Ayame - Operation - Not So Lucky

Description: Target: Odds and ends in an apartment. Obstacle: An ex cat burglar. Alias: None. Summary: Aranha may be trying to seperate himself from the criminal element, but the criminal element seems to have a way of finding him all the same. Ayame has targeted his apartment by random but she hadn't expect to find a Capoeira user inside. Unfortunately, while the young man manages to get a feel for her style in the end, he isn't able to keep her from getting what she wants simply by defeating her...

It's night time in Keith Mason's apartment. It had nice furnishings and what have you. Aranha was the type person that even if he got money from fighting, he still lived frugally. He had an aesthetically pleasing coffee table with a bowl for candy. A beautiful couch and a reclining chair which he'd affectionately call his throne.

In his bedroom he had clothes that while not bargain basement, were also not expensive brand names. He looked for all the world an average joe. Atleast until you looked in his duffle bag which was currently in the living room. It was all the tools of the trade that he had from his days as a thief. Lockpicks, bump keys, a stethoscope, nightvision goggles.

Aranha had an interesting day so far hanging out at the Dream Amusement Park with his little sister, Kelly. After the homework was done and dinner was had, it was pretty much time for bed.

Aranha made sure his sister was in his room and he took the living room couch. He wanted to make sure his sis had privacy.

It's funny how bold some thieves get these days. Used to be that one would seek out the empty places. The homes with no one around. Folks gone on vacation, leaving the place unoccupied for days on end to reduce the chance of getting caught... Those jobs are easy. Ayame likes excitement. Besides, all it takes is a flash of some knife in someone's face and most residents are willing to surrender and let her make off with whatever she wants anyway, so having someone at home isn't even really that big of an inconvenience for her, except on the rare case that she happens across fighting super stars like Domino...

Aranha's pad is picked at random, really. She could've selected any number of homes, really. The girl does tend to get a little careless with these operations, confident in her ability to contend with changes in the situation on the fly. It makes it more interesting, perhaps.

Admittedly, she probably would've gone elsewhere if she had known there was a kid in the back room. Not that she's exactly sympathetic or anything, but it means double the people to keep track of if things get out of hand. But first things first... Aranha might be alerted that something is amiss when any and all electronics shut off. Power has been cut to his apartment, bathing it in darkness.

And within seconds, Ayame is at work on the door lock. An expert lockpicker herself, it's hard to get a good enough dead bolt to keep a good thief out these days. Aranha would know... If he's quiet, he might hear the scraping of the tools in the keyhole, however. If not, he might not notice the handle being turned oh so slowly, the door opened just a crack as the would be burlger seeks to peek in and get a feel for how confused the young occupant she observed might be right now. If he's just wandering around in the dark, she can slip in and subdue him easily before he even knows what's happening...

Aranha was sleeping when the power got cut off and so he wasn't able to notice that. It's the sound of lockpicks that alert him to the whole situation being amiss. And so he wakes up to indeed to find that quite possibly the only things in his house that have power are his pairs of Oakley Thumps, both his and his sister's cellphones, and his nightvision goggles.

Aranha reaches into his bag for the goggles and slips them on as he moves to the kitchen and opens the door reaching for a canister of whip cream(For ice cream sundaes dammit).

With his weapon of choice in hand and shaken, he makes a b-line for the bedroom door to cut off passage to his bedrooom and ultimately where his sister is located. His footsteps light and quiet of someone who was well versed in the art of stealth.

The door creeks open slowly as the intruder finally slips into the apartment. She doesn't have nightvision goggles on herself, having had plenty of time to get accustomed to the dark outside. But as Ayame finally gets inside she starts to consider that maybe she should have brought some because she can't seem to figure out WHERE Aranha has gotten off to.

Slipping over by the couch, she becomes quite aware that he's not there anymore. That means he's awake and has moved... But why didn't she hear the movement? After getting near the couch, the girl hesistates for a long moment. Something in the back of her mind tells her that she might need to rethink this. Things don't feel quite right...

