M.Bison - Bustin' Jiro's Balls

Description: After losing to Kurow in SNF, Bison finds some much-needed solace in a fight with Jiro that starts out bad, then becomes a solid win for Our Hero(tm)!

Lights, glamor, action.
These are the things that make Las Vegas the place that no one sleeps in. Well, besides Tokyo itself. But of America, this is the very place that people go to in order to enjoy themselves. With the industrial vehicles passing by and the glamour of the night vividly beckoning to those who would dare tread the place, this city is advertised by several neon lights and men in business suits. Several of the people walking along the sidewalks are in tuxedos or luxurious dresses. Sadly, this is unfortunately the source where underhanded sects tend to go at hand.
Considering that the Hellraiser situation had grown stale for the longest, Jiro was sent to deal with some investigations of an illegal sect going on in the casino. He's not really dressed for the occasion. He's more in a casual attire, which is his main attire. He does, idly, reach into his pocket to pull out a picture of the man. Tall, lanky, light skinned, a bit old in the near fifties. Sigh. Jiro shakes his head while he continues his walk down the street.
Eventually, he does stop, turning to stare at a building with flair and flashy neon lights called 'BIG MAX CASINO'. He grows a bored look, stretching his arms out, "...The sleepless city, eh? Meh, what rubbish."

Fuck. Fuck and shit.

Bison is pissed. He's -royally- pissed. That SNF was a disgrace, in his opinion--but no one asked. Yeah. He caught a flight home as soon as he could, and that flight was deadly quiet. No one bothered him.

Does he feel better about being back in the city that is his home, the city that never sleeps? A little, yeah. Here, he's revered, as well as feared. Walking down the street as he is, an outlandish big fur coat over his normal clothes, he is recognized.

But he's still pissed off, that's for sure, and one (un)lucky tourist is a winner! His prize? A big fist from Bison, after he bumps into the boxer. This, of course, draws stares, and some murmurs.

"WHAT?!?" bellows Bison, his dark, angry gaze scanning the crowd. He's revered, as we said--and also feared. The guy who just got punched probably has internal injuries, now...

There would have to be something big and extraordinary in order to get Jiro's attention. It would have to take something that is out of the ordinary to actually keep him from doing his duty and investigate on this shady individual. And that comes in the punch by the Big Black Guy Named Bison.
After hearing a tourist get punched the hell out of, Jiro turns his head to the sound of that snap and he winces, then he runs over to rush over to the individual. He grunts for a few moments, then he reaches over to the man to inspect where the wound was at. Making sure that there is no internal bleeding, Jiro turns to face the man.
"What's the big idea---..." Then, Jiro falls silent and he groans. "...Ugh, you again." It is at that moment that Jiro is having the flash back when Bison visited him in an alley to beat him up for whatever reason. Likely hired by someone. "Great... just great." His teeth grits out of annoyance, but at the same time, there is a grin starting to curl up. That blood lust is drawing in place of the young man, as he can feel his blood boil for action.

COMBATSYS: M.Bison has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
M.Bison          0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Jiro has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Jiro             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          M.Bison

Bison smirks, as Jiro runs to check on the guy. Fortunately, Vegas people know what the hell is up; the street is being vacated. But not too much so. People are already shouting; the volume just got turned to eleven up in here and betting is, you bet, going on. And Bison is just standing there.

"Oh, you. Hah. Yeah, I 'member you, you little bitch. Guess you ain't had enough huh?" The boxer flexes, the expensive fur cape-coat thing falling to the ground behind him; he kicks a heel back and sends it into the crowd. Some homeless guy will sleep warm tonight.

And then the massive man rolls his head, cracking his neck audibly. "Well, fuck, bitch. You gon' just stand there or you wanna throw down?" Sheeit. Bison flexes, his muscles seeming to swell even more as he gets psyched up for the beating of some little kid's ass.

