Vince - Renaissance Fair - Night 1

Description: After the official fair time has ended for the first day, and night has overcome the clearing... there isn't a whole heck of a lot left to see or do. Poor Alexis seems to have arrived entirely too late to see anything that day, but not too late to see Vince and give a very unexpected gift. But alas, she has to return tomorrow to actually see what the fair has to offer.

Well, the day at the renaissance fair went quite well. Vince, who had set up a blacksmithing shop throughout the day, has sold quite a few trinkets! He's very pleased with himself. If not for the grossly annoying interlude with that Himeko girl - someone he thought was nice earlier - the day would have been perfect. Ah well. He can misjudge someone's character a time or two. It's permissible. Still, how rude she was was very atrocious.

Regardless, he's set up a small tend beside his bare alcove, much like some others have done for the evening. The fair will continue on tomorrow, after all, so there isn't much point disassembling everything. But a lot of the things are closed down and such, all trinkets and displays tucked away safely. And the evening is cool, but not cold, so a good few campfires have been built for roasting things.

As for where Vince is now? He's just out prowling around, not really at his tent. He's skulking about, looking for something interesting to get into. He stayed in his little smithy all day today, more or less, and it's made him far too antsy.

Pooh! It seems everything in the Renaissance Fair is closing! Alexis hurried around all afternoon to find the perfect outfit to wear to the fair, then took the time to fix her hair up in a period-appropriate fashion. Just as she was ready to head out the door, Vanka pulled her back in the room to show her some wrestling things on YouTube and made her completely late!
Better late than never, though. While she can't actually look around at the merchant stalls, or purchase as many things as she'd like to, she was able to finally pick up the gift that she was having worked on at the beginning of the month. With the large boxed gift in her arms, the hem of her long dress swishing about her, the little gymnast makes her way toward the area of alcoves in order to get a sneak peek at the wares that might be available tomorrow.
She's dressed in an ivory Accolade's gown made of crushed velvet. Golden embroidery motifs adorn the neck, the bands around the sleeves and the floor length Medieval drop belt that's cinched about her waist.
Out of the corner of her eye, she spots another figure and pauses on her journey, trying to make out who it is in the dim light.

With everything closing down and such.. yeah. Not a lot left to do but wander aimlessly amidst groups of campfires that one is not a part of. ..And that happens to be what Vince is up to right now. Drifting here and there in nighted clothing, ever unseen or undistinguished... until Alexis spots him, that is.

Vince catches sight of her easily enough. His eyes have adapted to the failing light as it's dimmed, and she's more than easy enough to make out in the ivory clothes. But he doesn't approach. He isn't very sure how he feels about her, considering her association with that maggot, Himeko. So he just stands there, eyeing her curiously.

Everything seems, well, very unfriendly in the darkness, doesn't it? There's laughter bubbling up from the campfires, and merchants seem to be talking with each other, but poor little Alexis is left in the middle of the fair all by her lonesome. Except for the black-clad figure whom she can't really make out from where she is.
Almost timidly she steps forward. One foot slides in front of the other, the heavy package carried carefully under her arm. As she draws closer, she's able to make out a few features but not many due to the mask.
Tilting her head to the side as her eyes adjust to the dimming light, she grabs the right side of the skirt of her dress, curtseying as low as she can. "Hail, good Sir, and good eve to you. I do hope you are not a highwayman, for I seek assistance..."

Vince studies her, then the box, then her again. "Perhaps I am," he replies to her coolly. "There are those who would say that of me. Some in ignorance, some in malice. I suppose it's up to you." His voice will likely be a bit familiar, if not give him away. "..Hello, Alexis." His voice, however, is on the bland side. A bit humorless.

The familiar voice does indeed give her friend away, and Alexis greets him with a soft, relieved smile. "Oh! Vince! You offer me more assistance by revealing yourself than you know. I was about to ask if anyone had seen you, but I suppose the answer is yes. You have seen you!" It seems to be very hard for Alexis to keep up with the Medieval speak, but she is trying her best to sound lady-like.
"But who on earth would say something like that of you?"

