Description: In this short log, Aislinn invites the second member of her would-be Blackjack team to join--namely, the claymore-wielding Camille Irvine. Not much more to it than that.
Step one of the formation of Aislinn's new 'team' is in motion. Ayame's been contacted and, she's sure, will accept the position. Next on the NESTS agent's agenda--Camille Irvine. This, Aislinn thinks, should be somewhat easier. After all, she doesn't have to hunt down Camille. Elle provided contact information and a meeting was set up--at the Blackjack offices, no less.
So it is there that Aislinn waits, in the front room, standing in a stance almost military, feet shoulder-width apart and her arms behind her back. As she waits, she reviews her information on Camille--from the unusual weapon usage to the details of Elle's encounter. Elle thinks that Camille will be a good match for Aislinn's style of 'command'... and Aislinn doesn't want to disappoint Elle. It's a personal thing. Success is her stock in trade.
The invitation to Camille would not have mentioned the job opportunity flat-out, as Camille -is- part of the Syndicate and, what Elle and Aislinn want to do is, in essence, cherry-pick her from the Syndicate and such things are delicate. But 'opportunity' will have been mentioned.
Camille is not particularly suspicious of this meeting, but then, Camille has a notably low ability to discern when things might be a little -- left of center. It's part of how she got into the whole 'crime' business in the first place! Still, she does have at least a small fondness for what memories she has of Elle, and she did seem to be more on the up-and-up than Southsynd when it came to asking for work. Nothing to worry about whatsoever, she tells herself as she heads to the 'base' of Blackjack.
This isn't too much of a drive from where she lives anyway, now that she's in Southtown full time; all said, she's kind of surprised that any criminal operation can operate in the business district of Southtown. Not so much because it's under her nose, of course -- but because she'd think Southsynd would see them out the door in a few minutes. Perhaps someday she'll actually have to deal with that problem.
She steps into the front room, eyes meeting Aislinn's almost immediately. She is, notably, a little nervous; after all, this is theoretically something of an affront to the people to whom she is so very indebted to. But then, she's not going to get out of debt /only/ taking their jobs -- that would be the point, arguably.
"Hello," she says, taking a deep breath. "Are you the person I was supposed to meet with?" Simple enough. Veiled, too -- just like the note. If she's in the wrong place, it won't be a problem.
Blackjack is still small. Growing, and with power not exactly commensurate with its size, but still small. The Syndicate is a powerful beast and though it is largely hibernating, rousing the beast without being prepared is an excellent method... to get smashed to bits. Besides which, the Blackjack group isn't -exactly- criminal... just outside the law. A careful and precise distinction, but one that should be made.
The door was left unlocked--safe enough, with one of Blackjack's members in residence, currently, and so Camille meets Aislinn's eyes. The lavender-haired girl's gaze is calm, penetrating, and for a moment she doesn't move or speak. Studying the woman in front of her, that's all.
"Yes," finally, she replies, as she turns towards her left, towards a conference room, and moves off. No order is given but clearly she expects Camille to follow. The room isn't too far off, Aislinn's steps quick and precise, her booted feet thumping against the floor. Once inside, she closes the door, but waits just a moment for the scramblers to kick in, before she opens her mouth.
"I'm here to offer you a job with Blackjack."
Irvine really does not like being scrutinized in the way Aislinn is scrutinizing her -- it actually unnerves her a little, and she starts to shift back and forth a little upon being looked over by the lavender-haired girl. She takes a deep breath, though, trying to seem as steady and together as possible -- this /is/ a sort of job interview, after all, if a not-entirely-legitimate one. She /is/ very pleased when that gaze is broken, though, and is more than happy to move on.
Following along, Camille shifts her posture a little, trying to look more casual (and mostly failing to) as she follows Aislinn's quick, precise steps with less precise ones. She can't muster that kind of precision -- Camille has always been a little haphazard in just about every aspect of her life, so to expect the same machinelike precision of someone like Aislinn would be -- misinformed, to say the least.
"I thought that something like that was going to happen eventually, after I talked with that woman," Irvine says, not mentioning Elle by name yet. "What sort of work would I be doing, precisely?" The tone of her voice is finally starting to level off, becoming more even and businesslike.
Aislinn? Unnerving? God forbid! She seats herself at the head of the table, folding her hands together and resting them on the tabletop. Really, it's just the way she is, this intensity and the directness. She doesn't like beating around the bush. And while Aislinn is machine-precise, she doesn't expect that from others. After all, her circumstances are... unique.
"Your role would be to work with myself and one other as part of my Blackjack squad. Blackjack is a mercenary organization; we are hired out by others to do get jobs done. Our primary purpose would be combat, although stealth operations are also possible."
Once again that gaze burns in on Camille, for a long moment. "But before you accept the offer, know this. Blackjack expects loyalty. Disloyalty to Blackjack will result in immediate termination." This of course does not, if Camille was following the news, explain the whole 'takeover' bit from Jinchuu.
"I'm not really -- good, at stealth," Camille admits, with a bit of a hitch in her voice as she says it; she definitely doesn't want to say something like that at an 'interview,' but on the other hand, she can't really lie in a situation like this. "The... the sword kind of makes it difficult." And rightly so -- it's practically as tall as she is, give or take a few inches.
