Elle - Watch It Die

Description: Bad Religion (1993). As the vestiges of Shadaloo slowly waste away, one former member eludes Elle's all-seeing eye. By all accounts, Jesen doesn't even exist, and Elle proceeds to fill in the gaps in her knowledge. After learning what makes Jesen tick, Elle tests his abilities. The boy puts up quite a fight, but Elle is the one left standing in the end.

It's a peaceful time in the clearing of the forest.
It lead to the shrine.
It was a secluded spot, perfect for dreaming and staring of what could be beyond the present world. The atmosphere was cool as the winter slowly crept through the fall. Not yet too cold, just enough to get ne to wear something warm.
Past the torii and further along the shrine is none other than the blue haired child, the scarf draped around him as his eyes shut. Re-opening his eyes, he approaches the ground. Kneeling in front of it, he makes a circlular pattern.
"...So long since the Lord has died. I fear for my little brother's rash actions." As the energy traces along the ground, it eats away to create a 'vortex'.
Staring in reflection at himself at the 'mirror', the boy says, "...I wonder if he will be able to brave the trials."

Elle knows the answers to many, many things. Sometimes, she knows the answers to problems people don't even know exist yet. It's not arrogance or ego that drives her to know these things. An insatiable need to understand the world around her, an eye for detail, and eidetic memory all contribute to the obsessive desire to know.

And Elle knows a lot.

She can rattle off this year's fighter statistics like she had just read them on the back of a ceral box that morning. Want to know where the underground fighting tournaments are? Elle has you covered. If you need to locate a left nostrol glow in the dark inhaler with your state's motto printed on it... give her a day or so. If it's out there, Elle will get it.

And yet, there are still gaps. There will always be gaps, and Elle accepts that. It's enough for her to know what's going on in her immediate sphere of influence. Nevertheless, there are gaps in that as well. After much research, asking questions, and general deuction, she's been led to the shrine to close a gap in her knowledge once and for all.

While working for Vega, Elle gained knowledge on many of the Shadaloo leader's operatives. The big names weren't hard to locate in the files, and the data was easily devoured. Even a few important facts on the Zero Doll were made available with a little digging. However, the one empty spot was Jesen. The boy appeared in audience with Vega, but not heavily in the data.

Now it's time to supply herself with that information.

Boots move indiscriminately across the ground, crushing grass, plants, whatever. Elle doesn't care for anything but objectives. She doesn't have a lot of fanfare; just the aura of someone so entirely jaded against everything in life that she's about as close to becoming an inorganic life form as you can get without relying on cybernetics.

No attempt to hide who she is will be made. Instead she approaches the kneeling boy with all the subtility of a brick through a window, booted feet crunching to a halt in front of him. "I'm going to give you some time to tell me who you are. I'm gonna ask nice once to avoid the head-trippy mumbo-jumbo that I know you probably like to lay. If you play it straight with me, I can make it worth your while."

The approach was not expected.
However, it was welcomed. The young boy looks into the rift that he manifested, then he allows for the woman to say her peace. It was an interesting meeting with her before, natch.
There is no time for lamenting or reflection now. He has a guest, after all. Closing the rift once more, he stands up fully, looking towards the female with a smile on his face.
"Is that so?" He tilts his head over, growing rather curious like a child staring into something new and shiny. "... What do you wish to know?"

"Who the hell are you?" The primary question. Elle knows he's Vega's pawn. That much is certain. After that? Nothing. He's barely popped up on the radar as far as fighting tournaments go. He's done barely done anything in any league, anywhere.

The underground channels speak nothing. The word on the street is nothing.

And yet, the child had audiences with Vega, presumeably on a general basis. What that boils down to is the conclusion that Jesen was just another nameless, faceless scrap of cannon fodder to be sent out to die at the Shadaloo leader's command. Yet Jesen persists where Shadaloo obviously does not. Elle's already squeezed every last bit of life available to her from the dying organization. Weapons caches have been raised. Still-loyal officers have been spoken to. But Jesen's mere existance is an anomaly.

Just a strange anachronism, really. Jesen's relative nonexistance could mean nothing, or everything.

