Description: Hurricane Hime is excited! Eager to induct Iincyo into Saikyo Soldiers, she sets up a time to introduce the pair to one another. But the normally spunky cheerleader doesn't approve of the Hurricane's earlier antics. Can the heroine calm the storm? Sources say: POSSIBLY.
Yeegads the Saikyo Dojo is seeing more action than it has in years.. Perhaps in history? It would be enough to make Dan proud. Super proud! If he ever stopped doing whatever it was he was doing.
The dojo itself is as it usually is, tidy and neat, with training equipment waiting to be used. It's currently occupied by the pink clad Hurricane Hime, of course.. But after her big match, she's actually decided to take it a little easy on the sandbag today, her ribs were killing her. And by taking it easy she means sitting cross legged and doing meditation. And by meditation she means listening to the radio and munching no a ham sandwich half.
The project today was a simple one, she wanted to introduce Iincyo to her other training partner and vice versa! Which means that two mails had to go out to meet her at the dojo at the usual time, but training would be cancelled for the time being. A particularly special note is given to Alexis though, noting she hadn't told Iincyo her name or anything yet so to either come as herself or with a mask or something-- She's obviously quite unaware that the gymnast may not be in the mood to be playing dress up however. Wuh oh!
Upon receiving such a mail, Iincyo's arrival was destined in the stars, having been penciled in by the permanent ink pen .. OF FATE.
More realistically, Iincyo would not have Hime's feelings hurt by not showing up, especially when asked. That, and she had just been hurt a day before, rather badly. From the look of things. She'd want to check how the Hurricane is doing! Not that Iincyo would look to be doing too well herself, but she got some sleep. More than some, actually. Chairperson is actually not faking being refreshed this time!
And entering the Saikyo Dojo, Chairperson comes as she normally does, a jacket about her back, draped rather nicely as she flicks her hair forwards, a notable somewhat normal walk, arms crossed as she usually has.
The sound hits her first, as well, and the radio is a nice touch. "Oh good.. I had thought I was somewhat late." But no! No she's not, and the Hurricane is there on the ground! .. But no one else. Hmm!
Receiving the e-mail around lunch, Alexis spent the rest of the afternoon stewing and trying to decide whether to bother going to the dojo after school or not. She was /already/ quite upset when she heard how rude Himeko was the other day at the renaissance fair, but that little annoyance worsened when Vince went and nearly got himself killed because he felt he had to prove himself because of what transpired.
The only thing saving the Hibiki dojo from the wrath of Alexis LaCoeur is the fact that a certain fencer was released from the hospital earlier today. This does not stop the blonde from storming in with clenched fists, and ignoring the radio or any other people that are in the dojo.
"H-How could you!? I thought you were my /friend/, Himeko! How could you be so rude to him!?" Fume, fume, stomp. It's actually quite amusing to see the Pacific student stomping about in her uniform. Arms flail and she places one hand on her hip, the other pointing out at the little bookworm. "He nearly got killed because of you!" HMPH!
For once she doesn't seem at all concerned by the fact that she's fashionably late.
Fate indeed! The little Hurricane takes another small bite from her sandwich, looking mildly, but pleasently suprised once Iincyo comes into the dojo! She's actually pretty quickly on her feet as she gives a little laugh, "You late? Haha, yeah right!" the pink wonder pipes with a shake of her head. "Hey, uh, my friend is probably going to be a little late, s-"
Hmmn. Maybe Alexis needs to change her name to Hurricane Alexis? Because the gust of air from the gymnast is enough to make her scarf flutter a bit! The small girl just sort of stares, her sandwich almost falling from her mouth. Almost. She maintains the grip, making the ham squeeze out a little bit. "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, what? Wh- Who, Kyo?" she asks, and gives a sheepish grin as she scritches her cheek, "I didn't mean anything personal, I was just having a little fun with him that's all! Well, I mean there was educational purpose behind it as well, but why are you so upset?"
