Hotaru - Definitely Not Worth It

Description: Next time, let the giant monstrosity take the bike chain. Seriously.

Birdie, always being a thug, is making his way through the Business district. Already given a goal, he's going to go ahead and do it. But not without making sure he's got what he needs. This means he's doing a lot more stalking around town than usual, and for a gigantic black man, it gets you some looks. And maybe you'll even look back.

That's always a fun thing to do.

For now, Birdie's just trying to get more chains, incase he needs them for something. So how's the best place to do it? Steal them from locked door fronts. From cars. Even bikes. Any type of chain will do. Now and then he'll check to see if a car was open and take whatever else, but it's mostly about the chains.

Birdie's got something planned for them. They might come in handy some day. Sooner or later, of course. And here in the evening, the sun is just about to set, so he's getting a lot more done.

Trips to the Business district of Southtown are fairly rare for Hotaru. Unless she's scheduled to appear at the Howard Arena for some kind of spectacular, big deal fight. The other reason would be to visit the small ice cream parlor just down the street from Howard's magestic coliseum. It's one of those little over-priced joints that have pictures all over the walls of the various celebrity fighters that have stopped by there to celebrate some great victory or drown their gloomy defeat-induced mood in some tasty ice cream treat.

Neither reason for stopping by really applied to Hotaru today. It just sounded yummy. Which is why she happens to step out onto the street, the shop's door jingling closed behind her, as Birdie makes his destructive way down the sidewalk, vandalizing everything in sight for their chains and any easily lootable, worthwhile goods.

Eating the blue ice cream with the randomly colored crushed up gumballs in it, Hotaru glances sideways at the sound of a door's chain being ripped clean off the handles as Birdie claims another keepsake for his collection. It's only natural that her eyes stray in other opposite direction, where her own thin-tired, blue road bicycle is chained up against a small bike rack. Both bike and chain look to be unphased, suggesting that the large thug hasn't gotten down this far yet... Glancing back in his direction, Hotaru blinks again. That sure is brazen of him to just cause all this damage in broad daylight... then again, by the looks of him, she's not surprised no one has jumped in his face to stop him either. Another mouthful of ice cream is taken as she just stares at Birdie's antics. She really should call the police, she muses, hand slipping into her pocket to withdraw a thin blue flip phone.

Birdie's antics pass. He's not going to mess with you if you don't mess with him. However if you do engage him, Birdie's going to get kind of mad, and you might be eating asphalt, so much, that you'll get your dosage for the next hundred years of it. It's that simple, really. Mess with Birdie, and you'll get hurt. Oh, well, he'll get hurt too, but he's an ogre. He's got a strong chin.

Not as strong as Haggar's though. Damn his chin.

As he looks around, his eyes dart towards Hotaru. Her girlish figure and her icecream just scream innocent. So Birdie ignores her, moving past the girl and towards the bike rack. Without even a second thought, he pries at the chain that keep the bike there, if there is one, before going after the bike chain itself. He's really not picky.

Over his body, he holds multiple chains like Rambo holds shells. And he doesn't seem encumbered by them either.

COMBATSYS: Birdie has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Birdie           0/-------/-------|

While Hotaru would certainly have tried to interfer if she saw someone getting hurt, she isn't about to risk trouble with someone who looks like Birdie over a bunch of chains and broken car windows. That's what Southtown's Finest is paid to deal with, after all. "Yes," she speaks into the phone as she watches Birdie. He glances back at her and she takes a step in reverse toward the door as if getting ready to bolt back inside, but he continues on by like she isn't there.

"I'd like to report a-" Blink. "Yes, I'll hold." she sighs, tapping her foot impatiently, just staring at Birdie as he goes about his business. That is, of course, up until he heads straight toward where her bike is locked up. "H-HEY!" comes the shout of protest as the girl lowers the phone from her ear and takes a few steps toward the towering brute. "What do you think you're doing? That's my bike! I've already called the police on you. You should just get out of here!"

