Kentou - Sin & Innocence

Description: The Youth Center plays host to another chance encounter quickly evolving into a cataclysmic showdown. The wicked vixen Cherise decides to pay the Youth Center a visit and have herself some fun at the expense of the Center's recent hired guardian, K'. What she did not bet on.. Was running into Hotaru's apprentice on the way in. And Kentou was having such a good day too.. Will Kentou reveal the whereabouts of K-Dash? Or does the boy wonder have a better idea in mind?

Sparring is key. Kentou has finally figured that fact of the matter out.
While the youth has always known that the best martial skills are learned and applied upon living opponents, he has been negligent perhaps in the amount he needs. The youth has learned prodigeous amounts in the last few months from Hotaru Sensei. However, recent spars with instructor Mizuki revealed that he has a good amount of learning to do in how best to apply those teachings onto moving, thinking, reacting opponents.

In the last week, Kentou has significantly stepped up his involvement at the YFCC. Fighting any and all other students at the center to really drive home his own levels of comprehension.. And perhaps help others with theirs. Even if, by and large, the boy isn't thought terribly well of by his peers at the center.

Now, as the sun has crested beyond the Southtown skyline, the short youth strolls out of the gym area and begins to head towards the glass door entrance at the front. A towel wrapped over his shoulders as the boy groggily wipes the edge of the cloth across his brow. He's ran his errands for work in the morning, trained all afternoon at the Futaba Dojo aaaand bookended it with a series of matches at the Youth Center.

A full day. A good day!

Kentou is just heading outside to let the crisp evening air cool him off before his long run home, a satisfied smile of accomplishment on his face.

Sparring... is boring.

So is the opinion of the French girl that's sitting atop the city bus tearing down the streets of Southtown, her new scarf spun around the lower half of her face and neck, combining with a pair of sunglasses to keep the cold air off her face from her little free ride perch. A block down from the Youth Center, she springs off the roof at the bus stop and lands lightly before the doors can open, prompting the driver to throw out some rather obscene words through the door at her back.

She's been seen here before-- and in almost the same outfit; the sturdy black overcoat, though closed this time with a black turtleneck and a daringly short cargo skirt, her legs in smooth tights and tall boots strapped and buckled all the way up to just below her knees. Her weekend plans had fallen through hard, and she had a gig later-- so why not blow a little time with that certain person she's taken a shine to?

Adjusting the soft guitar case on her back, Cherise is at the door to the YFCC when Kentou bursts out the door, drawing the wire-slinging assassin's attention to the shorter child. Pulling off her sunglasses and staring at him with startlingly blue eyes, her smile is as sweet as honey... even if her eyes are a little crazy.

"You, shortie," she says, her voice thick with her Frenchness, "I am looking for K'. Did he work today?"

The boy's attention is quickly grabbed as he notices something odd in the corner of his vision. Seeing a woman slip from the roof of a bus isn't an everyday occurrence after all!
Patting his towel against his cheeks, the youth watches the vitriol-filled exchange unfold as the foreigner completely brushes off the poor driver.
Well... She is a musician and they do tend to be poor..
Still, Kentou's attention slowly drifts from her as his frown of disapproval begins to fade.. Thoughts already moving on to the journey home before he quickly looks back at the 'short' crack. o_o
..Oh no.. she did NOT just..

Kentou is typically accommodating to strangers. At least, strangers who are polite. Something about this woman rubs him the wrong way.. But, as his ears quirk upon hearing her accent.. She is French. He heard they're kinda that way. ._.
"...You're looking for who?.." She didn't even say a name! Hrmph!
..STILL.. 'Be polite to girls, Kentou!' His mother always told him. And so he is.. He is.. =.= Grr..
The shorter youth keeps an eye upon her regardless. Long trenchcoat? Hnn... The Youth Center has had its share of strangers coming to start trouble, and one or two of them have actually been female.. The boy is certainly rendered wary by experience alone..

Less than her being rude to strangers, more that Cherise has no real social skills to speak of. Most of her most impressionable years were spent in seclusion, not that such a thing could be told just by looking at her. Pulling her scarf down with a hooked finger, the French teenager leans in a little bit, hands fitting into the pockets of her coat-- which in fact, is only long enough to leave an inch or so of that skirt exposed. Still, the coat's cut suggests it belonged to a man, as well as a lingering scent of fresh leather and ... grapes?

