K' - Circular Logic

Description: ...is all that really happens in this log. Other than the requisite punching. Then again, Kyo and K' never were any good at debating with anything but fire and the functional equivalent of "no u!!" Ultimately, in the spirit of the season, Kyo and K' share a pleasant exchange of FIERY MAXES.

Dusk. The sun was just about gone, only a curved sliver of heat and light left warming the cloud-choked horizon. The city is fairly quiet, as quiet as it can be, only a steady stream of baseline traffic left on the streets: the mechanical flow of people like the rush of blood through veins. Most of the indigenous population is out of sight-- at home, at work, wherever else a Southtown native might be-- leaving only the schoolage youth and the transient to give the roads life.

K' could have been the former, but unfortunate circumstance dictated that he become something more akin to the latter, despite the fact his 'permanent' residence was here; as much as he could call any residence of his 'permanent'... much less this one, in -this- city. He was just getting back from the States, his return somewhat hampered by how thoroughly he'd been torn up in his match in California. He'd needed a day or two to just recover... and he was still feeling the match even now, feeling it in the pull of healing muscle in his torso. He'd doubted the airlines would, despite their familiarity with such, appreciate him bleeding on the upholstery.

He tended to travel extremely light. He never really needed much more than a change or two of clothes... the essentials that could carry him through a day or three. His fight leather was folded away in the sidebag slung across his chest and a shoulder, the carefully cared-for material guarded against skies that threatened rain. He's dressed simply for now. Jeans, shirt, jacket. He wasn't looking to draw attention... though if he really -wanted- to achieve that sort of anonymity, he might have considered actually wearing a hat over that distinctive shock-white hair.

But with the sort of people who call Southtown home, is it even POSSIBLE to avoid getting attention if you're a fighter? Sure, probably some of the really sneaky ones maange it, but more often than not, sooner or later, somebody's going to realise the truth. And then where will you be? Probably getting punched in the mush in some alley somewhere, that's where.

On a totally unrelated note: It seems that K''s current walking path is bringing him directly to what you might call a fated encounter, as there's another person out this evening who doesn't really fall into any neat, easy categories. Of course, knowing K''s luck, it's the reigning World Warrior, Kyo Kusanagi. Who knows what the Kusanagi heir is doing out and about; maybe he just wanted some fresh air. But with his gloves tucked in his pocket, and his leather jacket keeping him warm despite the early winter chill, which never settles too heavily on Southtown, Kyo is standing just about on the sidewalk. Well, actually, he's standing at a hot dog cart. Eating a hot dog.

Looks like he's got mustard on there, ketchup. Some relish maybe.

Though he has yet to notice K', it's difficult to not realise /exactly/ who Kyo is, given the large Kusanagi clan emblem on the back of his jacket. If there's anyone who never bothers trying to hide who he is, well, it's Kyo Kusanagi.

...No. No, it's not really possible to avoid attention in Southtown. Even if you don't broadcast the fact you're a fighter, other fighters can usually still figure out you're one of them. How can they tell? It's in the way a fighter holds himself-- the way he looks. The way he moves. There's almost always a certain something there, subtle but perceptible to those who know what to look for.

And then there's people like Kyo Kusanagi, who walk around with their heritage and identity stamped all over their back. K' doesn't have to look longer than an instant before he recognizes the guy in his path. It helps that drawing closer to Kyo brings out a sudden buzz in his blood at the nearness of a blood Kusanagi: a slight, painful sear that makes his eyes narrow and his shoulders pull in like a dog hearing-- and hating-- some high-pitched, constant noise.

K' kind of just... stops walking, his loping pace fumbling and stuttering to a halt. It's so fucking weird, he thinks, to know that the innocuous guy before him is the reason for everything he's been through. To know that -part- of this man has been placed irrevocably within him. For a moment, the instinctive revulsion at those thoughts make him want to shrug out of his own skin: the sensation soon quieting to a mere crawl of the nerves: a twitch of his right hand in its glove. He's not going to be able to stop himself. He knows it. Anger and curiosity are rising too fast in him, the coupled emotions overwriting sense.

