Kyle - Taking Out The Trash

Description: The Mad Gear come back to Metro City. ... again. Same old Mad Gear... but a new age of heroes.

With nothing but failures within Southtown City, the Mad Gear Gang has retreat back to the home town of where the group was formed. THEN DIED. THEN REBIRTHED LIKE SOME KIND OF PHOENIX. But that Phoenix has a lame wing, and it's still trying to get off the ground. And it's limping. But hot darn it WILL get off the ground. And Katana will see it through all right. HE WILL SEE IT THROUGH.

But, after a bit of rest, relaxation, and prying some of the clothes off of the front of the truck, as well as food.. Metro City, Home sweet home .. NEEDED TO BE TAKEN DOWN. And where to attack to take something by force... than what Katana had heard was the heart and soul of the city! The traffic is somewhat light, but it suddenly just stops. Something is running red lights.

Something is barreling through the city, rushing through as fast as it can go, before spiralling out and breaking, coming to a stop. And that's when things turn bad.

Spewing forth from the truck looks to be swarms of thugs, skimpily dressed women and people so fat one could be amazed that they ever fit within the truck at all. It was, as one would say, something to see.

And then run the heck away from.

Carrying twin jitte, the leader of Mad Gear steps out, a bandaid where Katana had wounded the mask. It must reset! He would not let such an important thing break! Cars are stopped, women are looted, metal pipes are ripped from walls, stop signs, and METAL BARRELS are lining the streets to block off traffic. Katana stands in the middle of the mess, spinning the jitte .. which fall from his hands.

Quickly collecting them, he does it again. It works. "Metro City! Bow to the might of the Mad Gear Gang! BIGGUUU MANOOO! Our might is impossible to prevent!" He takes out a paper fan, and fans the air, looking around. "The spirits of my ancestors are strong here, and will ensure my victory, this time! Metro City is ours Mad Gear! And nothing will stop it!" Haggar willing, of course.

OR Guy or Cody really.

Kyle Travers is not going to accept the man's incursion into his city lying down. When the massive truck dumps its load (no pun intended) all across downtown Metro, Travers is there almost instantly -- it's as if he has a sixth sense for gangs and paramilitary organizations coming into the city. He scans over the crowd, looking for the man who would lead such a vile force into the city he loves (no matter how many crude names he might call it) -- and sees Katana almost instantly. He cuts an impressive figure, after all.

Though it is a dubious honor, Kyle Travers, as a young man, spied on almost every major battle in Metro City's vast and sordid history. It's where he learned how to move, and for that matter probably picked up a lot of his speed -- after all, sometimes you have to bail fast when that kind of thing finishes. He knows Katana by sight -- the man with the Japanese soul is a spectacular fighter, and one of the biggest threats to Metro, however comical he might be. When he spots him, he immediately takes up the nearest weapon, a crowbar, and begins to walk forward. He has no need to run.

"Hey! You're a little late for football practice, and the dojo doesn't do weapons training until Friday!" comes his first call to the burly man, as he points the crowbar forward like a sword -- he's challenging Katana in precisely the manner the samurai no doubt wants. "And if you're going to throw a tantrum over it, you know the rules, buddy. Outside the city limits. You gonna' go on your own, or d'you need to get dragged there?"

Perhaps Kyle Travers does. But the important part, really, is that he comes at such a right time. Swarms head towards him, but they part as he takes that crowbar. This is important. It looks like he knows Katana, especially, and grabbing a weapon of such nature, to the Metro City goers, is a direct notice. They know of the Gang, how it works, and are more than deadly enough to give the thugs and goons some trouble.

The spreading of thugs and goons grab Katana's interest, first and foremost. The jitte are brought downwards, and as Katana looks away, he does not realize, immediately, who speaks to him. But to be a little late for football practice.. and to be mistaken for just a member of a dojo. Both praise and an insult. KAtana likes what he hears! But what grabs the attention, most of all, is the crowbar pointed like a sword. The jitte, basically half a sai, sit in his hands.