She's weird like that.

"I am looking," she says, speaking slower and enounciating her words a little harder, "For a man with gray hair like mine. He works here. Wears sunglasses. And a cross. Do you need me to go slower or do you need it knocked upside your watermelon head?"

A deep frown slowly takes over the lower half of Kentou's face. If she was a man, the boy would tell him to put up his dukes then and there. After all, Kentou is standing just OUTSIDE the YFCC now! His promise to not start trouble INSIDE has no power here! The kid doesn't take that level of insult from anybody... BUT, even as anger clearly crosses his youthful face, the boy doesn't incite violence.

Instead, the youth snaps his head to the side. Braids flopping over his shoulder as he snorts dismissively, "Feh! Sounds like anybody.."
With the description, the boy knows perfectly well who that is. Nobody else matches that description and recognition most certainly dawns in his eyes.
HA! Like he'd tell her though. The youth simply then begins to march off, brushing past her as he simply leaves her to 'sit and spin' as it were. Let her find that guy herself! Still, he'll have to make a mental note to tell said tall, dark man that some crazy French woman was looking for him.
..This better not be another clan rival or long-lost sister! >.<

The child seems to be giving her the evil eye. But that look on his face, the glimmer in the corner of his eyes... that she can barely see, anyway. He must know. He does know! He has to know. But then the child decides to brush her off completely, bumping into her as he goes. Cherise has a funny way of looking at moments like this.

The child is being insubordinate. His insubordination is causing her problems. Him causing her problems leads her to become frustrated. Being frustrated is wrong, so she has to look at this from the only other perspective she knows: The one of her surrogate father.

So looking confused for a brief moment, Cherise turns on her heel and takes two steps after the child-- then hooks one leg up in an attempt to crash her knee into the side of his head.

Hey, it's what her 'dad' did with her. But she's careful... after all, if this kid hangs out -here-, there's always a chance he's going to try to use a technique far beyond his years and look mighty stupid in the process.

But her last scarf cost her sixty-three dollars, and though it was lost to K', she doesn't want to ruin her clothes... or the guitar worth more than the kid slung across her back.

COMBATSYS: Cherise has started a fight here on the right meter side.

                                  >  //////////////////////////////]
                                 |-------\-------\0          Cherise

COMBATSYS: Kentou has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Kentou           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Cherise

COMBATSYS: Cherise successfully hits Kentou with Light Kick.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Kentou           0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0          Cherise

One of these days that boy is just going to have to learn to never turn his back to people in this town. No matter how defenseless they look at first glance.

Kentou looks fairly pleased with his own restraint in this matter. Feeling a moment of smug satisfaction for denying the rude foreigner the information as he just continues his stroll..

..However, the sensation abruptly changes as the hard knee rams the side of his head soundly!
The boy lets out a squack at the impact, head jolting to the side as he lists and staggers in the direction of the blow. His vision filled with swirling stars as his towel half-dangles off of a shoulder, hand immediately moving to the side of his head.

A second later.. He realizes what just happened..

".HEY!" Kentou -whirls- around to face the woman. Expression shifting to thoroughly irrate as his towel whips from his shoulders in the abrupt motion, "You are -ASKING- for it!" The boy declairs to the taller assailant.
Woman or no, he'll defend himself! The boy has had the notion of female warriors being weak looong ago. He may not start a fight with one... But he'll certainly finish it!
Her attack was definitely potent.. That was not a blow from a novice, that knee seriously -hurt-. Which means, no matter how fuzzy her outline is right now.. he better not hold back..

"HUT!" The boy leans forward as he steps into his unfolding strike, swinging in a wide arc and aiming for the French woman's midsection.. Stepping into the attack for leverage and momentum for maximum impact!

COMBATSYS: Cherise endures Kentou's Strong Punch.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Kentou           0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0          Cherise

Her knee connects with a healthy crack, her leg hovering in the air for a moment while she stares at the child like a parent expecting some sort of result. Children aren't really her thing-- she's better attuned to adults, or even better than that, the like-minded sort of young folks that enjoy getting beaten to a pulp for one reason or another.