Hime slowly shakes her head, "Er.. I'll take it a little easier next time, ok? Promise!" The girl crosses her heart.
Leaning nearby the entrance, Iincyo smiled to Himeko as she laughs, nodding. "Well I can wait. I don't mind at all." She says, stifling a laugh, responding to Hime. And yet.. yet, it all ends as stomping in, Alexis comes forth, heading straight towards Hime, the uniform clad woman's arms flailing at Hime as she continues to verbally assault Hime.
She doesn't need to be a genius to realize who. Chairperson was at the fight between the two, before. And she can put together whom Alexis means. Especially from the 'rude' scene from before.
Hime might not understand it however, as she mentions Kyo and the scene from before .. Sighing a bit, Chairperson pushes off from the side of the wall, walking towards the two, arms crossed.
"Anything she said was in jest." She interjects. "And while it may have gone too far, one usually does not expect those at a Renaissance fair to take everything they do as their history, and their fact.. many enjoy it because of many reasons." This is .. clearly about Vince, right? "If it was his foolish decision to prove himself and nearly kill himself, I am sorry.. but I don't believe then that it is Hime's fault. Anything someone does.. they should do it based on their own accord.. not because of others."
This is ironic, perhaps, coming from the Chairperson of Taiyo High. She has to work with public opinion, most of all.
"Who? Kyo? Uhh... no!"
Alexis is about to elaborate, but she's rudely interrupted by someone she doesn't know. Since she's already upset and going off on a tangent about something, she spares no time being nice or figuring out who this other person is. Normally twinkling peridot eyes narrow, the extended arm pointing in a new direction as she spins about to frown at the stranger. "No one asked you for your opinion!" Crossing her arms over her chest, she marches right up to the other girl as her frown deepens. "And you're like, totally messed in the head if you think you know /anything/ about the situation at /all/." Deep breath. And again. A slow exhale. Her finger juts outward to poke the stranger in the chest. "You." Poke. "Weren't." Poke. Poke. "There." POKE!
Dropping her hands to her sides, she twirls to face Himeko again. "You made him upset with /me/ just because I'm friends with /you/! I expect you to make this right, Himeko! I /really/ like him, and if that's ruined because I'm friends with you too... then.... then..." She's not sure /what/ she'll do, but needless to say that might not be as important as the fact she's upset /now/.
A slight sweatdrop. Wow. It was really weird, Himeko has never seen Alexis this upset before, and the fact she's going off on Iincyo now is enough to make her extrememly nervous. Though she knows the Chairperson is probably used to this kind of thing, considering her profession, it doesn't mean Hime will leave her in the cold though, and she quickly blurts, "W- Wait! 'Lexi, 'Lexi, calm down please! Please calm down!" that is the more important thing, "I know what you're talking about, let's handle this normally, deep breaths!"
An apologetic look is given to Iincyo. And wow, this isn't very good for her reputation, is it, this is the second time the girl's been dragged into the Hurricane's troubles! Now then, the pink wonder is pretty.. Perplexed by the situation here, she takes a moment to take in the issue. "Actually she was there, and Vince blew her off because she was associated with me. In fact I remember you having to prove yourself just because he misjudged you for an accident." she then says. "And now you're saying that he'll blow you off because I'm the villain."
Her brows furrow slightly. "Before I agree to make things right, and ask what happened to him, I want to ask one question: Am I a bad person?"
As Iincyo tries to right the situation, she makes it wrong. Or wronger. Or wronging? Whatever. The point is, she's marched up to, the girl frowning as Iincyo gives a supportive look.. before she's frowned at. Harder.
