Yurika - From Frowntown!!

Description: Puzzled by the attack from Elle and Ayame, Yurika approaches Aislinn in hopes of getting some insight on the situation. She doesn't get much more than a direction to head toward; said direction the start of learning just how nieve the elegent Kirishima really is.

It would appear that winter vacation is taking effect within Seijyun, leaving school ground for the moment nearly deserted. It's a rather pleasent atmosphere for the student president of the school, the workload lessened and more time to plan for the 'bigger' things later on.

It's been a troubling week for Miss Kirishima, however, and while she felt a bit bad sending a letter of request to meet Aislinn today, she felt it was something that had to be done. The official Council room was still under renovation, meaning the meeting place would actually be in the teacher's lounge where the musician in light blue resides currently- As always, with a cup of tea, seated in a wheeled chair and her gaze somewhat lazily staring out the window. All the lights are on and the door is opened, the room mostly occupied with tables, a few desks, a sink and a coffee maker.

If Yurika feels bad about summoning Aislinn already, she might feel worse upon seeing the girl as she enters the teacher's lounge--it's clear she was recently in a fight and, judging from the way she's moving, either she lost or she took a lot of damage in winning. She moves as well as she can, though.

"You wished to see me about Council affairs, Yurika?" As always, she is direct, and to the point, walking with a slight limp, unable to quite hide the wince when she tries sitting down. It must have been one knock-down, drag-out fight that she was in, for sure.

Still, she remains intent on Yurika's visage, noting that the Kirishima scion is staring out the window...

The young student turns in her chair, greeting her fellow student with a pleasent smile, "Good aftern-" The girl blinks, and sets her tea and saucer onto the table, the sentance paused, and finally finished. "Noon.. I see you have been keeping busy, Aislinn."

Really, what else could she say about the girls condition? And far as she knew, Aislinn wasn't in a Saturday Night Fight match. "It was.. Just something brief, I didn't realize I chose such a poor time to call you but you haven't been easy to find lately. Are you in some sort of trouble?" It'd be better to ask that rather than 'roughhousing again?', clearly.

A shake of the head. "No trouble. I will be operating at full capacity within three days," she replies. It's painful, of course, but she's careful to control her voice, to make it sound as if she is unconcerned about her physical state. And she may in fact -be- unconcerned about it. Time will set her right; there are no disabling injuries.

"We can discuss business, of course." It's a little brusque--but that's the way she is, isn't it? A signal of sorts, to let Yurika know that further intrusion may not be appreciated... but the scrutiny makes her straighten her back, to sit a little taller, even though her back screams in protest for a moment.

Yurika has her doubts, but she can pick up on the fact that it would be better for her not to pry. She gives a small nod of her head, concern still in her expression, but that gradually fades in favor of getting to the situation at hand. "Very well, I wish a speedier recovery if possible. But I just had a couple of questions for you; if you cannot answer them, I'll understand. The first question is, do you know if I am currently in trouble with your group?" a slight pause. "The second, if I am not, is it possible for you to arrange a meeting with Elle for me anyway." She folds her hands, setting them on the table, eyes locked with her company.

Interesting questions both. Aislinn considers them carefully; she's silent for a while, mostly just thinking about the situation. It's complex... but there should be doable answers. "I... do not think that Blackjack has expressed any overt interest in your doings." She may be wrong, of course... she isn't aware of the recent action, Ayame and Elle vs. Roberto and Yurika, and if she were, her answers might be different.

But she nods. "Even if so, Elle is not an intractable person. If you wish a meeting with her, it is possible." And then... she nods again. "A meeting would certainly be possible. If you wish to ensure it, then I can arrange it... but you will be required to fight." Her eyes are unreadable.

"I will arrange the meeting if you wish, but it will be done through the Seventh Circle."

Well.. It seems for the time being her worries were for naut. Though things still didn't make sense, Yurika glances upward thoughtfully wondering if perhaps it was all just some sort of unusual test after all. But she can't pretend to understand what it is Blackjack does in the first place. "I see. I suppose if those must be the circumstances I do not have much choice in the matter; though I don't like using my skills in such a manner as you already know."

She'd better pick up the pace a bit, so that Aislinn can get some rest; but there is one thing that isn't entirely clear to her. "I have not heard of a 'Seventh Circle'. Could you give me a brief overview on this?"

"Seventh Circle is an operation run out of Blackjack's casino," is the reply. Not exactly the most descriptive, eh? Well, give her a moment. "It is, essentially, a no-holds-barred fighting circuit. Newly begun, and quite vicious. An interesting counterpoint to SNF and the Neo League."