Although it would seem to be that Jesen is still around, he is slowly dying inside. Or at least, a part of him is. It is taking longer than usual without the sustaining of Vega. ...Two in one, but that one is dying.
The boy of mystery can only fix the woman with a bright smile. "Jesen, a loyal servant for Lord Vega. ...Even after his death." He rests his hand towards his heart. His eyes focus towards Elle.
"Shadaloo is dead, I am aware."

How elucidating. Dead brown eyes stare at the boy. Elle beleives he's telling the truth, but what he provides is very little. "Shadaloo was, is, and always will be a mess. It depended too much on Vega's existance on a level no other organization would ever want. Shadaloo was Vega, and vice versa. Now that he's gone, it simply ceases to exist. The whole thing was held together by his will alone."

"So that's it?" Elle says, almost wanting to kick the child solely to jostle some life out of him. Listless people are irritating. "Shadaloo's dead, so you just wait to drop like a fly in a light fixture? What the hell sort of deal is that?"

The idea that she might not want to know hasn't dawned on her. The idea that in this rare occasion, she may not even actually /care/ about the answer is. Secretive and mysterious aside, there's enough emotion left still swimming in her blackened hear tto simply crush the life out of this ghost of a human being and put him out of his misery. Jesen's nonexistance would simply make him another mystery corpse on the Southtown coroner's office, next to the unidentifiable bodies of the people Yamazaki flayed alive.

The boy turns to face Elle with a smile on his face, "I was supposed to be dead seven years ago, I believe." He smiles, "I've been on borrowed life." He shuts his eyes once more, "With the Lord gone, my purpose has been served."
He considers, "There is no real deal. I've done my purpose while serving the Lord and that was all that I wanted to do. He gave me a reason to live again."
He walks towards the edge of the well, "However, my last bit of duty is not done yet." He considers, "But, it should be interesting to see him again." He considers, "But probably won't happen."
His eyes shift towards Elle, "Unfortunately, there are things that I must finish while I am still here."

Well, there's a lot of ways to interpret that statement. Overall, Elle's not entirely sure Vega is dead. People have a bad habit of coming back to life. Just a general observation, especially given the NESTS technology and Shadaloo capacity that she's seen. No concrete data, of course, but a person can make conjecture.

And opportunity once again knocks for Elle. Normally, she wouldn't deign to deal with a religious lunatic. Nevertheless, she's worked for far more odious clients.

"Things you have to finish, you say?" The dry voice picks up the barest hint of intrigue. Just enough that it's noticeable. She's more interested in seeing what the kid could actually /want/. "And what might that be?"

"Do you have a sibling?"
The child asks, turning to face away from her, continuing his pace. "...Perhaps not, perhaps you do. ... To make sure my little brother is free."
"He is somewhere and I know where he is at." He smiles knowingly, then he frowns a moment later.
"Perhaps you can answer this question for me."
"Who is the bigger monster?"
It's a sudden question. The boy, in fact, allows the atmosphere to become quiet as he drifts his attention to completely focus on Elle.
"A monster, who wishes to snuff all life until there is nothing left? Or the ward, who had kept the monster within its cage for so long, even from the time it was born? Never to allow the creature to have a taste of something other than hatred? Other than that hatred what he was taught and raised on? ... The monster, who is ignorant of what life is all about?"
"The monster, or the warden?"

Alright. He's getting metaphysical. Elle doesn't deal with that very well. Not that she can't handle it, or becomes frustrated with it with incomprehension, but because she simply doesn't have time to get into heady debates with little kids in the middle of a forest. Whenever she waxes philosophical, it usually has a very concrete conclusion behind it.

But, since she asked, she'll answer.

"Neither," is her reply.

"There's two different postulates that can be derived from your question." A being a logic, Elle approaches the question without soul or appreciation for the poetry.

"The first situation is the 'third-party' postulate. The 'monster' is the one that created the situation in the first place, despite not being presented as a party in your original statement," is the cold, dry response. "The parameters granted suggests that the situation can only come about with the presence a third party contributor. Presuming a warden that enters the situation with clean hands, in order for your little feedback loop to happen, someone not present in the scenario had to create it."