But then he throws a punch.

His knuckles plow in hard against her stomach; at the moment of impact, Kentou may be able to feel the muscles in her abdomen clench to prepare for the blow. Though Cherise doubles over a little, she ultimately remains standing right where she is. Her head lifts a little, eyes hidden in a veil of silvery-gray bangs and her mouth twisted into a demented leer.

"Nice punch."

Still with her left thumb hooked into the strap of the guitar on her back, Cherise drops her right arm to her side, her eyes suddenly becoming rather intense. "That was punishment for being rude. But since you decided to offend my honor further?" she says in rhetoric, straightening up.

Her fingers spread, palm turned upward as her arm whips up to the heavens. Blades of silver extend from the tips of her fingers, paper-thin sheets of silver energy that chase just after her palm and scream through the air in that point-blank distance to Kentou. The transfer of power is nigh-instantaneous, no buildup or charging-- and should he be struck by that force, he may notice how it both cuts and 'burns'-- not in the traditional sense, but like a stunning shock to the nerves, one that may partially offset the pain of the odd silver 'claw' trying to rip into his clothes and flesh. "Ha ha ha ha ha!"

COMBATSYS: Kentou blocks Cherise's Argent Claw.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Kentou           0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0          Cherise

Kentou's fist strikes that astonishingly rigid stomach with an audible thwack. His arm remaining extended for a moment as his eyes glare at her doubling form in grim resolve. Mouth just beginning to open to offer if she's 'had enough'..
...As she suddenly straightens and stares at him with a look that can only be described as madness. The youth is shaken as his own mousy eyes widen in shock at her off-handed compliment.
His punch.. barely even hurt her!
"....Ohcrap.." Kentou quietly adds in a rushed breath.

Her brisk monologue is possibly the only thing that saves him. Giving him a moment to haphazardly stumble a few quick steps back and fall -backwards- away from her. The gesture of her arm downwards and towards her trench coat invokes an instinctive reaction in him. The look of someone reaching for a concealed weapon.. A knife or perhaps a gun..
Little does he realize her weapon of choice isn't so pedestrian.

As her clawed hand rakes upwards and sends forth slashes of strange silver glitters, the boy has mostly shoved himself out of the way. His arms tossed before him as his back slams to the concrete while a hiss blasts from his lips!

Wide eyes staring at his protective arms a moment, witnessing the criss-crossing marks over his skin.. Staring in dumbfounded confusion.
What was.. where did.. what.. Whoa now!

Dimly realizing he's something of a sitting target, the youth immediately spins about, kipping to his feet in a whirl of motion. Immediately adopting his fighting stance, the youth's feet spread and bounce energetically. His leading arm before him with his opposite at his side, elbows parallel to the ground, fists at shoulder level..
Wide eyes taking a frantic new accounting of his opponent as he tries to calm himself down. Beginning to realize that this 'woman' certainly wasn't on a friendly social call for that guy.. Trying to tune himself into his opponent a bit. Gauge what other hidden weapons she may have in her employ, and be extremely cautious over what she may brandish next.

He could run.. But then K' would have no warning.. Besides. Running leaves a bad taste in his mouth..

COMBATSYS: Kentou focuses on his next action.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Kentou           0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0          Cherise

There aren't many people in the world that could rightly stand up and say that they want to fight a child, or that they're proud of it. It's still low, no matter how it happened-- even some criminals.

Unfortunately for Kentou, Cherise Bouchard doesn't give a rat's ass.

Pulling the guitar off her back and propping it against the wall of the building, it seems as though the silver-haired girl doesn't have a care in the world while Kentou kips back up to his feet and starts to study her.

At a glance, her posture suggests someone far too calm for this situation. Hidden weapons...? It's entirely possible, with the short overcoat and the baggy sleeves, and ... well, she does hide her knives in -other- places.

Taking off her scarf and wrapping it around the neck of the soft guitar case, the wire-slinging girl decides only now to give Kentou the proper attention he deserves, her calm and peaceful smile returning to the distorted leering grin it was in only moments ago. "Are you feeling better now, short-stack? Do you want to come at me again? Or shall we get you the warm milk and tuck you in for bed time stories?"

