Himeko - Books versus Boys: A Short Story

Description: It's time for SUPERHERO TRAINING. There's more to being a hero than having an impressive speech and looking very cool. It also involves having the heart of the cards and attacks that strike fear into evil! Hime plays teacher during this face-off, but Angel Papillion shows that her rather complex style can't really be guided to easily at the heroine's level. Or can it?? Sources say: -- THE EDGE!

And so.. The Hibiki Dojo!

What better place is there to do training, after all? Hmmn.. On second thought don't answer that question. After all the holiday and new years festivities have come to a stop, what is there left? Training training and lots more training.

Within the Hibiki dojo, which is as empty as it always is, is the pink-clad heroine Hurricane Hime, whom sits on the wooden floor and... Wears her glasses! This is because she's reading the book Alexis had given her for the fourth time, just really really letting it all sink in so that she can start an all new.. All different adventure!

Not to say that there isn't plans, for the moment she's just passing the time until the formentioned gymnast arrives. There's nice, relaxing music coming from the radio this time, classical to be exact that isn't entirely in the heroines taste, but it is pretty good reading music, that much can't be denied. Her watch beeps. But apparently she missed it because she's still readin'!

Yay, training! Unfortunately Alexis is running a little bit late. She was on another stalking mission. Problem is she can't figure out /why/ she's in serious fangirl-stalker-mode over the fencer. Especially after the last training session she had with Domino! Boys can be confusing, but she totally loves it!
But on to the training! Peeking in the dojo window, Alexis tilts her head. There's Hurricane Hime, alright, but she's reading! Is her friend getting ready to reveal her identity to the world? Maybe! Meanwhile, 'Angel Papillion' needs to start working on a better disguise. Vince figured out it was her after their first match! Which... wasn't a bad thing, since it gave them something to talk about over dinner and all!
Deciding to open the door and enter to attempt surprising Himeko, she tiptoes in, walking slowly up to the girl engrossed in the book -- hoping that the classical music is loud enough her footsteps won't be heard. Leaning down, she attempts to grab the other girl by the shoulders.

Late? Hime wouldn't be too suprised, but it isn't her primary concern at the moment, no she's thinking about the future, thinking and mentally preparing; because of this it's all too easy for the chipper fangirl to slip in and close undetected. The grab doesn't go very well.

At least, not for Himeko, the moment 'Boo!' is shouted, Hime screams at the top of her lungs, her book goes flying up into the air, she kicks her legs, flails her arms and then she goes flying upward as well, crashing down hard onto her back! She's knocked for a serious loop for a moment, but just a few seconds after she takes off her glasses and gives a glare to her friend, "H- Hey!! What's the big idea, you scar-- I... Uh.. I mean you were interrupting very important meditation!"

Pause.. Blink.. Suddenly starry-eyed! "Waaaaaah, your mask is SOOO COOOL!! You look awesome, Angel!" Quick to forgive our heroine! Though then again maybe she has some sort of weird costume fetish.

Throughout the comic display, Alexis just leans back on her heels and giggles, holding her arms around her stomach. "Ohhh Hime! It's just me! I had to see if I could sneak in, sorry!" Afterward, she gives her friend a cute, squinty-eyed grin and wanders to where the book has fallen to the ground. Scooping it up, she wanders toward Hurricane Hime and offers the book out.
"'course it's really cool! You got it for me!" Twirling around in a slow circle, she shoes off the new costume, whisking her hand from behind her back. "Look! I found the perfect silk ribbon to go with it so that I have a matching costume! How awesome is /that/?"

Himeko's cheeks redden a bit as she scritches her cheek.. Well it is good that it was Alexis of all people, she most certainly could have blown it! "Well it worked, I'll have to be more careful.. I need my glasses to read sometimes, pretty crazy weakness huh?"

At that point she's able to laugh it off, but still rubs the back of her head while giggling embarassedly herself. The book is then taken back which she hugs tightly, and then holds at her side while tucking her glasses into her scarf while marveling at her friends outfit. And then 'Waaaaaaaah!! Coool!!' once she gets a look at the matching ribbon as well, "That's a really good idea I didn't think of that! It's super SUPER awesome!"

Hime hops on her feet excitedly, and then circles the other student at least four times to get closer looks. Eventually she's satisfied, and v-signs up to Alexis. "This is coming off to a great start! I was gonna put on my cape but I still need to adjust to doing my moves while wearing it.. it's pretty good training in a wa----aaaaaaaaaaaaaait a minute, you're late." e_e; "... You weren't checking out -Vince- again, were you?"

Her head tilting to the side, Alexis taps at her lip with her index finger. "Weeeelll.... you could like, get contacts for while you're in costume? I mean, it'd really help with the whole Clark Kent thing!" Gasp! The gymnast knows the identity of Superman! Ohnoes!
Swishing the ribbon around as though waving one of those sparkler thingies, she begins to draw the words 'Hurricane Hime' in the air. 'course, 'cuz it doesn't look like anything but a series of random letters with a ribbon trailing behind them it might be hard to see what it is. "I love it! Y'know, it's kind'a ironic that I wore this when fighting Vince up on the roof of the school! I mean, his last name is La/Rose/! He fights with these stiletto knife thingies that look like roses too!" She leaves out the part about him giving her two of them because she lost to him twice.
"Wha-what!?!? I'm not late... I'm uhh... uhh... fashionable!" Fashionably late that is! Sweatdropping, Alexis stops twirling the ribbon and gives her wrist a tight snap which causes the flowing material to swing back and wrap around the cane. "A-and maybe I was! He's just so /cute/! And... and... he doesn't have a girlfriend?" Which should be a plus, right? Maybe? She nips her teeth onto her lip and decides that maybe it's better to leave out the part where she went training with Drake the other night too.

Not only that, that's a LOT of letters to spell out. The heroine actually doesn't catch on to that until the 'Hime' section is spelled out, in which she goes 'ooooooooh' and claps her hands in a polite applause. Come to think of it, she's never seen her friends gymnastic shows before, she should change that!

"Contacts.. Er, I dunno the thought of sticking things in my eyes like that really squicks me out. I'm sure somehow I'd mess it up and that.. Ew! Though.. Clark Kent.. Clark Ke- Oh hey wow!! I never made that connection before that's pretty awesome!! Ha ha haa!" Hurricane Hime apparently wasn't inspired by Superman! "Wow, I'll have to borrow some traits from that or something now more importantly... Hmmn, yeah I didn't realize until now that his name is LeRose either.. But I don't really think that's ironic, more like it's -suspicious-."

