Neo League 601 - #604: Kyo vs Katana

Description: Once more, Kyo faces a ridiculous Neo League match! When the reigning World Warrior faces off against the Shogun of Mad Gear in a teahouse, the only question is whose Japaneseness will prevail! ...Wait a minute, Katana isn't even Japanese! Oh. (Winner: Kyo)

This NL has been sponsored by all of JAPAN. Really. Even if they don't mean it.

Simply, 'just a field of freaking stupid cherry tree's', and it had been moved. The field? No. The cherry trees. And they had been planted in pots. And then brought to a bathhouse.

So now we have four trees, a corner each in a bathhouse, cameras pointing out about. And then the middle was filled with water, as usual. And then small platforms had been hastily created by large rocks in them. And then after that, they had placed a bunch of guys, on the rocks, as well as a meeting table.

Your guess is as good as any why. On the table? Sushi. And other such Japanese cuisine.

Cameras point inwards, and Katana starts on one side of the long, rectangular table set in the middle of the platforms, with guys all around. Standing, sweating, and looking at the shrine maiden dancing on the middle of the table.. Katana awaits the warrior.

"Hahaha! With this much Japan with me ... NO ONE SHALL DEFEAT ME.. I hope they listened to my suggestion to send one of the STRONGEST! THE SHOGUN OF MAD GEAR WILL NOT BE DEFEATED TODAY!"

He bellows, putting a foot onto the table.


... /TO JAPAN/.

It's not even spring, where did they get cherry trees that might be in bloom? It must be science. Stupid science.

The World Warrior champion isn't one to turn down an arranged fight through the League or whatever, though perhaps he should show more discretion in these matters after that incident with Hurricane Hime. He's still half-convinced that was all a prank.

Regardless, here comes Kyo Kusanagi, stepping out onto the field of, uh... Glorious battle. It's only been a day since his match in England for Saturday Night Fight, but the flamewielder seems pretty much okay, as he looks around the 'tea house' setup with an arched brow and a look of faint disgust. What the hell, man.

"Okay... So where's the poor sucker I'm gonna beat?" Kyo wonders aloud for an introcution, though as his attention falls on the dude in armor, it would seem to limit the potential candidates to just one, wouldn't it?

The armor is silent for a moment as Kyo walks in. Tea house it once was. BUT NOW IT IS A GLORIOUS DISPLAY OF JAPANESE. And Japanese products. And heritage. It can go on and on and on.

And then Kyo steps out, aiming to find someone to beat. And today .. that is KATANA. Whom steps onto the table, pointing a jitte towards Kyo, walking across it, to the middle, next to the dancing Shrine maiden. "You call for me!? THE SHOGUN!? I will defeat you here.." The armored Man insists, perhaps like a random villain whom aims to be a rival but cannot equal the hero. "You ... WILL NOT HAVE ME, FOR I WILL BE VICTORIOUS!" He exclaims, blades rising.

"And since you are here so soon...ROLL FILM! They must know of my GLORIOUS VICTORY. CHHHHAAA KABUNAAA!" He cries, before he barrels across the table, the japanese men taking glasses of sake and drinking it, so this seems more calm.

The shrine maiden trips, but keeps a dancing, and Katana causes some of the blooming trees to rustle as he runs by. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! SHOGUN STRIKE!" And putting his right sandal forwards, he laps into the air, coming down with both jitte in a heavy overhead slash, trying to greet Kyo..


COMBATSYS: Katana has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Katana           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Kyo has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Kyo              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Katana

COMBATSYS: Kyo blocks Katana's Fierce Strike.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Kyo              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Katana

How curious.

Kyo isn't sure whether he's supposed to start laughing or not - is this ANOTHER practical joke the League is playing on him? - but the choice is taken away from him when Katana leaps at him with a quickness. As the Shogun comes down with his jitte, Kyo's hands come up reflexively to catch them, a bit painfully... But he's had worse.

