Description: Second verse, same as the first, those two can talk up a storm.
After another nice long soak in the spring waters it's once again time to exit and head back inside. One can only stay in the naturally heated pools so long before you begin to overheat, after all. After clothes are changed back into, Ingrid choosing a dark, shiny pink yukata with lighter blue flowers, it's time to sit down for dinner. As the onsen is also essentially an inn, there's room service in the form of a very traditional Japanese dinner, with large bowls of rice and many smaller delicacies. Many of them look to be various uncooked sea life, which may or may not sit atop rice and held together with a thin strap of seaweed.
For her part, Ingrid lets out a luxurious sigh. "I must say that I'm very glad to accompany you on this trip, Yurika. While I haven't been under very much stress lately, it has been very relaxing." Sitting on the floor isn't something she's accustomed to, but considering the time and place, she doesn't seem to mind.
Yurika herself has a lot going on through her mind now, while this miniature 'vacation' of sorts has taken her mind off of school matters, she's found herself thinking a lot more about Ingrid now- Not that it's a bad thing of course, because many of her questions had been answered.
Yurika herself has changed into a light blue yukata, there's no special design on it, but the red obi about her waist is a different matter, with black music bars and notes about it. Perhaps what she's most pleased about, however, is how good a mood Indrid seems to be in. "Oh believe me, I am very glad as well, Ingrid. I haven't had a weekend like this in a .. Well.. Ever, actually." Picking up her rice bowl and chopsticks, she pauses another moment. "Akira is always uncomfortable when I spoil her.. So we usually end up doing smaller things. .. She's so cute when she's embarassed."
Outward calm is a very prominent feature on Ingrid. Luckily today it's also reflected inward as well. While she did just drop a bit of a bombshell on her friend, it's been a simple fact of life for her for a very long time now, and she's learned to live with it and keep going despite it. Perhaps the worst thing about telling all that to Yurika, despite having disrupted the musician's peace, is that she's afraid it might take priority from other things on Yurika's mind; she does want to learn more about her as well.
Following Yurika's example, Ingrid begins eating her rice first, having a little trouble with chopsticks, but not enough so to prevent her from eating, but perhaps making her look a bit silly in the process. "Is that so? That's certainly too bad, because you certainly seem the type that would deserve some pampering and comfort from time to time." Akira is a new name to her. Ingrid smiles at the mention of being cute when she's embarrassed, "It sounds like I'll have to meet her, some time. You really do have many of the most entertaining companions, Yurika."
Yurika won't forget her end of the 'deal' anytime soon, of course. But her troubles, in a way, pale in comparison to Ingrids. It really sounds like something that's difficult to deal with. So yes, she does seem a little spaced out; but the moment she starts talking about Akira, it's like nothing had happened at all in the last hour or so.
"Oh, you may be correct, you may not, but I couldn't live with myself making my Akira uncomfortable. In fact, I.. Suppose you've never met her yet have you, I hadn't realized that.. Well goodness where do I even start." She doesn't seem to notice Ingrids chopstick issue, though she picks up a pickle from another plate, inadvertantly showing how to hold them better. "When I first transferred into Seijyuun was when I met her in culinary arts. Of course I always knew about her, I think she loves her brother so much, in fact she even managed to rescue him when he was in trouble. And he's the leader of a gang in Gedo High School." her cheeks redden, fighting backa squeal. "I can't believe a little thing like her could do that, it's really inspiring!"
It's not that Ingrid doesn't wish to speak and think on her own troubles, but more that she's so very interested in learning about others. Perhaps it's a fault, but it's simply the way she is. "You really seem like the nurturing type, Yurika, did you know that? Very aware and conscious of others and what they may enjoy, or what might make them uncomfortable. It's a very commendable trait."
A quick glance at Yurika's chopsticks nets Ingrid only a minor improvement, though at least she's not dropping grains of rice into her bowl anymore. "Mmm. Well, you know what they say: Big things come in small packages." She takes a few bites, and then speaks up again, "Still, it would be lovely to meet her. She sounds like a lovely young woman."
Yurika eats a bit of rice, and then reaches for one of the sushi wrapped in seaweed, pausing only when Ingrid makes note of her nurturing nature. Somehow it didn't really occur to her she was like that, but she couldn't deny it- At least not greatly. "Well, that is more or less how I was raised. To be the proper woman in an admittably old-fashioned manner. But I also confess I use my knowledge as a weapon as well. If you've ever met Taiyo's Roberto Miura.. Well he's a nice boy, but he most certainly screams 'abuse me'."