Hime rubs her chin with a bit of a frown, and furrowed brows. And she's not going to be fooled by any 'maybe's either, her arms just sort of drop, her shoulders slumped as she shakes her head. "You're hopeless, you know that? I know I'm way into books, but your obsession with boys is really something, you should take up a safer hobby.. And speaking of safe! I think there's something weird about Vince! I can't put my finger on it but.. I'll definatly find out what it is, someone like him -should- have a girlfriend!" Poorly worded!

"Maybe you're closer to Supergirl... does she have a secret identity?" Alexis frowns, trying to mull this over in her mind. Maybe she should've stolen more of Lucas' comics over the holidays, since they probably would've helped Hurricane Hime out a lot! "I know there's these special contacts that you only have to change once a month! Then you could get regular glass lenses for your glasses and no one would know they're a disguise!"
"It's suspicious? You think I'm suspicious? I didn't know he fought with rose knives! I just saw him up there fighting and went 'oh hrrrrm, I should challenge him!', so I totally did!" Hands slam against her hips and she gives Himeko a /look/, with a teeny little 'hmph'. Seconds later she's over it though. "Himeko! You're not interested in him /are/ you?" Blinking rapidly, she sidles over to Hime and then giggles. "I could totally set you up on an interview date if you /are/, though I might have to get jealous at you a little! We could have this total rivalry thing going on!"

Momentarily distracted, Hime finds herself in thought again, "Erm.. Hmn I don't really know for sure if she does or not, I'll definatly have to hit wikipedia when I get home and look deeper into that. But.. Once a month certainly doesn't sound all that bad, but if they work the same way... It'd be handy."

"Anyway no, it's not -you- that I think is suspicious and rose knives are cool, and wanting to fight there's nothing wrong with that, I ju- WAH-HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTT?????"

Hime staggers back, and then falls flat on her butt, her face becomes red as a beet and is just completely stunned! That was a turn of events she hadn't expected at all and she very quickly waves her hands and shakes her head and makes any motion that could possibly portray that she denies the accusations. "No way!! H- He's not even my type he isn't even close to my type ever! I uh I just.. I. I can't put it into words, because I don't kno- Hey enough about boys ok? We're here to train, I almost forgot!" Hime crosses her arms, her legs, and then pouts. And will continue to pout until Alexis agrees with her!

"I'm pretty sure the contacts work the same way! I can look into it for you if you want? Set up an appointment so you can try them out?" Alexis decides to set the appointment up /anyway/ just because.
"Are you sure he's not your type? He loves acting, and reading and all that! I bet you two would hit it off!" Even when she might really like the guy, she's still playing matchmaker. "But if he's not your type ever, then maybe I'll ask him out on another date! He was so /sweet/ Himeko! We went for dinner and talked all about ourselves and then he took me to see.... Enchanted! Can you believe it? He picked it out and everything! That's just so sweet and romantic!" Gush-gush-gush.
"Oh! Right! Training! I got side-tracked!"

... A date? ANOTHER date? Himeko nearly has a heart attack right then and there, her hand slapping onto her chest and practically flops onto her back. Almost. Instead she carefully sets her book to the side and clenches her hands into fists. Is she mad? Oh goodness no she's jealous, extremely jealous! But.. But she has already made the motions to change the subject but she won't forget she definatly will not forget! "Yeah I'm sure.." she says, almost begrudgingly. "Boys who like to read are ok but.. I like people who are funny."

Hime's cheeks pinken a bit, and she rocks back and forth on her feet. "I'm not all into romance really, it makes me really really really nervous and I end up getting sick, it's really humiliating."

And so she gives another shake of her head, waving a gloved hand dismissivly. "So I guess I could look into it, the contacts thing, sometime.. But yeah lets get started! Now.. I actually don't remember your fighting moves too well, I admit I was a little too into showing off my own moves. I think a good place to start then may be to just rough it out the first time around, and then I'll see what I can do to help!"

COMBATSYS: Alexis has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Alexis           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Himeko has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Himeko           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Alexis

"We'll find you a funny guy to double-date with then! Hrm. Maybe Lucas could..." Alexis notices the clenched hands and actually takes a step back from her friend. "Hime are you... angry with me?" Could be she's just preparing to train, but those look like clenched fists of doom rather than clenched fists of training!
They're supposed to be training though, so she gives a nod of agreement and then listens to what the other says about what she expects from this session. "Okay! Here goes nothin'!" With the pretty silk ribbon still wrapped around the cane, Alexis twirls it around like a baton a few times. As the cane is twirled, the gymnast drops into a backsault, but is quickly on her feet once more. Flicking her wrist, the ribbon unfurls and she's leaping toward Hurricane Hime. The cane held tightly in her fist which swings outward in a hooked jab, the ribbon trailing behind it.

COMBATSYS: Himeko dodges Alexis' Jab Punch.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Himeko           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Alexis

"... Huh?" the little Hurricane is pretty puzzled by Alexis' question, seeming a bit unaware of her 'psyched up' position. In fact they lower as she shakes her head, folding her hands behind her back as she flushes a little again, "N- no way, I was just getting into it, I- I should be in the debate team or something, you know?" Which is a LIIIE. She'd be terrible in a debate team, but Alexis prolly doesn't know that. She clears her throat, and then is ready for battle herself, in a simple stance that mimics her teachers. "And no matchmaking! A hero trusts only their own heart.. O- or something, yeah that sounds about right.."

Now really, Hime is only used to teaching when it comes to math or science or history! Or heck even with reading! Fighting, well, she's certainly no pro, she really hopes she'll end up being helpful in the end. Briefly distracted by the baton, luckily it's not enough to clog up her fighting sense, and she sees the baton coming her way. WHOOSH! She jerks to the side, her upper body clearing the weapon, and gives a small nod. "Ok, noted! Very graceful, it's cool! What happens when I do this?"

Her boots squeak lightly on the floor and then she leaps up into the air while roundhouse kicking heel first! But she needs a leaping start so she can reach her opponents shoulder. "Kyah!"

