Iincyo - Beach Bash - Without bashing!?

Description: A beach! And it's not cold. Somehow. Barely. Chris is a little bugger and starts up things that eventually end... end up how? AND WITH LOTS OF TALKING. You saw it coming, folks, but now .. you can READ it too!

Somehow, an absolutely perfect day at the beach is a bit hard to come by. But this afternoon could easily be described as one. There is nary a cloud in the sky, and the weather is warm but not miserably so. And almost anyone who enjoys the outdoors is taking advantage of this. There are literal swaths of people on the beachfront, tanning, playing beach sports, or just hanging out. And a hefty amount of people are littered within the water, swimming and playing either by themselves or with friends. Perhaps this is the most congested the beach has been in a long time, but despite the huge amount of people, there is hardly a sense of anything but relaxed joy.

In fact, the weather is so nice that it has managed to bring out even people who seem to dislike crowds. One such fine example is the youngest member of the popular band, CYS, Chris. Sitting along the sand, with one arm wrapped around a beach ball and another toying with the sand along the ground, watching a game of beach volleyball with slight interest interest. Clad in a baggy pair of swimming trunks and a plain white t-shirt, and wearing a pair of headphones attached to a costly MP3 player, his aura is a peaceful one. And with a childish and innocent smile, he seems to be enjoying himself... But every so often, his attention comes to something that causes his smile to fade slightly and he instead adopts an expression of keen interest. Perhaps... he's waiting for something?

Aranha can definitely appreciate a perfect day at the beach. And while normally at this time Aranha would be sitting alone thinking about things. He just felt he couldn't stay still today. As a result the capoeirista/traceur decided to make this a training day.

Aranha isn't trying to draw a lot of attention to himself but it's fairly easy to notice when a scarred man in a black tank-top with white slacks with sunglasses is training on the beach. For those who get a closer look at the fighter they'll notice that the sunglasses have earbud attachments to the earpieces. It's obvious that Aranha had been at this for awhile. The sand under him is damp with sweat.

The weather is quite nice, indeed. However, even if she is dressed for the weather, small gym shorts, a white shirt and a jacket that hangs off her shoulders.. and a headband, Chairperson is not in the area to relax. She also has a bag, and a rather long stick with a sharp end on the end of it.

And is cleaning up the beach, having some free time. While it is not Taiyo, she was asked to, because it's such a nice day, and some of the students are no doubt enjoying it as well.

And then she notices Chris, sitting alone in the sand, just watching, listening to music, and ... just stays there. There is either a choice of him being a nice person, or a pervert. But he doesn't seem very much the latter. Moving onto the next piece of trash, she sees to Aranha as she turns that way. He's easy to notice too.. like, the opposite of Chris. Not that she knows either.

For a few moments, Chris remains oblivious to his surroundings, watching intently but apparently with little interest. That is, until he spots the scarred man practicing his martial arts techniques along the beach, seemingly as oblivious to his surroundings as Chris is. His blue eyes remain on the man for a few short moments... until the grin on his face grows even wider. The young boy tosses away the beach ball, takes off his large headphones and sets his equipment along his towel. And then Chris begins a sprint towards the man, closing the distance between the two in an unnaturally fast amount of time. He stops meters in front of the man, and offers him what seems like an enthusiastic smile.

"Hi there." he says in a chipper tone, apparently unaware of the fact that the person he's trying to interact with probably isn't actually listening to him.

But at this point, it would probably be difficult not to notice the boy, even for Iincyo, whom Chris seems to have all but ignored up to this point. And if Aranha has a particularly keen sense... he might be able to at least infer something from that youthful smile Chris is adopting. Something that could only be described... as predatory.

Aranha has been paying attention to the environment. Not quite the people, but rather the actual lay of the land. It would be odd that he's not paying attention to the people when you consider the fact that he's angered both "R" and Blackjack until one considers that escaping is one of his strong suits.

At first Chris doesn't even register on Aranha radar until Chris starts running. Not because of the speed though it is a contributing factor. Aranha notices because Chris is heading towards him. Aranha's foot doesn't even touch the ground of his final kick. In fact he swings his foot up bringing it up and over giving him momentum to flip himself backwards before landing in with one foot forward and one foot back an arm out in front of him to protect for his chin.

"Yo. Wasup?" Aranha looks around at people and spots Iincyo as a result. The attention paid to the people stemming from a paranoia of people coming after him. And that predatory smile that Chris is giving him isn't helping one bit.

What is this.

Chairperson watches Chris basically speed from all over there over to the other man, stopping just like that. Just. Like. That.

