him up. "I would've never called it a labor. I'll explain later I promise.. We should probably get started. Let's see how you do."

The soccer star slowly moves in with his palms faced forward as if waiting for a penalty shot and then he swings out a fist to Iincyo's abdomen as if he was deflecting a soccer ball.

COMBATSYS: Iincyo blocks Roberto's Quick Punch.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Roberto          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Iincyo

Roberto's unleashed his balls. This is going to get ugly, fast! But as he forces a smile, she seems happy enough. "Alright.. you're starting so..." And suddenly the star moves in, swinging out a fist towards her abdomen. She's able to pull her arms up, blocking them like a bar to her stomach. "Hah! T-There!... I got that one." She calls, happily, before sliding back a bit .. clearly she's kind of light at this.

"Now it's my turn.. Lightning stance, quick assault!" She yells out, so that Roberto even knows.. before slamming her palms out, a quick strike, before another quick strike, slamming each towards him. "Hi-ya!" And then a quick heel strike!

"I'll be happy to listen later.. but now .. I should focus!" And that she does!

COMBATSYS: Roberto dodges Iincyo's Lightning Stance.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Roberto          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Iincyo

Was Roberto disappointed that his fist didn't find it's way to Iincyo stomach? Not in the least. Roberto's opening attack was only meant to test the Chairperson's reflexes. And he isn't disappointed in how fast she is to go return the attack.

But as fast as Lightning Stance was, Roberto was just a tiny bit faster. Weaving out of the way as he moves to the soccer ball and bobbing as the successive palm strikes come before putting a spin move on the last one before swinging his foot at Iincyo's hips in order to disrupt her stance.

COMBATSYS: Roberto successfully hits Iincyo with Heavy Kick.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Roberto          0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0           Iincyo

And as Roberto weaves out of the way, moving to the soccer ball before striking at her, pal strikes slamming one after another before he aims a foot towards Iincyo's hips.

And it hits. How does it hit. The girl staggers backwards, falling to the ground as the heavy kick sends her to the side of the dojo.. and getting up is hard. Wincing as she does, she staggers forwards, before running from the stagger, slamming a fist towards Roberto.

"Hah!" Her hair trails.. and while she's not bad at reflexes.. he might not notice. She might be like some kind of punching bag!

COMBATSYS: Roberto endures Iincyo's Strong Punch!!

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Roberto          0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0           Iincyo

Roberto has a number of options available to him. He could attempt to weave out of the way once again, he could deflect the body, or he could stand there and take it. He takes the third option and while he demonstrated his speed in the opening of the fight he's now showing his toughness. When the punch comes, he moves into it and while it hurts, it places him in good position to perform a soccer tackle. That is to say, he brings his shoulder to meet with Iincyo's and pushes her away while protecting the soccer ball. He has plans for that ball. "Not bad. Let's see what else you can do."

COMBATSYS: Roberto successfully hits Iincyo with Quick Throw.
- Power hit! -

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Roberto          0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0           Iincyo

And then Roberto rushes forwards, bringing his shoulder to meet with his and then pushing her away.. she goes tumbling. It's horrible. Just horrible! She's tackled over into the wall, her body bending the wrong way before Iincyo's face lands on the ground..

"Why .. Why can't I?!" She asks, forcing herself to a stand already, shaking.. how can she be .. so pathetic .. after all that training!? How is she supposed to help the student body when it seems.. she won't even matter when helping. Especially since Roberto is able to show her up like this!

"Ah.. Rock Breaker stance!" She cries, weak, palms slamming out as hard as she can.

COMBATSYS: Roberto dodges Iincyo's Rock Breaker Stance.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Roberto          0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0           Iincyo

After he pushes her away, Roberto skids to a halt before steps on the ball and spins on it to quickly change direction before facing Iinxyo once again. He felt for her since he knows that the chairperson took a nasty spill.

And when she asks that question of herself he finds she needs some encouragement. But he doesn't have time to give her that boost when those palms come barreling for him forcing him to perform another spin move which in turn places him right behind Iincyo. He then waits for the other fighter face him again. "You don't have the experience yet, but that's ok. We all fall down some time. What defines you as person is how you handle it."

Roberto pulls up his sleeve showing a deep scar that never healed given to him by Hyo during the incident. "This was from 'him.' Nearly ended my soccer career."