Bristling, head bowed and steps stifflegged like a wolf trying to pick a fight, K' resumes walking, his pace grim and just a little too fast to be normal. It quickly starts intruding into Kusanagi's personal space. This is not smart, some rational, Maxima-inspired part of his mind tells him-- what are you going to accomplish by this? The rest of his mind, the part that's all K', just wants to -hurt- Kyo somehow for being able to have a normal life after wrecking K''s own... and as such, it just tells him to snarl a demanding sort of "...Kusanagi," once he's close enough to be heard.

In the back of his head, somewhere, Kyo is aware of K''s approach. But the rest of him is fixated on his hotdog. It's a really good hotdog. Finally, though, as K' gets close enough to say his name aloud and be heard, Kyo is stuffing the remainder of the 'dog in his mouth, turning slightly to look at the gene-altered fighter through a spill of dark brown hair. That's the only immediate acknowledgement he makes, though, continuing to chew his food, savouring it, enjoying it, before he finally swallows. Then he reaches a hand to his mouth and brushes away some crumbs, and a little bit of mustard.

"K', right?" Kyo wonders, pointing casually at the darker-skinned young man. Oh, he remembers, of course. And though he seems quite unaware of the attitude radiating off of K', he's in fact acutely aware of it; his casual stance and faint smirk are actually just kind of a challenge, in his usual almost unthinking defiance of random people but especially those who wish him personal harm. This is a long list. There's a brief pause from the older fighter, as he seems to consider K', head slightly tilted. "...You want a hot dog?"

An instinctive, convulsive growl pushes out of the back of the younger fighter's throat the instant Kyo points at him, the reaction strangely animalistic. A vague twitch plays out along the edges of his eyes as Kyo talks, almost as if the mere sound of Kusanagi's voice could stoke his rapidly-building anger all that much faster. His gloved hand, loose at his side, coils into a fist with a creak of leather and a grinding of metal. Muted beneath those other noises is the muffled sound of knuckles cracking.

Of all people, K' would not be likely to miss the faint challenge that emanates from Kyo's slack stance. And he is tempted-- very tempted-- to take it. The fury is coming off him nearly in waves, K' fixating on that infuriating little smirk of Kyo's with a maddened and unhinged sort of intensity. K' hisses a long breath in between his teeth, as if the chill air could cool his temper. It doesn't work, and afterwards his teeth stay bared. It's a virulent look that soon graduates to something worse at Kyo's last, seemingly-innocuous inquiry. A curl of the upper lip mingles a sneer with a literal, canine-baring snarl.

K' sucks in a harsh breath. And grins jaggedly, the look absent any humor or real emotion other than mad recklessness. A shoulder lifts in a dismissive shrug, the indifference of it a blatant lie. "...You're in my way," he finally grates, and from the look of him-- the tone of his voice-- that's definitely meant in more ways that just one.

Well, one guesses that's a 'no' on the hotdog. Shrugging blithely, Kyo straightens up, his dark eyes briefly flitting towards that weird glove... But it might just be a trick of the light that it seems to happen at all, so soon are his eyes meeting K''s. In response to that sneer, the older fighter's smirk seems to deepen, pulling more at his face, reflecting perhaps amusement at the implied threat of K''s whole stance and demeanor and, indeed, existence. He's distressingly used to that sort of thing.

"In your way, huh?" Kyo says, and you'd better believe he's heard that sort of thing before, too. But K' is... Different, isn't he? Not quite the same as all those other guys. He looks around, to the side, behind himself, but... It looks to /him/ like there's plenty of room on the sidewalk for both of them, so what's the younger man's damage, exactly? With a faint 'heh', Kyo tosses his head, leaning it back to look down his nose at the white-haired youth. "Well then... Why don't you move me?"

K''s hand twitches visibly, fingers abruptly uncoiling into a tense sort of claw. This happens in conjunction with Kyo's brief glance towards it. Perhaps it happens because of it. Self-consciousness and rage war their way up and down K''s entire tensed frame, anticipation mixing with fear mixing with a horrible temptation to test himself against the original Kyo Kusanagi. To see the real extent of his incompleteness.

Just how far is he from the real Kyo? Just how much did he fail? Can he gauge, quantitatively, the degree to which he simply didn't measure up? He has to know, and he only knows one way in which to prove he's not completely devoid of worth.

