Ayame - Operation - Not Having Fun

Description: Objective: Petty Theft. Obstacle: Resistance to theft. Alias: None. Summary: Some people consider fighting to be fun. Others think of it as merely a means to an end. Kiyoko has a bad case of Wrong Place - Wrong Time syndrome, as Ayame happens across the girl along the beach. Observe Seasonal Themed Move Name Warfare at its most vicious!

Despite the cold Sound Beach is still a nice place to go in autumn and winter, and there are always surfers who have to catch just one more wave willing to brave the cold, even if they have to wear drysuits to stave off hypothermia. Though not as crammed full as it would be were it summer there's still a few people milling about and enjoying the sun that's decided to show its face. Among them is a group of five high school aged girls walking and chatting, approaching from the direction of the amusement park. Once they make it to the beach their topic of discussion changes to a long series of goodbyes and comments on how they'll see each other at school, eventually breaking up and heading off in different directions.

One of these girls, this one purple of hair and thin of body. She walks in an almost aimless manner before shifting and walking over towards a now empty lifeguard tower, sitting down on one of the ladder steps that go up and staring out towards the horizon as begins tinting red from the suns slow descent.

People at the beach have a code of ethics that an outside observer might not be readily aware of. A sort of inherent understanding amongst each other. The knowledge that it is safe to leave their stuff sitting out while they slip out to enjoy the cresting waves, play in the sand, or frolic in the water washing up against the shore time and time again. That trust is necessary. After all, if it wasn't there no one would be able to leave their stake of the beach to actually go enjoy that which brought them here in the first place.

Ayame knows all about the code of ethics as understood by the beach going sorts. Unfortunately, when it comes to rules, she's perfectly happy to break them, written or not. Most of the time she looks like just a quiet, lonely girl enjoying a casual stroll along the sandy shore, her hands clasped behind her back, the wind playing with her long, red-tinted blonde hair.

But now and then she draws near to a site set up by someone down in the water. Towels, food baskets, beach chairs, and sometimes umbrellas for those who really like to establish their turf. Putting her remarkable memory to use in the worst of ways, she's able to keep track of which pile of stuff belongs to which beach-goer, making it possible for her to approach the setups of those who are in the least likely position to notice...

The casual way she crouches down and begins rumaging through people's belongings makes it seem like she's just going through her own things, doing nothing to rouse suspicion from others that happen to notice her. That is, of course, as long as they don't notice that the girl is going through stuff at /several/ sites instead of just one.

Snacking on a carrot she stole from someone's picnic basket, Ayame wanders near the lifeguard tower, glancing Kiyoko over as if evaluating her for the basics: Probability of being worth mugging. Threat indicator. Awareness level. It's the same scrutiny nearly anyone Ayame meets gets.

Kiyoko might not be here for the beach itself, but she does know the rules and regulations that are generally associated with it. Who doesn't, after all? But she isn't the type to go around breaking those rules as Ayame is, nor would she know how to go about it in such a way as to seem innocent. No, she's the type who stealing something sitting on the beach wouldn't even occur to.

She doesn't seem to notice as Ayame goes about her business either, her attention staying both on the sunset and whatever thoughts are swirling around inside her head. She isn't so oblivious that she won't notice that someone is coming near her, however, and her eyes turn slowly towards the redhead as gets closer and looks towards her. Kiyoko gives Ayame a little smile of a hello, and then immediately returns her gaze to the horizon, which is now a brightening orange.

Of the examination Kiyoko would likely fall under the 'easy mark' level. Her cloths are well put together and nice in general, likely coming from a trendy store in the Village mall. Though her clothes try to hide it it's fairly obvious that she's thin, almost to the point of being frail, and her awareness is such that she only gave Ayame a casual look.

Someday, someone might get around to installing a conscience in the girl. But until then, the world is going to have to put up with the way Ayame is, or find a way to lock her behind bars for the good of the rest. She should feel a bit bad about picking the girl out as an easy mark, but it can't be helped. Not a recognized fighter... she's started paying a lot more attention to broadcast matches as of late, after several, ah, less than effectively chosen targets, and Kiyoko hasn't appeared in any of them.

She doesn't look like she's so wealthy as to be a high priority target, but Ayame has proven in the past that it doesn't take a lot for her to justify the hassle. The blonde glances around the beach for a moment before turning her attention back to Kiyoko. "I'm guessing you're not a lifeguard," she remarks with a bit of a smile, hand resting lightly against her hip now as she glances up at the empty tower.

