Description: With Yurika's fondness of Ninon constantly increasing, the duo meet once more with a spot of discussion of dresses, advice, and drama. Drama being the nasty surprise that Kurow had spoken to her frilled aquaintance..
Much to zero suprise of Yurika Kirishima, the musician hasn't seen or heard from Ninon for a couple of days now- This, however, isn't entirely the witches fault, Yurika had been quite busy with preperations of her own, and making extra sure that her plans go.. Well.
To her suprise, her competition was quite competant, so that left little choice but to go the extra mile. She's done with her work today, however.
Now that it's evening, the sun starting to set and heading near eight o'clock in the evening, this means that it's time for dinner, and Yurika is actually getting food delivered. Much to her dismay, Akira was nowhere to be found. So she's decided to go and invite Ninon to join her instead. Yurika, clad in her usual attire, approaches the newer students room, and knocks lightly on the door. No letter of invitation this time, a person to person invitation.
The fact that Ninon isn't exactly the most social girl means that it isn't much of a surprise that she hasn't been around recently. There is, however, another reason. Ninon had been keeping herself busy recently. She has hobbies other then being snide to the people around her, after all, and she has been keeping herself busy with them recently.
There is no immediant response when Yurika knocks upon the door. For a moment it seems as if she isn't even there at all. But then, the door opens. It doesn't fully open, however. Ninon's pale-haired face peeks through the opening in the door. "W...who? Oh, Yurika." She seems vaguely embarrassed for some reason. "Did you need something? What are you doing here, anyway?"
The embarassment doesn't go unnoticed, though Yurika manages to hide her suprise very well. So, even people like Ninon have something to hide, does she? It's something to keep in mind, in case she's feeling nosey.
Ninon is greeted with a small smile, and a curtsey, "I'm sorry to bother you, Ninon, but I was just about to have dinner and realized that simply have ordered too much.. Do you like seafood at all?" A brief pause. "If so, if you'd like to accompany me.. It's free. Oh, in fact, you did mention wanting to speak to me when I had the chance, did you not?"
It isn't nearly as dark a secret as Yurika might be expecting. "H..hmmm." She coughs into her hand. "Well, I suppose that I have nothing better to do. And I did need to speak to you....You will have to wait a moment, however. I am hardly fit for the outside world...A moment, if you please." She turns to walk away from the door. But it seems fate is against the girl this evening, as she hit the doorknob ever so slightly as she turned away. This reveals the girl's HORRIBLE SECRET. And that secret is indeed a thing of terror.
It is...what she looks like dressed like a normal girl. Because in the comfort of her own room, she is wearing perhaps the plainest outfit created my mankind, a simple plain t-shirt and an equally mundane pair of black shorts. It is a look she wouldn't want anyone to see her in. What can be seen of the rest of the room looks suitably Ninon-esque. What looks like a partially completed dress is draped over a little manequin. Fortunately, she actually changes outfits behind a changing screen. The outfit that she picks is actually different from her normal look, but similiar enough so that there is no doubt who it is. Red and black is the color for this evening as opposed to simply black. When she comes back into view, she seems to have gotten herself entirely under control. She steps out of the room seeming her normal self. "Tonight was somewhat boring, anyway."
".. I see. Well there's no rush, I'd be more than happy to wait as long as it takes.." Within reasonable time, of course. Yurika is patient but she is certainly no saint! She's about to offer to go and wait in her room, but curiosity ever gets the better of her. What could be the deep, dark, terrible secret?
Well, Yurika simply cannot help herself, she peeps in like a peeping tom and learns the dreaded truth. It is actually mildly astonishing, her dark eyes wide a moment, then revert to their normal, neutral position with a small smile. It was actually, when she thought about it, very very cute. By the time Ninon returns, Yurika is actually standing next to the door, back to the wall rather than in front of the door, and she smiles to her newfound company, "Oh, well I hope that will change soon," Yurika offers, motioning the girl to follow along, and she's just a few doors away. Once they reach her room, it's as organized and neat as it always is- A single room for certain. It has the essentials, a tall mirror, a single bed, a desk with all of her notebooks and her computer on it. And atop her dresser a small tv and an old playstation. It doesn't look like it's been used in a while. On the walls are shelvs, and against them cabinets, all of them pretty much occupied by plates and teacups, she's clearly a collector. There are also posters of musicians and some popular online gothic lolita. All her clothing and must of her instruments are tucked away in her closet.
