Description: No matter how far you go in life, there's always a part of your past that's going to catch up to you sooner or later. For Frei, it's sooner. ("The Moon's Three Treasures", Part 1)
It's a big task, taking on a student one-on-one. Frei's reluctance to do it, when Hotaru asked it of him regarding her prot�g� Kentou, didn't have anything to do with his opinion of the young woman or her even younger student. It had everything to do with not being sure he was the right man for the job, and if he had anything useful to teach Kentou in the first place. Thankfully, the trio's first "meeting" dispelled a few of those doubts.
But Kentou has a long road ahead of him, and the monk's attempts to chart the course of that journey have been met with surprising and uncharacteristic exactitude and painstaking work.
Consider that a few of the techniques Frei's master used on him aren't going to be effective with Kentou. The monk isn't going to be able to get a 13 year old into a barfight, for example; he'd be lucky to get him into a TGI Friday's at his age. He can't use the esoteric spiritual teachings of the Taoists, or the Buddhists, or the Sikh, because Kentou doesn't know them. Trying to find some way to approach his has presented a challenge. More than a few nights, as everyone's ready to lock up, Frei has been in the back office, poring over a notebook with reading glasses on, sipping tea and scribbling notes.
He doesn't even need the reading glasses, they just seemed to be for effect.
However, as of this weekend Frei feels like he's got a plan worked out, a way to pass on what he knows to Kentou without getting him beat up, arrested, killed, or drunk... a set of conditions that is sure to please Hotaru, who the monk observes is as much surrogate parent as sensei. So he's currently whiling away the time at the YFCC front desk, waiting for Kentou to arrive, potentially with Hotaru in tow, for his first real 'lesson'. And how is he spending that time?
He's singing along to the soundtrack of 'Hairspray'.
o/~ "Because ah'm... big, blonde, and beautiful. Face the fact, it's simply irrefutable!" Oh dear lord.
That Hotaru is coming along for this first lesson has nothing to do with doubting Frei's abilities to teach nor worry that he might try to impart lessons in a manner that she wouldn't approve of were she to find out about after the fact... She's just really curious to see just how he intends to go about teaching the young man the 'spiritual' side of fighting. There might be things she can learn for herself even! Their last discussions on the matter gave her things to think about, so there's no way she's going to miss this lesson.
The trip to the YFCC is accomplished via taxi cab again, this time less due to saving time and more to do with it just being too darn cold outside for an evening stroll through the city. At least that's how Hotaru felt about it. It gave her quiet time to think about Kentou's progress as her student. The basics are... actually coming along really well. He's a quick study and determined to boot. It's getting time to move on to more advanced techniques she realizes. He's ready.
The two Kenpo practitioners arrive a few minutes before the appointed hour, stepping foot into the lobby of the building. Slipping a long coat from off her shoulders and slinging it over her arm, Hotaru notices tonight's musical accompaniment is to be provided courtesy of a singing monk. Hotaru is quiet, a bemused smile on her face.
Not convinced he was the right man for the job? Gee. Hotaru wouldn't know anything about that! If the two had to exchange feelings over the matter, perhaps they would realize there's a great deal more in common than they themselves knew. Perhaps one day..
Today, however, there is the matter of Kentou's first REAL lesson at Instructor Frei's tutelage, and the boy has more than a few misgivings just walking in. The youth has absolutely zero concerns that Frei has no knowledge to teach him. Frei proved, perhaps in spite of his own comments to the contrary, that he possessed insights into the mysterious world of the inner mysteries of spirituality and life that even Hotaru does not fully comprehend as yet. Frei has -plenty- to teach Kentou, whether he chooses to acknowledge that fact or not.
No.. It has more to do with Kentou having misgivings of being able to learn anything Frei can teach him. The instructor obviously knows his stuff. But the man is.. Well. Diametrically opposed in outlook is phrasing it lightly. At least, in terms of how they approach 'training'.
In Kentou's world, at least until the last few months, the key to martial arts is strength, speed and the application thereof. To treat training as serious business. To be disciplined, formal, polite, honorable. The boy only succeeded in those things to varying degrees, but he appreciated their value and how far he had to go to achieve that goal.
Frei, to Kentou's sensibilities, is like a walking contrarian. The man is practically terrified of the notion that he's actually doing a good job. How the Monk manages to stay out of jail, let alone continually hired by the Youth Center, let ALONE actually a genuinely accomplished martial artist.. Is something Kentou can't even begin to understand. Its like the young man is some kind of mutant with super powers that just come naturally without any work in the slightest.
Of course, Kentou knows this isn't true. Frei has worked and studied damn hard for what he's learned. But the approach is.. From what he's seen, all but unintelligible to Kentou. However. The young boy is determined to try! He promised Hotaru and swore on his honor to Frei. He will do it, even if he never learns, he'll keep trying anyway even if it takes him forever! Giving up or backing down isn't in his nature.
Kentou was completely elated that Hotaru decided to come along on this first session. Unquestionably, he is always more comfortable in her presence. With her around, the boy feels like he could do anything he puts his mind to. A confidence that he just never quite had on his own.
Maybe because Kentou finally has a reason to train beyond than just his own? Even the boy can't say for sure.
He's also happy to be taking the taxi as his knee isn't quite a hundred percent yet. The beating that strange girl gave him lingers a bit, and what he learned from that was certainly troubling.. But Kentou will meet up with Mizuki a third time very soon to make sure that's going alright.. But he can't brush aside his training casually. This is important!
Kentou, the wild boy he is, doesn't wear a thicker coat as he steps out of the taxi. His traditional wushu jacket and pants is all he needs as he walks upon the frosty cold and damp pavement barefoot. Of course, he steps a little quickly as he doesn't linger outside of the heated Youth Center for long!
