Description: Yurika continues to put her plans in action, intending to organize a group of her own to further DSCs purpose in her own way. (A.k.a. I'm not exactly sure where Yurika was trying to go with this, but cliques are cool.)
It's been difficult for Yurika Kirishima to keep up on Suiryuu events, a lot of her companions seemed to have been pretty active there. It was a mystery that she, quite frankly, wasn't all that interested in. Perhaps she would have been if she had known Kurow was using the DSC for a good portion of it. No she's been emersed in her own world with her own plans of taking care of Seijyun. The school that would come out on top in the inevitable war between schools.
The moment Aislinn reached her quarters or checked her e-mail, she'd see that Yurika had sent in a request to meet the girl after classes in the music room. To no suprise she's been there for a few hours, scribbling paperwork and seeming mildly agitated that she doesn't have an ideal office quite yet. In due time, she supposed. The place is cleared out, classical music playing on the radio and she, of course, is dressed in her usual school attire. She's been looking forward to meeting her classmate soon, should she choose to arrive.
Yes, Jinchuu. Aislinn's been busy with it, for sure--and other things, including recruitment for Blackajck. A job she isn't entirely comfortable with. However, she can't--or isn't willing--to ignore her obligations to Yurika, tenuous as they must seem. No reply email is made, however. Yurika will just have to understand Aislinn well enough to know that the girl will show.. when it's best. That time happens to be...
... now, exactly fifteen minutes after Yurika's suggested time. The door to the room opens, quietly, the barest squeak of hinges giving it away, as Aislinn slips into the room, shutting the door behind her with a near-silent *click*.
Oh Yurika most certainly has gotten used to it, she's learned a lot about many students and is able to easily retain information. Of course she's best at remembering about behaviors. Of course Yurika is always the patient type it'd seem, it likely isn't any trouble for her anyway. And besides, she's so excited about her plan, pretty much nothing could ruin it.
Though she is on the clock, she knows Kurow will be returning soon and expecting some very drastic results. Hopefully this will do. Yurika looks up from her papers following the click, and she gives a small smile of greeting. "Miss Aislinn, I'm glad you could make it.. Ah, please have a seat and I'll try to make things as brief as I can."
There's a brief pause. "Ah, how rude of me, I shouldn't cut to the chase so soon without asking how the tournament was.. The last I heard there were many... Um.. Robot.. Momo's." Her tone quite notably slows as the sentance finishes. Honestly, she thinks that is a complete nightmare.
"I never encountered them, myself." Aislinn glides into the room and seats herself, rather precisely.. but that's how she does most things. Wild swings are not part of her battle style and uncontrolled movements just look sloppy. "I will have to ask Riko why I was not chosen for the semi-final round." Which is her way of saying while the tournament itself doesn't matter it -does- matter and any such askings are likely to be via foot or fist.
"I take it there are council matters that need work," she comments, her lavender eyes resting on Yurika's notes, flicking back and forth as she scans them. "Do you need opposition eliminated?" It's a natural question--for Aislinn, anyways. She sure hopes Yurika isn't going to ask her to take a visible, public office... because that just isn't happening.
"Oh I see.. I'm afraid I'm not very familiar with the name, but I doubt you will need my hand in something like that anyway, am I correct?" Yurika asks, seeming mildly suprised for one reason or another. She considers it good news that Aislinn didn't have to fight one of those things herself, but that just means the musician will have to speak to Momo on her own time.
Yurika sets her pen down, and folds her hands on the desk. "Ah yes, but this is all my work, there are more issues between students than I originally expected that's all. And ah.. N.. No. I don't need anyone eliminated today." Yurika gives a bit of a nervous chuckle then. Despite having a brother like Kurow, she still isn't used to Aislinn saying things like that so.. Calmly. "I just wanted to clarify a few things, such as the others whom I've had in mind to join the council. I've decided that Sada, Ninon, and Ingrid would all be very good choices for the positions I had in mind. If you haven't met either of them yet, I could arrange such a thing easily. Also if you have any qualms with the forementioned names, I'd like to you bring that to my attention now."
"And no, I don't want you to take a visible, public office. I would like you to be vice-president of the covert squadron. I though you might find that fitting."
'Today'. There's hope. That implies that, someday, Yurika -will- need someone eliminated. Aislinn can only wait for that day. In the mean time... "No, I can handle Riko. Tracking her is the most difficult part. I'm sure she'll want to speak with me about certain matters, as well." Such as matters of betrayal... anyways. Jinchuu is now in the past, its books mostly closed.
"The covert squadron," she repeats, softly. What kind of student council is this? Sounds more like a small army. But, regardless... Aislinn considers the words for a moment. "Do you have specific tasks in mind for this 'covert squadron'?" Again, it all comes down to what Yurika is going to expect.
"Oh I see. Well it sounds like it will be interesting, so long as it doesn't get dragged onto campus grounds." Yurika says, though there's a light bit of teasing in her tone. Actually she rather wishes she could be of help in that aspect but.. Well, she'll get her time to repay her companion one day.
