Yurika - BEST: Yurika vs Ingrid

Description: Not much to say here, Yurika re-evaluates her now-schoolmate with good old-fashioned dueling as her measuring stick. It's explosive.

With winter rearing its ugly head over the home of proper students, Seijyun High School, the flower garden isn't quite with the same beauty it holds during the other seasons. Most all of the flowers have been moved into the greenhouse, leaving the small fields with just grass and stronger plants to tough it out during the winter. The sky is cloudy and the snow is light, it's the kind of atmosphere that Yurika Kirishima had grown increasingly fond of lately.. Especially toward the evening when the overhead lights will turn on soon.

Yurika can be easily spotted once entering the garden sitting on a bench and clad in her usual garb, with an larger shawl than usual over her shoulders. In her hands this time around is a silver mug, she using the cap as a cup to sip her steamy tea from. But what's she doing out here by herself, hiding perhaps? That's be somewhat true, she had sent an invitation to Ingrid, though it an invitation of challenge. It had been some time since they fought, it'd be good to re-gauge her very close 'companions' strength when deciding upon the missions in the future.

Ingrid is not one to miss an appointment, especially when it's to meet someone she considers a friend, even if the reverse may not be true. Despite the loss of beauty given by the flowers that once populated the Seijyun garden, it remains a lovely place. One mustn't spurn something simply because of the loss of some beauty, after all. Though the temperatures have dropped Ingrid doesn't appear to need to bundle up more than usual, the climate of her native country having quite a lot to do with that. Though she normally prefers to show up early this time Ingrid appears at the entrance to the garden exactly on time.

The moment she sees Yurika a warm smile comes to her features, and she walks over to the elegant young woman and stops a few paces away. "It's good to see you again, Yurika. I hope that things have gone well for you since your return?" She hadn't met her face to face since the little vacation, had she? "I'm afraid things on my end are as static as ever, though hopefully that will change soon."

In the middle of taking a sip from her own cup, Yurika turns her head and while there is a look of mild suprise at first in her eyes, they then look especially delighted upon seeing her psionic friend. There's no need to use powers to see she's perhaps more delighted than usual to see the part-time student.

Yurika stands up, finishing the cup and then settles the cap upon the canister again as she greets Ingrid with a bow. "It's always a pleasure to see you as well, Ingrid. Things haven't changed very much here, I'm still rather busy.. But it is calming down, thankfully. But it distresses me to hear such a thing, Ingrid, I'm afraid at the moment I don't have any reconnaissance work for you. But I could probably find something if I look a little harder."

The musician gives a light shake of her head. "Which, of course, brings us to why we are here now. Did you have your match with Ninon yet by the way?"

Seeing Yurika respond so warmly to her presences is a definite lift for Ingrid, though she keeps it from appearing too terribly much on her features- she wouldn't want to embarrass her, after all. "I suppose there will be rather a lot of work to be done until everyone is settled into the council." A soft little laugh comes from her and she makes a dismissive gesture, "And don't think of making more work for yourself to try and keep me busy, if there's anyone to blame for that it's myself. If I was so truly disturbed by how things have been going I'm sure I'd have at least made an attempt to correct them by now."

A slight nod is given, "I have. Ninon is a very resourceful young woman, isn't she? I must admit that some of her abilities were rather surprising. I can't help but feel at least a little jealous of her teleportation technique, it's very impressive." Ingrid did end up winning the fight, and by a good margin, but it's not something she's going to say unless it's asked of her- she wouldn't want to look like she was insulting Ninon.

"Hmn, that is a good point, I shouldn't have overlooked such an obvious act. But if you do need a hand, please don't hesitate to ask for my help. And I agree, things should be matching along soonish, if everything goes as planned."

Yurika glances to her thermos a moment, then goes ahead to set it down on the bench, where it'd seem her violin case resides as well. She removes the violin within and with that done, she re-addresses the norwegian. "Yes, as I said she has some very interesting abilities and I was sure you'd find something interesting of it as well. I'm quite pleased you did. And I'm hoping everyone will be able to work togeather well. Now then with that said.."

Her smile appears again, she pointing her sharp tipped violin bow toward Ingrid. "I would like to begin my re-evaluation. I have no doubt you'll be as impressive as I remember but as we've already agreed upon.. It's been quite some time."