COMBATSYS: Alexis endures Himeko's Light Kick.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Himeko           0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0           Alexis

"If what you say is true, then you should trust me to trust my heart!" Or something, yeah. Alexis grins a little, happy that her friend isn't angry with her or anything, because that'd seriously suck! There's a teeny pout as her jab misses it's mark, but it's a good thing that Hurricane Hime can avoid something like that! She wouldn't want to hurt her! (Yeah, yeah. Okay! They're training! They're supposed to get hurt, but you get the picture!)
"This," the gymnast answers in response, leaping up to tumble /right into/ the kick. As the foot hits her shoulder, she uses the kick to push herself into an airborne backsault. Twirling through the air, she lands with a crouch and then smiles. "Bet you weren't expecting that!!" The entire time she was in the air, the pretty silk ribbon followed her every movement. Now, she flicks her wrist and causes it to perform a horizontal wave. Building up a little speed, she begins to make a figure-eight motion in the air, gracefully walking backward in a straight line /away/ from Hime. Each figure eight sees a soft blue-green energy building up along the edges of the ribbon, becoming brighter with each swish. Finally, she twists to the side and releases the energy out toward Hime with a watery burst. "Yaaaaaah!"

COMBATSYS: Himeko overcomes Water Wings from Alexis with Art Attack.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Himeko           0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0           Alexis

Unexpected indeed! ".. Woah." She definatly expected her friend to try to avoid that kick, but what could this possibly mean? There isn't need for an element of suprise is Hime can't remember all her opponents moves- Or maybe the heroine is overthinking it?

Either way, the display of athletics and ribbonwork doesn't go unappreciated; Alexis is definatly selling herself short thinking she lacks style and flair but there -is- always room for improvement! The figure 8's are almost a dead giveaway for what's to come, suddenly Hime's trusty Excalibook is in hand, she reaching in to tear out three, glowing white sheets of paper which she slings toward the watery energy headed her way!

Almost like magic, the three sheets fold into moderatly clumsy paper airplanes that smash through while negating the chi, and continue to beeline toward her opponent!

COMBATSYS: Himeko successfully hits Alexis with Art Attack.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Himeko           0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0           Alexis

Meep! Alexis certainly wasn't expecting Hurricane Hime to toss glowing sheets of paper at her. As the airplanes fly right through her watery energy and toward her, the gymnast attempts to tumble out of the way. She's in the midst of a cartwheel that will carry her the length of the dojo when the clumsy things divebomb right into her leg and send the girl sprawling to the floor with a thud. "G-gack!"
Here she goes, sucking again! See, this is why she needs the training. There's no way she could actually survive in the Neo League like this! No! She can't be thinking that! She's going to be full of confidence even if she loses! That's the only way to truly win! 'sides, it's just training! Not like anyone is here watching her be humiliated or anything!
"Nice recovery," she calls out to her sparring partner as she kip-ups to her feet. Immediately, she throws herself into a roundoff, landing on the ground right in Hime's personal space. Only one foot hits the floor though, as the other is whisked upward and snapping around for a side-thrust kick in an attempt to knock her off balance.

COMBATSYS: Himeko blocks Alexis' Light Kick.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Himeko           0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0           Alexis

Hurricane Hime feels a little bad.. But only because from her perspective it looked REALLY cool. Like those old fighter jet movies, firing away until the enemy jet is hit and makes a crash landing! Luckily she's able to fight back her grin by covering it up with a cough, to try and look more serious! "Thanks!" she replies, "Hehe, my moves are kind of unorthodox so they're tough to defend against at first. But try to avoid using any more projectile attacks for now, I think you have a greater strength elsewhere!"

Ah and here it comes, Rose gets up in Hime's grill,and suddenly a kick with those long legs of hers? Hime's able to get her book out on time, the blow smacking against it and forces her back a step into her defensive posture. "Hey good, you have strong kicking legs like me! Though I guess that shouldn't be a suprise now that I think about it.."

With that said, suddenly the girl just bursts forward again, despite there being no distance between them. Her knees jerk up, one thrust toward Alexis' tummy, then her opposite foot kicks out into a side kick, "Take this, now this, and.." The first leg snaps outward toward the other hip of her partner. "Finally this! Think fast!"

COMBATSYS: Alexis dodges Himeko's Xou da Xuxa.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Himeko           0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0           Alexis

Think fast? That she can do! Alexis wastes no time responding to what Hime says, or returning the compliments. She's got to focus herself on this fight, even if it's just training! If this were gymnastics she'd have no issues with focusing on her goal, but lately her focus in fighting has been all over the place! Watching the knees jerk upward, there's only one thing she can think of to do.
Bridge back to avoid the initial thrust, then drop to her back to avoid the kick that comes in a little lower. In a good vantage point now, the gymnast just rolls along the floor in a confusing manner. There's a method to her madness though! She's rolling to situate herself behind Hurricane Hime. Once there, she pops up to her feet and lunges out with her arms attempting to grab the other girl about the waist and fling her back over her shoulder to the floor.

COMBATSYS: Himeko interrupts Quick Throw from Alexis with Quick Throw.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Himeko           0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0           Alexis

And that's a good thing, whatever Alexis had been taught before is probably going to be helpful in this little match-up. Hime herself, however, is not used to being so focused in a fight and because of that her overall style is a little bit different, Alexis should realize by now she's not being quite as showboaty as their first encounter!

And wow, what an evasion! Hime is impressed, and she's actually extremely -pleased- by the rolling. Rolling is the bread and butter of saikyo style after all! Now Alexis actually does get the grab on the smaller girl, and she's flung right up and over! But, in mid air she manages to clutch the girls shoulders from behind and jerk her backward, sending both of them crashing to the floor with a head *thud*

She rolls onto her back, holding her gut, "Ow!" and then kip-ups to her feet to quickly face her opponent again. "Good to know you've got some throws, I think you might be better suited for chokes, but I might be wrong." She bounces lightly on her feet. "Don't be afraid of your opponent, quick techniques are useful, but you've got to trust the bigger guns now and then!"