Following a brief pause, the musician then nods her head once more. "Yes, though 'officially' you would be the 'Services Officer'. That's about as ambiguous a position I could really put togeather. As you might be able to tell, there is a second reason why I formed this council. And it is, as you might expect, a small army of sorts. Organized power. The covert squadron simply boils down to handling affairs and and gathering information in secret. This is the opposite of the 'Assault Squadron' which can handle affairs more openly, hopefully without alarming our fellow students."
"No, I suspect Riko and I will be meeting far from the Seijyun campus," confirms Aislinn. When they do meet. That time is still a ways off... in any case. Aislinn thusly turns her attention full to what Yurika is saying. "'Services Officer'... I see." Yurika's explanation is heard, of course, and processed.
"Yurika, what is your ultimate goal?" A simple question, but can Yurika actually answer the question? People don't amass power for no reason at all, and while the answer to Aislinn's question likely won't affect her involvement... it's good to know if Yurika has a reason for all this. Perhaps she intends to overthrow Kurow?
It's a fair question and one that really Yurika did not expect to come from Aislinn. She never saw Aislinn as just some sort of 'yes' man, but even still.. But she doesn't seem shaken up, her eyes closed and her expression more serious. "Well.. As direct a question as it is, it's still extremely vague, Aislinn. If you mean what is my ultimate goal personaly? That's simple enough.. I wish to no longer be an indecisive crybaby."
That said she looks to Aislinn, her mysterious little smile forming once more. "I will change, and become like.. No, I shall surpass Akira in my own way."
Aislinn raises her left eyebrow. All this... so she can not be an indecisive crybaby? No, that doesn't ring true. Aislinn's gaze focuses in on Yurika's face, as she takes her time, selecting her words carefully.
"You do not need an army to become stronger." And that is that. "So I will ask you again... what is your ultimate goal?" Aislinn knows about getting stronger, and being more decisive. But this is a bit much for it... and raising an army of schoolgirls, of all things, is going to look ludicrous in the light of day. Unless, of course... it works.
"It doesn't suprise me that you don't accept that answer," Yurika replies to Aislinn, "But you're incorrect when you say you do not need an army to become stronger. I have seen it work, and I accept that it is best for me. Now you, you have pride in your fists, you have experience and you like to work and fight on your own. You probably work best that way. As such, how could you even hope to comprehend my goal in your current state, Aislinn?"
The musician seems mildly, only very mildly amused. "If you do not like my answer, then I'm afraid you're going to have to ask your question in a different way, my answer isn't going to change.. Or you could just accept I do not think like you in many things."
Aislinn's gaze is calm, Yurika's lofty, arrogant answer garnering no response from the NESTS agent. How can she hope to comprehend? That Yurika isn't willing to answer the question directly leads Aislinn only to think that Yurika herself doesn't know the answer... or isn't willing to reveal it. Either way...
Her voice is mild, as she replies, "Surrounding yourself with strong people does not make you, yourself, strong." There is no implication of weakness on Yurika's part--Aislinn's fought the girl twice now, and Yurika's already proved herself bold, competent, and tricky. So there must be something more to it all...
"The answer is of no concern to me," replies the Silent Assassin, no longer quite so silent, "it was only a test."
Yurika passes a glance to her small stack of papers, it's only for a moment before she looks to Aislinn once more. She actually didn't mean to sound arrogant, just pointing out a problem that she herself has. She won't claim to understand everything she hears, after all. Though she has a very difficult time reading Aislinn, which keeps her in a constant state of slight paranoia.
"You're right, it doesn't make me stronger.. Physically." Yurika murmurs. "You can probably tell, I have many thoughts going through my head all the time. This council is part of my mental training. But I wanted to create a council that doesn't just benefit the school or myself, I want all of us to find a use for the positions I've given them. For you, I want you to be able to use this council to help guide yourself through your times of trouble."
"The goal of the council, as a whole, and for the school, is to obtain supremacy over all other schools."
Of course, there are strengths other than physical. But the word 'crybaby' implied mental and emotional fortitude... anyways. This line of thought is soon abandoned; Aislinn is no psychologist and in fact she hates headshrinkers. And most people find it hard to read Aislinn, so Yurika probably shouldn't feel bad about that. That ultimate goal is revealed, and surprisingly, Aislinn merely nods.
"I see. That is a tall order," she replies. "Both Justice High and Taiyo are particularly well-fortified with powerful fighters. It would be a difficult task to take them head-on." More than difficult; Aislinn is understating things a bit. It would be disastrous.
And of course, Yurika is probably aware of all this. Well... Aislinn rises to her feet, rubbing her hands against each other briefly, to dust them off. "I will leave you to your planning. I accept the offered position; you know how to get in contact with me if you need my advice or my services."
"You're right, it is a tall order." The musician starts, a gloved hand raised thoughtfully to her chin. "It will be extremely challenging, but if I can do it, then I will be beyond halfway to where I want to be. And I'm lucky to have girls whom I believe can do it one day. Oh, and again, thank you for your time, Aislinn. Indeed I'll see you again soon."
In the meantime, she'll have to figure out someone to put a hit against, it's a little troubling that Aislinn seems to eager to want to carry out that sort of mission. She stands up to give a curtsey to her classmate, and then takes her seat once more to return to her work. Well then, that's one down, and three to go!
Log created on 21:46:08 11/09/2007 by Yurika, and last modified on 01:27:45 02/10/2009.