Description: Shuffled from one person to another, Elfa's given over to Sakura in an attempt to find her some help and assistance.
Sakura's got a lot to think about now -- and not just with regards to driving. Luckily that's one less thing she has to worry about, as she's able to put the car into park at an appropriate location without totally destroying the thing. Does she get to keep this car now, or what? ... Somehow she's guessing 'no'. But that's something to be decided later.
Right now, there's more pressing concerns. Like what another ex-Shadaloo Doll is doing here, and why she was allowed to walk free. It's only been a few months since Sakura left the influence of Shadaloo, and yet Shadaloo had managed to completely acquire, and train, and subsequently lose an operative? It sounds fishy, really it does -- especially considering that as far as Sakura was able to tell, Vega had ceased to exist.
But Sakura's weary smile indicates very little of her actual thought processes. There's too many to count, anyway. "Well, we're here." Kasugano concludes, resting her elbows on the seat back as she looks Elfa over. "I don't know how long we're gonna have to wait though... I don't come here real often."
For her part, Elfa's been playing the role of 'curious passanger' quite well. It's not really a ruse - she's confused, and focused on the sights and sounds, trying to sort out where she is, what she's doing. There's been a lot of things gone odd in her life lately, from what she remembers of her kidnapping, already hazy, to the awakening and subsequent series of brutal fights that have ended with her getting passed around like a hot potato from fighter to fighter. In the end, she'd rather have gone home by now, thanks.
"I see. This is where you wanted to take me?" She cranes her head, cheek pressed to the glass of the window as she tries to look out at the building that they've parked by, fingers idly rubbing at the back of her neck. Making certain they still work, what with the amount of times she's been tied up as of late. Luckily for her, Sakura'd let her out of the wrist restraints earlier, but she still has to ask before she reaches down behind the chair. "Is it alright if I take the feet ones off, too? Otherwise, you might have to carry me in. Wouldn't want to give the wrong idea.." After all, does Kasugano /really/ need a kidnapping rap?
Kasugano can certainly empathize with Elfa here -- she'd been 'passed around' a few times in Shadaloo herself. It was good when she finally got some credit from the big man himself-- wait a minute, no, it SUCKED. That's the problem with having totally different personalities in your head -- bad, miswired memories!
Mentally slapping herself in the cheek, she cocks her head to the side. "Well it's not so much where I wanted to -take- you. I am trying to help you, y'know!" She grins eagerly -- yes, she did get a little defensive, but it's just to clarify a point! "And yeah, go right ahead, I'd only be carrying you if I beat you up." She pauses for a moment, then adds, "And that'd be by your choice, not mine!"
... Kasugano laughs a bit uncomfortably after that. "Heh, sorry. I should probably keep my day job, huh? Kinda tricky, though, since we barely know each other an' all." The Ansatsuken fighter scratches her cheek afterwards. "Though you'd prob'ly like to forget about me as soon as possible, though, huh? This can't be easy for ya."
".. I don't want to get hit again." Said simply, but with a lot of emphasis. She's woken up enough with bruises and things supposedly broken for the last week. Any chance to avoid it, she's more than willing to grab. She offers a nod, and then a little look of uncertainty. She's probably joking, right? She hasn't tried to punch Elfa yet, so she must be joking.
"just... maybe, yes. It's okay. I ... none of this has been very easy. When it's all over, maybe I can go back to what I enjoy doing. Do you think I'll be able to?" As she undoes the tie at her ankles, she ponders this, mostly asking the question so she can think it through herself. "Are there others like.. me and you?" Peppering Sakura with questions, even as she rolls her ankles left and right, makin sure they work after all they've been through. "... I'll be fine to walk, I think."
Kasugano smiles faintly, not quite realizing Elfa might not be picking up on all her colloquialisms. Maybe that's only making the confusion worse! So perhaps just thinking before speaking is a good plan. ... And she thinks long and hard on that. Can Elfa go back to what she enjoys doing? "Uhm... well... what do you enjoy doing?" She flashes an eager, if a bit vapid smile. She really -doesn't- know, and that whole 'getting to know each other' thing might be useful if she's going to try cracking jokes later without crashing and burning as she already has.