"An idiot friend of yours," Vince replies casually. "Let me help you with that." He heaves a small sigh and shuffles up to the girl, going to take the box from her. "Where are you going with it?" It's pretty simple and straightforward, his conversation for the time being. Somehow seeing Alexis has sapped his energy.

"An idiot friend of mine?" Alexis tilts her head, trying to figure out which idiot friend of hers might have said something to him. "If Vanka has said something to upset you, you have my abject apologies. She is quite outspoken at times..."
He distracts her from her train of thought by taking the box. This movement actually gets a little giggle from her, and she releases her hold on it. "To find you, actually. It is... umm..." Oh darkness, thank goodness for your existence, for you hide the delicate blush that weasels its way onto the girl's cheeks. "A belated Valentine's Day present..." Toeing the ground, she clasps her now free hands in front of her.

Vince gives her a curious look, then the box a curious look, and the look just goes back and forth. "O-oh.." Well, that's awkward. He can't really feel bad about her now, can he? He clears his throat softly and nods as he starts towards the tent. "A friend of yours came today. That Himeko. She was.. extremely rude and insulting, in a very deliberate manner," he explains as he walks. "And -I- was trying to be nice. I thought she might have been someone decent before, but I've come to realize that she's little more than an idiot." Pause. "You really must find better company than the likes of -that-. You're above it."

Himeko? Himeko was being deliberately /mean/? That really doesn't sound like Himeko! She takes Vince's word on it though. He's never lied to her before, and he's got no reason to start. The whole thing causes her smile to dissipate and quickly become a frown. "I apologize on her behalf. It really is not like her to be flat-out /rude/ to people. I will speak with her." Alexis is really perturbed by the thought that her friend could have been so rude to someone she actually /likes/!
"I also apologize for the gift being late. They were back-ordered, likely due to this fair. I should have ordered it sooner, but I was not sure if I should get this... or something silly." Glancing around the area, she spots a log not too far from one of the campfires, but not so close that they would disturb the people sitting about the warming flames. "Shall we take a seat so that you can open it?"

"She's beneath you," Vince comments casually. And he finally reaches his little alcove, complete with anvil. The box is set atop this, and he looks to her curiously. "Back ordered? What is it?" She got him something! That's.. totally unnecessary, but completely nice of her. She's trying to flirt! He just knows it!

Alexis blinks as he continues on toward the alcove, eyes drifting back to the log. She doesn't make a fuss about it though, since she really wants to see him open the gift now that she's picked it up and run into him.
"I think I shall take that as a compliment, good Sir. You do have a way with words," she replies to his casual comment. Though very little light is shining down upon the alcove, her eyes twinkle playfully, and she curtsies once more. "It was indeed back ordered, because it was a custom design. I cannot tell you what it is, for that would take away the surprise. Go ahead and open it."

"I-," Vince starts, eyes lifting to the girl again. But he thinks better of mentioning it to her just yet. He.. didn't get her anything. And now he feels just terrible for it. His attention returns to the box, and he gingerly begins to open it for fear of damaging what might be inside. "You.. didn't have to..," he murmurs.

"Of course I didn't! That's what makes it a gift!" Alexis moves around the anvil, so that she can watch his expression as he sees what's inside the box. Once he has the lid lifted, he'll be greeted with white and red tissue paper. The paper can be moved aside to show an exquisitely crafted rapier. The blade is smooth, but is designed in such a way as to look like the stem of a rose. The hilt has a cup guard that looks like a white rose in full bloom.
"I... I hope you like it. I wasn't sure what to get you, and I didn't think you'd like a silly stuffed animal with big googly eyes holding onto a box of chocolates..."

"Oh.. my..," Vince starts, but his words are soon gone. She's gifted him with TP! Yay! ..Wait. There's more. He finds the rapier, and.. well.. further silence. He doesn't know what to say at first. It's gorgeous. It's elegant. It looks about like what a LaRose might craft. Bright, sparkly eyes set to Alexis, and he beams. "I love it." That's all he can manage to assess.

Well that, and the swordsman suddenly lunging at her to encompass her in a hug. Improper! But he does seem to like it very much.

