Guile - Ninja Prison Break

Description: 'My name is Luke Skywalker, I'm here to rescue you.' Okay, Balrog isn't a scruffy nerf herder and Gabriel's not wearing danishes on her ears, but the spanish ninja does bust into the army base and give Guile some serious injuries to rescue the religious zealot.

Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, home to some of the US Military's greatest soldiers, or at least according to the records available to the general public. Most of Charlie's Vigilantes are on record as being officially stationed here, but the top brass has come up with any number of reasons to avoid actually admitting that one of their finest groups has gone rogue. That's why, as Guile stands here in the base's prison facilities, he's not the one behind bars. For once Guile's actually dressed in his official uniform as he waits for the investigators looking into the 'terrorist action' he put a stop to a few nights previous to be ready to take his statement. He should have brought a Gameboy or something.

Like a snake slithering into a nest of rabbits, Balrog creeps through the shadows of early dawn, having selected this time because there's still some dark out, and the sentries are the least fresh now than all day. He darts between spotlights in the base's outer perimeter as he approaches, his feet falling quickly and silently. As he reaches the main building, he rockets up into the air and lands on a sniper's nest. The sniper blinks, before Balrog strips his rifle from his hand with one hand, slamming his toe into the man's joe with a fast motion that knocks him out cold.

For her part, Gabriel is simply sitting in the cell in a good position for meditation. She is staring at the bars, at Guile, her expression is unreadable. She bares the vestiges of someone at least vaguely annoyed, but mostly placid. Her hands folded in her lap, bandages over one hand where she recently clasped a piece of glass, though the medics all agreed she seemed to be healing inhumanly fast and for that reason they didn't bother patching up her face which only a matter of hours before showed some sign of injury, but this time though the only sign was a shadow of fatigue. The crusader of Light was clearly awaiting the right moment to act, peaceful as a viper waiting to strike. Maybe some of the soldiers were fooled, but she could see Guile was not. This was a problem.

The girl in the cell was mostly ignored by Guile as he seemed to focus his attention on a rather boring spot of the wall that looked exactly like every other part of the wall around it. There was no idle chit-chat with the guard stationed at the door, no threats against Gabriel in her cell, no humming some tune stuck in his head. Even the way he was resting against the wall had a sign of boring, military stiffness even compared to the actually on duty guard, who would definately be relaxing a bit more in his chair if the Lieutenant weren't standing there looking so serious.

Balrog's hands quickly pop the clip out of the sniper rifle, dumping both over the edge of the tower, to the grassy ground below. He leaps onto the top of a building, scrambling across it and perching with a view of the entire base. His gaze sweeps across it, until he catches sight of the stockade. He watches the sentries...One...Two...THREE.

Balrog quickly runs across the ground, between sentries and lights, zig-zagging through the base. As he goes, he drops small orbs, which roll across the ground. His exit. He bounds into the air as he reaches the stockade, and slips into the ventilation shaft. Soon, his eyes peer at Kai Gabriel and Guile.

The vent pops up slightly, and a small ball drops into the room, beginning to emit smoke.

COMBATSYS: Balrog has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Balrog           0/-------/-------|

Mmm..? Kai Gabriel raises her head from staring at Guile to notice the vent and then the ball. At first she doesn't react, she doesn't even move, her expression is one of mild curiosity. So as not to give the game up, the only person who might notice any change in her would be someone with a great sense of power, enough to tell her muscles were preparing to spring, her mind fully on alert, her power building. Meditation time was over, but she was going to not blow this by giving anything away.

The sound of the vent popping draws the attention of both Guile and the guard; the latter raising his gun to the ready while the former pulls away from the wall, his muscles tensing. In such an enclosed space, the smoke is enough to overcome the guard, dropping down to his hands and knees as he starts to choke. Guile, however, seems for the most part unaffected, the smoke actually seeming to swirl around him slightly, avoiding growing too thick near his head. He pulls back along the corridor to a spot a half dozen feet away from Gabriel's cell and prepares himself.