Before one points at Kyle.

He has got his attention, and Katana answers the challenge. He would not run! "I remember that rule." Katana speaks up to Kyle, looking to him, before spinning it in his hand a bit. "But that rule was the first to go as soon as Mad Gear took this part of the city and made it theirs. It's under new management." Katana responds with, "As the leader of the Mad Gears, I don't think anyone is going to be going anywhere at all! Except you .. you are defiling our land! BEGONE!" Katana almost roars, "Or I will unleash the wrath of a Japanese warrior upon you! Get involved and we might have to toss you out bloodied and broken! DATTEBEY-KAI-KEN BON!"

COMBATSYS: Katana has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Katana           0/-------/-------|

There is a lot Kyle Travers could do here. He could shrink from the challenge he himself prompted, and let the 'samurai' take what he wants -- but of course, no self-respecting member of the Travers family would shrink from a Mad Gear member. He could simply claim that they haven't taken this part of the city yet, and prompt Katana to take the initiative, and no doubt -- as an offensive master -- plow through Kyle with his size and weight.

Kyle is neither that weak nor that stupid. The second Katana claims the right to this part of town, he knows that he has to take decisive action. As the Mad Gears part, Kyle walks forward with that crowbar resting on his shoulder like a hero's sword in a classic samurai film -- it certainly seems he intends to play the part Katana so desperately wants, if nothing else. "Bloodied and broken, huh. Defiling 'your' land." A smile slowly spreads across Kyle's face, as he drops into a poor imitation of a 'ready for challenge' stance, hand reared back.

"Last I checked this still belongs to the people of Metro, not you. Not buyin' it. Sorry." His hand thrusts forward and takes him into a more conventional street brawler's stance, and a bright flash of white light emits from his hand -- only to coalesce into a bright white ball with a multitude of colors swirling behind it, one which issues forth at Katana. "Leave the goons out of this," he adds, as the ball flies. "Show me what you got, man to man."

COMBATSYS: Kyle has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Kyle             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Katana

COMBATSYS: Kyle successfully hits Katana with Charge Punch.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Kyle             0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0           Katana

As Kyle Travers comes in close, a bright flash of white light emitting from the mans hand .. well, Katana knows the sight. And he's not happy with it alright. And as he issues it forwards, it rushes through the air, striking Katana head on and causing him to flinch, the man trying to prevent it, arms going to prevent the strike, but failing.

The Shogun is dethroned so quickly, slamming against the ground as he's struck head on by the small, but strong, pulse of energy from the fist. Katana lays on the ground, bracing. What a wake up. What a wake up to the REAL WORLD. But Kyle will not get off that easily. Leaping to his feet, Katana raises the jitte. And eyes Kyle. "You wish to fight .. then fight we shall. And I will grind you into the concrete which makes up the base of the city!"

"They'll stand back.. I will not need them to take care of you! The people of Metro are not important, not unless they are part of Mad Gear Gang! And I will show you just what happens. There is no smile to the mask, but Katana is deadly serious. His pose is one of power .. even if it's never really completely perfect.

And he does just what he says he will.

Rushing towards Kyle, the large man seems to try and tackle Kyle, even as he has the lead pipe, but instead turns about, slamming a jitte towards the body of Kyle. He'll have ample time to get out of the way, but then, Katana is not so unskilled that he is harmless, even in such a position.


COMBATSYS: Kyle counters Weapon Jab from Katana with Stepping Kick.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Kyle             0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0           Katana

"The might of Japan?" comes Kyle's reply, as Katana comes in with that fierce, fast slam with the jitte. He only has one chance to slip in under his defenses and handle it -- and that jitte looks painful, so he has to make it count. When the leader of the Mad Gear rushes in, Travers gives his crowbar a quick swing toward the jitte, knocking it aside as he moves forward... and slipping him in under even the best of possible defenses.