The reigning World Warrior champion gives Katana a bit of a dubious look. "Shogun, huh?" Kyo wonders. "Guess I'm gonna have to get Meiji Restoration on your ass, then." And suddenly, without even letting go of the jitte, though the Mad Gear leader might manage to pull them away on his own, Kyo leaps /up/ and swings one leg up, attempting to kick Katana with it... Before twisting at the waist to swing up his /other/ leg in turn, finally releasing his opponent's weapons as he does so, if he's had ahold of them all along. "Hyaa-!!"

COMBATSYS: Katana blocks Kyo's 75 Shiki Kai.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Kyo              0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0           Katana

Kyo does indeed leap up, swinging a leg up, attempting to kick Katana with it, but as the warrior swings the OTHER leg at him, releasing the weapons, Kyo finally understands, or had probably seen this.

That armor is more for than just a Shogun look! The legs swing against the armor Katana is plated in, and the strikes cause the metal to clang.. and then there is suddenly a gong, the Shrine maiden hitting one. SAKE BREAK IS OVER.

The men go back to working. "Hah... Yes.. THE SHOGUN OF MAD GEAR! I have said it twice now .. and you will recognize it, and my might, in time!" As Kyo holds the weapons, Katana had twisted himself in the way, armoring going where Kyo aims to strike. And then as Kyo lets go of the weapons, Katana tries to make the jitte meet him .. ONE MORE TIME. "You dare doubt me? .. I WILL SHOW YOU WHAT HAPPENS TO THOSE WHO DOUBT THE SHOGUN!"

Someone out there /really dislikes/ Kyo apparently. To have put him against someone perhaps more unbalanced than K'. PERHAPS.

The jitte aim for Kyo's shoulders. "DAIKYOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" He cries, aiming to push him down onto the table, and slam him there.. as he suddenly tries to charge Kyo straight down the center in the warm atmosphere, so hard and fast that he might START ON FIRE. But not like the kind he likes.

And then He'll jump off the other side, if he manages to use Kyo to bulldoze off plates. "BURNING!"

The end? A TAKEDOWN. More like a chokeslam, actually. To the ground!

COMBATSYS: Kyo counters Daikyou Burning from Katana with Nue Tsumi.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Kyo              0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0           Katana

There are plenty of people more unbalanced than K' is. Iori Yagami, for example. Not to mention, Kyo recently had a League match against a little girl in a superhero costume who fights with books. This is Kyo's life, fighting crazy people. It must be his karma for being so overwhelmingly awesome.

Dropping to the ground after the somewhat ineffectual kick, Kyo frowns a little; well, if Katana IS a total joke, at least he's got a trick or two up his sleeve. His defense isn't bad, certainly. But soon enough, the smug look returns to the Kusanagi heir's face as the Shogun charges him with his jitte, twisting a little as Katana tries to hit him in the shoulders and catching him by one wrist. "You should work on that, chump!" Kyo calls out, driving the elbow of his other hand into the faceplate of Katana's armor, the physical strike accompanied by the probably much more dangerous and painful busts of Kusanagi flames. "...YOU'RE WIDE OPEN!!"

And then Kyo drops to the ground. Katana wasn't expecting such! In the end, the warrior watches as he's caught by the wrist. "Hah!?.." He calls out, before the elbow is driven into Katana's face. HAHHAHA! NO PROBLE-OH DEAR JAPAN THERE ARE KUSANAGI FLAMES IN THEM THAR FACE.

It stings. Like burning fire. "ARGH!" Katana cries out, collapsing backwards into the water, splashing, being wide open and all. He splashes around a bit as the dancer shakes her head, some of the businessmen wincing. It does not go well.

But the Shogun goes back to his feet. "H-HAH! I'll show .. YOU WIDE OPEN!"

And Katana kicks off, hard as he can, full with Japanese spirit..