COMBATSYS: M.Bison gathers his will.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Jiro             0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0          M.Bison

Little bitch?!
The face twitches as a snarl escapes the boy's lips. The young man grunts as his pride was shot in his face by the boxer. He regains his composure and he narrows his eyes, "Right. I think I am going to enjoy this fight. I've been waiting a while to get some pay back on certain people." His eyes shift towards one of the spectators. "Get this guy to the hospital, now." He casually shoves the unconscious guy out of the way, then he turns to face Bison once more.
"Okay, time for round two." He tightens the gloves once more, then he steps into his fighting stance. Both of his hands are held together in a guarding motion. While Bison is flexing, Jiro is sprinting towards Bison just as quickly.
Gaining momentum, Jiro launches off of the ground and he brings the right hand back. Manifesting into his view is a swirling blaze of scarlet chi that illuminates in his grasp. That chi then shapes itself into a katar blade. Thrusting hs hand forward, he strides in a dash while the blade pierces towards the massive man's stomach.

COMBATSYS: M.Bison endures Jiro's Firebrand.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Jiro             0/-------/------=|=====--\-------\0          M.Bison

UNH. Jiro's flaming energy blade drives right -into- Bison's stomach. Mike Bison doesn't like chi. He doesn't utilize it and he frankly considers it to be mystical crap. Or he would, if he weren't confronted by it so much. But he has a theory about it--and that is, he can take it. That fiery blade is just...

Bison doesn't even move away from Jiro, doesn't try anything. But the moment Jiro is close enough, while he's still committing himself to the thrust... Well, Bison's a power puncher. He's not a speedbag freak like Dudley or a technical boxer like Vanessa. He just hits and hits hard. But still, he has some speed--as he demonstrates when he aims to meet Jiro's stomach with a thrusting body blow from his right hand.

"GUT CHECK!" he shouts, mockingly, as he punches. "C'mon bitch, you gotta have somethin' more than a lightshow to beat me!!!"

COMBATSYS: Jiro Toughs Out M.Bison's Medium Punch!

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Jiro             0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0          M.Bison

There is a blessing and a curse of being close up. At this point, it is hard to tell if it is either or. While Jiro does get the advantage of giving Bison one hell of a impaling with the chi, the young man does, in turn, get to feel the power that is M. Bison. That boxer does demonstrate the power that he has by thrusting the fist right into the gut of the young man.
From there, a grunt echos from the young man. Used to such beatings, Jiro is able to toughen himself up enough to steel himself from the agonizing pain that he could had felt otherwise. The muscles tenses and the feeling numbs itself as that impact strikes him in the gut. Perhaps that was the curse of being so close in a fight against the boxer.
However, it is not good to count the brawler out. Becaue that Jiro and Bison are so close to each other, it gives Jiro a split second chance to make use of the arm and outstretch the right arm outward so that he can hook it around Bison and then straighten it to plow -through- the man.
It is about time to gain some distance and Jiro is going to have to go through Bison to gain such.

COMBATSYS: M.Bison endures Jiro's Fierce Punch.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Jiro             0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1          M.Bison

Go -through- Bison? No one goes through Bison. That last hit was pathetic... and this one feels no less so, as Bison continues to just stand his ground. The kid is trying to clothesline him--but he's not going to take Bison down, not at all. In fact, even though he gets a pretty good impact on Bison's throat, and the boxer fades back with the impact. Hurt? Eh. Hurt don't mean shit to Bison. In fact, he laughs, and his voice doesn't sound damaged at all as he does so.

"Th' FUCK, bitch!! You hit like a fuckin' baby!!!" Bison's laugh is nasty, crude, and not at all pleasant, as he reaches out to thrust Jiro back just a half-step or so. The reason for that? Because Bison is about to lay the -beatdown-.

"RAAAAAAAAGH!" Bison is suddenly up in Jiro's face--forcing him backwards as he throws uppercut after uppercut, intent on smashing a left upper, then a right upper, and again, and again, into Jiro's chin, four big uppercuts combined with a final, thrusting straight for Jiro's chest.

COMBATSYS: Jiro counters Crazy Buffalo from M.Bison with Helldrive.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Jiro             0/-------/=======|=------\-------\0          M.Bison

There is the feeling of making a good impact on Bison. But sadly? It felt like hitting a brick wall. It is somewhat disheartening to know that one is not making a good impact on someone like the bad boxer.
But, Bison's trashtalk doesn't get Jiro down. Although he is thrusted back and loses his balance, he does know what is coming for him.
He only has one chance to act. He better make this chance good.
When Bison comes at the face, Jiro immediately swings the left arm to smack the first arm away. At the same time, he catches his footing and uses that back leg to spring himself forward. He dives right into the uppercut, then he thrusts both hands out towards the large black man's throat in a chokehold.
Jiro utilizes the strength he has to thrust the man off of the ground and into position to where he can step forward and wrap an arm around each leg as he states, "Sit the----"
Then, Jiro's hands suddenly blaze forth with the scarlet chi as Bison is enveloped, "---FUCK DOWN!" As Bison is caught in a powerbomb, there is an explosion underneath him from the impact of the chi-fire.

