Yurika - Frilly Relaxing

Description: The obligatory bath house scene, Yurika and Co. relax at a resort out somewhere in the woodlands of Japan. Despite realizing her 'mistake' of allowing others to get close to her emotionally, Yurika unintentionally allows it to happen again.

When you're a woman like Yurika Kirishima, you find your days becoming busier and busier by the passing day. It seems just days after becoming Council President, the young Kirishima has had her hands full with student relation issues, as well as academic problems. However the problem lay in the fact that a lot of it not only required a lot of thinking, but also even more paperwork! She's going to need to get her plans rolling, and rolling quickly.

This brings us to the present, where it is falling toward sunset on a brisk friday of Nigata Japan, at the very foot of Yahiko Mountain. One would think that the area would look overly rustic and run down, but it's clear that it's extremely well maintained! One particular inn is a two story structure, brick on the outside, finely polished wood on the inside; and is the type of place with many many beautiful patterned sliding doors.

For some reason or another, Ninon and Ingrid had recieved invitations to stay a couple of days with her here, and boasts that this onsens waters not only has healing powers, but the outdoor view is also breathtaking!
And don't worry. Wearing towels is allowed.
They may have come along with Yurika for the ride or arrived on their own, but at this very moment, Yurika has her hair wrapped up and a matching, light blue towel about her form, just now setting her clothing into a basket. It's been reserved for just the three to use for a while.

While Ingrid has done her fair share of exploring the Japanese countryside, one of the things she's missed is the hot springs. But that isn't the only reason she's accepted the invitation. No, if anything she accepted it more because she enjoyed spending time with her friends. Even if that isn't how she's thought of, it's what she feels is the case. Her own days are as lackadaisical as ever, very little actually needing to be done, save a few hours of studying with her tutor. Perhaps she doesn't need the time away from the city as much as Yurika, but she'll enjoy it nonetheless.

For her part, Ingrid is already towel wrapped as well, her clothes folded neatly and set aside where they're out of the way. She doesn't seem to mind the thought of her hair getting wet, for it's worn down, hairpieces setting atop her folded clothes.

Perhaps Yurika wasn't paying attention, thinking so much about her days ahead of her.. And there's plenty for her to do for certain! This is actually a fairly new experience for her as well, which will be explained shortly.

But when she stands once more and sees Ingrid, she jumps a little in suprise, and then greets her company with a pleasent smile- Rather than her usual small mysterious smile. "Oh I'm sorry, I suppose I spaced out for a moment.." she confesses. "I had forgotten to ask if you have tutoring over the weekend, I didn't want to make things inconvenient.. You know, this is my first time in about ten years that I've been in an onsen. It's usually been spas for me once I was old enough.."

Yurika's cheeks pinken slightly, she then walking to the wooden door that slides open easily. Outside a stone path leads with to the hot waters, steam raised and filling the slightly chilly air. Beyond the wooden walls, the trees and mountains can be seen, and the orange sky. "I don't really enjoy being underdressed much outside, as you may have already known. But I've been feeling a little better about it lately."

Ingrid smiles a little, "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to startle you. And it's quite all right, I usually don't, and even if I were to I could simply make it up sometime later." She looks thoughtful at the revelation, "Is that so? I've heard that onsens can be very relaxing, though I suppose that it'd be easy to prefer the type of pampering one can receive at a spa." She lets Yurika take the initiative to moving outside, but follows quickly after, only a step and a half behind.

"It's quite a lovely view, though." At Yurika's last words a slightly stifled humorous expression appears on Ingrid's features. Mirth twinkles in her eyes, though she simply nods along with Yurika, voice even and level as it was before. "Yes, it could be disconcerting, bathing in the open air." A pause, and a somewhat upbeat tone, "But we do have our towels, just in case."

Rather than standing out in the cold, Ingrid continues moving until she's at the waters edge and then slowly steps into it, getting used to the sudden change in temperature. "That is rather nice..."

Yurika is blissfully unaware of Ingrids amusement luckily, she taking a moment to enjoy that view that she's in quite the bit of agreeement with.. It really is lovely. She always enjoyed glancing out of her window at the dorms, but this was very different indeed.