On the floor is a short, flat table, used for traditional japanese eating. There are red cushions on the floor instead of chairs, and after raising her dress a bit, she settles onto one of them. "Please, help yourself. I have shrimp and scallops, and a few varieties of sushi if any of that appeals to you. And a few sauces to choose from. Nothing fried, I'm afraid I apologize for that." To drink? On the table is also a pitcher of ice water, and a kettle full of tea.
Ninon has had to adjust to such things since moving to Japan. She much prefers a table with proper chairs that isn't so close to the ground. Still, she doesn't complain. She takes a moment to look around the room before settling down. "You keep a tidy home." she comment idly before sitting down. When she sits down, she also sits a small case onto the table. She must of had it tucked somewhere into the folds of her outfit, or maybe just behind her back. It is, naturally, of black leather with a button shaped like a rose holding it shut. "It is actually fortunate you came, I had been meaning to see you myself. Part of it has to do with this." She gestures torwards the mystery case. "Though not all of it. However, it is nothing that cannot wait. Let us enjoy our meal before moving on to business." She settles in, and promptly helps herself. "I believe I made the right choice in coming to this city. My life has not been nearly as boring recently. There is always something...interesting happening."
The musician looks to the case settled onto the table with some curiosity, but she actually dismisses it easily enough. If it will come up later, then so be it she figures. Setting some of the sushi onto a plate as well as some of the heated shrimp, she cracks her chopsticks into two, Yurika then giving a small smile afterward, "I see. Well, I am not above socializing during meals be it serious or enjoyable. I'm pleased to hear those words, however, because I also like interesting things.. Though I confess that my definition may be much more loose than your own. Did you know, that there is something amazing even within this school? I'm sure you have heard the name 'Zaki' buzzing about school grounds every now and then."
"I have." Ninon responds between bites. "She seems to be held in fairly high regard. I admit to being mostly ignorant of her identity beyond that, however. But then, I couldn't even name my classmates, so this is nothing unusual. Why do you bring this person up? And she isn't the 'amazing' thing you're talking about, I hope. I do not easily find people 'amazing'. I did recently meet someone interesting, however...Hmm hmm..." She pours herself some tea. "But that topic can wait. One of the things I wanted to speak you to you about it this. I have decided to give you a gift. I do not frequently do such a thing, so consider yourself fortunate."
"I figured as such; however there are some things that, no matter who you are, you should recognize as 'amazing'. For example here in Southtown, Geese Howard would be regarded as so, even if he only comes off as just an extremely successful businessman in anothers eyes, it doesn't make it any less so. I bring this person up because she is a very powerful person on these grounds, not because of just physical strength, mind you, but she is the leader of a one-hundred person gang. And she attends residency here, of all places."
Yurika, of course, is eating as she goes along. "That's certainly a lot more than either of us as students have, isn't it? I think.. That is truely amazing. But ah.. You mentioned something about a gift? I.. Assure you that if you need a favor, I do not need a gift in turn, Ninon." Meeting someone interesting, Yurika doesn't worry about at the moment; only because actually getting a gift from Miss Arrogance herself in itself is so astounding.
"Hmm? A hundred person gang? If she keeps their loyalty, I cannot deny that is somewhat impressive. There are different types of strengths, after all. Even a weakling can be strong if they surround themself in enough weaklings that believe the same as them. As for my 'gift' misunderstand my reasons. I need nothing from you, Yurika Kirishima. You see, if we continue to spend time with one another, people will begin to associate you and I with one another. And should that happen....well, let me say that I would prefer they see a person of fashion. And that is what this is for." She clicks open the box to reveal what looks like several pieces of cloth as well as a measuring tape. "I will, of course, be needing your measurements. You may take them yourself if you don't want me so close, but I trust that you will be honest with me. If not, well, it is not /I/ who will look foolish."