And then she -moves-. Lunging ahead, Cherise's right leg whips up high into the air, jackknifing almost vertical before coming down like a brutal hammer-- the chunk heel of her boot looking to slam right down on the top of Kentou's head and set him dizzy once more. "Ha ha ha ha ha!"

COMBATSYS: Kentou interrupts Heavy Kick from Cherise with Tekkoudan.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Kentou           0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0          Cherise

Way, waaay too calm. The boy knows that look well. The sort of look one gets when dealing with a tiring little chore, but just trying to make the best of it. The youth has seen that look in the eyes of a lot of experienced opponents, staring down at him.

A child the boy may be, but the little prodigal student is being taught by some of the best in the world.

Slow, steady breathes. Don't let her intimidate you. Don't let her distract you. Focus.. Focus.
Every little motion the woman makes, Kentou takes stock and watches. Shifting every so often in his animated stance, all but terrified that the woman may unleash another wave of unknowable destruction in his general direction. He tries to stretch his senses, get some kind of insight as to the nature of her technique.. The stinging in his arms a stark reminder of the price of failure.

Though, while he does well to ignore the first half of her insult.. the second earns an eye-twitch and a partial frown. Grrrrrrrrrrrr.
"..I'llgiveyouabedtimestory.." The boy snaps in a single exhaled grumble.
And then, the boy's careful observations bears fruit. The woman lunges with exceptional speed.. Attempting to quickly end the fight with a brutal overhead blow with her heel. Having gauged her strength earlier, the little one knows she could likely grind him into the asphalt if she gets a solid hit..
..Luckily for him, the boy spies an opening in the bludgeoning attack and wastes no time.
Moving in a quick pounce, the boy closes the distance all but instantly. Counter-charging her own lunge with a dash of such speed the eye has a hard time following. Erasing the distance between them as her kick reaches the height of it's arc, the youth strikes! Lunging far enough to be nearly parallel with the ground, both arms outstretched as his fists are held inward to each other. Preserving the entire momentum of his leap and focusing it through his body into a point-blank, double-fisted body-blow. The kick indeed crashing down upon him in the aftermath, landing upon his shoulder with no small amount of force.. But leaving the woman completely open for the Ondori Technique.


He's smart enough to attack when she leaves a wide opening, he can hit pretty hard-- in many respects, Cherise feels something in the pit of her stomach that could very easily be mistaken for something like respect. He's small, but ... stronger than he looks? It means that the French girl is going to have to re-evaluate the young man and all the manuvers he has....

With the twin fists crashing into her and her leg thrown up so high-- hitting him as he hits her-- Cherise sprawls backwards, falling flat on her back with her arms thrown out to her sides. It's a little ungraceful, and she lets out a surprised gasp as she falls back... but she sure as hell doesn't look like she's going to be giving up just yet!

Her legs curl in, knees nearly to her chin as she hits the ground, using the momentum of the strike to pitch her back into a roll. Cherise lands in a crouch, her eyes narrowing the slightest of measures and with her tongue dragging slowly across glossed lips. "Hnn... you amuse me, short-stack."

Look deeper... study him harder... understand how he moves! Was that some kind of kung fu he threw around? Fluid, loose styles punctuated with powerful strikes? That would make sense, considering his build. Now, to consider her options.

COMBATSYS: Cherise focuses on her next action.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Kentou           0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0          Cherise

In the aftermath of that hard collision, the boy staggers back a step in recoil. His arms held outwards for a moment, fists curled inward like a battering ram. Once the woman rolls to her feet does he start to regain control of his backward momentum. An expression of pain passes over his face as he rolls his shoulder, feeling out the impact zone of that kick before returning his arms to their previous configuration. Exhaling sharply, Kentou begins to dance on his feet.. Shuffling with a small amount of footwork as the woman appraises him, seemingly only slightly hurt from one of his harder strikes.

Man.. She is definitely NOT as flimsy as she looks.. That girl's as hard as a rock.. And hits like one too.

He really hopes he isn't interfering with some kind of NeoLeague fight that nobody told him about.. That'd be just embarrasing! Still, maybe he better at least say something..
"..If.." Voice in a huff, "..If I did know.. about that guy you.. you were talking about.. What..*hff* ..What do you want w..with him anyway?"

