Vince - Ol' Mr. Rusty

Description: Pacific High hosts a fencing meet, drawing out a fair crowd. Afterwards, the fencing team's captain runs into the shop teacher, Mr. Rust, along with Alexis. They discover that Mr. Rust has some fighting background, and he's going to have a fight with.. a student!? Gasp!

Pacific High, all high-brow and refined, would naturally have the more 'posh' sports available. One key sport, albeit a little downplayed in favor of the more popular ones, is fencing. But not for today! Today, a good portion of the athletic field is taken up for a fencing meet, seeing young swordsmen and swordswomen (politically correct, hee) pitted against each other with foils. The event hasn't attracted as much attentiont as a baseball or football game, but it's attracted a fair crowd of supporters. Yeah, fencing was described as posh, but it's highschool. Teens will be loud in their support. And the fencers in general love the attention and adoration of their fellow students.

The meet's been going on a while now, though, and it's winding down towards the end of the last match. The participants here are Vince LaRose, captain of the fencing team, and Jack Norman, American student from.. well.. America. Jack, unfortunately, has neither the experience nor the finesse of his lithe, wirey opponent. It's been a series of clean moulinet counter maneuvers and parry-thrust combinations insofar, with LaRose playing on the defensive primarily. Mind, he's been scored on twice... but he seems in good spirits. That is to say, neither of the near-identical mesh-masked ninja-dressed fencers are slumped or slouchy. The only things that stand out about Vince are the rosettes around his belt and the scabbard he actually has. Go figure how he gets away with that.

Jack leads with a high cut, only to be parried immediately. The foil flashes around for a lower cut, and Vince's wrist pivots to parry that just as cleanly. Jack apparently becomes frustrated and goes for a full-on lunge, which Vince parries again - though he slips aside with that and lets his opponent drift right on by, to the amusement of some of the spectators.

And one of the spectators ( far) to the day's meet is none other than shop teacher Howard Rust, who just got done fixing a few benches for both the fencing club and spectators to sit in. Being that he went through all the trouble to get everything fixed for today, he felt at least marginally entitled to sit down on the edge of the bench where the presently retired club members are to cheer their teammates on.
There's a different sort of swordsmanship that he has a kind of fondness for, but, he's always been curious about Vince's training and methods since all those times Vince crafted together swords and things related to swords in his classes. (Even at times where such would sometimes be barely even relevant to the assignment at hand... but there's no doubting his talents there!) And so, he watches with about the closest to a front row seat anybody can hope for, bottled water in one hand and a sandwich of unknown make other than 'full of stuff that may or may not pass for food on its own' in another, raising his bottle-bearing arm every now and then in the wake of a solid move. Like the parried lunge. That's pretty impressive!
The busted up old length of pipe rests through one of his toolbelt pockets, almost too thick a fit for it as it pokes out and away from the bench in particular. If this man thinks of it as anything like a sword in the least, it's certainly lacking the elegance of the foils used in this meet... but, this is all in all likely to be an irrelevant detail as the decisive match continues on between LaRose and Norman.

Some students actually prefer the more 'posh' sports. Baseball and football are fine events to cheer at, but there's not a whole lot of artistry in them; something Alexis was raised to appreciate. She sits fairly close to the area in witch the fencing matches have been taking place. At the beginning of each match, she's chosen a favorite and cheered loudly for each score in which they were successful. Each parry that was executed with style.
The final match of the meet has the young gymnast on the edge of her seat, hands clenching tightly at the wood as the foils flash about. Everything today has been a lot more intense than she remembered from watching her father and his friends have a go at it, but then again they were doing it more for hobby-sport and not taking it seriously. Her favorite for this match is the fencer with the rosettes around the belt, mainly due to the new rose-patterned leotard that Himeko gave her for Christmas.
The full-on lunge by the American elicits a gasp from the girl, but her favored fighter makes a clean parry and get-away. Jumping up from her seat she laughs and cheers again with a loud, "Bravo!"

Teacher, Alexis, and plenty of females in the crowd seem to favor Vince. Perhaps not so much for his skill or technique, but for more base, obvious reasons. So the cheering gets a grin from Vince behind the mesh mask he wears. Lovely. And being the praise-lover that he is, he turns to regard the audience with a wave of his left hand. That's right, he's turning aside from his opponent.


But then again, this is his field. His livelihood. His opponent? He's been playing with him. Giving him a workout, so to speak. So the sudden high jab from Mr. Norman is predictably desperate and clumsy, and gets met with a sharp sweep of Vince's foil, followed in a blurringly fast counter-stroke to Jack's torso - all while still facing the audience.