"On the other hand," the mercenary continues, "in the 'closed loop' postulate, the warden creates the monster, and is therefore saddled with the responsibility of keeping the monster in check. A cursory evaluation of that situation suggests that the 'warden' would be the one to blame. However, as the loop is closed, the 'monster' becomes the absolute penance of the 'warden', making the two irrevocably linked. As the game is zero sum, there is no external monster. You're placed in a vaccuum scenario. Basically worthless."

A pause, and Elle's epxression hasn't changed an iota. "Any other logic puzzles?"

The saddest thing is that the question was the most straight forward question that he would ask. The boy shuts his eyes, frowning at the thought.
It takes some time for the youth to process, considering the situation that he has placed himself on. Tightening the grip on his scarf, the boy smiles towards Elle once more. In contrast to her cold and uncaring demeanor, the boy is actually pleased.
"Perhaps you are correct. Unfortunately, in this scenario, one would have to go." He shakes his head once, then he tucks his hands into his pocket.
"No more logic puzzles." He starts to walk past her, "... What ever plans you have. I wish you luck on it."

Well, if Jesen wants to wish Elle luck in trashing his sickly behind all over the shrine, then that's his perogative.

"I know you can fight. Vega doesn't hire anyone that can't," Elle says reaching behind her back to pull out a mace from it's sotrage chamber on the guitar strapped to her back. The heavy metal object slaps into her palm easily, her slender fingers wrapping around the weapon's grip. "And unfortunately for you, I'm not going to let you walk off without knowing what you're capable of."

With a motion, the head of the mace disengages, the chain's metal-on-metal sound announcing it's transformation into a flail. "Get all your smiling in now, because when I'm done, you're going to need a few new teeth."

Interesting. That was her aim.
The young boy offers her a smile, tilting his head over. "I see... If that is what you have been looking for all along." While gazing at the sky, the energy finally bleeds out of his body. No longer contained, the aura frees itself and manifests with a pair of glowing wings. One side is black, while the other side is white. Expanding forth elagantly, the boy draws forth with his hand pointed in front of him, yet with his back turned towards Elle.
"I will be glad to oblige."
He turns to face her, the aura around him glimmers and swirls around him with ease, before he flicks his wrist out. That flick of a wrist sends a gust of wind to blow through the ground, tearing upon the surface as the glowing, sparkling black energy sizzles against the ground.
Tearing through the surface, it races towards Elle's direction.

COMBATSYS: Jesen has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Jesen            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Elle has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Elle             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Jesen

COMBATSYS: Elle blocks Jesen's Angel Whisper.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Elle             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Jesen

Elle, on the other hand, has no such elegant displays. The woman is deadly, brute force incarnate, and as the burst of power whips towards her, the best it can do is die against the already boiling chi she summons up from the ground.

Electricity seems to pour from the air aorund her, the crackling blue energy infusing her with power, ripping the air apart and filling her body with raw force.

As she charges, she appraoches Jesen, her footsteps slow and deliberate, eyes set on him like a bullseye, tracking his motions with the mind to flat out demolosh the boy once she closes fange, the flail slowly lifted, twirling to her side.

COMBATSYS: Elle gathers her will.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Elle             0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0            Jesen

As the raw force draws around her, Jesen is watching with rapt interest. That is perhaps the most fascinating way he's seen someone guard against one of his attacks. He smiles a bit more. "I see, the energy that you possess. How fascinating."
With the talk done, the young man easily starts to drift towards his fighting stance, then he sprints over towards her form, the aura still glimmering along the boy. He immediately launches himself up, aiming to sweep his right leg against the ground to take Elle off of her feet, then he'll step forward by extending the right palm to help the descent, should the first sweep be successful.

COMBATSYS: Elle interrupts Quick Throw from Jesen with Metal Health.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Elle             0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0            Jesen

Let it be known that Elle's always prepared to sacrifice a little to make a clean hit. As Jesen moves towards her to sweep, Elle charges up her power, moving for the offensive. His leg hits hers cleanly, causing her to trip, the motion completely successful. She hits the ground with a crash, but twists herself so that she manages to land on her back.