"I'm glad you li--"
Suddenly the dim light grows even dimmer as there's a body lunging in front of her and wrapping her up. Alexis giggles a little, and throwing propriety to the wind she even returns the hug. "Happy belated Valentine's Day, Vince." She appears to be quite happy, and a mite bit relieved that she did good with choosing this gift. It proved to be a bit harder than she would've liked, to shop for someone like Vince.

Indeed, Lexi is latched onto.

"It's exquisite!," Vince finally says. "I -adore- it, Alexi'! I would wield it, were it something I myself crafted, and if I didn't mind marring its blade with blood. I love it! It'll hang on my wall the very moment I get back to campus! Thank you." And when he releases her, he slinks back a couple steps and lowers his head. "I'm ashamed to admit I didn't think to get you something..."

Oh, she's veritably beaming now. She did good! "You really like it?" Duh! He just said he did, didn't he? Could she have said anything more ridiculous? Alexis giggles once she's released, shyly asking, "Will you take a picture of it hanging on your wall for me? I... would love to see it on display, but it's not appropriate for me to be in the boys dormitory..."
His next words cause her to pause and blink. "Why're you ashamed? It's not like we're dating or anything, and I'm not your girlfriend... so uhmm..." Fidgeting a little, she reaches forward to gently grasp his chin and lift his head up so she can look into his icy blues. "Don't worry 'bout it, kay?"

Vince nods quickly at her request. "As you wish.." And then his face is grabbed! He's stiffened and on guard at first, not at all sure what's going to happen.. but she speaks much more softly than he expected, for some reason. And his response is a meek one. A soft, quiet, subdued, meek one.


Alexis doesn't release his chin right away, content for the moment to just gaze at him in the dim light. "Just consider it a token of friendship and affection, and accept my apology for it being late." Without putting too much thought into it, she slowly begins to lean forward, aiming to place a soft, chaste kiss to his cheek. Bold move on her part, perhaps, but /something/ needs to be done to lighten the mood between them once more and possibly make things a little less awkward.
Or, would that be /more/ awkward?

Probably more. Or.. well.. okay. Not so much more. When they first really got the chance to speak, Vince dipsmooched her in front of the entire drama department. But still! He tenses a little at that action again, then relaxes when she's released him. "Ah.. yes.. well.." Fidget-fidget. She has that odd effect on him sometimes. Completely takes away his vocabulary.

"..What do you intend to do, now that it's so late?," Vince asks finally.

It was a staged dipsmooch with no actually kissing involved though. The way he tenses causes a small frown, but it's quickly replaced by a smile once more. He's probably just upset that she took such a bold move! He's skittish! Alexis grins as he fidgets, and looks down at the ground as he asks the question.
"Everything is closed for the evening. It is my own fault for being late. I wanted to look my best, just in case..." Not finishing the sentence, she turns the soft smile in his direction, shoulders lifting in the tiniest of shrugs. "I suppose I'll just head back to the dorm, since I don't think it'd be right to just invite myself to share someone else's fire..."

"Oh. Yes..," Vince trails quietly. "I have a tent set up.." Obviously. Since it's, like, right beside him and his little alcove. "I intended to stay the evening, but I have no fire for which to invite you. But for what it's worth, you look beautiful." Possibly a little out of the blue, that compliment, but still. He turns to the boxed sword and gingerly covers it against the elements with its lid, starting to deliver it to his tent. "I'm not running you away though."

Bold as she may have seemed just moments ago, Alexis is suddenly very wide-eyed and looking quite skittish herself. She's not certain if he's inviting her to his tent, or inviting her to stay awhile and keep him company, or what. Maybe she's just hearing what he's saying out of order.
Yes! That must be it. Everything is just all out of order, so she's silent while she tries to decide what to respond to first. The most obvious thing is the compliment. "Thank you," she replies. "I wanted to be different from all the girls dressing as princesses or queens, and I love the painting 'The Accolade' by Edmund Blair Leighton. I just wish my hair was a bit longer so that I could look as lovely as the lady in the painting..."

Vince slides the box into his tent and raises to his full height to face her again. "I think you look just as lovely," he compliments with a smile, apparently feeling comfortable again. He strides towards her once more, oblivious to her internal conflict. "Am I keeping you from homework?"

