Description: The little pink Hurricane done did it again; but plans go terribly awry when a particular duo aren't laughing. Things go down in the Hibiki Dojo, but this time around things get reeeeeal awkward when the saikyo student speaks from the heart(???). Is this the end of friendship? .. Or is it just THE BEGINNING? Sources say: I'd like to buy a Vowel.
Perhaps to no ones suprise, the Dojo has been quieter than it has ever been, though it has managed to gain one more student, who's name will one day show up on the very special scrolls that hang on walls. But obviously that is not what is the most noticeable when one steps into the place. It's got it's usual equipment, some punching bags, a nice clean floor to meditate on, and of course it's current occupants wares; a laptop computer, a small stack of quite newly bought books, and of course a 'normally' dressed Hurricane Hime, who's currently doing some form of training. A form of training the relies on laying on her back and eating a salad and tuna sandwich half while staring at the ceiling seeming very...... Very bored. "... Spring isn't going to get here soon enough," is the first aloud thought spoken once the cuckoo clock cuckoos the chime of 2pm. "Sooo lazy.. I'm so bored I don't even feel like reading. I wonder if it's going to be one of 'those' Saturdays." munch~.
It is! It is going to be one of 'those' Saturdays! Just not in any way Himeko is thinking it's going to be. See, Alexis is angry again. It takes a whole lot to make her angry, but once she gets there, she takes action about it. Right now, this action means that she's heading right to the Hibiki Dojo, mad as a fury. Fists are clenched at her sides, and her body language screams 'tense'.
Oh-ho, but she's not come alone, ohhhh no. This time she's bringing a friend, who is hopefully not too far away at the moment.
When she reaches the dojo, she literally /kicks/ the door as hard as she can, causing it to fly open. "Himeko Kashiwagi, how /dare/ you?!?"
Vince is the friend who's coming along. Aha! Bet you thought it was someone else! ..Or not. Either way, Vince's stride is more relaxed than it was earlier today. Much more relaxed. He's settled down, and Alexis has gotten angry. Funny how that works. But his cool temperment could very well be hiding a boiling anger just beneath the surface.
Regardless, he keeps his peace even as Alexis pretty much barges in, left hand settled over the pommel of his sheathed blade, right hand on his hip. Icy blue eyes stare placidly at the dojo with no change or shift in expression - he just regards it for the time being. But soon enough, his eyes land on Hime.
"Hahah, that was a classi- HNNK!" The young 'heroine' jerks upward from the now very very familiar yell of a certain blonde gymnasy! She sits up, flailing her free hand and punches her chest repeatedly. Because she's a masochist? No, because that sudden outburst caused her to choke on her sandwich! Just a couple of jabs later is enough for her to swallow safely, and Hime is quick to jump to her feet, her hands on her hips. "Heya 'Lex-!" she pipes.
It doesn't take her even half a second to figure out why she's so mad. .. Which is too bad, she didn't want Alexis to see it, and so she looks slightly nervous. but the look of nervousness becomes a sudden paleing when she sees who it is that's behind her. Ever see her break out into a sweat? That's what she's doing right now, and her dusky skin has managed to pale. It would be that for the very first time since donning her persona, she had been drawn to complete and utter speechlessness. Her sandwich falls out of her hand and to the floor.
It was on television! How could Alexis /not/ see it? Especially with a friend like Vanka? So, the gymnast just frowns more deeply. Fists set to her hips and she turns to look over her shoulder. Good, he was right behind her. That's going to make this some how all the more worthwhile.
"Not only have you insulted a /friend/ of mine, whom I very nicely asked you to apologize too, but you have made a mockery of my school!" As the anger escalates, the girl advances. "How /could/ you call yourself my friend and then do something like this?"
Vince really has nothing to add to this little exchange at this time. He just cocks his head slightly aside, observing as it unfolds. A touch of a satisfactory smirk graces his lips, however. To see an attempted insult backfire so magnificently is really something. His arms shift from their position to just fold over his chest loosely, the swordsman remaining silent.
It's true, Hime most certainly didn't seem to think through that so well! However that's not the only issue that's going on with the heroine, she can feel her heart pounding so hard that she thinks it may jump out of her throat! Ok ok, take things one step at a time, Hime.. Judging by the prince's smirk, he -knows- that she's nervous. He probably thinks he has her on the ropes now, just relax!