Without any kind of warning, her snaps up to point at Jesen's face, and she unleashes a powerful torrent of sonic energy. The blast rips forth from her hand, blasting at Jesen like a tidal wave of power. The sonic energy sounds like an army of screeching guitars, rupturing blood vessels and threatening to blow apart eardrums.

The woman clearly has quite a bit of power packed into her dour frame, and she recovers quickly, rolling back up and to her feet, falling into a more defensive position.

The sonic resonance -hurts-. As the hand is positioned out towards his face and he finds himself caught within the blow of the powerful sonar, the boy winces out loud as his face is nearly torn apart by the powerful pressure placed his way by the energy. Not only that, but the sonic pulse digging into his nerves nearly paralyzes him. But that was briefly. At least he's not deaf.
The boy smiles slightly, extending a hand out once more, then he flicks the wrist forward while he steps back from Elle. As he gains some distance, it allows for the small speck to float her way.
The speck pulsates. It's as if it was alive or breathing. But with each 'breath', the pulsating sphere expands. It continually expands with each pulse until...
...It explodes.

COMBATSYS: Jesen successfully hits Elle with Guilty Shine.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Elle             0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0            Jesen

Elle is tossed backwards by the explosion, the force blowing her off her feet fairly easily. Despite the force with which it hits, Elle's just getting started. Although it hurts, Elle has a pretty good idea what she's dealing with now, and frankly, she can hunker down and wait out a lot of it all day long.

She stands quickly. Again, the woman seems like she's capable of recovering from attack far faster than she has any real right to. Boot clad feet set her up, the flail still spinning in her hand as she evaluates her position.

With a rapid motion, Elle whips the flail outward, seeking to wrap the weapon around the boy's leg. Shoudl it connect, Elle will send a powerful bolt of electrical energy down it before yanking him to the ground with a vicious pull.

COMBATSYS: Jesen dodges Elle's Powerslave.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Elle             0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0            Jesen

That sphere of energy, plus the fact that he took a leap away while releasing the sphere did give Jesen a chance to change his position to where he can easily avoid the strike pressed out towards him.
The young boy, nevertheless, does move away from the flail aiming to trip him and whip him with the electrical energy. How? He leaps away from the sight and then he gains himself some distance.
Tilting his head over, the boy offers a giggle. "Interesting. I see why the Lord chose you in his services skill-wise."

COMBATSYS: Jesen focuses on his next action.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Elle             0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0            Jesen

Elle doesn't talk much in a fight. That's just how she is. Chatting isn't her strong point anyhow. She either gives orders, or listens to them. Back and forth conversations, especially duing a fight, are generally annoying. As Jesen takes a second or two to reflect on why Vega may or may not have hired her, Elle produces several long, sharp throwing spikes. Like steel needles, the weapons are slid neatly between each of her fingers.

Elle flicks one hand, sending the razor-sharp implements at Jesen, and then flings the other in a staggered assault. The spread is wide, making it wasy to avoid, but the force with which they're hurled definitely makes them a force to be reckoned with if they hit.

COMBATSYS: Jesen dodges Elle's Large Thrown Object.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Elle             0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0            Jesen

After noticing that Elle is not the talker during the battle, the decides to honor that practice for her sake and just fall into complete silence, drawing the serenity of his essence in place. Once the peaceful energy has come to rest, the boy looks at the sharp, throwing spikes.
He steps back, but not before loosening his scarf. The scarf comes lose and whips out towards the razor-sharp spikes, imbued with his energy as he seeks to lash them against the blades. The energy connects with the spikes and he sways his body around those that shoot his way, deftly avoiding the weapon.
Then, the boy swings his body around as he shoots in close to Elle, then he leaps up from the ground and twists his body, shooting both legs out to snap across Elle's face. The scarf, in the meanwhile, wraps itself around his arm.