And then she goes forward as well, carefully stepping off the stone floor to slip inside and seat herself with a long, winded sigh. "It would seem what you heard is correct, I'm starting to feel my worries start to melt away already.. It's incredible, quite different from a bubble bath. I'm sure I could go through three novels in this atmosphere.."

Yurika's dark eyes catch sight of an interesting structure, toward the conter of the onsen, there is a large chunk of rock, the spills hot water out of the center like a gushing faucet. It pours into a tipping straw of bamboo. "Well, before I start blabbing endlessly about my life, what have you been doing lately, Ingrid? I noticed in the league standings you had a match against our Ninon's sister. I hope you're all right." And she means mentally, not physically.

After standing in the shallower part for a few moments Ingrid moves into the deeper part, sitting down a few spots over from Yurika, half slouching so that the warm spring water can envelop her just a little bit more. "I must say, Yurika, that if your plans for the student council turn out nearly as good as your plans for relaxation, Seijyun is in good hands." A most comfortable affair, to be sure.

Three novels... Ingrid will have to bring that up a bit later. For now she'll follow Yurika's line of conversation, "I did, as a matter of fact. She was rather energetic, and an altogether happy person. Perhaps a bit misguided... but in the end not to terrible, if you can stand to be around such people." And Ingrid can, it would seem. "As for what I've been doing aside from that, I've recently created a new fighting team. My partner and I are going to challenge other teams and try and get them more active than they've been in the past. You've met her already- she's the person I was playing with in the flower garden, Kai Gabriel." An experience Yurika will no doubt remember. "We're calling ourselves the 'Pure Hearts Team'."

"Is that so? I hadn't met her yet myself- Normally I'd give people the benefit of the doubt but.. I think I've let Ninon trick me into being afraid of her." Yurika says with a bit of sheepishness in her tone. Though she responds to that first only so she doesn't look quite as embarassed about Ingrid's faith in her abilities. She's been learning to become more confident lately, and to work harder. And really she wouldn't want praise from anyone close to her but her brother.

Clearly she's still trying to create -some- sort of emotional distance between herself and Ingrid. The musician sets her hands on her lap and closes her eyes as she leans back a little. "I should meet her sometime. Also, I am pleased you feel that way, Ahem." Suddenly Yurika's eyes snap open again, turning to Ingrid with mild suprise. Of course she would remember Gabriel, the woman's been burned into her mind with no hope of vanishing. But it's just even more suprised just how much Ingrid seems to be bumping into Student Congress members. It leads Yurika to wonder- Does Ingrid know about her? Are she and Gabriel close enough that she could have talked about the congress?

Ingrid would likely feel the tension starting to build within the student, her smile becoming more fixed. "Ingrid that's absolutly wonderful, I believe that is a fantastic idea. I've seen little team events, and it'd be something I'd be sure to watch, that is one aspect of battle that I do not particularly mind being.. Without much purpose. S- So.. The Pure Hearts you say.." her smile grows nervous. "With.. Gabriel? Perhaps, you should strike an 's' from Heart?"

"Afraid of her? Well, I'm not sure you'd have to go that far. How do I put this? She's very... childish. She's youthful and exuberant, to the point that to many people would be very, very annoying. I can see how someone like Ninon could be easily bothered by her. She lacks the... refinement that you and Ninon both share." That's about the kindest Ingrid can put it. And is it odd that she left herself out of the statement of being refined?

A little laugh comes from Ingrid at the comment on the team name, "Oh, come now. I know that she can be very... forceful, but in her own mind, at least, she is very clear of purpose." She then lets out a relaxed sigh and closes her eyes. "For my part, I rather enjoy fighting alongside a partner. Fighting alone can be an invigorating experience, but I find it much more exciting when two partners face down opponents side by side, fighting only better by their bond of friendship."

Yurika most certainly does find that odd. Ingrid not including herself? But she could bring comment to that a little later. It is nice that she learns a little more about Mignon from a different perspective though.