Huh. Okay, maybe the kid's got something. But Bison? He don't back down, not ever. Only to Vega. And now? Now he's -really- pumped. Getting back to his feet, the look in his eyes? It's gone from slightly playful to absolutely fucking murderous. If Jiro has any sense, he's going to have a big stain in his pants, because this glare is a promise. A promise of pain, a promise of ugly, evil, low-down shit.

"You think you got me, kid? You think you got anything? YOU GOT NOTHIN'!!! YOU GOT LUCKY!!!" He's roaring now, flaring up, his fists clenching so hard that the knuckles pop loud enough to be heard despite the crowd noise. Admittedly, people were betting on Bison--and he's been countered and taken out so far. That's going to change, though.

Bison heads back for Jiro, practically roaring--and it looks like he's going to go with another thrusting, lunging punch, his left cocked back high and ready...

Except he doesn't; he drops low at the last moment and swings with the right. Low. A big beefy fist aiming to uppercut Jiro right in the fucking balls.

COMBATSYS: Jiro parries M.Bison's Medium Punch!

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Jiro             1/-------/=======|=------\-------\0          M.Bison

After the slam, Jiro is stepping back from Bison with a more superior stance. But that fades as he gets himself back into the fight and adopts the more ready stance for the combat. He is not to get cocky in this fight. That could be his down fall. Jiro -remembers- how hard the guy hits. There is no reason why he should get cocky now, especially all considering what it could cost him.
When Bison does give him that glare, Jiro grits his teeth and mentally prepares himself. He knows that whatever is going to happen to him, it will be big and it will be painful. He can hear those knuckles crack, drowning out the crowd's cheering. It's no secret that Jiro gets the feeling that folks are betting on Bison. Jiro knows that he's pretty much the underdog in this. But damn it, he will make it a good fight if he can!
When Bison winds, Jiro anticipates the movement. Unfortunately, the huge fist was aiming to uppercut his groin.
..._OH HELL NO!_ Not before he uses it, damnit.
Jiro pivots his feet and sprints off of that right leg, aiming to close himself over to the side from Bison, then he spins while skidding to an angle from Bison.
One hand touches the ground, causing the ground to suddenly illuminate at a five feet radius. Why not? May as well add some flair for the folks of Las Vegas. He's going to give these guys a LIGHT show that they'll never forget.
Fireflies flutter around as the energy blinks and then....
The erosion of the scarlet energy starts to explode off in the shape of a dome. That dome spreads across, growing bigger and bigger as the energy eats and tears at the atmosphere, seeking to crush and destroy everything within its path. This is Jiro's wrath. This is the controlled form of that wrath.

COMBATSYS: M.Bison endures Jiro's Indignation EX.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Jiro             0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0          M.Bison

Bison DENIES your wrath. If Jiro thinks he's going to have the satisfaction of destroying a man like Mike Bison with a pussy attack like that, then he's sorely mistaken; Bison does not change his tactics in the least. He waits until -just- when he's about to get hit... and he lunges forward. His skin sizzles; his body hurts. But he's -fucking pissed off- right now. And he wants to fuck Jiro up so badly that the kid can't remember his name.

He bursts through that dome, and his right hand is low, clenched again into a tight fist. And once again he's yelling, roaring, sounding like the bull he is, as he screams across the intervening distance and--

Well, he wants to crush Jiro's balls, see. So he's just bringing a massive uppercut, his fist nearly dragging along the ground.