A buzzer goes off, signaling the final point of the match has been scored. The spectators cheer, and Vince turns his buttoned foil over to slide it into the sheath at his side. Go figure how that works, but it does. Gloved hands lift to pull the fencing mask from his head, revealing his face. As it's lifted, he shuts his eyes and gives his head a shake, ruffling out his sandy blonde hair and letting it fall back into place perfectly. Icy blue eyes open again as he takes his mask under his right arm, shaking Jack's hand with the left. He bears an amiable, pleasant smile to his opponent, who seems to return the look in kind. Then the audience is treated to a victorious little wave from the swordsman, along with that same bright smile.

"Eyesh on the fihht," so it sounds from the teacher's mouth as he tries to swallow a rather large bite of that sandwich of his. It's been a good sandwich, but not so good as to let his voice carry out so well when it's occupying his mouth. His back makes yet another in a long line of weird cracking, creaking, and popping sounds as he leans back a bit to try and get the food swallowed down a little sooner.
And in doing this, he misses that winning play as the bench erupts into cheering with the buzzer. After that, the teacher leans back forward and looks around a bit confusedly with a start. What, he missed whatever it is Vince did to win? He scratches at the side of his nearly bald head in disbelief and wonder that would soon melt into disappointment. Aw.
...But you know, this is a good sandwich.

OoOoO! Her favored fencer has a little bit of a cocky attitude! Alexis giggles at that, covering her mouth as she does so. It wouldn't do well to distract those out in the field. When the last sweep of the foil is made, the audience falls silent. The buzzer goes off, and along with it the crowd as a whole cheers. Several students jump up giving each other high-fives at the win, while the more 'cultured' of those seated here today merely nod their heads and golf-clap.
Alexis starts out with the latter, trying to remember her manners. It's not long before the teen in her bubbles up to the surface and she's on her feet cheering as loudly as she can. If she were on the pom-pom squad, she'd be waving those things in the air as high as she could. Since she isn't and she doesn't want to look utterly ridiculous standing atop her seat and waving her arms around, she just offers an exuberant wave to the winner.
Being the happy-go-lucky girl she is though, she's not going to leave it at just that! Pushing her way through the audience with several sorry's, coming through's and excuse me's, she makes her way down to the bench to begin congratulating all of those that are there. It's not that she doesn't notice the teacher, or the apparently tasty sandwich, she's just got a one-tracked mind at the moment!

To Hell with the sandwich! It had better grant Mr. Rust eternal youth to warrant missing that move!


Vince begins to trek back towards the bench, and he spots two people in particular. His shop teacher and the fairly random girl that bumped into his friend are there. But his teacher seems much more reserved than those around him. Did he.. did he not see? But the maneuver was so crisp, so precise! So very Rose Dansant! Alas!

Still though, the gentleman strides to his comrades-in-arms, fellow student, and his teacher. "Hello!," he greets, sounding all chipper and perky. "Did you guys see the match? Did you enjoy the meet?" He's always like this after working with the fencing team, though. Fencing always has this exuberating effect on him.

If it's not eternal youth, it probably has enough cholesterol to ensure that he dies young. Or younger, as the case would be. Close enough?
He finishes up the last of the sandwich in about the most unlikely cramming attempt anybody may ever see this side of Li Xiangfei. He's no fool to try and swallow it whole, not when he almost started to choke a mere moment ago. This is more so he can actually converse with a free hand.
This free hand, immediately, being used to wave back to the chipper greeting with another pop coming out of his elbow. His nods his head a few times after for effect, chewing about as fast as he possibly can so he can actually reply with words!
Man, humans should have two mouths. One for eating, one for talking.

"Bonjour!" Seeing him with the mask off, Alexis knows who he is now, and smiles. "That match was amazing! I was on the edge of my seat and everything! Your moves were executed so gracefully!" She's a gymnast, so the first thing she's going to notice are how fluid the moves were. "I'm envious! I almost want to sign up for lessons, just to practice a different movement technique!" She's also always looking for things she can incorporate into her routine or her mashed-up fighting style.
Her nose wrinkles up at the eating habits of the teacher, and she gives her head a teensy weensy shake. "Don't choke on that or anything! The nurse is busy, I saw her walk away with one of the students earlier... and I don't know the heimlich or whatever..."

Vince furrows his brow at his teacher as he proceeds to cram his mouth full. He opens his mouth to speak, but Alexi' takes care of it for him. And what an odd accent she has, at that. French Canadian. He turns to regard her, sly smile setting to his lips. "Merci," he replies smoothly. "I didn't know you enjoyed fencing. I would have invited you to watch us train when we first met, otherwise."

His free hand lifts to Alexis gently while his attention shifts to his teacher. "It's a pleasure to see you here as well, Mr. Rust. You're a fan of fencing?," he asks. "I hadn't suspected..." And the huge pipe is noted. "..Though I -do- have to ask, and don't think me rude or too forward, but why do you carry that so often?"

