Guile - Sportsbar Showdown

Description: It's never a good idea to mess with a soldier when they're silently nursing a beer at the bar. Birdie learns first hand that it's an even worse idea when that soldier can do somersaults.

There are times when even the toughest fighters in the world need to unwind and relax instead of rushing all across the globe in an effort to get some cash out of yet another big fight or go hunting down their latest rival. Even big name fighters sometimes just need to sit back and have a beer.

That would be a pretty good explanation of why Guile's here in the Southtown Sports Bar, sitting right up at the bar counter like any of the working men, just trying to relax a little. There's a half empty mug set in front of the serious man and an an ash tray full of snuffed out butts with a still lit cigarette leaning on the edge just off to the side. There's some fights showing on some of the TVs and some of the world's less popular sports on the rest, but Guile simply seems preoccupied with the bar in front of him.

And then there are some times when even the toughest fighters are being hounded for their skills. After all, the stronger you are, the more people that are going to line up to try to take you down. And not just the small, quick guys, but the massive, muscular men that fight for the sake of fighting.

At first glance, Birdie's this type of thug. He'll fight just to prove he's right, if you insult him, or your sitting in his seat. Birdie was just coming back from the gym, heading to grab a nice cold one. After all, he is from Britain, so he loves his whiskey. Coming towards the bar, he opens it like nothing, a big, dumb grin on his face. Through the front door, a large black man comes, taking up most of the light that streams on through.

Now, he didn't see Guile or even think of meeting Guile here, but Guile was right there. With large, thunderous steps, the thug approached from behind Guile, eventually stopping with two solid steps behind him. "Hey," Birdie begins, "you're in my seat, broom hair." With a half grin, Birdie seems to be asking for more than just the seat.

COMBATSYS: Birdie has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Birdie           0/-------/-------|

When there's a military man sitting at a bar with a far off look in his eyes and a mostly drunk mug in front of him, most people tend to get the signal that there's more going on in there than they really want to get involved in. The occasions on which Guile has had his drinks interrupted by some punk who didn't know what was good for them have become incredibly rare after he started to show up in the fighting scene so it almost takes the Vigilante by surprise

His head turns back slowly as he intends to just give whoever thinks its a good idea to mess with him a better look at what they might be getting into, although one would question the value of a tactic like that if the military themed clothes and highly distinctive haircut couldn't get the point across. Of course this is when his eyes come around to finally see who's hasseling him that it hits him why the punk didn't get the point.

"One of Vega's men. Birdie if I'm not mistaken." He slides almost casually off of his stool to turn around and stand more or less face to face with the larger man. "Unless you came around to tell me where the hell Vega's hiding, I don't really want to waste my time on you."

COMBATSYS: Guile has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Guile            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Birdie

Birdie's half grin went to a full grin at Guile's reaction. Birdie's been absent for a while. He hasn't been fighting, but more than likely training. Maybe thinking up on the plan that might finally put Vega in his place, but anything, he's definitely still his old self. Which means, there's no luck for those trying to reason with him. He's a fighter. A thug. A brute. He understands strength, at least, on the level he portrays.

"Now, is that how you talk to me, bloke? You bloody well think that you and that broom of yours are going to sweep me out of this bar, doncha?" Birdie folds his arms over his chest. "Well, I ain't squawking about Vega,." Birdie stands firmly, like a rock or a mountain. He's going to stand there and wait, even for a moment, as Guile gets up and off the seat, to make it easier for him.

"And I'm going to bust your face for molding my seat out of line!" Birdie announces as he reals back his right hand, before throwing it right at Guile, chain rattling and all. And with Birdie's size and strength, any punch ain't friendly.

COMBATSYS: Birdie successfully hits Guile with Jab Punch.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Guile            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Birdie

The punch comes in quicker than the Vigilante really expected out of Birdie, smashing right into his face and knocking him back. All that beer really isn't good for the reaction time, that's for sure. It does do a lot to keep him from feeling the punch very much at all.

It does, underscore for Guile, that even if the other night he was thrashing one of the world's top fighters in a sort of groove where he could do no wrong, it doesn't mean that he shouldn't take a fight with one of Vega's somewhat lesser thugs as a time to just stand around like an idiot.

As he brings himself back around, the serious look still in his face, his fingers curl around the handle of the mug, "That's a shame, if you had turned pigeon I wouldn't be forced to pluck your feathers." And his hand comes swinging up toward the side of the larger man's head, the mug aimed for making a nice impact in a maneuver that has to be done at least once whenever there's a fight in a bar.