K' bristles visibly. His heels set hard, grinding immovably into the pavement as his stance opens; his shoulders slope in bestial, posturing threat, the motion shrugging his burden to the ground effortlessly. Kyo's amusement is wreaking havoc on K''s emotional state, running around and punching every single one of the younger fighter's buttons it can find. A twitch plays along the line of his brows. Why don't you move me. That sounds like a dare. K', being his sister's brother...

"Why don't -you-," K' grits in retort, "take this back?" And with an abrupt motion his gloved hand cuts air, a ring of unmistakable crimson fire blazing towards its true owner without warning. "I didn't ask for it..."

COMBATSYS: K' has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
K'               0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Kyo has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Kyo              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0               K'

COMBATSYS: Kyo blocks K''s Eins Trigger.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Kyo              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0               K'

It was sort of inevitable from the start, wasn't it, that things would go this way? Kyo knows it, Kyo can feel it... In a way, he even anticipates it. Heck, he was kind of provoking it. The abrupt motion is forseen, and even as that whirl of flames comes at him Kyo's arms are lifting, taking the brunt of the fiery damage against his guard, the force knocking him back a little... Just a little. "Hmph," he mutters, a bit disdainfully. "Is that it?" Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out those distinctive black and yellow gloves, tugging them into place. The fingers of his right hand snap, and crimson flame dances over it for just a second before extinguishing.

"Lemme show you how it's done, huh?" Kyo says rather rhetorically, already lunging in with a frighteningly fast punch aimed right at K''s guard, his fist followed by a trail of flames. If that first punch lands, then he steps forward and strikes with his other fist, finishing off by twisting around in a spinning heel kick. "More like that!!"

COMBATSYS: K' endures Kyo's Aragami.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Kyo              0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0               K'

A sort of pained, horrible amusement sinks into K''s narrowed yellow eyes as Kyo simply dismisses his fire. It's a look self-castigating, but still too proud to show shame. So. It barely even moved him. Is that it, Kyo asks; and for a mortifying, breathless instant, K' just hasn't got an answer. Perhaps, he thinks in a moment of dread, NESTS wasn't just being truthful to him about his failed potential, his lack of worth-- perhaps they were understating just how short he'd fallen. Perhaps they were trying to delude themselves too.

K' has fought too many fights to be unaware of how crippling it can be to let a bad blow or two early on hamstring confidence. But here, it seems shaken confidence won't be as great a problem as lost temper-- as frustration. For K''s already coping with those moments of terrible thought in the only way he knows how, getting distance through the only emotion he can: utter fury. He storms clear into Kyo's attack with a sort of vicious anticipation, pain bursting in white-hot flashes in his vision as those three strikes land: the last he gives before lest it snap him in half, his center of balance swinging low as he simply skids backwards several feet from the force of it.

Yeah. More like that. K' grins wildly at the words. The look is only a step removed from a snarl. "And here I was bracing to be impressed!" he hisses, before he simply lunges back forwards with a furious sort of recklessness. Stolen fire sparks about his right hand again. It whips around hard in a clawing, fire-ridden uppercut, the slashing upwards blow reminiscent both of Iori and of Kyo's own. Perhaps unwise... but then, sometimes K' is more interested in just being a dick.

COMBATSYS: Kyo endures K''s Crow Bite.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Kyo              0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0               K'

Fascinating, Kyo thinks in a dispassionate corner of his mind; he wasn't expecting K' to just sort of take it like that... But obviously the gene-altered fighter has a cunning plan in mind, and who is Kyo to deny him that? So when K' comes forward hissing mean, mean words and wipping around in that fiery uppercut, the Kusanagi heir just smiles faintly and lets it hit him. The flames sear at him, the force of the blow knocks him into the air as well, knocking him back into a seemingly uncontrolled backwards flip...

Until he lands on his feet.

"Not bad," he admits, in a tone that doesn't sound entirely certain. He's already advancing on K' again of course, with all due speed, seeking to catch the younger fighter with his extended right hand. If he catches K', he says: "Little more effort and I might have to try hard! BURN!!" he'll then roar, as a sudden explosion of flame engulfs K'!