Gulp. That's a good amount of food to go down one's throat at once. Armed with the water bottle, however, it is mission perfectly possible! Rather than bothering to untwist it, a flex of his thumb is all that it takes to pop off the cap for good. But that's quite all right, as he proceeds to finish it all down in one additional gulp. It was a good snack to watch the meet with. The bottle gets crammed somewhere in his toolbelt to be properly thrown away later.
And with that, the teacher comes to a slow stand, pushing up against the bench with his free hand for a little bit of support with another set of cracks from one knee. After eating, his body tends to just want to shut down. "Don't worry about me. Never had one sandwich best me before." (Unless you count it causing him to miss the winning point!)
He abruptly clears his throat after the statement, as he is prone to do to begin with. Is he choking at all?! After he pats his chest a few times, it appears his boast holds... true, for now. "I don't follow it, but... always wanted to see you do your thing at least once." He doesn't get much spare time to do so, after all. What with project grading and the last two days of the week where he let kids continue with their projects after class until 7 PM following that spill of molten hot pewter. That was not a good moment.
"Carry what? ...Oh. You mean, this?" He pats what should not even pass for a hilt beyond the fact it is the end that is sticking out the top of where the pipe, Ol' Rusty, rests in his toolbelt. "Friend of mine."

"Oui! I do! I have never seen such technique before, though! My father fences for exercise, since it is a sport that is approved of by my mother, but your abilities extend much further than his could ever hope to!" Alexis giggles and clasps her hands together in front of her. "Don't worry about it! I enjoy a lot of things, but if I mentioned them all on a first meeting, then there would be no point in a second one, right?"
Averting her eyes rather than watching the teacher eat, she clears her throat. "There's a first time for everything, sir. I'm glad you didn't choke though!" She's quite certain that if he did and the heimlich was performed, there would be an entire sandwich coming up and she doubts she'd be able to stomach that well at all.

Vince's hand goes unattended, so he lowers it after a while. So much for a proper greeting! His attention affixes more resolutely on Rust, head inclining and a few bangs drifting out. "Ah, that makes sense," he agrees, sounding pleasantly amused by this. "I suppose you would be curious, after all the trinkets and designs I've turned up in class. The recent sculpture.. the rosettes..." The free hand lowers to his belt, tracing a couple fingers along the flat blade of one of his stilettos. "Did you enjoy it? I hope it was an entertaining show for you, Sir."

And his attention turns to Alexis, smiling brightly at her. "You'll have to tell me more about yourself later, then. Especially since your family seems to favor fencing." His smile turns a little more mirthful, more playful at that. "Very interesting."

If you had to dislodge the sandwich out of one Howard Rust's throat, he'd probably try and eat it again if it were a really good sandwich. Of course, talking about this at length only suffices long enough to delay the inevitable description of how horrible his hair is, once that becomes a proper topic to bring up in passing in such a scenario.
But it hasn't, yet.
"Yeah. No fooling," the gruff but not unfriendly voice of the teacher replies as he moves to join in with both Vince and Alexis alike while people go their own separate ways around campus. "You put on a good show. And that project, I'll say here in advance, that was grade A work there. You did great once you were done with the master sculpture."
And he was pretty afraid that Vince wouldn't actually get the full project done in time because of those tiny imperfections in smoothness and straightness. With the crowd thinning out a bit, he turns his head a little towards Alexis and nods his head once in greeting. Hopefully she knows her way around campus here by now compared to last time they met.

Alexis is too stoked about the match to even notice the hand! This is, sadly, her loss. She does enjoy propriety and proper greetings, even though she's often times horrible at doing either! Noticing the hand a moment too late, her cheeks color to a shade that matches her shirt and she settles her eyes on the ground. An apology will have to be made later, as she's not about to interrupt the conversation just to babble one out!
Apologetic thoughts aside, she blinks. "You made a sculpture? You do metal working? Really?" Again she sounds almost envious about this, except she doesn't look the type to be interested in something like that at all. "Maaan! I wish I could do things like that, but I'm a lost cause. I can't even sew in a straight line." Evidenced in the fact that the hem of the cape she made for Hurricane Hime came out quite crooked.
Politely nodding back at the teacher she grins. Yep! She knows her way around campus now! But she's reminded of something now that she's run into this particular teacher again and she quickly asks, "Did that Keith guy ever come back? I know he was touring the campus and all, but I've not seen him around school." Yeah. Teachers /must/ remember every potential student they come across. Brilliant deduction, Lexi!

Vince beams at both the known spectators. Or the closest known spectators, at least. "I'm glad you both liked it, then. It was fun, as always. Perhaps not as... grand-scale as some of the other sports, but certainly more fast-paced." Take that, basketball. Blink, and you miss the flashing foil that strikes true. His eyes shift from Alexis to Rust, then back again. "I'm surprised so many showed up on a Saturday," he admits. "School spirit really seems alive right now." This is apparently a thing that pleases him.