In a pique of chivalry, the boy rushes past Hotaru and holds the glass doors open for her with a bright, cordial smile. Though that expression changes immediately as he hears some cruel, cruel children torturing a poor helpless house cat! >.<
Kentou immediately then slips into the center with a severe frown, eyes hunting for the source of that animal cruelty before coming to a rest on Frei. o_o
"...Oh." Is all the boy says, arms falling at his sides.
Moments later the youth collects himself as Kentou straightens, "FREI!" Clapping his fist into his palm, sword-in-shealth, and bowing at the waist, "I am prepared to begin my lesson!"
So the dr
So the drama.
He's moving on to the second verse before he notices people. In fact, while he's not destined for the opera anytime soon, the monk actually has a pleasant singing voice. Maybe too enthusiastic (read: loud) but highly expressive. Of course, the man's father was a symphony cellist with a long history of musical training, so the fact that some musical ability runs in the family isn't too much of a shock. He does, after all, take after his father almost 100%.
Standing up behind the desk, eyes closed (it's traditional, when belting, to close one's eyes), Frei sings into what is revealed to be his iPod as if it were a microphone. "o/~ Now don't you sniff around for something fluffy and light... we need a man who brings a man-sized..." And then he turns to see: "...Hotaru." There's a pause, and then he grins sheepishly, taking the earbuds out of his ear and slamming the iPod down on the desk. Why? Because he's currently trying to figure out what a 'man-sized Hotaru' is, got as far as Jiro with blue hair and pigtails, and needed to focus on something -- ANYTHING -- else.
Clearing his throat during that nice, uncomfortable moment, the monk gives his two 'visitors' a little wave. "Yes! Hi there. Wilkommen, bienvenue, come on in." Lines from Blazing Saddles? Probably wasted on these youngins. "I was just, uh..."
He pauses, turning to look at the desk. The iPod is still playing, the tune barely audible and tinny through the discarded earbuds. He quickly jabs a finger into the pause button and turns around. Not exactly blushing, but clearly... out of sync. Is there something EVEN FREI can be embarrassed by?
Interesting. Meditation for Hotaru is a calm, tranquil process typically within the recesses of the old church building she inherited. Frei's version, if he's being all serious, is quiet different apparently. She has a feeling that Kentou probably wouldn't take too well to that form of 'meditation' either...
The girl actually matches Kentou's bow with one of her own, more out of habit than the stiff, formal respect her student is offering the monk in greeting. "Good to see you again, Frei." She's glad Kentou remembered to leave the honorific -san off, honoring the monk's request. He can be taught!
Her quiet, polite smile offered has that 'I don't really know what you're talking about so I'll just smile until things get to the point that I'll understand' look to it. But rather than simply wait for that, the young teacher continues after a moment.
"I know Kentou has been looking forward to this lesson since we last discussed it. He's been tackling the things I've asked of him with steadfast dedication. I know he'll pay you the same respect." Her hand reaches out to the side to rest on Kentou's shoulder. "If it won't be any trouble, I'd like to be a part of this as well."
Certainly, Kentou's reaction speaks more of the youth's inability recognize operatic talent than the quality of Frei's voice. The boy's musical exposure is fairly limited, except in one particular avenue.
That, however, is neither here nor there.
The youth continues to watch Frei until it evolves into something of an uncomfortable stare. Ir-recognition in his eyes at The first, the Second, but the Emperor's Japanese finally catches his attention as he 'ohs!' Smiling brightly and walking in a little more after re-straightening. Running his mildly wet feet over the entry-way rug both to clean and to heat his toes from the friction.
As Frei promptly disengages his music player, the boy's eyes widen with wonderment, "...Oh.. You use singing as a means of meditation.. Just like the Tibetan Monks!" Cupping his chin as his mousy eyes roam the ceiling, contemplating this deep new insight.
Already little images flare in Kentou-Vision as a thought bubble spawns above his mind, minds-eye seeing Frei in robes singing that exact song with an iPod while in lotus position in the middle of a mountainside monastery in white robes. And monkeys with staffs fighting each other in mortal combat over a pit of spikes in the background because somehow most of Kentou's imagination includes monkey fighting. Oh, and Master Cluck. Master Cluck is smacking Frei over the head with a rolled up newspaper for being out of key.
The thought bubble pops over his head as Kentou startles to attention with Hotaru's touch on his shoulder, "H..uah? Oh! Y..yes! I..I have! .. I am! I will!" Returning to attention as he clears his mind of such thoughts. Though.. the boy can't help a small hue of color on his cheeks as Hotaru compliments his dedication. Her encouragement and approval continues to mean.. More to him than he even thought it would. Hotaru's own request to be a part of the lesson earns a quick glance in her direction, but nothing more. The boy recalls Hotaru was curious to know more of Frei's style, after all. And by her own lessons, she does try to learn new things all the time! Besides, having her also learning these things will make practicing them later even easier. Of course, unquestionably Hotaru is going to tear through whatever lessons Frei chooses to give out as it'll doubtlessly be easy for someone as tremendously talented as she! But Kentou isn't worried about that in the slightest. If anything, being so certain she'll grasp this lesson so quickly only reinforces how much he has to gain by her teachings!
For a moment, Frei stares at Kentou blankly, then blinks suddenly, as if he can see every sordid detail of that brief Scrubs-like moment of bizarre fantasia. But if he really can read Kentou's thoughts, he neither gives any indication, nor begins singing the Meow Mix song telepathically. Thank god for small favors, right? INstead he smiles and nods, because he's thankful the whole singing thing makes sense to SOMEONE. "Well, sometimes, yes." After all, Frei really WAS a saffron-and-white-robed Tibetan monk once. Not for very long, but he was.