As for Gabriel though, Yurika can't say she's shared such an experience. She's really enjoyed training alongside her brother- She could only imagine that being in a real fight with him by her side would be.. Perhaps the closest she could ever get to heaven! "I suppose I was a little harsh myself with that statement. The little I've been with her, though, she's always proven to be rather unusual.. But I am pleased to know that you two get along so well that you'd work side by side on such a mission.. Ah.." As Ingrid closes her eyes, Yurika can't quite find it yet to do the same. "I wasn't aware that you two were so close though. Has, she told you about anything about any ah... Questionable extracarricular activities she's involved in?"

"I wouldn't say that we're too terribly close, but I do think we share a certain bond. I'm not sure what I'd call it, other than friendship, but we do get along quite well. And even better for the purposes of team fighting, we seem to have a very nice synergy between ourselves." Ingrid smiles at the thought. The question that Yurika brings up, however, causes Ingrid's eyes to open. "Why yes, she has, as a matter of fact. I believe she's a member of some 'Darkside Student Congress'. I believe she even asked me to join at some point, but as I told her then that while I can discuss and understand certain things like brainwashing techniques that their leader Kurow apparently uses, I can't condone or commit them myself."

She looks over to Yurika and smiles, "From what she's said, however, she doesn't seem to be too terribly involved with the worst of the things they do. I know it may not look like it, but I can overlook some of the misdeeds of others." A pause, and she looks thoughtful, "I wonder, though, if that's an asset, or a failing..?"

Well it's a good thing that Yurika has plenty of experience with her 'poker face', because the moment the words 'Darkside Student Congress' pass the girls lips, Yurika would have very well had a heart attack at that very instant. But to take things once step at a time...

Well it's a good thing that Yurika has plenty of experience with her 'poker face', because the moment the words 'Darkside Student Congress' pass the girls lips, Yurika would have very well had a heart attack at that very instant. But to take things once step at a time...

Yurika almost feels a sense of.. Relief when Ingrid says she isn't -terribly- close, that they're good friends with great fighting synergy. Yurika isn't entirely certain why that relieves her so much.

But Ingrid seems to know a lot, quite possibly too much. But it must have been months ago that she knew- Did Ingrid never make the connection? Or is she playing 'dumb' for the musicians sake? Ingrid's words afterward doesn't make things any more clear. Poor Yurika's cheeks are turning red as beets as she casually looks to the rock structure again. ".. No, Ingrid. Over the many times that we've talked, and having watched you interact with my choices of company. I find it perfectly believable. I think, really, that you're a truely unusual case.. I hope you don't find that insulting it's just.. Well."

Head still facing the structure, it's just her eyes that look to Ingrid once more. "I think I'm quite unusual too. It's things like that, that make me feel comfortable within your company. But one thing I was always uncertain of is if you.. Judge people, when you watch or interact with them, or if you do not. As for if it's an asset or a failing, that's something I really don't know the answer to. I think a large part of it has to do with why you can overlook it. Perhaps, you've done misdeeds?"

"Oh no, I don't find it insulting in the least. I know very well how few people there are that can accept the darker side of man while recognizing it for what it is, and allowing it to take place." Ingrid thinks on her own words for a few moments, and then on Yurikas. "I think I might 'judge' people, but not in the way people think of when they hear the term. I do try to place the actions of others, and think whether or not I find them good, neutral, or unsavory, but I do not, in general, hold these against those people. I consider myself fully in the right to decide whether or not people are 'good' or 'bad', but usually not to convince others of this, or even react to it. If anything, I find it enjoyable simply to learn about other people."

Her eyes sort of lose focus for a moment, "But no, it isn't because of things I've done, but because of things that've been done to me." She lets out a sigh, "Things so awful, that the petty misdeeds of others pale in comparison to the point of meaninglessness." She looks back to Yurika, "There are few people I will consider truly 'evil'. Brainwashing, stealing, sometimes even killing... are not as terrible as they seem if the context of the crime is known. It is only for the truly unforgivable, that I'll take serious offense to."

A slight sigh, "There I go. Forgive me, Yurika, for turning a lovely and pleasant conversation into something utterly gloomy."