COMBATSYS: Yurika has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Yurika           0/-------/-------|
1 health gauges: Yurika (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Yurika0

"I'm sure that with you at the helm things will come along quite smoothly, and if any bumps to show up they'll be quickly dealt with." Despite any worries Yurika might or might not have, Ingrid certainly seems confidant in her ability to lead. "If I do need something I'll make sure to ask, have no fear of that."

"She certainly does. I'd like to thank you for introducing me to her, Yurika. Perhaps I'd have ended up meeting her anyway since we're both going to be a part of the council, but I do appreciate that you helped me meet her." If she gets along with everyone else as well as she does with Yurika and Ninon, there's little doubt the newly forming group will get along quite nicely together.

Ingrid didn't miss the significance of the retrieving of the violin, and she gives a slight nod while moving into a much more relaxed stance. "I definitely agree with you, it's been far too long. Fighting can be a rather enjoyable activity as well; especially among Ladies."

COMBATSYS: Ingrid has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ingrid           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Yurika
2 health gauges: Ingrid (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Ingrid0Yurika0

Yurika's eyes seem to soften a bit, and her cheeks pinken a little. If anyone asked, she'd say it was due to the cold weather, of course. With another small shake of her head, the musician replies, "N- No, you flatter me too much, Ingrid. But it does please me to hear you say such a thing. I hope to meet your expectations then. Everyones expectations."

Yurika's stance then straightens, standing on the tip of her toes for just a moment, and the snow seems to come down just a little harder as the battle prepares to start. "Hmn that much is true, especially with your hobby of choice. But 'the sooner the better', correct? And that said.. En guarde!" Yurika rushes forward, and thrusts her bow forward to try and slip it under Ingrids arm. The motion is swift as she twists to the side and tries to toss her opponent to the side and groundward.

COMBATSYS: Ingrid dodges Yurika's Quick Throw.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ingrid           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Yurika
2 health gauges: Ingrid (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Ingrid0Yurika0

A tiny bit of a humored expression forms on her features at the reaction, and after she's responded to with denial Ingrid lifts a hand and oh-so-slightly waggles a single finger, "Now, now, Yurika. If you're going to be the class president you're going to need to learn to accept compliments." Especially if she intends to do a good job of it, and why would she try to do it poorly? But she won't press her any harder than that, a slight teasing nudge should be enough.

Being time to spring into action, Ingrid waits for Yurika to commit to her attack and then nimbly steps to the side, the bow harmlessly slipping beside the outside of her arm. A moment later she twists around at the hip and extends her leg, sending a quick but not so dangerous kick towards Yurika's side.

COMBATSYS: Ingrid successfully hits Yurika with Light Kick.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Ingrid           0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0           Yurika
2 health gauges: Ingrid (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 27 of 30. Super: 1 of 16.Ingrid0Yurika0

Yurika's response to Ingrid finger-waggle is a somewhat embarassed giggle. Well it was true, though the truth was she was much more used to getting praise from her brother- Anyone else and it would be easily brushed off in most circumstances. Obviously this wasn't one of those circumstances. Yurika seems impressed with Ingrid's evasion, she shouldn't be suprised by it of course, she can remember their last fight quite well. She'll have to be more crafty this time.. She had let herself get a tad rusty doing nothing but deskwork and solo training.

Yurika lets out a slight grunt of pain, Ingrid timed the kick well it'd seem, her balance flinches for only a moment. Yurika doesn't press a counter-attack, she instead actually hops back slightly, and raises her bow to her nose in a moment of concentration, shifting the chi within her body. "I'm certain I needn't say this but, this isn't exactly a friendly match, Ingrid. No holding back, nor do I intend to, all right?"

COMBATSYS: Yurika focuses on her next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Ingrid           0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0           Yurika
2 health gauges: Ingrid (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 27 of 30. Super: 1 of 16.Ingrid0Yurika0

Upon the hit Ingrid's leg retracts quickly so she can keep her mobility at it's maximum, only to find that Yurika is holding back momentarily. This is actually a good thing to Ingrid, as she tends to prefer careful planning herself. She's definitely going to make use of the time Yurika has given her, watching the silver haired girl carefully.

"Oh, come now, Yurika." A warm smile spreads on her face, "There's no reason that we must hold back in a friendly match. As Ninon stated herself, it would be insulting to withhold any of my strength," She then adds an extra bit, "when you hadn't asked me to." This is partially a test of her abilities, and not giving it her all would be dishonest. "By all means, do your very best, and I will as well."