"Want a carrot?" she asks, holding out a second orange stick that she hadn't started to chew on yet. Randomly accosting people who look like they'd rather be left alone is a favorite of the girl's as it tends to put them off guard... besides, it's easy to tell what kind of person she's dealing with if she can get them talking.

"Hmm?" Kiyoko is somewhat brought out of her reverie as Ayame speaks up. It causes her to give Ayame a bit closer of a look over, though it's nothing of the kind that was just done to her. After a moment she shakes her head, "Nope. I'd probably be up there if I was." She makes a little motion up towards the seat at the top of the stairs. The offer of a carrot seems to confuse her for a moment, and it looks like she's going to refuse before finally accepting. "I...guess so."

She reaches out to take the carrot stick, and if it's given to her she'll take a small bite out of one end. Rather than let an awkward sort of pause form she looks back towards the sunset. "Isn't it pretty? I've never stayed here and watched the sunset before, but seeing it now makes me think that maybe I should have, at least once."

The carrot is handed over the moment Kiyoko accepts it before Ayame switches to clasping her free hand behind her back, her other hand still occupied with holding the carrot that she's munching on at the moment. "Right," the girl remarks when she comments about sitting up top if she was a life guard. Well, she figured as much. She'd probably be more swimsuit clad if she was.

But then the girl goes on to talk about the sunset and Ayame is slow to shift her gaze to the horizon as well, glancing over the vibrantly, multi-hued skyline with indifference. "I guess it's never too late for a first time, eh?" comes the remark, sounding like maybe she's a somewhat sympathetic to the expression of meloncholy on the part of the purple haired girl. What a weird thing to say, Ayame muses. She sounds a little regretful - maybe something tragic happened recently. A loss, perhaps. Depressed people are even easier to twist around, but there's the question of whether or not it's worth it.

"I mean, there's always the future, right?" she asks, trying to draw more out from the girl. She saw her with a gaggle of girls her each only minutes prior, so she doesn't believe her to be the morose, lonely type, but all the same...

That's true- lifeguards would probably be wearing something other than a skirt. Kiyoko doesn't seem to be in too much of a rush to eat the carrot that was given to her, but she does take another little bite off the end. She smiles a little, "That's true. Just because you've never done something before doesn't mean you never can do it." The comment on the future gets Kiyoko looking somewhat distantly towards the horizon again before looking back to Ayame and smiling, "Just like that play, tomorrow's only a day away?"

She seems a bit uneasy for a moment and then gets up from her seat on the ladder and climbs up, standing rather than sitting on the chair up high and looking around. "I'm surprised people are still out there, though. They must really love surfing to keep going when it's so cold, and when it's going to be dark so soon."

Ayame takes a step back, putting her even with the ladder leading up to the empty lifeguard tower. "Hn," she replies with a nod as Kiyoko mentions the absense of prior experience doesn't mean one can't do something all the same. "Just have to put your mind to it..."

She leans to the side, her shoulder propped against the ladder as she crosses her legs at the ankles. The line about a play keeps her quiet for a long moment. The taller girl wouldn't notice the way her brow furrows. Tomorrow's only a day away. What kind of ridiculous assertion is that. Of course it's-... Oh, right. A play. A lyric. Ayame rolls her eyes upward as she digs deep into her memory to place the line. It comes to her though.

"Heh. Yeah... Sometimes you just gotta hang on 'til tomorrow." she remarks, pushing off from the ladder and taking a step forward, twirling around on her feet to face Kiyoko directly. Her free hand is at her waist, while her other hand lifts the carrot back up to take another bite as she looks thoughtfully at the student.

"Hey, when it's something you enjoy doing, what's a little cold, right?" Ayame continues, chewing slowly before swallowing. "I mean, like, what's something you enjoy doing? /Really/ enjoy?"

It is a lyric from a play, that that's the essence of the statement that Kiyoko got from what Ayame was saying. "Something like that. It takes a certain kind of person to keep such a happy attitude like that all the time, though." Boundless optimism definitely isn't something that all people are born with. "But luckily things usually aren't bad enough that you'll need one, right?" She bends at the knees, and then lets herself flop down into the high chair in the lifeguard tower.