There's the sound of something in the phone in her hand and Hotaru lifts it back up to her ear, looking slightly irritated. "Hello? Yes, like I was saying, there's this- ... what? Hold again? But-" Hotaru lowers the phone a second time, her left arm cocking back as she takes a step forward and swings out for the daring malefactor. The problem is, that hand is the one carrying the ice cream cone as well. Which means it's quite likely to get smashed against him in the process. "Cut that out!"

COMBATSYS: Hotaru has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Hotaru           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Birdie

COMBATSYS: Birdie Toughs Out Hotaru's Quick Punch!

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Hotaru           0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0           Birdie

Birdie's just minding his own business as he's working on Hotaru's bike. Looking at it and lifting out the chain, he's just about to put it on himself when Hotaru's screams alert him, dropping the chain right there and then before it became mixed with the many other chains over his body. He ignores her at first and goes back to pick it up.

But then Hotaru swings with the icecream cone. The cold of the cone instantly warns Birdie, his muscles tightening as the punch follows, resounding against the rock that Birdie really is.

"Looks like we've got a lively on 'ere, eh? You shoulda' stayed in the ice cream store beaut. You wouldn't of been in the wrong spot." Birdie says, without turning. Basically talking to Hotaru's bike while talking to Hotaru. And then without warning, he aims to reach back and clamp onto Hotaru's hand with his large hands.

And basically just toss her up, over, and into the bike rack.

COMBATSYS: Birdie successfully hits Hotaru with Quick Throw.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Hotaru           0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0           Birdie

The girl's hand lands with an impact, swishing the cone against his back along with pressing her knuckles into him. The only thing is that in spite the interference of the now smashed cone, it felt like she didn't even affect him at all. The girl knows she's not the strongest puncher in town by any means, but she still expected that he'd at least feel /something/.

So caught off guard by the ease with which he weathered her strike, she ends up being easily snagged by his grip, her own small hand vastly dwarfed by his. And the next thing she knows she's flung up and over. It seems like she might have been correcting for the landing and were she to touch down on smooth ground she'd have been all right. But it's hard to have a controlled landing on a bike rack of all things. "Ow!" she squeaks, bouncing once against the locked up bike before rolling off to land on the ground with a gasp, her little phone slipping from her hands to go sliding along the sidewalk a ways.

Yesh. Figures King Kong decided to escape from his cage just to steal her bike. Rolling over and pushing up to her feet, the girl shakes her head, getting her focus back on Birdie. Hands clenched, she glances back and forth for her phone.

The speaker mode got turned on in the scuffle and the operator's voice is easy enough to hear, "Hello? Hello? Oh, stupid kids. *click*"

Hotaru shakes her head with a look of annoyance. It seems like it's up to her to save her bike!...chain! Charging toward Birdie, she literally attempts to grab hold of him long enough to leverage her way into a sequence of rapid little stomps right up his back. If she manages to reach his shoulders she'll jump off the other side and spin around to be ready for him, maybe having actually gotten his attention by then.

COMBATSYS: Birdie fails to interrupt Shin-Jou Tai from Hotaru with Bull Spike.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Hotaru           0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0           Birdie

As Hotaru charges the large man, the large man begins to maneuver himself into a better position. Okay, so what he /thought/ was a better position. And when she gives him a look of annoyance, he just grins. But that's where it ends. Charging Birdie, she grabs hold. Birdie tries to stop this, aiming to gouge the smaller girl with his horn, but he can't reach. She's too small!

Instead, Birdie ends up getting thrown backwards and stomped on by Hotaru, letting out grunts for each strike that comes his way, one after another! It's not a very fun time for Birdie, no sirree, but he tried, and it sort of failed. Well, Birdie's not down and out yet. He still has some tricks he can throw.

He does, however, break the cement under him from the strength at which he was thrown. He's going to have to make up for that.

Landing back on the ground after her own retaliation, Hotaru turns to weigh the impact of the rapid, punishing stomps of retribution! Yeah, take that! Standing up straight, she brushes her hands off against her paints as if feeling dirty for just having come in contact with the big guy.

