Roberto - Pranksters

Description: Yurika and Sada wander the halls of Taiyo in order to pull off their scheme of pranking Taiyo's premier soccer player. Despite Roberto's suspicions of their motives, the Seijyun girls are successful due to Roberto's need for haste.

Believe it or not, now is not the time for people to not be on school grounds. Why? Well, just because school is out doesn't mean that there aren't extracarricular activities to be done! And today is certainly no exception.

Yurika Kirishima as of late has been keeping herself quite busy; it's rather stressful being the Council President of Seijyun, but it most definatly isn't without its perks.. And even morestill, the elder Kirishima always has her own ways of letting off steam. But this may actually end up just being a chance encounter.

It's a sunny but extremely cold day, not the best kind of weather for a demi-gothic lolita. Yurika is a bit chilly in her school attire, but at least her light pink coat doesn't clash with it too badly, it matches her parasol after all, while in the other hand is a shopping bag. The mission today was a very simple one. Obviously this is not an area foreign to Sada, but Yurika had taken it upon herself to bring the girl along anyway to assist with a prank, and she's making a beeline right toward the locker area of school grounds.

Sada, being a demi-sukeban, is much better suited. She's wearing a long skirt that keeps her legs partly warm, and has, in addition to her usual instrument case, a shoulder mounted bag that once, long long ago, carried fresh produce and groceries home from the market. As for now, well...

She's smiling as she walks. The wind rustles through her hair, still faintly curled from the long days of pleating and curling. She hasn't been keeping it up, though; tsk tsk. Maybe she's getting cocky in her position.

Roberto has been busy with his extracurricular activities. He's just finished practice with the indoor soccer team and now he's concerned with getting back home to his younger brothers. He knows that his parents will be late coming back and he wanted to get back before they did.

When he comes out he's dressed in a long sleeved goalie shirt, sweat pants and a jacket well suited to the cold weather. He also has a backpack his back and the duffle bag to carry his soccer equipment. Unfortunately Roberto doesn't get far until he realizes that he left something in his locker. "Crap..."

He goes into a mad dash back to lockers to pick up one last book for homework before he heads home.

First off, let no one get the wrong idea here, it isn't like Sada and Yurika are friends or anything, if anyone asked they were simply working under a business relationship. She's actually not very fond of her fellow japanese cohort, but beggers really can't be choosers. Once the pair arrive at the lockers, she hears something that.. Simply won't do at all. She quickly looks over her shoulder, and then looks to Sada. "That's odd, I could have sworn he'd be heading home.. Sada, if you'd be a dear could you stall him for me? I just need two minutes to set this up."

She didn't particularly -see- Roberto, per se.. But he has a distinct sound of footsteps, one that a girl like herself would recognize with little trouble. Clearly with the assumption that Sada agrees, the student has already made her way inside.

Sada has no idea. She thinks of Yurika as a friend if not a terribly close one, and smiles faintly at the instruction. "Sure," she answers Yurika in a low tone, handing over the bag of mysterious supplies and turning around to intercept Roberto. She considers whether or not to stall him via pitched battle, but opts against it -- for now.

Instead she breathes in before letting out a sharp, booming shout: "Oi! Oi oi oi!" She waves a hand as she runs towards the dashing young man. "Hold up! You're --" she points urgently towards his lower legs! Is something UP?

Roberto skids to a halt as he hears the Seijyun student shouting for him to hold up. The stop was awkward due to the weight he was carrying as he ran. "I'm what?" He takes a moment to look at Sada. A raised eyebrow would be visible on his face if it wasn't for his trademark visor completely covering that area of his face.

He continued to look at Sada wondering what a Seijyun student could be doing around Taiyo. "Besides, I can't help but wonder what a Seijyun student would be doing here."

As for Yurika, Roberto hasn't noticed her skulking around school. Sada is drawing his attention away from the musician.

Yurika realizes she doesnt' have much time, but luckily just two minutes is all she'll need to set her little prank up. Because she's a weird little stalker, she already knows which locker is Roberto's and makes a beeline toward it. The second part is a little bit more tricky, but not by much; while not a thief by any means, Yurika can handle a combination lock easily enough with those cute ears of hers.