"Yeeeeek~!" Dang, but Hurricane Hime is making some nice comebacks! That throw should have incapacitated her at least a little, but there she was springing right back at Alexis and tossing her to the floor! "Oooof-ow!" Waiting for her opponent to kip-up, the gymnast just nods. Big guns. Check! Only, she's not quite ready to do anything really big or flashy yet!
Drawing up to her own feet with a forward tumble, she flashes a grin at her friend and pivots her body in an extremely sharp manner. As she does this, her left foot is raised to press against her knee and the pivot becomes a swift pirouette. Two full rotations are made before a sudden crack can be heard and the foot is extended and set toward the side of Hime's head in a manner reminiscent of a snapping whip.

COMBATSYS: Himeko just-defends Alexis' Petite Fouette!

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Himeko           0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0           Alexis

Himeko has the home advantage, that must be it.. That's gotta be it! Well that and she's the more experienced of the fighters; still, one doesn't go fighting a gymnast every day, she's certainly learning a little as well. Her luck is helping her keep an eye on her partner too, so it's win win for her, right? But at what cost!

It's also good her opponent is fairly quick because it seems like there's a lot of preperation before Angel's attacks. The crack sound is confusing, but there's her book again, and she grasps it by the side and bookmark this time! Pulling the bookmark unsheaths a large sword made of paper that takes the big kick for her, but again she is nudged back a bit.

A pause, and then she blushes, quickly resheathing her weapon- Bad Hime! No being a showoff! "S- Sorry! It was by instinct, it looked like it would hurt!" she sputters. "U- Um anyway lets keep going!" Her boots squeak again, she takes a couple of steps backward, then dashes forward for a little momentum. With a leap, she kicks one foot upward toward Alexis' shoulder again, then twists like a top to deliver two more kicks in the same manner; a well executed butterfly kick, and then lands on one foot!

COMBATSYS: Alexis dodges Himeko's Medium Kick.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Himeko           0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0           Alexis

"A /sword/?!? Gee Hime... are you /sure/ you don't like Vince?" Alexis is teasing, but it's just kind'a funny to the gymnast that the super-heroine would choose a weapon like that so recently after learning he's a fencer! Bafflement at the paper sword actually being able to stop the kick is what allows her to move quickly as her opponent sends what could likely be a scathing butterfly kick her way! "Hnnya... hnnya!" Two backsaults and she's well out of the way before either foot can hit her.
She's within range of her ribbon again, and so she grabs hold of the tips of the material and begins to yank the cane toward her. This has nothing to do with what she's about to greet Himeko with though! While her right hand fiddles with getting the ribbon back into order, her body twists around and whirls the material around her. She's not entirely using this as a distraction, but she's hoping it'll act as a little bit of cover as she rams her elbow backward toward her opponent's stomach, her fist snapping up after that to try and catch the girl on the jaw.

COMBATSYS: Himeko blocks Alexis' Strong Punch.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Himeko           0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0           Alexis

"What cut it out!!" Hime suddenly blurts out, her cheeks burning red again in embarassment. To make such an assumption! Of course, she could see -exactly- what Alexis would think that... It's because she's crazy! "Don't you know the story of King Arthur? This is called 'Excalibook' for a reason; it's a classic heroes story, if you haven't read it!" That's her story.. And she's sticking to it!

Too flustered to really be worried about Alexis' evasion, she ends up instead making a couple of mental notes to herself. The twirling ribbon is a distraction, it's just not quite distracting enough! In a moments time her book is raised again, clasped at the sides to take th brunt of the elbows slam, but because of the awkward defense she ends up falling onto her back, and then rolls back once. ".. Though I end up getting confused for 'Link' a lot there, now that I think about it.. It's a travesty, I say!" But wait what's this? The girl's in close range so she doesn't have good start-up speed, but suddenl she's bursting forward again, her knees tucked in as she attempts to barrel her ball-self into Alexis' tummy. "Hyaah!" Assuming she hits, she'd ricochete and then land on her feet again, windmilling her arms a bit.

COMBATSYS: Alexis dodges Himeko's Medium Punch.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Himeko           0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0           Alexis

Pah! Windmilling arms? So uber-easy to see, even at a close range! Alexis somersaults under them and comes up behind Hurricane Hime. "'course I know the story of King Arthur! It's so /romantic/ even though I don't like Guinevere very much!" Though considering the two boys she's chosen to keep company with she could almost be a Guinevere herself! Ohnoes! She somehow really doesn't like that image very much, so she tosses it aside. It's not like she's dating either guy or anything! 'least not anything more than casual!
"Hyaaaah, yourself!" Swinging her arm in from behind her opponent as though performing a back-lunged punch, she tries to loop the arm about Himeko's neck and give it a tight squeeze before swinging her around and then flinging her at the ground.

COMBATSYS: Himeko fails to interrupt Strong Throw from Alexis with Quick Throw.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Himeko           0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0           Alexis

Many fighters who have taken on Hime know one thing, she is astonishingly resiliant, takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin', which may explain why she's so comfortable taking an attack head on instead of letting her meeker side overcome and try to get away! But something that's really suprising? Alexis' confirmation to not only having read the novel but finding it romantic! Noooooooooooo she unwittingly got her friend started again!

Rose gets the lock on the little hurricane, and there's a bit of a struggle even when it locks in! It'd seem she was trying to use the momentum to suddenly throw the gymnast buuuut it doesn't work, following some twirls, Himeko suddenly goes flying and crashes hard onto the floor, "OOF!" There's a very brief pause, and then she sits up, rubbing her side, "Ow that hurt. But that was great, very cool!"

She springs to her feet, back in her fighting stance. "It's good you're mixing things up, too! Think you found my weak point yet? People say I'm pretty tough to read!" The girl grins proudly, then cringes as she holds her side. "Ow, geez, I should have rolled into that at least, owww."

"I'm... really not great at reading people," Alexis admits, with a sheepish grin. "But c'mon! Get up! I'm not nearly tired yet and we've got lots and lots to work on!" She's got to take the compliments in stride, otherwise they'll start going to her head and she'll get cocky in the fight. That's one thing she learned from Domino -- being confident is okay, but getting cocky means you're gonna make a mistake!
Waiting until the precise moment Hurricane Hime is on her feet, the gymnast flicks and twirls her wrist, attempting to send the ribbon out for her opponent's ankles. Taking a cue from a well-known video game, she yells, "Get o'er here!", tugging on the cane in a brusque manner in order to topple her 'foe' to the ground and drag her over.

