Ayame - Operation - Not Helping Things

Description: Objective: Some money! Obstacle: A Giant! Alias: None. Summary: Ayame's up to no good again, deciding to steal a load of money from one of South Syndicate's drug trafficking houses. What she didn't expect was to have it become a personal fight between her and an ex-Blackjack employee. Birdie has a lot of choice things to say about the girl's boss, but Ayame just wants to get the heck out of there. She gets her wish eventually, just not in the way she had hoped.

The first floor of the two story building is an old, run down video arcade. Half of the machines are broken while the other half have the difficulty level set so high that even skilled arcade goers find their quarters consumed at a distressing, record breaking pace if they actually try to play the games. The quarter dispensor only spits out fifty cents per dollar. Everything about the arcade screams 'No, really, we don't want you here.'

Which is basically because it's a front. The real business takes place on the second floor as a site for illegal drug trafficking. It's big business in Southtown, especially when it's business being conducted by people employed by the King of Crime himself, Geese Howard.

Ayame had had her eye on the racket going on in the building for some time, as she still dwells in area when not doing things for Blackjack over in Metro. The arcade downstairs is irrelevant, of course, but the drug business upstairs? There was SURE to be some money to be found there.

And sure enough, Ayame hit paydirt, hitting the building in the dead of night. Only one lowly Southtown Syndicate minion was on guard when the young bandit broke in, subdued him handily, and helped herself to a large amount of the cold, hard cash available on the premises. The heist appeared to be a success as best she could tell. In and out with seemingly no one in sight to stop her.

Bounding back down the stairs out back with a heavy dufflebag over her shoudler, the girl is grinning from ear to ear. Nothing like stealing from the wicked to feed the wicked!

There are somethings in the dark that should be left alone. Should be ignored. Should be untouched. But as this 'guard' blends in with the night, Birdie doesn't even move. He saw Ayame before hand, somewhere. He can't remember where, when he hears the scuffle, he remembers about the Blackjack days.

Getting up off the chair behind the stairs, Birdie began to move around, pushing away the casing of an arcade game that was broken as he gets up and moves towards the front of the stairs as she moves.

Bouncing down, quickly, happy, Birdie is just standing there at the bottom of the steps as she comes down. All the money stolen from Geese, that's not good. All that money would be used for something important, like expensive cigars and suits for Geese.

And now, there's only one thing to do. Wait. And as Ayame bounds down, Birdie grins as she finally comes down.

Teeth white and gleaming, she'll see that some one is there even before she's down the stair case. A soft laughter at the stair hangs, slow but obvious. Whoever is there isn't moving.

"Put the money back and we'll talk. Otherwise it's not gonna end well, chick-a-dee."

Wait, there's someone downstairs. Someone she didn't notice going in. Maybe she should have focused more on any possible interference on the ground floor instead of assuming all of the people would be upstairs...

Ayame comes to a stop about a third of the way up the stairs from Birdie, brown eyes blinking as she takes in the behemoth of a man blocking that way out, her beaming grin fading a little at this unpleasant development. Hn. "You know..." Ayame begins, picking her words carefully. How loyal is this guy? "... I could just give you a cut and you could say you never saw anything and the both of us come out of this way ahead financially... How's that sound?" She takes another step down, adjusting the heavy dufflebag over her shoulder.

"Think about it. What do you think this money gets spent on anyway? Buying some rich cats a nice car... filling up some vault so some big tough guy can swim around in it... eh? You're the one doing all the work, shouldn't you get to get your hands on a share now and then?" Her mind begins considering alternatives as she stalls, not wanting to bank /everything/ on possibly turning the large guard to her way of thinking.

COMBATSYS: Birdie has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Birdie           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Ayame has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ayame            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Birdie

Birdie stops for a moment as Ayame stops as well. It seems like she's prone to backpeddling for some reason. Well, Birdie doesn't mind. He still grins a mighty grin as he starts to walk up the staircase slowly but surely. He's making sure his footing is sure.

Ayame's fist idea may actually work, on some people. Birdie, it would have really if he had no idea who the woman really was. But once you're in Blackjack, you know the people you work this. This might have been a mistake, but in truth, it showed Birdie something. Something he needed to know just to make sure that every encounter is the same.

