Ayame - Operation - Not Sharing

Description: Objective: Stealing electronics. Obstacle: Mad Gear thugs. Alias: None. Summary: An unfortunate confluence of events leaves Ayame trying to rob the same shop as two of Katana's own minions. Rather than playing it safe, the girl taunts them into a fight though she learns rather quickly that Mad Gear thugs aren't to be underestimated.

Night time in southern Southtown is never a safe time to be out and about. While the vigilante students of Gedo High have gone to great lengths to keep the streets as safe as possible, crime just has a way of seeping its way back into the neighborhoods the moment the high school gangers move along, as if the zone is just perpetually doomed to have a shadow cast over it in spite all their hard work...

Doing nothing to help with the image of south Southtown is one young teen thief, Ayame. It's hard to say what her motivations for being up to mischief are on any given night. She has found ways to get an income legitimately after all. But the girl just has a compulsive problem. She has to keep on trying to get into where she isn't supposed to be. All the better if there's something there she wants.

Case in point, a local Radio Hut electronics store located just on the border of the southern district and the more, upper class centeral Southtown. The windows are safely barred, the doors locked, all the proper saftey measures taken with regards to security taken... But that just isn't always enough when one is being persistant.

Having lowered herself down via cable from the roof, Ayame worked her way in through one of the second floor windows, sawing through one of the bars and disabling the electronic security around the window. Slipping into the store, she's moved about cautiously, trying to figure out where the central security controls are so that she can kill the motion detectors too. A thief in the dark with nothing but a small pen flashlight to see by, the girl moves about with utmost caution...

It's not as if Southtown hasn't already been through some problems. They are plagued with them, like god seems to hate them. Thankfully, there happens to be multiple schools.

UNFORTUNATELY, there happens to be multiple thieves and trouble makers. Ayame would have lowered herself down from the roof, yet at the same time, she might notice something important. The motion detectors have already been cut, and something is walking on the 'top' of the various shelves, running along them as if it was second nature.

She'd get to the security controls to see the vandalism of bladed objects, except it was a thin, precise object.. and why was the small thing moving away?

Click. "Hehehe.. Yeaaaaaah. Look at this haul!" Someone loud, obnoxious, large, and smelly says, clad with an open jacket that does nothing to stop the HUGE GUT That is overflowing from the man. "The boss is gonna be so happy." "Right, right... Atlas, we're in here to get this and that and then head out. Remember, the only IMPORTANT thing is to get a new truck radio." "Yeah yeah, but ya gotta admit they gots LOTSA stuff. They won't mind if we take sum, eh? Eh?" He elbows the small, scrawny man whom has a pair of .. odd gloves. "Kirk, ya gotta lighten up! What could go wrong!" Nope, neither notice Ayame as the door closes, the two men, one thin, other FAT, moving about.


The signs of others present definitely put Ayame on alert as she gets inside. Does this place have security patrols? It seemed too small time to afford hiring a night time security watch, she mused, slipping around one corner then the next, turning off her pen light as she got closer to the sound of others present. But the motion detectors are disabled and it doesn't look like it was done by someone using legitimate means by any stretch of the imagination. "Hn..."

Finally she gets to the main display floor where two thugs are busy cleaning the joint out as a diversion from their main task of securing a truck radio and Ayame freezes, pushing herself against the wall to peek around the corner and watch them for a moment. What's this?! Competition?? She's scoped this shop out for a few days now making her plans for helping herself to their nifty hardware and these two pests just up and barged on in like this??

She could just call off her little illicit venture... not take any chances running into trouble she can't handle and just forget about it... But where's the fun in that? Having a couple of thoughs that sound like they're with a gang just makes things more interesting after all. "Che," the girl states, slipping from around the corner, hand already darting to the pouch at her side as she slips it open so make it easier to get to some of her 'tools' should she need to.

"This store closed hours ago, what'cha think the two of you are doing here, huh?" she asks, folding her arms in front of her and leaning one shoulder lightly against the corner as she looks the two hoodlums over. "I guess the answer to that could ONLY be being up to nothing good, but I'm afraid I already claimed this joint for myself. You'll have to go find somewhere else to rob," Ayame states like she owns the place, pointing at herself with her thumb, mouth curled into a faint grin.