He wastes no time in pressing the advantage, giving only a small grinning glance to the Mad Gear gangsters before turning his attention to Sodom again, raising a foot high -- and slamming it right into the face of the tall man, hard enough to send even his massive frame sprawling.

The Shogun doesn't seem to be impressing Kyle Travers in the least here -- he still seems ready, wearing the same cocky smirk he's worn to a hundred pit fights that are all far beneath his skill. 'Meal tickets,' he'd call them -- it's just a pity he isn't going to get any cash out of this, he thinks briefly as he takes a long, fast step away from his opponent, still looking pumped for the fight. "All you're showing me is how a guy makes a giant ass of himself," he quips, putting his hands up again. "If this is all you guys got, I'm surprised you even bothered comin' back."

The crowbar slams against the jitte, before it's knocked aside, and Hyle slips under him, a foot being raised high and slamming straight into Katana's prized mask. It causes it to slam into his face, metal against flesh, and causes the rather large man to go flying back a bit, even if it isn't as strong as a few things he had felt. Pulling himself to his feet, Katana pulls himself up again, raising the jitte. And through the mask, it is certain he looks determined.

"You... You dare insult the strength and power of Mad Gear?! We're not as weak as you think. And if you really think that I've even begun, then you're dead wrong! My Ancestors spirits would not leave me in such a time!" Spinning the jitte once more, Katana looks at Kyle. He's .. well, rather strong in his attempts. So he'll have to get at him as best he can.

Charging towards Kyle, the Shogun takes the Jitte and thrusts them forwards, towards the chest of Kyle, intent on trying to get them to pierce the man's chest, before slashing once with the right, once with the left, and then trying to launch him upwards. If he'd be able to achieve that, the Shogun would leap into the air, grab Kyle, and drive him straight into the ground, the cement, as he promised he would.


COMBATSYS: Kyle blocks Katana's Daikyou Burning.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Kyle             0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0           Katana

One of the few things Kyle knows how to do that a lot of men don't in this city is how to weave out of a grab. It is this that lets him make his peace with the high likelihood that he can't get out of the way of the Shogun's burning assault in time; instead, he just takes the initial stab-and-launch in stride, gritting his teeth as he flies into the air. When Katana comes up, though, Kyle quickly whirls his body around and kicks off of the man's chest, bringing himself into a solid, controlled fall to the ground rather than the intense slam into the cement.

"Still not impressed," he says, blood leaking slowly from that wound of his -- even someone like Kyle, someone more focused on speed and punishment than resilience, can take a /little/ bit of a beating. It comes with being a fighter. "Gettin' better, but even then." It seems Travers isn't conceding anything to the other man -- he intends to shut him down every time, be it physically or verbally. After all, part of fighting is psyching the opponent out.

And part of it's just putting out the hurt. Travers knows how to do /that/, too -- and it's not as though he isn't willing to go to great lengths to do it. As soon as Katana comes down from that leap, Kyle's leaping in toward him, trying for a hard, vicious kick to the legs that should send the Shogun down to the ground. But if he catches him with it, that's almost definitely not going to be the end...

COMBATSYS: Katana counters Savage Grapple from Kyle with Shiraha Catch.
- Power hit! -

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Kyle             0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0           Katana

When Katana leaps up, that's about when Kyle kicks off of the Shogun's chest. Katana landing on the ground as the man does as well.. and he points towards Kyle with a Jitte. "The best is yet to come!" He exclaims. "If you rush, the Turtle will surely beat the hare!" Katana exclaims. And that's about when Kyle dives, before Katana even really finishes his words! The Kyle comes in with power and speed that would crush a weaker man!

But Katana kneels, as the kick comes towards the legs area, but his hands closer. And when the kick tries to send him to the ground, the Shogun disagrees with such tactics. But no, he will respond with words, but with actions!

The jitte move quick and fast, the leg being caught between them, the blades sliding around the leg to catch onto him, but not cut him. It would be far worse than that, as Kyle is grabbed by the jitte and raised. "You will learn now!" Usually, he can only catch with his hands, but such a success for the shogun is all he needs!