Chairperson is a bit more than surprised as the sudden displacement of sand catches her, some descending upon her. But at the same time, now Chris caught her eye more than just laying around. The girl suddenly turns.. but doesn't realize what's going on. Not at all.

She can't see Chris' smile, not until she catches up, walking about the two in a bit of a radius, looking on, spearing a few more trash bits and bagging them before going back to looking on.

Something tells her that that boy, and that man aren't just normal visitors to the beach. Especially noted as Aranha flips about. She doesn't try to hide herself, however, standing to the side, the bag and stick nearby, arms crossed.. but silent for the most part. But why does she watch!?

"You look like you're pretty strong..." the young boy announces cheerily. tapping the heel of his foot along the sand slowly to some unseen rhythm as he says this. For the moment, it seems like he's merely making a casual observation. But one might be able to get the implication of his words and his actions rather quickly, if they pay attention to them. But before anyone can respond, Chris makes things glaringly obvious.

He crouches down, and with an alarming display of athleticism, -leaps- into the air with ease despite the difficulty of the sandy terrain, descending straight upon the scarred man. About midway through his arc, his body curls, seemingly defying physics as he flips forward. With a childlike but seemingly malicious chuckle, he stretches out his legs forward and aims them directly at Aranha's head. His movements are unrefined, and a tad bit slower than the speed he previously demonstrated. But should it connect, Aranha will feel a surprising amount of momentum and power behind it!

COMBATSYS: Chris has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Chris            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Aranha has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Chris            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Aranha

COMBATSYS: Chris successfully hits Aranha with Heavy Kick.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Chris            0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0           Aranha

Aranha raises an eyebrow as the young boy talks. He can't help but feel that while on the surface it looks like casual conversation the voice gives the situation a bit of tension. It's only a matter of time before violence happens.

In spite of Aranha's mental preparation he just finds himself flat footed. He was too late in starting his ginga and he's not quite able to move out of the way of the kick.

While wasn't able to get out of the way he noticed a lot of things about the attack that delivered such crushing force to his head. Unrefined perhaps but he can tell there was a lot effort in making sure the attack would be fast and hit hard.

The capoeirista isn't going to meet force with force quite yet he wants to gather a bit more information about this kid he's fighting. And so he pulls up into a handstand and walks on his hands to the younger boy and begins snapping a rapid series of kicks down on Chris' head attempting to pressure the younger fighter. "Hmmm." His tone thoughtful inspite of the speed that he personally is showing.

The boy is just curious of strength. this makes sense. But then, as Chris just LEAPS into the air, descending upon the man and then spinning, flipping and LAUGHING as he assaults the man who's working out?

IIncyo is just not happy! Looking onto Chris with a certain distaste, Iincyo doesn't immediately jump into battle to push the guy away. "That's .. to fight right when everyone's enjoying themselves! Aren't there enough places for random violence?" She asks, stabbing another piece of trash, and then crossing her arms.

"If you don't take this elsewhere, I'm going to help end this. And it's not going to be in your favor!" She calls to the boy, who started it all, and who just seems a bit too mischevious for his own good!

COMBATSYS: Chris interrupts Inverted Flurry from Aranha with Slide Touch.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Chris            0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0           Aranha

Considering how quickly Chris seemingly got into this fight, it's safe to say that he isn't nearly as interested in analyzing his opponent's abilities as Aranha is. But after he lands his first attack, he settles into a casual stance, watching Aranha with an amused look on his face. His cheery and "innocent" presence make it highly doubtful that he's attempting to read his opponent's moves, but still he doesn't moves. But still, he doesn't seem to react. That is, until the very final moment, where the flurry of unorthodox kicks is merely *inches* away from his bowl cut he seemingly... disappears, leaving a cloud of sand in his wake. If Aranha can sense this sort of thing, he would be able to see that there is absolutely no chi involved. And from that conclusion, he'd probably be able to gather that Chris is using nothing but his own horrifying speed. But before Aranha can finish his maneuver, he appears in plain sight directly in front of Aranha, sliding forward with a fist extended towards his stomach. Though one of the leg manages to descend far enough to injure Chris' shoulder, his free arm makes the connection, and with an impressive amount of force he lands his fist right into Aranha's inverted stomach, aiming to send him flying back a great deal.

After he finishes his movement, Chris' smile turns into more of a smirk, and he clasps his hands behind his back, turning his gaze towards Iincyo. "What's the matter?" he asks, almost sweetly. "Do you want in on this, too? It sure is exciting." he claims, and though one would assume this to be complete sarcasm, it's almost impossible to detect within his voice.

Aranha used to think that he was fast. But Chris has made the Dancing Spider reconsider that notion. His opponent disappeared right before his eyes. It's nothing like Aranha has ever had experience with before in his life. He does need the experience with this type of thing.