It didn't work out. He left the monastery saying, in heavily-accented Chinese, "It's not you, it's me."
Pausing to take this all in, the monk then rubs his hands together and looks between Kentou and Hotaru. "Well. Before we do anything, I thought we'd give Kentou a chance to answer his homework from last time." Haha, munchkin, you thought he FORGOT, didn't you? Putting his hand out, he rests it palm down over his chest and looks at Kentou with a very grave expression. "So did you do it? Think about how fighting makes you feel, I mean."
At Frei's question, Hotaru glances sideways toward Kentou. The boy has been in a variety of fights. There's the sparing of course. Simple, basic techniques, practiced and defended from, hour after hour when the two get together at the makeshift training ground that her church yard serves as. Repetition, correction, adjustment, refinement. Those are the things she covers there.
But she's also well aware of fights he's been in outside of training. Trying to defend a woman's honor from the dubious intentions of Sergio... Fighting his darndest to keep a wouldbe thief from making off with a humble if often cranky shopkeeper's cash register contents at great expense to his own health with no expectation of reward... And more recently, another encounter that left him very injured and required trainng to be adjusted slightly to account for the state of his knee.
Of course there were the varied encounters he and she had with Mad Gear and it's masked shogun leader in the past as well. Though Hotaru's fate in those varied, Kentou's was invaribaly to be plastered to the ground... And what about the ambush from one Kurow Kirishima? Menacing fighting prodigy from Justice High with an agenda and the cruel mind to pursue it?
Yes Kentou. How has fighting made you feel? Everything it was cracked up to be?
Uh oh.
Accountability time!
As Frei then puts the student on the hot-seat, Kentou visibly squirms. His eyes shift from side to side in a slow, downward descent. Shoulders shifting a bit uncomfortably, even as he holds firmly in place. "I..."
In truth, the boy did try. He tackled that lesson from a literal point of view, as typical for the straight-forward youth. Literally shouting out his feelings with every strike until it resembled more of a stress-therapy session than some kind of training regimen! It scared his fellow students, even. But, the pressure is on. Not wanting to admit failure, especially with Hotaru staring at him right there! Especially with how well he's done recently in so many other lessons.
The youth knows though, his nagging sense of responsibility and integrity tells him that.. Lying to Frei to try and make himself LOOK good is much worse than any humiliation he may feel otherwise. Its one thing to look like an idiot, its entirely different to be an idiot and caught lying about it.
Of course, there's the real question of whether or not he even failed. Kentou DID obey the request to the letter, even if it didn't seem to give any results..
For Kentou's greatest fights to date, to be honest most of them... The boy simply never thought about anything. In every instance.. the path was clear. No thought required. Existence boiled down to a zen of certainty and a release of self. Kentou was going to retrieve the money for that shopkeeper, or fall. Kentou was going to defeat that invading Kimi before she could hurt anyone else, or be terribly hurt trying. Kentou was going to protect Hotaru from Kurow, or die trying. Just as when Kentou failed to fight Blanka in his only Saturday Night Fight appearance, the boy wasn't thinking. Consumed only by his fear, which mastered him instead of the other way around.
Kentou never stops to think about much of anything. He only tries to do what is right, and never look back.
"...I'm.. I don't think.. I don't think I did it right. No.. I.. I don't think I did it.." The boy manages to admit, "I just felt frustrated.. trying to figure it out.. is all.." Offering that much at least. Frustration was chiefly his emotion as he was punching away at the sand bag. But that has less to do about his emotions fighting.. and more to do with just his inability to comprehend the lesson. Right?
"Well... good."
Wait, what? Did Kentou hear him right?
Smiling, Frei reaches out and musses Kentou's hair, secure in the knowledge that he is the sensei and can get away with this. And because part of him is a bastard, ENJOYING the fact that he is the sensei and can get away with this despite knowing it's going to annoy Kentou. Still, it's an affectionate gesture. After all, he's done it to Alma a couple times too. ...maybe that's not the best example.
Regardless, he doesn't look displeased with that answer. "If it were easy, I'd have known you were lying," the monk explains, displaying that behind some of his half-witted misstatements there is, in fact, a grain of wisdom. "I thought you might have come back with... maybe one thing, but even that would have been more than I could have hoped for. I admit, Kentou, I set you up to fail. It's hard to focus on your feelings and your thoughts when you're fighting, isn't it? You have to know where your arms and hands and feet and body are, and your opponent's, and what he or she is going to do..." He pauses, then looks to Hotaru, who certainly knows this lesson. "Right?"
Kentou answers with the utmost in honest, his admissions, his doubts bringing a quiet smile to Hotaru's lips. Deception isn't the path the youth treads. It's something the two Kenpoist's have in common. Maybe it's a lesson he's been following since the day she agreed to teach him. No master Kenpoist would be able to lead a life of dishonesty, she had told him, before instructing him to make good on the work owed to his Uncle Sakana. And since that day she's not aware of the boy ever being anything but truthful.
Frustration at the assignment is understandable. It's not an easy thing Frei asked him to do. A necessary thing, but not an easy thing. Her hand gives him a supportive squeeze on the shoulder before slipping down to join her other hand behind her back.