COMBATSYS: K' blocks Kyo's Koto Moon Positive.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Kyo              0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0               K'

That wasn't what K' was expecting, either. K' follows through, certainly-- completes the move, lands lightly, rocks back warily in anticipation of potential aerial reprisal before sliding his heels back into a readied stance. But the disquiet in his amber eyes is clear, even as he shoves his stronger hand forward and pulls the other close in to his chest: thinking furiously even as he locks into that familiar stance. It was a hit, a solid one-- but it was one Kyo -chose- to take. That proves absolutely fucking nothing. He doesn't want to be -allowed- hits, he doesn't want to be -humored- or--

--Kyo lands on his feet, and immediately surges forwards again. K''s mind shuts off, his racing thoughts numbing down to background noise; his frustration becoming little more than a buzz in his consciousness, an everpresent motivator. Kyo's hand shuts in the front of K''s shirt, dragging the younger and lighter fighter forwards, and K' gets only a split second's worth of prep time before that sudden burst of flame consumes him. He uses the time to counter... fire with fire, his own flames warring with Kyo's in a haphazard defense that scatters the brunt of that explosion.

"Don't -patronize- me." His voice comes through the fire clearly enough, snapping with temper. "You've got no fucking right..." K''s armored hand snaps towards Kyo abruptly, taking advantage of their momentary proximity: instants from impact, it slams into a fist and drills forwards with surprising force.

COMBATSYS: Kyo counters One Inch from K' with Nue Tsumi.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Kyo              1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0               K'

"Hah!" Kyo laughs aloud as K' manages to avoid the worst of the explosive attack directed his way, using those stolen flames to his advantage. Okay, so maybe the kid is going to prove to be a little interesting? "Don't I?" wonders Kyo, at K''s snarling remark, and he sees that hand coming, can guess what it's going to do next... Which is why, rather unfortunately for K', one gloved hand snaps down on his wrist and guides the blow past Kyo as the more experienced fighter twists to one side...

And then drives his other fist down on the back of K''s neck, alight once again with crimson flame. It's obvious that the Kusanagi heir either has no compunction at all about applying his flames liberally, or maybe he's just trying to prove a point here. "See, you've got those flames, and that makes you kind of my problem, doesn't it? They're the mark of the Kusanagi, and me, I'm the greatest Kusanagi who ever lived." Humble, too. "Not to mention the future head of the family..."

K' is already exhausted. Not because of the fight, though it has been taking his utmost attention just to keep up with Kyo: a fact that grates at the back of his mind, disturbing his concentration and sharpening the edge of his frustration. No, it's not physical exhaustion that pulls at him. He's been trained to go without sleep for days, to fight without breaks for insane stretches of time. To endure, uncomplaining and largely unaffected, things that would kill or knock out any ordinary person.

It's his own emotional volatility that is burning him out. Anger is making him reckless, allowing the calmer Kyo to simply take him apart methodically. K' attacks heedlessly, and the Kusanagi heir simply twists around his blow simultaneous with a crippling strike of his own. Unbalanced already, K' is easily sent stumbling to his knees by the hit, and for a few blinding moments he's so angry-- with Kyo, with himself, with everything that's led up to this encounter-- that the blinding pain of it almost stands on par with the pain of Kyo's blows.

K' barks a spate of bitter laughter, pulling himself angrily to his feet. Perhaps not the best idea, standing up so quickly-- so roughly-- but damned if he'll stay on his knees. "No... you -don't-," he spits, swiping blood from his mouth where he'd bitten his lip. "I didn't ASK for this-- for your fire, for your mark. But I guess I -am- your problem, aren't I? You're mine. Without you... I wouldn't be here."

He whirls to face Kyo in a burst of fire, flames concentrating before him: his lean, light figure whipcracks, a kick smashing into the fire to send it bolting at Kyo. "So if you're going to make me your problem... what are you going to -do- about it...?" K' seems like he already knows what he wants to do.

COMBATSYS: Kyo blocks K''s Second Shoot.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Kyo              1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0               K'

"Seems to me /you're/ just gonna complain about it," Kyo replies, backing up a bit to give the gene-altered fighter some more room, his stance still rather relaxed, though he's watching K' sharply. Whatever words are leaving his mouth, he's /not/ taking K' lightly - well, not more lightly than he takes most fighters anyway. "Who is there that gets just what they want in life and nothing else, huh?" Man, making Kyo of all people be philosphical? He's gonna take it out of K''s hide, that's for sure. The sudden burst of flames from K' casts an odd light on Kyo's face, and then those flames are kicked towards him... And Kyo's arms come up in the way.

