Description: What happens when two girls meet?! ... Fun! Although it kind of ends abruptly.
It isn't terribly often that the schools of Southtown get together for activities that don't have to do with rivalries or sports, so occasions like this one are golden. The Dream Amusement Park has currently been rented out in it's entirety by two of the schools, namely Justice High and Seijyun High. The students of these two schools often consider themselves at least a step above the others, Seijyun being the place that young ladies go to learn refinement and other lost aspects of traditional Japanese femininity, and Justice is home to the supposedly super elite- the incredibly intelligent, talented, and gifted portion of Japan.
Of course there is going to be some question as to which is truly the superior school, but today that's not an issue. Instead the schools have come together in order to help foster good relations, which is exciting for many of the students, as the Justice males will enjoy mingling with the students of an all female school, and the Seijyun ladies will probably like having some guys around for a change.
Alas, there is a casualty in this situation; the females of Justice High. Oh, they're certainly not overlooked, but with the prim and proper young ladies of Seijyun around to be new different and exciting, they are, in some fashion, old news. Luckily, however, one doesn't need the attention of boys to enjoy yourself at an amusement park. One of those 'old news' girls, Kiyoko is having a grand old time on a carousel, laughing amongst a group of other girls she can often be seen with at how silly they must look. A bunch of high school kids on a ride made for children, and having a blast.
[OOC] Kiyoko says, "I totally got way into the scene there, haha."
[OOC] Kiyoko says, "Massive block of scenepose and 2 lines of character pose. XD"
[OOC] Mignon heheheh
What are you crazy? MIGNON LOVES THESE THINGS. She lives for them as well, and she certainly doesn't care about school spirit! She just HAS the spirit! It's the best thing of all, of course! And Mignon is like, the TOTAL BEST at such things. And Mignon doesn't believe herself to be above others, but then, perhaps, Mignon is NOT above others. And currently, Mignon's hair is lime green, and her dress is red with green splotches over. If one was to look at her .. well, she's a strawberry! Almost literately!
Hey, she went out with the girls and enjoyed herself. AND BECAME A FRUIT.. or was that veggie? Either way, Mignon is within that park as well, and as Kiyoko is on the carousel, there is another as well on it! "WEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Giideyap Horsie! Giiddeyap!" Making a complete fool of herself, perhaps, Mignon is currently bucking the horse, giggling and crying out happily!
Most people are staying far away from her. Or at least leaving a space from her. Mignon is one of those 'are they really alright in the head' people that is currently rather happily on a horsie. But at the same time, Mignon looks over to the group and waves back to them, and Kiyoko! "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-oop!" And then tumbles to the Carousel floor, spinning about still slowly. "Ooww... The horsie didn't like me Mignon guesses.."
There's certainly nothing wrong with cutting loose and having some fun every now and then. Kiyoko actually isn't /terribly/ good at ignoring what other people might think of her, so sometimes it can be hard for her to let herself go and just have fun. She doesn't really have to at the moment, but when she sees Mignon enjoying her heart out riding the carousel she can't help but be just a little envious. People who can do that probably have a lot more fun.
Of course that's the thing about functions like this- if you haven't met before you can never know if someone is acting normally or actually cutting loose. Kiyoko, receiving odd looks from her friends, smiles brightly and waves to Mignon, even after she falls off the revolving horse. And even more to their horror she actually hops down off of the bobbing horse she's riding herself and offers a hand down towards Mignon to try and help her up, if she'll allow it.
"I haven't seen you around, so you must be from Seijyun, right? I'm Kiyoko Fukakami, nice to meet you!" The whole point of this was to create good relations between the two schools, so what better chance is there than this?
Indeed! And Mignon is so happy! She's always so happy! And Kiyoko may not understand this isn't a phase THIS IS MIGNON. But she has not met the lime haired devil yet. And perhaps it is best.. for the moment. She will lose such innocence soon.
And as Kiyoko WAVES to Mignon, that's the clincher, as Mignon's offered a hand, she's pulled back up and on, smiling. "Hiiiiiiiiiiii! Mignon's so happy to meet someone like you! Mignon was all hurt and you came to her aid! Mignon is so happpppyy to meet you Kiyoko! Thank you for everything!" Mignon, unfortunately, tried to hug Kiyoko afterwards.
And ends up flailing, and hanging off the horse oddly, before pulling herself back up. "Uh .. Mignon's sorry! But Mignon's been around too and hasn't seen you either but Mignon is a nice person, and Mignon thinks you're a nice person too!"
It's likely that Kiyoko is going to go down a notch in social reputation by associating herself with the likes of Mignon, but she either doesn't realize this or isn't letting it bother her. She laughs a little when Mignon seems so excited to meet her. "I'm happy to meet you too. It sure is nice that we're able to get together like this as friends." Rivalry is good for inspiration, but sometimes they can get a bit tiring.