The slightest of nods is offered when the 'Sensei Of The Night' glances toward the girl. The inner focus needed to manipulate and draw upon chi is not something that comes easily in the midst of combat, yet at the same time, for many fighters, it is only in the heat of battle that they can mold that power the greatest. It's a difficult thing to learn. To be able to focus on so much between heartbeats in a fast paced battle. "It took me a while when I was learning the same thing," the girl states a little vaguely. She's avoided discussing how she was taught to manipulate chi in the past and that seems to be consistent even now.
Just when Kentou's expression was threatening to mope and perhaps even the beginnings of a dejected pout.. Once again the boy learns the real reason why you're never supposed to lower your eyes. So crazy teachers don't muss his do! >.<! The youth again squeaks helplessly, flailing for a second until he goes about rapidly re-straightening his bangs back into their somewhat less wild than usual configuration. At least enough so he can see again! By the time he unravels the debacle the boy glares at Frei with cheeks puffed in indignation!
Alas.. He is an instructor and can get away with it, as the boy swallows his pride slowly yet again.. And actually begins to marvel as Frei's reply to his failure is heard.
Wait.. good? Wait.. back up.
Isn't this where Frei is supposed to frown disapprovingly or hit him over the head with a ruler or perhaps tell him to run around the Youth Center ten times? While Kentou's self-disappointment is written all over his face, his eyes do brighten at that bit of encouragement. Thankful that the more honest path turned out to genuinely be the better one.
Focusing a bit more on Frei's teaching, the boy slowly nods, "..Yeah.. T..That is true.." With that visceral example in his mind, the concept of what he's saying is much easier to comprehend. Especially with what Hotaru taught him before.. how to focus and 'tune in' to both himself AND his surroundings. And even all THAT much seemed like more than the boy could ever follow all at once. It was a hard lesson to learn, "..Right.." Tentatively added with a small nod. Eyes drifting to Hotaru as the supportive squeeze is felt upon his shoulder. A brightening smile is offered before returning his focus quickly again to Frei.
Also.. when it comes to lying to Ol' Sak.. THAT OLD IDIOT NEVER COUNTS! >w< GRRR. .... Well, okay, until Hotaru kinda told him he SORTA DOES. Sometimes. As far as Hotaru's vagueness.. Kentou has never questioned it. The boy simply accepts there are things he isn't ready to learn in his training.. levels he can't go to yet. That Hotaru withholds information about her own is completely expected, let alone understandable.
For a moment, the monk's green eyes linger on that moment of physical connection between Hotaru and Kentou, his assessment of the two as a parent-child or perhaps older sister-younger brother dyad confirmed by that closeness. It doesn't perturb him; his cheerful expression never changes, but his thoughts start to drift in a particular direction about the two. He resolves, at some point, to ask Hotaru why it is she was compelled to train this young child, though after their discussion at the church yard he thinks he has part of the answer.
Clearing his throat, Frei walks over and sits down on the edge of the desk, looking at Kentou intently. "I asked you to do that so you'd understand how much hard work is going to go into this. But there's lessons you can pick up first before we get to the point of using it in a fight." He pauses, then his eyes widen a little, and he adds something in an almost hasty tone. "I'm sorry for not telling you the whole truth. I didn't mean to make you feel bad about yourself, I just wanted you to see how hard it was."
There's a moment while that sinks in, and for that moment the light does leave Frei's usually vibrant gaze, but the moment is temporary. He holds out his hand, palm up, and the twin orbs of light he used as a demonstration last time -- one gold, one silver -- pop back into being, circling each other like celestial bodies. "So the first thing we're going to do is find out where your talents are... where we should focus what you're doing."
As Frei moves over to sit on the edge of the desk, Hotaru glances back and forth between him and Kentou, observing from a somewhat outside perspective the interaction between teacher and student. Frei is good at instructing, she muses. Yet he said he's never taken on a student when they spoke before. There's a lot to be learned with his interaction with her protege in her mind, paying close attention to the lessons he unfolds piece by grueling piece.
Then out come his hands, palm up, as with seemingly minimal effort he brings the two colored orbs into existence again. He makes it look so easy but as Hotaru demonstrated last time, even experienced fighters might find the simple looking demonstration hard to accomplish.
She doesn't try to mimic it with her own sad blue sphere this time, her hands remaining clasped behind her back as she stays markedly quiet for now. Finding out what Kentou's talents are to focus properly? That's a very logical next step!
While Kentou's apprenticeship began with considerable uncertainty, the youth no longer entertains anything of the sort. The boy is wired to commit to something once he begins its path. Second guessing himself is a recent development in Kentou's range of cognitive considerations, and even then rarely employed. Hotaru transcends mere honor-bound commitment for the boy now, and he doesn't question why. He's just happy that it is.
As Frei becomes more comfortable, Kentou remains at attention. Luminous, thoughtful eyes following him at all times, nodding at every sentence. That early exercise alone helped him greatly.. In terms of understanding how much he doesn't yet understand. The young Monk's wisdom becomes even more evident as the boy begins to understand the depth of what he's learning.
Although, as Frei makes a hasty apology, the boy's eyebrows lift in some surprise. He.. honestly didn't expect the instructor to be so concerned about his comfort. Hard work and discipline have been the means to his martial education, and even Hotaru has continued that line of thinking. Albeit, with more compassion than he had previously ever known. Mostly due to the fact that the boy was mostly self-taught and he was his own worst critic. In his imagination he always thought of Sensei's as being harsh, unforgiving taskmasters for the good of their charges. But! The boy quickly responds with a stammering, "..N..No it's okay.. It..I learned a lot! I understand.." Hoping to offer Frei permission to continue his lessons as is, without him worrying about Kentou's self-incrimination's. Those.. well, those will come whether Frei wants them to happen or not. As Frei, himself, can well understand.