On her back is a thin, black backpack and it is into that that she reaches, withdrawing a small, pen-sized flashlight that she risks turning on. Sweeping the thin light around the room, the girl stands up straight, turning around in a circle. Hn... Passing the flashlight into her left hand, her right hand slips a butterfly knife out from a horizontal sheath in her belt and flicks it open. Just in case someone tries to be a hero...

COMBATSYS: Aranha has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Aranha           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Ayame has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Aranha           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Ayame

The fact that she didn't pick up on his location right away was a pleasant and somewhat unexpected surprise. It's one that Aranha plans on taking advantage of by quietly circling around to her rear and staying there constantly staying behind her as she turned. It was the sort of mind game that Capoeiristas love to play with their opponents. The fact that she knew he was there but didn't know exactly where could be quite disorienting.

Aranha plans to step this mind game up a bit and he plans on getting information on this person who saw fit to sneak into his house. One can learn a lot about a person by how they react to being teased by a glimpse of something before they slip back into the shadows.

Aranha dashes in front of her... For only a moment before spraying at her face with the can of whip cream before quietly dashing off to another corner of the room a grin coming across his face.

COMBATSYS: Aranha focuses on his next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Aranha           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Ayame

He's quiet. She hadn't expected to tangle with someone capable of moving around the apartment with absolute stealth. He has the advantage of home territory, as it were, and he can see her while Ayame is a little confused as to why she can't find him. Her assumtion is that he's hiding somewhere. Probably scared. She just needs to find him...

Time to start checking the rooms. The young intruder was already on the way toward the bedroom door, convinced that he retreated that way, when she becomes abruptly aware of the sound of someone moving right nearby. She turns toward Aranha, left arm raised defensively, gripping the flash light such that it sticks out the bottom of her clenched hand, allowing her to block and shine light in his direction at the same time.

Unfortunately, he wasn't trying to attack her per se, but rather startle her - the whip cream isn't blocked by her raised arm and it gets on her face, the girl startled enough to gasp, her right arm coming up to wipe across her face while she now trains the light back in the direction Aranha retreated.

"Real cute," she mutters, sounding irked at having been caught so off guard. So at least he knows the gender of his intruder now... Okay, so he likes to play games. She'll show him how she plays! The light in her left hand gets dropped to the floor while the knife in her right hand gets flicked closed and slipped away back into its sheath. Before the pen light even hits the floor, the girl is already leaping at the young man, trying to trap him in the corner.

The intent is clearly to jump on him, pulling his arms forward to yank him off balance before slipping right around him, her arms snaking up and around his neck. "You had your little fun, now give up before you force me to make this worse!" If the young assailant sinks the hold, she'll drop backward, pulling Aranha down to the floor with his back into her knees, while keeping her arms locked around his neck.

COMBATSYS: Ayame successfully hits Aranha with Medium Throw.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Aranha           0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0            Ayame

Now it's Aranha's turn to be surprised. Aranha didn't expect for the other thief to be as quick as she was and so as he attempts to leap back and away from her before she could grab hold of her and he goes for a painful ride and ends up in a position that no Capoeirista ever likes being in a position of. Tangled up.

While the attack was well executed it has two flaws. It failed to remove the canister from his hands and failed to deal with the other hand which was perfectly free Aranha reaches back with the whipped cream attempting to spray her yet again as a distraction tactic while his other hand attempts to pick her pocket or rather or knife sheath for her knife. Aranha's banking on the assumption that most thieves don't expect to choose a thief as their victim.

With the knife free he attempts to flick it open and stab Ayame with her own weapon in the hopes it will give her encouragement to let go.

COMBATSYS: Ayame dodges Aranha's Random Weapon.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Aranha           0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0            Ayame

The cool dessert topping to the face pretty much does the trick, really, as he sprays the girl a second time while she's in tight behind him. "Gah!" she snaps, releasing one of her arms from around his neck in order to try and swat the can aside. This loosens her hold initially. But when she feels his hand at her belt successfully relieve the sheath of one of her prized weapons, the girl lets go quickly, pushing him forward with her knees in order to keep him from stabbing her while she scrambles back up to her feet quickly, back to the wall.