Aranha was about to stop the flurry of unorthodox kicks but then Chris reappears and while he knows he's going to get hit he knows that he'll at least get a piece of the fast fighter before he gets bowled over. He's sent into an uncontrolled spin before he eventually swings his body around to roll back to his feet. There's a glance to acknowledge what Iincyo is saying but after that his eyes are only focused on Chris as he tries to figure out what went wrong.

"Hmmm. That trade probably would've went in your favor if you didn't overextend yourself on that first kick of yours. I'm probably boring you with this though." He shrugs and goes into ginga again. Hopefully this time he'll be a bit more prepared for the creepy kid. As for the beach goers they seem to start gathering in a circle around the three people. Are they in support of the fight or just rubber necking to see what's going on?

COMBATSYS: Aranha focuses on his next action.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Chris            0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0           Aranha

Chairperson is taunted, asked sweetly if she wants in it too. And she can tell when someone is completely taunting her to a point. It didn't matter if he is or not. Chris has just made it clear to her that he needs some sort of a learning experience.

And he's going to /GET/ it.

Hmmphing, she crosses her arms, taking a step forwards. Then another. Then another. She's approaching Chris slowly, unassumingly. All she looks to be doing, is being in a huff. And that's not exactly something that's very scary looking. Infact, it's not.

However.. when when she slams her foot down, towards Chris a moment later, it's a heavy, debilitating, and potentially slowing strike. She looks /angry/.

.. If she can just clip him....

COMBATSYS: Iincyo has joined the fight here.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Chris            0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0           Aranha
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Iincyo           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Iincyo has joined the fight here on the right meter side.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Aranha           0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0           Iincyo
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Chris            0/-------/----===|

COMBATSYS: Chris endures Iincyo's Lecture Attack.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Aranha           0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0           Iincyo
[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Chris            0/-------/--=====|

As Chris seems to just stand there, Iincyo slams her heel down hard, and a glow about her, a light blue aura flares about her. Perhaps with the passion of which she speaks.. because while she was silent, that's about to change.

Pointing at Chris, the girl's eyes, and motions, flare with the very same passion! "You assume others want to just participate in your violent games, that they aren't just here because they want to relax.. even if he might have been strong, you're going about this like it's a game!" She lectures, before twisting around, a roundhouse to toss him farther forwards.. and she chases, not shutting up. "And it's not a game! People don't just fight in the open all the time. This is a public beach! People work here, people relax here, people go here to get away from the constant fighting that thugs and people like you provide!"

Before he can stop, he'll be launched upwards from a kick, a palm strike holding him in the air for a second..

"And finally... There's enough fighting in this world that when someone asks you to take it somewhere else..." She whips around, finishing with a final spinning kick to send him rolling, perhaps winded, perhaps just SLEEPING FROM THE AMOUNT OF WORDS. "TAKE IT SOMEWHERE ELSE!"

She puts her hands on her hips, the glow fading, her hair billowing ... jacket as well.. and then her leaning forwards, taking deep breathes. "Hah... Hah.... Too .. Too much.." Oh she pushed herself alright.

The boy seems... well, rather unreceptive of Iincyo's anger. In fact, he simply stands there, and even lets out an amused laugh as she stomps toward him. In fact, even as she -stomps- him, he makes absolutely little effort in trying to shield himself from the blow. But as she stomps him, he seems surprised, for the very first time in this fight. Is she seriously trying to lecture him? He simply crouches into the sand, and is competely unable to defend himself from the next kick, and his body is manipulated exactly the way Iincyo plans until he is finally knocked -far- into the distance and finally crashes into a sandbank, lying still for several moments. Many quiet moments pass by, allowing Aranha plenty of time to analyze his opponent. But then, he does something rather unexpected. His light frame... seemingly rises from the sandbank without any actual force to lift him. It's as if he's -peeling- himself from the ground. For the moment, Aranha is completely ignored. In fact, Chris is smiling. It's a smile completely devoid of the innocence it one had, instead filled with a malicious sarcasm.

"Heehee. You people amuse me." he laughs, and though still has its childish quality there is absolutely nothing 'cute' about it. Instead, it seems... well, possessed by something. But what is it? Has something gotten into him, or is this merely his true nature? "You hide behind your morals and rules all of the time, ignoring the simple fact that self-destruction is exactly what you all want. And what's more, you can't even accept responsibility when you act on it, either. It's all just a game to you..." he states, before he then settles to the ground, and once again clasps his hands behind his back. "... so why not enjoy the game while it lasts?" he asks, his unsettling cheerfulness once again taking hold of him.

