K' - K Squared

Description: A couple Taiyo kids hassle K' for looking funny. K' decides hassling is fun and he'd like to try reciprocating. Midway through him hassling the piss out of the poor students, Kyosuke shows up and decides that he can't really stand for K' thrashing his classmates. VIOLENCE ENSUES.

The funniest part about being here, K' thinks, is the fact that nobody finds him particularly out of place. In fact, nobody really looks twice at him, except to spare that silver hair a second look; and he'd get that kind of reaction anywhere. He's gotten used to it by now, taking those sidelong glances with the same sort of complete indifference he shows the rest of the world, and the looks he gets now meet little more than the flat reflection of a pair of obscuring shades. Part of his increased ability to blend in is the fact that-- after a great deal of cajoling from Maxima-- he's finally begun to dress somewhat normally when not fighting. It's a mercy, really, that the cyborg finally managed to convince K' into jeans.

As for -why- K' is here-- well, he doesn't really need a reason to be anywhere. It's not as if he has a lot to do with his time-- though his weekends, at the least, have got a bit more interesting-- and the area around Taiyo, wooded and tranquil between the bustle of the school and the busy swarm of the village, is quiet and relatively out of the way. He's slumped on one of the benches scattered around, one of those pretentious ones that has 'Gift of the Class of XXXX' etched on it somewhere prominent, completely quiescent. He might almost be asleep.

K', however, is about to discover the problem with -not- looking too out of place, age-wise. Which is the fact that you're not liable to be treated much different from any other peculiar-looking high school or college-age young man. He finds this out the instant a three-pack of Tough Senior Boys, bored and spiteful after their usual victim turned up absent in classes for the day, passes by. There's just something about him to which they take an instant dislike-- whether it's the pretentious deviance of the leather jacket coupled with the designer shades, or just the general insolent air of him-- but one of them takes a slight detour as they walk by. And knocks K''s shades right the hell off.

Mocking, sycophantic laughter: a raucous comment of "Wash that fucking dye out, loser!" K''s bared eyes, wolf-yellow and considerably unamused, look up.

About ten seconds later, K' can be seen halfway through the process of methodically kicking the yelping boys across Taiyo's very expansive grounds. It might take him a while, but hey, he's got all day.

Fighting, is nothing new to Taiyo. It happens, albiet not always for reasons of testing oneself against another. Like any heirachy within the social nest of a high school...there were levels within levels, and at its rawest, survival of the fittest was a very real existence even here. There were geeks, there were bullies, there were prey and preditor. It was the ugly side of even one of the most relaxed school environements, it was also something that Kyosuke if he came across it...did not easily tolerate. Infact, he had a very low tolerance if those who were in the wrong were caught, and he delt with those accordingly. Some hated him for it, some appreciated the effort.
And then there was a certain loyalty to his fellow students, and a need to protect even those who weren't necessarily deserving of it, from a situation that was far out of their league.
The disturbance drew him, that and the level of energy that seemed to cling to it like a trace signature. His jacket flapped about his waist as he strode across the ground, his expression somehow serious in its unreadible stoicism. Kyosuke Kagami, head of the Morals Committee, role model and acknowledged nerd. He took in the struggle at a glance, and focused on the man who was not a student of Taiyo-- a stranger at that. His presence was calm and measured, a solid rock in this whirlwind K' was the center of, unmoved and centered. When he spoke, it was with a quiet authority that was not dissimilar to his twin.
"Enough of this." His voice cutting through the yelping, mayhap the upstarts may find solice in his arrival-- or not. He would treat their behaviour fairly based on what was said. "Who are you and what business do you have here?" He expected answers. And if the fighting did not desist, he would /make/ it. Or re-align it to someone who could handle it better. At a glance he knew, those teenagers were no match for this one.

It's admirable to protect even those who don't deserve it. Too bad K' isn't really capable of such upstanding morality-- or, at the least, doesn't care enough to indulge in it. He's a very self-centered sort, at the heart of things, very prone to being concerned only with that which affects him personally. And this is personal enough for him to exert the considerable effort to give these kids a hard lesson in manners.

Of course, corporal punishment isn't terribly smiled upon in this modern society, much as the fact aggrieves K'. And soon enough, his activities attract attention. K' notices Kyosuke's arrival before he actually turns around to acknowledge the Taiyo student. He releases a vicious grasp on the back of one of those unfortunate teenager's shirt, giving the boy a rough shove. The message was clear: get the hell out of my sight. Even despite that, to the three boys' credit, they don't cut and run right away: but they do back up, nursing their grievances rather loudly and indignantly now that some authority has shown up in the form of Kyosuke Kagami.