As Frei offers forth his hand and so easily invokes those rotating spheres, Kentou is unable to hold back a small sound of astonishment. 'Not that, that's for sure!' The boy nearly blurts out in reply to the Monk's current lesson's statement of intent. So unreal is the ease of control displayed, the boy nearly wants to try and reach out and yank back Frei's sleeve to check for some kind of holographic projector. If he wasn't staring at it with his own eyes, Kentou would have called such a feat completely impossible. The lights of those nigh-hypnotic spheres reflect in Kentou's sepia pools as he replies softly, "...I .. Hai, Frei.." That certainly sounds like a logical step but the boy is more than a little worried. The boy is pretty talented at punching things, he'll humbly admit. But that sort of thing? ...
It's funny, isn't it...
... how the most simple of days can take a turn for the worse all with the simple chime of an open door.
The Young Fighters' Community Center's doors swing open with naught but the ring of a bell heralding the arrival of yet another visitor to the ever-growing center. Cold winds blow in from the open portal in a most unfavorable way, but they don't last long before the door shuts out the outside world once more. Just as simple as that.
Whoever has just entered, for the longest time, does not make so much of a sound. He lingers towards the entrance of the center in a most inconspicuous way, leaning calmly and casually against the left wall as the trio just nearby discusses matter of education. Training. One, in particular, catches the thin man's notice; red-haired, green-eyed, looking far too pleasant for his own good --
"Oh, dear..." the man's voice cuts through -plainly- as soon as Frei is done speaking, interrupting their pleasant discussion with a tone that reaks of bemused condescension.
"... what a sad thing, to see that you're training little scamps in things they'll probably never be any good at. How low you've fallen, eh... Frei?"
As he speaks, the young man pushes off the wall, making a simple turn to face the group fully. His single visible eye falls upon Frei; Hotaru and Kentou might as well not even exist. For a moment, his gaze speaks nothing but coldness and a restrained sense of hate -- but it all cuts out sharply with a smile so wide it causes his eye to squint shut. "Oh, please forgive me for intruding! I was just wondering, since you're teaching -so well-..." he drawls out as he maintains that all-too pleasant smile.
"... can I take part in the lesson, too, Frei-sensei?"
The way the 'sensei' is all but sing-songed out, it can be viewed as no less than a mockery. But then...
Kataki isn't here to learn.
It is indeed funny how everything can change in the blink of an eye.
The first moment, the monk is ducking down next to Kentou again, the little spheres of light doing their little molecular jig in his palm. He is all smiles, ready to induct the young fighter into a spiritual world he hadn't known, one rich with the promise of growth both as a person and as a fighter. At least, that's what Frei himself got out of his education, once he'd left his past behind and found a new way of doing things.
At least, he thought he had.
It's the cold air that gets the monk's attention first; as an employee he's naturally attuned to pay attention when the bell rings, when the door opens. Visitors like Remy or Duke, for example, come in through the same door as the regulars. It bears watching. But when he doesn't immediately recognize the figure out of his periphery, he goes back to teaching. "I was going to ask if you thought of yourself as a yin type or a yang type, but even knowing you for a short time, it's pretty obvious you're a ya--"
Kataki's voice cuts through his speech like a hot knife through butter. The sentence dies mid-speech so *quickly* that it's as if Frei found some way of shutting down not only his speech, but the very sound around him. The quiet is... unnerving at best.
He looks up, sees the purple and black clad figure. And for the first time in a long time, an emotion that's very strange to Frei runs through his body, plainly evident on his face, strangling his words:
Watching Frei and Kentou interact is amusing to Hotaru. She hasn't actively thought of the boy as a little brother, but he has come to more than fill that vacant role in her life. One more adopted family member to add to the fold where her real kin remain absent. Kentou's triumphs are her triumphs, his challenges her challenges. She wants to see him succeed, to grow, to learn. And Frei is going to help that happen.
She doesn't glance toward the door as another arrives. While she does do a lot of volunteer work at the center, the only thing she does at the front desk is distract whoever is /really/ on duty with idle chitchat. Kids come and go, no need to watch them all. But then a voice cuts in. Laced with haughtiness, he doesn't get through the first sentence before the small, pig-tailed fighter is glaring over her shoulder. He speaks Frei's name, which means the monk must know who he is. But he just made fun of her student and friend at the same time, and the look in her eyes suggests she doesn't find it nearly amusing as he seems to.
But then he goes on to ask to be part of the lesson and the girl turns around completely to face him, unclasping her hands from behind her back to allow her arms to rest against her sides. She's quiet for a moment, mouth drawn tight, speaking nothing at first. After all, Frei would know who he is and what he wants and will tell him to be on his way, to be certain. While she's very not amused, she'll leave it to the monk to handle.
Seconds pass... silence reigns. Frei? Slowly Hotaru glances over her shoulder toward the enlightened chi master, setting eyes on an expression that seems so out of place on his face. "...Frei?"
Turning back around to face the young man, she decides to take over where Frei seems frozen, not one to leave things in such a state of uncertainty for long. "I'm sorry. I don't know who you are, but you're being quite rude and disrupting something that has nothing to do with you. If you're going to be causing problems here, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Her tone is authoritative. She's an employee here. She can kick people out! Sometimes literally if needs be!
As the door opens, Kentou doesn't pay any attention to it. People come and go through the Youth Center, after all. That, and the boy is entirely focused on Frei's teachings. Wide eyes following Frei with a growing excitement as he prepares to accept this spiritual lesson and reveal an important mystery for the boy to understand about himself, "I'm a .. Ya?" The boy blinks again, crossing his eyes slightly as he frowns in confusion. What's a 'Ya' type?