COMBATSYS: Guile successfully hits Birdie with Random Weapon.
- Power hit! -

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Guile            0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0           Birdie

Birdie should have been able to stop it. Try to block it and move on, or at least prepare himself for it. He was ready. He was there. He was too busy enjoying the nice strike he got on Guile, only for the mug to whip right towards his face. He tries to move but it just isn't happening. Instead, the mug connects solidly on the man's head, actually shattering and causing even more damage right there and then.

Birdie is knocked clean backwards by the assault and into the wall, and causing the entire bar to shake from the impact. Birdie's no small man, and even with the powerful hit against him, he just pulls himself back up before cracking his neck. A large welt lays on his head, some of it cut open from the broken glass, but he doesn't seem to stop yet.

"Hahaha. Bloke, your jokes hit harder than you do! Why don't we step it up a little, huh? No foolin' around!" Birdy grunts as he throws himself forward, arm out to grab a hold of Guile's suit, wrap around his neck, and then bring him down like a ton of bricks towards the wooden floor.

COMBATSYS: Guile fails to interrupt Bad Scrap from Birdie with Flash Kick.
- Power fail! -

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Guile            0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0           Birdie

The rather solid hit of mug to head is enough to draw the attention of all but the most seriously engrossed fight fans in the bar toward the front. While in many bars a fight like this would be instant cause for a bouncer to show up and kick them up, it takes barely a moment for everyone to realize that the two starting a tussle up at the front are the sort of fighters most of them came to watch on the big screen and start to create a rather wide circle around the action. Some placing bets, others just shouting out cheers. A live show's always better than that stuff you see on the TV, right?

"I didn't say I was here to tell jokes. Now are you man enough to fight me or not?" He's already dropping into his distinctive crouch as Birdie comes in, the faint hint of a smirk on his face when suddenly someone in the crowd bellows out, "HEY! He's gonna do the Flash Kick!" distracting Guile enough from his maneuver that Birdie gets the drop on him, hefting him up and sending him slamming rather hard into the floor.

As Birdie hears the Flash Kick is coming, he springs into action. "Hah! Bloke, look at me!" He cries, coming in towards Guile, trying to get closer, and doing it, right as Flash Kick is announced. Brining Guile down and letting him flop afterwards, he hought he had some sort of start in the fight now. Like he's controlling it, but that really wasn't true.

"I can't tell yet if you're here to fight or tell jokes. How bought you bloody show me?" Birdie begins as he starts to make his way back towards the fallen Guile, giving him ample time to get back up. And if he did, Birdie had a little surprise for him.

Rushing forward, he moves to connect, head first, using the 'hair' on his head to spike into Guile's chest, or at least, towards Guile. It might not even make it that far.

COMBATSYS: Guile endures Birdie's Bull Horn.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Guile            0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0           Birdie

The man who bellowed out earlier is quickly met with a few quick, not exactly harmful strikes from his drinking companions and nobody really cares for that guy who ruins things for everyone else. It's enough to get him to merge toward the back of the crowd.

But all eyes are on the fight in front of them as Birdie comes charging in at Guile. The Vigilante simply stands there, taking the hit full in the gut and practically doubling over as he gets knocked back. The hit doesn't really do much to keep him down, though, as he finds himself in perfect arm's reach of his opponent, lashing out to ensnare the larger man around the waist and, if successful, hauling him up onto his shoulder as he spins him around before blasting up into the air, getting so much height that the audience has the crane their necks before coming back down solidly to the floor, all the force of the drop focused right on the british punk's spine.

COMBATSYS: Guile successfully hits Birdie with Backbreaker.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Guile            0/-------/=======|=======\======-\1           Birdie

Birdie get in there, but then he finds something really bad. He waits for the man to call out everything again, but he doesn't yell. Instead, it's all just Guile. And then Guile grabs Birdie. Birdie tries to get out, tries to brace for the strike, but it never comes. Instead, Birdie goes to it. Being flipped up and over Guile's shoulder, Birdie expects it isn't going to be that painful.

But then Guile spins around, the attack landing directly on the large, British brawlers spine. And like they say, the bigger you are, the harder you fall. And Birdie fell /hard/. So hard, he's not even getting up.

He's just waiting for one of his discs to move back into place. Almost... almost... there! Well. At least he can stand now. But he'll just take a breather, here.

COMBATSYS: Birdie gains composure.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Guile            0/-------/=======|=======\====---\1           Birdie

A massive cheer goes up amongst the crowd at the impressive assault, beers and raised and then chugged down. Nobody's quite sure if the fight's over yet or not, but with Birdie staying on the ground, some of the people placing bets on Guile start trying to collect, while those in Birdie's corner fervently deny that the big man's down for the count.