COMBATSYS: Ingrid focuses on her next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Ingrid           0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0           Yurika
2 health gauges: Ingrid (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 27 of 30. Super: 1 of 16.Ingrid0Yurika0

"I see.. You must forgive me I do not have many.. Matches of that sort myself." Yurika murmurs, not that she really seems to mind confessing such a thing, she's the type to not really battle unless she feels otherwise but.. Lately she's been feeling the pressure to keep her skills sharp, if not to try to push them further. Even if she may be strong enough to defeat Akira now, it's no reason to stop there.

She had a reputation to upkeep with the other girls. Now then, Ingrid has paused a moment as well, but Yurika is certain she's the faster to prepare, the moment where it seems Ingrid's guard is down isn't wasted. Yurika moves forward, faster than before, and makes a very quick jab of her weapon at the gut. Careful, the tip is pointy!

COMBATSYS: Ingrid dodges Yurika's Weapon Jab.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Ingrid           0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0           Yurika
2 health gauges: Ingrid (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 27 of 30. Super: 1 of 16.Ingrid0Yurika0

"I'd like to think that our first match against each other was of that kind. It's nothing to fret over, in any case." The thought that Yurika might be the kind of person who only fights when they feel they must hasn't occurred to Ingrid, who tends to enjoy sparring of a light hearted nature, as well as fights that have something riding on them.

Ingrid's careful scrutiny of Yurika's fighting posture pays off when the taller girl comes at her with the bow again. It gives her just enough time to see the attack coming in time to get out of the way, doing so not only by stepping to the side, but closer to Yurika as well. It's a close thing, but she manages to barely avoid the little stab. Her reasons for moving in closer are immediately apparent, her left hand quickly coming up from it's low position and swinging forward, a potent stream of sparkling golden energy pouring out from it as it swipes through the air. "Yah!"

COMBATSYS: Yurika dodges Ingrid's Sunburn.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Ingrid           0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0           Yurika
2 health gauges: Ingrid (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 28 of 30. Super: 0 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 27 of 30. Super: 1 of 16.Ingrid0Yurika0

Yurika hmns. But she doesn't respond verbally to Ingrid's first comment. What she herself remembers is only how the girl faught, and the frustration she had felt herself amidst it. So Ingrid managed to slip away though, but the musician wasn't in quite as bad a position herself. It was almost as if she could feel the energy building up, and she's able to get that burst of extra effort early dropping into a slight crouch, turns and sweeps low to slip behing Ingrid, the gorgeous energy little more than just a light show as a result.

Yurika is quick to counter-attack this time, raising her right knee and then thrusts her mary-jane clad foot at the small of Ingrid's back. It's a simple move, but quite graceful in execution!

COMBATSYS: Ingrid blocks Yurika's Light Kick.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Ingrid           0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0           Yurika
2 health gauges: Ingrid (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 27 of 30. Super: 1 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 27 of 30. Super: 1 of 16.Ingrid0Yurika0

Commited to her attack, the energy is released harmlessly upon the air, though it does give a nice little lightshow. Yurika's nimble evasion and quick assault enough to give Ingrid trouble, and rather than attempt anything risky she turns back around and holds her arms up, her right one intercepting the blow aimed for her back before the foot can impact her stomach. The kick pushes her back a short ways, but Ingrid doesn't seem too much worse off for it.

Ready to retaliate, Ingrid's hand quickly snatches forward, trying to grab Yurika's ankle before she can manage to pull it back down. If she manages to make the hold she'll lift the leg up high while stepping in, her own leg moving forward and then quickly snapping back to knock her other leg right out from under her.

COMBATSYS: Yurika fails to interrupt Quick Throw from Ingrid with Tragic Serenade.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Ingrid           0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0           Yurika
2 health gauges: Ingrid (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 28 of 30. Super: 1 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 23 of 30. Super: 3 of 16.Ingrid0Yurika0

Yurika isn't exactly sure what she's in the battle of in at this point.. Is it wits? Speed? or Strength? To her Ingrid seems to have all three, but there must be a weakness somewhere. It looks like Ingrid is also easily able to get hold of Yurika's foot but is that really an accident on Yurika's part?

Judging by the bit of amusement in her eyes, one could guess not. She doesn't need her foot for her violin, which she sets onto the instruments strings, but isn't quite fast enough to play her melody in time, she gives a yelp as her other foot comes swinging up into the air, and she hits the lightly snow-covered ground back first, and knocked into a brief moment of dizzyness.