COMBATSYS: Himeko blocks Alexis' Snare Whip.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Himeko           0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0           Alexis

Beautiful. That's just beautiful, if Himeko weren't busy fending off the ribbon, which hits her book with a whip-like *KRAK!*, she's shed a tear of joy. Instead she just busts out laughing, falling onto her back, "Awesome! Awwwwesome, A+++ would fight again!" she cries, as she kip-ups once more and .. Well.. is stalling for a moment it'd seem. "All right, I guess I'd better bump up the difficulty, and start putting you under pressure, I hope you're ready!"

Hurricane puts on her invisible thinking cap, and then makes a dash toward her well-costumed opponent! "I'm comin' for ya!" a spring off the ground she turns her back and thrusts her heel out toward Alexis' upper section, hoping to land a nice, solid strike with her flying back kick. "Me and my Immortal Kick!!"

COMBATSYS: Alexis endures Himeko's Light Kick.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Himeko           0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0           Alexis

Unable to help herself thanks to Hurricane Hime's reaction, the little gymnast just bursts out in a giggle. "I don't normally do it that way, honest!" But a reaction like that? Getting smiles and laughter that aren't only distracting her opponent a little, but making them fight harder? That's worth it!
Like before, Alexis leaps right into the kick. Instead of staggering back from the hit, she drops herself into a front roll and continues along the floor until she reaches the perimeter of the training area. Staying crouched, she shoots her right leg forward and spins around to face her opponent once more. Eyes drift shut, she breathes slowly and evenly, ribbon twirling about her as she spins her wrist in a circle. Bluish-green energy begins to build along the silken material, and with each inhalation it glows brighter and brighter. Soon it looks as though the water-like chi is encompassing the girl, rolling along her like a wave then cascading downward like a waterfall.

COMBATSYS: Alexis gathers her will.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Himeko           0/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1           Alexis

The little Hurricane again is a little puzzled by Alexis' mode of defense, but.. Whatever works will work, right? She's half-expecting some sort of unorthodox counter-attack, but it seems the girl has her eyes set on a slightly bigger strategy, but what?

Hime smirks as she rubs her chin, settling back a bit.. And won't allow herself to get out-thought. Hnmmmn, looks like all that energy is brightening up and lookin' pretty so.. Then something big must be headed her way? Or maybe it's a fake-out? The heroine considers her next move carefully, while cupping her left shoulder and rolls it a bit. "Maybe you should, use it if you got it, I say!"

COMBATSYS: Himeko focuses on her next action.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Himeko           0/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1           Alexis

"If you've got it, flaunt it? OoOoOh! I like your style, Hurricane Hime!" Alexis isn't even teasing at this point. That's entirely what Himeko just said, even if she didn't mean it. "I should get a flashier leotard! Somethin' that needs to totally be taped on and stuck with Tough Skin..."
As she speaks, the ribbon is dancing off to the side of her. Twisting, twirling, making ocean-like wave patterns. Despite the off-color, it looks rather graceful and majestic -- not unlike the sea waving just before a storm bursts forth. Suddenly, she springs up to her feet and releases the cane she's been holding all this time. The cane spirals through the air toward her opponent's face, and before it can get away from her, Alexis reaches her hand out and catches the tail of the ribbon. Should the cane actually impact it explodes in a splashy wave of concussive energy, after which she'll give her wrist a little snap and send the cane flying back to her hand.

COMBATSYS: Himeko auto-guards Alexis' Boomerang Throw!

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Himeko           0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0           Alexis


From outside the passer-bys could have sworn that they saw the Hibiki Dojo in its entirety jump up into the air and shake. But it didn't really happen it's aaaaaaaaall special effects!

Meanwhile Himeko.. Poor poor Himeko may be scarred for life by what she had just heard and she's well aware that she walked right into it! She's so shocked that she doesn't even hold up her book with much heart, her face is BRIGHT red again, and as the cane comes twirling toward her, the book falls open and out bursts a massive shield.. Made of paper of course, with a neat little cross pop-out in the center! It's enough to not only take the brunt of the attack, but the splash of energy goes washing away to the side as well before the pages flutter to the floor and Hime just has this COMPLTELY dumbfounded look on her face.

Obviously to her this is a terrible idea; that's bring attention to boys! Too many boys! Tons of boys! "Waaaaaaaaaaah noooooooooooooooo!!" Hime cries, hopping in a circle like a rabbit and gives alexis' the BIGGEST doe eyes she's ever seen. "Nooo!! Rose don't do it, please please please please PRETTY PLEASE NO!! I'm begging you, your costume is fine it's the best!" Q_Q

COMBATSYS: Himeko takes no action.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Himeko           0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0           Alexis

Yeeeeeeeep~! Dang! Hurricane Hime has lungs that would put a squawking baby to shame! Alexis is nearly floored by the loud question, and has to struggle to maintain balance while trying to cover her ears /and/ catch the cane without bonking herself on the head! She's so distracted she nearly misses the fact that the book has become a shield and defeated her nifty-super-duper ribbon-chi attack!
"Himeeeeeko~! Geeze! I need to learn how to do -that-!" Blink'a-blink. "Not the scream either! That blocky thing you keep doing! That's really nifty! Don't worry, I love this leotard! I should get more though! For when one gets torn and needs to be repaired or somethin'..." See? There's a reason for wanting more of them! "As /if/ I'd give up this one though! It's pretty!" And she is a girl who happens to like pretty things.
Just... maybe there's a bit of the heel in her that Vince spotted before. See, while Hime is trying to circle like a rabbit, Lexi just spins the ribbon in a small vortex. As her opponent draws ever nearer, she twists her arm in such a manner as to spiral the ribbon about Hime as tightly as she possibly can. "Mummification time!" This is a very tricksy move on her part, and she's not expecting it to work, but... if it does she pulls the cane back toward her and releases the girl from the wrap, spinning her across the room until the ribbon reaches its full extension. Once it does, it finishes off with a bright splash of energy designed to blast her opponent even /further/ than the ribbon would send them!