After Alexis goes off on Iincyo, being touched, poked a few times and then once hard, Chairperson is not one to let sleeping dogs lie. If they're angry, Iincyo's the one who is going to deal with the barking as well. "Perhaps I was busy. I should introduce myself. I am Iincyo, Chairperson of Taiyo High." Iincyo, after all, is just Chairperson. Not her real name! "And I had a hand in setting up the Fair. But I am sorry you did not enjoy it because of the actions of uninvited guests.. I'll remember to notify Nagare or Batsu next time, so there will be no one's life at risk, as they will patrol. Especially Nagare." LIFE GUARD. She means they'll keep people from doing stupid things. Although that might not work.
She bows to Alexis, keeping a straight, although emotionless face. She nods to Himeko as well. She, afterwards, leans against the wall, arms crossed, letting the two warriors converse.
"Calm down?!? CALM DOWN?! Some helicopter landing madman terrorist tried to garrote Vince with the lead line, because Vince felt he had to make a point because /you/ were rude to him and questioned his abilities!!!" Alexis has been taking deep breaths, she's trying not to fly off the handle, but it seems she's already chosen a side -- the side of her injured friend.
"She was not there when Rolento Scumberg attacked him, so, no! She doesn't know what happened." More deep breaths are taken, some to calm herself and some just to get a second wind for the yelling and fussing. "I... you..." Frown. "It wasn't like that, I didn't /have/ to prove anything! I chose to, because I don't want people to think..." Gaze drifting over to Iincyo, she shuts up. Lips clamp together and she makes a perturbed, 'hmph' noise. She's not going to reveal her secret to /that/ girl, even if she /is/ a friend of Himeko's!
"I would normally say you're not a bad person, but you /were/ totally rude! I would never have believed it, but Vince would totally not lie to me. He's got no reason to. S'not like I'm gonna ditch my friendship with him for you or anything."
But then her attention turns to the 'Chairperson' person. "I did not enjoy the fair because it got blown up by grenades. If you had been there yesterday overseeing things, you would've known that. I don't even know how many people got injured because of burning debris, or falling branches... or how many stalls were ruined by those rotor blades..."
Hurricane Hime raises a finger, "Wait, hold it, stop right there.." the girl interjects. Hime is keeping a suprisingly cool head. Well of course she is, Saikyo has always kept her on the 'chill' side of the line, but if there was only some way she could get her friend to relax! But she does want to drive a point as well. "I'm not saying anything about lying. I will admit that I teased him, I teased him because I was mad at him. I'm sorry that something bad happened to him, but I'm -still- mad at him. But you said you're not going to ditch your friendship for him. And I promised that I would always be your friend. You're -missing- something in the loop here because you're absolutly bonkers for boys. I've come to accept that. I accept a lot of things about you. One of us doesn't."
Hime gives a pointed stare for a moment. "And no offense? But if a cat meowed the wrong way and made his ear ring, Vince would be insulted. But that's not why I'm upset. The bottom line is, if he has a problem with me, -he- should be taking it up with me like a -man-. He shouldn't have to -threaten- you to set things right, he shouldn't have to do what he did to me, he is path-" a pause. "I don't like him. But I like you, you are one of my most precious things in life. I'll apologize to him, because you're precious to me. And I don't want you to get hurt." She's a little shaken up. She had no idea that anything like that happened at the fair, but doesn't want to poke on that subject if she doesn't have to.
Alexis may be choosing sides, but to Chairperson, she takes people as is.
Currently, Alexis is hovering between 'That lady who says she has a receipt but can't really find it' and 'the parent that calls in wondering why little Suzy didn't make x or y, and insists they are the best'.
Simply? They don't listen, and seem to demand more, more, and more be done. Without trying to take stock of the situation. "I am sorry you did not enjoy it .. and I was off watch yesterday because I had to help my family at home. I will notify those who were in charge .. but I believe they happen to know already the numbers. It was unexpected, and unfortunately, unpreventable." Her voice is not as steady, however, and unlike Hime, she's been under a bit of stress lately.. well. Not lately. Chairperson can only deal with so much.