Voice. A voice. Atlas doesn't here it over his rambling, but Kirk LIVES or dies by this stuff. And so he's the first to turn. Atlas eventually does. "Hey look it's a pretty lady! Didn't know they sell those except by the street! Guess we're taking that one too!" "No you oaf, she's not here to be sold."

Ayame explains the rest pretty easily, on her own. Kirk slides forth, clawed gloves.. well, that explains that. "Yes.. but well, you may have claimed it.. but there's a little to might makes right. You see. Right now, there's two of us." "Two of us? What about the veehical." "The car isn't a person, no matter what he says!" He's clearly insane. "Either way, little missy, you have to understand that this place here is OURS now, or else you will have to be taken through." "Yeah, and we'll have to thump you good too!"

Both clawed hands clash against each other, as if they were steepling. "Yes.. yes... you see, you're just going to have to make due." He moves out of the cramped entrance and towards one of the aisles.. and the fat guy, Atlas, begins to just push things out of his way. "Hehehe. Threatening us means you're gonna get it lil' missy. And then we're gonna take what you got too!" HER MONEY.

It might not look goof for Ayame as they begin to head forwards, dropping the various bits and pieces they were shuffling through to get towards her, and get moving.

Well, one way or another, this shop floor is going to be a /mess/, as Atlas begins to plow through aisles definitely not designed to suit a customer of his exceptional girth. Glancing back and forth between the two of them, Ayame shrugs, hands coming up at her sides as she tilts her head just a little.

"It's too bad you only brought two, you're going to wish you had backup," the girl states, presenting herself as rather unintimidated quite yet. Though that doesn't mean her mind isn't busy, glancing over the layout of the store, making what she can of the way things are arranged. Hn...

"You know, it's not too late for you two to just give up. On the other hand, if you insist, I get to show you what kind of neat things I've got for dealing with unexpected aquaintances like yourselves!" Her hand slips into the black pouch at her belt and Ayame withdraws her collapsed, teloscoping staff, which she twirls in her left hand idly, glancing back and forth between the two gangsters.

"But just so you have an idea of what you're getting into here..." Ayame glenches her hands tightly, no longer twirling the collapsed staff but rather gripping it. Clenching her teeth, the girl begins to concentrate, pulling on a technique a certain happy go lucky monk was willing to teach the young prodigy in her encounter with him. At first it seems she's just getting angry, her brow furrowed at the effort...

But eventually a small amount of energy begins to swirl up around her feet. Dark blue, intermixed with lighter blue whisps, the energy swirls up and around Ayame, revealing the little theif to have knack for controlling that pesky chi stuff more famous fighters out there can weild. "aaaaAAAH!" the girl exclaims as she builds up for something bigger.

COMBATSYS: Ayame has started a fight here on the left meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Ayame            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Ayame gathers her will.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Ayame            0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Tiny has joined the fight here on the right meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ayame            0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0             Tiny

COMBATSYS: Creep has joined the fight here on the right meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ayame            0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0             Tiny
                                  >  //////////////////////////////]
                                 |-------\-------\0            Creep

As Ayame begins to run her mouth, the larger of the two doesn't exactly LIKE what he hears. "Hehehe. That's what YOU think lil' girl. I'm going to show you what's wrong with your attitude. Cause Atlas likes to SMASH." He says, out loud even, as he begins to barrel through this and that to get towards Ayame.

Some of the various shelves are tossed out of the way, others separated as he begins to charge, head first towards Ayame. "Hehehe.. Just stay RIGHT THERE!" Atlas says once more. "Then I'll show you what I'm gonna give ya."

Kirk, meanwhile, begins to leap on those different sections that Atlas is pushing this way and that, leaping from shelf to shelf, towards Ayame. "My dear, I don't think you're in the right state of mind. If us two had trouble with a little street rat like you, what would we be?" He asks, claws clanging together as he leaps closer and close, from object to object on the shelves, relatively swift.

And then it happens. the girl is .. ANGRY!? Or really really unhappy. As she begins to swirl energy around, Atlas looks on, slowing his charge. "Uh. Kirk. It's that shit." "Oh, so it is." "The hell we do Kirk?" "Take care of her NOW!" He yells, a sense of urgency.

And so Atlas does what Atlas does.

"Alright then. Kirk says you gotta get smashed." And so Atlas picks UP a shelf. "SO YOU GET SMASHED!"