"I guess so. I don't know that there's anything I like enough that I'd be willing to go out and swim in the water when it's this cold out, though." That kills two birds with one stone, really, though she'll elaborate. "I like shopping and talking with my friends a lot, but I don't think it'd be much fun if it was as bad as that water must be out there." She then looks down towards the red haired girl down below, "How about you?"

"Right, things aren't usually that bad." she remarks, a faint, friendly smile working its way into her expression. "That's a good way to think about things. A good attitude in and of itself."

She takes one last bite of the carrot before tossing the inedible end over her shoulder into the sand. Then both of her hands reach forward to start climbing the later, step by step, up toward Kiyoko. Her expression seems neutral, if not a bit friendly even, no hint of the malice she conceals behind that mask. "Well..."

Shopping. Talking with friends. Feh. Simple pleasures for a simple girl. No matter. With the sun sinking low, the shadows are growing long and the crowd thins. She climbs up another step. "I like to do a lot of different things. Programming, tinkering, writing... Have you ever maintained a blog?"

She climbs up another step, bringing her just about on level with the seated Kiyoko. It's only then that the girl might notice the shift in Ayame's demeanor. Or maybe a sixth sense will warn her of the true nature of the girl she's been so casually chatting with the last few minutes. "I do. I like to write about all the people I've robbed in it. Each target has his or her own story, each struggle is different..." That friendly smile doesn't even falter, but there's a menace to her eyes now. "... And now you're going to get your own chapter."

And with that strange warning out of the way, Ayame pushes up onto the last step, both of her hands reaching out to grab a vicious hold of poor Kiyoko. One attempts to grip her shoulder while her other attempts to reach around and twist a hold into that violet hair of hers. And if she gets that tight hold, she'll pull back hard, attempting to literally yank the girl out of the seat and throw her right off of the guard tower down to the sand below. She wastes no time if successful, jumping right down besides Kiyoko as well.

COMBATSYS: Ayame has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Ayame            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Kiyoko has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ayame            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Kiyoko

COMBATSYS: Kiyoko dodges Ayame's Medium Throw.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ayame            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Kiyoko

"Not really. I don't do very much online except for research, and that's pretty hard since -everything- references Wikipedia and we're not allowed to use it at Justice." Or at least her teachers don't allow it. The shift is noticed, since Ayame climbed up the ladder and got nice and close to her. She's suddenly quite a bit more alert all of a sudden, and that's only magnified when the redhead goes and spouts off about robbing people. "What! You're going to rob me?"

Ayame makes it to the last step, but when she goes for the grab Kiyoko puts her hand down on the arm rests and quickly gets her feet under herself, shoving off and jumping up and over the top of Ayame down to the sand below, landing in a crouch and then standing up and turning around to face her. "I don't think so! You can't just come act all nice and then /rob/ me." She glares at her, from down below.

COMBATSYS: Kiyoko focuses on her next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ayame            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Kiyoko

The girl is rather surprised at Kiyoko's burst of energy. And she thought this was going to be an easy one. Looks like this is going to be a more interesting struggle than she had anticipated. Her brown eyes glance up toward the horizon, taking in the people around, evaluating various distances and the likelyhood of interference. If this goes long, it could be a problem. She had hoped the girl would be so stunned by the fall that she wouldn't be able to put up any kind of fight at all.

That clearly is quite the opposite of what just happened though. "Right," she remarks, eyes moving down to stare at Kiyoko, that smile fading, her expression neutral, almost detatched in a sense. "That's funny. You actually think you have a choice on the matter." she states with a shake of her head. Time to see if Kiyoko is really just a lucky gymnast or if there's more to it than that.

Jumping down off the tower, the hostile girl swings her foot out mid-air, attempting to nail Kiyoko in the side of the head. She's still going for the quick knockdown. Maybe all she'll come away with from this is some lunch money, and she doesn't want to have to spend TOO much time getting that...

COMBATSYS: Kiyoko dodges Ayame's Light Kick.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ayame            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Kiyoko

"Well," Kiyoko begins, "I don't have a choice of whether or not you're going to try to rob me." Upon saying this, her stance shifts from just normal standing into something else entirely, one leg bent, leg straight and low to the ground. "But I do have a choice on whether or not I let you get away with it!" She definitely did not want to get robbed while just sitting down and watching the sunset. Talk about a way of ruining something specifically peaceful!