COMBATSYS: Guile has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Guile            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Balrog

COMBATSYS: Guile focuses on his next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Guile            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Balrog

Balrog bursts from the smoke around Guile, at his flank. Wordlessly, he rushes in and attempts to grab Guile about the waist, before pivoting his upper body and flinging him into the bars of Kai Gabriel's cell, with plenty of force. "You..." he hisses inhumanly, his snake tattoo rippling cross his tanned skin and rigid muscles. He stalks forward, to follow his prey.

COMBATSYS: Balrog successfully hits Guile with Stardust Drop.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Guile            0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0           Balrog

Truth be told the Crusader of Light didn't care why Balrog was here, that sort of thing just didn't register to her. What did was that this was her chance and she was simply going to take it. That was it. So when the guard goes down she wastes no time. She reaches through the bars, grabs the guard around the mouth with one hand and holds him up against the bars as he chokes and whispers in his ear,

"Ye of detestible name and virtue. . False apostle, thou art bayed back to the abyss. Deliverance!"

Her other hand having charging with purple power sinks into the small of the guards back and bursts fourth from his front with a flaring column of her power.

Guard without a nametag can no longer fight.

Gabriel helps herself to the keys.

Even steeling himself for the inevitable attack, Guile finds himself completely unprepared as Balrog grabs hold of him and sends him flying into the bars with enough force to actually break through the bars and fly right into the cell before hitting the wall behind it, actually managing to dent it in. It looks like going for the keys wasn't quite neccessary on Gabriel's part.
It takes him a moment to pull any sense back into his head, and when he does he quickly notes Gabriel's sudden possession of the keys. There's a quick glare given in her direction, but she's far from the biggest threat at the moment. The soldier jumps through the hole in the bars, whipping his hands out on either side as he pops up into a crouch, hands sheathed in blue chi before being flung forward, drawing the energy together into a whirling blue disc that goes flying through the corridor right toward Balrog. It also does a great job of clearing out a lot of the smoke.

COMBATSYS: Balrog blocks Guile's Sonic Boom.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Guile            0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0           Balrog

Balrog curls his arms around him and the boom strikes his thick forearms, leaving a bruise and pushing Balrog back a couple feet. He surges forward, launching himself right at the soldier. He torpedos through the air, spinning past Guile and aiming to cut his face open (right on the nose), before falling to the ground and rolling into a crouch. "This time, you die," he hisses lowly.

The thing was, Balrog might lose, even though he started out with a damned good hit, he could still lose and if Gabriel tried to help, or stuck around to find out, she might end up caught again. So she doesn't exactly wait around. She decides, well.. She begins taking the guard's uniform. Yes, this will come in handy, the other soldiers might be coming this way eventually, she needed to escape without drawing attention to herself or the fight. Of course she was too pure to change in front of people, so she takes the uniform, leaving the guard in his skivvies and then moves over to the entrance of this room at a run, trailing the uniform. A glance is cast to Balrog and Guile before she slips into the next room.

COMBATSYS: Guile fails to interrupt Weapon Jab from Balrog with Flash Kick.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Guile            0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0           Balrog

Guile's far too busy with fighting a ninja to give Gabriel's clothes stealing much notice. As Balrog comes flying in, claws aimed right for his head, he starts to use his already crouched position to his advantage, kicking up off of the ground... only to have the claws zoom in right over his leg just as it starts to extend, slashing down across his cheek and leaving open cuts all the way back to his ear. His head may not be impaled on the claws, but there's no doubt that it'll hurt like hell for a few days.

Balrog is immediately mobile as Guile falls to the ground. An ear-piercing yodel shrieks through the stockage as he bounds up into the air, turning about and landing on the ceiling above Guile. He's only on it for a split-second before bounding directly downward, aiming to impale Guile between the ribs with his claw, using the momentum of the ceiling-jump to really get it in there.

COMBATSYS: Guile blocks Balrog's Flying Barcelona Attack.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Guile            0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0           Balrog

The uniform totally doesn't fit, but with some careful adjustment of buttons, padding with her own clothes and keeping to poorly lit areas, Gabriel should be able to pull it off. She quite literally starts to leave without looking back. Of course other soldiers will ask her stuff like what she's doing, for her papers and such. But so long as she avoids running into more than one at a time she should be able to handle them, especially if she gets them by surprise. Thus she leaves the compound out the front door, uses the car alarm from the guard's keys to find his car.. and..