Well, he was TRYING the diplomatic approach. Until she blurted out that 'shortstack' crack again. Grrr! His body tensing as he builds for another attack..

...Hm.. She's waiting now. Studying him, she's definitely not dumb and damn fast. A distraction.. Well. He could give 'that' technique a try?

Deciding to take the initiative while he still has it, the boy wonder cuts off his own questionare as he -rushes- her in a blur of motion! Ducking forward in a sprinter's posture, the boy leaves a blur of motion in his wake. Closing the distance all but immediately in astonishing speed.. But that's only the first part of the attack.
He twists in mid-rush, his arms whirling outwards like a vertically oriented windmill. In a vaulting motion, the boy's whirling movements are designed to confound her careful observations just enough.. As he lands within arm's reach of her and completes the revolving motion with under-handed palmstrike to her middle once more! Transfering the kinetic motion cleanly.."HaaaAAAH!"

COMBATSYS: Kentou successfully hits Cherise with Strong Punch.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Kentou           0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0          Cherise

What does she want with him? There's a moment of pure amusement in Cherise's eyes, an honest sort-- far beyond the insane smiles and the maniac smiles, lingering somewhere around what she could consider an actual emotion. That amusement is what causes her to lose her focus, and give the young man the room he needs to dart in on her. Cherise tries to twist, turn away and narrowly dodge-- but Kentou's speed is underestimated, his twirls and ending with the arm lashing out to her belly sinking in cleanly and leaving her to let out a hiss of air but still wholeheartedly smile.

"I am his 'special friend,'" she says as the air rushes back into her lungs. "I don't expect a child," Cherise continues while snapping her arm ahead-- as if to grab Kentou's wrist-- "To understand!"

And then she throws herself in an awkward sideways flip to narrowly pass over Kentou's head, passing beyond arm's reach to his opposite side and landing with a scuff of her sturdy boots.

The grab at his wrist is made clear as she seems to grasp the air itself with her fingers, pulling hard. The young lad may get a glimpse of silver fluttering around his wrist and his one and only chance to evade before the circulation-cutting tightness.

Cherise pulls -hard- on the wire, trying to pull Kentou off-balance and to bring the young man's seized arm out horizontal-- so that she can step back in and throw a hard punch at his ribs, her knuckles driving in hard under his arm... and then -bursting- with a bright flash of silver.

If successful in her endeavors, Cherise's arm lashes hard, and the tension around the young man's arm will quickly leave-- and leave a glimpse of a golden bracelet hanging around her wrist.

COMBATSYS: Kentou endures Cherise's Argent Striker.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Kentou           1/----===/=======|======-\-------\0          Cherise

'Special Friend?' What the heck is this, Animaniacs?!
Kentou feels a moment of elation as that technique actually succeeds! His arm held outstretched after the impact, a rush of breath escapes him as he fights the urge to laugh!
He did it! He actually did it! Kentou actually learned one of his Master's techniques! That Sou-Shou Shin was nearly flawless, if he does say so himself!

That smile goes away in very short order as the French woman continues to grin at him with that sadistic leer. In his moment of vain glory, the woman easily flips over to his side.. Snaring his wrist in some barely-seen force, painfully yanking his arm up and outwards as a small cry of surprise escapes him!

The youth barely manages to get that much out before the woman's vicious attack concludes. The painful wires yanking him out of his stance, leaving him utterly helpless against that -harsh- blow at his side. The physical pain is only a splinter of agony compared to the silvery glow that terminates the strike! The only reason the boy isn't sent sailing into the distance is the woman's own clutches.. And as her webs leave him, only then does the youth collapse back upon the asphalt in ruined heap. Limbs twitching.

A few seconds pass before Kentou gasps for air. Reviving after a very short jaunt into unconsciousness, fingers sliding over the rough street beneath him as he tries to crawl a few paces in no particular direction.

That hurt... A lot. Taking stock, the youth knows he doesn't have much fight left in him. If he doesn't use his best shot right now.. He'll never muster the strength to do it later.