Ayame launches herself off the tower and aims herself for Kiyoko, but the victim of this attack isn't having any of it, moving over to the side and twisting out of the way to let her just land on the ground and avoid getting kicked. But rather than just stay back this time she's going to retaliate, rolling forward onto her hands and reaching out with her legs, trying to hook her ankles back behind Ayame's neck before forcing all of her weight backwards to try and lift the attacker up and over before slamming her down onto her back while trying to roll to her feet in the same motion. "You can't rob me so easily!"

COMBATSYS: Kiyoko successfully hits Ayame with Harvest Moon.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Ayame            0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0           Kiyoko

Landing on the sand, Ayame has time to realize that Kiyoko had just adopted a fighting stance before she jumped. So she /does/ have training. The girl raises to a standing position after her feet plant in the sand, thinking she has time to consider her next action carefully... only to find the girl is quite intent on turning this little assault around on the wouldbe thief.

Thus it is that she ends up getting caught completely off guard, the girl's legs twisting around her neck before Ayame can do anything about it, "What, hey -grk!" She doesn't fight what comes next, expecting that getting slammed down to the sand can't possibly be TOO bad... But her back slams down against a rock buried just beneath the surface, eliciting a sharp cry of pain from the girl.

Twisting to the side, feeling both a sharp pain in her neck and a dull pain in her back, Ayame's hand lowers to a black pouch affixed to the belt around her skirt, fishing out a short metal tube. "All right, time to get serious!" she snaps, charging toward Kiyoko, whipping that tube out to her side, expanding it into a six foot long titanium pole, a violent, angry red aura channeled along the entire length of it.

"You shouldn't have fought back!" And then she swings the weapon out, aiming it in an upward arc with enough power to try and knock the girl clean off her feet. Another swing will come in the form of a follow up swing, also from low to high as Ayame leaps up, finishing with a single axe-like chop with the staff, discharging the channeled energy with a final explosion of light before the energy all fades away.

COMBATSYS: Kiyoko dodges Ayame's Harvest's Reaper.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Ayame            0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0           Kiyoko

That attack went off without a hitch! Kiyoko can almost feel the pain in Ayame as she smashes her into the ground. She hopes that was at least enough to deter her from coming at her any more. She isn't sure how strong the other girl is, except that she was bold enough to keep coming when she evaded the first attack. But rather than having deterred crime, it looks like she's just gone and pissed her off. Kiyoko shrinks back a little when the weapon comes out, and narrows her eyes just slightly when it begins glowing with power. Nope, that's not something she wants to get hit with!

This calls for a game of keep away. "Shouldn't have fought back? I'm not going to just stand around and let you try and beat me up!" The powerful upward swing seems pretty powerful, but she's just quick enough to step sideways when it swings to avoid it, stepping the other direction to avoid the follow up swing.

But having hopped up like that, Kiyoko figures Ayame has left herself exposed. Whether or not the explosion goes off the young woman quickly hops in, bending at her hips and leaning upwards before striking out quickly with her other leg, trying to kick Ayame in the stomach while she's still up in the air. "Yah!"

COMBATSYS: Ayame interrupts Light Kick from Kiyoko with Light Kick.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Ayame            0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0           Kiyoko

*woosh* *woosh* The first to swings miss the agile young girl, but Ayame leaps into the air all the same, committed to her attack far too much to abort the momentum of it at this point. But the expression on her face betrays the hint of worry... the three pronged assault DOES leave her at a really big disadvantage when it doesn't connect, as she propells herself upward for the final swing.

But she does manage to make a last second correction, realizing that Kiyoko isn't going to let her get a clean landing after that aggressive assault. Her staff behind her back, positioned for a final swing that won't have the time to come, the best Ayame can manage is a swift swing with her foot at the same time the violet haired girl aims a foot for her stomach.

There's nothing she can do about that but plant her own foot against Kiyoko's shoulder and kicking off herself, her own momentum aided by the blow to her gut. "Che," she spits, backflipping from the kick to land back down in the sand a couple of yards away. "Not bad," she comments, rising back to a fully standing position and starting to advance on Kiyoko again. She's not intending to let the girl buy time to run away... nor is she quite deterred herself.

Getting landed on with one foot way up in the air is /not/ going to allow Kiyoko to keep her balance. Her own kick landing is fine, she was expecting the reverse force from that, getting landed on she might have been able to get her balance back, but when Ayame jumps back off of her, her foot sinks into the sand and she tilts backwards, toppling slowly down to the sand. "Ahh!" Luckily it's sand, though! She picks herself up pretty quickly, and turns to face Ayame again, staying in her fighting stance. "You're not that bad either."