Not even Guile's quite sure if Birdie's going to bother getting back to his feet after that one. The Vigilante takes a step back from his currently downed opponent to get back up to his feet or at least show some sign that he's going to stay on the ground. "You might want to just admit you've lost and get it over with. I don't really like fighting weaker people if I don't have to."

COMBATSYS: Guile focuses on his next action.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Guile            0/-------/=======|=======\====---\1           Birdie

"Weaker?" Birdie snaps, blood being spat all over the ground in front of him. One by one, his hands reach up, aiming to grab the earth, and haul him up to is knees. Once there, Birdie forces himself back to his feet, no aid at all required. He works through the pain, eyes set in stone, looking towards Guile. He's just paying attention to him.

"You never bloody tell me that I'm weaker than you. I'm just getting started, you git!" Birdie barks as he straights himself. Tall and strong. The pain in his neck stays prominent, but he works around it. He's not showing any weakness. Instead, he's just getting ready for what Guile is going to do.

"Come on now. You're the star today, bloke. Finish off the badguy."

But something's not right.

COMBATSYS: Birdie focuses on his next action.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Guile            0/-------/=======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2           Birdie

The Birdie supporters among the betting crowd let out a small cheer as their man gets back up to his feet and they don't have to pay off quite yet. The people in Guile's corner don't seem quite so enthusiastic about the situation, though.

Guile's none too thrilled either, the big man having already stated that he won't let any information about Vega out giving him little reason to keep going in this fight except for the fact that Birdie isn't likely to let it just drop until one of them's down.

"Just standing around waiting for me to hit you isn't a very good strategy, but if that's what you want..." His hands fly out toward either side before bursting in yellow chi tinged blue as they curl into tight fists, "Sonic..." Then they go flying forward at breakneck speed, drawing out the chi into long slashes through the air before it comes together in front of him as his hands cross in front of him, forming a disc that launches forward toward Birdie at incredible speed, "BOOM!"

COMBATSYS: Guile successfully hits Birdie with Sonic Boom.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Guile            1/-------/=======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2           Birdie

Birdie was expecting anything. And then Sonic Boom came. Birdie's crowd can officially count him down. He's not getting out of this, if he can at all, standing. He aims to try to protect himself, but the sonic boom just comes way too fast. He was ready for a straight attack, but he got a really harsh projectile instead. Well, that's how thugs work.

The chi burns his body, throws him back, and batters him really good. Bloody and battered, but not down, Birdie stands his own. "Bloke, you're a bloody natural at this." He begins, getting into position. "But I'm afraid I'm not done yet. You're almost there, but lets continue on for just more go... huh?"

And then Birdie explodes forward, aiming to stab at Guile with the spike on his head, and if he gets a hold of him, throw his head back, tearing up Guile's chest.

COMBATSYS: Guile interrupts Bull Horn Final from Birdie with Flash Kick EX.
- Power hit! -

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >                                ]
Guile            1/------=/=======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2           Birdie

Guile stands there, his face serious, his eyes locked on his opponent. It wouldn't matter if this were a bar or some back alley or even the middle of Thailand, his element is the fight. "I've been in wars. I've fought some of the toughest fighters in the world. You're just another punk off the street who decided working for a psychopath was a good career move. I gave you the chance to stay down, but now you've made your bed so you'll have to lay in it."

Then Birdie surges forward like a freight train, and only then does Guile drop back, once more pulling into a crouch, then just as Birdie's nearly at him, he blasts forward before his leg comes flying up, his boot covered in glowing yellow chi as it takes a solid strike against the big man's chin with enough force to send pretty much anyone flying.

The big man sure does go flying. And he goes up, and up, and up. Actually striking the ceiling before coming down, and down and down with a loud THWACK. The ground shakes and things bounce, but the man they call Birdie is just down for the count, bleeding and battered. He already got up once in a row, he's not going to get up twice.

Instead, he just lays down, and calls it a night. The bouncers will probably throw him out and he'll sleep outside. He'll get better, and stronger, and when he does Guile, he's going to show you a thing or two! But until then, well.

He's going to lay here, on the ground, the front of his body burning with the chi energy, all the way up to his face. Its melded on there, like a perfect line. It stings more than you could imagine.

Darn that Flash Kick. Darn it to hades.

COMBATSYS: Birdie takes no action.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Guile            1/------=/=======|

COMBATSYS: Birdie can no longer fight.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Guile            1/------=/=======|

Log created on 22:48:25 09/05/2007 by Guile, and last modified on 01:35:00 09/09/2007.