K' keeps his back to Kyosuke even as he's questioned, but after a few moments he finally shows enough decency to look around: glancing unimpressedly over his shoulder at the student. "If you're responsible for those brats... I'm not impressed with the job you're doing," he replies, completely off-topic, jabbing an accusatory gesture at Kyosuke. He doesn't feel like talking about who he is or what he's doing here, so he doesn't even bother. "And you're interrupting a lesson they're in dire need of learning..." His free hand, already lifted in the wake of that earlier gesture, flexes idly and shuts: as if its owner is seriously considering starting to use it again.

"If they are in the wrong, then I apologise on their behalf." Kyosuke continued unruffled in the face of what he was seeing, he ignored the outcries by his fellow students, his dark gaze resting soley on the one who refused to name himself. Each second, the Imawano was measuring things that would be missed by your casual joe. Strength, poise, potiential...White hair. Somehow he doubted it was merely dyed. He wasn't afraid of K', but neither was he reckless. He was wary, but by no means would he allow this to hamper what needed to be done.
"On the other hand, their discipline is my duty to dole out as Taiyo High students. Not yours." He narrowed his eyes, slowly lifting a hand to his face, or rather the edge of his glasses. "You aren't a teacher, nor are you a student." Stepping closer in an unhurried manner he moved as if to place himself vaguely in the way of the beaten trio. "Keep your identity to yourself if you wish, but I must ask you to leave."
He made a short small guesture. "You three...you three will report to the Committee tomorrow." The softness of his tone remained as steel. They were also dismissed.

The three boys slink off when told to leave, their protests silenced: albeit sulkily. A blissful quiet falls. Or at least, it would be blissful were it not for the fact that it's still laced with a certain tension. K' remains standing as he was, head turned just enough so that one yellow eye can fix balefully on Kyosuke. "Tcheh..." is his eventual reply to the boy's entirely-reasonable statements, the sound of contempt drawn out and harsh. He turns fully around, hands shoved negligently in his pockets: an obvious slouch to his shoulders as he considers Kyosuke.

"So they're in the wrong, but I'm the one that's leaving? Typical..." K' is somewhat blackly amused by this, a sardonic look glinting in his eyes. Unfortunately, he doesn't look any closer to being amenable to leaving; and in fact has no intention of doing so immediately, a fact that becomes clear with his next statement. "Tell you what. You put up a better fight than they did, I'll leave." There is a wolfish cast to his sudden grin. "Come on. Humor me. It's hard to get any -real- practice around here, after all." Malicious golden eyes skate pointedly after the departed trio. "And it won't be difficult to do better..."

This was familiar territory. It seemed that most trespassers had very little desire to leave once asked, more to the point, they happened to be skilled fighters. What was it about Taiyo's grounds that attracted them so, Kyosuke didn't know. What he did know, was that there was someone who refused to obey, and showed all the signs of being a delinquent. He didn't answer at first, studying the other teenager in that insufferably confident manner that many talented fighters had. That and someone aware of the level of their own abillities-- he somehow managed to not be arrogant about it. Kyosuke knew that there were others who were his better. He was young though, so it would only be a matter of time...
"If I do, you'll tell me your name?" He arched an eyebrow in the first sign of blatant emotion since his arrival. And was that a hint of dry amusement in his tone? From the other's reactions, he'd place a heavy bet in the direction that K' meant no ill intent...no spy for some secret organisation. He could be wrong ofcourse, but Kyosuke wouldn't mind getting a better picture of what he faced aswell. This was a relatively new jacket and uniform, he was loathed to have it ruined so quickly...and yet.
"Remember, you are tresspassing, and those students live on campus in the dorms-- they have nowhere to leave too." He absently felt the need to point out. "It is the only enevitable request." Slowly, he nodded once. So which would it be? "You may find I will do much better than expected." Miles high above those three. Punks really, without much talent.

K' isn't really... 'delinquent' in the sense of the word so often seen in the realm of education. He isn't a child that indulges in petty offense for cheap thrill, or for the acquisition of some misbegotten sense of self-importance. That which he rebels against is a bit more serious than that: a bit more dangerous than mere adult authority. Though he -does- tend to have severe problems with being told what to do by anybody that isn't Maxima.

There's an odd flare in his eyes, an involuntary glimmer of defiance, the instant the other teen tries to get authoritative with him. It's quick to disappear, but there nonetheless. Here is a boy who doesn't take commands well: especially not when his freedom-- so hard-earned-- is still so new. And that is why, instead of simply obeying Kyosuke, he's abruptly thrown out that odd challenge.

"If you -win-," K' replies graciously, the curve of his grin turning sly, "...you get my name." He hadn't missed that tone of vague amusement in Kyosuke's voice, and in turn it amused -him- enough for him to relent and let go of some of his previous annoyance. This is as close to 'playful' as K' will ever get. For his part, he doesn't specify anything -he'll- expect in the event -he- wins... because technically, he'll already have gotten he wants. A decent fight. A little bit of practice free from the roaring crowds and the sickening commercialism that plagues so much of the professional fighting world.

At least, it had better be a decent fight.