"Too slow," Kyo says, as the flames smash into his guard, and whirl around his arms. Even as he drops his guard, those crimson flames continue whirling around his forearms, the flames strengthening, an aura of yellowish-crimson building around him, 'threads' of flame and chi rising off of his form as his power builds. "C'mon, K'!! What are YOU gonna do about it?!"

COMBATSYS: Kyo gathers his will.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Kyo              1/--=====/=======|=======\-------\0               K'

K' jaw vises shut on whatever retort he might have had, the angry words swallowed like a shot. They certainly burn just as painfully, going down. Sure. Nobody gets just what they want in life. But most people at least get something. -Kyo's- got something. -More- than just something. K'? K' doesn't even have a god damn name. So, as far as K' is concerned... Kyo and his philosophizing can just piss off. The erstwhile experiment remains largely unmoved.

It's either fearlessness or plain stupidity-- and most likely, just the latter-- but K' just holds his ground in the face of the fire-wreathed Kyo, his entire form wound grimly tight: tense and spring-coiled. Breathing steadily, evenly, his yellow eyes fix on Kyo's dark ones. An abrupt grin cuts through the intent look on his face, the slightly-mad expression recklessness incarnate: the expression proof that, just like a beast, K' smiles the most when he's feeling his most threatening. Or threatened. What's K' going to do about it? The reply is low, so much so it's almost lost under the growl of Kyo's fire. "What do you -think-, Kusanagi...?"

K' mirrors Kyo then, fire buliding around his own arms: the look of it different, the mechanics and intent largely the same. The gesture is mocking, but the derision is not solely directed at Kyo. Tension builds in the back of his mind, a vague nervousness almost like the performance anxiety he used to get around those NESTS scientists who'd grade everything he did from getting up in the morning to the speed he could do laps in a pool. He pushes the disquiet down. Go ahead, go ahead and fucking hit him, Kusanagi.

COMBATSYS: K' gathers his will.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Kyo              1/--=====/=======|=======\===----\1               K'

Pressure. Pressure is exactly what it is, the weight of the presence of the Kusanagi heir as his power builds to its maximum. Kyo watches K' build up his own power, marshalling his strength for what is sure to be a powerful assault of his own, and the older fighter gives a slight, rueful shake of his head. If that's how the kid wants to play it, fine by him. "All right then," he says, and that aura around the Kusanagi fighter intensifies, builds, until he indeed seems to be /on fire/. Where's he going with this? Nowhere good, that's where.

His right hand raises, the flames seeming even more intense there, raging, seeking to consume something, anything; and then with sudden speed Kyo darts forward, bringing his flaming hand across his body as he gets closer to K'. "...EAT THIS!!" Kyo bellows, his voice seeming magnified and strangely echoed by the outpouring power as his hand sweeps forth, sending a huge, raging storm of crimson fire bearing down on the gene-altered fighter, as pitiless and searing as the sun.

COMBATSYS: Kyo successfully hits K' with Orochinagi'.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Kyo              0/-------/-----==|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2               K'

K' just watches. He's seen this kind of thing before, seen it on any number of fight tapes. Not just after breaking away from NESTS, either. As an operative, as an assassin, he's never had anything much to do outside of missions or training, so sometimes in his free time... he'd just watch and rewatch this, staring at what he'd been meant to be capable of doing and wondering if he would ever get there-- or if he'd hit the ceiling somewhere before it, consigned to mediocrity like the scientists were so convinced he would be.

That was maybe two years ago that he started doing this. Kyo could manage these sorts of things even then. K' had thought he might be able to improve in two years' time, and he has. But he is -still not Kyo-. Nowhere near being Kyo. He realizes that again somewhere between the moment Kyo's fire gets under his guard and the moment the sacred fire erupts in a total and all-consuming storm of force. After that, there isn't much room around the pain for conscious thought.

Slammed back, K' goes skidding forcibly back in a long and bloody skid, skin tearing open along the rough pavement-- eventually, he hits a lamppost back-first with an ugly crack and a quickly bitten-back bark of pain. His body arrests instantly, coming to rest on its side and one ripped shoulder: the boy rolls dizzily thereafter back down to hands and knees, coughing blood and letting his head hang so the world will stop whirling.