The attempted hug catches Kiyoko off guard, but the flailing it turns into does so even more, and she closes her eyes and looks away to avoid losing an eye. Luckily her hair is in no danger of being made into a mess! "Ah!"
"It's, um, no problem! Just be careful, these things are probably pretty dangerous if you fall off- the horses could trample you." Nothing like a joke to break the ice! "Really? Thanks! You do seem like a nice person. Is this your first time at the park?"
Likely? Oh. Far more, she probably already is. But as Mignon sits on the horsie, she's also quite happy! Up and down and up and down.. "Heehee... Mignon knows, Mignon knows!" She says happily. "Mignon almost got trampled once before by these things, but Mignon was saved!" And as she asks if it's her first time?
Bouncing, Mignon taps her chin once or twice, before looking around. "Wellll Kiyoko, Mignon's been here a whooole lot! She comes here whenever she can, but it's a Friday, and Mignon's so happy to be here! And well, there's no homework or nothing!"
Looking about, she leans in to Kiyoko. "And Mignon isn't able to find any homework, so that means there isn't any! Even if Mignon should really do it .. Mignon isn't really.. well. Mignon TOTALLY can do the homework but Mignon's mind is needed elsewhere!"
[OOC] Kiyoko decides Kiyoko is going to take everything completely out of context.
Mignon is too cool for school?! Ok, probably not. "Really? It's a good thing you got saved then, because then who would I talk to?" Probably her friends that are moving on to other rides, but never mind that! The answer to her question brings a bright look to Kiyoko's face. "Me too. I come here with my friends a lot. Not every week or anything, but pretty often. It's nice having a place like this where you can come and get on fun rides and get yourself lots of treats and not have to worry about it."
"Hmm, I probably have homework I could be doing, but you're right. If the schools wanted us to do nothing but work they'd have arranged for a mutual study hall, not a trip here. What good is getting a great education if it isn't going to let you have fun!"
Grinning, Mignon is totally happy. And nodding, ishe'
Grinning, Mignon is totally happy. And nodding, it seems that Kiyoko is soooooooooooo right. "yep! Mignon didn't want to go splat either! And as Kiyoko mentions how she goes about alot, Mignon tilts her head. "Oooooh. Mignon's only been able to go for a few years, maybe just one! But she likes it a whoooole lot! And yeah! Mignon is all over this place!" She may even become a mascot one of these days!
And as Kiyoko makes more sense, Mignon totally agrees. "Mhmm!! Mignon just KNOWS they won't be too unhappy if we're all playing nice together and making the best of it! Loop de loop, Mignon's on the horsie!" And she stands a bit, spinning around the horse!... Danagerous.
A nervous look forms on Kiyoko's face as Mignon spins around on the carousel horse only moments after admitting that she'd almost been squashed by one before. "R-right! What's the point of going to an amusement park if you aren't going to have as much fun as you can?" While Kiyoko isn't the most apprehensive person, she's getting a little worried that this might be a specifically dangerous place for Mignon to be.
She thinks for a quick moment and then pipes up, "Oh! Want to come with me and get some buns? The stands here sell the /best/ ones, and the bean and custard ones almost always sell out quickly."
Landing on the horse once more, Mignon then PROMPTLY leaps off in, and off of the Carousel while it's still moving. "Would Mignon!? Mignon would LOVE TO! Mignon wants to come, so Mignon's kinda hungry too. Thanks Kiyoko, you have the best ideas! Mignon thinks she has enough to pay for herself too, so she's in luck!" Bouncing, skipping, on the ground, Mignon can't seem to stay still!
And turning around, Mignon leaps over the railing with a hop, and then bounces straight up, waving. "Mignon just CAN'T WAIT. Ooh, is it this way? Or this way! I smell something good this way.. what about this way? Oooooh over there!?"
Kiyoko laughs at Mignon's enthusiasm, and hops off while the carrousel is still revolving as well, just with far more care to make sure she isn't injured in the process, placing a hand on the edge and sliding down. She'll walk around the railing though, which takes her a bit of time. "Great! I think it's over... actually I think any of the stands probably sell them. Let's just go to the one that smells the best!"
Watching the lime haired 'strawberry', Kiyoko is again a little envious. She seems to have boundless energy, something she can't even begin to claim for herself. She'd probably burn out fast if she kept bouncing around like Mignon is. It looks like she's going to make a new friend though, so she should make an attempt at getting to know her! "You said you've only been able to go for a few years...did you just move here then?" The fact that she's not Japanese is politely left out.
As Kiyoko hurries up and follows Mignon, Mignon is certainly ahead! But she's stopped because she's also sort of lost. And as Kiyoko walks over, Mignon nods twice. "Mhhhmmm! Mignon .. wow? That many! Then Mignon's going to DEFINITELY get some! So we just need to find one! Aha! There! There's no line there either!" Smiling wide, Mignon turns as she walks backwards a bit.. and skips backwards?
"Mhhhmmm. Mignon just moved here for school! Mignon's from America, where the witches live, because Mignon is a witch! .. But no no no Mignon is NOT a bad witch she is a very very GOOD witch. Mignon tries to help alot of people, all the time!" And it's true!