"That was just me going easy on you," she claims as she quickly stretches the fingers of her left hand, still feeling the sting from when she punched him. Yeah, definitely no punching. "If you just move on and leave well enough alone, then we'll just forget about this whole thing."

She moves her hands to rest her hands at her hips, but for all of her appearance to the contrary, she isn't really relaxing in the slightest, either. But rather she's watching him a lot more carefully now. She doesn't suspect that it would take a whole lot of study to figure out what he has that passes as a 'fighting style', but considering how obviously strong he is, she can't just write him off as being hopeless either.

COMBATSYS: Hotaru focuses on her next action.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Hotaru           0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0           Birdie

Birdie slowly pushes himself off the ground. Going easy on him? Well, hah, maybe, but Birdie smirks. He might have a beaten back, beaten raw by the tap dancing Hotaru, Birdie isn't one to give up so quickly. Instead, he rolls over towards the side as she talks. Sitting up, he takes count of where she is, but otherwise, just shakes his head.

"Bloke, this is far from over. We're just getting started." Birdie answers as he just stands tall, and looks at Hotaru with a big, wide grin. So wide, you can see all his teeth perfectly.

For the moment, he stays in his crouched, bent over ogre like stance as he looks towards Hotaru. She's planning on doing something, but he's content with letting her come to him, for now at least. "So girly, where's you mom. Eh?"

COMBATSYS: Birdie gains composure.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Hotaru           0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0           Birdie

A foo. He wasn't scared off by her surprise attack in the slightest. She'll just have to hit him in his weak spot! ... Hotaru looks Birdie up and down as he takes a moment to catch his breath. Weak spot. Yeah. Every single part of him looks like it's solid muscle. Even his face. Can she actually hit hard enough to get him to give up?

Hotaru exhales, extending her arms as she slips into a more controlled combat stance, trying to shake the cobwebs from her mind and keep from fighting angry. She's terrible at fighting with a temper. Her style is far too demanding of precision for that. Then comes the snap about her mother and the girl pales a little, her hands trembling just a little. Her mom's dead, you big jerk!

Lunging back on the offense, forgeting all about trying to stay calm, the girl leaps into the air at Birdie, taking on a slow, graceful flip that would send her landing behind him. But that isn't exactly the intent as she tries to snare his neck with her arms in passing in an effort to get something of a sleeperhold around his throat while dangling a few feet off the ground behind him.

COMBATSYS: Birdie interrupts Strong Throw from Hotaru with Murderer Chain.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Hotaru           1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0           Birdie

Birdie hit the gold mine. The little snip about her mother seemed to fill her with rage. Well, that's great. He loves it when he gets the others to fire at him in rage. It makes his day that much better. Birdie definitely has got a weak spot, but it sure as hell doesn't look like punching him is going to get any results in the long run. At least, unless you punch him HARD.

Still on his knees, he's basically waiting for Hotaru to make her move. Which she inevitably does. As she leaps into action, Birdie unravels a chain towards her figure... it misses completely and crashes to the cement on the ground. He waits until he's got her. And when she lands and tries to snare his neck, hands around and in a squeeze, the chain responds to his whim, quickly, and powerfully wrapping up Hotaru like a snake at a show.

"Hehehehe. I'd bet you like your mom right now. But you're mine now." The man grins as he pries Hotaru off his back, grasping her with his other hand as he tightens the chain links.

Throwing her against the cement on his one side, he turns, bringing her figure and the chain links around the impact upon his other side with great strength and precision. After the second impact, the chain unravels, the heavy links crashing against the ground.

"Still up for another round, chick-a-dee?"

Hah! She's outsmarted the big thug now, she thinks, as she slips into position behind him, her arms wrapped around his neck, her hands seeking to get a firm grip on the opposite arms in order to secure her hold. She saw him do something with that chain of his when she jumped, so she assumes that he must've just completely missed, having no clue what else he might have in mind just then.