He shifts his stance, throwing his weight back on his left leg: leaning into a heavy slouch, one hand still in a pocket: the other slipping free to hang by his side. His head tilts negligently, careless eyes flicking towards Kyosuke appraisingly. As to the Taiyo student's last phrase? "You'd better..." is K''s only opinion on the subject, that grin wiping abruptly from his face.

There was a wildness about K' that Kyosuke thought familiar, almost like the same kind of unbridled fire that Batsu had-- though these two were different otherwise. He couldn't yet put his finger on it, but through the course of their entanglement, the youth had no doubt much more would be revealed. Through fighting, much of personality, expectations and skill could be gleaned, and this is where the true conversation would begin. If the twin was phased by any of the other's taunting, his expression hadn't shifted since he'd arched an eyebrow. It would take more to get him all riled up, though he intended to if not bring his A-game, bring something high enough to keep the other busy.
How far it would go, depended on the stranger.
Almost as an afterthought, Kyosuke dipped his chin a hairsbreath, acknowledgement. No more orders. No doubt the trio was off saying how a gang of ruffians had come into Taiyo and outnumbered twenty to one, had escaped after beating a full two-thirds of them back to the dorms to report the activity. It sure looked as if they had encountered as much. Kyosuke would deal with it after, if some other of the Committee didn't hear and catch up with them. Such distractions would be inadvisable, and just like that, they too were dismissed from his thoughts.
The grass flicked in the gentle breeze that meandered through the grounds, trees casting their shade nearby. Students went about their business, most too far away to notice. Kyosuke absently adjusted his glasses once more, then leapt foward at a sprint straight for the other. Toes dug into the earth, and he sharply pushed off with his right leg, embracing the air in a graceful arc-- that sent his left foot lancing towards the other's head as he fell into a backward saumersault. He was testing the other, upping it a notch from the simple punches and kicks the other had metted out to his fellow students.

COMBATSYS: Kyosuke has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kyosuke          0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: K' has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
K'               0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Kyosuke

COMBATSYS: K' just-defends Kyosuke's Shadow Cut Kick!

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
K'               0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Kyosuke

Kyosuke had better keep K' busy. This entire exercise is a waste of time if he doesn't. That brash, violent wildness which the student has already noticed about the NESTS runaway does not brook halfassing or boredom. K' does not tend to react favorably to either scenario, either fighting so slackly that he falls into a state almost half-asleep-- much to the enraged insult of his opponent-- or else getting angry and literally ripping the offending opponent a new one.

He watches as Kyosuke nods slightly-- whether to himself, or to K', the young 'science project' doesn't care. K' is already tensing to a ready the instant Kyosuke pushes off into that graceful, arcing kick. Bared eyes flick upwards, tracking the progress of that axelike blow-- and abruptly, an armored hand snaps up, catching Kyosuke deftly by the ankle and shoving the blow wide. K' slips to one side simultaneous with his guard, releasing Kyosuke to allow the Taiyo student to complete his blow and crack the ground instead of him.

"At least you're faster than those idiots," he comments amusedly. Might get some decent practice out of this after all. He hesitates only an instant, and then he twists abruptly in an attempt to seize Kyosuke by the shirt and drag him close. Should he manage, he'll pincer around to the boy's left in an attempt to whip an elbow around solidly into the spot between his shoulderblades: a blow strong enough to send Kyosuke stumbling.

COMBATSYS: Kyosuke blocks K''s Spot Pile.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
K'               0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0          Kyosuke

If it's one thing K' was going to get, it was a workout. It may not be someting akin to his best friend pummeling him, but it'd hurt every now and then, more now than then if Kyosuke had anything to say about it. For the time being, he wasn't being merciless about this encounter, but neither would he show as much mercy if this had been a lesser student. K' had come into Taiyo with a chip on his shoulder, and whilst he may not have instigated things, he had had the option to leave. Besides, he was certain nothing less would be desired.
He felt the impact before he saw it, and judging from the lack of give, he knew in that second the other had managed to circumvent it. Then the fingers clasped his ankle and he was forced as the other shoved to twist to compensate in mid air-- else he'd fall flat on his face. The teenager showed a remarkable amount of agility, fall into a crouch back to the ground, dark eyes sharp as he reassessed the changed situation.
Grasping hands barely got a chance to latch onto his jacket, "There're more tricks." before he wrenched himself to one side, slapping his arm up to break the hold, and completing the spin he once again lashed out with his leg...this time in a sweeping diagonal kick aimged to catch his close opponent in the chest, and launch him high into the air.

COMBATSYS: K' blocks Kyosuke's Leg Launcher.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
K'               0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0          Kyosuke

K' knows in an instant his attack won't complete. He retracts abruptly the instant Kyosuke avoids him, coiling back to defend against the reprisal he's sure is coming. His stance sets low and solid, arms scissoring up in a guard that takes the edge off that blow and keeps him from being punted off the ground.