That he reached for her knife and knew how to flick open a butterfly knife in the heat of the moment clues her in that she's picked a bad target here. Aranha isn't a pushover. In fact, she's really considering just running for it... except that he has her knife now, and she wants it back. That's /her/ property!

"Give that back!" she snaps, lunging forward a second time, trying to catch him before he can recover so that she can clamp both of her hands around the wrist of the hand holding her knife. If she gets a tight enough hold, she'll try kicking him in the stomach with one leg before sweeping his feet out from beneath him with a second kick... So that she can drop him to the floor face down and twist his arm behind him.

If successful, she'll drop down onto his back, intending to pry her knife out of his hand if he's even still holding it by then. Already retreat is on her mind, but not without her belongings first!

COMBATSYS: Aranha interrupts Quick Throw from Ayame with Vingativa.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Aranha           0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0            Ayame

Ayame's hands grasp Aranha's own hand wrenching it enough to be uncomfortable and slightly painful but that's about the limit of success Ayame has with the attack. Aranha practically dances around the kick to the stomach waiting for her foot to come back down before he sweeps his leg around to the back of her own legs, just enough to buckle her knees slightly. While he does that, he presses his elbow to her abdomen. He drops his hip slightly below hers and popping his hips upward as he uses leverage to get her off her feet and using his elbow to assist in sending her down to her back.

Now that they've finally disengaged Aranha has to worry about his sister. "Hey Kelly," Aranha exclaims as he keeps his full attention on the other thief, "Wake up and use the fire escape. You know where to meet me."

Up until now, Aranha hasn't done anything that would definitively mark his style as Capoeira. The Vingativa might've been a hint but the ginga he performs in the darkness, the dance is what truly marks him as a Capoeirista.

Up and over and onto her back with a surprised gasp. The young man managed to react to her hold and tear her stance apart, sending the wouldbe thief to the floor with a series of complicated moves that leave her rather confused as to what he even did to her other than completely out maneuver her in an unexpected way.

Though she landed hard, the girl is pretty light weight and rather adept at taking falls from a variety of heights, including ones right off her feet. He's calling out to another. A Kelly. Is tha a girlfriend? Ayame winces a little. The young apartment renter is becoming a real pain.

"Good idea getting your girl out of here," Ayame retorts, rolling onto her side away from Aranha. "Don't want her to see what's going to happen to you," she snaps, sounding very irritated with this interference now. It wasn't supposed to go like this. Her left hand presses against the floor to start pushing herself up while her right hand reaches down to the clasp of the oversized belt around her waist. With a click, she undoes the clasp, allowing her to slide the belt off, revealing the belt to really be a short whip...

Rising up onto her knees first then pushing up to her feet, the girl lashes out with the whip, aiming for Aranha's neck, seeking to wrap it around him again. It seems like she's very intent on strangling the young man into submission...

If the whip gets its hold the girl will pull behind Aranha again, this time shoving her foot into his lower back as she leans backward herself, pulling that vicious attack even tighter. "Whenever you're ready to just give up..."

COMBATSYS: Ayame successfully hits Aranha with Blackmail.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Aranha           1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0            Ayame

Aranha can't seem to get away from the whip in spite of all of his speed and as a result he's pulled backwards and stretched out in the painful hold as he tries to go over possible responses to that. He eventually decides on using his sarcastic response voice full of bitterness as he utters, "Thank you ma'am. May I have another?"

Aranha kicks backwards and it's at an uncomfortable position, he couldn't help but notice that he has a slight advantage in terms of leg length and he hopes to catch her and try to regain the psychological advantage he had at the beginning of the fight.

