To sleep, perchance to dream?
Most dreams don't take place in the Shadaloo base, and certainly, most dreams don't involve overly-chinned dictators hanging around in them. He's not quite 'normal' here, more of an 'essence of evil' sort of thing. Giant, pervasive - and not at all friendly. He waits, on his throne, hands folded under his chin, blank white eyes staring forwards. What he waits for, well - recognition, perhaps. Acknolwedgement.
What the hell. One moment C.Jack's taking a siesta out in the open of a nice field, looking at the clouds through the small slips in his straw hat, and the next he's standing about in a damn right triangle with a giant thro-oooooooooh he knows where he is now.
C.Jack's bearings are finally gotten when he notices the overly chinned 'leader' he had before everything took a turn for the worse. Pretty decent guy, at least, at making sure things go his way. Hey. The violence was more than enough, that's for sure, and recognization Vega gets.
"Lord Vega, so what do I owe this visit? Been paying some of the brats that didn't learn to keep their noses out a few visits lately."
It takes a moment for Vega to speak. When he does, it's slow, methodical. Everything that the Shadaloo leader ever was. He rises to his feet, starting to pace around. Fingers clutch into fists, and his gaze drops away from C.Jack. "It has been some time. I am here for a few reasons... First, to remind those who followed Shadaloo of their loyalty." His eyes flick back up, trying to stare into the soul of the brawler. "Yours has never been in question, I believe. What have you heard of the others?"
As Vega finally does speak up, the hispanic man's listening alright. Been a while since he's heard from the guy, that's for sure, and as Vega begins to pace, Vega begins to speak. Well enough, C.Jack thinks, considering this is one of those dreams.
Course it sure ain't a real dream. Dreams can't stare into his soul like Vega does now. "Don't think I'd ever think otherwise. Best working conditions, and I'm happy with what I do. About the others? Just that. Nothing. Don't know where they are, don't know what they're doin', don't have a clue at all. They could be anywhere." C.Jack raises his hat, actually looking at Vega. He doesn't do that for just anyone.
It's appreciated. Quite different than the way that dealing with Sagat vexes him, meetings with this man make the Lord of Shadaloo feel almost magnanimous. Almost. After all, he's given up most of his 'nice feelings' in a quest for power... but not having to fight someone just to get the time of day is a welcome occurrence. "Good. I have set plans in motion, ones that will lead to Shadaloo's... to my return to glory. The fools that thought they could impact our effect on the world will learn soon enough how wrong they are." He chuckles at the thought - the eventual payback that will come when things have passed to the appropriate times, the pain that they will suffer.. It warms the heart.
"I expect you to continue doing what you are doing, but I am also searching for something - a task I give to you, because of my trust in you. Do not fail me in this - it is an honor I save for few." He pauses, debating how much to give as information, settling after a few moments with at least a small hint of what he needs. "... There was a woman, recently freed from one of Shadaloo's bases, who is ... important to me." He offers a rough description - specifically 'Looks like Cammy, except with brown and silver hair'. "... If she's escaped my control, she'll find a way to make herself recognizable."
"Plans, eh? Now that I can look forwards too." Oh, and how. Going back up, getting things done. C.Jack isn't someone to just laze around, and with a lack of things happening, and the students getting down to what really matters, winter break, C.Jack's going to be pleeeenty free in what he can do.
"They can't really. I know that for sure. They can try, they can stick their necks out, but I knew you weren't gone. Ain't like you." Leaning against a pillar, if there is one, C.Jack stretches out. "Long as I get to help with the payback." A task too? Wow, Vega's giving him something alright.
And like hell if he's going to fail. "You can count on that. I don't think I plan on failing. Especially when it's important. And when you're putting your trust into me, too." Small hint, 'eh? C.Jack leans.. and then hears. "Woman, freed from our compounds? Now that ain't nice of whoever went in here." Looks like cammy, well, that'll leave it to a few. "Recognizable? What do you mean, like, make herself more important, stand out?"
"She's designed to... find ways to draw attention to herself. A fighter, now - I'm certain you'll see, when the time is right." Vega can't give /too/ much away. He should know he can trust C.Jack by this time, but old habits are very hard to break. "Your assistance here makes you instrumental in this payback, C.Jack - and when I am there to finalize that revenge, I am absolutely certain you'll be by my side." After all, /he/ won't fail Vega. Vega's more certain by this time that this is the case. He's said the right words, done the right things - and he's more than able to affect the plan that Vega has. With that, he turns to other objects. "What have you been doing? What do you have to report of your own business?"
Designed to draw attention to herself AND a fighter. "Alright, I guess I will. I'm not one to argue that." Vega can't, no, but maybe he can. Even if he can DOES HE WANT to is a completely different thing. It doesn't matter, and old habits are indeed hard. C.Jack still can't stop punching people in the face after this long.
That counts for something, right? "I think I'll be more than happy to help in this payback, and I'll make sure that I'm on your side. After all, when I finish this up.. you aren't going to forget who helped, eh?" C.Jack's grinning, but it's not a bad grin.
His own business? Well, that's his own but he can't argue with it. Brushing himself off, standing up straight, C.Jack reports. "Kept whatever members of yours that I could find in good condition. Been pretty busy. Been picking fights, too, with those who got involved. They're going to remember to stay away next time.. did a few underground fights for some chick. All self righteous and selfish. Eh, screw em."
True enough - Vega /will/ remember who stood by him after this. There will be some reshuffling of the right-hand men after this, and the truly loyal will be rewarded well. "No, no - my memory is perfect... especially when it comes to betrayal and retruibution. Your loyalty will serve you well." He actually grins there, a rictus sort of smile, certainly without any warm emotions in it. "You are doing what you need to do - keep at it, and I will check in from time to time. When the time to act comes, you will know. Goodbye, Jack. Keep up your ... good work."
At that, he fades. The base around lingers a bit longer, but after that, it's gone - and Jack is left to whatever his sleepy mind can give him to think over. Except the Dolls. No dreaming about them. EVER >_>
A Rictus smile with one BIG CHIN. But C.Jack looks past the chin, straight towards the man. Vega. "I'm sure it is.. remembered me after this long. Was kinda busy during Thailand, unfortunately, too many new soldiers, not enough time. This time, I won't make that mistake." And it looks like Vega's got some plans as well. Keep at it? Oh, he'll keep at it. Violence is certainly something he can keep up with.
Especially DIRECTED violence. As the base lingers, before disappearing, C.jack begins to think of something alright.
And it immediately starts with a bat towards that chick he met before. Now that's what good dreams are made of. Bats to faces.
Log created on 20:52:23 12/11/2007 by Vega, and last modified on 16:41:16 03/20/2008.