Whipping Kyle about, the jitte are thrust towards the ground, Kyle with them, before the barrels are made used of, Katana spinning with the jitte before letting Kyle fly towards the metal barrels, filled with .. who knows! But whatever it is, be it another rusty pipe to a full cooked turkey dinner, the landing will be especially painful.

The barrels, after all, have a habit of breaking in half, sharp halves, when banged against! The Shogun stands... Mantis stance ( badly ), with the jitte pointing down. "Now, grasshopper, do you see why I am the best? The Shogun of the Mad Gear Gang! DANE BO!" The paper fan is taken out and waved a bit.

Perhaps in jest of Kyle?

Finally, the man gets one over on Kyle -- he's just too slow, a situation he rarely finds himself in. His strike is too telegraphed, and he pays the price, sending those barrels flying in all directions and breaking two of them in half with his shoulders. Some men would elect just to stay down after that, but Kyle's got tenacity on most guys -- he's never one to say die before he's out of gas.

Some of those barrels, however, are still close, and as Katana spends his time posturing, Kyle's still focused entirely on the fight. Even if Katana's willing to spend time posing with that stupid paper fan, Travers thinks his time is best spent on the offense for now -- and it's that that causes him to drop the crowbar, and pick up one of the barrels. He doesn't bother to open it, already knowing what's inside just by picking it up -- it's just water, or maybe oil. "Metro City ain't a shogunate," he says, demonstrating a surprising amount of knowledge -- /something/ had to get him through the college classes he took (even if only barely).

But right now, it's Kyle's fighting skills, the tenacity in the blood of the Travers family, that keeps his focus on Sodom. He rears back, still holding the barrel with both arms -- and with as much force as he can muster, throws it as far as he can, trying to plow it right into the helmet of Katana, crying "And put that fan away! Quit fuckin' around!"

COMBATSYS: Kyle successfully hits Katana with Power Fling.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Kyle             1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1           Katana

Katana hears the yelling. "Hah, do you really thi-" And that's about when the barrel slams hard into Katana, slamming the shogun rather hard, if not the strongest shot that Kyle has done so far. It's rather powerful, and it hits the helmet dead on, the steel slamming into the Shogun's face. A bit of blood drips from it. The fan floats to the ground.

Katana, meanwhile, stands, and grips the mask as he braces the pain. "AHHHH!" Oh, it hurts alright, and the scream is certainly one that he didn't expect. But just as much as hurt as he is, Katana grips the jitte even harder, turning towards Kyle.. and then rushing towards the man.

Determined to do something. He's running right into a trap, but then, he does not so much mind.

"The Mad Gear Gang are the rulers.... I will lead them in their domination and no one will get in the way!" He's been hit hard before. The memory of failure, especially from the metal oil drums, cause Katana to remember something he really didn't want to. Something that gets him mad alright.

That's about when Katana attempts to plant both of the jitte's into the chest of Kyle. It's not controlled. And it's certainly not the best idea.

But you just go and tell the Shogun of Metro City what to do! He'll slash outwards if the blades connect. "Metro City will be ours! You'll see!"

COMBATSYS: Katana successfully hits Kyle with Fierce Strike.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Kyle             1/---====/=======|=======\=------\1           Katana

The forceful jitte plant to Kyle's chest sends him right down to the ground, a distinct crack issuing from his body. His breastbone is probably fractured, but even that doesn't keep him from getting back up yet again, pulling himself up to a full standing posture and slipping into stance a second time, even though his wounds are starting to mount. Don't let 'em see you bleed -- that's all Kyle's ever known.

This time, he decides that it might be best not to come in full-bore, not to keep pushing himself as hard as he can. After all, in the pits, this would be when he'd reevaluate a little, especially getting pounded as badly as he is. He starts to dance back, moving around Katana and trying to reassess how the man moves. He's not as big and slow as he'd thought, and those assumptions are starting to tear him up.