COMBATSYS: M.Bison successfully hits Jiro with Uppercut Punch.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Jiro             0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0          M.Bison

Now, there is a huge surprise. The fact that Bison ran -through- the entire dome of energy causes a surprise to escape the young man's face. His eyes widen once more when he finds himself caught into trying to avoid getting crushed into the balls.
Sadly, he fails.
THat fist -drives- right into the very core that is Jiro's groin. There is a part of Jiro that dies inside. Will Jiro be able to 'work it' again or is he stuck to be a virgin forever and perhaps _DIE_ from being a virgin.
Chibi Jiro cries inside. He cries really hard.
His body is vaulted backwards really fast, and he twists and lands on his head. Screw the feeling of pain in the head, Bison just took out his family jewels! Never before have one seen a grown man cry. ...Jiro must not cry. Jiro must not cry. He's going to die a virgin. This is as Mimiru predicted.
There are a stream of swears through the incomprehensible syllables escaping the young man's lips for a few moments. Oh, he wants to make the man pay badly. So, for starters, Jiro immediately gets up and he dashes straight towards Balrog, aiming to tackle him down with a spear maneuver.

COMBATSYS: M.Bison dodges Jiro's Strong Throw.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Jiro             0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0          M.Bison

Oh fuck no. Bison is not the world's fastest man but damned ir he's going down to a punk like Jiro Kasagi. He hasn't quite evened things up yet, but he's a lot closer; but he doesn't want to just even things up. He wants to destroy the young man, and crushing his balls was just the beginning. But, back to Jiro, charging him with a spearing tackle. Bison smirks, and steps aside, to his left. But he isn't -just- dodging...

As Jiro passes by Bison turns, swiftly, attempting to land a hook punch to the back of Jiro's head. It's a dangerous move, a rabbit punch, the kind of thing that can cause brain damage and bleeding in the head.

Does Bison care? No. He's also not prone to talking right now--still shaking off the effects of Jiro's indignation, and concentrating on the smashing of Jiro's face.

COMBATSYS: M.Bison successfully hits Jiro with Turn Punch.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Jiro             1/-----==/=======|======-\-------\0          M.Bison

This isn't good. Jiro is losing control of himself. He has to straighten himself up -quickly!- That nice little rabbit punch in the back of the head catches Jiro really badly. He is fumbling straight onto the ground, rolling against the ground. "Shit!" He hisses out, then he grits his teeth. He clutches onto his head, then he shuts his eyes. "...Da..damn."
He tries to regain his composure for the duration of this fight. He did good so far, he can't falter now.

COMBATSYS: Jiro gains composure.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Jiro             1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0          M.Bison

Falter? Jiro? Never. Bison won't allow it until the boy's nothing but bloody rags. His fingers flex and clench, grinning with a more wicked, less outright homicidal bent. He's feelin' a lot better now, that's for sure. Jiro isn't coming to him... but Bison is more than happy to go to him. Hell, that's what his style of boxing is all about. He doesn't dance, he doesn't play with range. He gets in close and he -pounds- with his fists.

"We ain't done yet, bitch!" cries the boxer, pounding his fists together again, sneering menacingly. And then... then he changes his mind. "But you know what? You take your moment to rest. Make sure you got yo' will written. I ain't gonna go easy on you at all, not like I have been."

COMBATSYS: M.Bison gathers his will.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Jiro             1/------=/=======|=======\==-----\1          M.Bison

Getting punched in the crotch, no good.
The young man gets back up to his feet, staggering a little more then he looks at Bison as he is actually charging forth. Jiro merely sneers at the older man, tightening his fists while he is gathering his power to actually figure out -how- to deal with Bison.
Jiro, for the most part, knows that he'll be screwed if he doesn't act fast. But he listens in on Bison, then he slowly stands up to his feet. "...Fine." Jiro stares at Bison, staring straight at him as to focus his mind.
Ignore the fact that you're now a virigin for life Jiro. Ignore that you're in bad pain. Ignore that... *sniff*

COMBATSYS: Jiro focuses on his next action.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Jiro             1/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1          M.Bison

Bison shakes his head. Yeah, see? People think he's stupid. Bison ain't stupid. He's straightforward. It's different. Bison reaches into his pocket... and pulls out a switchblade. Not somethin' he has on him in a boxing match (maybe), but toys can be fun. The big bruiser isn't gonna come runnin' in on Jiro just yet, see. He remembers that chi-assisted power bomb.