The boy was about to press Frei for an answer, until a rather rude fellow butts himself in.
Immediately Kentou looks over his shoulder with the world's single greatest expression of disapproval on record.
It is unfortunate though how Kentou never bothers to look back to Frei. Remember that inability to second guess? That's coming back to haunt him right here, right now. The boy has no reason to fear this man, but possesses every reason in the world to be utterly cheesed at his presence. As Hotaru rightfully begins to lecture this intruder, without hesitation Kentou suddenly -rushes- to motion, extending a foot and -kicking- a chair from the desk. The furnishing slides across the room, rotating slowly with the kinetic movement until grinding to a halt roughly two feet away from the dark-haired swordsman. The boy wonder crosses the distance in exactly ten leaping steps as he then HOPS up upon the chair, completely commandeering this long-haired hippie's attentions regardless of the stranger's attempt to fixate upon the instructor as the boy gets in the man's face.
"You HEARD Hotaru-Sensei. If you got a PROBLEM with FREI-" Notable lack of honorific as per request, "-'s teaching, Buddy, how about you take your business elsewhere?!" Which, coming from Kentou, is downright a mild and measured response.
Kataki isn't here to learn. But, he will be schooled.
Seconds pass. Kataki's eyes close, an exaggerated sigh heaves past his lips.
"My, my..." he drawls, "... this is such a boring lesson, Frei-sensei. But it's okay. After all..." That single, visible eye cracks open to peer at Frei, head canting to the side in a gesture of idle curiosity.
"... how can someone who can't even manage to be a decent -student- ever hope to know how to teach properly?"
Kataki shifts in a lazy movement as Frei remains overtaken with silence. His companions don't share his terror; the words that come next serve only to amuse the black-haired young man further. A fine brow lifts in Hotaru's direction as she speaks, a frown passing over Kataki's thin lips. It might almost seem apologetic, if not for the words that follow. "Oh, someone is trying to ruin my fun already? What a cute girl you are. Are you one of Frei's quaint little friends?" He pauses, here, leaning forward to level a judging stare upon Hotaru. There's something different about it, as if not only were he just criticizing her appearance, but trying to look right into her soul. "... Such a sweet friend, defending him like that. I wonder, though... just how sweet are you? I--"
But then he's cut off by none other than the little scamp himself. Hazel gaze flits downwards towards Kentou, and Kataki's face scrunches up as if he had just found a dead rodent on his front porch. "... Oh? But I'm only trying to -help- poor Frei. It's not his fault he doesn't know how to teach properly. And it's not his fault he tries to teach people who aren't worth the wasted effort." He pauses here, taking a look towards Frei. Pointedly. Amused. He shifts, his right hand resting easily on the hilt of a now-visible wakizashi formerly concealed beneath the billowing fabric of his coat.
"What do you think, Frei? Maybe I should help teach the lesson for you. This little boy looks like he could use a competent teacher, right...?"
And Jack came tumbling after.
Frei's mind is *reeling* at this point, trying to take all this in. It's a bit like having a corpse walk through the door, for someone else... a spectre of a long-passed time that he never in a million years thought would be on his doorstep again. It's not actual terror of the man in front of him that's got him so paralyzed; after all, the two haven't seen each other in almost ten years. How could Frei know what kind of person Kataki's become in the interim?
Well... there are ways, as his treatment of Hotaru and Kentou suggests.
Some circuit in the back of his mind pushes him to act, finally, snapping out of whatever stupor had grabbed him and propelling him awkwardly forward, past Hotaru, even with Kentou. He doesn't think Kataki's threat on the young boy's person is necessarily *valid*, but better safe than sorry.
"Hey, let's... let's all just lighten up a bit," he bites out, brow furrowed. The two men, standing next to each other, look like a bizarre culture clash: short, Caucasian-seeming Frei in his Chinese getup versus Kataki's tall, pale countenance and traditional Japanese garb. "It's, uh... he's, uh..." Out with it!
Lamely, the monk finishes with: "...hello, 'Taki."
Kentou is all up IN the young man's face in an instant, his rush to action surprising even Hotaru. He really /has/ gotten faster since she first saw him making a scene in the YFCC gym so many months ago. Maybe not a lot more prudent though comes the second thought as the boy leaps atop the chair to get the height he desires in conforting the new arrival...
Kataki continues mocking Frei and her own student in the process, provoking an annoyed expression from the Kenpo artist. As he addresses her in turn, Hotaru's mouth opens to retort, then closes again having said nothing. This situation seems to be spiraling out of control. Nevermind the disruption to the lesson, this is going to quickly end up causing commotion for the whole center at this rate.
With Kentou so close to him, Hotaru takes decisive steps forward, getting closer as well, though maintaining a few yards distance all the same. It's then that she notices the wakizashi at his side. Eyes narrow as Kataki's right hand rests atop the hilt of the weapon. The implied threat is unmistakeable, no matter how much he smiles. Hands clench at her side as her breathing rate picks up, the girl's mind beginning to prepare for a possible violent alteracation. If he makes a move to draw that sword, could she get there in time?
But then Frei finally unfreezes from the terror induced silence, moving forward past Hotaru to approach the dark haired young man. Frei asks that everyone lighten up and his words have a bit of a calming affect on the girl. After all, he's the only one that seems to know the sword user. If he isn't worried as she is, then maybe she's overreacting...
"Kentou," the girl speaks sternly. "Come here." Frei might be calling for peace, but Hotaru's gut tells her she's not wrong in worrying. Either way, there's no purpose served by having her student so close to him.