"You're not going to get lucky like that again," he says, clutching his chest and retrieving that brutal crowbar. "That was a one time thing. Take your goons. Take your truck. Get the hell out. Last chance before I make you revisit the ass-whooping you got last time."

COMBATSYS: Kyle focuses on his next action.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Kyle             1/---====/=======|=======\=------\1           Katana

As Kyle's launched back from the assault, the man clutching his chest and retrieving the crowbar, Katana looks into him, but listens only so much. He stands in place, and as he tells him to get the hell out, Katana doesn't listen. He refuses to, actually. The Shogun spinning the jitte once more. While Kyle has worked hard to get where he was... Katana hasn't been handed everything on a golden platter, either.

He's had plenty of failures, very few successes, and part of it is never knowing just when to back down. And as Kyle claims luck, and gets ready, Katana raises both his hands, moves to one foot, and points the weapons towards Kyle. He doesn't seem to be charging. He doesn't seem to be moving.

Instead, he claims something else. "You believe it's luck." Katana has failed enough to know the difference. And yes, it was indeed luck. Bleeding behind the mask, he cannot lash out again. Growing slightly dizzy, the Shogun poises himself again, waiting, breathing a few times as his fighting spirit goes from a roar to a duller purr of a kitten.

"I'm only going to leave when I'm ready to .. the truck, the goons, all of Mad Gear will not move as long as I am here! To back down from a challenge would be far worse than being defeated in such a battle!" His muscles strain, his body aches, but with the gang around Katana.. the Shogun cannot let them down! Their dreams of mugging, beating, and kicking old people!

He must protect it!

COMBATSYS: Katana gains composure.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Kyle             1/---====/=======|=======\-------\0           Katana

The younger Travers watches his opponent back off, trying to keep his dizzying body together in spite of the myriad wounds and concussions that Kyle has inflicted upon him. It's clear that Katana's a pretty tough guy, tougher than Kyle anticipated -- he thought the man was just a loud fraud, but in the heart of the Mad Gear leader there really is a true samurai's blood. Even if he's not really Japanese, he's got that kind of heart.

The younger, smaller man looks at the larger one, walking forward and twirling that crowbar, making it look as though he's going to come in for a hard, forceful strike to the chest much like what Katana tried earlier with his twin jitte. "You really won't back down, huh. I respect that. I mean, it's stupid, but I can see where you're comin' from."

As he moves in, he takes the crowbar by each end, moving around to Katana's side -- and then everything happens lightning-fast. He swings the crowbar up under Katana's shoulder, trying to lock the man's arm with it, and then just sends his body into a quick whirl, trying to send the samurai down to the ground full-force. It's a straightforward, techniqueless maneuver, designed almost entirely to inflict a lot of impact trauma fast.

COMBATSYS: Katana blocks Kyle's Strong Throw.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Kyle             1/---====/=======|=======\-------\1           Katana

He'll fight to the end if he has to. And well. He has had to in the past. Bloody and stained from times before, this isn't very different from some other times. With Haggar, he constantly fights a losing battle, but he still fights. The same could be said of alot. But he doesn't even seem to mind it. Not at all.

Regaining his balance, his breathe, as well as making the world stop spinning as much, Katana watches the younger man walk forwards. He does not lash out immediately, but as he looks at Kyle, he is silent for the most part. Before Kyle speaks. "If I were to give up with everyone watching, their spirits would be crushed. I would never be able to live with the shame, save for harakiri." What else would you do? Katana would never, having invested as much as he had into it, back down! "You wish to protect the city. And I wish to continue the goals of the Mad Gear Gang... then it looks like it will be the strongest willed who'll get what they want!" And as the crowbar is swung up and under Katana's shoulder, Katana's arm is locked alright, the shogun's arm wrenched, but not send into the ground at the force he would have wanted. He had prepared for the worst.