"I could take Geese's money, hell, I might love too. He'd never damn know I had some," Birdie starts as he aims to get real close and personal to Ayame, closing in moment after moment. "but there's a problem." Birdie starts. "You're not taking it anywhere. You wanna know why?" Birdie asks as he rears back a fist.

And then fires it off towards Ayame, a mountain of meat streaking towards her in an attempt to catch the quick Blackjack agent off guard.

"Elle's getting nothing. That bitch can go fuck herself." Birdie grunts. "She ain't bloody fit to run a business."

COMBATSYS: Ayame dodges Birdie's Jab Punch.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Ayame            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Birdie

Birdie starts coming up the stairs, step by step and the small theif reacts by taking a step backward, one step for every two he takes. She isn't really going to get away at this rate, but it buys time to think, time to plan, time to hope that her cajoling offer sinks in and he goes along with her plan.

At first she thinks he's going to. But then he indicates there's a problem and Ayame knows there's not going to be a deal here. He tightens his hand into a fist and pulls it back - bigger than the girl's head it is and bound to put a quick end to her escape plans if he impacts with it.

He asks if she wants to know what and Ayame replies, "A-ah, no, not particularly, I-" And then comes the swing and the girl backflips up to the first landing on the narrow stairs, out of range of Birdie's murderous fist for a second as he shouts out Elle's name and his thoughts on the Blackjack leader.

The long haired theif blanches. He knows she's from Blackjack. This is bad. She wasn't here to stir up any trouble between Southtown Synd and Elle's mercenary band, but if Birdie identifies her as such, that might be the outcome. It also means this is personal for the big enforcer. The girl's mind is quick to try and figure out how he knew, mentally flipping through connections, fighter profiles, backgrounds on previous Blackjack agents... "You're Birdie," she states after a moment. That would explain the chick-a-dee comment. This is /really/ bad.

"Well, ah, I'd love to stay and chat about your grievances with my boss, but I've got so many important things to get to!" Tightening her hold on the dufflebag, the girl runs forward and jumps, trying to take advantage of the stairway by hopping down in an attempt to stomp against Birdie's massive shoulder and flip down to the run down arcade below. He can't possibly keep up with her, can he? She hopes.

COMBATSYS: Birdie fails to interrupt Light Kick from Ayame with Bull Spike.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Ayame            0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0           Birdie

Birdie watches as Ayame comes for him. Well then, he's gotta do something here. As she comes down as she evades his hand, Biride only imagines that it won't really matter in the long run. He's waiting for her to come. Oh is he, but that's his folly really.

"Yeah, I'm Birdie." He answers pretty cleanly as Ayame seems to come right at him. He's none too happy to see a woman of Blackjack here already. That bitch has plenty of them about, and Birdie's just going to have to make sure that this is one of those girls that he'll have to done himself. And then he'll tell Geese all about 'em. Then everythings going to get interesting.

But right now he has his own personal battle to fight with Ayame. As the woman actually moves to actualy get over Birdie, the large thug actually does something unexpected. Okay. Expected. He thrusts his head upwards, attempting to drive the woman into his hair, but that doesn't work. It doesn't work at damn all. She just has the perfect lift to come down and wham, the foot smack into his head, nailing the larger thug and sending him toppling backwards with a loud thud.

Gritting his teeth, he scrambles to get back up. Some bodies gonna pay for that.

She makes it past Birdie by hopping off the top of his head just before he manages to skewer her with that deadly hair of his. Every detail she can remember from his profile is recalled. His powerful style of fighting, his ability to take so many hits without even being slowed down. "Che," the girl grunts as she lands at the bottom of the stairs. She's going to have a hell of a problem with him.

"So that's all ya got, huh clumsy?" she taunts as Birdie gets back to his feet following his tumble. "Are you sure you quit Blackjack? Maybe you were fired for incompetence! Hmph!" Can't help but get her digs in while she has the chance, it seems. The dufflebag is adjusted over her right shoulder but her left hand reaches down to open a pouch affixed to her belt on her left side as she turns.

"Well, it's been real swell catching up with you. I hope they forgive you for letting me get away with all this!" And with that, the little minx hops, turning her back to Birdie, ready to book it at full speed out of there! Though in the back of her head she's really wondering how she's going to talk her way out of this mess when Elle asks her why Geese's people are bashing on Blackjack's doors...