She's about to ask Frei who this guy even is, eyes glancing back and forth between the two of them. But she starts to put it together. The sword... the arrogance... the connection to Frei and the monk's powerful reaction... This isn't just some acquaintance! The visual differences between them, reinforced by choice in clothing, makes the conclusion seem impossible. But the girl says it all the same, "...Frei, he is... your brother?"
Uh oh.. This isn't another one of those Friends being mean to Friends just to be funny sorta things that Kentou never seems to get?
As the intruder behaves all nonchalant in Kentou's face, the boy's eyes flare with indignation. ESPECIALLY as he gave a rather intense look towards his Master. Ogling Hotaru? Mocking Frei? Kentou has unleashed his fists for a whoooooole lot less in the past. His hands tighten at his sides while his arms tense. A tension that only increases as this new guy smoothly comments about further instruction and unveiling the hilt of a short sword at his waist.
This.. may be more trouble than he bargained for, Kentou suddenly realizes. But the boy does NOT back down. If anything, he's happy he was impulsive enough to get between Kataki and Hotaru-Sensei even before he realized the long-haired man was armed. Already Kentou starts to contemplate if he can move quick enough to disarm him before he draws..
That is.. Until Frei now joins the conversation. The boy's mousy eyes shift briskly over to Frei as the Monk walks close enough to enter his peripheral vision. The expression he sees is enough to fully capture his attention.
Kentou was expecting Frei to act as irreverent as usual. Throw a witty line about how its too early in the night for a Saki delivery boy or.. something Frei-like! A subdued and shocked expression was.. not what the boy was expecting to see. His surprisingly heart-felt request to tone back the bravado is enough to make the tension in Kentou's arms subside slowly. While the boy doesn't understand what's going on here, Even he can tell this is a bit more complicated than some random guy showing up to just be rude.
There was something in Frei's greetings to this 'Taki' that all but completely deflates the aggression from him. A tone that the boy can't quite place in the scale of human emotion.
And theeeeeen.. That's when Kentou pays the piper.
As Hotaru's voice clearly rings out, the boy flinches a fraction. While he doesn't want to abandon Frei with the spector of this man's threatening intent looming so loud and clear.. Kentou doesn't disobey direct orders from his Master. Only then does Kentou back away. More of a strategic retreat, as his eyes do not leave the swordsman for an instant. Moving to the location Hotaru directs as further vocal reprisals are stilled for the moment.
However.. What Hotaru slowly ventures is enough to completely claim Kentou's attention as he stares up to her incredulously, "....Br.." Half-vocalizing the word before snapping his gaze back to Kataki.
No freaking way..
"Oh?" Kataki's gaze drifts lazily back to Frei. He smiles, faintly. It's not a happy smile.
"You finally remembered how to talk? Good. We have so much to talk about, after all."
Still, after those words, Kataki says nothing for the longest time. His gaze goes unfocused from Frei, instead pitting his attention on all of them. The uppity Kentou, the resolved and protective Hotaru, and now Frei. "So these are the kinds of people you've chosen to surround yourself with? You disappoint your heritage, Frei. Don't you think? But then... you've always been a bit of a disappointment." He speaks as if he should know, despite such a long period apart. It's undeniable arrogance. The tone of a man who hasn't come here for anything less than to stir the trouble that Frei seeks to calm. Slowly, his hand removes itself from the hilt of his wakizashi, his smile dissolving into something deceptively harmless again.
"... Aaah, don't worry, though. I won't kill any of them. It's such a waste... to kill rodents."
"It's been so long, and all you can say is 'hello'? So rude. Try, 'I'm so glad to see you again, Kataki, have you been well?'" His words drawl out slowly, as if he has all the time in the world -- and all the time in the world to disrupt their lesson, on top of that. And then, he comes to a stop. Hotaru's words ring clear, and yet, if she's made the correct assumption, Kataki isn't confirming or denying it. His expression hardly even shifts at her sudden revelation, that cheerful smile never wavering as he returns his focus upon Hotaru. "... What an interesting girl you are! So, are you one of Frei's friends...?" He seems strangely intent on getting the answer to this. After all -- he'd like to know more about Hotaru.
She seems like she might be -fun-.
It's been a little too long. For Kataki, this is from someone who used to be 18 when they last parted. For Frei, Kataki was a whole 11 years old. While the younger brother may have spent some time learning about his sibling, the monk was in such a hurry to get away from his past that he wouldn't bother to even write or call home. The man in front of him might as well be a stranger... a cold, cruel, arrogant stranger too. It's not as if he's even trying to HIDE it. Like he's having fun just... being himself.
The whole situation is very wrong.
Frei doesn't look back over his shoulder at her, but it should be obvious who the monk is speaking to when he replies. His voice is getting a little calmer, a little more steady as time goes on, as shock turns into confusion, confusion into curiosity. "Pretty perceptive. This... is Kataki Tsukitomi-Renard and he is indeed my younger brother. That's right..." And suddenly, Frei's old cheery smile energes for a second or two. "You hated being called 'Taki, as I recall." Such a stange observation to make at this stage of the conversation, a bizarre non-sequitur from some depth of Frei's memory. "If you couldn't tell, he takes after his Japanese mother."
There's another moment where he actually looks over his shoulder to make sure Kentou is 100% behind him still, as well as Hotaru. Something in Kataki's tone when he takes an interest in Miss Futaba... it's unnerving and spooky. But he's trying very hard, despite all of the things that have been said, to be gracious, to try and understand. "I suppose for someone so like Mom, you probably do think of me as a disappointment," Frei admits. He's never lied about that. "But I don't have any regrets about the life I've chosen."