That's about when he lashes out at Kyle, both jitte slashing at the sides of the younger Travers, attempting to dig the sharper parts of the jitte into the city's savior, each jitte scraping the edge of the protector.. that is, unless it connects head on, which the smaller points will probably connect as well!

He'll fight to the end if he has to. And well. He has had to in the past. Bloody and stained from times before, this isn't very different from some other times. With Haggar, he constantly fights a losing battle, but he still fights. The same could be said of alot. But he doesn't even seem to mind it. Not at all.

Regaining his balance, his breathe, as well as making the world stop spinning as much, Katana watches the younger man walk forwards. He does not lash out immediately, but as he looks at Kyle, he is silent for the most part. Before Kyle speaks. "If I were to give up with everyone watching, their spirits would be crushed. I would never be able to live with the shame, save for harakiri. But I would never turn against it. Not with the loyalty I have been shown." What else would you do? Katana would never, having invested as much as he had into it, back down! "You wish to protect the city. And I wish to continue the goals of the Mad Gear Gang... then it looks like it will be the strongest willed who'll get what they want!" And as the crowbar is swung up and under Katana's shoulder, Katana's arm is locked alright, the shogun's arm wrenched, but not send into the ground at the force he would have wanted. He had prepared for the worst. His arm bends in unnatural ways. But he does not crash into the ground.

That's about when he lashes out at Kyle, both jitte slashing at the sides of the younger Travers, attempting to dig the sharper parts of the jitte into the city's savior, each jitte scraping the edge of the protector.. that is, unless it connects head on, which the smaller points will probably connect as well!

COMBATSYS: Katana successfully hits Kyle with Jigoku Scrape.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Kyle             1/=======/=======|=======\==-----\1           Katana

The slashes catch Kyle right along the chest, and dig deep into his body -- he's not exactly thick-skinned. His entire game just gets more and more thrown off with every strike that Katana catches him with, and he's starting to run out of gas -- no matter what he tries, Katana's just faster. It's starting to infuriate Travers -- but then, that might not be a bad thing for the fighter. He does better when he's a little psyched out.

Travers takes slow, deep breaths as he tries to re-center himself in spite of the blood leaking from his chest wounds, but realizes quickly that Katana's got him right where he wants him -- on the ropes. "The best you can give me's a few scrapes?" he asks, in spite of the fact that those are more than 'a few scrapes' -- he's really torn apart, but he's still got it in him to give one final hurrah.

Travers decides to try to end the match exactly the way he started it, or at least close to -- his hand rears back as he starts to stumble away, energy gathering around his palm. Once again, he thrusts it out, trying to tear through Katana with another fast ball of light and color. "Didn't get this far," he groans, "without knowin' a thing or two about how to keep from tappin' out..."

COMBATSYS: Katana endures Kyle's Charge Punch!

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Kyle             2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\===----\1           Katana

Katana is not as fast as he would have wanted at times. A little Japanese girl took care of him, why, she had packed him up and sent him on his way.. but perhaps the fact relies that Hotaru was also playing the ninja that day. But beyond never touching her with a direct assault, Katana had to learn. He could not be so slow. He could not be so easy to be seen through. And then, he had to rely on the spirits of his ancestors, the stars, the sky .. and his own skill. Even if it was slightly lax at times, it was there.

The blades slip backwards, the jitte being gripped and pilled farther back. Katana .. still has resistance, if not physically, mentally from the man. He's a problem, and is not yet out. Not yet at least. There's still a chance. And Katana has been on the other side of it at the beginning. The odds are still quite good that he ends up where the defender is right now. "You're right.. there can be worse! But I had wanted to save it.. for now! The perfect time! HOOOOOOOOOA-" That's about when Travers launches a fist straight towards the Shogun, the energy gathering along the palm and launching towards Katana. He's starting to be worn down.. but with a little luck, and a little skill, it can end. There wouldn't be anymore!