COMBATSYS: Ayame focuses on her next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Ayame            0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0           Birdie

Birdie's steamed as he gets back up. Beating his chest like a gorilla is one of the signs that Ayame should keep dodging. Keep dodging and do not stop. Birdie's a hell of a fighter, and ever worse, like the profile reads, he's one hell of a slow guy too.

It's almost a rule that you have to beat Birdie to get in the Neo League. He's had rather poor luck with those, for a reason or two.

But as Ayame taunts Birdie, there might even be steam coming from his nose. You taunted to bull, and now you're going to get the horn! Well, not reaaaally. That's for later. Instead, Birdie reaches towards his side, pulling an arcade game mounted on the wall right off, breaking the cords and ground mounts as he lifts it up powerfully into the air.

"Oh, chick-a-dee. You ain't goin' anywhere." Birdie calls as he puts some 'Oomf' into the video arcade, hurling it towards Ayame to try to slow her down and crush her. Afterwards, Birdie's following but at a much slower pace. Big men don't run fast. Not his size anyways.

COMBATSYS: Ayame dodges Birdie's Large Thrown Object.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Ayame            0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0           Birdie

She hears the sound of something being wrecked behind her, though the girl isn't really sure what could POSSIBLY be causing that kind of horrible noise. Is he tearing down the walls? Oh, no, it's a... flying arcade machine. There's nothing Ayame can do besides duck as the cabinet goes flying over her, power cable flailing through the air behind her before the entire mess crashes up against the door she was heading for, sealing that way out completely.

Skidding to a stop, the strawberry-blonde whirls around, brown eyes widened a little. She knew he was strong, but that's getting way out of her league. And now he's barreling in on her, making up for lost time as she's trapped by the blockage. "Missed me." she states, forcing a teeth glimmering grin. Both of her hands shift down to her belt as she flicks out two butterfly knives....

But then the girl glances at the small blades before looking back up toward the bull bearing down on her. Uh... yeah... right, those aren't really going phase a man like him. The knives are flipped closed and returned to their sheaths. Time for plan C. Her right hand clicks the clasp of one of her multiple belts, sliding off a wound up whip. It's a bit of a long shot, but her options aren't looking too swell. Lashing out as Birdie bears in on her, the girl tries to entangle one of his arms so that she can better trip him to the arcade floor. If she pulls it off, she'll stand up on his back and yank back on that powerful limb with every ounce of strength she's got to try and injure the big guy enough to get him to give up!

COMBATSYS: Birdie blocks Ayame's Blackmail.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Ayame            0/-------/------=|=====--\-------\0           Birdie

Birdie's large size can be used for some things. Some things more than others of course. Now that the doors closed up, now he can damn get her in his own view and beat her the hell up. At least, that's what Birdie thinks he can do. "Hahahaha. No where to go chick-a-dee." Birdie states as he advances, leaning forward the entire way.

But that's when Ayame throws herself right for Birdie. One of his arms are entangled, but he fights as it's entangled, causing himself to be pulled forward quite slowly but surely, and making him trip up a bit... but nothing like it could've been. But instead of tossing it off, Birdie keeps his arm there. "Oh. So you wanna play it like that huh. You like it rough." Birdie chuckles.

His own chain comes off as he grins. Oh how he grins. He's obviously happy about something. What you might not wanna know. Ayame's not that bad a looker, and she's quick and she looks pretty keen. But it's just hard to touch her.

"Don't think you thought this out too well." Birdie announces as he pulls on the whip itself, holding it there. She can give it up now, or it might already be too late. He tugs, quick, and at by any chance, he fires off a monsterous punch right towards Ayame, attempting to beam her in the chest. Birdie's not even thinking. He's doing.

COMBATSYS: Ayame parries Birdie's Fierce Punch!

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Ayame            0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0           Birdie

The only thing that keeps Ayame alive is split second reaction timing. That's the only reason she hasn't been punched, crushed, and squished by a flying arcade machine already. And those reflexes of hers really come into at this critical moment. Birdie doesn't seem too phased by the whip around his arm. Maybe she didn't catch him off guard enough, or maybe she did and he's just that damn tough to tip over. Bad news for her.