COMBATSYS: Aranha successfully hits Ayame with Light Kick.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Aranha           1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0            Ayame

"Gladly," Ayame smirks, pulling that hold as tightly as she can. She doesn't seem likely to show anything resembling mercy tonight as she tries to bend the young man back over her foot and suffocate him right out of the fight.

Wrapping the whip around her own wrist to make it almost impossible to pull it out of her grasp, she would be content to hold him like this until he collapses, no longer able to breath... But what she hadn't expected was how flexible he proves to be, his leg kicking out at her. The angle is awkward, but the effect is impossible to miss as he strikes the girl in the stomach.

Ayame grits her teeth, trying not to loose her hold on him, but it's too late. The brief moment she was bent forward from his kick is all it takes for the whip to loosen, giving the young man a break from the tormenting position she was holding him in. "Not bad, but not good enough," comes her analysis. "I estimated you only had another thirty seconds before your ability to struggle would have been effectively reduced to complete harmlessness..."

She flicks the whip once, the sound of it cracking through the air, trying to startle him more than hit him. But while the first one is fake, the second lash is not, as the girl cracks the whip out at him, attempting to simply strike him across the the back or chest with it rather than entangle him with it this time. "You're welcome to run, but not without my knife!"

COMBATSYS: Aranha blocks Ayame's Medium Strike.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Aranha           1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0            Ayame

While normally Aranha would try to dodge the whip attack he knows he hasn't been able to avoid her attacks this entire fight and so he plays it safe raising his arm to catch the whip around his arm and pull her in hoping to get her to stumble closer to his ideal range.

"Problem is 30 seconds is too much time." He states in a matter of fact tone of voice before touching the ground with his free hand and whipping his heel across her face before pulling himself free of the whip. Humming a favorite song as he whips a second kick across this time aimed for her torso.

Regardless of whether the two attacks land he'll try to get himself in position to deliver more attacks by cartwheeling to her flank.

COMBATSYS: Ayame dodges Aranha's Medium Kick.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Aranha           1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0            Ayame

He pulls her in close by catching her whip when she hadn't intended to do more than lashing him with it, but Ayame is quick to let go of the weapon to avoid being stuck in a position where the young man's combination of kicks would knock her silly.

Thus it is that when his foot comes swinging in for the side of her head, she's able to move in time to avoid it with a quick lean of her head, his foot brushing past her hair but not managing to kick her skull like he would've likely preferred.

When the follow up kick comes for her stomach, the agile thief has already stepped aside completely, "I get it." she remarks with a grin. "Capoeira. Fancy stuff. But you're not the only one who can kick!" she yells, swinging her thick soled shoe clad foot out toward him, trying to trip the young man up while in the midst of his cartwheel to her side. Her kick is no where near as fancy as his, but if she manages to tag him with it, it might have enough force to topple him all the same.

COMBATSYS: Ayame successfully hits Aranha with Light Kick.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Aranha           1/----===/=======|=====--\-------\0            Ayame

Aranha knows how to deal with kicks while upside down he actually sees it and he' pretty sure he has time to deal with it the way he wants to. Somehow his timing is off. When he attempts to use a handspin to change directions mid-cartwheel, he gets his arm caught up in the attack.

While the attack doesn't hit cleanly the uncontrolled tumble he takes as a result hurts him just as much as the kick would've.

Aranha slowly gets up to his feet but he doesn't go for her right away. He's trying to study Ayame for any clue on how handle her and determine whether he should use his environment or just take it to her.

COMBATSYS: Aranha focuses on his next action.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Aranha           1/----===/=======|=====--\-------\0            Ayame

The aggressive girl tried to step forward and land a stomp against Aranha while he was down, but the young man recovers in time to hop back to his feet and avoid the stomp as Ayame's foot clomps down against his floor. Her eyes never leave him though. Brown eyes, if she wasn't trying to beat him down so she could rob his place, she could probably pass for being a normal pretty girl. But the look she gives him is nothing but cold, calculating, detatched, like she's studying him the same way a technician might study a machine he is about to take apart.