His arms swing back down with a loosening shake, K' still feeling the sting from the strength of the blow. His head tilts briefly, a brow lifting in wry and impudent acknowledgement, before he abruptly lunges forward in a direct assault. His hand whips forward, open until the last instants before impact, and moments before it touches Kyosuke's chest, it slams shut into a fist: the boy's entire frame snapping forward in order to drive even more force behind the punch as it comes out.

COMBATSYS: K' successfully hits Kyosuke with One Inch.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
K'               0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0          Kyosuke

Some attacks were less wise to use than others depending on the opponent. Kyosuke was just learning how swift his was, by the lack of time he had to recover from the other blocking his last kick. He barely saw the other headtilt from where he was literally upside down, his hair just brushing across the tips of the blade of grass, before the other surged foward. It was however just enough time to be almost upright, to have a punch land fully in his chest. Air, pain, they exploded out and within it simultaneously, and he was staggered back. To his credit, the teenager didn't just roll over and die, instead he blinked back shock of it, not quite trusting himself to speak whilst recovering his breath. So he smirked, faintly, giving the other that one.
And only that.
He launched foward again, his right fist cleaving in for an uppercut-- only to crouch slightly and spin on his toe-- bringing his arm about in a backhanded punch that used the momentum of his turn to add further force behind it. Was he purposefully echoing the other's moves? Maybe. It was hard to tell, Kyosuke didn't fight at random, everything he did, he did for a greater reason. If K' hadn't figured it out yet, then it would hang over his head. Ofcourse, K' was the type to just not give a fuck.

COMBATSYS: Kyosuke successfully hits K' with Strong Punch.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
K'               0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0          Kyosuke

Swift as K' is, there are times it's not enough. Like the times he gets tricked. He sees the incoming uppercut, and tenses to kick backwards in a burst of veiling shadow and blurring speed, but then Kyosuke goes in low and whips around instead, spinning up into a backhanded blow that catches K' by surprise-- and strikes him clear across the jaw. His head snaps to one side, the boy taking a steadying step or two to regain his equilibrium. He looks around after a second, wiping a little trail of blood away from where his lip's been cut.

"Here I was beginning to think you weren't even trying," he comments lazily, low voice sardonic, before he snaps forwards in a leap, leaving the ground to whip a rapid, slashing kick straight for Kyosuke's chest.

COMBATSYS: Kyosuke interrupts Minutes Spike from K' with Shadow Wave.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
K'               0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0          Kyosuke

Being bluntly outright about his attacks hadn't had the best results by Kyosuke's reckoning, blocked or avoided completly. K' showed that he was more liable to fall to those which were infact, indirect which was good to know. It wasn't a tactic he adhered too, but like the shifting tides, whatever pulled the strongest towards success, he would flow that way. Whilst inkeeping with his own tenets. His expression remained impassive, eyes studying the other's response with the quiet calculation that was the Imawano way. No taunting, no outpouring of mockery. "From here, I think we can both agree it's time to take it to another level." The testing was more or less over with, he'd bring out that which those boys couldn't.
As K' moved, so did he, not backing away to give the other room with his whirling kick, to the contrary. Kyosuke stepped in and up into it as if without care that he couldn't fully avoid the blow, and he didn't. For what he had in mind, he had little effort to leave in the expense of deflecting it, he positioned his body as best he could so that he could deflect and absorb the impact...even as his arms clove the air before him. Where K' was.
It came to life as wrists crossed, the sudden surge of chi that had been building manifested in an arrowhead streaking straight for the other at close range. Impossible to avoid, and brutally efficient in its timing. It wasn't the first time in a fight Kyosuke had accepted injury to position himself so that he may better inflict it.

That's the thing of this attack. You can't stop it halfway. Kyosuke takes full advantage of that fact, displaying a quick craftiness and ability to adapt. K' takes note of both traits, knowing he'll have to adjust his own style-- or at the least take it up a notch-- just before he finds himself struck dead-on by a wave of chi.

His own attack drives home in the instants before the impact of Kyosuke's retaliation, K''s teeth baring as he completes it with as much viciousness as he can manage before being blasted away. He twists in the air like a cat, landing on his feet and skidding to a halt some distance away. His expression smoothes, that grim ferocity folding away again, and he regards the other boy intently. Same focus as Kyosuke-- but none of the clinical coldness.

Another level, huh. "I think so..." Up until now, both boys had been holding back, it seems-- not utilizing the less mundane abilities they had at their disposal. That pretense is quickly discarded. K' straightens up, a few moments taken to regain his breath after that blow-- and then a bright fire lights in the open grasp of his right hand, even as it lifts and turns palm-up. "Didn't think it was fair to use this with them..." The grin that knifes K''s expression open is wild and reckless. For once, the boy's caught up enough to simply enjoy the burn of his stolen fire without thinking too hard about its origin... "You, however--"

K' pauses only an instant-- and then that flame surges high as he lunges in to kill the gap between himself and Kyosuke. Once he's close enough, the fire seethes high and K' aims a swift uppercut of a kick straight through the flames, aiming to drive them straight into the boy with the blow.