"I..." As begins to feel comfortable, she begins to feel fidgety. Alexis is just a bundle of nerves, and delicate pink cheeks. "Thank you, Vince." He thinks she looks lovely? Squeeee! He's likely just being the charming boy she knows, but while the compliments make her feel all nervous, she knows he's being sincere.
"Wh-what? Homework? Oh! No, not at all. I finished all I had earlier. I... am I keeping you from anything? Surely you must wish to sit with the others?"

Vince shakes his head at her with a grin. "Dressed as this? Hardly. I'm no suited to be very sociable tonight. I'm more apt to skulk about the darkness and overhear conversations, to eavesdrop on secrets and divine information." He sidles up to her side and sets his hands to his hips - specifically, right hand on the pommel of a rosette, left hand on the pommel of his rapier. "It -is- a lovely night, chilled as it might be."

"O-oh!" Alexis giggles, and then dips her head down in a somewhat embarrassed manner. "I was so taken by your eyes that I completely forgot you were wearing the mask..." Now that he's pointed out his outfit, she feels it necessary to point out, "You do look quite like a highwayman dressed like that. The type in the stories that is really nobility in disguise, and winds up capturing the heart of their one true love." She sounds silly and romantic, she knows, but he does look rather dashing. "I do feel a little chilly despite the velvet dress. I suppose I should have thought to get a cloak or a cape..."

And with her admission of chill, Vince edges up to her side and lifts a half of his own cape to drape over her shoulders. Indeed, without her permission! The scoundrel. "I.. would be more the part, were I truly feeling up to it today. But the little scene caused by your witless friend, I admit, has dampened my spirits." He then shrugs. "No matter. You've repaired them a bit." Pause. Smile. "A good bit, m'lady."

Feeling the material drape over her shoulders, she turns enough so that she can give him a shy glance. Alexis brings a hand up to hold the cape in place, a chill coursing down her spine and causing her to shiver. "Quite by accident, I assure you. Though I am glad to have helped repair your spirits, for I do so like it when you smile." Her voice has softened considerably, and she's once more attempting to speak appropriately for a renaissance faire. "Might I come see you here tomorrow? I noticed the anvil in your stall, and I would love to see you work your magic with the metals..."

"Of course," Vince replies, tone matching hers. "I'd be delighted." And subtly, with the cape draping the girl, he reaches over to give the girl a sideways hug. "Thank you again for the gift," he whispers. "But it will be completely black out soon. You should head back before the night-prowling animals emerge along the trail." He'd hate for a (panda)bear to set upon Alexis and devour her.

It's Japan.

"You are most welcome, good Sir." Alexis leans into the hug, but when he mentions night-prowling animals she jerks back. "Are there really dangerous beasts around here?" Having recently had a run-in with both a 'lion' and a 'tiger', the thought of running into a real animal seems to put her ill at ease. "Could you umm... would it be possible... that is..." Fidgeting, she points to the path. "Can you walk me to the end of the trail? I mean, in case there's an animal lurking about that's hungry for well-dressed girl."

"Oh.." Vince didn't seem to expect that. Though he really should have, all things considered. "Certainly. What kind of gentleman would I be, if I didn't?" And he pulls back enough from her to have 'drawing' room. I.E., enough space to quickly draw out his blade in case it's needed. And from there, he proceeds towards the trail leading back, expecting her to come along. "I doubt we'll encounter anything, but if it means you'll feel better..." Even though -he- doesn't feel good about leaving that sword alone in his tent..

"I... well... you do not have to! Just... watch me until I leave the trail? I promise to scream really, really loudly if I find myself accosted by an animal." Alexis stops him from going any further, scurrying down the trail as quickly as she can. This means she has to take hold of the skirt and hold it up a little to allow her more ease in moving about. As she reaches the edge of the trail, she spins around and presses a kiss to the palm of her hand, blowing softly across it to send a kiss in his direction before disappearing completely.

Log created on 22:13:40 02/18/2008 by Vince, and last modified on 12:12:08 02/20/2008.