Taking a moment, she bends down to pick her whip up off the floor and coil it around her shoulder. "I think you've stalled me for all you're worth. I've seen what you can do and it isn't going to get you out of this mess." As she speaks, she calmly reaches up behind her head to untie the long, black ribbon from her hair. The thing is, it isn't just an ordinary hair ribbon. Running along its lengths are a number of wire-thin cables that give it the strength of steal. Pulling it tight in front of her, Ayame looks at the young man over her ribbon, mouth curling into an unfriendly smirk.

"It's nothing personal!" she remarks as she charges forward, attempting to grab his arms to pull him toward her, off balance and open to a solid knee into his stomach. If she lands it, she continues on with an elbow against his upper back while maintaining a hold on one of his arms. If the elbow strike lands, she tries to pry him down to the floor by twistingn his arm savagely. And in the end? The heartless girl will plop right down to sit on his back and sling that ribbon of hers around his legs at the ankles...

It would appear she whole heartedly intends to tie him up right in the middle of this altercation. After getting the ribbon around his ankles she would loop it around a couple of times before tying it off tightly and laughing lightly.

COMBATSYS: Ayame successfully hits Aranha with Savage Combo.
- Power hit! -

[                         \\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Aranha           2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|======-\-------\0            Ayame

Aranha should be able to avoid the initial grab so telegraphed it is but once again Aranha just can't seem to find the speed to get out of the way and so he's pulled forward once again... It seems a lot of her attacks have that initial start and his own analytical mind has realized this and is mystified to how it keeps working even when he pretty much knows that seems to be her MO.

The solid knee and all the subsequent strikes land and he ends up on the floor. The ribbon tied up at the ankle. Perhaps she should've tied the hands as well Aranha doesn't have the time to untie them but he does have time for one last ditch act. "I'll be damned if I'm gonna let a thief profit off of my shit!"

That's the only warning Ayame's gonna get for what Aranha's about to do. He pushes on his hands in a front hand spring landing on his feet in spite of them being tied together.After that he launches himself off the wall and begins bouncing wildly all over the apartment like a blue glowing piece of human flubber destroying anything and everything of value in his house as he creates a path of destruction towards Ayame stomping her from every imaginable angle until the glow fades away as he rapidly hops to that duffle bag to grab his own thief tools and dive out the window though dignity is far from intact.

COMBATSYS: Aranha can no longer fight.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Ayame            0/-------/=======|

COMBATSYS: Ayame fails to counter Joker's Wild EX from Aranha with Random Weapon.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Ayame            1/-------/=======|

With his feet not so capable of being used for fluid, graceful strikes, Ayame expects her work here is almost done. The fighter will be subdued shortly and she can... completely not anticipate what he does next. "H-hey," she stammers as the young man realizes that he isn't going to win this and decides to take it out on his belongings to keep her from profiting from his own sweat, blood and tears.

When he comes for her, the girl reaches into the top of her blouse and withdraws a small Japanese war fan which she unfolds with a flick, trying to get it between herself and his kicks as a means of defending herself against the powerful, chi-laced strikes.

But his momentum proves too much for her to stop and Ayame finds herself plowed over on Aranha's way out the door. Crunched to the ground, she lifts her arm, wiping it across her mouth as she rolls onto her side and pushes herself back up to her feet only to see that the young man is gone and that he took off with that bag as well. "Hmn... I bet that's where the good stuff was," she hmphs.

Going about collecting her things and placing them back into their sleaves and sheaths or clipped around her waist, the girl sighs as she glances over the ruined remnants in the apartment. "No fair... I wasn't going to take everything, anyway." she pouts. She can only carry so much after all.

Rubbing her cheek thoughtfully, she makes one last tour of the place before writing it off as a loss and lazily saunters back out of the apartment, careful to close the door after stepping through. Wouldn't want any thieves barging in, after all.

COMBATSYS: Ayame has ended the fight here.

Log created on 23:54:38 11/05/2007 by Ayame, and last modified on 05:26:50 11/06/2007.