As for the question of whether there are others, Sakura thinks a moment on that as well: "... Mmm... others? Like me and... oh. Yeah. One's named Cammy. You might've heard her Shadaloo codename, Killer Bee." The headbanded schoolgirl scratches her cheek for a moment ,before adding, "Oh yeah, and Akira Kazama and Ken Masters had been with Shadaloo for a while, same deal, but they got freed whenever Vega got phlbtttt-ed." Yes, she makes 'phlbbt' sound with her tongue, cocking her head to one side sharply. "Just like me. But Cammy was freed a little bit before, with the help of the same person who helped me. Rose."
Names go by without a flicker of recognition, sadly. The term 'Killer Bee' is lost on her, as are the others. She files them away, though - Elfa's doing her best to follow along on this 'Shadaloo: The Condensed Version', but trying to do it from the inside is difficult, to say the least. "I used to ice skate. My father ... trains hockey players in Russia. He's led them to medals, too." She sounds proud of him - after all, he's her father. She /should/ be proud that he excels. She laughs a bit though, afterwards. "He is much more rough on the ice than I am, though. Gruff, like bear. I skate, he plays hockey." They're too different things, after all.
"So all are free, now? Do the others have problems with memories, voices? Do you keep in touch with them as well? Does this Rose?" She's honestly curious now, woman leaning forwards a bit, pale grey eyes wide open. "Did you know them before, or just because of being in this 'Shadaloo'?"
Kasugano starts with the short answer: "Mmm... well, I knew Akira and Ken before! Cammy, not so much. I haven't talked with any of them =lately= though, I'd been kind of busy with another fighting tournament."
And then, ice skating. Huh! That was mentioned before, come to think of it, but Sakura wasn't ever sure Elfa actually enjoyed it. That should be it, then! "Hockey and ice skating are close, but... not, yeah! I... I dunno, I'd probably get along with your father. I like getting rough!" Kasugano throws a weak air-punch just to demonstrate that when she said 'rough' she actually meant fighting. "But ice skating's fun. I'm no -good- at it, but it's neat going so fast!" Kasugano pauses for a moment, then adds, "Dependin' on how long you're here for, we might be able to go! See if you can shake the rust off, and maybe teach me a thing or two? It'd be fun, y'know?" Kasugano smiles, noddign cheerily.
There's a smile, and she nods eagerly. She /does/ enjoy that sort of activity. Nothing better than getting lost on a rink and swchooshing up a batch of frost onto someone. Mn-hmn. She leans back a bit, and then looks up at the ceiling of the car, checking her hands and feet one last time, then letting her shoulders slouch, tension running out.
"Da. I would. It will help pass the time." She's getting the idea now, that it may be a bit before she gets to go back home. And really, getting on the ice and being able to move a bit would certainly be better than anything else she can think of that waiting would entail. "Is there a place to do so around that you know? Or would we have to 'field trip'?"
Ice rink... at this hour? "Well... it's kind of late, so I dunno how much time we'd have -tonight-..." Kasugano scratches her cheek a bit, pulling her cellphone out and checking the time. "... Maybe a half hour or so if we get there in a hurry." Sakura isn't =terribly= enthused about getting to drive again, but better that than have a worried girl on her hands. And she knows how stressed -she- would be in Elfa's position. "Wanna try that?"
"Ah, no, no. I misspoke. I meant, 'after we met this person you wanted to meet'. We are here to see them, yes?" Elfa's talk is a bit confusing, yes - and the accent is certainly not helping herself be understood. She waves a hand towards the YFCC, as if trying to take it in. "We should stay here until we meet with them - if there is time to have to take afterwards, then it is alright. It has been.. long, long day." She stretches her arms over her head, pushing them against the car roof as if to work out some lingering kinks.