COMBATSYS: Kyosuke blocks K''s Second Shell.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
K'               0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0          Kyosuke

If K' thought Kyosuke was being 'clinical' and 'cold' about this fight, he had yet to engage with his brother. Hyo took it to the extreame, atleast he was willing to jest. The white-haired twin seldom did so outside of interacting with his sibling. The redhead waited patiently whilst the other recovered-- he was doing the same just not as obviously, smoothing away the sting by will alone. He refused to rub the offended area to massage it away faster. Kyosuke did have some pride, Imawano style. "It wouldn't have been, they were vastly outmatched from the start, even without it." So his foe had some modicum of a sense of fairness? It boded well for him. "Indeed." Sizing up the amassed chi, Kyosuke completed the other's trailed off sensence in that brief window.
And it was very brief. Nothing more needed to be said, they both knew what they meant to say.
Kyosuke braced himself, literally, bending at his knees as he whethered the charge, it was the best way to descover the other's increase in power and level of chi manipulation without getting hit the wrong way. Even still as fire licked at his clothing, he grunted beneath his breath. He had to use his other hand to truely halt the blow, the vibration running back all the way up to his shoulder and down again. His arms like an uneven-T, he backed off, brushing out the flames and dusting off the ash. His jacket wasn't quite thoroughly ruined, but K's fire had done it no favours. It was scorched well along the length.
"It's a good thing I have a spare in my locker." He remarked with deceptive casualness. "You're not bad at all." Chi, was still Chi, but Kyosuke had a distinctive difference in how it was brought to bear. Kyosuke was curious as to the other's age, he didn't look very old...and yet--
He didn't move in for another attack, just when he said lets up it a notch. He was deciding on something, while inviting the other to approach. Changing the pace of the fight again, trying to keep it on his beat.

COMBATSYS: Kyosuke focuses on his next action.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
K'               0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0          Kyosuke

K' drops out of his attack the instant Kyosuke halts it, recovering out of his kick and prowling back a few paces to open the distance between himself and the younger Imawano. He doesn't particularly want to stay in close to the calculating fighter too long, knowing that the other boy would be crafty enough to seize any advantage given him. That... and he didn't really need to be close to inflict damage anymore. Not with chi coming into play-- or, in K''s case, pure and unadulterated fire.

It's not really fairness. Not in the way Kyosuke might be thinking. K' doesn't really play by any abstract sense of 'honor' or 'fairness' so much as he does by how he personally feels about things: which may or may not line up with traditional ideas on what's fair or not. In this case, it's simply pointless and a waste of energy to use the Kusanagi fire against those that have no hope of countering or fighting back against it: and moreover, vaguely insulting to the fire itself. It would have been useless posturing that had no place in this specific altercation. His bare hands had been enough to hammer the point home without expending the effort to cow them with fire.

For that matter, Kyosuke's first words aren't even really taken as a compliment, so little did K' think of the abilities of those particular students. They're acknowledged with a lift of a shoulder, a subtle motion-- it's Kyosuke's more direct and favorable assessment that draws a brief flicker of amusement from his yellow eyes. "Yeah well. Been hard to get decent practice like this without a camera in my face," he replies in kind. It's an indirect way of returning the bland compliment.

Some would be intimidated, now, by the obvious signs Kyosuke's starting to really pay attention to the impromptu spar. K', however, doesn't tend to be too timid about things. His right hand frees itself from the pocket it'd hooked onto, lifting in a wide arc before him. A ring of fire whips to life in the air, too far from Kyosuke to be of any threat-- at least, up until K' swivels and deals the flames a kick, sending them bolting at the other.

COMBATSYS: K' successfully hits Kyosuke with Second Shoot.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
K'               1/------=/=======|=======\=------\1          Kyosuke

Kyosuke's hiss came from between clenched teeth, out of the hit's he'd taken, that perhaps smarted the most. He was haunched over, his jacket now at the stage of it being utterly ruined and he had to admit, when it came to using such energy in an attack, the youth may have to confess...that the strength behind it may out weigh his own. Not exactly impossible considering the talent in the fighting circuit, but it was an admission of the level of difficulty he was endureing. He was a couple steps back from where he'd been originally standing, his earlier thoughts in dealing with the fire having been a mistaken underestimation. He shrugged off his jacket with a hint of a grimace in his gaze, the slight narrowing to the corners of the eyes, and tightning of his lips. Provided he could move well enough, he'd get a couple stares, then maybe a frown of disapproval if he showed up smelling like soot and barbque.
"Maybe you've just been going to all the wrong places." No pain lay reflected in his voice, instead he advanced, pausing when he had taken back up his earlier position he'd been forced from, sliding a foot foward. The flow of energy shifted, and with his motion-- not unlike that pointblank earlier one, a pair this time of arrow-heads coalesced. Glowing 'chill' blue of heated energy snapped out and spiraled through the air as if drawn to each other, headed directly towards the other teenager. He wasn't the only one capable of such a move, but Kyosuke wasn't standing around to admire whether or not it hit, he was already headed towards him...with a purpose within each step.