The prank was hardly anything complex, though, she had managed to get her hands on a genuine flour bomb. It's a bag about the size of a soda can that's a little more thick, that obviously explodes and releases a massive amount of flour. Of course it'll take Yurika some time to set it up in a way so that if can be maniplated by opening the door again. And such is what her now one and a half minutes is needed for once getting it open.

Sada strides forwards with a frown, putting a hand on her hip - she continues to hold that instrument case, which rattles slightly. "What do you mean, you wonder what a Seijyun student would be doing here?" she asks, rhetorically, her tone giving away hints of indignation. "Are you saying that you think I'm up to no good? DO you think I'm here to bother you or here for some kind of nasty business? Or -"

She takes another step forwards. Her eyes widen and flash slightly. "Wait a minute!" she shouts, or comes close to shouting. "You're implying I'm here for some sort of immoral purpose, aren't you!" She points a fingertip at Roberto's stomach: "I can't believe that you would make such insinuations, when I was warning you about your /untied shoelace/! Do your parents know what sort of a boy you've become?"

The lady doth protest too much hethinks. Were she to say she was visiting a friend or waiting for a boyfriend it wouldn't raise any flags in his mind but the fact that she's making a scene makes him wonder what /really/ is going on. There aren't many reasons for a Seijyun student to be at another schoool. Contrary to what Yurika would have everyone believe, Roberto isn't stupid.

Roberto doesn't voice his suspicions instead, he says calmly and evenly, "Hold on. I never said that." He looks down and sees that a shoe is indeed untied but then as he drops down to one knee to tie his shoe up but while he does so he's looking around and even past Sada.

[OOC] Roberto says, "I know that's not what the bard meant when he wrote that."

[OOC] Yurika says, "Or.. Did he!"

It would be unwise for Yurika to underestimate the schools intelligence, even if she doesn't particularly have much faith in it. She hears Sada's outburst and really, she can't help but snicker a little as she gets to work. It's a pretty simple trap, using an adhesive sticker, she sticks a tiny hook and a thumbtack on the top of the locker. She then takes a string of thread, and ties one end about the bag, slips the thread over the hook and ties the other end to the little lift hindge on the back of the locker. Of course it'll take her a moment more to complete that- And hopefully Sada continues to do her part of the job. Yurika has no intention of looking over her shoulder to see if she was caught or not!

Overall, though, it isn't a question of intelligence, Yurika may have overestimated Roberto's ability to keep cool in the face of loud-mouthed schoolgirls. Maybe he's used to Momo.

Sada crouches down with a flourish of skirts, preventing easy viewing through the gap between her legs. Roberto might peek around her, but he'll have to move to do it. She frowns as she crosses her wrists in front of her, giving Roberto a rather flat look. "You didn't say 'Oh, hello, what's your name,' or 'Welcome to Taiyo High, how can I help you find where you need to go'," Sada points out: "You accused me of being up to something!"

One hand raises to point right at Roberto's nose. "You should apologize," she concludes, "for insulting my honor when you don't even know my name!" Though he may remember her vaguely from an SNF appearance or two.

Roberto rises back to his feet and he does shift around to look around Sada but it's done in the same movement he used to pick up his duffle bag. "I didn't accuse you of anything, but I apologize for the unintended insult to your honor. It wasn't my intent." When standing at full height he can see right over Sada's head which he takes full advantage of. "Normally I'd be happy to go into introductions but I'm in a rush. Please excuse me."

He hasn't quite seen Yurika yet but he's still moving towards his locker. He begins to break into a run again his movements becoming desperate as he moves to the direction of his locker. "My parents will have my head if my brothers get home before I do."

The musician squeezes the bag, causing it to gradually inflate to near bursting point. It's clear how this little contraption will work at this point! However there is a small problem- By the time Yurika hears Roberto's footsteps breaking forward again, she has a feeling she may be out of time and ends up slamming the door shut and drops to a single knee.. It doesn't appear at any point she had decided to close her parasol either but then again.. Who in their right mind carries an open one in the class halls anyway?

She's pretty sure she doesn't look too suspicious, but since her time got cut a little short, she's not exactly certain the trap will go off as intented. Oh well, she'd find out in short order! "Achooi!"

Sada straightens up as Roberto runs - she feels the brief urge to jump him and dislocate his hip!

She restrains herself, barely. Now, she thinks to herself, it's up to Kirishima...