Yurika seems to be in agreement, speaking of Zaki, that is. She pours herself a cup of tea, a simple green tea this time around, and then resumes her attention to her company. Yurika draws in her lips for a moment, and then speaks up. "I haven't had a chance to look deeply into it. But I should soon, when the chance provides itsel-"
Yurika then looks rather.. Taken aback. She doesn't get it immedietly, but once she does, the musician again looks astonished, and for a moment is at a complete loss for words. But she eventually does manage to blurt out a, "N- No, I.. I wouldn't mind at all, for you to take them, but I'm certain I haven't put on any inches over the last year or so.. I.. I ah.. Don't really.. Know what to say.. I mean, aside from 'thank you', ah.."
Yurika's actually looks a bit uncomfortable now. This is much different from the occassional bag of cookies she gets from her underclassmen, after all!
"I am doing this for my own reasons. There is no need to thank me. In fact, I would prefer that you didn't. It is not kindness that made me decide to do this. I suppose, I merely want to see one of my designs on someone else. Now, pick." There are several patterns of cloth within the box. Black is a predominant color, though there are several others as well. Numerous shades of red, blue, green and even a pair of pink cloths are represented. With a little smile on her face, she withdraws one of them. It is decorate with what looks like teddy bear heads, with a disgruntled look on their little faces. "This one I came up with when I was feeling...somewhat whimsical. I have not yet worn the dress I made of the design. Well, stand still." She stands, unraveling the measuring tape. "Do not expect it to be a short process. I will not rush my creations for anyone."
Yurika straightens up a little, "Y- Yes, very well.." and she takes a moment to look the patterns over. It shouldn't be a suprise, then, that she actually picks something of a much similar color she always wears- It's very rare for her to find something of such a light blue with white color. And so she points to that design as she stands up. Her uniform is really the best she could do on her own, and by on her own, she means what she could pay for that wouldn't disrupt the schools dress code. She seems amused by the pattern that Ninon displayed, but she explains, "I would like something, then, that would be acceptable on school grounds- With the reputation I have, I would prefer to have you make something that I could wear often."
And wouldn't you know it, it'd look a little something like this: !
"Hmm. Well, I suppose that I could manage something with this." The girl seems ever so slightly disappointed that such a common color was chosen. She was actually wondering if Yurika would pink the pink one! But fortunately, she has at least SOME taste. "It will give me something to do between classes and punching people in the face." She stands, and moves torwards her conversation partner. "Do make sure that you don't put on much weight before I finish. These dresses can only be let out so much before the stitching becomes absolutely useless." Unless Yurika tries to actively keep her away, she'll begin taking measurements. "So, Yurika Kirishima, you claim to have an interest in my lifestyle. But do you know much about it? By now you must know how I live my life. The 'gothic lolita' lifestyle has no one true definition. It is, perhaps, the only part of Japanese culture I can truely claim to know much about. Ask one person what it means and they may very well give you a different answer then someone else. To some people, it is merely a fashion statement. To me, it means more. It is a life of confidence, a life devoted to bettering one's self, and making sure that everyone notices it. A life spent knowing that you are better then the average sheep around you, better not simply in fashion, but in the very act of living itself. So tell me, Yurikia Kirishima. While wearing the dress I shall make, what will you be feeling?"
Pink? Yurika isn't entirely against it, but that's a color she doesn't feel she can wear anymore anyway, simply because of... Personal reasons. Yurika can't help but chuckle a little as she holds out her arms, not having any issue with Ninon being close physically.. It's emotionally that she has to be extra careful about. The chuckle is brought to an abrupt frown to the idea that she would willingly put on weight suddenly. How rude!