The musician listens carefully.. And the more she listens, the more she is inclined to look to her company. The musician at first is at a loss for words, uncertain how to reponse when the tale of sorts starts to sink in. It's a lot to take in, in a way, and she's silent for what could very well be a full minute, with a mildly blank expression

Yurika wishes she could shake off the lack of trust of Ingrid. It's her paranoia that keeps the tiny voice inside her that says it's some sort of elaborate trap. But at the same time she can't shake off the sympathy she feels either. Her hand closer to Ingrid raises from the water, and then after a thought lowers once more, "No, no it's quite all right, I've always been curious about you, Ingrid. I can tell you do enjoy learning about other people. It gets in the way of me learning about you, though, so I'll take anything I can hear, be it cheerful or gloomy. But I confess, it's shocking that you could.. Have experienced something worse than I have. But when you compare it to those things being less significant."

Yurika has to take a moment to figure out how to end that sentance. But then it comes to her. "I simply cannot fathom it; yet I see no reason to doubt such a thing exists. I admit it bothers me that it sounds like something that I cannot help you with, am I correct?" She swallows lightly. "Is it a pain that.. You carry with you to this very day?"

Ingrid nods a little, "I suppose I haven't been very forthcoming about myself. I suppose I have little excuse, as no one has really rejected me when I've spoke of my life, though I believe a part of me is afraid of that. People don't usually like speaking of unpleasant and uncomfortable things. They also tend to shy away from others when they're downcast, as they don't want the feeling to spread to themselves."

She looks to Yurika and smiles, "I apologize if I've kept myself a mystery. I do admit some of that is because being mysterious can be fun, but I don't act that way once I get to know someone such as I have with you." A nod goes to Yurika, "I can understand if you cannot. I don't know what it is that you've been through, after all. Perhaps you wouldn't think it worse at all, but for me it was." She seems to consider something for a moment, and then looks to Yurika, "I am willing to tell you the whole awful truth if you really do wish to hear it. But before you say you do, please consider your answer carefully. If I do tell you, I would think it would be a bit of a bonding experience. I wouldn't want to force and closeness upon you that you wouldn't be comfortable with. I wouldn't do that to a friend."

The elegant musician does actually take a moment to think, although it isn't made obvious at all. The whole time now she's making eye contact with Ingrid, only breaking contact when having to tap her cheek and close her eyes.

She's right, there is a bit of.. Danger in letting Ingrid open herself. But on the other hand, in a way she had already decided that their relationship has built up upon their unusual quirks. Yurika finally shakes her head and speaks her piece. "Please do not apologize Ingrid, I am very well guilty of the same thing, after all. What you say is true, people do tend to prefer to be happy, and not to want to hear pleasent things if they don't have to, it's human nature. And I'm not going to compare my troubles with your own, it's all about perspective after all, isn't it? I don't take joy in hearing or telling sad tales, but it is something I can do comfortably, because.. That is how I live."

Yurika then actually finds herself scooting, just a tiny bit, closer to Ingrid. "I wish to hear. And in return, I will eventually share something with you, hopefully of equal value. So it is purely a deal, bonding simply won't be an issue." Yurika's cheeks then redden slightly again as she looks away. "A- And what are you talking about? A friend.. We're companions."

A smile forms on Ingrid's face. So bonding would be an issue. "Very well, Yurika. If you truly do wish to hear then I'll tell you." As to the question of friends or companions, Ingrid intentionally doesn't respond to that. What Yurika considers a companion Ingrid would call a friend, but it might only embarrass, or perhaps annoy, Yurika further if she were to say as much.

"To be honest, I'm not entirely sure how I should even relate this. I suppose I'll be blunt, as it is now simply a cold fact of my past. …but as a pretext." She lifts her hand and waves it gently in the air, a few sparkles trailing after it. "I consider my power to be a great gift. There are people I've met that consider power like mine to be a curse, but for my part I've always been glad of it. Perhaps a part of me just enjoys knowing that I am, in some way, special." She closes her eyes and collects her thoughts.