As Atlas raises it to smash it down onto Ayame, Kirk leaps off the shelf, and then dives towards Ayame, claws first. "You're not GETTING A CHANCE!"

COMBATSYS: Ayame endures Creep's Claw Dive.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Ayame            0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0             Tiny
                                  >  ////////////////////////////  ]
                                 |=------\-------\0            Creep

COMBATSYS: Ayame counters Gaijin Smash from Tiny with Requiem For Fallen Blossoms.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Ayame            0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0             Tiny
                                  >  ////////////////////////////  ]
                                 |=------\-------\0            Creep

For all her talk, dealing with multiple fighters of the calibur of these thugs isn't something Ayame really has much experience in. While she's exceptionally good at forming rock solid defenses against a single opponent, having two come from two different angles at once is outside of her normal skillset. That isn't to say she isn't going to give it her best shot though, for now she's picked a fight and she needs to back up her smack talk with /action/ more than anything.

As Kirk dives down from off a shelf, the strawberry-blond haired girl keeps her attention focused primarily on Atlas. There's a reason he's got that name, she's realizing real quickly. That dude is NOT messing around, and his size brings with it some definite strengths...

Gripping the collapsed staff in her hands, Ayame presses the button in the center that causes the metal pole to expand out swiftly to both sides, becoming a full lengthed weapon. But it doesn't seem the point is to defend against the claw dive, as the young theif twists herself forward such that Kirk's claws dig hard into her bare shoulder, slashing through skin and leaving several jagged cuts in her flesh... but by not shirking him she's lined herself up to get right inside of Atlas's shelf-smashing range.

The staff in her hand ignites with red, flickering chi as Ayame begins slamming it into the man's gut right as he brings the shelf down, slide stepping the crash of electronics as she follows up with a second swing toward his back before spinning around to deliver a final slam against the side of his head. With each impact is a small discharge of the red, flame-like chi.

And when she finishes, Ayame twirls the weapon once, the red aura fading away from it, confident that she just hit Atlas hard enough to send him back to the caveman days from whence he came. "Imagine that's about all you can handle, eh? Why don't you two just scram before I get serious." She goes well out of her way to try and ignore the bleeding wound in her shoulder, however. Wincing now would make it hard to sound convincing...

Really, they expected her to stand there and take it. When she doesn't, sometimes you look a bit odd towards them. In the same way, as Ayame brings the collapsed staff forwards.. Kirk scores the hit, and leaping away, the bladed gloves *ching ching* as he backs off, waiting for Atlas to finish his own. Like a .. GROUP THUG TACTIC of some kind!

That's when Ayame changes things, a staff of flickering chi slamming into the man's gut, the electronics slamming to the ground as Atlas keeps over, coughing. "Ha... you got some strength girly." The larger thug says. "But I ain't giving you THAT chance again!" Even if he backs up towards Kirk, a dent in his gut, scorched, visible.

Distance closing.. CHECK. Initiating second wave.

As they finally go near each other, the dent pops open from the man, causing his fatness to again spread out, and Kirk to advance closer, slowly. "You're going to regret this completely..." "Hehehe That all I can handle?! I'm gonna show you what I can HANDLE!" As he begins to charge. He has to slow down, right? Right?

He doesn't. Meanwhile, Kirk moves closer, but he doesn't seem to be focusing so well as what he did before. He's leaping closer, and what he does.. is send a single, quick punch of blades towards Ayame. Even if it's a rather SLOW quick punch. It's bladed, and that makes it worse.

Atlas? Atlas is just CHARGING through the electronics. They don't have weapons. And what's worse? ATLAS INTENDS ON SMASHINNNNNNG.

COMBATSYS: Ayame parries Tiny's Ramming Speed!

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Ayame            0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0             Tiny
                                  >  ///////////////////////////// ]
                                 |=------\-------\0            Creep

COMBATSYS: Ayame fails to interrupt Strong Punch from Creep with Dream Crushing EX.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Ayame            0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0             Tiny
                                  >  ///////////////////////////// ]
                                 |==-----\-------\0            Creep

As Ayame finishes her spin and taunt, she comes to realize that... no, Atlas isn't going down that easily. Erk. Deciding to see if the other pest will go down easier than the giant tearing his way through the shop, Ayame collapses the staff in her hand, reducing it down to a half-foot long bar in her left hand once again.