He asks if she likes it rough and Ayame shrugs, maintaining that grin of hers, "Depends on the guy." Still mouthy as ever. It's easy when she still has all her teeth. For now. He pulls on the whip and Ayame maintains her grip, going right along with it making it look like he might have very well pulled her off balance and opened her up to that powerful fist of his.

But all he ends up striking is the dufflebag as Ayame shifts her position just enough to keep him from crushing her rib cage with his powerful strike. She had abandoned the butterfly knives before, but now that she's spun in closely, recovering quickly from the jarring caused by the punched bag of cash, she decides to see if she can sink the two small, sharp points into Birdie's stomach. His muscles can't be THAT solid, right?!

"But I don't think you're my type," she continues, bringing her foot up to try and plant it against his chest and backflip away, taking her knives with her if she can get away with it.

COMBATSYS: Ayame successfully hits Birdie with Assault and Battery EX.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Ayame            0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0           Birdie

Well, Birdie sure is getting beat lately. He's had no real luck anywhere, and it isn't starting here either. When Ayame comes forward with the knives and sinks them into Birdie's powerful arms, it seems to have a pretty good effect! Birdie's sent tumbling backwards as he's moving rapidly. He's nowhere near happy for his choice in action.

Tumbling and stumbling backwards, Birdie comes to a pass. What to do, what dodo. And then he doesn't damn care anymore. That's what his choice seems to be when he smashes into the wall and even through it as the kick lands on his chest. He's gonna have to make this up quick.

And that's when Birdie just up and raises a leg towards Ayame. "Oh... don't worry." Birdie states, his arms hanging uselessly as the knives seems to have a really nice effect on them. He's gonna use them later. But they gotta wait first.

For here? Birdie's pissed, eyes on Ayame as the leg he lifted COMES DOWN. Attempting to effectively stomp her into the ground before she can backflip away. And really put the hurt on.

COMBATSYS: Birdie successfully hits Ayame with Medium Kick.
- Power hit! -

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Ayame            1/------=/=======|=======\-------\1           Birdie

While she was handling him just fine for a little while, things were bound to go south at some point and when they do it's pretty bad news for the young wouldbe theif. Ayame's leg comes up in an attempt to push off from his chest and get some more precious distance between them.

That doesn't really happen though as the stomp comes down, catching the featherweight in the chest just as she was taking to the air, driving Ayame down to the ground with a solid, crushing slam, forcing a pained, shocked cry as she's certain at least one of her ribs just caved in. "A-ah!" A choking gasp is accompanied by a mouthful of blood that Ayame spits to the side, trying to put aside all thoughts of what just happened to her organs there. She can still breath - kind of - which means she has to keep moving. "Oh hell," she hisses, trying to roll to the side. Though that's hard to do with a Birdie foot crushing her down hard.

Panic starts to set in as the fragile fighter finds herself suddenly way worse off than she was just seconds ago. Dropping both of her knives to the floor, her right hand slips into her pouch at her left side, drawing out a small half-foot long hollow tube. Pressure applied to the center allows the weapon to expand outward into a full six foot long metal staff. A staff that the girl immediately slams up hard, attempting to jab it right back into Birdie's stomach - right atop one of the stab wounds she just gave him.

If she can force him to back off with a painful little strike, it will give her the chance she needs to roll back up to her feet. She's not too interested in lying around any longer!

COMBATSYS: Birdie interrupts Medium Strike from Ayame with Quick Throw.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Ayame            1/----===/=======|=======\==-----\1           Birdie

All of Birdie's rage, anger, and power comes down in a single blow! And boy did he have good aim at the moment he really wanted to whallop the other fighter. Ayame tries to run away, Birdie steps on her. Steps her flat. Turns her into goo. He's giant, a power house. This is his way of saying how much he likes you however.

Ayame's mouth full of blood and choking gasp is all Birdie really needs. "Not so high and mighty are you, chick-a-dee." Birdie states as he holds his leg firmly against Ayame's body. She struggles, attempts to get out. Birdie's not letting her... and then she attempts to get out. She rolls...

And then the fighter extends a long six foot metal staff at Birdie. It comes and strikes Birdie in the chest. Birdie doesn't not accept it. If it was her fist, her leg. It would have been much worse. But this is fine too.