"Let's begin, then. When I was ten, a man came to my home. A very bad, dark, and evil man. I didn't know what he wanted, and barely the moment I saw him, I attacked me. He was completely overpowering, I'm sure you can imagine. As a ten year old I had no chance at all of defending myself. I tried, of course, but to no avail. He simply hurt me until I was unconscious, and then kidnapped me." She's looking off into the distance, but her eyes aren't really focused, but simply staring off, perhaps into the past.

"When I awoke, he had placed me in some sort of machine, or device. I was afraid, but that didn't last for long, because he turned that machine on, and then I was in pain. It was... completely unlike anything I'd ever felt before, or since. It was completely unbearable. I could feel something inside of me simply being torn away, as if my soul itself was being ripped out of my body. I... don't know how to explain it, other than that. I fought it as best I could but, again, I didn't stand a chance. It lasted for hours and hours, and then it finally ended, and I passed out."

"After that, I have no idea what happened, except that when I woke up, he was gone, and I was able to get away. I was barely awake... almost like a dream. I crawled away, unable to stand, and found myself in a jungle. I don't know how long it was, but it was a long time, that I simply crawled on the jungle floor, and ate whatever crawled into my hand to survive. Eventually some people found me, and brought me to their village. I...couldn't understand a word they said, but they were nice. They gave me food and water and somehere to sleep, but... something was wrong."

At this point, Ingrid lets out a sigh, "This part, I suppose, I could leave out, but I feel it's important. After this you may never wish to be near me again, and I would understand that, but I feel I should tell you." She looks to Yurika and smiles, "Ever since I can remember, I've been able to feel the emotions of others. Whenever someone feels happy, sad, angry, or love I've felt it every bit as much as they have. Before this happened to me... I had no idea that others weren't as I was. I thought this was common. But then, when..." She looks off again. She waves her hand again, but nothing comes out. "I found out what it was that felt like it had been pulled from me. My power was gone. Simply gone. There was absolutely nothing left, what that man took. Where before there was so much it was all I could do to contain it, now I was left completely bare and dry. And worse, I'd lost the ability to feel the feelings of others. I... didn't know how to react." She looks to Yurika again, "How can you trust someone, when you don't know if they're mad at you, or happy with you? How do you know when their hiding something? I always could. Always. ...but then I couldn't. Where I was always very social, I became a shut in. I didn't want to even talk with anyone, because I didn't know their intentions."

A long sigh, "In the end, as you must know by now, my power did return. Most importantly my ability to feel others around me returned, with full force. But..." Another wave of hand,

A long sigh, "In the end, as you must know by now, my power did return. Most importantly my ability to feel others around me returned, with full force. But..." Another wave of hand, and golden glittering, "This part, just barely remains. It came back to me, slowly, and it's taken me five years of constant training to come to where I am today. My fighting style now revolves around pure control. I have astounding control over what little power I have left. I can release it exactly as I wish, and in the exact amounts I wish. It's because if I couldn't, a release would drain me in moments. You must believe me when I say that what I have now -pales- in comparison to the gift I had before. It was a struggle to keep under control, yes, but it was mine... and it was taken from me." She looks at Yurika now, her face showing emotions she almost always keeps in check, "-MY- gift. -My- power, was stolen from me, and what's worse, it's been used to commit more heinous crimes. How many lives have been destroyed with my power, that I had no control over? I can never know..."

"Yes, I carry it with me to this day. I fight, honestly, for two reasons alone. To take my power back, and to make the person that took it from me pay, and dearly."

It was a story that Yurika simply just didn't expect at all. A girl like Ingrid, the way she carries herself there's just simply no way one could imagine such an.. Unusual story. And yet Yurika can understand and follow.

It starts with her best friend Akira. The girl who's friendship had caused her so much pain, yet she could never let it go. Yurika had heard when Akira was defeated and kidnapped; but instead of having her power taken, her memories were altered, and she was -given- power. It wasn't exactly the same, but having seen that herself, she can believe it.

But the.. Psychic like powers? It's both slightly upsetting and a relief at the same time. Ingrid must have learned quite a bit about Yurika before the musician confessed; she didn't know how to respond to that.