Yurika's smile is very mildly devilish, but light-hearted all the same. "Or maybe I'm just trying to make up for being a failure as an older sister, it's hard to say. But I agree completely, she would make a wonderful lady, and yet.. It doesn't really suit her. Akira... Was the reason I was able to understand your situation a bit as well. When she was kidnapped and used by Vega, I had considered ending my own life."
A smile comes from Ingrid, "I think it suits you well. Even if you weren't raised that way, I think you'd still be much the same." It's intended as a compliment, of course. A slight pondering, "Yes, I've met Roberto on several occasions, though I don't think I've seen the same part of him as you have." She lets out a soft laugh, "He seems to be abused quite enough to need any extra from me."
The next part gets raised eyebrows from Ingrid. Failure as an older sister? The next part gets her looking rather serious- Yurika can probably tell by now that she's putting on a bit of a mask of calm. "Hmm... Well first let me say that I'm very glad you decided against it." And secondly... A light sigh, "I see that man simply must attempt to destroy the lives of nearly everyone around me. The reign of terror he's created has affected so many, even you and your friends. It seems we're linked by his web of horror, and hadn't even known it. Still, lets not dwell on it, we're here to have fun, after all." A warm smile, "And I'm sure we can both be very happy she managed to work through it." An assumption on Ingrid's part, though only a minor one, due to the way Yurika's talking of her... companion.
Pouring herself a cup of green tea, Yurika is amazingly calm when she talks- In fact, there's a strong sense of relief coming from Yurika because there are things that she can't even talk to Akira about because of her unusual predicament. She feels that she doesn't quite have to hold back her feelings now; which may explain why she doesn't mind talking about dreary subjects- She knows the distress of not being able to express her own.
She smiles back to Ingrid, however, "Perhaps you're right. And yet that isn't how we met at all, is it? I am similarly happy that I did not take that path as well, but I had never experienced a pain like that for about twelve years, I think.. Akira was my very first friend, I was always taught that friendship leads to that kind of pain. But I admired Akira so much, I enjoyed her company so much that I thought 'Just this once.. I can protect her after all, no one can take her from me.'."
Yurika then looks to her company then. "I had nothing to do with her rescue, and it tears me apart even more.. It was no different then when I lost my younger brother. I was unable to protect him, and I was also unable to rescue him. So I swore I would never have another friend." ... "That is why I won't allow you, or anyone else to become anything more than a companion, Ingrid."
Though not nearly as lengthy as her own story, it's still quite a lot to think about. Ingrid nods a little as all this circles about inside her mind. "Perhaps, in a way, what you were told is true. The more you open yourself to someone, the easier and more powerful you're able to be hurt because of it. But at the same time the opposite is true, that the closer you come to someone the more you can enjoy being around them. A truly double edged sword." She can't honestly blame someone for acting that way.
"In a way, Yurika, this makes you a much stronger person than I. I'll admit that I do wish to be able to protect those I care about, but if you get to the heart of the matter, my own reasons for wishing to gain power boil down to very little more then pretty revenge." She eats a bit of her food and stares off in a vacant manner, thinking about the things spoken to the exclusion of much of anything else. "I truly wish I could help you, if only in some little way."
"That is something that I had always suspected about you, Ingrid, though I confess the talk of forming a team threw me off a little. There doesn't seem to be anyone particular that you're close to, which makes sense because you shouldn't be tied down to any one person- That would keep you from watching the many other bodies in this area, or in fact, on this planet." A long-winded reply from the musician.
Yurika takes a small sip from her cup, again taking just a moment to reflect. "I apologize if this seems straight-forward or rather strange but.. Your very existance helps me greatly, Ingrid. I don't seek sympathy or help, just someone that I can speak to like this.. Who can see things from both sides of the spectrum. It embarasses me to admit this, but that is part of the reason why I wanted you to join my council. While you overall fit perfectly in an advisors position.. I'd.. I'd ah.." And the musicians cheeks pinken a bit, her eyes falling downcast to her tea. "Like you to be nearby. Sometimes."