COMBATSYS: K' auto-guards Kyosuke's Cross Cutter!

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
K'               1/------=/=======|=======\=------\1          Kyosuke

K' has literally been engineered to hit hard with the stolen fire he's been given. No shame to be had in feeling the bite of it keenly. For his part, the renegade agent simply straightens up out of the slight crouch he'd sunk into subsequent to landing out of that spinkick. He gives Kyosuke a second to get his jacket off-- if only to catch his breath himself.

The break in action is brief. K' reacts swiftly at Kyosuke's next attack. A wreath of flame springs up at K''s swiping, wide gesture, sheeting through the air before him as if he were drawing a curtain of snarling red. The defense proves sufficient to stop the oncoming chi energy, dashing apart the blue bolts, but splintering itself in doing so. "Come on. Don't leave it at that..." The look on K''s face is infuriating, the smirk there just begging to be wiped off. His eyes narrow slightly, cold and level, watching the younger Imawano carefully.

COMBATSYS: K' focuses on his next action.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
K'               1/------=/=======|=======\=------\1          Kyosuke

That was...was nice trick. Kyosuke filed its use away for future reference, yet another action by a fighter that he saved for a potiential fight. Was he thinking that this was only the first of others to come? Perhaps, if K' participated in the publicised fights that were popular on television, most notably the Saturday Night Fights, then they'd meet again. What he picked up today, he could use tomorrow, no matter the pain.
"I wont." As close a warning as K' was going to get, Kyosuke hadn't stopped his advance even when his cross cutter was dashed aside. Infact, it picked up, he looked as if he planned to run full tilt into K' and utterly barrel him over. It wouldn't be the case, but if the other had any semibalance of sensing the shift in chi...the ex-NESTs agent would pick up on an abrupt increase in concentration, channeled through the earth and focusing...right before where Kyosuke halted. Which would be beneath his feet. A fraction of a second there was nothing, and then with his upsweeping motion, not unlike a swift uppercut that had no real intentions of slamming into the other's jaw, the ground would erupt in a massive explosion of crackling chi.
It would twist and curl, stretching heavenward as it upheaved and split the grassy earth, briefly shadowing the sun.

COMBATSYS: K' blocks Kyosuke's Super Lightning Uppercut.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
K'               1/-----==/=======|-------\-------\0          Kyosuke

Boredly, K' huffs a breath, blowing a few stray strands of silver hair out of his eyes. His gaze rolls lazily over to Kyosuke even as the other boy arrows suddenly in. He notices the sudden spike in chi, knows where it's originating from and where it's going... and he knows it's not something he is incapable of handling. He simply waits until Kyosuke's in close, just a few steps before crashing into him, and then he kicks backwards in half a dodge, slipping off the danger zone where the chi's slated to explode.

A burst of intense fire sears to life in the air between them, the shielding flames taking most of the brunt of the electric blast of chi that surges upwards. Some of it gets through still, tracing fiery lines across K''s lean frame, but he shakes off the energy soon enough: bristling like a dog as he braces and prepares his retaliation. A wicked grin cuts across his features. "Not bad... but--"

Fire lights in the palm of his upturned right hand. His fingers twitch around the flames, K' not entirely impervious to his own fire-- and then the ex-NESTS agent slams forward at Kyosuke with a rush and roar of heat, aiming to impact the student with that gout of burning crimson.

COMBATSYS: Kyosuke dodges K''s Heat Drive.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
K'               0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0          Kyosuke

A hint of sweat gathered at his temples, something that Kyosuke ignored as the flow of chi enveloped the air about him, leaving him mostly unharmed, if only because he was sure to divert and channel it elsewhere when it looked like it would touch him. It wasn't a move he could casually pass off this far into a fight without feeling the repercussions, and his breathing whilst steady, had deepened to satisfy his oxygen deprived body. He had regained some space to work with when K' backed off, but it wouldn't last long. Soot already smudged his cheeks, and though his inner shirt was sable on its own, scorchings marred its once pristine length.
With a hint of wariness, Kyosuke glanced at the flames that burst into existence in the other's palm, not liking the effects when he'd been hit full on earlier. He resolved to not be standing in place a second time, bearing down the charge completly at odds with his decision. Or was it? "HUURYYAAAHH--" Using his voice as a focus, he leapt, showing again his agility in the air. He leapt with the intent of arcing over the fire, neatly avoiding the onslaught whilst pairing it with another of his own.
Kyosuke would attempt to reach out towards the other's shoulders and vault into a saumersault, attempting to catch the other with his legs and firmly cartwheel him through the air before releasing and slamming him into the ground. It was tricky timing, what with the wild charge and all.