It's a rather good thing for her that Ingrid decided not rely on flipping the leg up alone. She had expected perhaps a flipkick had she attempted it, but as the bow touches the strings on the violin she realizes that her mistake might have been much greater a one than she had anticipated. She's lucky she got away with it.

A little relieved sigh escapes her, and she takes a half step back. She's going to wait for Yurika to get to her feet, but it's something she always does. She doesn't expect the girl to be especially trained in fighting on her back as some are or anything like that, she simply doesn't see any reason to take advantage of a fallen opponent, nor does she have any real way of doing so other than improvisation. Once Yurika does manage to pick herself up she will attack, though, simply raising both her hands into the air and then sweeping them down towards her, once again releasing a large amount of golden psi to try and immerse Yurika in.

COMBATSYS: Ingrid successfully hits Yurika with Sunbeam.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Ingrid           0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0           Yurika
2 health gauges: Ingrid (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 26 of 30. Super: 3 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 17 of 30. Super: 6 of 16.Ingrid0Yurika0

Well, Ingrid doesn't have to wait long for Yurika that's for sure, brief for the musician is faster than it used to be, she rolls to the side and is on her feet again, bow held out in front of her like a fencing sword. For a moment she thought she was ready for what was to come, but her defenses just aren't quite working for her, in a slightly more defensive position, she grits her teeth as the golden energy slams into her body, knocking her back again and stumbles along the snowy grass.

Drat, she was really hoping she'd be able to avoid taking the full brunt of that attack.

But the musician remains calm, taking a moment to take in the situation again, though actually a bit of it is recovering from the rather powerful technique. She just will have to be a little more careful at this point, this time at least the musician understands what she's up against.

COMBATSYS: Yurika gains composure.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Ingrid           0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0           Yurika
2 health gauges: Ingrid (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 26 of 30. Super: 3 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 20 of 30. Super: 5 of 16.Ingrid0Yurika0

For the moment Ingrid feels that she's gained the upper hand. Her attack struck true when the musician got back to her feet, and it seems to have been enough to cause her to decide to hold back for a few moments longer. Considering her options for a short moment, Ingrid decides to play a pressure game, rushing in towards Yurika at her maximum speed. Once she's close she slows, mindful that the snow will keep her from stopping as easily as she'd like.

Now that she's in easy range her right hand pulls back far and suddenly whips around, aiming a hard slapping strike towards Yurika's cheek, an apt target for such a strike. It may seem rude, but it will at least be far less prone to bruising than a closed fist, and her gloves will keep her own hands from stinging.

COMBATSYS: Ingrid successfully hits Yurika with Strong Punch.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Ingrid           0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0           Yurika
2 health gauges: Ingrid (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 27 of 30. Super: 4 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 17 of 30. Super: 7 of 16.Ingrid0Yurika0

Yurika doesn't waste much time dilly-dallying, she knows that too much slacking will create an opening for Ingrid, one that she doesn't feel she wants to give at all. But the interesting thing is that despite the psychic fighters speed, Yurika is able to see most of it, and the strike is impossibly simple.

Yurika shifts slightly, but not far enough to escape the slaps strike, with an echo that echos in the garden, Ingrids strike lands true and leave the musician with a slight red mark on her cheek. Her head's forced to turn, and when it turns back, the girl looks extremely embarassed.

Ninon would have thrown a punch most certainly, which would have made Yurika angry. This kind of thing, well.. It's just embarassing as despite carrying a weapon, she isn't such a bad one herself. "An exceptional strike." she manages to utter to Ingrid. She swallows her pride best she can there, bow raised to her violin and she lets her music do the talking this time. With a short but beautiful melody, a technicolor ring of rests, quarter notes and halfnotes buzzsaw toward her opponent with suprising speed. And there must be a sharp in there as well because she fully intends to cut into Ingrid with this technique.

COMBATSYS: Yurika successfully hits Ingrid with Tragic Serenade.
- Power hit! -

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Ingrid           1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1           Yurika
2 health gauges: Ingrid (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 20 of 30. Super: 8 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 15 of 30. Super: 8 of 16.Ingrid1Yurika1

Another of Ingrids attacks hits solidly, and she's beginning to pull even further ahead. Sometimes it's the simple strikes that become the most dangerous, simply because you can underestimate them. Ingrid is no kind of physical powerhouse though, so Yurika can at least be safe in the knowledge that it's rather unlikely to leave a bruise.