It's the moment of truth. Roberto rounds the corner and reaches the locker and glances at Yurika, then the locker, then down the hall where he left Sada behind, then back to Yurika. Things are begining to fall into place for him but he doesn't know what Yurika had planned and the fact that she's in close proximity to his locker works against her. There's no good reason for Yurika to be near his locker /at all./ "What? Am I going to find a psycho mask in there next to go with that 'oh so generous' gift you gave me?"

The main thing that is going in Yurika's favor is the fact that he doesn't have time to actually check the locker for booby traps. He hastily swings the locker open and...

Yurika gives an astonished yelp as she jumps to her feet and quickly turns around to face Roberto, her cheeks quite red and seems geniuinly suprised.. Of course this is a ploy, but necessary, she thinks! The musician then seems to relax a little, her opposite gloved hand is holding not just her shopping bag, but a red envelope as well with a little green, circular sticker holding it shut.

"R- Roberto, what are you doing here?" She asks with a nervous laugh. "As if I could even slip a mask into those small vents, that's rather rude, especially after sneaking up on-" She says this as the locker is opened, and it seems fortune is on Yurika's side. The string pulls up the bag to the thumbtack and with a loud BANG! the bag explodes and spews a large cloud of flour right out of the locker and.. Quite likely, all over poor Roberto's upper section. "..."

It takes a huge amount of effort to keep from swearing. All things considered it would be quite justified. "UGH! I don't have time for this!!" Roberto begins to freak out not so much because he's covered in flour. No this is the least of Roberto Miura's worries. "Kyosuke's gonna see this mess and I don't have time to clean this up!"

Roberto's pacing back and forth looking for some way out of this situation. "My mom's gonna kill me!" Roberto's taking deep breaths as he struggles to calm himself down and much like that last math exam he got back yesterday, failing miserably.

Yurika stares for a good, long moment. Her lips draw inward. She's actually not even sure if she should laugh or not, the soccer star does look utterly hilarious, which completely betrays the seriousness of his situation. So she's silent for a moment, and then finally she gives her mysterious little smile as she shakes her head to Roberto. "Don't worry, Mr. Miura," she says.

Her gloved hand draws forth to offer the envelope. "I.. Ah, realize this isn't exactly the best time, but I'd like to invite you to my Christmas party in a few weeks, and.. I'm actually not doing anything soon, I could clean it up for you if you'd like. But in return you'll owe me a favor."

Sada, some distance down the hallway, steps back - and then hastens away, towards the exit out towards the main street, and thence, to freedom. She waits in the vicinity of the front gates, glancing inwards occasionally to await the appearance of lace and/or ruffles which indicate an escaping colleague. She might need cover fire.

Roberto knows damn well he shouldn't be taking this deal. There's few people that Roberto trusts less than Yurika. Hell... He'd trust a brainwashed Shoma(knowing full well that he was brainwashed) more than Yurika Kirishima. Unfortunately, Roberto doesn't have the time to consider any alternatives and so he says something that he'll probably regret forever, "Ok."

Yurika might be happy at this development and how easy it was to get him to say that. Disappointment is soon to come though because he's not so overcome with worry that he doesn't add, "As long as that favor is within reason. Anyway, thank you."

Roberto grabs the book he was looking for and books it leaving a cloud of flour in his wake. Damn. That guy can run fast.

[OOC] Roberto says, "Oh god... I'm gonna end up Yurika's prom date :("

[OOC] Yurika <3

There are a lot of points within Yurika's school life when an event ties togeather -so- precisly and neatly, that one might think that such an event could ever happen again as well. This particular situation undoubtedly will be one of the brightest. And yet it may be a little suprising how unshaken the silver-haired girl is, she looking extremely pleased by his response instead of shocked (which she probably should be). Ok so it didn't go absolutely perfectly, but she's more than certain she'd find a reasonable chore that would give him grief.

Her curls blow forward a bit from the impending sonic boom of his exit, and it isn't until he's out of earshot that she raises her gloved hand to her mouth and gives a rather girlish giggle.

It's likely Sada would see Roberto bursting back out of school grounds, and not long after the frilled 'princess' to tell her fellow student that she had something to take care of before she left the school.

And quite begrudingly thanks the girl for her assistance.

Roberto for his part is still running but as he does so he knows what happened and he will be plotting revenge. Trust and believe it.

Log created on 23:41:34 12/02/2007 by Roberto, and last modified on 14:38:59 12/04/2007.