"Mignon's got a sissy too, she's named Ninon and goes to school with her! Mignon loves her little sis, even if she's all mad at her sometimes!" Shrugging, Mignon keeps on skipping.
"The park is pretty empty to how it can get in the summer. I don't know if /all/ the stands are open but there are enough to feed the whole park if they really have to, so I'm sure we'll be able to have as much as we want and get all the different ones we want." Kiyoko doesn't intend to make a glutton of herself though, and not just because the prices on park food are astronomical compared to a normal bakery or stand.
"Oh! I guess I might not have seen you around even if you did go to Justice then." She blinks a little. Wasn't Halloween a few weeks ago? "A witch? I don't think I've ever met anyone who described themselves like that before."...though come to think of it she did meet someone who carried a broom around...
"Really? That's pretty neat! I have a younger brother, but he's not old to go to high school yet. Younger siblings can be a pain sometimes though, can't they?"
Well ookaaaaaay! Mignon certainly believes Kiyoko, if anything, and nodding, she skips slowly backwards, almost tripping, and thus walking forwards once more! "W-w-OOP!" Mignon stays up this time though, grinning. "Almost but no cigar! Heehehee.. And yeah, I guess so! Mignon's still loving it, and Mignon thinks she wants to try .. uh .. EVERYTHING! Mhm!" As she skips nearby Kiyoko now, Mignon shakes her head. "Nope.. Mignon never went there! And Mignon is so a witch. She has all these magical powers and can heal people and stuff, and her grammy is one too! And Mignon is totally not thinking Ninon is EVER a pain. Mignon needs to take care of Ninon! .. Although Ninon doesn't wanna let Mignon do that.. she's so mean sometimes..."
[OOC] Mignon says, ".."
[OOC] Mignon x.x
[OOC] Kiyoko says, "?_?"
[OOC] Mignon says, "A chunk of text."
[OOC] Kiyoko says, "Ah, I do it all the time :D"
[OOC] Mignon is doing another scene here and another over at asome other place, so I may not be at top form
[OOC] Kiyoko says, "Outperforming me even so!"
"Oh wow, really? You should show me some of your magic sometime." Kiyoko then gets a thought, "Now's probably not a good time though, since it'd distract me from getting food, and a growing girl has to eat!" With as clumsy as Mignon seems, magic tricks in an environment like this where there are lots of distractions and people around is probably a pretty horrible idea.
"Being mean is part of being a pain, I think. Don't worry too much about it though, that's just how all younger brothers and sisters are. I bet she thinks she has to show you up all the time too, huh? I mean, I'm not trying to talk bad about her since I don't know her, but my brother always thinks he has to prove he's as good as me or better. /Especially/ since I got into Justice. I swear he works so hard in school just to try and show me up." She grins over to Mignon.
"Mhmm! Mignon would be more than happy to! You just wait, one day, Mignon will show you all the magic you need! And Mignon ceerrtainly is hungry! Mhmm!" Skipping, she follows Kiyoko alright. It's a nice meeting between possibly soon to be friends! And Mignon is just beaming!
"Heehehee.. I dunnno~! Mignon is all happy with her family.. and Mignon's not trying to, but Ninon is like totally better at all kinds of stuff! And yeah.. Mignon thinks she likes to prove she's better all the time to! Mignon doesn't know what is wrong with her though.. Mignon thought she was being nice!" Smiling, she bounces happily on one leg, then another!
"Great! I can't wait to see them." Kiyoko looks around and decides it's time to actually get some food rather than wandering around and talking about getting some, so she walks over to a stand that's open. There's people in line, but only two of them so it shouldn't take too long to get their... whatever they want!
"Yea, that sounds like a younger sister alright. She's pretty lucky to have an older sister like you, even if she doesn't know it just yet. I'm sure she'll be thanking you for being so good to her, some day." Kiyoko wonders if the same thing can be said of herself and her brother.
Nodding, Mignon blinks. "See them? OH. Right. Mignon remembers! Mignon will be happy to!" And in a line, Mignon can wait! "Mhmm.. I guess so. Mignon is going to try her best to make sure she doesn't become a delinquent either! Mignon thinks that would be pretty bad!"
Looking at the foods, Mignon is ALMOST drooling at it all! "Mmm! Mignon just can't wait.. Mignon forgot to eat earlier! Now she's remembered! And boy is she starving!"
[OOC] Kiyoko says, "...I think it's game over- do you mind if we pause?"
[OOC] Kiyoko says, "I'm seriously falling asleep despite two huge energy drinks"
[OOC] Mignon says, "Oh no problem."
[OOC] Mignon says, "Go for it! :D"
[OOC] Mignon closes log
[OOC] Kiyoko says, "Thanks XD;"
Log created on 20:50:41 11/16/2007 by Mignon, and last modified on 23:41:36 11/16/2007.