Her retaliation comes swift and strong, though. Expecting this sort of thing the Norwegian begins to jump up in the air to try and sail over the top of Yurika, but she's unable to get high enough fast enough. The notes slam into her, the multicolored energy having a dramatically powerful effect on the young woman, blasting her backwards and sending her rolling across the snow. That lead she'd managed to build up just got a whole lot shorter.

Picking herself up after a moment of rest in the snow, Ingrid wipes the offending white powder from her clothes. "And that was most certainly an amazing counterattack, Yurika. I didn't stand a change." A light smile forms on her face, and she suddenly bends down at the knees and scoops up a large handful of snow. After a few moments of compacting she pulls her arm back and heaves a solid little snowball forward, which arcs towards Yurika.

COMBATSYS: Yurika fails to interrupt Thrown Object from Ingrid with Tragic Hesitation.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Ingrid           1/-------/=======|=======\=------\1           Yurika
2 health gauges: Ingrid (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 21 of 30. Super: 8 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 12 of 30. Super: 9 of 16.Ingrid1Yurika1

"Thank you.." Yurika replies, grateful to get a compliment of her own. She's well aware that it would hurt even before seeing the results. She doesn't have any qualms about her own power.. It's simply hitting Ingrid that's proving difficult.

Now it's her turn to wait for Ingrid to stand once more, though she's obviously not intimidated by a snowball. In fact it's mildly amusing, she taking a step back with the intent of slicing through it and advancing..

There's a loud *puff* when it instead strikes her at one of the wild swirls atop her head, and leaves her standing there looking slightly foolish. She closes her eyes to take another small breath and then brushes the snow out of her hair. ".. Unorthodox, but it certainly worked.. Maybe I should take a page from your book sometime."

Ingrid actually looks rather worried when Yurika moves to cut the snowball in half, realizing that it'll probably be her that gets the weapon next. But it's not to be, as the little ball slips past the bow. "Did it? I'm not so sure." Her little setup failed, even if the snowball hit. Her intention was mainly to distract Yurika and then unleash a powerful counterattack when she came forward, but the method of Yurika's defense foiled it. Still, it was likely worth it, even if it failed.

But she must move forward and continue. The young woman once again breaks into a sprint, but this time before she reaches Yurika she jumps into the air, spinning around with her elbows held out and energy sparkling across her entire form and leaving a glittering trail behind her. She'll attempt to slam right into Yurika while battering her around with her elbows before landing and immediately launching into a high flash kick, aiming to plant her heels under Yurika's jaw as she backflips in the air, more psychic energy streaming out from her feet, "Yosha!"

COMBATSYS: Yurika blocks Ingrid's Sunrise.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Ingrid           1/-------/=======|=======\===----\1           Yurika
2 health gauges: Ingrid (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 19 of 30. Super: 8 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: red, 9 of 30. Super: 11 of 16.Ingrid1Yurika1

Yurika seems a little puzzled by her opponents response. But then gives the small, mysterious smile of hers. It'd seem she was a small step ahead this time, but it didn't work out entirely in her favor in the end. Now with Ingrid coming at her physically, she was at a bit of a loss what to do- She's expended a lot in a short period of time, now it was up to her bow to be put to work once more.

Ingrid's elbows are met with quick waves of her melee weapon, brushed aside and then holds the weapon upside down, fending off the final psychic kick. It seems both fighters are pushed back slightly, but the musician doesn't waste much more time than wincing from the pain regardless, Ingrid's energy difficult to defend against. The weapon is set on her violen and she leaps back-first toward Ingrid. She proceeds to play, stopping just short of the other girl as she twirls on one foot, a ribbon of musical energy spins wildly about her, trying to draws the other inside the tornado and batter her mercilessly!

COMBATSYS: Ingrid interrupts Tragic Lullaby from Yurika with Sunshine.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /                             ]
Ingrid           0/-------/-----==|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2           Yurika
2 health gauges: Ingrid (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 14 of 30. Super: 2 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: red, 1 of 30. Super: TOP Status, 16 of 16.Ingrid0Yurika2

A hit. Not a perfect one, but a hit. The fact that the musician manages to defend against the attack leaves Ingrid in a rather difficult position. She's high up in the air, and despite having pushed Yurika back she's going to be able to respond far quicker than the Norwegian had hoped. She's rather lucky that she does manage to touch the ground before the attack is made, but even so she only has a split second to respond.