No quip, no bold statement of victorious intent escapes the youth.. No, he needs every mote of air in his lungs right now to keep himself going. Besides, the look he offers her over his shoulder speaks volumes of his determination. He isn't going to quit.. Ooooh no.

"Haa..HAAAP!" Kentou's kiai sharply retorts against the nearby walls of the YFCC. The cleansing sound briefly banishes his agony, giving him the strength to rise to his feet.. If a bit ackwardly.
Facing Cherise with what little strength he has remaining, the youth charges forth yet again. This time, rather than attempting a single, decisive blow he divides his assault into a flood of smaller, blindingly fast strikes. His fists flying fast enough to leave after-images in their wake. Attempting to overwhelm the girl's defenses this time, hoping to find some chink in her toughness in a desperate, shotgun-like manner, "FUUHAKEN!"

COMBATSYS: Cherise blocks Kentou's Fuuhaken.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Kentou           1/----===/=======|=======\-------\0          Cherise

The burst of silver force, intense as it is, feels little more than a bug bite to Cherise's senses, shaking her hand out in a bored, dismissive manner while Kentou is sprawled out on the ground. The tension around his wrist is gone, and her wrist flicks, the length of wire slinging back across her shoulders and hooking around the collar of her coat in a manner much like the scarf she wore once was.

"This brat is loud," she remarks, eyes half-lidded.

It wasn't that she felt bad about hitting a kid, it... more seems that she's -bored-. The kid hits hard, sure, but the expression on her face is one of someone who has yet to actually be -challenged-, for all the lucky shots he's had and the one opening she even left wide open for him.

So, as he comes in to attack her, Cherise is this time much more prepared. Insight starts to build within her, looking carefully at his stance and the moves thrown at her-- the rapid strikes met with equally rapid guard, the blows raining against arms that just seem to soak the impact or deflect the point of impact enough the blows only graze against her arms. Pressing her heel into the ground quite hard, the French wire-slinger springs backward in a low lunge, tracing back a few steps to get some breathing room. Her arm lowers to her side again, her wrist rolling once-- and then with a deft gesture, setting the silvery wire into a spinning arc. It hooks, circles, and waves in the air just over the sidewalk in a very well-practiced manner... and if she were a little different in the head, she could even use skills like that to entertain children like him, rather than use them to fight.

"That was so bo~ring. Don't you have anything that could make me at least bleed?"

COMBATSYS: Cherise gains composure.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Kentou           1/----===/=======|======-\-------\0          Cherise

The boy's random and desperate assault defuses upon her elegant defenses. The flood of strikes breaking down over her deflecting arms, the woman literally dancing away from him as he finally yields the momentum. Catching his breath a moment before stumbling back a half-step. Frustrated eyes trying to stay focused on his opponent, letting out an exasperated breath as he realizes his attacks have barely damaged this tough, tough woman at all.
Alright.. That's it then! Her goading succeeds in getting under the youth's skin, as his hands tremble into tighter fists. Boring? BORING?! Alright then, time to give this woman the very best he's got!
The boy's eyes burn with intensity, every muscle tensing in his body. Now or never!

Kentou crouches low and stamps his feet hard enough to -vault- himself high into the air! Spinning about like a fast turning top. Sailing in a slow arc through the air towards his opponent, "Tenchiiiiiiiiii-"
Perhaps more accurately, winding like mechanical crossbow. Gathering all the kinetic force as he -lands- in a low crouch. Stopping cold for a single instant.. as if time itself was on pause.
A split second that ends with an earth-shattering display of speed! A ring of impact spreads outwards as his fist lances through the air like a bullet from a gun! A velocity that a tiny body such as his has no right to achieve, as the boy strikes out with the best he's got!

COMBATSYS: Kentou successfully hits Cherise with Tenchi Shuuen.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Kentou           0/-------/-------|=======\=------\1          Cherise

Yes. She said it.


And perhaps it was a moment where she bit off more than she could chew. The moment he moves, the wire at her side is cast off to the side, slackened out as not to get into the way or snag on something inappropriate at an inappropriate time. He vaults into the air, all of that energy and force gathering up into what's going to end up being a rather painful package.