COMBATSYS: Jesen successfully hits Elle with Medium Kick.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Elle             0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1            Jesen

Looks like Jesen is keeping Elle considerably off balance today. As the boy leaps in to take Elle down, it becomes clear to Elle that he's not going to be someone she can just mow over with superior firepower. Having avoided two attacks thus far, Elle's going to have to make sure her attacks count from here on out.

Once again, Elle marshalls her power, the energy drawing into her as the electricity is pulled from the ground and air around her. Getting beaten by this kid would definitely be an unfortunate mark on her record. Luckily. she still has a fw tricks left up her sleeve yet. This time, however, she commits this power into healing injury. The energy is turned inward, repairing damage and erasing more than a few combat mistakes.

COMBATSYS: Elle gains composure.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Elle             0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1            Jesen

When Elle decides to take a moment to regain her composure, the boy smiles slightly to see how she manages to gather her power. Noting that she is utilizing it to sustain herself, the boy can't help but to awe at the use.
"There is a dark side to everything, even the ones that seem to be the most innocent." He muses in thought. He places a hand over towards his chest in contemplation.
~ Sanel. I release you. ~
Jesen's head snaps up and the yellow eyes glow omniously.
Slowly, his aura is manifesting around him, slowly changing from the angelic wings that he has. The darkness consumes the white glow, then the energy starts to spiral around him. Manifesting itself, the crimson eyes form from the psycho powered based energy. The head shapes itself into a beak, almost similar to a gargoyle. A claw is extended forth, roaring into life.
Wings of the creature expands itself.
"The Otherself," smiles Jesen.
The daemon roars once, then it shoots out from the boy's body, leaving him aura-less for a few moments. As the creature darts through the air, it pierces its way to crash straight towards the very core of Elle, aiming to rip through her spiritual energy.

COMBATSYS: Elle endures Jesen's Blissful Oblivion!!

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Elle             1/------=/=======|-------\-------\0            Jesen

Elle doesn't have much in the way of spirit. She's largely dead inside, so the wave of power that hits her causes a severe failing. The strike nearly brings her to her knees with the single hit. It's difficult to get around it, and Elle is barely capabale of absorbing it. The power alone is almost enough to take her out of the fight altogether.

However, Elle's exceedingly tough. It takes a moment or two to even regain some sense of what she's doing, much less her bearings. The strike didn't hit her with enough power to kill her outright, but it was close. Very close.

Garoyles aside, Elle's incapable of that sort of thing. Fancy attacks have been avoided for more practical things, like sheer levels of destruction. Elle stadies herself, and raises both hands. Electrical power tears across her arms. not cute sayings, no fancy words. Just power, and lots of it. The electrical bolt fuses into one solid stream of crackling blue and white power, bursting forth from her like a firehose to tear Jesen to peices.

COMBATSYS: Jesen blocks Elle's ACDC.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Elle             0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0            Jesen

She's tough. That's interesting. Jesen will have to give her that. He offers her a smile a moment later, then he starts to run his hand across his hair before he straightens his glasses.
But as she draws on her electricity, Jesen's eyes widen as she finally releases the electrical arc draws forth his way. But confidently, the boy leaps back from the impact, giving him enough time to manifest his psycho power again. Bleeding into existance, they become wings and cross together to help stave off most fo the impact of the electrical bolt. However, bit more does surge through him, providing an intensive amount of pain.
He sweats, looking a bit tired, but he straightens himself out and he smiles once more. Stepping towards Elle, he comes off into a sprint, then he slides her way. With the baseball slide, the boy immediately swings out his right leg in a sweeping motion, then he tucks his head in to expand both arms out to assist with the sweep.

Of course, with tendrils of energy following suit.

COMBATSYS: Elle dodges Jesen's Medium Throw.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Elle             0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0            Jesen

Twin katars snap to life as Elle leaps into a full backflip. Usually, she can't display that kind of agility, but it's something she's been working on. Constant practice. Long known as a fighter who simply refuses to die when repeatedly hit, Elle's learnign the value of avoiding attack altogether.

The bladed weapons on her hands seem to hum to life as she channels sonic energy down the tri-blades clasped to her arms, her boots hitting the ground cleanly.