"Think I'm gonna just come runnin' to ya? C'mon!" Bison slings his right hand back, then hurls it forward--sending the blade spearing for Jiro's crotch. So maybe his aim ain't good... or could it be better than anyone ever imagined?!? We'll have to see, now, won't we. In fact, Bison's being craftier than probably anyone -would- imagine him to be...

COMBATSYS: M.Bison successfully hits Jiro with Thrown Object.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Jiro             1/----===/=======|=======\==-----\1          M.Bison

What is with this guy's obsession with his crotch?! Seriously! Jiro has had it up to here with the crotch being targetted, damnit! Just bite his ear like a good crazy boxer would.
Jiro does witness that switchblade, then he blinks. What the hell? Bison just pulled out a switchblade? What an underhanded move! Why didn't -he- do that at the beginning? Oh well. Jiro cringes and he twists his hip, allowing the leg to be stabbed in place of the crotch.
Now, Jiro is going to meet with Bison, rushing at the older man quickly while limping. He hisses out in pain, then he winds his right fist back. First off, Jiro is thrusting his right arm upward to deliver a powerful uppercut. Not just that, but it is soon noticed that the scarlet chi ignites once more with that blazing inferno. That blaze is transferring over towards the other arm.

Where is that uppercut coming? RIGHT IN THE CROTCH FOR PAYBACK!

COMBATSYS: M.Bison interrupts Scarlet Slaughter from Jiro with Turn Punch.

[                         \\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Jiro             0/-------/=======|=======\====---\1          M.Bison

The kid's showin' some life. Bison sneers. He ain't afraid of Jiro's chi. And Jiro's playin' -right- into Bison's hands. Or his fists, anyways. The moment Jiro's charging him, Bison's turning away, winding up his right fist for a HELLUVA punch. But he waits, and waits. And he waits until Jiro's just there, 'til that chi is close enough to burn him.

"SURPRISE, BITCH!!!" shouts Bison, as he suddenly plows forward, his fist blasting right into Jiro's chest, driving the kid off his feet probably, a clean blow that might make Jiro wonder if someone fired a mortar right into his chest. It's actually lucky for Jiro that Bison isn't wearing the gloves--his punches hurt more with the way his gloves are designed.

Completing the punch, Bison sneers. "Now," he grates, "Stay down and you might live."

That.... that caught Jiro by surprise. The young man is caught dead in the chest by the fast fist that blasts straight to him, or through him, in either case. He's driven back off of his feet and he is shot right into the ground on his back.
...There is part of Jiro that wants to get up.
Yeah, that's the stupid tenacious part of him that wants to say screw Bison. The young man immediately gets back on his feet, then he expands his arms into the air. Channeling his chi together, the flames erupt to a roar as the aura bursts in an explosion.
Wild fire settles about him as he aims to encase M. Bison in that fire as the chi escapes his own body.

COMBATSYS: Jiro can no longer fight.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  <
M.Bison          1/---====/=======|

COMBATSYS: M.Bison blocks Jiro's Defiance.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  <
M.Bison          1/--=====/=======|

There are times to get rude and crude and there are times to just hunker down. Jiro's down, Bison is sure of it. That power strike had to put the kid out. But apparently not just yet; the boxer is forced to cover up in a peekaboo stance, bearing the brunt of Jiro's attack. But it feels weak, unfocused. After the flareup is done, Bison pulls his leg back, and kicks Jiro in the ribs, once.

"Fuck," he comments, "that felt good. Okay kid, you get to live. Beatin' the shit out of you made me feel better about losin' to that prissy fuck Kirishima." In the crowd, there's more yelling and cheering.


"Pay up, jerk, that's $3000 I had on the boxer!!"

"Awww, godammit, I bet on the kid..."

Bison smirks, and turns to walk off; he snaps his fingers, and points, and some high roller is quick and glad to give up his new convertible to the boxer--who sits in the back, motioning to a couple hotties.

"Aight man, take me to the Wynn, I got a feelin' I'm gonna be up all night now." Jiro? Well, the medics'll come for him, eventually.

COMBATSYS: M.Bison has ended the fight here.

As for Jiro? He is pretty much asleep for the time being. Sleepless city. Bullshit.

Log created on 18:09:48 01/12/2008 by M.Bison, and last modified on 21:52:29 01/12/2008.