Trapped between the two of them, the girl spins out of the way of Atlas's charge at the last second, pushing off of him with her left hand as she turns to face Kirk and slams her right hand forward right alongside his clawed punches... and from the cloth covering her right arm a foot long thin metal sword suddenly stabs outward, laced with crackling, lightning-like chi that she attempts to skewer the little wirey fellow with.

But he proves to be too quick for her retaliation and her attempted stab goes wide, leaving her harslhy struck by the clawed punch right in the torso, sending her stumbling backward, her black blouse showing signs of blood staining as she bumps up against a wall behind her. Hissing, she bunkers down a bit, trying to keep from getting surrounded yet another time.

As Ayame is crashed forwarsd, towards, the charge is spun out of the way, leaving Atlas to stare at the girl. "Hey what's the problem!? I can't lay a finger on her!" She's just too fast for fatties, it seems! And as Ayame slams her hand towards the claws, a thin metal sword with chi.. well..

There are two claws. There is one sword. The other hand comes around, trapping the blade, the man grinning. Kirk is only skilled. There is little else he is known for beyond his skill. "Noooow Noooow." He tch's, sending her back, as she stumbles backwards.

Atlas stomps forwards, "Shows you what that chi is good for! Nothin'. Specially when you're smashed!" Atlas says, soaked in sweat, stomping on some electronics. Kirk is much more composed, but at the same time.. he is not even wounded. That could change FAST.

"Now how bout you an' be get ta know each otha... by FISTS." Atlas was never the brightest. "Well, I may as well join in." Kirk says, extending a quick snap of a punch.

"What ya think Katana gonna give us for this?" ".. You idiot." Atlas sends a FIST towards Ayame as well, a combination from both sides! They're trapping her between the aisle!

COMBATSYS: Ayame dodges Tiny's Strong Punch.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Ayame            0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0             Tiny
                                  >  ///////////////////////////// ]
                                 |==-----\-------\0            Creep

COMBATSYS: Ayame dodges Creep's Quick Punch.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Ayame            0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0             Tiny
                                  >  ///////////////////////////// ]
                                 |==-----\-------\0            Creep

Whew, having backed up a little, Ayame has a second to shake her head and clear her mind a bit. She's getting sandwiched by these two pests pretty effectively. Her first glance evaluation of their abilities wasn't very good, she muses. Then again, that's never been her best trait, always picking fights she really has no place doing. Going to get her into trouble for sure, just like it might just right now.

As the two come hurtling toward her, Ayame hops up onto the shelves lining the aisle and slips out from between them, hopping down on the floor behind Atlas. The blade is still sticking out of her right sleeve but for right now no more chi is coursing along its surface, having run its course. But that isn't what she's interested in right now. Stuffing her collapsed staff into her pouch, Ayame reaches for one of her belts, pulling one of them off to reveal it to be a wound up cable whip which she cracks while leaping for Tiny, trying to get the whip entangled around his neck so that she can pull back on him hard while remaining in a position that might be hard for him to get to!

COMBATSYS: Tiny interrupts Medium Throw from Ayame with Light Kick.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Ayame            0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0             Tiny
                                  >  ///////////////////////////// ]
                                 |==-----\-------\0            Creep

As Ayame hops into the shelves, Atlas and Kirk nearly collide into each other with their fists and blades, but Kirk leaps over and onto Atlas, and then flips over. Apparently what he's good at is pretty obvious. It's not going to take many guesses. "Great, now she knows!" "Ah, who cares. LETS SMASH IT OUT OF HER!" "I dare say I agree with you for once, dear Atlas."

However, as she reaches for a belt, revealing a wound up cable whip.. well, when she leaps for him, aiming to entangle it and then about his neck, Atlas .. is unable to do much. EXCEPT THE UNTHINKABLE. He throws himself towards Ayame, feet first, in a last motion. And it works. Bowling her over, aiming for her legs, the only part he can reach, he slams onto the ground. HARD. And then lands flat.

"Oooh I don't feel so good...." "That is because you were half choked and you also landed stomach first." "Ooooh. But it hurts." "It should."

And Kirk is off, after the girl. "Welll.. So you are troublesome.." And he spins, lashing out with a foot to her side as he leaps for her in her position. "But you won't be very soon!"