In a motion almost too rapid to be followed by the naked eye, Elle lurches forward, and her arms repeatedly jackhammer at the boy, the twin blades moving at an insane pace in a rather rapid attack designed to maul an opponent outright.

COMBATSYS: Elle successfully hits Jesen with Ace of Spades.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Elle             0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1            Jesen

Once the woman leaves the sight of the strike at hand, Jesen is swinging his body back into position as he adopts a stance; his left leg lifts up as the right hand keeps it balanced. The hands, however, are in a strange guarding position; the right hand is lifted into the air as the left extends out. Both open palmed.
But, he steps from the stance as she brings the bladed weapons out, then he sprints forward towards the woman. And as he steps in, she steps in place of jackhammering into the boy with the twin blades. With the blood profusely pouring out, Jesen gives a cry of pain, yet he leans forard and finally pushes all of his might forward as his hands are drawn forward.
When his hands are drawn forward, hence comes his psycho power in the form of a giant lance. Piercing through the air, the blade lashes forth to impale Elle at the very center, at the very heart of the matter.

COMBATSYS: Jesen successfully hits Elle with Soul Liberation.
- Power hit! -

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Elle             0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0            Jesen

As the lance smashes through Elle's chest, she stalls, the sensation is quite painful. Granted, she's suffered through worse, but it doesn't mean she enjoys it. The woman shudders violently as the attack nearly finishes her outright. Unfortunately for Jesen, Elle's still got a little more fight left in her.

No fancy tricks this time. This time, Elle's hand glows bright blue, the energy boiling up from her palm as she brings it down to Jesen's face, the energy snapping out from it to fry his brain. It's a graceless, up close and personal chi assault to be sure, but it tends to get the job done, blasting the boy backward should it meet it's mark.

COMBATSYS: Elle successfully hits Jesen with High Voltage.

[                          \\\\  < >  //                            ]
Elle             1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0            Jesen

After the lance impales Elle, the young man smiles a little more. But as he can see the glowing blue hand, his eyes widen, then the energy blasts straight towards his eyes. The boy releases a scream, but not before he tosses a sphere into the air.
Collapsing on the ground, the boy falls on one knee.
He smiles faintly, "Good show."
He places a hand towards his face, then he lowers his gaze.
...However, there are several beams of light shining down from the ground, shooting down around Elle as if it was a shower, then another beam strikes down her way.

COMBATSYS: Jesen can no longer fight.

[                          \\\\  <
Elle             1/-------/=======|

COMBATSYS: Elle dodges Jesen's Manna from Heaven.

[                          \\\\  <
Elle             1/-------/=======|

Shadaloo soldiers learn more about agility than NESTS soldiers, who seem to put attack accuracy over the ability to dodge. Putting them in the same package like Elle gives her the opportunity to learn how to do both. So far, however, agility has been a sticking point for Elle. She's not very quick on her feet.

However, as the power wells up underneath her, Elle heaves to one side, falling into a quick roll across the ground, the explosion of power bursting underneath the ground where she once stood.

She falls to one hand. That was rather close. PSsycho power is always hard for her to handle. It'll take a lot for her to adjust to it. She needs more exposure, really. More training with the stuff.

Nevertheless, Jesen is down. As powerful as he can dish it, her certainly doesn't seem able to take it all that well. At least, not from her. Elle boils with more chi than she really should have. Standing up, she looks over the kid. Ultimately, not really very useful. She already has one creepy fanatic. Another one would just be overdoing it. Still, she has a pretty good handle on what Jesen is, now.

And that patches up the gap in her knowledge nicely.

Elle turns to leave. No pithy statements, nothing really more to say. She's got what she wanted. As for Jesen? Well, if he ever needs help, he can find her. If he can pay her price.

Remaining kneeling down, he looks over towards his body as it becomes mist. He smiles, nodding in farewell to Elle. Soon, the mist envelops him, and his body disappears from the human eye, swallowed through the void.

Log created on 00:59:38 10/11/2007 by Elle, and last modified on 11:30:53 10/11/2007.