He pulls up his shirt exposing his torso with the bandages wrapped around it, blood visible from it reopening. Looks like he won't be discussing it in private after all. "This was from someone I once thought of as a friend. She fell enough times that she lost herself in her pursuit of power fell in a different way. How will you let falling down define you? Will you let it keep you down on the ground? Will you lose yourself because of your fall? Or will you handle it in a way that's worthy of respect and stand up with dignity and fight on?"

COMBATSYS: Roberto assists Iincyo.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Roberto          0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0           Iincyo

And Roberto ends up behind her.. she's winding herself, and even worse.. nothing is really coming of it. She's been pushing herself, and Roberto is just dancing around herself. Turning around, she does somewhat slowly.. Experienced? No.. No that's not it.. Iincyo isn't going to get any better. She knows it. She could push herself for years.. fighting.. she's just talentless at it.

"I .. I have experience... " She protests. "And this .. this isn't what I've been trying to show you! It's not what I wanted you to see.. after trying so hard.." Her protest is rationable, and yet, on TV. IT'S DRAMA. Fighting and drama. They'll have to re-label.

And then Roberto shows the scar. It's not what she wanted to really see.. and then the shirt? Bandages.. Wincing, Iincyo falls backwards. 'Falling' in a literal sense, she listens and she stays on the ground.. before curling up a bit, arms about her legs.. she's looking away from the wound... "I .. won't go for more power....I don't fight to gain power.. I fight to protect others.. that's the entire reason I'm putting so much into this...! I hate fighting.. I hate it!" Truth is, she doesn't know how either." .. but you're hurt.." Ignore how she's bleeding as well. "I just can't continue when you're like that." She looks away, standing up, finally, closing her eyes. She's protesting continuing the fight when he's wounded.. especially with the blood visible. "In such a state.. why are you even fighting?!" She asks. The assist is felt.. but she's not going on the initiative.

COMBATSYS: Iincyo takes no action.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Roberto          0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0           Iincyo

"Why am I fighting?" He pauses as he tries to think of the response that illustrates his thoughts? "Then it was for the same reasons you learned how to fight. To protect my friends. Why did I come here to fight, today? To define myself as a person who will get up again. As for this moment, right now? I'm fighting so I can get to see you get up again."

"Chairperson, so please... I ask you. If you meant everything you said, show me that you can get up again and I can be happy with this fight no matter the outcome." With that Roberto steps backwards and waits for Iincyo to get up, watching her and waiting hoping that somehow his words will reach her.

COMBATSYS: Roberto takes no action.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Roberto          0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0           Iincyo

To show he can get up again.. when he's hurt like /that/. She will never understand to the lengths some of these more physically fit members of her school go to, at such lengths. "Fighting to see me get back up again.. I'll try my best then." She exclaims, as he asks her to keep going.. what else can she do?

"Alright.. I'll show you then.." At her state, however, it might be hard to improve the situation. Getting back up, as it were, Iincyo runs towards Roberto, limping slightly at the first step, but getting a bit of control at the end, before she attempts to grapple Roberto...

And then spin him about, before hiking him over her shoulder and onto the ground. "Spinner!"

COMBATSYS: Iincyo successfully hits Roberto with Strong Throw.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Roberto          0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0           Iincyo

Roberto knows he doesn't want to be a recipient of the grapple however the fact that she's trying again does make him happy. And there's a bit of a smile even though he finds that he couldn't quite side step the clinch before he's spun around and then sent onto his back with a loud grunt from his lips.

He lets out a sigh of relief before he rises again grateful that he didn't land stomach down... That would've sucked. "Heh heh. I'm glad that you were able to get up again. It's hard to recommend that someone who doesn't like fighting to continue to fight. You viewing it as a necessary evil is probably what'll keep you grounded, but it's the ones who do what they love that find it easier to improve."

And then the star striker of Taiyo High darts towards Iincyo's feet with a soccer styled slide tackle which if all goes well will put him the path of another soccer ball laying about in the dojo.

COMBATSYS: Iincyo dodges Roberto's Sliding Kick.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Roberto          0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0           Iincyo

As Roberto is sent to the ground, Iincyo pulls back at the end as he rises again.. He, of course, would. "Hah... I'll keep getting up as well.. but I don't need to enjoy it.. it'll just take more time.. I realize this.. but it doesn't bother me." Iincyo is happy enough to announce. "I'll just learn new ways to approach things with what I have... I might not get any stronger.." And then as he darts towards Iincyo, the girl kicks over him, leaping, almost an entire flip as she lands, turning to the other side. "It'll just be how I do things!"