Furious, frustrated, so angry he can barely see straight or think, he seizes the fire in his seething blood in a violent stranglehold and forces it to come out despite the sear it sends down his veins. If it -won't- come out, he'll likely just try to kill Kyo tearing out his throat with his teeth-- but it does, reluctantly, and the first thing K' does is he sears his own abraded wounds shut so the slick blood won't slip him up. The additional pain doesn't even register, and if it did he wouldn't care. His body can just fucking -take- it for failing him, for being too slow, for not being good enough.

Really, it was that rueful look about Kusanagi that pisses him off the most.

K' resurrects from his own gore with a painful, deliberate sort of slowness. He eases himself up gingerly, panting shallowly-- trying to think or focus past his own anger. It doesn't work. When he abruptly bolts clear at Kyo in a reckless, storming rush, stepping clear out of mundane sight-- his initial slowness little more than a diversionary sort of show-- he's not focused on anything at all other than his own aimless fury.

COMBATSYS: K' can no longer fight.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kyo              0/-------/-----==|

COMBATSYS: Kyo fails to counter Chain Drive from K' with Nue Tsumi.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
Kyo              0/-------/-======|

K' tears out of his 'teleport' with a mindless, bestial sort of ferocity. He rips into Kyo with the last of his quickly-waning strength, a desperate sort of frenzy to his blows as he just tries to inflict as much pain as possible before his own body gives out. The assault can only be described as a seamlessly-chained series of blows, alternating between high and low so that each one leads into the other smoothly with as much kinetic force as possible built up between hits. Each strike is paired-- each downwards hit coupled with a rising follow to knock Kyo back upright and keep him in range. It stops only when K' physically can't -move- any more, the boy exerting the last of his fire in a blasting strike that takes him through Kyo... and back to hands and knees in a stumbling fall.

...Kyo had a plan, you know. A good plan. A really, really mean plan. After the Orochinagi crashes into K' with monstrous force, the Kusanagi heir straightens up, the aura around him bleeding off, and he looks, well, smug. Self-satisfied. When K' manages to /get up/ afterwards, he's almost impressed. When the gene-altered fighter comes after him, Kyo sees openings, plenty of them, already reaching for a perfectly timed move that will surely stop K' dead in his tracks and destroy his confidence for all time.

And /then/, K' speeds up suddenly.

The impossible, nearly teleporting speed is simply too much for Kyo, whose fingers brush by K''s arm during the first of the younger fighter's strikes, but then Kyo is well and truly caught by the assault, knocked back and battered, finally blasted away by that last, fiery attack. Kyo lands in a heap.

And then he pushes himself up, slowly at first but gaining in surety the closer he gets to his feet, finally getting them underneath himself without a wobble. "Sheesh," says Kyo, brushing one hand through his hair to bring it out of the disarray K' put it in. "Is that really all you've got? I barely even broke a /sweat/!" He sounds... Almost disappointed.

COMBATSYS: Kyo has ended the fight here.

For a long few moments, K' almost hopes Kyo won't get up. But eventually, terribly, the Kusanagi heir does pull himself to his feet. He comes, in fact to a quite steady stand-- a thing which K' simply cannot, despite how much he might want to right now... manage quite yet. K''s head turns aside, shock-white hair obscuring his features as he spits blood bitterly... and he just drops his head as Kyo blusters, too breathless for a retort and too angry to speak around the rage choking his throat even if he weren't.

Presently, K' does manage to get up. But he won't be throwing any more attacks. He just stalks his slow way past Kyo, ignoring him in a manner not like an upset child. Or like a cat that fell off a windowsill and doesn't want to admit it. He doesn't miss a step as he snares his things by a strap. He just keeps walking. But he does, finally, say something; if only a brief, sneering, "Keep telling yourself that..." A brief pause. "And enjoy it while it lasts."

Watching K' go, Kyo doesn't even flinch a little as the younger fighter brushes past him with that sneering remark. "Heh," Kyo chuckles, turning his back on the deparing K', the blazing sun emblem of the Kusanagi large on the back of his jacket and in full, ostentatious view should K' choose to look back at him. Whether he does or not though, Kyo keeps on walking! At least he got a little exercise on this stroll.

Log created on 17:26:53 12/25/2007 by K', and last modified on 17:32:00 12/26/2007.