She's almost tempted to cross her arms, though it'd be tactically unsound. "This might actually be fun if you weren't trying to rob me, you know. Hmph!" A bit awkward, since the fight is at a minor standstill, Kiyoko reminds herself that this isn't a time where she can just stand around and talk. If she does Ayame is likely to come in and try and smash her head with that pole again. So rather than let that last comment hang and get a response she moves back on the offensive, moving forward cautiously before striking forward with a circular motion and trying to jam two of her fingers into a never cluster near Ayame's shoulder, hoping to stiffen the arm up and maybe even get her to drop that pipe of hers.

COMBATSYS: Ayame blocks Kiyoko's Quick Throw.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Ayame            0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0           Kiyoko

"If you're having fun, it's because I haven't hit you enough yet," Ayame snaps back. She doesn't sound quite /annoyed/, exactly. But the little victim isn't playing her role right, and it's throwing the girl for a bit of a loop. When Kiyoko comes at her with that two-fingered stab, the girl raises the palm of her left hand to intercept the strike. The force is still enough to drive her back, but the girl takes advantage of the situation by letting that side of her body be forced back at an angle while stepping forward with her other foot in order to weave in around the somewhat taller girl.

It puts her at a position to swing the weapon up behind the purple haired girl, aiming to clock her in the back of the head. She'll continue with the motion, however, bringing her free hand back up to grab hold of the staff and spin it around a second time, aiming for her ankles this time while twirling her entire body around to get in behind Kiyoko.

She finishes with a final horizontal sweep of the staff at about waist level that she puts her whole body into. She said she needed to hit harder, and it looks like she means business! Coming out of the swing, she stabs her staff out, as if to just poke at Kiyoko - not so much to hurt her so much as to stall her a little.

COMBATSYS: Kiyoko dodges Ayame's Fierce Strike.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Ayame            0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0           Kiyoko

"Fighting can still be fun even if you get hit, but not when you've got someone like you trying to do something bad with their fighting skills. If getting hurt is enough to make you not have any fun you probably don't have any business learning to fight in the first place." But lets see if she'd have said that had Ayame pounded her in the head a few times with that metal pipe of hers. The kick she got in hurt plenty, after all. The blocked attack is a minor failure, but not too big of one. It probably didn't hurt too much since it was a pressure point attack, and it missed it's target.

But it's back on the defensive when the weapon swings up behind her head. That's easy enough to handle- she simply ducks. But then there's a bit more trouble heading her way as Ayame swings again for her legs, forcing her to get desperate and leap backwards and away. It's enough to move her far enough away that the final swing misses as well.

As the fight cyclically continues it's her turn to come in and attack again, stepping back within range and trying to bypass the weapon in order to swing two circular chops towards Ayame's neck before following up with a straight on palm heel strike to her solar plexus. "Hah, hah... yah!"

COMBATSYS: Ayame counters Strong Punch from Kiyoko with Requiem For Fallen Blossoms.
- Power hit! -

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Ayame            0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1           Kiyoko

COMBATSYS: Ayame has saved the state of this fight.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Ayame            0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1           Kiyoko

"Is that so," Ayame replies as Kiyoko insists that there's a fun side to fighting. The wouldbe thief doesn't agree. "Or maybe fighting is just a means to an end and having fun has nothing to do with it," the girl continues with a bit of an indifferent shrug, only a faint smile forming at the corner of her mouth. Kiyoko was good at avoiding her last three swings, but Ayame has a lot more strikes where those came from, as the poor girl is about to find out.

When she comes in for the neck chops, she'll realize, perhaps just too late, that the girl is ready for her. That bo of hers lights up as the girl channels her energy into it once more, but rather than an angry, violent red hue, it has more of a pink tint to it. Though such small nuances are hardly important when one is getting smacked around by the heavy titanium pole.

The two circular chops toward her neck are dealt with by the staff being twisted at an angle in front of the girl, one end knocking one of Kiyoko's arms upward, the other driving her other hand down as the staff user shuts down the assault. But she isn't just reacting defensively, it would seem, as she whips the staff up at an angle, striking her target in the chin on the way up, before stepping forward, twisting around to bring it crashing down for a sideways followup strike, and finishing with one more spin to drive the end of it into Kiyoko's side a second time. With each of the blows is a discharge of the pink tinted chi, a lot of it filling the air around the two girls as particles of it are shaken loose with each move of the staff. "Having fun yet?!" the girl yells, pulling back a little, bracing herself with the staff at an angle.