And attempts to drive his jitte RIGHT INTO KYO'S STOMACH.

COMBATSYS: Kyo blocks Katana's Deep Strike.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Kyo              0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0           Katana

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Kyo wonders of Katana, tilting his head and giving another dubious look towards the Shogun. Even Kyo Kusanagi feels bad sometimes; he doesn't like to pick on weak people after all. But Katana is clearly insane, so it's unlikely that he would compromise his very JAPANESE pride by retreating from a fight, as is clearly demonstrated when the Shogun charges at Kyo headlong and tries to stab him in the gut with jitte. This being something Kyo would rather avoid, he deflects the blow with his left forearm, the weapons failing to penetrate the leather of his jacket...

And then he steps forward, swinging his right fist at Katana's head, complete with a another flare of Kusanagi fire. "Your defense... Is WEAK!" Kyo taunts as he strikes, and if the first punch lands he follows it with a second, lunging in close and swinging his left fist up in a harsh uppercut with another explosion of flames!

COMBATSYS: Kyo successfully hits Katana with Aragami.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Kyo              0/-------/=======|=======\====---\1           Katana

And the Kyo asks Katana if he 'wants to do this. And then .. After his assault fails.. Katana watches as Kyo swings his right fist towards Katana, another flare of ire, an uppercut, lunging, flames, fire pain and LOTS OF HURT from Katana.

Simply, Katana lands in a heap at the end, gasping, rising to his feet. Fire may have started on the trees and the table.. the Japan .. THE JAPAN IS FAILING.

"You .. .. Of course I want to do this .. And now .. you have force me to bring Japan's true might upon you!" Burnt, pained, and EVERYTHING, Katana still pushes on, walking forwards, towards Kyo. "Fell .. the Shogun's .. WRATH!" He charges far faster than before, brining his jitte upwards, and then attempting to slam Kyo onto the table.. and THROUGH it. "TEEEEEEEEEEN!"

And then run him over the tops of the rocks sticking out of the ground, continuing to charge, faster, harder, into the ground and into the rocks, towards the other side. "CHUU!" And then Katana aims to grab Kyo and leap into the air while inverting the man of flames. And then piledrive him into the wooden floor. "SATSUUUUUUUUU!"


COMBATSYS: Katana successfully hits Kyo with Ten Chuu Satsu.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Kyo              1/------=/=======|=------\-------\0           Katana

And so, Kyo feels the Shogun's wrath.

Now, he tries not to, attempting to block the attack straight out... But Katana's hits have been wearing down Kyo's guard, enough at least that this potent attack manages to power right through it, slamming him into the table and running him over the rocks... Then worst of all, he gets lifted into the air and piledriven into the wooden floor, which... Kind of breaks a lot from the impact.

It even takes Kyo a few moments to recover afterwards, crashing to the floor as he does. Afterwards, Kyo picks himself up, turning to look at Katana with... Well, it's not quite wariness. But a noticeably smaller amount of outright contempt for his fighting abilities. "Heh... I guess you can actually hit if you try really hard, huh?" he wonders, half-rhetorically, as he rubs his cheek with the back of one hand... And then just... Stands there?

A canny fighter would notice the feeling of pressure coming from Kyo right about now. In fact, the spectators who've been stuck in the middle of the fighting ring... Probably try to leave.

COMBATSYS: Kyo gathers his will.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Kyo              1/--=====/=======|=------\-------\0           Katana

Only the brave still survive. STILL THRIVE. And yet, as Kyo feels his wrath.. Kyo's even set off his feet for a little. Katana stands, bleeding slightly, overlooking Kyo as he picks himself off, somewhat alright still. "The Shogun .. only needs an opening! While I may be slow at times to you .. the Shogun .. will make sure nothing is slow again!" And then kyo stands there. Pressure is coming from Kyo.