"I .. I .. " She gets caught finally. "I .. I didn't want them to be hurt.. I wanted them to enjoy something. I wanted something for the students of the schools to bond over.. so they aren't at each other.. I wanted to help make something nice.. but it failed.... more people got hurt .. and it's even driving apart friends..." Alexis gets what she wants, if she wanted an apology.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry... I'm really sorry but I ...." Iincyo just turns, composing herself, and walking towards the door. "I'll hope the next planned event goes better." She says, gently, before leaning outside the door of the Dojo. She'll still listen.. but chances are she might be done.
Alexis waits, she even stops and holds it to allow others to talk. Angry as she is, she's not above a bit of conversation. As the point is driven home, the little gymnast just continues to frown. "Which begs the question, why are you mad at him? He's never done anything to you!" Does Himeko not realize that Vince probably doesn't know she's Hurricane Hime? That's totally the only reason she can figure that Himeko would have been rude to him! "I don't think Vince is that easily insulted, and did you ever think that maybe, just /maybe/ he's too upset with you to take it up with you without using his rapier? Not that he's that cruel, but he was pretty frustrated the other night... and he totally didn't threaten me, he just thinks..." That she can do better with her choice of friends. She keeps her mouth shut about that too. "Just apologize," she huffs.
At the distraught sounding apology from the other girl, Alexis sighs. "It's not /your/ fault I didn't enjoy the fair. It's that Rolento Scumberg guy. All trouncing in with a helicopter and sending tents flying, shooting grenades at innocent people, destroying part of the forest in the name of 'testing' someone's strength... sending someone to the hospital... and I know you totally couldn't help it or whatever, since you have no control over crazy men, but like... I don't know. You should go check out the damage and make sure no one was accidentally killed or something."
/log cleanup
It's a good start.. Alexis is finally lowering in temper, things are getting more civil and relaxed, thankfully! But yet, she knows there's some serious damage done to Iincyo as well. Himeko's shoulders slump a bit as she shakes her head. If she had to choose between this, or the scene where she had introduced Alexis to Blanka, she'd gladly choose the scenario with the green giant again. Having friends is really hard work! "Yeah, I already know what you think about him. He doesn't have any flaws after all."
Hime rubs the back of her head, and.. Well. The fair is definatly an issue as well. And the chairperson. However she looks to Alexis and shakes her head, "It's funny you say that because you were there. So he's going to have to take it up with me himself. Heck, I think he should have tried a little harder with that 'chivalry' and 'gentlemanship' if he really wanted to know, but I guess it's more appropriate for a noble to lose his top instead, so that was pretty stupid of me." In truth, there was a faulter in how much she believes in Alexis. She felt the gymnast wouldn't take her side if she told her anyway. It hurt, but she would accept it.
"But as I said, a deal is a deal, I'll apologize to him tomorrow." Hime finally finishes. "But I think you're on to something, they're probably going to need help with clean-up, so I'm gonna go do that. Um.. I.. Kinda wanted to introduce you two to each other. But maybe we should do that another time."
Iincyogurt doesn't respond to Alexis. She more or less stays on the edge of the door. She has been through the figures. The facts. Everything. She has heard the calls, she has the number, she couldn't have /not/. The second something went wrong she heard about it. For the last couple of days.
It's a burden she bears.
But she won't say anymore. Anyyymore words to Alexis won't help at all. She's somewhat .. disgusted, honestly, with Alexis. She was close to Hime, and this guy she knows somewhat.. goes and causes her to turn on her friend. She can't really ... she can't really look up to that person.
Chairperson will have to take effort to simply look at them the same way, and not show anything wrong, or her look upon the person. She has had to, in the past... and it looks like again.
The temper isn't really lowered, it is just that the apology from the strange Chairperson person seemed to snap her back to behaving a little better. After all, it's not Iincyo's fault that a crazy terrorist destroyed the fair.