And for a moment, Cherise's irises sizzle with that same silver that flows through each strike. Like the blue constricted into the pupils, replaced with that bright metallic color, her left eye closing. "Fuc--"

But in that moment, she can see the path. She can see him come in, almost like it were slow motion.

And she tries to defend.

Her arms come up to try to soak the force of the blow against her forearms, but Kentou proves to be -surprisingly- powerful this time around, slamming down into the gray-haired Frenchwoman with incredible force.

Cherise lets out one more of those stunned gasps, spiked into the ground with enough force to make even -her- falter. Bouncing once on the ground, the French girl lets out a hiss through clenched teeth while she slides on the pavement-- a harsh scrape along the ground before settling, staying on her side while she regains her senses. "Haha... Ha ha ha...!"

Pushing up to all fours, Cherise slowly, carefully gets up to a crouch and rolls her wrist around.

"That was excellent, short-stack. You will simply -have- to tell me your name."

But before that goes any further, her arm again whips upward, her fingers gathered together. The air hisses once more time as blades of silver emerge from the tips of her fingers, each seeking to once again rip into the young man and give him a good dose of shocking, cutting pain...

COMBATSYS: Kentou interrupts Argent Claw from Cherise with Bakuretsu Tekkouken.
- Power hit! -

[                          \\\\  < >  /////                         ]
Kentou           0/-------/-----==|=======\===----\1          Cherise

Once again, the Ondori master technique strikes true.
The impact of the Tenchi Shuuen sends the girl sprawling. The boy remaining rigid in posture in the follow-through. As fast as it is, the youth is a slave to its vicious momentum.. Unable to recover quickly as the boy just gasps for air. The near-totality of his effort spent as he falls to one knee. Eyes blindly staring at the asphalt beneath him, listening to the sound of his pounding heart and rushing lungs.
Agonizingly slowly, Kentou's eyes begin to slide upward with no small amount of fear beginning to rise in his heart.
No way.. No WAY..
The sound of her laughter nearly shatters what remains of hope in his heart. His best attack.. She took his best attack and is -laughing- at him. What kind of monster IS this woman? What does it take to bring her down?..
..And just as importantly, does he have any tricks left for what's coming next?
A heartbeat.
The woman vaults for him from her crouch, her speed such that there's no way he can hope to roll out of the way. Her words processing through his groggy mind as she flies in mid-air, blades of silver reaching for him.
"..Ondori Kentou.."

Whispered words as the boy acts without thought. A moment of zen, digging in deeply of himself and pulling out whatever stops remain. The exhaustion of the long day, the incredible abuse he's taken from the fight. This is all or nothing!
The boy thrusts out an arm to intercept her at arm-length. The silvery tips of her attack just touching his skin as his extended fingertips touch her forehead.
Kentou's outstretched fingers snap into a fist. Shifting the total force of his entire body forward precisely one-inch. A tight, explosive effort requiring total control and total concentration. And virtually no range.
The one-inch-punch goes off with the force akin to a small hand-grenade.. The counter-force enough to send the boy sprawling onto the sidewalk.. Completely and totally exhausted and spent.. Only hoping beyond hope that it would be enough to finally get that terminator of a woman to stop!

All or nothing-- and he virtually dives face-first through the force of her attack, crushing the distance between the pair and his fist presented. His fingers are felt against her forehead, and for a moment, she looks up to see the hand presented as it draws into a fist. And for a moment, she utters something unintelligble in French.


Cherise flips head over heels across the sidewalk time and again, bouncing in a rather nasty cartwheel that probably should snap the neck of a lesser human being. But as she falls still-- almost on the corner of the block-- Cherise seems to have completely, totally met her match. Her chest rises and falls with deep breaths, mouth wide open. That should be -it-. The twitching in her fingers, the slight shake of one of her legs.

And then she sits up.

Blood near-instantly spills down her forehead, trickling around the bridge of her nose and dripping from the tip of her nose, running down her cheeks.


Rising to her feet, it seems like Cherise has finally gotten what she wants, even if it means this -runt- has had to wear her down so far. This far... by a child? Either this kid is a beast, or she's merely gotten sloppy.

Still, she walks with a measure of confidence-- and then the corners of her mouth jerk up into that wide, insane smile as she stares at Kentou through silver bangs matted down with red. "One last thing," she says sweetly.

