Description: Internal Log: Ryouhara Seishirou Journal. Excerpts from Seishirou's personal notes and journals. Latest Updates: STUDY OF NINKOU PRINCIPLES
= Study of Ninkou Principles
Ninkougakujutsu, ninkoujutsu for short, is a study of the application of chi matrices to the form of a physical construct. The clan founder Ikou Ryouhara discovered some of the first applications of this technique and reenvisioned it to create what the clan knows today as "ninkou." Ikou-sensei achieved some of the most advanced ninkou designs, elementso f which were still being understood by our clan right up until Arinori..
As envisioned by Ikou-sensei, there are three initial rules associated with standard ninkoujutsu which define the elements of most ninkou as deployed today. I have decoded some of his writings and will quote them here now.
1. Like a human, a ninkou must have two elements: The first element is the physical form, and the second is the matrix that creates the spiritual form. This union of physicality and spirituality in craft is what creates ninkou.
2. Ninkou are the constructions created by ninja for the ninja's use. A ninkou's heart is awakened by ninjutsu and superior ninjutsu will also determine superior ninkou.
3. Ninkou must invariably conform to the first and second rules to be considered true ninkou. However, the most advanced ninkou following the spirit of these rules may necessarily reach beyond these definitions. In such a case, the clan leader should always control such ninkou to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands.
Ninkou may have any form or function that is bestowed upon them, provided they do not violate these basic tenets. Though through the clan's history, interpretation of Ikou-sensei's laws have varied, I view the first as the most vital of the laws, describing the necessary form of ninkou. Each must have a physical form with a chi matrix woven through it to control it.
(..In light of that, it should be added that the ninkou I originally created in my first year in Southtown were not traditional ninkou. I did not know many of the inscription techniques. Improvised weaponry and special tactics are a tenet of Ryouhara-type Ninjutsu but not actually ninkoujutsu..)
The second law deals primarily with the intended use of ninkou in that they are meant to be used by shinobi using shinobi techniques. Necessarily, without chi to fill their matrixes, ninkou are worthless, therefore a ninkou in the hands of an untrained user is pointless.
The third law describes what 'advanced' ninkou actually are. The power of a ninkou is a cross section of the user's strength and the strength of the ninkougakusha that created the ninkou. The advancement of a ninkou is determined by its ability to bend Ikou-sensei's laws but not break them. In that case, it should be said that the most advanced ninkou are barely distinguishable as ninkou at all..
Log created on 13:48:13 11/22/2007 by Seishirou, and last modified on 18:06:30 08/03/2008.