The teachers do talk with one another quite a bit about where certain students end up having problems. Sometimes they even try to bridge assignments between common classes in order to ease them into aspects important in their own classes under the coverage of another - the whole 'fine pewter sculpture' stuff was a collaboration between Mr. Rust himself and the art teacher in hopes that most of the former's students would start to be more comfortable in working with tools. (This was a relief. We're making a note here, mild success.)
"It was good. Great, even." The teacher points a thumb behind him. "Hope you kids don't break the benches so soon again." This will be a short-lived hope, if the Pacific Resistance ever have one of their infamous infights around them again. He seems to take Alexis' commentary about her failings in stride. He's sure that once she's in his class, he'll find some way to teach her how to build things in a productive way. Even if it's just for the grade, as the case may be. You don't take everything you learn into high school into real life, depending solely on what you want to do with it.
"Keith," his mind jogs when the name comes up. "Keith..." His finger snaps. The snaps seem to be off-synch with the actual movements, maybe because of crackling joints or bad sound effect dubbing?! "Keith... Keith Mason? Kid with the scars that was into gymnastics too? No, haven't seen or heard of him since."
He has somehow managed to avoid watching every Saturday Night Fight match including him, as chance would have it.

"Who cares if it's not as grand-scale? Half the people that go to basketball games don't even like them. They just go 'cuz their friends are goin'." Alexis whisks her hair over her shoulder, smiling brightly as she does so. "The people that show up to somethin' like this? Those are people who really enjoy the art and technique of fencing, and that makes it more special!" It's like gymnastics in that way. Some spectators show up to watch scantly clad girls, sure. Most are actual fans of the sport though, and that means a whole lot more than people filling the bleachers.
"Me either. Oh well, he did seem nice and I was interested in learning where he took his capoeirista classes. They sounded interesting." Since she's away from her mother, she can expand her repertoire. Provided that mommy dearest doesn't find out! "I mean, I've seen him like, on television and stuff, but not in person."

Vince unfortunately has no idea who this person is or anything. So he doesn't have anything to add here except a small, albeit lost nod. He's smiling anyway, being the genuine pleasant person that he is. But Alexis' compliment is not lost on him - or the roundabouts compliment, as it were. He bows his head towards her in appreciation... then turns his gaze back to Rust.

"I take it you worked on the benches?," Vince inquires. "Or had a class do them? Or perhaps that pipe had a hand in making them." The latter bit is intended as a joke, obviously, tell-tale sly look setting back to his face. "You never did say why you carry it...," he notes. "Or tell us how you met that friend of yours."

"He's on TV?" And there's the point where someone could say, 'dude, you live under a rock, teach.' An eyebrow goes up as he scratches the side of his head again. How many of these kids end up on fighting television these days, if that's what she's talking about? Hasn't he seen Alexis on TV before? Eh, he was probably too busy going over projects at the time.
"Benches. Oh!" And that snaps him back to reality. "No, no. Just me, I did them all today. Got up early in the morning and fixed them all." His head tilts back towards the cheering crowds that were here, as if to make sure that someone didn't just fall over from a broken bench or anything of that sort.
Vince only thinks he's being sly to his teacher as he turns back towards the two of them here. "Ol' Rusty, here?" He pats the top of it with his left hand. "Long time ago. Before you were even born, I bet. Uh."
It's kind of awkward for him at this point. How to say this to a crowd enamored by flashy (though perfectly skilled) movements, smooth maneuvers, and all that? He's... never really been open about the thing that kind of tugs at him even today to a younger generation. He tries to shrug it off with, well, a shrug. A shoulder-cracking, creaky shrug. "It ain't much." A head shake, those brown eyes about as plain and almost unexpressive as they tend to be. He doesn't have the brightness of youth in there any more, let alone the flowery-sounding adjectives you could append to them. They are so brown that it's just brown as he scratches the side of his face. "No different than with you and the stilettos."
How much is he willing to bet when he ends up talking out of his rear like that?

Wha-what?!? Alexis hasn't ever been on television! No way! No how! Her mother would kill her! Good thing that wasn't vocalized, otherwise she might just stop breathing! "Uh-huh. I thought it was him anyway... I could be wrong. Vanka watches a lot of the fights with the sound off so as not to disturb other girls in the dorm."
After this, she falls silent. An awkward look is given to Vince, since she's not certain exactly what to say to him now, but he's changed the subject and for that she's grateful. She's not a bad conversationalist or anything like that, it's just that she's afraid she's insulted him and he's just humoring her with the bowed head.
"Do you fight, sir?" This asked to Rust, all curious-like and wide-eyed. It's probably very obvious that he fights, or uses the pipe for fighting or /something/ like that.

Vince starts to dance around the question with all the finesse of a politician or talkshow host, but Alexis just comes right out and asks. This stumps Vince for all of a second before he decidedly supplements it. "I would have to give you originality points. Along with points for being so utilitarian and resourceful. More solid than a baseball bat, and even easier to find," he notes in bemusement. "Did you do anything in the leagues? Would I be able to find you on the television, yourself?" All attention seems to have focused on poor Mr. Rust.