COMBATSYS: Himeko interrupts Spiral Splash from Alexis with Ghost Writer.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Himeko           1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0           Alexis

Himeko is frightened! Not in an 'eek it's a ghost' frightened but more of an 'oh my god she -would- do that!!' frightened. And the heroine is most certainly not wanting to be the one responsible for such risque fashion advice! Now.. She does feel better that the gymnast doesn't plan on giving up on her costume but... But still, on the other hand she didn't say she wasn't going to go along with the idea anyway! It'd be a good idea, then, for the smaller fighter to tag along next time she has the urge to go shopping. Yes, yes, that'll do. Now as she's thinking about that is when Alexis turns Himeko into a christmas gift.

The ribbon slinks about her form, and she's mummified! And then she's twirled and spun like a top, to the point where the energy does splash again but in some odd twist of fate, instead of flying away, the heroine flies RIGHT AT Alexis, holding a pair of paper fans in each hand! Slamming the handles togeather she drills at the fight with a stream of bright white energy trailing behind her and POW! a twisty twirly uppercut is exacuted! "HUAAAAAH!!" Her spinning halts at the highest point of the blow and she lands on her feet staggering around slightly, "Wh- h.. Y- S- Sure.. I kin do that, just gimmie sec.."

OoOoOh! AaAaAaH! Alexis can appreciate the twisty twirly motions that Hurricane Hime is making in retaliation. She might not like the effect it has on her body, but she /can/ appreciate the movements! "Gaaaah!" Thwock. Hit on the chin, she goes sprawling backward but gracefully turns the flailing motions into a tuck-roll and uses her momentum to head right back at her opponent.
Dropping the ribbon, she continues to roll forward until she pops up with a springy little uppercut of her own. "Hiiiiiyah!"

COMBATSYS: Alexis successfully hits Himeko with Quick Punch.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Himeko           1/-----==/=======|====---\-------\0           Alexis

Himeko manages to pull herself togeather after a moment.. Now she's a girl that doesn't mind a little twirling but.. That was definatly a little too MUCH twirling for her own good! She's still seeing doubles of her opponent, but.. At least they're moderatly clear doubles! With a grin, she wags a finger at the gymnast, "I wasn't kidding! It's crunch time, like the finals before summer vacation! The pressure's o-" WHOK!

Hime's chin snaps up, and she's popped right there on the chin, with a comical little stumble and holds her chin. Pause. "... Where did you come from??? Well I can see better now, -ow-.." She rubs her jaw, and then her opposite hand reaches for her thigh holster. She slings forth a rope of attached paper slips, slinging it toward her opponents ankle, and looks to be making the same move alexis just did! But the difference is, if the ankle is captured, she snaps her arm like a whip, the shockwave traveling forth and then would snap the girl up into the air and slam her back onto the floor! "It's controlling your chi! It'll be tough to teach you how to do it with your ribbon, but you can do it!"

COMBATSYS: Himeko successfully hits Alexis with Picture Pages.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Himeko           1/----===/=======|======-\-------\0           Alexis

"Ohhh, it's chi stuff! Yeah! I can work on that, even without Anisha there to help me! Sakura sai--" Suddenly there's a rope of paper wrapping about her ankle which tears her into the air, dropping her onto her back on the floor. "Owwwwie!" All that confidence she was having is shot, but she keeps that goofy smile plastered to her face. When she went off pouting while fighting against Vince, he called her dirty. She'll be having none of /that/ again!
"I'm not supposed to talk to Sakura though..." Shrugging, she springs up to her feet and flies over Himeko's head with a standing flip that sees her flying high up into the air. Her hands reach down to take her opponent by the shoulders, lift her up and fling her toward the wall as she lands. Even if Angel Papillion doesn't make this throw, she'll land gracefully upon her feet unless otherwise distracted by something going on.

COMBATSYS: Himeko blocks Alexis' Quick Throw.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Himeko           1/---====/=======|======-\-------\0           Alexis

Himeko gives a nod of her head, "Oh yeah, believe me it's more impressive than it actually is.. Once you have better control over it, you're limited more or less by your imagination! Umm.." The mention of Sakura makes her nose scrunch a bit. "Oh -her-."

No interruption this time, Angel Papilion gets the grab and she even gets the throw! But she's flipping in a ball again until she slams into the dojo's wall feet first, then slides down to the floor. "She -used- to be a student at this dojo, actually, she was a very promising fighter who probably would have inherited this dojo one day.. But she didn't, she left Dan behind and embarassed him, she makes me mad!" Her hands clench into fists again as she looks upward. "Grr.. But that's ok, I'll the the next saikyo prodigy instead! Now.. I wouldn't say she's not worth talking to though... Gosh, why would somone say something like that?" She rushes toward Alexis holding her book toward her hip.. And then thrusts it forward, letting the pages flap open, "Behold!!"

The pages turns like crazy, and then RIP out of the book with a bright white flash, the glowing sheets of paper making a wide arc to circle around her while hitting the gymnast! And if she gets hit by even one, she'd get carried upward while pelted with fifteen more strips of energy!

COMBATSYS: Himeko successfully hits Alexis with 3-2-1 Contact.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
Himeko           0/-------/----===|=======\===----\1           Alexis

Okay, okay. This is the second person whom Alexis admires to say that Sakura isn't all that nice a person. Maybe it /would/ be best to stay away from her in the future. Come to think of it, she /was/ really mouthy. Easy-going though! Still, maybe she should give the older girl another chance to redeem herself and not just make judgments based on what other people are saying.
Realizing that Himeko is asking her a question, she looks up with a very ditzy, "Huh?" Just in time to totally be destroyed by flapping pages. They RIP out of the book to deliver an astonishing R.I.P on her! Each strip of energy lashes against her body while she's airborne, getting a surprised cry from her. When they finish pelting against her, she stays up in the air. How she does this is a mystery! It's really just sheer will to force herself to perform one final act upon her opponent. Since she's not on the ground, she can't really perform the roundoff, but she /can/ flip into a back-handspring motion. With this, she tries to drop straight down on Hurricane Hime's shoulders, latching her legs about the girl's neck. Landing will see her begin to apply pressure and try to pop Hime's head right off with her legs! (Okay, it's not /really/ as bad as all that but it's enough to hurt!) Making it this far, she'll continue with the routine and twist her body to the side in a sharp manner, attempting to land herself upon the floor in a crouch and send Hime flying across the dojo!

COMBATSYS: Alexis can no longer fight.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Himeko           0/-------/----===|

COMBATSYS: Alexis successfully hits Himeko with Yurchenko Toss.