Ingrid decides to try something that's totally unlike her. She's rather used to using her reversal attack to stop people trying to punch and kick at her, but plowing through bursts of energy isn't something she'd think could be to her benefit. At the moment though, she sees a time when it might actually be worth it, and goes for it.

As Yurika begins to spin there's a bright flash of gold around Ingrid, and she lets out a cry of "Yoshai!" The musical notes spring into life at the same moment her own body is coated with energy. The notes smash into her and batter away much of the power surrounding her, but it's enough, just enough for her to be able to bear it, and she surges forward. Lifting to one tiptoed foot, she lifts a hand high in the air and holds an arm and a leg out, suddenly pirouetting across the snow and smacking Yurika repeatedly with the extra limbs, the energy surrounding her adding to the attack once Yurika's own is cut off. After several spins and a dozen or so feet Ingrid stops spinning and hops forward, planting a toe into Yurika's stomach to kick her away before landing back on her feet and finally coming to a stop.

Perhaps a mis-timed attack on Yurika's part, or maybe she just simply did not expect Ingrid to take the same response she herself did with the snowball. Especially when this is a considerably more dangerous task on the others part. Her dark eyes widen slightly as the golden energy and her colorful clash togeather for a moment, and then comes the foreigners assault, Yurika knocked out of her playing position and gets her own fair share of pain. And goodness does it hurt, again placing her into a condition of dizzy and doubled over.

The final kick is enough to sling her back a bit, she looking like she'll fall backward, but she pushes up, legs scissoring so she flips and lands on her feet in a crouching position. This time she has to ignore the pain, she knows that there's one last chance that she has to take even if she feels like she's going to fall apart any moment now. "Nnnghh.."

Yurika plays again and she bursts forward, she balanced one one foot. She more or less immitates a drill bit, but this time the tornado of musical energy expands out in a much wider area.

As the beautiful sounding melody continues, with blurry eyes Yurika takes a few steps forward, hoping to snag Ingrid with even the smallest bit of the whirlwhind that would then effortlessly drag her in and promises to batter Ingrid much worst than the first time. And by the time that energy dissipates, Yurika is collapsing to the ground one one knee, looking simply exhausted.

COMBATSYS: Yurika can no longer fight.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Ingrid           0/-------/-----==|
1 health gauges: Ingrid (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 14 of 30. Super: 2 of 16.Ingrid0

COMBATSYS: Ingrid blocks Yurika's Fatal Rondo.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  <
Ingrid           0/-------/---====|
1 health gauges: Ingrid (Left Meter) -- Status: red, 11 of 30. Super: 4 of 16.Ingrid0

After her powerful assault Ingrid is positive Yurika is going to come back with something equally dangerous, despite the pain she must be going through. She did, after all, say that she was going to be doing her very best and not holding back, so it would come as quite a shock if she were to yield.

Again the violinist goes to play her music, and the Norwegian decides to take no chances at all. The moment Yurika begins to play Ingrid holds up her arms in front of herself, and around her a bright shell of golden energy suddenly forms. The rapidly spinning Yurika slams into her and drives her back, energy eating away at the protective shield she's put up around herself. Slowly but surely the energy is torn away, eventually forcing her to rely on her blocking arms to keep her safe. But it was enough. Before her guard can be crushed hard enough to break the assault is over, and a relieved sigh escapes from Ingrid. "I was starting to get worried there, for a moment. Very well done, Yurika." If her risky attack hadn't worked out, she very well could be the one down on one knee.

"And.. *huff* You as well.. Ingrid.." Yurika replies between heavy breaths. It was close, Yurika would likely have to revise her strategy again when the time came, but for now she was satisfied.. Ingrid didn't seem to have rusted any in the slightest. "Though I see I still have room for improvement.. More importantly, your performance was beyond spectacular."

Before the snow can start soaking into her hoisery, Yurika is back up once more, trying to regain her stature best she can.. But she's simply too worn out to keep her ususal elegant air. She brushes at her hair a bit. "Well then.. Perhaps we could break for tea."

Log created on 01:49:43 12/05/2007 by Yurika, and last modified on 02:59:51 02/10/2009.