Howard Rust is neither a politician or a talkshow host. He'd be out of his element in question dodging, if he weren't an adult. Adults always get a fun trump card against children! And this amazing trump card is...!
"Anyway, that's en--" And it is interrupted with the one most direct, earnest question anybody could ask. His stance slumps just a tiny bit more, that hand coming up against the side of his head to begin with. Maybe he lost all the hair on his head because he kept scratching at the roots when he was younger when asked such direct questions from even younger kids, or something?
Well, he can't hide it easily. He's pretty thick, has been seen lifting heavy things around, and even didn't flinch when someone hammered his thumb once. Vince starts to compliment his weapon choice before he can even really work up a response to try and head off this surprise direct assault of sheer, unrestrained curiosity! Alexis may have a future in that sort of thing.
"Ah... no. No, you wouldn't." He can only put it straight, a low shake of his head, upper lip disappearing a bit into his mouth with the shake of his head and another neck crack. "Wouldn't see me in any league anywher--"
"Hey, Mr. Rust!" Calls out one of the audience, a nondescript young girl. "When are you going to fight Marisol?!"
Ah, crap. He simply holds up a hand and shrugs, the only thing he really wants to say for that to them.

Direct questioning is good when one deals with diplomats and politicians. None ever answer honestly, so it's become quite a bit of a game for the young girl to attempt to catch them off guard. Alexis has become rather good at it, it would seem, though she feels kind've bad for putting the teacher on the spot.
"I'm sorry, sir. I was out of place asking like that, but fighting is something of a fascination of mine, and my friends... so if you /do/ fight, I was hoping to get your autograph for her collection!"

She chooses now to apologize? Silly girl. Vince would tease her about it, were he not so completely stunned at hearing the teacher is supposed to fight some girl named Marisol. "Hrm? You're expected to fight someone? You have to tell me when! And where!," he says, sounding completely anxious. But then he's suddenly withdrawing, himself, going so far as to poke his two index fingers together sheepishly. "If you don't mind, that is. But I would love to see what my shop teacher is capable of with his... professional tools," he says, glancing in amusement to the pipe again.

"Autograph? Me? Well, I..." Now look at how red his face is! The desire is really there, it's hard to hide if you know exactly where to look on certain days where he's not busy. The idea of signing autographs en masse, he really likes that. But... some things have to be grounded in reality, like his lot in life. It's a good lot in life. But could he really be seen as a famous fighter? Maybe ten years ago.
"Yeah. Yeah, I am. It's been a-" this is interrupted by sudden juicy coughing. Didn't he just have something to drink? Guess that doesn't stop him from getting a dry throat these days. "Sorry." And, once again he pats his chest with a closed fist. "Well..."
The voice trails off into a grunt. "Sure, if you're around. I got no idea when or where. But it's not going to be during class!" And that's his official edict! Come to think of it, the winter holiday break may have proven best for that.

Alexis quirks her brow at Vince's choice of wording. It sounds odd to her, but she's not sure what else to call it herself. "Oh! Would you? I've got some paper and a pen in my bag over there," she says pointing at where she was sitting before. Swinging around to face Vince, she points a finger out at him. "You too! Just in case you become a famous fencer some day." Too bad she's not got a picture to go with that one. He's kind'a cute!
"OoOoo! I'll come watch too if my training permits." There she goes, being impolite again. Just look at her inviting herself along! "Sorry! I mean, if that's okay with you."

Vince tried to make a joke! He blames it on cross-cultural complications. No one thought it was funny, after all. But fortunately things move right along, and Alexis is pressuring hard for that autograph. She's not even seen him fight yet! She may not like it at all! Vince could easily see Mr. Rust as the type to lose all self-control and batter something with a lead pipe until it doesn't even resemble a person (or automobile, for bonus points!). That might be a little too much for the petite blonde girl squeaking by him.

But then the petite blonde girl is squeaking at -him- for an autograph. He blinks at her a couple times, and can't help but feel like she's trying to make sure he doesn't feel left out. Nice of her, but a little insulting in a roundabouts way. He lifts a hand to wave it off. "I fight outside of fencing, too," he notes. "You should see that sometime. Then you can have an autograph."

Icy blue eyes return to his teacher then, intent to gather as much information on this as he can. "I'll keep an eye out, then." And that's all he can spare, since only one eye is fully free of bangs anyway. "Who's Marisol, anyway?"

Howard Rust holds up a hand, but, on second thought, relaxes it with a dismissive gesture towards nothing in particular. No matter how hard he tries, half the school will probably be watching too. Sure, you've got Roy Bromwell and his two best friends who seem to have the fighting spotlight (Tiffany, especially, following her grand tournament victory). But they aren't the only ones who seem to garner the student body's (and staff's) eyes.