This, then, must be a test as well--because naturally, Aislinn could arrange a covert meeting between Yurika and Elle. That she is not--that she is forcing Yurika into a position where she will have to fight--should be an indication. The challenge is evident in the NESTS Agent's eyes, asking Yurika if she is willing to fight.

The musician is relaxed.. Does she have much reason to look otherwise? Then again, she has spent enough time with Aislinn to remain somewhat desensitized to the words that come from her schoolmates lips. In a way. In fact, the moment the description is given she feels she has an idea of just where Aislinn has been all this time after all.

Yurika gives an amused smile. "I see, I don't have much interest in the Neo League or the Saturday Night Fight thing as you already know. For me they're good for observation, but that is about it. Quite frankly I find this operation disgusting and old fashioned in a way that even I cannot appreciate. I'm no gladiator, Aislinn, and I would rather my true skills remain a mystery." The musician picks up her teacup, takes a brief sip, and sets it back down. "Aislinn I'd like to ask you.. But I ask this time as a companion, not as a person of business. Is there another way?"

Aislinn raises an eyebrow. For perhaps the first time since she's known Yurika... there is potential conflict. She leans back--relaxing tense muscles perhaps, or just relaxing a touch. She -can- relax, after all. She just doesn't do so much around other people.

"And if I said that there was not?" she challenges, her tone mild. The point of making the challenge isn't just to throw Yurika into a gladiatorial fight, of course... but she in her own way is attempting to harden Yurika to the realities of the fighting life.

"I surmise you want to strike a bargain with Elle. If you do, you must know that she will want to test you. If so, it may be advantageous to you to do so in the ring... rather than at Elle's discretion."

Yurika and Aislinn may not have a lot in common but it is true, for the most part they are very cooperative toward one another, and able to a lot of the time understand each other, respect one another.

Aislinn should know Yurika doesn't mean any ill will with her hesitance to be in an atmosphere that, more or less, goes against what she stands for. On the other hand, maybe the musician is misunderstanding this type of fighting, much like she does with the other sanctioned events. Either way, as Aislinn speaks again it actually does put the president at a bit of ease, and makes her reconsider her immediete dismissal.

Kurow always told her, she needs to be flexible. Not all matches are just duels, and if she's persure her 'career' further, she'll need to learn more. But what Aislinn says is correct as well, every time she had met the woman, there had been a test of some sort thrown her way- But she admits she's a bit intimidated by the leader when it comes to fighting. "If it were not you telling me this, I would use counter-measures. But it would appear I missed the reason you provided this option to me, so I will accept it and I apologize for my doubts. If you could e-mail me directions, that would be helpful. Thank you, Aislinn."

The musician gives a small smile then, she reaching into the desk, and she draws out a small gift box, tied with a light red and green ribbon. "By the way, this is for you, I had a feeling you might like something called 'Kane and.. Lynch'.. But I thought it'd be better to give you a gift card instead. Happy Holidays."

A nod. It's good that Yurika understands. Hiding one's abilities is fine--but hiding them to the point that you're never using them is bad. That is just one of Aislinn's points... the other is that a modicum of trust must be allowed for two people to work together. She considers her... friend? Yes, Aislinn thinks, that is Yurika's designation for now.

"If you are concerned about showing all of your abilities, then you must learn to hold back," she says, matter of factly. "Even in a fight such as what you'll face in the Circle, you should not feel as if you need to fight with everything... unless your back is to the wall."

Fight to the best of your abilities... but don't overextend. Then she glances at the gift box, and nods. Reaching out, she claims the box. "Thank you." She didn't bring anything... but by the time Yurika returns to her room she'll have a box of the finest Japanese, Chinese, and English teas sitting on the bed, a nice gift sampler.

Aislinn rises. "I will inform Elle; if she accepts she will contact you regarding the time and the date of the match." Everything else will be up to Yurika.

Yurika will have to think carefully and likely do some reasearch.. Chances are her current attire won't do so she'll have to work around that somehow as well. Suddenly things were looking from revolting to moderatly interesting for the young student, and she takes more of Aislinn's advice to heart. She's also aware of the trust, as unusual a bond as it may be for the two, but even as such there's that inkling of doubt.. Doubt created by the thought that one day the two may be enemies. "Very well, I shall remember that, and I'd better get to my training."

Yurika hasn't the slightest clue what's in store for her when she returns to her room, but there's no doubt she'll be quite fangirlishly squealy. "I hear it's going to snow soon, so I thought I would watch it from here.. So I'll be staying here a little longer. But thank you very much, Aislinn. I'll see you soon, and do get well."

Log created on 19:38:12 12/27/2007 by Yurika, and last modified on 03:53:15 02/10/2009.