COMBATSYS: K' blocks Kyosuke's Hurricaranna.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
K'               0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0          Kyosuke

He can't remember the last person who managed to avoid this attack. He had been confident its sheer, overwhelming speed and intimidation factor could serve to eliminate most attempts to avoid or defend against it. That sort of arrogance is the reason he's caught completely off-guard when Kyosuke manages to vault neatly over the flames, evading his assault with deft speed. His eyes flick wide, and it's only due to a swift recovery that he manages to avoid being completely snared by Kyosuke's reprisal.

He puts on the brakes the instant his searing flames hit nothing but air, skidding desperately to a stop and whirling around as Kyosuke's hands touch his shoulders. K' shrugs off the hold violently, twisting to one side as Kyosuke attempts to catch him and trip him up. He breaks out of the attempted throw quickly, eyes narrowed, panting, watching Kyosuke with a new level of wariness.

"Lucky bastard," he grins briefly, the cast of his expression completely humorless, as he sweeps forwards at Kyosuke with a slashing hook of his armored fist: hopefully catching him while he's still recovering.

COMBATSYS: Kyosuke blocks K''s Medium Punch.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
K'               0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0          Kyosuke

Kyosuke almost allowed himself a smile. Almost. He was by no means lulled into a false sense of security just because he managed to /narrowly/ avoid getting plastered into the dirt. He had no misconceptions that if he'd been hit, it may have been over right then and there. There was something to be said about luck, "I don't depend on luck." he stated simply, recalling his encounter with a certain individual they both knew, whose favoured green flame was quite distinctive. That one adored its so called use, but for him...it was still a fickle beast.
It took him a couple steps to right himself again, his perfect move had been rudely aborted by K' and to avoid a graceless faceplant, he had to move quickly. By the time he turned, he'd barely had time to respond verbally before having to deal with that fist. With one arm he blocked it at an angle, and then charged the other with an outswept other, aiming to maybe this time follow through with introducing the other to the stirred up grass. Or atleast, his back. His right arm sought to catch his waist then kneeling sharply onto one leg, slam him.

COMBATSYS: K' dodges Kyosuke's Strong Throw.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
K'               0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0          Kyosuke

K''s attack goes wide, redirected by an upswept arm-- he steadies his stance and gathers his equilibrium, and that's about all he has time to do. He doesn't even have the time to shoot a retort back at Kyosuke, between his attack and the other's response. Not that he would have disagreed with the opinion in the first place. It was iffy to depend on anything these days, much less on something as fickle as luck.

He sees the incoming intended throw, flat gold eyes focusing on the incoming throw scant inches from his person. He's there one instant, and then the next-- he's simply gone, disappeared in a burst of that strange shadow. He blurs out of range of Kyosuke's retaliation, reappearing right behind the other with remnant blackness tattering off his shoulders.

There's little doubt this little altercation has been quite the workout-- he hasn't been tired out like this by a fight for some time now. But he doesn't stop pushing himself; he knows that future fights won't always give him the luxury of being in top shape. The instant he stops moving he's whipped into another attack, his torso going horizontal as he whips a swiping kick upwards at Kyosuke's shoulders.

COMBATSYS: Kyosuke fails to interrupt Medium Kick from K' with Shadow Breaker.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
K'               0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0          Kyosuke

There were a few things that could catch Kyosuke ofguard enought to elicit suprse, that was one of them. Behind the glassy lenses, his eyes widened a fraction. That wasn't any casual bit of speed, and his face swiftly formed an open frown. The tables were turned on him this time, and instead of some snappy comment, he was forced to deal with a blitzing follow up. He was shoreing himself up to somehow try to turn this to his advantage it hit. He could have stumbled, or in truth, he was just more tired than he had anticipated, the full effects of him pushing himself in this fight starting to manifest with painful results. The kick hits and Kyosuke is rocked back, he never even got off the ground, and whatever chi he'd managest to muster dispersed without ever having been brought into play.
His brother would no doubt he displeased with this display, and were it infact his brother he fought, there would be something painful forthcoming to impress the lesson deeply: train harder. Thank goodness it was only K'.

K' follows through in the wake of his successful blow, dropping back down into a steadied stance and swiveling around to face Kyosuke again. He'd seen the other preparing a counter to his attack, but had chosen to continue nonetheless. In this case, it'd paid off; he'd managed to score his hit before Kyosuke's counter could begin in earnest. Sometimes foolhardiness pays off, even more so than overcaution.

He remains where he is, content to keep his distance from Kyosuke. He's tired, but hiding it well: the tightness of his jaw and shortness of his breath notwithstanding. His head tilts, left hand lifting, and his knuckles set idly along the line of his jaw. A slight application of pressure and they crack audibly. "Looks like you'll be getting me to leave," he grants amusedly, a subtle way of saying his time hasn't been entirely wasted here. His left hand drops, his right flexing slightly in order to loosen up. A smirk flickers across his face. "But I don't think you'll be getting my name."