"Okay, okay. Okay," he replies to Alexis' insistence upon an autograph. If not now, she'd probably ask for his on her yearbook or something. Man, how this has gotten so awkward for him real quick. And because it's the weekend, he doesn't have a very good excuse to run off that he can think of. Maybe tomorrow he can sneak out and get a drink, or something.
And hey, he may very well be the type that could almost pass as a brutal pit fighter in action. Who knows. But, he certainly doesn't look to be in the best of physical shape nowadays, if that gut of his is any indication. The muscle is there, but the fat is plain and easy to see as a small layer around them.
"Marisol O'Connell? You don't know of her?" The teacher sounds pretty surprised at this! "She's got this band of other kids - they're all fighters - called the Pacific Resistance. Get into a bunch of fights all over the school. Over at Gedo, too." The Pacific Resistance vs. Guardian Kings rivalry is one of the fiercer young fighter rivalries these days. He motions a little with his hand, his head hanging just a bit.
"You sure you haven't met any of them? Marisol's got red hair, gray eyes... she's Spanish, boxer of some kind." He'd know, he's been punched in the gut by her once. "Luc, the German kid that got held back twice," and he really should not be saying that, "uses black and blue chi stuff... Preston, really big guy with an oar," and that's understating it by a /lot/, "and there's Estella. Think she's got a nickname she goes by, don't know what it is off the top of my head... heard she does Capoeria."

"Oh! Yay! Thank you, sir! Vanka's gonna love this!" Alexis dashes off swiftly, leaping over the bench in a split jump and grabs for her bag as she passes. Curling herself into a somersault, she lands atop the bench she was seated on before and then makes her way back in a less showy fashion. She was getting antsy just standing there conversing! May as well add in a little training wherever she can!
"You fight outside of fencing?" This asked breathlessly as she returns. "I'd love to see you fight! Thanks for inviting me!" Even though he didn't, really. Pen and paper are extracted anyway, and she hands them over to Rust.
"Huh. I think I've seen her on one'a those fighting DVD's, but I've not met her either. Weird." Lexi's kind've lonely that way, she guesses. She's not really met a lot of the kids at Pacific, since she spends most of her free time training, and well, hanging with the people she's met outside of school.

Vince watches Alexis spring off like a jackrabbit, and he quirks an eyebrow. He then looks to Rust as if to share a sort of confussion with a shrug. "No, I've not met her.. or him.. or the other one, either. Hmh, should I consider myself lucky for this? Are they even worth my time getting to know?" And the way he says this is, indeed, haughty and high-browed. 'Bullies' are beneath him in every way he can perceive, so it's best to know ahead of time. Or if they're actually trying to do something -good-, well.. that's something different.

"But.. you're fighting a student?" Kind've odd, Vince thinks. But hey, if the student wants it, the teacher does, too, and the principal has no qualms... why not?

The teacher watches Alexis' little acrobatic display from the corner of his eye while explaining the Pacific Resistance to his understanding of them. Really, his one encounter with Marisol didn't end on unpleasant terms. It was a friendly invitation, in the end. Even if every exchange before that was very tense, very loud, and pretty foul.
"If you're into fighting, guess you can't find a better bunch of kids your age to know," now if he could only say that about them academically, Rust almost lets slip out of his mouth as he takes the pen and paper. With another crack from the knee, he heads to the nearby wall for a nice, solid surface to write his signature on with his right hand. "But shit, I never met a bunch of kids with fouler mouths. And don't think I don't know foul."
For someone who appears brutish despite the relatively modest height for one that could be classified as such, it's not a messy signature. Alexis may even be able to make it out! After this, he pivots about so that Alexis can reclaim the items for herself. He nods again. This just may very well be one of the first steps towards fulfilling his own, little private dream of fighting superstardom!
"But... yeah. Marisol wanted one," Rust confirms that query. He has his own particular moral compactions against actually beating the hell out of kids. But this is a society that is much more accepting of random street fights than when he was a kid.

"Thanks, sir!" Alexis reclaims the items and tucks the paper carefully back into her bag. "I like fighting, but I don't know if I like the whole idea of random fighting for no reason." Where Vince won't come out and use the word 'bully', she's got no qualms with it. "They sound like a bunch'a bullies to me." This doesn't mean she won't put her best foot forward if she winds up running into any of them in the halls, it just means she'll have to be a little more wary.
Attention shifts once more to Vince, waiting for a confirmation that what she heard earlier was correct. He fights outside of fencing. She briefly wonders if he fences outside of fencing, and looks down to his sheathed foil. Foil against ribbon could be interesting...

Vince didn't bother to clarify it. He thought he was pretty clear about the whole thing earlier. But he just follows along after Rust, since trailing off would be kind've rude. "We'll see. If they really are constantly tearing themselves, others, and the school apart, I suppose it's inevitable that I run into them eventually," Vince concedes. He, however, suspects the exchange to be very unpleasant, short-lived, or resulting in his blade coming out for business.