And the business meeting is adjourned. Katana looks onto Kyo, shaking his head, and pointing both jitte towards him. "I .. WILL SHOW YOU THIS .. ONE MORE TIME! And since you are standing there .... you will enjoy it FULLY!" He walks slowly, the shrine maiden BAILING, leaving the room empty. "Dai....." Another two steps. It's the last of his energy! "KYOOOO!" The blades aim ONCE AGAIN towards Kyo, to over power his guard.

BRIEF INTERMISSION. Katana is one who grudging respects all fighters. And to Kyo, apparently the CHAMPION of Japan, because he is from Japan and the champion, is one of Katana greatest, at the moment, inspirations. Like some kind of fire spewing Goku! And as such. No matter the insults.. Katana will do his best to show this man .. AS A FELLOW JAPANESE ... he is strong.


He once again tries to overpower his FAUTLESS DEFENSE.. and then run him against the wooden floor.

Because splinters, of course, hurt. At the end, he aims to toss him into the bath water. If such a thing works. "Cool.. DOWN!"

COMBATSYS: Kyo endures Katana's Daikyou Burning.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Kyo              1/=======/=======|==-----\-------\0           Katana

It's true; trying to avoid the attack would just break Kyo's concentration, ruining what he was trying to do. This time, as Katana charges in at him, Kyo actually steps /into/ the attack, getting caught with those jitte and then getting run against the floor - which hurts, no lie about that. Hopefully he doesn't end up with /too many/ splinters. The end of the attack does see him get tossed into the water with a hefty splash... And for a moment he doesn't get up.

Did Katana just kill a living legend?!

But no, as Kyo erupts out of the water, looking pretty wet and none too happy about it, hoping to use the sudden shock to increase the surprise of what he's about to do. The wetness is solved pretty easily, as Kyo lights /on fire/, tendrils of fiery energy lifting off of his body as he charges at Katana, raising his right arm and gathering flames in that hand... Until, finally, he sweeps his arm at Katana, unleashing all that terrible power, the fire on his body peeling off to join the flames he throws, creating a massive hellstorm of Kusanagi flames, raging and seeking to constume Katana whole. "YOU /EARNED/ THIS!!" Kyo declares as he strikes. See? He's a /nice guy/.

COMBATSYS: Kyo successfully hits Katana with Orochinagi'.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >                                ]
Kyo              0/-------/----===|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2           Katana

And then Kyo is put in the drink.

And Kyo erupts out like some kind of godzilla monster. But instread of breathing flames, Kyo BECOMES THE FLAMES, tendrils of diery energy lifted off and charging at him, his right arm gather, horrible, terrible power as he creates a massive hellstorm, consuming him.


Katana can do nothing. And finally. Out from the wall? Comes .. A TRUCK.

HONK HONK. It bashes into the side of the wall, while Katana runs around, on fire, and strikes him into the drink.. thugs coming out to pick him up and pull him out of the now, perhaps, burning bathhouse.


Perhaps stepping to the side, an inch, would do!

The winner is.. clearly.. Kyo.

COMBATSYS: Katana can no longer fight.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kyo              0/-------/----===|

COMBATSYS: Kyo dodges Katana's Run Your Ass Over.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kyo              0/-------/----===|

"Heh... Burned ya," Kyo laughs, as his strongest attack does its thing to poor Katana. He even raises his hand with his index finger extended in that 'hand gun' thing, with a flame balanced on the tip of his finger... Which he then blows out.

And then the truck comes crashing in.

That, at least, is a bit of a surprise, but luckily Kyo has plenty of time to react, stepping out of the way of the oncoming motor vehicle at the last moment, still close enough to feel the truck pass by him. "Crazy drivers," Kyo mutters, apparently not even putting the connection between Katana and the truck together. It's possible that he's already dismissed the Shogun from his mind entirely, as he turns and starts to walk away.

Ahh, the sweet taste of victory.

Log created on 16:59:21 03/02/2008 by Kyo, and last modified on 19:14:27 03/02/2008.