But before she can ravel her mind about it, she then reviews the end of the tale. An ending that she has a very very strange feeling that she knows about the person Ingrid is speaking of, but she couldn't put her finger on it. The very end makes her look visably alarmed, however. She had never, once, seen Ingrid so possessive. But it is rightfully Ingrid's after all, and been used in ways that the norweigan would have ever dreamed of doing herself.

In the end, Yurika just ends up being even more confused than when the story started. "I do not even know where to start, Ingrid.." she confesses, currently in a whirlwind of emotions. "I.. It's not that it's out of my grasp, I just would have never imagined you would be going through such a difficult trial. I feel a bit insignificant, really. But I also feel nervous.. Well, you probably can already tell. I guess I'll start by apologizing."

The musician nods back to Ingrid, "What I wanted to share with you, are things you've likely already suspected. It's an unusual thing to learn, it's a bit uncomfortable but yet.." With a light sigh, Yurika slowly stands up, it's not just her cheeks that are red, the water's trying to cook her! But she does something that suprises even herself. And that's offer her hand. "I refuse to let you disappear from my life. I'm getting a bit light-headed. Perhaps it'd be best if I go back to the room and lay down for a while."

No more slip-ups for Yurika, she won't be asking Ingrid to join her, she'll just keep her hand extended. "I am glad that you are what you are today, despite it all. That is strength that I struggle to achieve to this day."

"Im glad that you can understand, then." Ingrid smiles to Yurika. "It's not something I relate often, if only because knowing such terrible things can be a burden." She lets out a little sigh and tries to let the tension drain from her. Luckily they're in just the perfect spot for that to happen. "Perhaps you can know now why it's easy for me to forgive others for their wrongdoings. There are very, very few who don't have reasons, if usually judged inadequate by others, for their actions. It's also a reason I'm able to control my own emotions so well. Imagine if I couldn't, and yet I'd be forced to feel the ones of people around me." A little smile, "Sometimes thousands, as when I walk in crowds. Though things can get a little nebulous then- I find the seas of emotions rather relaxing, actually." A slight pause, "Though, while I might suspect things, I'm not a mind reader. I can't tell what people are thinking; only what they're feeling. I can make guesses as to what they're thinking because of that, but usually nothing too specific."

When the hand is extended towards her Ingrid reaches up and lightly takes it, standing up easily. "Thank you, Yurika."

Yurika giggles lightly, "I am as well. I certainly had no idea my weekend would be anything like this, I suppose it is a good thing that Ninon didn't join us after all, isn't it? I honestly would like to talk more about it with you but, my mind is just so addled right now, I think I should have it all straightened out by the morning, so if I could make a selfish request of you.."

"Lets try to have some fun this evening and then get back to 'business' in the morning. It seems you were right, I did end up becoming more drawn to you. But I bet you still can't beat me in poker." Yurika seems hesitant to let go of Ingrid's hand for a moment. But she eventually does, she'd have to anyway to get changed again after all.

Ingrid smiles, "Yes, it would have been difficult getting to such a sensitive topic with her around. Though I hold nothing against her, I don't know her nearly as well as I know you. And aside from that, it's simply more difficult to talk about with more than one other person at a time." She then nods her head, "And I certainly expect to have fun this weekend. While it's important to talk... it's also important to have fun. Did you know that's one of the most important rules I keep for myself? To always try my best to have fun, no matter what it is that I'm doing. I can assure you that it makes many things in life easier to bear. So yes, I'm sure we'll have lots of fun while we're here."

She then makes a little motion towards the door with her hand, "Shall we, then?" She begins walking in that direction, and speaks as she goes, "As for poker, I'm afraid I haven't played very much. Perhaps you could show me the ropes?"

"I know what you mean, yet I already know that Ninon will become a very important part of my life. I'll explain that to you as well sometime. But more importantly.."

Once catching the gesture to the door, she'll go ahead and lead, holding her hands behind her back. "We shall. It should be interesting, as the game requires a bit of bluffing.. I enjoy bluffing games."
And with that, should lead to an entertaining evening.

Log created on 00:14:32 10/16/2007 by Yurika, and last modified on 01:17:43 02/10/2009.