But otherwise, Vince is content to remain quiet and let Rust and Alexis chit-chat how they will. He glances aside, taking note of the departing fencing team... then something jolts his attention to Alexis, belatedly. "-You- like fighting?"

"Hope your friend likes it," the teacher gives another friendly nod, deciding his neck is sore enough that he should massage it with his hand. Listen to how many cracks there are from that hand as he runs. It's inhuman. This man may be the forerunner in all things arthritis and he's not even forty!
"A bunch of other adults, yeah, they might say they're about the worst kids we got." And that would almost definitely be the truth, as Rust would have conceded from all the recorded incidents. Oh, and he saw that Christmas match too. It was... well, no doubt they're /skilled/. "But I'm not gonna tell you that. You kids like fighting, they like fighting... I might be missing something between how you kids get along with one another these days, or something."
And as if the neck rubbing thing isn't enough, he decides to stretch his arms out, lean back a bit. It's like he's making popcorn in there. Or at least letting those people who do Rice Crispies commercials record the real deal for use in their own advertisements. One of the two. He breathes in the fresh (...fresh enough) air nice and deeply. Nice and deeply. And snap-crackly-poppy.

"Wha-what?!?! Me? Oh! Yeah, I'm a pretty big fan and all. I've met some really cool people! Hurricane Hime and Domino and..." Has she met other fighters? Oh yeah! "Sakura Kasugano too, though..." She trails off at that, not really certain what to say. She's been told the older girl is a bad influence and to stay away from her, but she's not one to really speak bad of other people if she can avoid it.
"She will! I know she will. She's got this whole scrapbook thing going, with an autograph of every celebrity we've ever met!"

Vince inclines his head at Alexis curiously, then shrugs his shoulders. "Well, either way...," he trails, not really familiar with anyone she's listed. "You're welcome to see me fight. Only if you cheer for me very loudly, though," he adds mirthfully. But from there, he falls silent again, shooting a contemplative look to Rust. Ability to fight doesn't make someone worthwhile, in Vince's eyes, nor respectable. A perfect Monalisa painted on a toilet seat is still a toilet seat.

But.. well.. with modern art the way it is today.

Ohs noes, political commentary.

Don't think Howard Rust doesn't see that contemplative glance. "Just don't start being a little hooligan, if you start getting along with 'em. I get enough from some of the parents alone." That goes for either one of them. And boy, does he, for things like using a wooden desk he made himself in his own office, rather than a super-expensive designer glass one. Boy, that was a really bad day, what with running into some kid who actually didn't go here trying to stab him a couple times (among other things).
"Think it's about time I went somewhere else," once he thinks of where that 'somewhere else' is, probably in his assigned on-campus living space, rolling his neck about once for one more good, disturbingly crackly stretch before pointing a finger over to the northewest. "You put on a good show. I'll stop by again some other club meet."
Or if it so happens he needed to fix something and then decided to stay there to have himself something to eat anyway. "And you, you're... Vanka? No, no, that's your... sorry," he coughs once, argh, it always gets so dry when he talks at length, "that's your friend. Wasn't it... Alexandra? Alexi... a?"
Guess he could remember Keith Mason, but not poor Alexis LaCoeur's name. Whoops. One hand is on his chin as he tries to work out this conundrum of 'I knew what it was, what was it?'

Deciding it more polite to address the person that's leaving first, Alexis giggles. "It's okay! I'm not in any of your classes and I was only there just a moment before I ran off again last time I saw you." She offers her hand out and squeaks, "It's Alexis." It's not a typical name, she knows. But it's hers and she loves it.
She's not bothered by the fact that he didn't remember her name at all. A lot of girls would be, but not Lexi! She knows she's not /really/ forgettable, she just didn't have the time to make a lasting impression previously.
"I'll cheer the loudest! I promise!" It'll be good training for cheerleading, if she ever gets the opportunity to run into the squad and see about trying out for it. It's late in the year already though, and she's not entirely certain they're taking on new members, but she's gotta try! "I actually look forward to it," she says to Vince, still silently wondering how her ribbon would stand up to a foil.

Normally, a ribbon wouldn't. Vince would probably laugh outright at her if she proposed that. But she hasn't, so he doesn't. But first, he regards Rust. "I'll see you in class soon, then. Have a nice day! Au revoir, Mr. Rust!" And he steps back to ensure the guy has plenty of room to shuffle off if he so desires.

His attention shifts over to Alexis, though. "Good. I'll be looking for you, then. ..Are you on the cheerleading squad? If so, you should see about getting them to cheer for the fencing team." It's only fair, right?