She swallows hard, brushing off her forehead and manages to utter a squeak of a laugh, giving her gymnast friend a little shrug, "W- What? C- come on, 'Lexi it was just a joke, even you know about Taiyo and Pacifics rivalry.." she tries, as she then rubs the back of her head. "J- Just calm down a moment, you're saying stuff you shouldn't be.."
That's the excuse? It was just a joke? Alexis fumes. The fists clench and unclench.
"Saying stuff I shouldn't be? At least I am not on television making an idiot of myself in front of the world for a 'joke' that has just cost you a friendship!" Forward she stalks another step, moving ever closer to Himeko. She wants to see Alexis calm down? It will definitely take more than 'it was a joke'.
"I would think that a friend could respect another's facility," Vince says offhandedly. He then shrugs, feigning a lack of interest. That's far from the truth, however. This is just getting better and better. Seeing Hime squirm like this is certainly decent compensation for tolerating those antics on television. But still, he's fallen silent again. He doesn't have anything more to add at this juncture.
"N.. Nngh!" the little Hurricane cringes, her arm jerking upward as she takes a small step back. And of course another cringe follows with Vince's follow up. Her own hand clenches to a fist as she grumbles under her breath, thinking to herself, 'Yeah yeah, laugh it up while you can, Vince..'
The pressure is really on, and it's making it difficult for the bookworm to think. There's got to be something, -something- that can turn this situation around! What's making it so difficult, however, is her friendship hanging at the balance however. It's making it very very hard. "I.. I'm sorry.." she starts, she drops to her knees and sets her hands on the floor, bowing as lowly as she can. "I- It wasn't my intention to make you mad, I swear it. I.. I just wanted people to laugh, but I didn't think it through, I'm sorry. .. 'Lexi, please.."
"Laugh? Laugh? At Vince? At my school?" Alexis makes a tiny little growling noise in the back of her throat and lurches forward in an attempt to just bully Himeko and shove her back. Not very nice of her, perhaps, but she's really very irritated. "Well guess what? Actions have consequences. Sometimes, they totally have consequences you don't agree with. Guess what the consequence of this little 'joke' is?"
With that, she makes a loud, disgruntled 'HMPH' and flips her hair over her shoulder.
Hime's drop to apologize to Lexi merits the quirk of a blond eyebrow. She's apologizing to her? Why not to the one she was deliberately trying to insult? The antics get a derisive sniff from the noble. She's trying to butter up to her, it looks like. But surely Alexis is smarter than -that-.
.And apparently so. He's never actually seen the blonde girl get that angry or forceful about anything. Eyes are widened in surprise, and the eyebrow just remains quirked. Huh. Lexi's -really- cheesed off, Vince supposes. As much as he was. Looks to him like Hime messed up bad.
Hime pushes herself up slightly; and seems to have been unknowing that Alexis would be going for her shove at the last moment. There's no resistance as she falls onto her back with a light grunt, and tilts her head to face the wall, her face darkening in humiliation. She can't believe this is happening, she cringing to fight back any other signs of weakness. It is most certainly difficult to look like a hero when getting berrated like this. "... I don't understand.." she finally replies.
Hime sits up slightly, arms slightly shaking as she wipes off her sweating forehead again, her eyes locked on the gymnast. "If you did the same thing to me, I wouldn't be this upset, I thought we were supposed to be having fun.. But I realize that our sense of humor aren't the same;" and then she speaks up louder, "'Lexi, you know how I feel about you, I would never intentionally hurt you!"
The girl pushes herself up off the floor, and she steps up to the gymnast- It's hard to go nose to nose, but she tries! "So I want to make things right between us. Slap me, push me, beat me up, I don't care. But you're the most important thing to me, I.. I don't know what I'd do if you left my life."
"You don't understand?" Sweatdrop. Alexis doesn't understand how Himeko can't understand the simple concept of the fact that she screwed up. Setting her hands to her hips, she just glares at the downed girl, and sets her hands to her hips. "Having fun, sure! But not at other people's expense! That's just /ru--"
At that loud revelation, Alexis kind've just jumps back towards Vince. Her expression screws up considerably and she just blinks a few times. "Uhhhh..." Right, so she's at a bit of a loss for words. How Himeko /feels/ about her? And she backs toward Vince all the more.