"I think you're being too hard on him, Himeko. He's very chivalrous and gentlemanly. I don't know /why/ you have such a problem with him!" A deal is a deal, and an apology will be given. Alexis nods slowly, beginning to back away to the door. "Okay, just please make sure you apologize? I really thought we were all getting to be friends that day when we watched the fencing practice."
Sighing, she turns to Iincyo and bites her lip. "I... I apologize. I didn't mean to be so rude, and I'm sure under different circumstances I would have been quite pleased to meet you." That's all she says on it though, since she's still hurt, confused and upset that two of her closest friends nearly came to blows the other day, and because she's never known Himeko to be rude to anyone.
"I have training now, after which I will be heading out to clean up the debris." Focusing on the Chairperson person as she walks out the door she states, "If I find anything important, I will let Himeko know so that she can tell you and you can contact whomever was in charge. Good day."
After that, she steps out of the dojo, heading off for a nice long walk in order to calm herself before she starts work on the balance beam.
As Alexis turns to Iincyo, Iincyo blankly looks to her. She nods at intervals, agreeing to to Alexis as she goes on, nodding once.. twice.. thrice. It's hard, she knows, but she doesn't have much effort left to give her a bright smiling face.
"That is nice of you." She comments, as she walks out. "And I would prefer it." She says, somewhat stony faced to Alexis. Iincyo just doesn't have the effort, it seems. Or, at least, might not be willing to.
And this was supposed to be a nice meeting. "Enjoy your time. Do be careful." She adds, before sighing, and palming her hand to her face.. why do the nice things always end up like this?
"Yeah, I know." Hime replies with a small smile, her gloved hand raised in a salute. "And I will, I promise.." Actually she a little puzzled why her friend would think they'd get along well. She was suspicious of him since day one! She won't press on the issue, not right now. They can talk again once Vince is out of the hospital; which it sounds like he was sent to. What makes her feel warmer is the apology Alexis gives Iincyo. It's obviously a strained one, but it's a good start in her opinion; Himeko is a simple girl in those regards.
She waits for Alexis to be off after giving her good-bys, takes in a calm breath, and then drops to her knees, pressing her fists down into the floor, "RRRRRRGHH!!! RRR! Damn him.. What -is- he??" she hisses to herself, resting her head on the floor.
She stays that way for just a moment, and then with a relieved sigh she gets to her feet and lets out a calm huff of air. She wait fairly quiet about it, so she's pretty sure Iincyo didn't hear her! Either way though, a gloved hand is set on the Chairperon's shoulder, the little Saikyo fighter grinning apologetically. "Geez, I can't apologize enough about this. But seriously, none of this was your fault. All we can do at this point is whatever we can to help, right? Should we head on over?"
As Himeko slides out, Iincyo continues to look out, before a hand is pressed to her shoulder. "Hmm? .. Oh don't worry..." It seems anytime Himeko takes IIncyo somewhere, something BAD happens. It's not even SOMEWHAT good. First, was 'guy gets all mad', then it's 'girl turns on friend'. Next, she assumes, she may even get Hime killed!... No, that won't happen.
Shaking her head, she slightly smiles. "That's all we can do." She says, mirroring Hime. "Although whether she wishes to accept the help or not is a different matter.." She comments. And she has a right to. "But lets go."
Staying there will only make Chairperson less happy.
The little Hurricane raises a hand to her chin and twists her lips thoughtfully. She feels she should try to say something a little more inspirational but.. This is an instance where Alexis and Himeko show similarities; she'd really like for them all to get along! It seems to her it's going to take quite a bit of work in the end.. But she definatly has hope! So when Iincyo agrees, the heroine raises her fist into the air, "Yeah! All right, lets do it!" She'll gladly take the lead. But she has a feeling, a very slight inkling that the Chairperson has accepted a very bad first impression. Of course she'd take a great effort to paint a prettier picture of the gymnast along the way. Pretty pictures. She's good at that.
Log created on 18:33:32 02/20/2008 by Himeko, and last modified on 01:01:37 03/09/2008.