Birdie grabs the end in his chest and grins towards Ayame... and then hurls her into the air using it. "I think it's time to learn how to fly chick-a-dee!" Birdie calls as he uses Ayame's own staff and uses it to scrap him off his foot, and throw her into the wall.

Oh, hey, she's not being squished into the floor anymore! Oh... hey, she's getting slammed against the wall, her own weapon used to vault her right up against the building's side, provoking another pained gasp as the poor girl can't get a break anymore. Sliding down slowly until her feet hit the floor and her trembling legs manage to keep her standing, Ayame stares back at Birdie, her staff she had hoped would keep her safe wrested from her grip.

Ayame's hands press against the wall as she uses it for support. Panting for breath for a moment, the Asian teen glances back and forth, clearly focusing more on how to escape from this beast of a fighter more than anything. At least, that's how she wants it to look just before she pushes off from the wall, lunging back at Birdie.

While she was against the wall, she had furtively readied five wires in her left hand, each wire two feet in length. And it is with those wires that the girl attacks Birdie this time, literally jumping at him as if to climb right up on the mountain of meat and wrap the sharp cables around his right arm and pull them tight. It could hurt, but it's also a distraction as she tries to wrap her arms around her staff, lift both of her feet up to press against his chest, and TWIST the weapon hard with all the strength her body has in an attempt to pry it back out of his arms. "Give it back!" she snaps, her tone angry now.

COMBATSYS: Ayame successfully hits Birdie with Quick Throw.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Ayame            1/----===/=======|=======\====---\1           Birdie

Birdie is a dick sometimes. But this sometimes got him, believe it or not, wrangled by Ayame. He just watches the girl breathe heavily. He's wounded himself, but damn is he done yet. He keeps himself up and above Ayame with a grin, eyes beating down on the women.

"What, you want your stupid weapon back?" Birdie states as he grins. Attempting to raise it and lower it at his own whim, Ayame's going to have to beat a game of keep away.

And she does, well, easily. Birdie ain't too fast. It would have looked funny if it had worked however. Birdie attempts to raise his arm as she comes, but she digs into his arm with the wires, cables and everything. This pretty much makes it impossible for Birdie's arm to dodge, and as well, send him back a into a wall, breaking another part of the building with his back. His hand even releases the staff. She can have it. But it was time to be OFFENSIVE.

And Birdie is plenty good at that.

Throwing himself forward, Birdie begins to rush towards Ayame. Quickly. Super quickly as he breaks off into a beating drive. Head down, Birdie's really aiming to run Ayame the hell over. And he's going to do it anyway possible. And, if he does manage to stick Ayame with his head, Ayame's going to be wishing that she was absoulutely nowhere near this mad man. Because once you go Birdie...

Well, we don't have any idea what else you would really do. He's still trying to stick her with his head at first, and then, beat her to an inch of her life.

Now that's a good plan. Birdie agrees with himself completely. But what would he beat her with? His fists.

COMBATSYS: Ayame counters The Birdie from Birdie with Final Solstice.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Ayame            0/-------/-------|=======\=------\1           Birdie

One thing Ayame is quickly figuring out with regards to Biride: Screwing around with him is going to get her killed. Taunting is probably going to get her killed. Hell, just being in the same general vicinity with this man may very well GET HER KILLED.

Her sharp cables get her a chance to retrieve her staff, dropping to her back on the floor and rolling backward to come up on her feet the moment he lets it go, the girl coming up with her legs bent at the knees, her staff held in front of her at a defensive angle, brown eyes wide and mouth still bloodied. She's really working with borrowed time here, but so far it's kept her alive and that's something at least.

But in the next moment she has a dangerous, huge, hulking man bearing down on her with the intent to bulldoze her with the top of his head. She remembers information about his hair from his files. It's bad news. And even if it wasn't, a headbutt from a man like him is going to savagely crush her. She can't take that kind of hit again. Fortunately, she manages to put aside some of her panic to focus on reacting with just the right timing to keep from being smushed.

By the time she channels a violent, red energy into her staff it's too late for the Birdie train to pick a different track. Which means while he might realize what he's running into, there's no helping it now. With a slam, Ayame jams her newly recovered staff into the top of Birdie's head while flipping up over him, not even PRETENDING to have the kind of strength necessary to stop him.