And with that, he once again disappears from sight completely, though evidence of where he is fairly obvious. Though he can't be seen, he leaves behind a rhythmic trail of kicked up sand leading to Aranha, and when he closes the distance he -thrusts- his shoulder forward, directing it right into Aranha's chest!

COMBATSYS: Aranha fails to interrupt Quick Punch from Chris with Malicia EX.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Aranha           0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0           Iincyo
[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Chris            0/-------/--=====|

Aranha's tempted to laugh as Iincyo, proceeds to kick and batter the younger fighter around but the capoeirista thinks better of it. Instead he watches in silence as Chris is eventually sent to the ground.

When Chris begins to peel himself up off the ground his eyebrow rises once more and then Chris disappears and the Dancing Spider is almost certain that he can time his response perfectly in spite of the disappearing act and he bends his knees to decide whether to dodge the shoulder charge or jam it with an attack of his own. He makes his decision but just as he does the shoulder catches him in the chest knocking the capoeirista on his kiester. Aranha slowly gets up from the ground with a hand on his left ear piece. Maybe he needs to change songs. Needless to say the capoeirista is downright confused.

And Chris just gets up. Staring, Iincyo doesn't believe it .. but she does. She's weak. She knows it. But that doesn't mean she's going to just give up. Just letting him do what he wants is out of the question as well, and hmphing, she's .. still catching her breathe, leaning over, hands on her knees. She's paying for that.. and as Christ tells her it AMUSES him, she's set aback. "What....?" She doesn't understand. She looks on, wide eyed. "... I.. I learned to fight to protect! I trained so I wouldn't be just sitting there.. as..... hah.. as a Saikyo student... I only fight .. when it's necessary! To help others... so that violence won't have to be a part of everyone's life!"

And Chris... Chris is /fast/. She can't keep track of him. He's .. he's just speeding all over. She wouldn't lay a finger, wouldn't be ABLE to lay a finger. She's not a fool. She knows these things. "I won't enjoy it.. hah . because... It's not supposed to be enjoyed!" She defies his words and his actions, and falls into a stance, controlling her breathing, focusing, fixing herself up, her hair and jacket billowing, hands up, looking at Chris.

COMBATSYS: Iincyo gathers her will.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Aranha           0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0           Iincyo
[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Chris            0/-------/--=====|

Of course, now would be the perfect time for Chris to follow up on his actions, considering the momentum he built all of the sudden. But instead, me merely stops in place right after the shoulder charge connects, leaving himself wide open. With a short breath, he extends his smile a bit and then simply taps his foot along the sand. All the while, he carefully listens to Iincyo's assertions. And as he listens, he can't help but feel a bit of contempt for the girl pile up within him. "Protect others? Don't you get it? Each time you protect someone, someone else takes the fall." he says, and though he's preaching his own gospel he still seems eerily cheery about it. But he ignores the rest of what she has to say, and turns to Aranha with a shrug. "Self righteous people sure do take the fun out of things, don't they?" he jests, and though it should be obvious by this point that the kid is dangerous, he doesn't seem to be planning on any immediate harm at the moment.

COMBATSYS: Chris takes no action.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Aranha           0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0           Iincyo
[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Chris            0/-------/--=====|

Aranha has philosophical differences with Iincyo. He looks at almost every fight as an obstacle to get around to test how far he's come. This way of thinking comes from his roots as a traceur. Also Aranha has fun in figuring out a new opponent.

Fights much like parkour and much like his former life as a thief there comes a time when realization sets in that you have to walk away and view the situation from a different angle or else you're gonna hurt yourself way more than necessary. This is one of those rare cases where that realization sets in fairly early in a fight. "I don't think that I'm going to be that much of an interesting fight for you right now anyway. I do want to fight you again though." He mentally adds, 'Even though you're creepy as all hell.'

He grabs his duffle bag and begins to walk away. "If you're interested in fighting me again I'll be in the Neo League."

He's done.. maybe? He speaks once more before he stops his assaults.. that's enough for Iincyo. It really is. "Then they deserve it for what they had devoted themselves to. If they fight to take things from others... it's... too bad for them when they lose what wasn't theirs to begin with." She completes her lecture, all in all, before realizing.. no. She shouldn't have done that that early.. how careless.

"Since there's no more fight here... hah... it's done." She comments, breaking fro her stance and turning back to her bag and stick, continuing her garbage collection.

Now if she could only fit Chris in this bag...

COMBATSYS: Iincyo has left the fight here.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Chris            0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0           Aranha

COMBATSYS: Aranha has left the fight here.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Chris            0/-------/--=====|

COMBATSYS: Chris has ended the fight here.

Log created on 17:22:53 02/13/2008 by Iincyo, and last modified on 02:21:14 02/15/2008.