It's the only warning given before he blurs right back into Kyosuke's face, stopping moments from running straight into the student, a rapid blow of the armored fist scything towards him.

COMBATSYS: Kyosuke dodges K''s Medium Punch.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
K'               0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0          Kyosuke

"Is that a fact." Kyosuke returned mildly, nothing of softness having since entered his gaze. It served to answer both comments, so efficient was he. Very little had changed infact about how the teenager viewed and continued to oppose the other. No anger, no frustration, atleast towards K'. It was like repeated reminders however that he needed to continuously improve, knowing he could do better. Kyosuke had very little more to give with regards to this fight, but he stuck it out. His words could be taken as sarcasm, of a snippy retort dismissing the most likely events K' had predicted. It was infact dry humour not unlike the British.
Not just yet though it would seem, Kyosuke stepped alongside the blow, and trying to use the other's momentum against him, sought to set his foot against his ankle, and shove with the back of his arm to send the other's balance all the way skewed.

COMBATSYS: K' interrupts Quick Throw from Kyosuke with Claw Bites.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >                                ]
K'               0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0          Kyosuke

"I think so." A brow quirks sardonically. He attacks then, fist punching forwards in a direct assault-- and Kyosuke dodges it. K' might have expected this of so quick and deft an opponent... and in fact, he -did- expect it. That is the reason he's quick to adjust, seamlessly turning that miss into yet another entirely different attack. Incidentally, it's one that also cuts off Kyosuke's attempted reprisal.

Even as Kyosuke's ankle strikes his own, the student's arm already arrowing around to off-balance K', the runaway agent is already shoving his free leg forward to brace and kill his momentum. His right hand lights with fire again, and even as Kyosuke's blow strikes his back he's twisting around viciously. His hand, trailing vivid fire, claws around and up to blast Kyosuke back in a burning uppercut that anybody familiar with the fighting world would recognize as... uncannily similar to the moves employed by the two most prominent bloodline firewielders.

K' lands with some semblance of lightness, though he's not as deft as he might usually be. A breath hisses out of him as the landing jolts what injuries he's sustained, but otherwise he evinces no real reaction save to wait and see if Kyosuke's got anything else to throw.

The curse of too much success? His nimblefooted ways had been anticipated! And the results weren't exactly in his favor. He picked up on the other's swift uptake on the change in situation, too late. He'd already comitted and was invariably left open to the other's unremitted attack, that and his body refused to respond how it should at this point. Kyosuke bit down on any outcry, the vicious blast making short work of the back of his shirt, baring flesh beneath the raked 'claws' and perhaps a bit of blood aswell. His breathing came faster, and he grit back the pain, just having enough to not fold himself over onto the ground to deal with the injuries slowly acrued over the course of their fight. For all the bespectacled pretty boy he protrayed, Kyosuke Kagami, or more rightly Imawano had hardened steel beneath it all.
"Perhaps it is." Even now unwilling to openly give it up, Kyosuke clenched his hand into a fist, he straightened with some effort, almost hauling himself in the other's direction. Chi crackled about in the air, a live-wire tension. Whether he recognised the other's style right then, he wouldn't mention, but he'd leave something to remember him by atleast. It was smaller, but familiar-- the rumble a fraction of the quaking earlier, though the pillar of chi would likely sting even if glanced.
After it, the twin would lean over, resting a hand on his knee, as if willing himself to steady, having pushed the grain to its utmost today. Still so far to go...

COMBATSYS: Kyosuke can no longer fight.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
K'               0/-------/--=====|

COMBATSYS: K' blocks Kyosuke's Lightning Uppercut.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  <
K'               0/-------/--=====|

Panting shallowly, wolf-like eyes narrowed, K' watches Kyosuke as the other drops but refuses to fold. It's a presence of mind and fortitude that the silver-haired boy can respect; even if, ultimately, he wished the other had been somewhat more of a test of his ability. He's been stressed pretty well... but he's not been pushed to the limit. Not like he was with Shen.

But it seems Kyosuke yet has one trick up his sleeve. K' senses the sudden spike in chi an instant before the blow itself comes, and he swivels to guard against whatever's incoming: arms whipping up in a fire-plated cross to defend against the surge of chi.

It passes, eventually. K''s arms swing down to his sides, the marks of that electric chi printed along his jacket. His left hand hooks into a pocket as he watches Kyosuke for the space of a few seconds. Finally, when he's sure the Taiyo student's not got anything more for him, he turns away and paces back to the spot where everything started. Leaning down, he recovers the derelict glasses from where they'd been knocked.

"Fair's fair," he eventually says, somewhat cryptically, settling the shades back on his face; and then he walks off without another word, or even a backwards glance.

COMBATSYS: K' has ended the fight here.

Log created on 00:33:52 09/29/2007 by K', and last modified on 12:30:19 10/08/2007.