But then everything falls apart. She anticipated retaliation, but not quite like /that/. The chain entangles the girl and her grip on him goes lax as she rapidly tries to scramble free, giving up on that wreckless stranglehold she sought. But the chain holds tightly and she is easily peeled off of him by his hand, left to dangle a moment before being dealt two crushing slams against the ground while unable to free herself from the chain. "Ayyaaa!" comes the cry after the second impact when he finally lets her go.

Gasping, Hotaru starts to push herself up again, quite certain that he isn't going to let her just lie there as much as she would like to at this point. Her right hand presses against her left side, feeling a tender spot where she half wonders if a rib got broken. The sensible thing to do would be to run right about then. Small, lithe fighters and giant, tough gang members don't mix in the slightest. But he's gotten her riled up with the taunts to the point that she isn't quite looking it at it that way. She doesn't even remember about the bike anymore right now. Hissing a little as she tries to dismiss the pain, the girl charges back for Birdie again, "I'll show you!" she exclaims, jumping into a small leap, spinning around once to build momentum as she strikes out with two whirlwinding blows with her arms, trying to provoke a high defense from Birdie.

But the moment her feet hit the ground she's not letting up, following up with even more rapid swings. Small sparks of vibrant energy ignite with each strike, adding strength to the attacks as she tries to break throught Birdie's defenses.

COMBATSYS: Birdie Toughs Out Hotaru's Sou-shou Tenrenge EX!

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Hotaru           0/-------/-------|=======\===----\1           Birdie

The moment she is certain she's got a clear shot, the girl continues slamming her hands into Birdie's stomach, unable to really strike him any higher than that anyway. The punches might not hurt, but the chi backing them up should help a little... When she begins to worry that he might be getting ready to just swat her back, she lunges into him with a shoulder slam that takes her into the air before flipping forward into a chi-infused knee dive right back into his chest before sliding to a stop a little ways off, only to gasp a little for breath, having poured nearly everything she had into that attack.

Birdie's got her where she wants her. As she comes barreling down the barrel down on Birdie, she might of well hurries down the bullet chamber of a gun. As she threw herself at him, two whirlwinds blowing about her hands, Birdie lets the grin take over. As she hits her feet, swings, rapid strikes, and energy laced with each strike.

But this big 'ol brute toughs it out. Arms crossed over his body, he lets her lay into him. Welts created on much of his figure start to add up with the strikes. His stomach is killing him, and he's got a mighty feeling that he's going to hurl, but he grits and bears it s he faces up against her. The punches only hurt because of the chi behind them.

When he's about ready to follow up, to lead this dance, she throws herself up and drives a knee strike, the chi imprinting on his chest. That /really/ hurt. As she comes to a stop, Birdie begins to breathe again. his muscles relaxing.

"You'll show me what? A bloody acrobatics class? Yeah, I bet that's what it was. But you chose to fight with the wrong guy." Birdie answers as he begins to walk towards her. But then the walk becomes a job. Then a run, and finally, a full out sprint. Head down, he charges the unwary Hotaru with his hair piece, barreling across anything and everything in the way.

If he was to get her, he's continue, even with her on his 'hairpiece'. Sooner or later he tried to force her against a wall, only to let loose with a flurry of punches. Each punch barreling down on her, no damns given about her condition after the beating. He's not a nice man at all.

COMBATSYS: Birdie successfully hits Hotaru with The Birdie MAX.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Hotaru           0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0           Birdie

Her assault delivered and the criminal stays standing even though it didn't even seem like he was trying to defend against her. She's really picked the wrong fight here and that point is being driven home very swiftly. As he goes on to taunt her, Hotaru rises slowly, getting her breath back as she turns around to face him, teeth gritting tightly. She hasn't had someone make so much fun of her ability to fight since she fought Preston months ago!

What she didn't expect was just how fast he would close that distance between them, knocking trash cans, boxes, and everything else out of the way as he smashes into her, bending her forward over the top of his head as she gasps, hands flailing out to try and push herself off the front of him at the risk of getting trampled over.