But that means she's up above him in the air, leaving his back open for a combination of violent strikes, each impact accompanied by a small explosion of that rash, churning red energy. The girl lands on her feet behind the giant of a man, dishing out a couple final strikes before lifting her staff up over her head and slaming it down hard on the back of his head. That's all she can do before her arms tell her she can swing no more, leaving the girl to gasp a little as she staggers to a stop, hoping that final hit was enough to knock him down for good. "You're not," *cough* *hack* *wheeze* ", so tough." the girl stammers as the energy along her staff begins to dim.

Birdie doesn't stop. He knows what he's getting into. And that's the entire point. Rushing in headlong, he only hopes that maybe he can beat her assault. No dice. The violent red energy is already there. He speeds up attempting to break it. He's still too slow.

Birdie runs right into the small explosion, the pole striking him in the head. His back is beat up in the strikes, before more and more and more strikes come. Birdie's getting beat, but it feels great for once reason and one reason alone. But that comes later.

Strikes, more strikes, even more strikes come at him, and then finally, it all stops, leaving him to fall backwards, breathing hard. He's beat up, bleeding everywhere, but he has a grin on his face. He would clap if he could. That was par for the course.

But, getting up slowly, Birdie just holds the same grin he's had since the beginning.

"Good... good... you can do some damage but..." Birdie chuckles as he rises, and then, ultimately, attempts the same manuever. Running head first into Ayame, attempting to stab her with the horn on his head, and ultimately ping her against the wall before unleashing punch after punch after punch.

He's going to do it again. Yes, that's right.


COMBATSYS: Ayame fails to counter The Birdie from Birdie with Bright Renewal.

[                      \\\\\\\\  <
Birdie           0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Ayame can no longer fight.

[                      \\\\\\\\  <
Birdie           0/-------/------=|

Uh oh. That didn't drop him at all. Instead he's smiling at her. Like he's just playing around. And she doesn't have the strength to take the bull down the same way a second time. Birdie charges and Ayame brings her staff up, going for something a little less powerful but maybe just enough as she stabs the weapon down, attempting to trip him up in his aggressive charge, using his momentum against him to drive him down to the ground once again. Knock the Bull down enough times and eventually it won't get up, right?

But Birdie's momentum is too much to be stopped by that tactic and he plows right through the light weight's guard, stabbing her with his hair horn and slamming her against the wall. Her ability to struggle is already questionable but she tries all the same, attempting to pry her way free. And that's when the punches come, strike after strike breaking down what's left of the girl's stamina. The wall behind her back cracks from the power of Birdie's blows and when the flurry of punches end, Ayame is a pale, bloody mess, slipping down against the shop's side to end up seated on the floor.

All around them signs of the fight can be seen. The hurled arcade machine against the door, the parts of the ceiling falling down from where stray staff strikes sliced through it. Cracks and chips in the wall where both of the fighters got slammed. But in the end, the small fry just can't take anymore abuse.

Birdie's tactic worked. He remembers a few things of the file, and one of them was that Ayame was not only quick, but she also had a knack for the ability to use your own strength against you. And that is exactly what Birdie was planning for. So instead of throwing his entire momentum into it once.

He threw slightly lesser powerful strikes twice in a gambit to trip her up, which had apparently worked.

The second time is the charm as he plows into her, punches, and lets her come down. Birdie snorts as he himself is terribly bloody. "Chick-a-dee, you've got talent, but to work for that bitch Elle you're a damn fool." Birdie grunts as he grabs the money and the bag that Ayame was moving about, moving to put it back in Geese's men's hands. He'll wake up sooner or later. And if now, the morning guy will find it there.

The staff however, Birdie doesn't need anymore. Moving down the stairs, Birdie moves about the broken and battered landscape to pick up Ayame, and head towards that new Seventh Seal or circle or whatever it is. Birdie doesn't care.

He's just dropping off some 'trash'. WHen in fact, trash is a pretty powerful fighter.

He doesn't need nothing to prove this to Geese. Words good enough for him. And hell, he ain't thinking straight anymore. He just needs to drop her off, come back and get some rest. Maybe eat a little. Or a lot.

Yeah, a lot.

Log created on 22:33:18 01/04/2008 by Ayame, and last modified on 02:48:14 01/05/2008.