She keeps silent from that point, though, until she's officially adressed, and she nods her head slowly, yet eagerly, in agreeement, "That is what I want.. Up until now, I have worn clothing like this to not just feel, but to display my elegance. There are other kinds of clothing that do that, of course but.. I've always wanted to feel truly confident. I've wanted to better myself, and I.. Well, you've perhaps already noticed that there is some insecurity within myself. While your personality is trying, I admit to looking up to it, Ninon. And so.."
"When wearing that dress, I.. Hope to not just feel but to gain that confidence, that certainty, that devotion. I am not happy.. Being half-hearted."
"You may find it hard to believe, but I was not always this way." Ninon comments. "I learned my confidence from another, my grandmother. She is, perhaps, the only person I would never claim to be superior to. She was my better, but time spares no one. She passed on some years ago. But her teachings, along with her power, live in within me. This is part of why I take such pride in my abilities. She entrusted them to both myself and my foolish sister, but I was the one that truely excelled with them. little more then a fool playing at being a witch! I am the one that truely understands it. I am the one that carries on where grandmother left of. When one hears the name Beart, I will have it so that they always think of the name Ninon with it." A smile, one devoid of any humor whatsoever, touches her face as she drops her measuring tape to the side. "I believe I have all that I need. As for your answer, I approve. You must work on that, otherwise this world will devour you alive. Even should you live, you'll end up an empty shell abused by anyone that needs something to amuse them. I suppose that I cannot entirely blame you for your lack of confidence." She makes sure she is in a position to see Yurika's face before saying anything further. "Your brother seems to think as little of you as I do my own sister, after all."
And so Yurika learns a little more about Ninon's past, and more still about her relationship with her sister. Yurika had never even thought to compare the relationship between the two to her own with her brother. However it's interesting to learn that Ninon is just as proud of her own family name as Yurika is to hers, possibly even more.
Though Ninon appears to be more mentally stable. Her arms settle to her sides once the measurements are complete, and to the mention of her brother, her dark eyes shift to Ninon. For just a moment all the advice and thoughts she were given vanish with her blank stare, but then her expression becomes slightly more pleasent, a small smile on her lips once more, "I see.. So you've met my brother, I shouldn't be suprised, but I did not want you to meet him so.. Soon. I guess it can't be helped, but if you're still willing to associate with me, it couldn't have gone entirely sour. Did he make you an offer of some sort?"
Yurika taps her cheek lightly in curiosity. And then as if in afterthought, adds, "Oh, and I'd advise strongly, that you never compare the relationship between my brother and I.. With the disgusting relationship of you and your sister ever again.."
"Hm hm hm." Ninon titters behind one hand. "That, Yurika Kirishima, is exactly the type of attitude that you need. When you speak like that, you are revealing the type of nature that people cannot possibly ignore. Someone that can speak with such confidence cannot be entirely weak, can she? But perhaps I simply presume too much. Regardless, yes, I have met him. This was the other thing that I came to speak to you about. You see, I was under the impression that it was YOU who controlled this mysterious little group that kept harrassing me. While he kept the finer details to himself, the one thing I did learn was that I was not correct in that assumption. He 'advised' me to come to you to see if you needed 'help' in this school. I do not know how serious I intend to take this request, nor am I entirely certain I know what type of 'help' he had in mind. I imagine it probably involves violence, however. As for your 'relationship', do not worry. Though I do not claim to like him in any way, he proved...resilient enough to earn a sliver of my respect. Your family, it is quite interesting, Yurika Kirishima. And as for my own is not so much 'disgusting' as it is merely annoying. I pray you never have to find out first hand, I have done a pretty good job of keeping away from her so far. What I really want is for her to not be such a damned embarrasment to the family, though. Then, I would not HAVE to avoid her."
Yurika looks a little taken aback at first, -her- being the ringleader? She supposed she could see why Ninon would think such a thing though, as most of the members are girls and are less.. Well.. Organized than herself. It'd be amusing if she weren't slightly shaken up, maybe even a little embarassed. But even with the further information she's given about Mignon's association, she supposed she'd have to meet her to truly understand, but even still. "Well, this.. Isn't a lecture session of what a functional family should be like. I have accepted that my relationship with Kurow is.. Unusual. And would rather just leave it at that. But yes, that is a fact I am trying to keep low with about Seijyun and wherever else I can. You probably noticed I am not active in many fighting circles, and that is only part of the reason why. And yes, it is Kurow whom is the actual leader. I'm following his orders from here. However, I am free to act of my own accord to meet ends, and I want him to be proud of me."