[                      \\\\\\\\  <
Himeko           0/-------/-======|

Himeko's reasons are personal of course! She doesn't really -endorse- ignoring Sakura, perhaps more to be wary; abandoner or not, she is a very good fighter! And Alexis probably alreaded learned that first hand. Once her paper assault comes to an end, she snaps the book shut with one hand and ..... Looks upward, ".. What the? You were supposed to fa-"

In normal circumstances, in situations like this, it's time when Himeko decides her opponents need to go to the Neighborhood of Make-Believe! But.. Not against a buddy! Instead she opts to try and leap away from the attack that she -thought- was fairly slow.. But there she is, suddenly trapped in her friends hold, and .. Finds her cheeks darkening slightly again, ".. oh no, you didn't.." she starts.

But then her air is cut off for a moment, the girl flailing her arms a bit helpessly and WHOOSH after that she's sent flying across the dojo once more and SLAMS against the wall upside down, slides down onto her shoulders, then flops onto her belly. "Ugh.. Ow.." she mumbles to herself, it takes a second but she is standing once more, rubbing her neck and her face flushed again. Because she's embarassed? No, because suddenly she has a VERY important question, "You didn't use that attack on Vince, did you????"

COMBATSYS: Himeko takes no action.

[                      \\\\\\\\  <
Himeko           0/-------/-======|

COMBATSYS: Himeko has ended the fight here.

Breathing heavily after her defeat, Alexis holds an index finger up and out to Hurricane Hime to signal she needs at least a second to catch her breath. While she keeps her head bowed down, breathing in slow and steady, she lifts the mask off of her face and settles it atop her head.
"Phew! Now /that/ was a workout! Hurricane Hime, I swear you've gotten way faster or somethin'! I don't remember you dodging me so much last time!" Grinning, she sprawls back onto the floor, hands settling onto her stomach while she continues to regulate her breathing. "I..." Hrm. To tell the truth or to fib to her friend. "I /did/ after he tried kicking me off the roof of Pacific High! That's why he called me a cheat. He thought I was faking being mopey about the fact that I couldn't hit him at /all/ and I sprang at him with this!" The question Himeko /should/ be asking is if she's used it on anyone else. Say... oh... a certain model the young gymnast is infatuated with.

Himeko sets her hands on her knees, and takes a moment to get her breath as well. Yeah, Alexis certainly put up a good fight, and she can see here and there where she may need work on her technique- She was there once, in fact not that long ago! She knows it's tough overcoming the fact the one doesn't hit as obscenely hard as say.. Oh.. Drake! The heroine smiles afterward though, she heading over to one of the tables with a red and blue towel each on it. Walking back she tosses the red one to her partner!

"Oh, well.. I fight differently on camera so that's probably why. Plus I needed to learn some new things too." She almost seems suprised she was able to pull off some neat dodges. "It was kind of tough to get a really good analysis on you, so tell me something.. Do you feel more comfortable working with chi, punching and kicking, or using throws and holds?"

Himeko pauses a moment, then nods in agreement with the situation.. Perhaps it couldn't have been helped but she says with a grin, "There's nothing 'cheat' about being devious now and then, even if I'm sure what you felt was geniune. Fights aren't just used with the body, but with the mind as well! S-" pause.. And then suddenly the girl just peeeeeers to her friend. "Wait a minute... What about -Domino-?"

The red towel is held over her face, so discerning anything from Alexis' expression for the next little while is going to be hard to do! She's trying to make sure she's got every little droplet of sweat wiped away. Sweat leads to blocked pores, which leads to pimples, which leads to unsmooth skin, which would be a big detriment to the little gymnast in her mind!
"I'm comfortable with all of it. I haven't really focused my energy enough to work with chi without my ribbon though..." But she really loves every aspect of the fighting! "I'm best with the ribbon and my leggy-throws though! That's where I can flip around and really shine, even if I don't win... I look super losing!"
The red towel drops down a bit, so all that can be seen of Alexis now is hair, forehead and big, wide, peridot eyes. "I wasn't being devious! Really! I was just using the move to spring me back up to the roof so that I didn't fall to death." Wrinkling her nose beneath the towel causes her brow to furrow a little wee bit. "I don't know that anyone can /actually/ fall to death. It's the landing that'll kill ya..." A smile lights to her eyes, and her cheeks begin to turn the same shade as the towel. Himeko might notice this just at the very tip of the girl's nose. "'course I did! It's how I pinned him the one time I managed to!"

Himeko drops down to a squat, setting her towel on top of her head and hugs her knees. The young fighter nods, seeming to be in agreement to what's said for the most part with what her friend is comfortable with, and she grins, "Well, that's good to know, you've got strong legs so you should definatly try to learn some more, get the most out of that and your upperbody strength to support you. And I'll try my best to help you learn how to control your chi better through your ribbon; some people may say doing something like that will just hold you back, but -I- think it'll only make you way more amazing. Having that extra length can really help in a pinch sometimes! When I get home, I'll type out some exercises you can do to help practice and email you! Now then."

There's a long moment of silence. Yes, only a little bit of the blush can be seen, but that little bit is plenty enough, the girls eyes half-lid and a frown forms on her lips. It's a good thing at the very least Alexis says it so energetically! "... I'm sure there was a reason for that.." she mumbles as she lowers her head and just shakes it. "... But.. You have the strength to back it up so I can't really say anything.. I guess as long as you weren't flirting it's all right. SO!" Her head raises again, and she grins. "I'm not gonna ask anymore because I don't wanna seem like a old nag! Are you ok with the e-mail idea?"

"Gymnastics does that to you," Alexis agrees with a cheerful nod. "If I didn't have strong legs, then all the tumbles and flips and floor work wouldn't look so gracefully done. You have to be able to support your body, whether you're on the uneven-bars, or using the vault, or any apparatus in Rhythmic gymnastics!" There's a lot of them too! Ribbon, hoops, ball and rope just to mention a few! "Sure! You've got my e-mail address, right? I can toss the extra stuff into my regular routine with my coach so that I've got someone to spot me."
During the long moment of silence, the gymnast flips the towel up over her head, completely covering her face. It wouldn't matter much /anyhow/ since her face is as red as the towel. "I think... maybe the less you know about my flirting, the better? 'cuz umm... I did fight really dirty during my last training with Domino and umm... yeah! The e-mail idea works great..." Cough-cough.