One may wonder how well Ol' Rusty compares to a ribbon or even a foil of a truly great fencer. (If not already truly great, at least one who is shaping up to be such!) But, it's not something he'd rather explore personally. Much like the whole thing with the Pacific Resistance. Sure, he's heard of their disruptive behaviors, he's seen it themselves. They test his patience - and that's second-hand exposure in itself. But, who knows, maybe if their whole thing is 'we like fighting,' maybe they'll improve by having a friend like Vince, or something. He doesn't know.
"Alexis. All right, all right. I'll try and remember it," he holds up an open end as if to reassure, with a sort of guilty but vaguely cheerful look on his face. He'll probably end up calling her 'Alexia' by accident again. If she's offering to shake, he takes it. It's pretty firm. But he doesn't squeeze too hard, or at least tries not to. He does have a pretty good grip.
"Yep. In class." The teacher nods again, and hey, his neck still likes to make cracking noises despite all instances of such just moments ago. Maybe he can conduct a symphony with sore, overworked joints and pops one day. And then land a shampoo commercial for men with really, really bad hair. Look at those spikes in the back, as if a horrible attempt at trying to match the typical popular hairstyle around these parts. It's horrible. And this is only worth noting because around this point, he turns away and starts off back towards the main building for now. There doesn't seem to be much purpose in his step - about half-way in he thinks about if he should go that way, or some other way to wherever it is he professed he needed to go. He has another good cough somewhere along that time.
Damn you, dry throat. This is how you treat him after sucking in years of clean (yeah right) trailer park air while helping build up his home city to what it is today? Or maybe he should really see a doctor about that.

After the firm handshake Alexis looks down at her hand and checks to see if it's still intact. It's not squished and throbbing comically like in those silly cartoons, so she guesses it's fine.
An almost shy look is given to Vince and she shakes her head. "I'm not on the squad yet, but I'm planning on trying out!" He thinks she'd be a good cheerleader! Otherwise he wouldn't have asked if she was on the squad! That's a good thing, right? Maybe it's just her natural perky, cheery attitude shining through. "I think that's a great idea though! As long as it's not like, distracting for you guys or whatever. I'll definitely ask them if they let me try out!"

Vince lifts a hand to wave politely to Rust as he decidedly takes his leave. Well, for a teacher more than a few of his classmates describe as 'rough', Vince finds him quite congenial. A little rough around the edges, but oh well. His attention turns completely on Alexis now, and the two of them are about the last ones left out here besides some strays doing exercises. Her comment gets a soft, melodious laugh from the youthful noble. "I don't think it would distract anyone. Not in a bad way, at least," he notes, cocking a half-smile at the girl. "Besides, it may make the team more appealing."

Pause. Blink.

"Ahh, for those who have difficulty getting the attention of pretty girls, of course. Or those who like to look at them."


"And morale." Vince's smile turns more impishly playful. "Alright, so the biggest reason is the pretty girls, but still."

Alexis blinks at Vince, peridot eyes widening slightly. Oh snap! She's about to get upset! She's about to tell him off for objectifying women as pretty little objects prancing about the field! She's about to...
... giggle. That's right! She's giggling. Her hand comes up to cover her mouth, but it's unmistakable, she's giggling. He has, in a weird, roundabout way, kind've complimented her. Gone so far as to call her pretty! (Okay, maybe not, but what girl wouldn't think that after the conversation they're having?).
"That's right! The cheer squad is /great/ for morale!" Instead of pointing out that it is a place that the pretty and popular girls hang out, she shrugs her shoulders and adds, "Though from what I've seen of the fencing team, I don't think they'd have any difficulty getting the attention of pretty girls." Although... he really /is/ the only one she's seen without a mask. Hrm. There might just be a reason for that!
"Should I umm... like... let you go change or cool down or whatever it is you need to do? I don't mean to be keeping you or anything."

Vince gives his soft, lilting laugh again as she giggles. He knows he probably sounded dorky, but it amused her, and that was the point. And when she makes her comment, he winks one of those bright blue eyes at her. He doesn't say anything to supplement her assumption, though. He doesn't feel the need, for it sounds as though -she- complimented -him-. Much in the same way as it seemed he did to her.

But she raises a point. Vince frowns a little and nods. "Yes. I should go ahead and do that," he admits with a sigh. He glances back towards the school, then to her. "Well, have a good day, Alexi'. I look forward to seeing you again." And just like that, he turns to begin striding off, flicking a wave over his shoulder to her boyishly.

Alexis doesn't seem to get flustered at the wink at all. She simply nods her head at it, as she was actually intending what she said to be a compliment to him. A part of her is terrified of what the rest of the fencing team looks like under their masks now though, and she's sure she'll have the oddest nightmares about it later.
"You have a good day as well! Drop me an e-mail or something about when you're fighting, I'd love to be there!" Finger-waving at him, she glances around the field and twirls herself 'round and 'round. Everyone is gone now, so it's the perfect opportunity for her to get some training done!

Log created on 21:07:13 01/05/2008 by Vince, and last modified on 16:08:02 01/06/2008.