Just when she is about to get free, he finally finds his mark, crushing the small fighter against a wall, aborting any attempt she had at trying to slip away. The train of punches that come next are devastating - each smashing fist practically bigger around than she is. Finally a vicious left hook to her cheek sends her careening off to the side, tumbling to the ground where she lands face down, arms sprawled out at her sides. Arms that slowly shift and begin to press down as the girl clings to consciousness, driven on a little longer by adrenaline and so small amount of fear.

As she turns toward Birdie, her right forearm is already awash with a blue aura as she clenches her hand, focusing energy pulled from the world around her into her palm. There's no small amount of blood obscurring one side of her face from where she hit the wall, but her eyes are still open and fixated on the monster of a man as she starts to take steps backward. Clearly running for it is all that makes sense now. But maybe a little something to stall him.

Hotaru swings her right arm forward with a smooth, flinging motion, unleashing the built up chi in her palm, sending a small sphere tearing through the distance between her and Birdie, aiming to strike the thug in the chest and buy herself precious time. "YA!"

COMBATSYS: Hotaru successfully hits Birdie with Hakki Shou.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Hotaru           1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0           Birdie

Birdie's charging back already. He's not going to let Hotaru just do whatever she wants willy-nilly. But it costs him. The energy projectile rips into him, pushing him back and negating a good distance on his charge. But you can only stop a bull for so long before it runs you over. And then it's curtains for everyone involved.

The chi burns into his figure. Everyone has them. Everyone and their mother. Except Hotaru's mother of course. She's most notably dead. Coming back at Hotaru as if he's dead and risen from the grave was most notably a big black man. He leads into her, even as she resists.

The punch he throws is most notably not a friendly one, right at Hotaru's FACE. He's bleeding from the repeated energy assaults, but he's going to see this through, even if he ends up down himself. He's going to DO THIS.

The fist, however, keeps flying. There's nothing special about this punch.

Except how awesome it is. "STAY DOWN!" He bellows.

COMBATSYS: Birdie successfully hits Hotaru with Jab Punch.

[                            \\  < >  //////////                    ]
Hotaru           1/-----==/=======|====---\-------\0           Birdie

Lowering her arm slowly after unleashing the attack, the blue aura fades swiftly as the projectile collides against him. She's only vaguely aware that it even struck him, just barely hanging in there as it is. Her projectile flinging hand lowers to press against her side, the same pain from before coming back to haunt her. There's a wince, her fingers rubbing the injury lightly. But the distraction leaves her slow to react when the monster comes plowing into her again.

Stumbling back two steps as a last ditch attempt to keep from getting hit ends up being insufficient as his fist collides with her face again, sending her sliding back though still standing after all that. Compared to what he'd done to her so far, that was actually a pretty wussy punch. But considering her condition, it's enough to finish the job. Hissing, Hotaru stumbles forward into a charge as she lashes out in much the same way she had moments ago, with another flurry of chi-charged punches and a kick or two for good measure, though clearly much slower this time, half stumbling into the attack.

COMBATSYS: Hotaru can no longer fight.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
Birdie           0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Birdie dodges Hotaru's Sou-shou Tenrenge.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
Birdie           0/-------/---====|

But failing to connect at all, it isn't long before the girl's strength gives out completely and she drops forward to her knees, then finally faceplants on the ground.

As Birdie watches the girl go down, he begins to back up, anticipating some kind of rebuttal. If she was fire a projectile of chi it would have been curtains, unless he used the bike as a weapon. However, as the chi laced kicks and punches lash out towards the monster-esque man, he uses most of his strength to find patterns or just a lucky move here and there.

Mostly he lets Hotaru tire herself out.

"Heh. Nice try, girl. You're bloody crazy." Birdie then walks over the fallen Hotaru, grabs her bike chain, and then her ice cream, eating it as it melted. Grabbing up her phone, he hits '9-1-1' before tossing it by her figure.

He slinks down the street after that, having enough chains to do exactly what he wanted to. While bleeding. He's basically limping away.

COMBATSYS: Birdie has ended the fight here.

Log created on 20:16:03 09/11/2007 by Hotaru, and last modified on 01:27:29 09/12/2007.