"Disloyalty to Blackjack will --" she pauses, again. This is a very dangerous game to play. Does she /really/ want to get involved? She has to ask herself that again, and she breaks eye contact with Aislinn for a few moments as she thinks about it. After all, there are so many points at which this could turn sour -- but on the other hand, it /is/ something that could potentially have a massive return on investment if she keeps her head on her shoulders.
Never mind how difficult that's been in the past.
"I understand," she says, nodding firmly. "Who else is in our squad, then?" She doubts she'll recognize any of the names, but it never hurts to have prior knowledge. "And what can you tell me about them?" Easy enough, as questions -- and sensible, too. If... unimaginative.
"Stealth is a secondary requirement. If you aren't suited for a job then you won't be called on," says Aislinn, to assuage Camille's doubts. It's true--the stealth is managed more by Elle, really, and has less to do with sneaking through shadows than with deception and double-talk. And, well... termination of contract with Blackjack, not... -termination-. But the implicit threat is useful too, in its own way, so Ais doesn't explain that.
"This squad is comprised of you, myself, and a member known as Ayame. Her skills lie in weapons usage and stealth. It is likely that she will be the primary stealth operative for Blackjack. I am Aislinn Doyle." She pauses... and smiles, very very faintly.
"My specialty is in tactical combat and technology, to a degree." That is to say, she does computers and tech and... she beats people up.
Aislinn rises out of her chair, her gaze flicking over Camille briefly. "Elle asked me to recruit you. She believes you have potential. Blackjack exists, in part, to help draw out the potential of its members."
Turning towards the door, she adds, over her shoulder, "I believe that Blackjack is more suitable a place for you than the Syndicate. If you agree, then meet me tomorrow at this location, at 7:30pm." Pressing a button on the wall, the projector whirrs to life and shows a map of the Harbor, with a route going to a particular warehouse.
Neither of those things are Camille's specialty -- even deception and double-talk are a little past her. She's just not very good at a lot of things. Nodding, she says, "As you probably already know, I'm Camille -- it's nice to meet you, Aislinn," she says, smiling. However, when she hears the words 'more usitable' as Aislinn starts to step away, she narrows her eyes a little. That part got her attention, somehow -- and it doesn't look like good attention.
"You mean I wouldn't be able to work for both of you?" she asks, genuinely unsure of how this part of things works. She /really/ isn't set up for crime, mentally. "But -- well, it's... complicated." She leaves it at that, hoping that Aislinn assumes the worst. Southsynd is full of strange cases of debt and hostage-holding, and Camille /really/ hopes she won't have to make a choice. (This is in large part because she's told herself time and time again that she has a bad track record as regards making the /right/ choice.)
Regardless, she stands up, saying, "In either event, though, it's an honor to have a job offer," quite earnestly. She takes a few steps away from Aislinn as she looks the map over carefully, trying to figure out just where in the harbor that is -- she's starting to learn the harbor well, but even so, it /does/ take on something of a labyrinthine quality at times.
"Whether you can work for both the Syndicate and Blackjack is up to you." Naturally, Aislinn cannot reveal her own dual loyalties... needless to say, she is in much the same boat although, for the moment, Blackjack is working with NESTS, not against them. And doubletalk and deception are not Aislinn's strong points either. Again... she doesn't say that.
Pausing at the door, she turns back. "As long as what you do for the Syndicate does not conflict with what you do for Blackjack, then there should be no problems," she replies, after careful thought. That much is true at least. "But you cannot compromise Blackjack for the Syndicate."
"If you need a hardcopy of the map, ask the receptionist. I... encourage you to accept the offer. Blackjack..." Well, why not? It's the truth, really. "Blackjack needs people like you."
Nodding, Camille replies, "Then I'll accept. I'll be there tomorrow," she says, standing perfectly still to match Aislinn. "And... no, I don't think I'll need a hard copy." She takes a few steps away, thinking on what Aislinn just said. It's rare to hear that she's actually needed. She's always been something of an expendable talent since she reached Southtown -- to hear those words is a big motivator in and of itself, likely more than Aislinn knows.
Taking a deep breath, she says, "You'll be there, right?" She seems so /young/, Irvine thinks to herself, as she glances at Aislinn again. Younger than Camille herself, certainly, though by how much would be anyone's guess -- though that may be on Camille's end, as the Brit is awful at guessing ages. "I'll see you then?" She gives the map one last look, making sure she has the location and address down firmly in her head.
How much younger, Aislinn can't say. Physically? Well, that depends. Mentally? Maybe, maybe not. Aislinn merely nods. "I'll be there. This is going to be an... audition," she says. "So be prepared. Details will be given at mission time."
The younger agent walks towards the front door--security's in place and the receptionist will be the one to close up, of course, and Aislinn doesn't feel as though Camille is going to go on a rampage suddenly...
... Aislinn has some planning to do, for certain.
Log created on 00:21:45 11/04/2007 by Aislinn, and last modified on 08:41:19 11/05/2007.