The fist rips towards Katana before he can react, and his body preparing for it, the fist still sends him a good ways back, skidding on the concrete, but he does not fall. Instead, he seems all the better for it to a point. "And I know a thing about being on the edge.. you need a reason.. a reason to give everything you have! HERE IT IS!" And yes, he is going to scream the attack name.

The jitte are held fast as Katana rushes towards Kyle, the right hand blade being slashes out first. "MEIDO!" HE slides forwards from the force of the strike, trying to draw Kyle with it! "NO!" The left hand erupts forwards, the jitte lancing towards Kyle, "MIYAGE!" He lances forwards like before, but this time, the right handed jitte is brought in a hard right, lancing at about higher body level, to slash against whatever he could catch in the long, thrusting sweeps.

With a little luck, things might go as he planned.

COMBATSYS: Kyle counters Meido no Miyage from Katana with Bushin Gourai Kyaku.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Kyle             1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0           Katana

Even as the man starts running toward him, Kyle steels himself -- he's been on the receiving end of enough full-bore last-ditch effort strikes to see what's coming, coming. As Katana slides forward, the man locks his legs on the ground -- and as that left hand comes at him, Kyle draws on his own version of a technique of Guy's and swings an empty arm out, knocking that jitte-holding arm aside and dropping his other hand's crowbar.

It begins. Kyle wastes no time in stopping the attack entirely, whirling around once completely and knocking the right hand to Katana's left, in turn sending the man spinning and stopping the strikes dead. Now that Katana's turned around, though -- now Kyle really has a chance to dole out some hurt.

Spinning kicks. For a second, that's all Sodom knows -- one right after another, kick after kick, into infinity. Four times, Kyle comes forward, and four times, the younger man snaps a forceful sneaker-covered foot into the Mad Gear leader. Each one goes progressively higher, starting at the hip and working their way up slowly to the head, trying to keep Katana more and more off-balance with each progressive move.

After the fourth, Kyle backs off, knowing better than to press his luck with more blows. Once again retrieving the crowbar, Kyle notes, "Maybe you remember that one." Rocking back and forth on his feet, he waits for Sodom's next move, keeping his eyes right on the man.

The attack is stopped, and the first thing that comes to the Shogun's mind :

SPINKICKS - THEY REALLY HURT. There's so many spinkicks, and he keeps rushing into them, slashing forwards, into each spin kick. You would think that he would NOT do this, so close to victory. You do not know Katana. "I WILL.. GET THROUGH.. THOSE BLASTED KICKS!" Unfortunately, with all the power in the world, one cannot just walk into Mordor. The spinkicks will get you.

And eventually, the fourth, Katana is moving much slower, much more sluggish, and seems almost punch drunk.. but he goes again. His body, all of it, moves. It may be slow. It may be unsteady, but a quick motion is better than none. He pushes his body once more, as far and as hard as the Shogun of the Mad Gear Gang can.

His body is aching, his mind is growing dizzy from the spinning kicks, and his footing is loose. The sandals.. do not really help in such a situation. He has had better days. But he still charges towards Kyle Travers, jitte leading his motion. A single thrust left of his energy.

It may be all he has left, and he marks it, crying out with effort. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" It's not the best cry, but yet, there is little that Katana is focusing on other than the task and hand, and the pain he's in.

It's hard to tell which is winning.

COMBATSYS: Kyle counters Medium Strike from Katana with Improvised Weapon.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >                                ]
Kyle             0/-------/-----==|=======\=------\1           Katana

The spin kicks aren't what gets Katana this time -- oh no. What gets Katana this time is simply Kyle's raw force; he holds that crowbar low, like a katana, and starts to rush back in toward his opponent, swinging his 'blade' up at his opponent with all the force that he can pull out, from every little bit of vigor his body contains. The blunt implement meets the jitte.

The jitte goes flying, sticking into a wall. Kyle is swinging for the fences, and he's got every reason to. He's fighting for his city, his people -- and for his survival, the most important thing in the world. And this is an enemy that Metro City has faced time and time again -- and should never have had to more than once.