COMBATSYS: Creep successfully hits Ayame with Light Kick.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Ayame            1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0             Tiny
                                  >  //////////////////////////////]
                                 |===----\-------\0            Creep

The whip crack lashes out but instead of getting Atlas into a painful choke, Ayame just ends up pulling the big thug back toward her as he comes crashing down, tripping the feather weight up and sending her crashing against the shelf to her side with a pained gasp as she struggles to keep herself upright.

Okay, definitely not holding up too well. "Katana, eh," the girl mutters, making the connection between them and the infamous Shogun of Mad Gear. No one in the rough parts of town could possibly not know who HE is. That explains why these thugs are tougher than the usual breed though, that's for sure. She's only just barely steadying herself when Kirk comes chasing aft her, spinning in order to plant a foot into her ribs that hits cleanly, slamming the somewhat fragile fighter up against the shelf and tipping it over in the process.

Rolling with the falling wall of electronics, she comes up in a crouch just a little ways off, her staff extended and the blade on her right arm retracted. Eying the speedy young man Ayame makes a dash toward him next, spinning around once and sending electronics spilling to the floor all around her as the staff once again ignites red, the girl attempt to drive it into the clawed glove fighter repeatedly in hopes of bashing him down to the ground and keeping him there for a bit. She has a second before Atlas will be back on her at least...

COMBATSYS: Ayame successfully hits Creep with Requiem For Fallen Blossoms.
- Power hit! -

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Ayame            1/----===/=======|=======\-------\0             Tiny
                                  >  /////////////////////         ]
                                 |=======\==-----\1            Creep

As Kirk gets the shot off on her, she comes up in a crouch, staff spinning around once as the chi slams towards Kirk. Kirk laughs. "Do you really think I will STAY there for you?" And then kicks off one of the shelves.

Something snaps, and Kirk is now falling straight towards the staff, and the blades slam straight into the ground. And so does his head, eating the ground rather hard. There's a hiss as his nose is more than bloodied.

Atlas, looking on, finally getting up, laughs. "Hahaha.. Kirk you need to learn to take a shot." "SHUT. UP." "I've been hit so many times but I still feel okay and that was one!" "SHE. GOT. LUCKY." "Hahaha sure! Now I'll get 'er for ya. Just stay .. right there hahahah!" Kirk seethes some more. Meanwhile, Atlas begins towards Ayame. "How about we have a little talk! Hehehehe..." And then he rushes towards Ayame. A simple, fast, punch. BUT THOSE THINGS HURT, DONT'CHA KNOW. "Now stay there for my FIST! I'll get ya yet you little bug!"

Kirk just looks on at Ayame, fuming, as he pulls his claws from the ground. Kurow, he is not. BUT HE WILL ONLY DODGE LIKE KUROW.

COMBATSYS: Creep focuses on his next action.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Ayame            1/----===/=======|=======\-------\0             Tiny
                                  >  /////////////////////         ]
                                 |=======\==-----\1            Creep

COMBATSYS: Tiny successfully hits Ayame with Quick Punch.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Ayame            1/---====/=======|=======\-------\1             Tiny
                                  >  /////////////////////         ]
                                 |=======\==-----\1            Creep

As her staff finishes bashing Kirk into the ground, Ayame exhales, backing up a step to survey her handywork. She's not holding up too good, kicked, tripped, skewered, slashed... And it's starting to take its toll. Unlike before, the staff in her hand remains ignited with the flickering red chi as she continues to keep it focused, teeth gritting as she rapidly begins to plan for escaping before this gets any worse.

With Kirk stuck for a moment, the girl's eyes flash to the big lug coming in at her, and while she tries to lift up her staff to help block against the power of his impressive punch, she just doesn't have the strength to pull it off, leaving Atlas's fist to crush right through her guard and smash her in the nose.

Staggering backward, her nose trickling a little bit of blood, the teen fighter shakes her head, trying to focus back on Atlas through eyes that are starting to tear up unbidden. "Okay, no more playing nice," she growls, and the energy in her staff glows even brighter... and then she's off, attacking with rapid speed against the two gangsters, a literal blur of black and glowing red as Ayame spins in between them and unleashes a flurry of rapid strikes, swinging hard and fast into both of their sides and heads as she tries to hammer them hard enough to get them to slowdown for a bit, perhaps!