"Is time enough to bother you with skating later. More important to make it safe, so I can go home, da?" She offers an encouraging smile, and pats the seat back where Sakura sits. "There will be plenty time for happiness later. Now, more important things to focus on."
"Oh." Sakura's easy to misdirect! Just point and shoot. "Oh, yeah. Heh, sorry about that." Sakura slips out of the car, hopping from one foot to the other. Her leg was tensing up from all the stress of driving! "Yeah, totally with you there. It's super-long! We should probably get some rest, there's some cots inside so you can take a nap if you like." One that doesn't involve needles, that much is sure!
"But yeah. We need to make sure you check out, I mean... it's always possible that, like, the voices inside'll mess you up." Sakura pauses as she opens Elfa's door for her. "Oh, right, I never answered that before. Yeah. I get voices, sometimes. But most of them are gone. Usually it's just little stuff, like when I'm dreaming though... day-to-day, I don't get anything at all. Why... what do the voices say?"
"Sleep here tonite? It's safe?" Elfa isn't questioning Sakura's choice, just making certain that she's understanding the girl well enough. She turns towards the door as Sakura opens it, and then puts her hands on the upper edge of the roof, gripping the lip of the roof and door to steady herself. As she's told of the need for 'checking out', she nods her head firmly...
"It.. right then, I heard that grabbing the roof, I could flip up and over - and run before you could stop me." Honesty time! The 'former Doll' is still relatively in escape mode, for some reason. It's like her body thinks that everyone she has been in close contact with wants to punch her and is trying to avoid it! WHO KNEW!! She levers herself up to her feet slowly - making sure that she isn't trying to do anything that would earn her a punch, and then looks towards the door. "... Thank you for being willing to watch over what is going on. It is.. helpful to know I am not the only one that has dealt with this."
Kasugano bristles briefly as Elfa goes about planting her hands on the roof. Granted, she probably -needs- to, to stand after what she's been through, but she still -assumes- the girl was about to flip away. But really, that's all Sakura does: bristle, giving the twitchy ex-Doll the space she needs.
"You could, sure." Kasugano shrugs with a bright grin. "If you wanna run, go for it. I ain't gonna stop you." Kasugano even looks away for a moment, as if to prove this very notion.
But ... seeing that Elfa's still asking questions, Sakura's gonna turn back and give answers. "Yep! As safe as can be! This is the Youth Fighter's Community Center, it's pretty much neutral ground for just about anywhere. And I'll be with you, so yeah, it's safe!" She walks over to the front door, peering inside. Apparently there's only a couple staffers here for night watch -- enough, really. Turning back to Elfa, she holds the door open. "There's some food inside too. Simple stuff, like ramen noodles or whatnot, but we can order a pizza or somethin' while we wait!"sp
Kasugano bristles briefly as Elfa goes about planting her hands on the roof. Granted, she probably -needs- to, to stand after what she's been through, but she still -assumes- the girl was about to flip away. But really, that's all Sakura does: bristle, giving the twitchy ex-Doll the space she needs.
"You could, sure." Kasugano shrugs with a bright grin. "If you wanna run, go for it. I ain't gonna stop you." Kasugano even looks away for a moment, as if to prove this very notion.
But ... seeing that Elfa's still asking questions, Sakura's gonna turn back and give answers. "Yep, as safe as can be! This is the Youth Fighter's Community Center, it's pretty much neutral ground for just about anywhere. And I'll be with you, so yeah, it's safe!" She walks over to the front door, peering inside.
"And yeah. I don't mind at all! I just hated being... kept. You're a lot calmer than I was when I was about to be freed from Vega. I remember sayin' the meanest things to Cammy and Rose, but you're a real -angel- in comparison!" Apparently there's only a couple staffers here for night watch -- enough, really. Turning back to Elfa, she holds the door open. "There's some food inside too. Simple stuff, like ramen noodles or whatnot, but we can order a pizza or somethin' while we wait!"
Log created on 22:08:11 12/15/2007 by Elfa, and last modified on 18:40:15 03/21/2008.