"Nice try," he says, cracking a smile. "My turn."

He keeps advancing. It isn't even a particularly technique-oriented series of strikes -- Kyle just advances through Katana's exposed guard, hacking at him as if he was wielding some massive warhammer or greatsword rather than the long crowbar he currently carries. When he's got the football-player-like samurai on the proverbial ropes, he whirls around behind him, locking the bar around his neck and stomping into his back with all the strength he can muster. This accomplishes two things: it flexes his back in new, interesting, and painful ways... and it grinds his neck against the metal, viciously. Kyle, it seems, is merciless in defense of his city.

The jitte, sticking into the wall, are gathered by the thugs. They are the Shoguns weapons, and will not be lost! ...That and he'd be sad until he'd get more of them. He loves the weaponry! To lose it .. horrible.

But Kyle swings for the fences alright, and each strike causes Katana to lurch more. To lose his balance and to eventually be slammed into the ground.

With the foot on his back, stomping, and bar against his neck, Katana is only able to squeak out a few words. "You win this time .. but it's not over." It's never over. He'll be back again. And again. And again. Katana refuses to fall as long as his Gang is still around.

Speaking of which, what has happened, to the family? Welllllll. They've watched, been watching, as he laid into the Shogun. They've disappeared from around Kyle. And it might not be apparent where, with his focus on mercilessly beating Katana into a pulp. But. There is one last thing that Kyle may forget.

There is the distinct sound of ignition.



Sometimes the best offense is ... well?


And as it takes over, accelerating, it also has something sticking out. It's a hook. And it's rather big too. Perfect, of course, for hooking Katana's who have fallen to the ground in the conquest of Mad Gear! ... It has seen a lot of use.


Which it does try, the pedal is pushed to the metal, and it launches into second gear automatically, colors, Japanese styling all over the truck. It can't ever be duplicated. And hopefully, Kyle will be other of the way of it. They might never pry Kyle off the road if he isn't!

COMBATSYS: Katana can no longer fight.

[                      \\\\\\\\  <
Kyle             0/-------/-----==|

COMBATSYS: Kyle counters Run Your Ass Over from Katana with Counterstrike Elbow.

[                       \\\\\\\  <
Kyle             0/-------/------=|

The headlights. The rumbling. Kyle knows what's coming: it's a big damn truck, and it's coming right for him. He could dive out of the way, sure -- but he needs to send a message to the Mad Gear Gang. They can't run roughshod over the people of Metro without it coming to bite them right in the butt. The young man runs right at the truck, leaping up into the air when it is perhaps ten feet from him -- and lands his arms squarely on the hood. This looks terrible...

...but it's right where he wants it. Shoving off into the air with every ounce of strength, Kyle moves only slightly slower forward than the truck -- which is just what he wants. Pushing an elbow out, he comes back down toward the rushing vehicle, timing just perfect -- for what? For getting crashed into by the upper exhaust?

No, for ramming right through the windshield, into the driver's seat, with that elbow. The Mad Gear ganger driving the truck, the poor bastard, gets an elbow right in the face for his trouble, crumpling immediately; Kyle, thinking fast, swings the door open and shoves him out. Only one chance at this, Travers -- keep it up and you're golden.

He throws the crowbar down at last, using it to keep the gas pedal shoved squarely down. Closer to that condemned building at the edge of the downtown district. Just keep going. He turns the steering wheel a little to the left, a little to the right, making sure everything's just perfect...

And then it comes. The moment of truth. The man wrenches the steering wheel hard to the left, sending the vehicle into a wide, uncontrolled spin toward the building... and bails out, rolling across the ground as the truck goes careening into the building. He is left lying on the ground, panting and spent -- he's never done something quite so crazy in his life...

...but he definitely wants to do it again.

Log created on 22:34:29 08/29/2007 by Kyle, and last modified on 18:52:07 09/27/2007.