Description: 'Tis the Season! Yurika, feeling indebted to Ninon, shows her appreciation with an X-Mas visit.. And is in for a surprise when she finds Ninon's gift is completed.
Do witches even celebrate christmas? Yurika Kirishima actually wasn't one to know for sure, but this time of year, if even the musician herself can get into the holiday spirit, maybe Ninon will as well. Seijyun is actually well known for their 'Not-Very-Secret Santa' games, and the gifts given are usually cookies, chocolates, or hand-made kerchiefs.. maybe even an inexpensive gift or two.
Actually Yurika never even got Ninon as her Secret Santa, she's just in a very generous mood. As it crawls toward evening, Yurika makes her way out of her room dressed in not a blue dress, but an almost festive red, slower-print dress with plenty of frills and lace. Over one shoulder is a red and black bag with a long shoulder strap. In the other is a drink tray, with three tall cups that have no name brands on it.
Hopefully the witch is home because she's knocking lightly on the door without even knowing for sure that Ninon has returned.
For a moment, there is no answer from inside the room. Perhaps Ninon is not in? But after a few moments, the door opens to reveal the sorceress. She herself is wearing a different outfit from the norm, though it is in a similar taste to her normal black outfit, only with a bit more red. Yurika might remember it as the outfit the girl had been wearing the night that Mignon had chased Yurika's little friend around the school. "Oh, Yurika, I hadn't expected anyone tonight. But I suppose it is okay if you come in." She opens the door wider, to allow the other girl inside.
The interior of the room, while not exactly cheerful, isn't nearly as dark as dismal as you'd expect from someone that holds themself in the manner that Ninon does. Against one wall is a large desk, with a tall mirror next to it. Sitting on the desk is an old antique doll that looks startling like a miniature Ninon. The outfit and the hair both look nearly exactly like the girl herself normally does, only smaller. Near the mirror is the door to a large closet. Perhaps most out of place is a rather advanced looking computer set up in a corner. Her bed is tucked away against the wall opposite the desk, and appears to have a small, fluffy kitten curled around a blue ribbon, napping. And lastly, sitting next to an old-fashioned changing screen, is a pastel-blue dress draped over a manniquin.
"Is there any particular reason you're here tonight, or is this simply a social visit?"
Yurika has.. Quite a few little friends (maybe not all as small as Kentou), so she may not remember the event to clearly immedietly. But she is quite endeared by the dress she sees Ninon in, it's quite familiar! "I apologize, I should have rung you first, but I was a little overexcited I confess. Thank you very much."
She's always pleased to see Ninon, maybe even seems a liiiittle more giddy than usual. But otherwise she's as proper and prim as always, trying not to let her eyes wander to much, and misses the dress in favor of the rather adorable kitten. Ah so it was true after all- Hopefully there won't be any complaints from the admin should they dare have the nerve. "Oh my goodness that is an adorable cat. Oh! Right, well it is a little of both actually, I wanted to give you something and.." she holds up the tray a little higher. "I brought some hot cider, I understand it's quite liked by americans this time of year. Was I correct?"
If there were complaints, Ninon would probably simply mock the people issuing them. She is allowed what she wants, and apparently what she wants is a cute little kitten. Try to deny her it, and its fireballs to the face for you! "That is Mirabelle. I had not intended to take on a familiar.." She is likely to forever insist it a familiar instead of a pet. "..but she proved worthy. While the others of her litter fled from me in fear, she had no shame and came right up to me to tell me what she wanted. So I decided to allow her to come with me." It had nothing to do with her being cute and Ninon secretly having at least one weakness, minor however it may be. "As for your sudden appearance, do not let it bother you. Actually, I had meant to seek you out myself before long. I have finished it, though just barely." The dress on display was, naturally, the one that she had promised Yurika so many nights ago. "I admit it is a bit more colorful and cheery then one I would chose for myself, but I was not designing for myself. This color blue is much more suitable for someone such as you then it is for I." She steps over to the manniquin. "It was...somewhat of a challange really, trying to think of what someone else might want. I must admit that I don't feel fully satisfied with the final product. Maybe it is because it is not intended for my own use. Still, it is worlds better then you could buy from some two-bit 'professional'. To think they would even call themselves such a thing, it makes me feel ill."
There's actually a faint smile on her face as she speaks. "Regardless, it is yours. If you wish to feel that you owe me something for it, then consider your cider a fair exchange. There's precious few things that remind me of home in this country, and even fewer that I care about."
"Maribel. That is quite fitting, and a rather impressive origin at that." Yurika actually never thought much of pets, really. Though like her brother she does have a bit of a fondness for dogs, but not the little ones like some would expect. "I never really did understand what the purpose of a familiar was but, I'm sure she does an acceptable job."
Yurika gives another small smile, though seems a bit taken aback by the idea that something was waiting for her. It wasn't that she had forgotten about the dress, but really had no idea how long such a project takes. The dress is presented to her and she raises her free hand to her chest, breath taken away. "Oh my goodness.. Ninon, it looks gorgeous, I can't believe it! It's marvelous!"
She sets her own items down, so that she can take the dress into her hands and just marvel at the work. Of course she really couldn't imagine Ninon wearing such a thing, but for herself it's absolutly perfect! "No no no, this is definatly amazing, if not one of your greatest for certain." Her dark eyes raise to look to Ninon once more, the musician positivly beaming. "Thank you so very very much, I will take excellent care of this dress." Cider.. Really doesn't seem like a fair trade to her, but there isn't much else she could really offer.