COMBATSYS: Ayame successfully hits Tiny with Final Solstice.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Ayame            0/-------/------=|=======\======-\1             Tiny
                                  >  /////////////////////         ]
                                 |=======\==-----\1            Creep

COMBATSYS: Creep fails to counter Final Solstice from Ayame with Claw Catch.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Ayame            0/-------/------=|=======\======-\1             Tiny

COMBATSYS: Creep can no longer fight.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Ayame            0/-------/------=|=======\======-\1             Tiny

And then the shit hits the fan. Atlas watches as the little girl begins to blur black and red as she unleashes rapid strikes, over and over again as she begins to hammer them. Slow down? No. They do not slow down. They explode. Atlas is knocked about, and Kirk is slammed through the window, staggering out and then collapsing on the outside. "What.. the hell..."

It always comes down to these last goes, doesn't it. BUT WILL IT BE A JIRO OR NOT.

Atlas rises from the ground, shaking himself off. Glaring. "You broke 'im. YOU BROKE KIRK."

Atlas roars. He's beaten, bloodied, BUT NOT YET BROKE. AND HE'LL NEVER GIVE IN. Slamming pieces of this and that apart, he rushes towards Ayame, fists hitting shelves as he holds them, hitting this and that, crashing into thing after thing.

Ayame .. might not want to be in the range of it. "YOU BREAK NOW!"

COMBATSYS: Tiny successfully hits Ayame with Double Fisted Fury.

[                                < >  /////////                     ]
Ayame            0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0             Tiny

Exhaling after the all out assault is delivered, Ayame looks thoroughly winded, having pushed herslf further than she really should have all things considered. The small fry has been knocked clean out of the shop in a most painful manner, but his big buddy sure ain't happy about that business, coming back after the girl a veritable fit of rage.

Eyes widening, Ayame begins to back peddle as shelves and electronic devices are sent flying every which way. Alarms are going off and police sirens are sounding out in the streets as all the ruckus in the shop have drawn the attention of others in the area even in the middle of the night. So much for a quiet break in!

As Atlas plows into Ayame, the feather weight is horribly will equipped to weather out the series of painful strikes he dishes out one after another, smacking her left and right with his massive fists. Stumbling back up against a wall in the end, Ayame tries to slip sideways, her strength rapidly slipping. Everything about this whole excursion has gone horribly wrong and right now all she can think of is slowing down the angered beast enough for her to actually have a chance to get away...

The whip is retrieved from off the floor as the girl stumbles near it, getting a tight grip on it and... whirling around to lash out with it hard, trying to ensnare the brute and slow him down as her own strength dwindles, vision getting blurry. "Ugh..." she grunts as she snaps out with the whip with one last clumsy attack...

COMBATSYS: Ayame can no longer fight.

                                  >  /////////                     ]
                                 |======-\-------\0             Tiny

COMBATSYS: Ayame successfully hits Tiny with Hijacked.

                                  >  //////                        ]
                                 |=======\=------\1             Tiny

As Ayame pulls the whip up before she snaps it out, well, Atlas is sent back to the ground. Slamming hard, it's just enough to send the fat man down. Just. Enough.

"Ah.. girly.. you got lucky..." He exclaims, before he falls back down. Vision blurry himself.

Chances are, however, they suffered a bit less than Ayame did... Kirk starts to stir again, but chances are, he ain't walkin'. Atlas, taken down, is gonna be out for a while.

In the end, what'll be missing by morning is a Radio. A truck radio.

But they didn't touch no Ayame.

Mainly cause they could barely life the radio.

COMBATSYS: Tiny takes no action.

COMBATSYS: Tiny can no longer fight.

Felling the giant gives Ayame just enough of a chance to stagger for the back door, going the opposite direction as the two thugs are going. She leaves empty handed but for her bruises and bloody nose, but it's better than what COULD have happened though, all things considered...

Stumbling out into the street, a breath of fresh air is somewhat soothing as the girl slips into the dark alleys of south Southtown, making a mental note to avoid run ins with Mad Gear. Their thugs aren't the usual punks she's used to picking on by /any/ means. "Kirk and Atlas, eh. Jeez, what minion factory did they pump that duo out of?" she muses as she starts to put away her weapons and head back for her apartment to nurse her wounds. At least she left them something to remember her by - A few solid smacks with that staff of hers!

Log created on 22:56:48 02/07/2008 by Ayame, and last modified on 23:46:48 02/11/2008.