The energy she was channeling begins to fade, flowing down the length of the weapon and dripping down off the bottom end of it, floating lazily to the sand before disappearing.

There's very little Kiyoko can do to try and stop Ayame from getting the drop on her, and none of it is going to work. She's already committed to the attack, so when the pole suddenly swings up to knock her hands away there's nothing she can do but hope for the best, and then it swings up to smack her in the chin. The power of it is enough to lift her off her feet, but not too far as it comes the other way and immediately strikes her back down to earth. The final blow then swings around and smacks her right in the ribcage, bowling her over sideways as if she wasn't going to crash into the sand in the first place.

Wincing with pain, Kiyoko picks herself up off the ground slowly, holding her side for a moment before sliding into her fighting stance. "No, I'm not having fun because you're being a /jerk/. Even if you're robbing someone you don't have to have such a bad attitude about it." She decides to pipe up with something that'll likely come out as horribly cliché, "I guess fighting is just like any other tool, it can be all kinds of things, it just depends on how you use it. Maybe you can't have fun, but I can."

She is at least somewhat close to Ayame, and she's not too stiff to move, so she begins attacking again, her arms suddenly moving in quick circular motions. Her hands begin to glow green with her own energy, taking long swipes at Ayame, her hands themselves missing but the energy surrounding them actually striking if the attack goes off correctly. As she attacks she takes slow steps forward, and if Ayame pays close enough attention she might recognize it as a greatly sped up version of a Tai Chi workout.

COMBATSYS: Ayame parries Kiyoko's Summer Breeze!

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Ayame            0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1           Kiyoko

The long haired blonde continues to stare at Kiyoko as the girl insists on getting back up even after the savage sequence of strikes. Guilty as charged of being a jerk, unfortunately, and she doesn't seem to even feel the slightest remorse from the verbal barb, merely leaning her head to the side slightly as if to say 'Is that all?' "So that's why you learned to fight? To have fun?" The girl seems skeptical of the idea. "You're tough enough to take what you want from people, you know. Not as good as me, of course, but still better than the average shmo."

The rest of the energy drains out of the staff and Ayame stabs the long pole into the sand, leaving it standing upright at her side as her now free right hand reaches to the clasp of a second belt hanging loosely at her hips which she clicks open with a small application of pressure. As she slides the coiled belt from off around her waist, it is revealed to be a three foot long chain whip - one that Ayame lashes out with immediately, dashing apart the first wave of energy that would have struck her dead on.

Ayame doesn't try to deal with the rest, though - her timing for that first deflect was precise but repeating it as flawlessly isn't a sure thing. Instead she takes a step to the side to get out of the way entirely while lashing out with the whip, leaning forward to give it a bit more range as she seeks to entangle Kiyoko's neck with it. "Only three point seven centimeters shy!" she remarks as if providing Kiyoko with some kind of report card on her precision.

If she manages to connect with it, she'll flip forward, up and over the violet haired girl, to land behind her, pulling the whip around her neck taut while simultaneously lifting her right foot up and planting it against Kiyoko's lower back. If she cinches the unfortunate girl in the lock, she'll yank back even harder with her grip on the chain whip.

COMBATSYS: Ayame successfully hits Kiyoko with Blackmail EX.
- Power hit! -

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Ayame            0/-------/---====|=======\=====--\1           Kiyoko

"Why would I want to take things from people? They won't have anything that I want that I couldn't just get myself. And I'd rather have lots of friends than lots of people who were out for revenge." Of course her nice words don't seem to mean much in the end, as the whip comes up and knocks her hand away, only to make a return trip to find itself around her neck. The next hand motion she makes ends up pulling her away from it, tightening the whip even more, and essentially stopping her mid motion with a loud, "Hrk!"

It gets worse as Ayame tightens the whip up further, choking her to the point where her face is beginning to turn red. As much as she struggles she can't seem to break away from it enough to get away, either, and everything starts to go foggy. She realizes the trouble she's in, so rather than attempting to completely break away she tries only to get enough slack to turn far enough to get a decent look at Ayame. She'll then swing her right arm over her left shoulder to try and jab two fingers hard into the girls wrist. If she manages it, it /should/ numb the appendage enough for her to turn around fully, her arms speeding up into a blur of motion to try and hit pressure points across Ayame's entire body.