Her right leg shifts under herself, her left leg thrusting forward. It's nearly a split, dropping her weight low and her hands pressing down to the ground. Did she slip? Did she finally lose it? Is she going to pass out now?


Silver lines suddenly burst out of the ground all around Kentou, shooting up at him in straight, direct lines. Crafted from that same odd silver energy, they try to snag him, hold him down. Shooting out to a certain distance, it all tries to web down and hold Kentou standing in place, adding one last bright burst of silver to stun him, to hold him right there.

COMBATSYS: Cherise can no longer fight.

[                          \\\\  <
Kentou           0/-------/-----==|

COMBATSYS: Cherise successfully hits Kentou with Argent Finale.

[                                <
Kentou           1/-----==/=======|

The burst of silver energy is enough to stun him, rip away at the senses until Kentou loses the will to fight back. By then, Cherise is standing before him with that leering smile...

Her arm hooks back in a smooth motion, lines of silver forming at the tips of her fingers-- but not detaching, almost as if the energy itself has extended in a manner similar to her trademark weapon. It blurs in motion, however, making it appear almost as four curtains of silvery light-- it would be somewhat beautiful, if it wasn't attached to dealing pain.

Cherise's arm sweeps around hard to lash the blades of energy across Kentou's torso, following up with a second swing with a hard backhand. Dropping low to the ground, her palm turns upward, and the excess of energy is used to uppercut Kentou out of the energy webbing, the excess force scattering into the ambient air as the youth center attendee is shot into the air. Cherise is suddenly -there- to greet him in the air, following up with a violent, high speed series of swipes with that 'cape' of force, hacking and slashing repeatedly. Draw blood? Well, of course.

With one last hard uppercutting sweep with the silver energy, it looks almost like Kentou is about to be knocked higher into the air-- but Cherise is there to whip around in the air in a manner that defies all physics and axe kick the young man back down to the concrete with a burst of silver exploding from the toe of her boot-- and send him back down like a rocket.

Cherise lands then, staggering a few steps and starting to slump forward... but ultimately, doing her damndest to keep from coughing up a gout of blood and passing out right there on the sidewalk.

"If you bare your fangs," she says in her thick accent, "I suggest you be ready to feel a proper response."

But wasn't it -her- fault this all started in the first place, her attempts at 'parenting' misguided as they are? Oh well!

The boy is all but helpless now.
In the aftermath of his final strike.. the youth's attempts at sitting up are all but futile. Shifting weakly as his muscles strain. Teeth gritting, trying to force himself to move.. at least a little. To roll over so he can at least look up..
No dice. Kentou used every last drop of effort and energy in his body.. There's simply nothing left in him now. Only a looong rest will let him regain mobility. Raw will and determination can only carry one so far.

And when that woman -rises- up once more.. It's all Kentou can do but roll his eyes upwards. Barely able to see her stalk closer in the periphery of his vision.
The young boy mewls quietly, panick streaking his fatigued form but unable to invoke more than a handful of restless shifts from his failed body.

Is he trying to flee? ...Not so much.
He's just ashamed that he won't be able to accept this 'response' on his feet like a real fighter. ... And.. getting out of the way would have been really nice too. He would be okay with that.

Alas, as the wires close in around him, Kentou can only offer a bold stare in defiance. Lips trembling as he forces himself not to scream.

Worlds of agony later.. The boy is send flailing and pinwheeling through the air. Thrashed and scourged by powers the youth can barely understand or see.. Until -crashing- back to the street in a broken heap. If there is any mercy at all, it is in the fact that he's completely unconscious. Unable to feel what will inevitably be whole dimensions of pain when he awakens later.. after inevitably one of the nearby students or instructors drags him into the YFCC for treatment.
Of course.. the boy did not reveal K-Dash's whereabouts, and that terminator of a french woman will be in no condition to unleash whatever mischief she had planned upon him. A small comfort.. But enough for him.

COMBATSYS: Kentou takes no action.

COMBATSYS: Kentou can no longer fight.

Log created on 23:19:18 01/16/2008 by Kentou, and last modified on 05:15:22 01/17/2008.