Yurika glances to the side, and rubs her arm lightly. "Wanting to become Council President is not related to Kurow's interest in you, I think. However he was hinting that at some point it would be I, that would become the most powerful here. And therefore I could be of help to you here, if for some reason you would need it." she then looks back to Ninon once more, "I have a feeling, that the case will be that I'll be the one needing your help. But I can explain that once my position is secured."
"You, the most powerful here? Interesting." She allows herself to settle back down, pouring herself another cup of tea. "I suppose, then, this is why this Zaki girl came up. Though you seemed surprised at what I said, were you really? Or did you, perhaps, already know I had met him? It doesn't matter either way. What does matter is that you can never become the most powerful person with someone who is held in such high esteem present. You may be able to become Council President, but you will have to either subjugate this girl to your will or remove her outright to become the true power of Seijyun. This is essential for whatever plan you have in mind to succeed. I find myself wondering, however. Let us assume you become the single most influential person in this school. Let us assume that this 'Zaki' cannot stand in your way. Let us assume that everything goes absolutely flawlessly. If it what? What will controlling this school do for you? And for him for that matter? This cannot simply be a matter of pride. If you truely expect me to be a part of this game, it is essential I know the guidelines, wouldn't you say?"
"But yes, I was honestly suprised. I had not told Kurow of you yet, I.. Well, I have bad history, with things like that. I was hoping I could have you accompany me because you would want to, and not because my brother told you to. Anyway, as for your final question, what does controlling this school do for me? I believe I answered that. But what else it does, I am not ready to reveal just yet. That's all I can say for now. But I will not leave you in the dark when I make my move, because I will need your help."
"Again, you misunderstand me, Yurika Kirishima." Ninon allows herself a faint smile. "While I respect his fighting prowess, that is the extent of it. I did not agree to come here this evening for his sake. I came to enjoy a meal and conversation. I do not call you friend, but I do not think of you as worthless, either. I am, of course, aware you are still hiding things from me. I like this. You are not so much of a fool to reveal everything to someone you are not certain that you can trust. You have no reason to think I will not turn against you at any time. Quite the contrary, actually, as I have flat out told you that if I find your little game boring, that I am out. However, you continue to interest me." She rolls her measuring tape up and places it back in her little box. "I believe you may actually be able to succeed in your plan. I have no desire to lead the Student Council myself, though the thought IS amusing. I have a feeling few would vote for me, however. I am not so good at catering to the lessers." She clicks the case shut and turns to head to the door. Before exiting, however, she says one last thing. "If I choose to help, it shall be my own choice. I will be doing it for my own reasons, not because HE asked me to. Rest assured of that, Yurika Kirishima. Ninon Beart is no one's follower."
Yurika should have known, of course. But even with Ninon's arrogance, Yurika knows that Kurow has a way with words.. Perhaps her advantage in this case, is that she knows how to speak to Ninon better than he does.
Ninon makes it clear that it is something she doesn't have to worry about, but that is something Yurika is good at. Worrying. Taking extra precautions. The only thing she's truely afraid of is failing, in the end.
She'll just have a cup of tea, that will help her relax. "Of course.. I .. Ah.. I appreciate it, Ninon. as I have said before I feel I can learn much from you. I would just be repeating myself at this point so I'll just leave it at that. Do take care, Ninon, and I will see you again, another time."
Still.. She'll have to talk to Kurow and find out what it was exactly he was up to. She was certain he was busy with his own affairs but... The answer would have to come at a later time, obviously. Yurika assist Ninon to the door, holding it open for her.
Log created on 20:59:23 09/02/2007 by Yurika, and last modified on 05:48:28 02/09/2009.