COMBATSYS: Ayame endures Kiyoko's Summer Solstice!

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Ayame            0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0           Kiyoko

Kiyoko's flexibility pays off as she manages to twist around just enough to land that pressure point strike to Ayame's wrist, slackening her hold on the whip and giving the violet haired girl enough freedom to turn around and launch into a violent assault of strikes toward various pressure points all over her body. The girl releases her hold on the whip, allowing it to fall loosely off of Kiyoko's neck and drop to the sand, stagging backward as she attempts to shift her body just enough to throw some of the more debilitating strikes off by a sliver... It's almost as if she knows exactly which points the girl is going for, putting her own understanding of biological physics to use in reducing the over all numbing effect the strikes would have.

But in the midst of that flurry of strikes, Ayame's hand lashes out, pulling the staff out of the sand from where she had planted it only moments ago, and then she's on the offense, the weapon flaring red again as the girl comes swinging back with precious little time for Kiyoko to prepare herself.

The sequence is familiar, as she had done it earlier... An upward swing from low to high, attempting to sweep the girl clean off her feet, striking with destructive force. A second upward sweep as the girl follows through with the momentum, rising up into the air, pulling the weapon up over her shoulders before attempting to slam the entire length of it against Kiyoko with an axe-like strike, all of that violently churning chi exploding at the same time. "STAY DOWN, you stubborn girl!"

COMBATSYS: Ayame successfully hits Kiyoko with Harvest's Reaper.
- Power hit! -

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///                           ]
Ayame            1/-------/=======|=======\===----\1           Kiyoko

All the attacks seem to strike true to Kiyoko, so when Ayame is suddenly coming at her it's so fast that she has almost no time to react at all. She raises both her arms, one down low and one up high, and begins moving them towards each other, the faintest hints of energy beginning to form. But before she can get any further into the defense the staff cracks into her, smashing her into the air before the other one hits her again, completely crushing her guard and catching her fully undefended. Then the final blow comes down and smashes into her body, an explosion of energy rocking her and smashing her into the sand, face down. More experienced fighters might struggle back to their feet, but Kiyoko just isn't strong enough after the beating she just took, and seems to be out entirely.

COMBATSYS: Kiyoko takes no action.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Ayame            1/-------/=======|

COMBATSYS: Kiyoko can no longer fight.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Ayame            1/-------/=======|

Finishing the final strike, Ayame flips forward, following through with the momentum and coming down to land in a crouch in the sand, her weapon held out horizontally at her side. She maintains that pose for a long moment, braced and ready for any signs of retaliation, but none come and it seems the frail student from Justice High is down for the count. Seconds pass and her breath slowly return sto normal. "Feh," Ayame snorts, collapsing the staff back down to the tube it was when she produced it earlier in the fight, slipping into the pouch that acts as its holster with an affectionate pat.

A few steps are taken over to retrieve her whip from the sand, which she wraps around her waist a few times and clicks into place, all the while keeping an eye on the girl she doesn't expect to be moving soon enough to be a danger. Some rich girl, the wretched bandit concludes, based on her remarks about being able to get whatever she wanted for herself anyway. "Tomorrow's only a day away, kiddo," Ayame states outloud, speaking to herself it would seem, "Maybe there'll be sun then. Hang in there, I guess. This just wasn't your fight."

She moves over to next to the unconscious fighter and pats her down, experienced fingers coming up with an all right handful of cash and an ID card that she glances at. "Kiyoko Fukakami..." Ayame repeats to herself. Not that it's necessary, for she's already committed the information on the card to memory. "I wonder who you are..." The cash she keeps, the card she returns. She has no use for a Justice High ID beyond the information she might glean from it.

Rising back up to her feet, the girl glances up and down the mostly empty beach, the sun having long since set in the horizon. Sighing softly as she slips the fifty dollars into a clip hidden just inside the bottom hem of her skirt, the girl breaths in deeply, then exhales one more time, getting control over her breathing.

Finally noticing a small group in the distance, Ayame glances down toward her latest victim, "Good night, Kiyoko." And then she takes off jogging toward the small gathering, her pace gradually picking up to a run as she waves her hands over her head frantically, "Help, help! There's a girl that's fallen off the life guard tower. Someone call..." Ayame's voice fades into the distance.

COMBATSYS: Ayame has ended the fight here.

Log created on 01:28:04 11/14/2007 by Ayame, and last modified on 12:06:21 11/16/2007.