"Woah really? Wow, I want to give gymnastics a try sometime!!! Though.. Hmn, geez I probably wouldn't be very good at it, I'm really really small.. Buuut anyway I doubt you'll need a spotter, exercising your chi works differently than anything you'd do to strengthen your body. A lot of it is mental; I probably couldn't do a lot of what I can do if I didn't love books so much. Just don't do them in places you can knock something expensive over as a result and you should be ok! So ok, I'll go ahead and do that."

Well Alexis isn't the only one who's red as a beat once it sinks in what exactly happened. She'd probably pale if she could somehow but there's even more long, uncomfortable silence, and.. Suddenly Hime recalls why her friend was so darn embarassed when she mentioned him having a girlfriend! Her teeth grit lightly, and finally all she could really do was sweatdrop in the very end, while agreeing, "... Y- Yeah, I guess you're probably right.. Just.. Um, don't forget what I told you before, ok?" She rubs the back of her head... and finally stands up once more, grinning again. "But I've decided one thing... YOu're going to help me, too, I want to learn to be more confident as Himeko, because girl you are filled to the brim with it! That's a fair trade-off, right?"

"Oh! Chi exercises! You know what's really good for that? Yoga! I can teach you everything that Anisha ever taught me, and maybe that'll help make your energy stronger as well." The part about being really small gets a quirked eyebrow. "Umm... Himeko? Most gymnasts are really small. Sure, I'm a bit taller than you are but I think if you set your mind to it, you could do a lot of the floor routine stuff! Why don't you come by the field at Pacific one of these days, and I'll get all the apparatus set up and you can try a few things with my coach?" She's not gonna push it, but the offer is there.
"It's nothing /horrible/! I just tricked him and stole a kiss! I made him think I was gonna headbutt him... and a fangirl can steal a kiss, can't she? There's no laws that says she can't!" Sighing she nods and looks down. "I haven't forgotten what you said. That's kind'a why I wanted to go out with Vince at least once. To see if there was a better person out there for me. A knight in shining armor... and what better a place to start than one who wields a sword, right? All he needs now is a white stallion and..." Daydreamy Alexis zones out for a minute. She barely hears what Himeko's saying about confidence, but then she nods. "Right! That's a fair trade-off! And maybe after that you can help me reveal my little secret to my parents? Maybe you can even catch mother when she faints...." ... "... er! But that's a long ways away. I want to be able to get good enough to actually win a match in the Neo League before I explain everything to them!"

Himeko tilts her head, Yoga? That was something she hadn't considered before! She had used what she had learned from her closest friend Mimiru and then applied some of her own techniques with it! Then the girl looks honestly suprised by the revelation that gymnasts are small! So suprised in fact that she does a little double-take, her jaw dropped just slightly, "W- Woah! Well ok sure, I wouldn't mind giving it a try sometime!"

Now then, there's another moment of silence from Himeko, but this time it's because her friend has suddenly gone into daydream ramble mode, and she first waves her hand in front of the daydreamers eyes. Luckily Alexis snaps out of it! "I'm more worried about you being a fangirl than what you actually did, it's hard for me to tell what's going on in that head of yours when you have your sights set on something! I dunno, I guess it's, like, I'm worried that you'll end up with someone who doesn't really care as much about you as you do for them.."

".. I guess that's what it is. And, no offense, but you're kind of a potential magnet for sleezeballs." ._.a; "Erm.. But anyway I think I'm just rambling, I want to be sure for myself that Vince is for real! An um... Ok, that sounds fine to me! I'll always stick by your side 'Lexi, no matter what.. That's a promise!" She holds out her left hand, pinky extended. "It's a pinky promise!"

"Yay! You'll love my coach! He's been with me since I was... uhh... five!" Alexis adores her coach like a second father sometimes, it's just a good thing he's a lot more lenient than her parents are!
"Whaaat? What's wrong with being a fan? Aren't you a fan of anything? I.... oh! Himeeeeekoooo! You're a closet romantic! You want to make sure everyone is happy! Just umm... try not to scare Vince away, okay? I /do/ like him... and we had fun the other night. I'd like a chance to hang out with him some more, even though his friends kind'a snub me. Wouldn't they just /die/ if they knew who my father was?" Alexis may not be royalty, but she's an Ambassador's daughter! That's nearly the same thing! She gets diplomatic immunity and all that! It... also puts her at greater risk for kidnappings, which is why her coach is also a bodyguard.
Me too! I'm glad I met you!" And her pinky lashes out to wrap around that of the other girl and gives it a pinky-shake.

And it's official! Himeko simply beams once the pinkys link and shake, the heroine puffing up a bit and simply just.. Just REALLY happy! But it doesn't last long, she nears falls over as a result of what her friend thinks- Her?? A closet romantic? "No way, I told you that kind of thing I'm probably allergic to! Anyway I won't. And there's nothing wrong with being a fan, I'm a big fan of Joe Higashi, he's super cool and super funny! Buuut, I don't think I'd want to kiss him. But I don't really count since I'm not really the most normal girl.. And I guess I'll look a bit into Vince's friends as well then when I get a chance, but I'd definatly want to get a photo shot of their expressions when they found out! ..So! I'm pretty sure there's some ramen in the kitchen! Want a quick bite before we call it a day?" Actually she feels REALLY lame offering something so simple to an ambassadors daughter... So she raises the stakes a bit, "Uh.. W- We can probably use the good china.."

"Nuh-uh! You want everyone to have their happy-ending! Admit it!" Alexis tries to grab the shorter girl up in a headlock and tousle her hair around a bit with a playful little noogie. "Nyaaah! You're worried that Vince isn't good enough for me so you're gonna use those reporter skills of yours to check him out! I should give you a list of questions to ask him! Then I don't have to spy and make it all obvious that I like him!" 'cuz he doesn't know already? Then again, Lexi does like a /lot/ of boys. She's kind'a dangerous that way, but still, Vince /is/ rather nice and she /does/ want to get to know him better! "C'mon, let's go pig out on ramen! I'm starvin' after that workout. You can tell me all the secrets from that book you were reading earlier too, kay?"

Log created on 18:24:29 01/09/2008 by Himeko, and last modified on 01:26:16 03/09/2008.