"To be honest with you, Yurika, I don't shy away from friendship in the least. Quite the opposite, in fact. I like to get to know as much about as many people as possible. The fact that I don't become particularly close to anyone is likely because there are so many people I'm trying to get to know at once that I fail to spend very much time with any one person." A humorous little smile crosses her features, "Which in the end may only thwart the very goal of meeting those people."
Ingrid smiles warmly to Yurika, "Strange, perhaps, but I can admit to finding the thought pleasing." Having quite ignored her dinner thus far, Ingrid samples some of the sea life while Yurika speaks, piping up only after she's done. "If that's the case then I'll do my best to be around as much as you'd like. I can certainly admit to finding your company very enjoyable. There are precious few people that hold the elegance and refinement you do, fewer still that have the," She ponders her wording for a moment, "depth of character as you."
Now it's Yurika's turn to get a little more of that yummy sushi, she hadn't had any of this quality in quite a while! Though she's not a big seafood eater, so that probably doesn't help matters. She didn't mean to imply that Ingrid shies away, but yet the clarification is an astonishing correction. Still, she gives a light laugh of amusement just for the fact it's all so unusal.
However she tries her best not to look so embarassed in response to Ingrid's willingness to try to be as reachable. "Ahem.. Well you mentioned about interesting company. I am a very big fan of the unusual. Well, 'fan' isn't the right word, but my personality does seem to allow me to communicate with them without much difficulty, in fact a little interesting thing about my Akira that you wouldn't know by talking to her.."
Yurika's eyes, of course, light up again after mentioning that name. "She has an alternate personality. She can turn from cute to breath-takingly handsome. Now that is depth, me.. I'm just twisted."
As a part of her nationality, Ingrid is rather fond of strong flavored meats, which makes the raw sealife a nice little treat for her. "Yes, I can understand that. I suppose that I tend to gravitate towards those types as well. As much as I can enjoy the company of a boringly ordinary person, it is more enjoyable to be around those with more intriguing personalities." The information revealed about Akira brings a smile to her face, "Oh now that is very interesting. Though I wouldn't say that you lack depth, and I certainly wouldn't call you twisted."
Ingrid seems to have had her fill of dinner by now, having gone a bit heavy on the rice. She stretches lightly, "My, this was a delicious dinner. I'd thank you again for bringing me on this trip, but I'd fear myself becoming a broken record."
Yurika still has a little more room for herself. Normally her appetite isn't very big, and despite the conversations, revelations, and other things, Yurika is in an amazingly good mood. With so much weight off of her shoulders, it's increased her appetite. And then comes another amused laugh. "Well then there's a lot more I need to tell you about myself then, Ingrid. Though 'boring' people, as well as people with other traits I simply cannot stand, I have no intention of learning anything about them at all. I may seem patient, but my tolerance is incredibly low against many things."
Two more pieces of sushi are practically shoved into her mouth then, when she notices her company seems to be finished. A bit unlike Yurika, there. "Oh, it's quite all right, that is what happens when I chatter away for so long.. And I think I'm more thankful that you decided to join me. Hm, it looks like we're done here; It should be dark enough to see the stars at this time. So I think I'll take a little stroll."
Ingrid smiles, "I'll be happy to listen to every bit of it when you feel like telling me then." She tilts her head for a moment, "I suppose most of the 'boring' people I speak with are of the older generations. It's so very often that they have many incredible memories. Though perhaps dull, many people have been through extraordinary things, and I find it incredibly interesting to listen. Besides, they always seem so very happy to have someone to talk with, and I do enjoy feeling that." A comment she couldn't really use around another.
She seems to think over her response for a moment or two, and then finally comes up with, "A stroll sounds like a lovely idea. Shall I come with, or would you prefer a little time to yourself?"
"The elders.. I hadn't considered that," Yurika ponders aloud. "History was never my strong suit, either, I'll have to think about that." Actually, she'll have to do more than just think about it. If she's going to get ahead, she needs to learn much, having spent so much of her life ignorant of many things.
The musician stands, brushing off her knees lightly. "You enjoy.. Feeling that. I wonder what that's like? I wonder how much my life would change if I could feel things like you do.." That said, for the question of coming with or not, her smile brightens just a little, as she offers her gloved hand. "I would enjoy your company very much."
Log created on 00:16:25 10/21/2007 by Yurika, and last modified on 01:20:42 02/10/2009.