Guile doesn't even have time to get himself up off the ground before Balrog comes flying in, but he's not out of things yet. His hands fly up just as the strike comes in, clapping down on the claws along the sides just enough to slow them down, keeping them from going even a full centimeter in. Just as he lets go of the claws, twisting them off to the side to keep the spaniard from simply pushing the assault again, he launches his knee up for a quick strike aimed at his gut.

COMBATSYS: Guile successfully hits Balrog with Heavy Kick.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Guile            0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0           Balrog

Balrog gets knocked off of Guile with the kick to the stomach, landing on his back. His legs bend up and he does a reverse-somersault to his feet, his left hand clasping his stomach. "Urgh...Not bad, toy soldier...But can you deal with /this/?" he asks, as he snaps his arm forward, aiming to slash at Guile's chest with his claw, aiming to cause a little extra pain by slicing right through a nipple.

COMBATSYS: Balrog successfully hits Guile with Medium Strike.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Guile            1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0           Balrog

Just managing to get back up to his feet, Guile certainly isn't prepared for the next strike coming in, slashing right through his uniform jacket, digging deep marks into his chest, the soldier barely holds back the urge to scream as his body starts to shake before he can pull himself back together. Those claws put him at a severe disadvantage in the fight, and in an effort to at least get some sort of weapon for himself, he reaches out, grabbing for the chair from the guard's desk and launches it right for the spaniard's mask. This fight being serious, he fails to say something involving the phrase 'have a seat.'

COMBATSYS: Guile successfully hits Balrog with Large Thrown Object.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Guile            1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1           Balrog

Balrog circles briefly, as Guile grabs the chair. He narrows his eyes and sprints right into the midst of the chair, bashing it to pieces with his body. He surges forward with his claw aimed right at Guile's chest, aiming to stick him and toss him up into the air, before allowing him to fall on the claw. "Time to /die/, Guile!" he growls.

COMBATSYS: Guile fails to interrupt Red Impact from Balrog with Sonic Boom EX.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Guile            1/-======/=======|==-----\-------\0           Balrog

There's a glimmer of a smile as the chair crashes against the ninja, but that quickly vanishes as Balrog fails to slow even slightly. Guile hauls his hands back toward either side as the spaniard comes flying in, hands just managing to explode with chi before leaving his chest so completely open becomes an incredibly bad idea. The claw goes right into his chest a good few inches before he gets launched up into the air and lands backfirst onto the claw, letting out a scream that could surely be heard halfway across the base. But even still the fire of the fight burns in his eyes.

Balrog dumps Guile on the ground, not even breaking a sweat as he looms over him. "I'm afraid, Mr. Guile...That this is your /end/." He then lifts his leg and moves to place his heel on Guile's windpipe, pressing down to slowly choke him to death, unless Guile can escape in time.

COMBATSYS: Balrog successfully hits Guile with Light Kick.

[                         \\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Guile            2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|==-----\-------\0           Balrog

The foot takes him right in the throat, prompting choking noises from the soldier. But a spark of defiance glimmers, giving him the force to push up out of the strike, pulling to his feet like he were already half dead. Every ounce of energy in his body begins to flow down toward his hands as they begin to glow a bright, brilliant blue, "Even if you win here, this won't be the last." The hands quickly fly forward, brings all the chi forward into a disc which begins to spiral around the soldier, seeming to pull the air in the hall inward as a whirlwind of energy begins to form around him, pulling inward, trying to suck the spaniard into the maelstrom.

COMBATSYS: Guile can no longer fight.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Balrog           0/-------/-----==|

COMBATSYS: Balrog parries Guile's Sonic Hurricane!

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Balrog           0/-------/----===|

As the sonic winds pull the stockage apart, and soldiers come rushing in from all directions, Balrog is simply...Gone? However, in the wreckage, there will be found a single rose, atop with Balrog's mask.

By the time the guards make their way in, Guile is just collapsing to the floor, all of his energy drained from that final assault, passing out. Some of them detatch from the squad to check on the fallen soldier, the rest checking the entire building for any sign of the attacker and the prisoner.

Log created on 09:27:43 08/19/2007 by Guile, and last modified on 11:13:44 08/19/2007.