"I'm heading back to the campus... you comin', Vince?"
Wait, wait. Hold up. What? How Hime feels about Alexis? Pining for her? Vince kind of suspected that this might have been a jealousy issue from the start, what with how she was acting since the fight, but he never thought it was... -that- far. "That explains a lot..," he murmurs to himself, giving the dark girl a weird look.
But then Alexis is speaking to him. His attention shifts over to her and he gives a nod. "Of course. But I want to say just one thing, first."
Icy blue eyes set blandly to Hime, in silence for a moment or two.
"You think you insulted me, or made me look bad. All you did was make a fool of yourself. Just think - if you weren't such a poor loser, none of this would have happened."
That being said, he nods to 'Lexi. "Let's be on our way." And - just as a final twist of the dagger in a manner of speaking - he lifts the crook of an elbow to Alexis in an offer of escort to lead her on out, and presumably back to campus.
Hurricane Hime seems to be slightly confused by the reaction.. But she'll have to settle for how it is right now until she can pull her thoughts together again. Her shoulders just kind of slump, she almost looks a bit exhausted, but she definatly doesn't feel she said anything wrong at that moment.
Friendship, that is most certainly something that means everything to her, she only had one before she became a fighter after all. So to see Vince seeming so.. Cool, almost smug. Offering an arm to Alexis, that sets something off. Again.
Hurricane Hime's eyebrow twitches, and her hands clench into fists, "Unacceptable... Unacceptable!!" Her eyes widen, and a sudden burst of wind gushes from below her, sending her oversized black scarf whipping up towar the ceiling. But then that burst relaxes; as if she had blasted all of the tension out within that very moment. A grin forms on her features, she crossing her arms as she, for that moment, is the Hurricane Hime that -everyone- knows. "Before you go, I have one thing to say as well, of course. Since you know who I am now, I'll say something you can discuss with me at a later time."
The scarf whips to the side this time, as the heroine hold out her gloved hand, with a dramatic point! "This didn't happen because I was a poor loser, I don't have such a bone in my body.. This happened because you aren't a man." and with that, she snaps her fingers, her back turned to the pair. "You know where to find me."
So, Himeko is confused by her own outburst? Alexis might possibly laugh at this were it not for the fact that she's somewhat freaked out about the admission. That being said, you ever see those cartoons? Where the character is spooked by something and zooms out of there with a cloud of dust chasing after their heels? That's Alexis at this point. Oh, she might not be moving /quite/ that fast, but it's very certain that she really doesn't want to be in the situation any longer. Thus, when the arm is offered, she takes it gratefully and turns to head out of the dojo.
There's just one small parting barb. "He's more of a man than you'll ever be!" 'cuz that makes a lot of sense? But she waits, in case Vince has anything to add, before trying to actually leave the dojo.
"Hime, Hime, Hime..," he trails, drawing his gaze back towards her. "You poor, pathetic creature. Your feeble attempts at insults are for naught. I've already bested you. Alexis sounds done with you and your parody of fighting. I have no reason to condescend myself to speak to you." Icy blues turn to Alexis for a moment, then back to Himeko. "So if you have nothing -substantial- to say, we'll be on our way."
There's silence from the girl at first. She just gives Alexis a stare, a stare of disbelief. But of course nothing but the most devilish of glares is given to Vincent, her eyebrow twitches and a hand slowly rubs down the lips of her mouth. Rrrgh. He's eating it up, he's enjoying every single moment of this!
Of course he has to slip in the last laugh, which makes her even more furious... AT FIRST. Any more words would be wasted at this point, she know it; her head lowers a bit, her shoulders buckling as she actually.. Laughs? Has she finally lost it? "You... You bested me? Ah ha ha ha! Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha! No no, we're definatly done here today, LaRose, in fact I hope what you say is true! Ha ha ha ha! He's actually -proud- of himself!"
The only thing she can do right now is wait, as the groups go two seperate paths.
Log created on 23:05:53 03/08/2008 by Himeko, and last modified on 23:08:28 03/08/2008.