"I trust you remember why I crafted this in the first place." Trust Ninon to ruin a perfectly good moment with her snotty attitude. "It was not merely a gift, but a sign to remind you that you had begun to grow. I have never deemed another worthy to wear one of my creations before. I hold you in relatively high esteem, for the time being. See to it that you continue to advance as you have been, and do not be content in being second best. Except, perhaps, to me, but I suppose that if you were to truely become the person you seem to want to be, you couldn't even accept that. Should that be the case, I imagine we will eventually be enemies. Until that day comes, however, I suppose there is no reason to think about. We have other things on our mind nowadays, hmmmm? But even that can wait for now, I suppose."
Erp, oops. Yurika did make a slight boo-boo there, though it could easily be blamed by the time of year; she for a moment did forget, and as a result seems a bit embarassed about her excitement of the 'gift' of sorts. She goes quite silent during the somewhat haughty lecture, and gives a nod of agreement to her 'teacher'. She had never actually thought of the idea that one day herself and Ninon would end up becoming enemies and yet.. Somehow there is something poetic about it as well.
The feeling is shaken off though, as she gives a nod of her head and helps herself to a seat; not where the cat rests, of course. "Indeed, I gather in time I'll have to start making my move to causing disruption to the other schools. I feel I have enough manpower for it, I just need to work on a plan that will bring the smallest amount of trouble. President-wise though.." the student gives a little chuckle. "Well, the paperwork is still a bit numerous, I had no idea how many issues were going on within this school. Ah, that reminds me, I understand you had a little test with Ingrid. Between you and me, what do you think? Worth keeping around?"
"Ingrid. Hmmmm." A slight frown touches her face. "Of all the people I have ever met, she is perhaps one of the few I cannot really get a feel for. I cannot tell you that she will be reliable should she not agree with what you intend to do. However, she may be. It is annoying to have to admit to not knowing for sure. However, as far as mere combat prowess is concerned, she was not a disappointment. If you are able to maintain her loyalty, she will be worthwhile. If you think that you cannot, I recommend severing your ties with her immediantly. A strong chain has no use for weak links." She allows herself to taste the cider that Yurika had brought before she continues speaking. "I must confess I am glad to not have to deal with such issues as 'paperwork'. It is annoying enough tending to the silly schoolwork this school tosses at me. Little of it really matters. That said, don't try and get me to do so."
Allowing Ninon a moment to think, Yurika takes a sip from her cup as well. It's actually not a taste she's used to, but it is rather nice, especially with the caramel mixed in. Though she can certainly agree with Ninon that Ingrid often is difficult to get a grasp of- On the other hand, she had found out -why- that was the case as well. "Hmn, I see.. Well I certainly have to agree with all of your points, Ninon, but I'm pleased you see the same thing that I do if not a little more. As for the work, it's really not all that unpleasent for me, I do like keeping busy.. Sometimes I wonder if perhaps I'm a workoholic. And of course I wouldn't dream of making you do something you wouldn't want to." Though convincing Ninon to -want- to is another matter entirely! "So do you plan to return to America for the holidays?"
Whatever smile that was on her face vanishes once Yurika voices her last question. "Return home? For what? To visit parents that won't even be there? I can't even say that I would be able to avoid my sister. The moment she heard I had returned home, she would follow me, just like she did when I came here. No, there would be no reason for me to return home. I have everything that I need here. I have my things, Mirabelle, and a room that Mignon is not allowed to enter without my permission. I'm just as happy here as I could be. Besides, I'd be surprised if they even knew I was gone yet." Clearly she's got all sorts of family issues. "What of you? What do you intend to do for during this 'festive' time of year? Will you be spending quality time with your brother?"
Oh dear. Well, it seems Yurika most certainly did not hit a very pleasent point for Ninon. And yet, she's mildly suprised she doesn't seem to get much contact with any of her family. It's a shame; a bit of a waste really now that she thinks about it. But she gives an aknowledgeble nod anyway while taking another drink from her cup.
But then the question is brought back to her, and she gives a small shake of her head, "No.. Kurow doesn't think much of this particular time of year, really. So it's likely I'll just be here either training or catching up on work. I had been thinking about doing something for little Kentou at least. Also I did plan on holding a small celebration later in the month here; if you'd like to join you're more than welcome to. It'd be somewhat formal, however." Formal balls, probably not up Ninon's alley.
"I somehow expected an answer like that." She doesn't seem surprised a bit. "I do not much care for this time of year, myself. It seems so meaningless. If I care enough about someone, I do not need a day to tell me to treat them well. And if I do not, then some foolish holiday isn't going to make me more likely to shower gifts upon them." She sits on her bed, drawing a little meow from the fluffy white kitten. "I'll hear no complaints, Mirabelle. It is my bed, not yours." The kitten, rather then settling back down, trots up and begins to affectinonately rub against the red-clad Ninon. "....I grow somewhat tired, Yurika. If you would excuse me, I think I will get some rest. I shall consider attending your little get-together, if I have the time and inclination. I make no guarantees, however."
"Well that is true as well, when put in such a way.." But Yurika has her own thoughts of why such a time of year should be relished. There are just some parts of her that will always remain a softie. Yurika also has to fight back a smirk as Mirabelle shows no fear. NONE.
Yurika stands up, dropping her empty cup into Ninon's binny, and gives a small bow. "I understand, I won't hold you to any promises or anything like that, have yourself a good evening and I hope I'll see you again soon." Yurika proceeds to make her way to the door. Pauses. And turns her head, "Oh, and you as well, Mirabelle. Until next time."
And with that she goes and makes her exit. She seems calm and mature now, but the moment she gets to her room, she'll be extra squealy over her dress. It's almost like getting your next rank belt in karate after all!
Log created on 23:14:42 12/23/2007 by Yurika, and last modified on 03:40:28 02/10/2009.