He takes a deep breath after that, as if it took serious effort to get that sentence out, like he had to search for it somewhere deep inside. Which makes the next sentence, relatively speaking, a lot easier. "What is it that brings you to Southtown, 'Ta..." A beat. "...Kataki?"
Kentou moves to her side and Hotaru is able to relax a little. While she appreciates his intentions, she'd much rather he be next to her if something breaks out. She knows he wants to defend her, but she wants to do the same in return. Kataki's attention comes to rest on her and Hotaru stays focused on him back, not shirking in the slightest. "Frei is a very good friend of mine," she speaks up without reservation, answering the question.
"And how you treat him is highly inappropriate. It's sad to see that you weren't raised with any manners." Hmph! But Frei continues with the introduction, and Hotaru bites her tongue, falling quiet once again, eyes glancing back and forth between the two. The idea that they're at all related is preposterous. But her instincts proved right on the matter.
But it also makes it seem like this is a personal family moment. With Kentou at her side, Hotaru's hand comes to rest on his shoulder again. Before the gesture was supportive, this time it has a sense of restraint. Holding him back a little. "Frei is a good person... that his path isn't the one you have chosen is his choice." the girl states quietly, speaking her mind on the matter before falling quiet. At least she doesn't think violence is about to break out. Frei's calming influence prevails!
Alas, Kentou wouldn't know anything about what it means to have surviving relatives. All the boy can conjecture what it would be like.. is a happy feeling. You'd be amazed at how much you crave family once its gone.
But then, Kentou can think of at least one other person here who knows what that's like. And now, it seems, there's now one more person here who knows what its like to realize one's brother is.. not what you thought they'd be.
The boy's bluster is completely dispelled at this point. The revelation doesn't bare quite the same stigma for Kentou as it would others who know Frei better. The main source of is shock are the considerable surface differences between the two. Night and Day on a virtually literal scale, not unlike the swirling globes Frei had effortlessly displayed moments ago. How people could be so dissimilar and yet still be related by blood is.. baffling to say the least. While Kentou is uncertain about the exchange playing out, he no longer interferes.. grasping well enough that this isn't his business per se, and probably should let Frei deal with this awkward reunion.
The only matter that is automatically Kentou's business, is that pointed leer towards his Master. Kentou immediately attempts to move in front of Hotaru, but the gently restraining hand upon his shoulder keeps him where he is. While the boy continues the Herculean effort of remaining quiet, his intense expression leaves no confusion about the message he sends.
The only way Kataki gets his slimy mitts on Hotaru is -through- Kentou. Pig sticker or no pig sticker, Kentou will bust him up.
'Frei is a very good friend of mine,' Hotaru speaks up. Without the slightest bit of hesitation. Thin lips curl upwards into another smile.
"Oh, that's very good to hear."
His stance kept disarmingly casual throughout the tense undertones that carry throughout the room, Kataki says little more than that for the longest time. He simply listens. First to Frei, as his older brother sees fit to drag up old memories. "Mm? I'm surprised you remembered that much, after leaving us all so you could rot into obscurity! Very good, Frei!" No, he doesn't like being called 'Taki. Least of all by Frei. But he doesn't let it get to him; his face is still a mask of false pleasantries which entirely contrasts with his belittling tone.
And then Hotaru goes and says Frei is a 'good person.' It brings Kataki to stare at her with a blinking, disbelieving gaze. His response comes shortly after, drenched with amusement. "You think so? A good person who sees fit to abandon his poor family on a whim?" That's an exaggeration, of course; it's intended to be as such. "... It hardly matters. The fact that he's a 'good person'... just means he's soft. Rusty. Weak." His gaze shifts to Frei. His smile broadens.
"Right, Frei?"
But he doesn't wait for an answer; the question is rhetorical, and proven as such as he fluidly moves on to the next subject. The most pertinent of all. What brings him here? "Mm? Oh, not much at all, really," he lies smoothly. "I just came by to say hello to my favorite brother after I had finally managed to find you." His head dips in mock respect towards Frei as he takes a single step backwards. "But now that I've said my hellos, I think I'll be off for now. Goodbye, Frei. You should keep an eye out... you never know when things can take a turn for the worse, hmm?" He turns, only looking back to give a parting glance to Kentou and Hotaru. "We'll be meeting again soon. After all..." He walks towards the door once more, opening it with that welcoming chime.
"I'd -very much- like to get to know my brother's friends better." And with that...
... He's gone.
Frei doesn't say anything until Kataki's gone. He doesn't speak, doesn't move, doesn't do anything. If it weren't for the sound of it in the suddenly silent YFCC lobby, one might think he's not even BREATHING.
With a deceptive jingling, the bell on the door plays a little melody to mark the dark-haired man's passing, and little else. Forty-five seconds later, Frei collapses to the ground on his knees, looking with a sort of glassy-eyed expression ahead but probably not really seeing anything. Kataki might be right about one thing: the monk is pretty weak when it comes to his past crashing down at him from out of nowhere, making oblique threats, insulting his friends. Maybe not in the ways Kataki THINKS he's weak, but it's still a weakness.
He stays there for a while, and then eventually gets up, turning to face Hotaru and Kentou, the dark red of his bangs covering hooded green eyes, both of which once again stark contrasts to the acidic, pale creature that just walked out the door. "We'll, uh... we'll get to your lesson later, Kentou. I'm sorry you had to see that." A beat passes before he speaks again. "I'll, uh... I'll see you later."
He doesn't wait for confirmation. He just heads out the door, into the night, back home... to figure this out.
Log created on 22:57:06 12/02/2007 by Frei, and last modified on 05:36:35 12/03/2007.