Before she charges towards him again, and as he's sliding, she aims to grab his arm.

Why? Because he's going one way, she's another, and this could really help her! Bending is such fun.

COMBATSYS: Roberto interrupts Quick Throw from Iincyo with Bicycle Kick.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Roberto          0/-------/--=====|=======\===----\1           Iincyo

Roberto can't do much to avoid getting grabbed especially considering he's still traveling along the ground. But once he's grabbed, he becomes desperate to get himself out of his predicament. Normally vulnerable while in that slide he decides to something creative.

The soccer star plants his hand down before elevating his hips and throwing his foot up and to bring it down on Iincyo's head. It wasn't the delivery he was used but it was close enough to serve his purposes. He didn't even think it would work either. "You almost got me there. Keep the pressure up!"

And then Roberto plants his hand down, elevating himself and throwing his foot to bring it upon her head. It's .. really painful. Infact, as he lands it, Iincyo is launched to the other side, again, smashing into the ground. Laying there, she twitches a few times.. "Keep.. the pressure up?" She asks, wincing, dragging herself to her feet. "I don't know if I can even stand...." But that's a lie.

Because as she runs towards him.. it's incredibly, stupidly fast what happens next, her body glowing blue. "I'll get you then... I'll give you everything! TWICE!" A BOLD CLAIM. But she's running towards Roberto... a kick, heel based, to his leg to start things off.. if she could just get it!

COMBATSYS: Roberto dodges Iincyo's Lecture Attack.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Roberto          0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0           Iincyo

Roberto wants her to keep the pressure up to see her not give up and so he waits and waits as she runs stupidly fast at him. And then as the foot moves to his leg there's a part buried deep in his subconscious that reminds him that the Spring soccer season is starting soon. Which is the only reason he dodges the attack he probably had no business being able to dodge.

Roberto raises the foot above the heel kick letting it pass harmlessly under him before he lets his foot touch the ground once more. He has no problem admitting it. "That attack should've had me. It was incredibly fast too. It was a complete fluke."

He then moves to one of those soccer balls with a quick turn and sends it flying. "I'm proud of you."

COMBATSYS: Iincyo fails to interrupt Long Shot from Roberto with Textbook Combination.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Roberto          0/-------/-======|

COMBATSYS: Iincyo can no longer fight.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Roberto          0/-------/-======|

Being proud of someone honestly only goes so far. As Iincyo runs towards him, he's able to slide back.. it .. failed? Is she really THAT out of it? He admits that it's a fluke. She doesn't take it like that. "Ch... It wasn't a fluke.. I just wasn't good enough." She exclaims. "You're a far better fighter..." But as Roberto sends it flying, Iincyo should fall back.. buuuut she doesn't. Instead, she rushes towards Roberto, ducking as she speeds forwards with all her effort..and almost as expected..

The ball slams into her face at such speeds, knocking her to her back.. and there she lays, back flat on the mats, face marked by the soccer ball. Staring upwards, bleeding here and there, she just stays silent.

"I was hoping I'd be able.. to show you .. I could really hold myself this time...Instead of hiding like before..." A small smile.. despite her predicament.

"You showed me you'd get up again." He reaches out a red glove clad hand towards his fallen opponent offering to help her to her feet. A smile on his face. This time the smile is genuine unlike the smile that he started the match with. "That's all I could ask of those who'd fight along side of me."

Regardless of whether she accepts the helping hand, he'll eventually begin to walk to the exit. "And thank you for helping me through my troubles. I just hope I was as helpful to you."

As the red clad glove comes down, IIncyo looks at it, taking it as soon as she is able to force herself to raise her arms and then take the hand. "Ah... yeah... I'll make sure I'm not a bother.." She insists, smiling as she gets up.. and then slowly, but steadily, goes to walking to the exit.

It's a long and hard walk, as she's sort of wounded... but it's alright.

COMBATSYS: Roberto has ended the fight here.

Log created on 18:56:10 03/10/2008 by Roberto, and last modified on 19:08:32 03/11/2008.